《drop the Game》除了字面的意思 还有别的drop是什么意思思

[WoD] 发一些自己使用中的 Lua 小脚本
有些是自己写的,有些是从其它插件中扒出来的,分享出来也给自己一个备份1. 当进入 PvP 场景时将 TAB 键绑定为选中敌对玩家(不会切换到图腾、宠物),退出 PvP 场景再切换回默认[code=lua]local frame = CreateFrame(&Frame&)frame:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function (event, ...)
local bindSet = GetCurrentBindingSet()
local pvpType = GetZonePVPInfo()
local _, zoneType = IsInInstance()
if zoneType == &arena&
or zoneType == &pvp&
or pvpType == &combat&
or event == &DUEL_REQUESTED& then
SaveBindings(bindSet)end)frame:RegisterEvent(&ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA&)frame:RegisterEvent(&DUEL_REQUESTED&)frame:RegisterEvent(&DUEL_FINISHED&)[/code]2. 获得成就时1秒后截屏,延时1秒是等成就提示显示出来[code=lua]local frame = CreateFrame(&Frame&)local group = frame:CreateAnimationGroup()group:SetLooping(&NONE&)group:SetScript(&OnFinished&, function ()
Screenshot()end)-- Waits for 1 seconds, then take a screenshotgroup.anim = group:CreateAnimation(&Animation&)group.anim:SetDuration(1)group.anim:SetOrder(1)frame:RegisterEvent(&ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED&)frame:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function ()
if group:IsPlaying() then
group:Play()end)[/code]3. 访问 NPC 时自动卖掉包中的垃圾[code=lua]local frame = CreateFrame(&Frame&)frame:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function (...)
local total = 0
for container = 0, 4 do
local slotNum = GetContainerNumSlots(container)
for slot = 1, slotNum do
local link = GetContainerItemLink(container, slot)
-- item quality == 0 (poor)
if link and select(3, GetItemInfo(link)) == 0 then
-- vendor price per each * stack number
local price = select(11, GetItemInfo(link)) * select(2, GetContainerItemInfo(container, slot))
if price & 0 then
UseContainerItem(container, slot)
total = total + price
print(string.format(&Sold %s for %.1fg&, link, price * 0.0001))
if total & 0 then
print(string.format(&Total %.1fg&, total * 0.0001))
endend)frame:RegisterEvent(&MERCHANT_SHOW&)[/code]4. 在施法条上显示施法延时,如图[img]./mon_/200_ab69.png.thumb_s.jpg[/img][code=lua]local config = { width = 200, show = { spell = true, used = true, latency = true } }-- Is channeling a spelllocal channeling = false-- Is casting a spelllocal casting = false-- Start time of spell casting on serverlocal start_time = 0-- End time of spell casting on serverlocal end_time = 0-- Start time of spell casting on clientlocal send_time = 0-- Cast time of spelllocal spell_length = 0-- Name of spelllocal spell_name = nil-- Time diff of server-start and client-start timelocal time_diff = 0-- Modifies and creates frameslocal castingBar = _G[&CastingBarFrame&]castingBar:SetWidth(config.width)castingBar.border = _G[&CastingBarFrameBorder&]castingBar.border:SetWidth(1.3 * config.width)castingBar.flash = _G[&CastingBarFrameFlash&]castingBar.flash:SetWidth(1.3 * config.width)castingBar.text = _G[&CastingBarFrameText&]castingBar.latency = castingBar:CreateFontString()castingBar.latency:SetPoint(&TOPRIGHT&, castingBar, &BOTTOMRIGHT&, 0, -4)castingBar.latency:SetFont(&Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF&, 12, &OUTLINE&)castingBar.delay = castingBar:CreateTexture(&StatusBar&, &BORDER&)castingBar.delay:SetTexture(&Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar&)castingBar.delay:SetHeight(castingBar:GetHeight())castingBar.delay:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, castingBar, &RIGHT&, 0, 0)castingBar.delay:Hide()----- Calculates the spell times-- @param string Unit IDlocal calculate_time = function (unit)
if not send_time then return end
if channeling then
spell_name, _, _, _, start_time, end_time = UnitChannelInfo(unit)
elseif casting then
spell_name, _, _, _, start_time, end_time = UnitCastingInfo(unit)
if not (start_time and end_time) then
start_time = start_time / 1000
end_time = end_time / 1000
spell_length = end_time - start_time
time_diff = GetTime() - send_time
-- time_diff = time_diff & length and length or time_diffend----- Displays casting delay.-- @param Frame Casting status barlocal display_delay = function (frame)
