运行minecraft forge1.7.2-Forge10.12.2.1147版本时出现这提示

【forge】谁有minecraft 1.7.2 forge整合包?我要安装 自定义史蒂夫Mod自己不懂装forge QAQ_百度知道
【forge】谁有minecraft 1.7.2 forge整合包?我要安装 自定义史蒂夫Mod自己不懂装forge QAQ
直接发 自定义史蒂夫 整合包更好,forge整合包里只需要 minecraft+forge 即可,不要再加进去其他什么奇怪的东西
1,点update game
旋律启动器不是都有5.2.1版了么,1.7.2 forge 在哪个下载列表上吖,还有,我要的是forge
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Forge 10.12.2 Minecraft 1.7.2
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Topic: Forge 10.12.2 Minecraft 1.7.2 &(Read 234213 times)
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on: June 12, :03 pm &#187;
Forge Version: Version: 1.7.2Downloads: Changelog Windows Installer
Other Installer
Alright, its that time again boys and girls.I am pushing out another recommended build of Forge for 1.7.2. We are finalizing the 1.7.2 branch.Mojang is FINALLY stabling the 1.7 branch {1.7.10} which means sometime soon Forge and FML will be updating to 1.7.10.So in preparation for that {and some fairly big features we&#039;re gunna be betaing soon} i&#039;m pushing this out.Modders, it appears that 1.7.2 mods will work with 1.7.10 {barring any Mojang derps} with a few caveots that you should take into accout now!AABBPool is gone, use static function in AxisAlignedBBVec3Pool is gone, use normal Vec3s.You can prepare for this using this release, so if you use either of those, update!Minecraft Forge 10.12.2 Changelog:============================================================================Updated to Minecraft 1.7.2.New:ReplaceBiomeBlocks Event constructor that supplies the metadata array if applicable and updates the ChunkProviderGenerate class to pass in the metadata array.New WeightedRandom.getItem hookNew GuiScreen events and a new ElementType DEBUG for RenderGameOverlayEventAdded accessible instance to RenderBlocks and RenderItem for modders to use who don&#039;t wish to create there own instance. Warning: Other modders may influance the transient state of the instance, BE WEARY MODDERS.Added Farmland to PLAINS type plantsNew fluid fill amount parameterMade WorldGenShrub respect Block.canSustainPlantNew PlayerEvent.Clone called when an EntityPlayer is cloned via dimension travil or respawn.Add Glass, Colored glass, ore storage blocks, alines, and a few others to ore dicitonary.Made AccessTransformer change INVOKESPECIAL to INVOKEVIRTUAL when making methods visible, to properly support private -& protectedNew @ObjectHolder annotation system to auto-populate items and blocks that are aliased in the GameRegistry.New function to return all ores the specified ItemStack satisfies.Added world display list render eventsAdd PlayerEvent.StartTracking and .StopTracking events.Implemented IShearable for DoublePlants and DeadBushes.Filter all vanilla blocks that we missed through Forge&#039;s getDrops and BlockDrops events.Add target world to PlayerInteractEvent for potential &#039;cross dimension&#039; interaction such as LittleBlocks.Added Noteblock change and play events.Greatly simplified the addition of new biomes to the default worldRework OreDictionary&#039;s internals to be a bit more speedy to help combat modders using it inapropriatly.Changed EntityWolf to EntityTameable in EntityLivingBase.attackEntityFrom, to allow for more custom pets.New World Fog color and density events.Warn when chunks are being self-recursively loaded. This can cause serious issues. Modders should watch out.Deprecate getAABBPool so people can stop using it in mods. Failure to do so will result in 1.7.10 upgrade incompatibility. Use getBoundingBox instead.Bug Fix: Fixed invalid parameters to Block.getExplosionResistanceFixed version checking for mods that exist on the client side only.Fixed display of server mod list info.Fixed memory leaks in vanilla/Forge/FML that would cause Worlds to persist.Fix extended entity properties being lost when leaving the end, This introduces the concept of calling IExtendedEntityProperties.init when entities/worlds change.Fixed some race conditions when connecting to local servers on slow computers.Fix network disconnect with message on the client side in NetworkDispatcher.Fix ObjectIntIdentityMap sporadically matching non-identical objectsFix forge validating strict versions on remote connections.Fully clear DimensionManager&#039;s DimensionID bitset when world is loadedFixed No Blue Orchids spawn in swamp when using bone mealFixed BlockTallGrass better support custom soils.Fixed Blue Orchid spawning in Flower Forest biome instead of PoppyFixed Biome Decoration and Chunk lighting bugsFixed stems dropping to many seedsFixed deobfusication of nested inner classes.Fixed issue where you could not drown in custom fluids.Fix enum helpers for EnumRarity {moved to Commn and changed paramter} and EnumCreatureType {new parameter} and added junit test for them.Make finite fluid blocks drainableFixed GuiContainer calling button.mouseReleased.Fixed setBlock not using the location-specific version of getLightOpacity()Fix not being able to change target & attackDamage for EnderTeleportEvent.
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