if not (channeling or casting) then
local text = &&
if config.show.spell then
text = text .. spell_name
if start_time and end_time then
if config.show.used then
text = text .. &(& .. string.onedigitfloat(GetTime() - start_time)
text = text .. &(& .. string.onedigitfloat(end_time - GetTime())
if spell_length then
text = text .. &/& .. string.twodigitfloat(spell_length) .. &)&
if config.show.latency and time_diff then
castingBar.latency:SetText(&+& .. string.twodigitfloat(time_diff) .. &s&)
if (casting) then
local modulus = time_diff / frame.maxValue
local color
if time_diff & 0.1 then
color = { 0.2, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 }
elseif time_diff & 0.3 then
color = { 0.4, 0.8, 0.2, 0.8 }
color = { 0.8, 0, 0, 0.8 }
if modulus & 1 then
modulus = 1
elseif modulus & 0 then
modulus = 0
castingBar.delay:SetWidth(frame:GetWidth() * modulus)
endendcastingBar:HookScript(&OnUpdate&, function (self)
display_delay(self)end)local frame = CreateFrame(&Frame&)frame.UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT = function (self, unit)
send_time = GetTime()endframe.UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START = function (self, unit)
channeling = true
casting = false
calculate_time(unit)endframe.UNIT_SPELLCAST_START = function (self, unit)
channeling = false
casting = true
calculate_time(unit)endframe.UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED = function (self, unit)
channeling = false
casting = falseendframe.UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP = frame.UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTEDframe.UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED = frame.UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOPframe:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function (self, event, unit)
if unit ~= &player& then
self[event](self, unit)end)string.twodigitfloat = function (value)
return string.format(&%d&, value * 100) / 100endstring.onedigitfloat = function (value)
return string.format(&%d&, value * 10) / 10endframe:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT&)frame:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_START&)frame:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP&)frame:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED&)frame:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED&)frame:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START&)[/code]5. 目标框架,只是很简单的加了一个职业按钮和生命百分比。左键点该按钮查看目标装备,右键弹出一个文本框显示该角色的英雄榜链接直接复制/粘贴到浏览器即可查看。[img]./mon_/200_de6e8.png.thumb_s.jpg[/img][img]./mon_/200_b18.png.thumb.jpg[/img][code=lua]local URL_PREFIX = &.cn/wow/zh&-- Edit box including URL of character profileslocal eb = CreateFrame(&EditBox&)eb:SetPoint(&TOPRIGHT&, TargetFrame, &TOPLEFT&, 220, 3)eb:SetWidth(500)eb:SetHeight(32)eb:SetNumeric(false)eb:SetAutoFocus(false)eb:SetFontObject(&GameFontNormal&)eb:SetJustifyH(&LEFT&)eb:SetJustifyV(&CENTER&)eb:SetScript(&OnEnterPressed&, eb.Hide)eb:SetScript(&OnEscapePressed&, eb.Hide)eb:SetMaxLetters(255)eb:SetBackdrop(eb, {
bgFile = &Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background&,
edgeFile = &Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border&,
tile = false,
tileSize = 16,
edgeSize = 16,
insets = { left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4 }})eb:Hide()-- Icon button to represent target unit class.local tci = CreateFrame(&Button&, nil, TargetFrame)tci:SetWidth(32)tci:SetHeight(32)tci:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&, TargetFrame, &TOPLEFT&, 119, 3)tci:SetHighlightTexture(&Interface\\Minimap\\UI-Minimap-ZoomButton-Highlight&)tci.border = tci:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)tci.border:SetTexture(&Interface\\Minimap\\MiniMap-TrackingBorder&)tci.border:SetWidth(54)tci.border:SetHeight(54)tci.border:SetPoint(&CENTER&, 11, -12)tci.bg = tci:CreateTexture(nil, &BORDER&)tci.bg:SetTexture(&Interface\\Minimap\\UI-Minimap-Background&)tci.bg:SetWidth(20)tci.bg:SetHeight(20)tci.bg:SetPoint(&CENTER&)tci.bg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 1)tci.icon = tci:CreateTexture(nil, &ARTWORK&)tci.icon:SetTexture(&Interface\\WorldStateFrame\\Icons-Classes&)tci.icon:SetWidth(20)tci.icon:SetHeight(20)tci.icon:SetPoint(&CENTER&)tci:RegisterEvent(&PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED&)tci:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function (self, event)& &if UnitExists(&target&) and UnitIsPlayer(&target&) then& && &local coord = CLASS_BUTTONS[select(2, UnitClass(&target&))]& && &self.icon:SetTexCoord(unpack(coord))& && &self:Show()& &else& && &self:Hide()& &endend)tci:SetScript(&OnMouseDown&, function (self, button)& &if UnitIsPlayer(&target&) then& && &if button == &LeftButton& and not UnitCanAttack(&player&, &target&) then& && && &InspectUnit(&target&)& && &elseif button == &RightButton& then& && && &local name, server = UnitName(&target&)& && && &local link = URL_PREFIX .. &/character/& .. server .. &/&& && && && &.. name .. &/simple&& && && &eb:SetText(link)& && && &eb:HighlightText()& && && &eb:Show()& && && &eb:SetFocus()& && &end& &endend)-- Creates percent text of target health pointslocal hpct = CreateFrame(&Frame&, nil, TargetFrame)hpct:SetWidth(45)hpct:SetHeight(20)hpct:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, TargetFrameHealthBar, &LEFT&, -5, -1)hpct.text = hpct:CreateFontString(nil, &ARTWORK&, &TextStatusBarText&)hpct.text:SetAllPoints(hpct)hpct.text:SetFont(GameFontNormal:GetFont(), 12, &OUTLINE&)hpct.text:SetTextColor(1, 0.75, 0)hpct.text:SetJustifyH(&RIGHT&)hpct.update = function (self)& &local pct = &&& &local hcur = UnitHealth(&target&)& &local hmax = UnitHealthMax(&target&)& &if hmax & 0 then& && &pct = math.floor(100 * hcur / hmax) .. &%&& &end& &self.text:SetText(pct)endhpct:RegisterEvent(&PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED&)hpct:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_HEALTH&)hpct:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function (self, event, ...)& &local unit = ...& &if (event == &PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED& and UnitExists(&target&))& && &or (event == &UNIT_HEALTH& and unit == &target&) then& && &self:update()& &endend)[/code]
楼主 我请教一个问题。你代码括号里这些变量都是什么意思,去哪可以插,暴雪爸爸有说明么。有很多貌似Wikia那些关于api资料上没有,感觉很蛋疼,在哪可以找到这些变量,不知道暴雪在哪声明的,也不知道声明了想要做什么。 有的看字面意思还能猜一下,有的纯抓瞎。 求楼主给解释下 ,谢谢了-- Modifies and creates frames local castingBar = _G[&CastingBarFrame&] castingBar:SetWidth(config.width) castingBar.border = _G[&CastingBarFrameBorder&] castingBar.border:SetWidth(1.3 * config.width) castingBar.flash = _G[&CastingBarFrameFlash&] castingBar.flash:SetWidth(1.3 * config.width) castingBar.text = _G[&CastingBarFrameText&] castingBar.latency = castingBar:CreateFontString() castingBar.latency:SetPoint(&TOPRIGHT&, castingBar, &BOTTOMRIGHT&, 0, -4) castingBar.latency:SetFont(&Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF&, 12, &OUTLINE&) castingBar.delay = castingBar:CreateTexture(&StatusBar&, &BORDER&) castingBar.delay:SetTexture(&Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar&) castingBar.delay:SetHeight(castingBar:GetHeight()) castingBar.delay:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, castingBar, &RIGHT&, 0, 0) castingBar.delay:Hide()
[b]Reply to [pid=95857,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]fwc[/uid] ( 22:06)[/b]所有全局变量都在_G表中local castingBar = _G[&CastingBarFrame&] 和直接local castingBar = CastingBarFrame一样这是Lua语言的用法,个人习惯,更明显的的说明CastingBarFrame是全局变量
[quote][pid=95857,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=2345227]yovin[/uid] ( 23:17):[/b][b]Reply to [pid=95857,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]fwc[/uid] ( 22:06)[/b]所有全局变量都在_G表中local castingBar = _G[&CastingBarFrame&] 和直接local castingBar = CastingBarFrame一样这是Lua语言的用法,个人习惯,更明显的的说明CastingBarFrame是全局变量[/quote]0.0 我想知道暴雪的那些全局变量都是什么?有些光看名字根本不知道定义了之后是什么效果0.0 有没有专门的说明什么的
[b]Reply to [pid=95857,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]fwc[/uid] ( 23:38)[/b]哈,Sorry问题理解错了变量都是指的框体,抱歉不是很想一一解释代码里每个框体变量都代表什么意思你可以在官网下载看看FrameXML里的东西https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/download-the-world-of-warcraft-interface-addon-kit
[quote][pid=95857,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=2345227]yovin[/uid] ( 23:50):[/b][b]Reply to [pid=95857,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]fwc[/uid] ( 23:38)[/b]哈,Sorry问题理解错了变量都是指的框体,抱歉不是很想一一解释代码里每个框体变量都代表什么意思你可以在官网下载看看FrameXML里的东西https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/download-the-world-of-warcraft-interface-addon-kit[/quote]谢谢有时间看看。
多谢 收藏了
[b]Reply to [pid=95857,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=2345227]yovin[/uid] ( 23:50)[/b]sorry,打不开是公司网络的问题[s:ac:中枪]手机能开
借地分享。团队框架大小[code=lua] CompactRaidFrameContainer:SetScale(0.9) [/code] lua错误屏蔽[code=lua] local event = CreateFrame&Frame& UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent&UI_ERROR_MESSAGE& event.UI_ERROR_MESSAGE = function(self, event, error)
if(not stuff[error]) then
UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(error, 1, .1, .1)
end end [/code] luaWorldMap CoordText[code=lua] WorldMapButton:HookScript(&OnUpdate&, function(self)
if not self.coordText then
self.coordText = WorldMapFrameCloseButton:CreateFontString(nil, &OVERLAY&, &GameFontGreen&)
self.coordText:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&, self, &BOTTOM&, 0, 6)
local px, py = GetPlayerMapPosition(&player&)
local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
local width, height, scale = self:GetWidth(), self:GetHeight(), self:GetEffectiveScale()
local centerX, centerY = self:GetCenter()
x, y = (x/scale - (centerX - (width/2))) / width, (centerY + (height/2) - y/scale) / height
if px == 0 and py == 0 and (x & 1 or y & 1 or x & 0 or y & 0) then
elseif px == 0 and py == 0 then
self.coordText:SetText(format(&当前: %d, %d&, x*100, y*100))
elseif x & 1 or y & 1 or x & 0 or y & 0 then
self.coordText:SetText(format(&玩家: %d, %d&, px*100, py*100))
self.coordText:SetText(format(&玩家: %d, %d 当前: %d, %d&, px*100, py*100, x*100, y*100))
endend) [/code] lua重置[code=lua] SlashCmdList['RELOADUI'] = function() ReloadUI() end SLASH_RELOADUI1 = '/rl'
[/code] luaShift+鼠标右键指向设置焦点[code=lua] local modifier = &shift& --- 可修改为 shift, alt 或者 ctrl local mouseButton = &2& --- 1 =鼠标左键, 2 = 鼠标右键, 3 = 鼠标滚轮按下, 4 and 5 = 高级鼠标……你们懂的 local function SetFocusHotkey(frame)
frame:SetAttribute(modifier..&-type&..mouseButton,&focus&) end local function CreateFrame_Hook(type, name, parent, template)
if template == &SecureUnitButtonTemplate& then
end end hooksecurefunc(&CreateFrame&, CreateFrame_Hook)
[/code] lua显示谁在点击小地图[code=lua] Minimap:SetScript(&OnMouseUp&, function(self, btn)
if btn == &RightButton& then
ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, MiniMapTrackingDropDown, &MiniMapTracking&, 0, -5)
end end) [/code] lua清除錯誤..隱藏了默認的暴雪錯誤提示![code=lua]if Errors then local f, o, ncErrorDB = CreateFrame(&Frame&), &No error yet.&, {
[&Inventory is full&] = true, } f:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function(self, event, error)
if ncErrorDB[error] then
end end) SLASH_NCERROR1 = &/error& function SlashCmdList.NCERROR() print(o) end UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent(&UI_ERROR_MESSAGE&) f:RegisterEvent(&UI_ERROR_MESSAGE&) end[/code] lua
[b]Reply to [pid=95857,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=8762832]ioo[/uid] ( 17:00)[/b]感谢分享!!
楼主大神能不能把你的额默认施法条显示时间和时间延时的LUA 帮忙提取只显示延时时间不需要施法条显示时间--[[施法延时显示]] local playertimer, targettimer, lagmeter lagmeter = CastingBarFrame:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&); lagmeter:SetHeight(CastingBarFrame:GetHeight()); lagmeter:SetWidth(0); lagmeter:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, CastingBarFrame, &RIGHT&, 0, 0); lagmeter:SetTexture(1, 0, 0, 1); -- red color hooksecurefunc(CastingBarFrame, &Show&, function()
down, up, lag = GetNetStats();
local castingmin, castingmax = CastingBarFrame:GetMinMaxValues();
local lagvalue = ( lag / 1000 ) / ( castingmax - castingmin );
if ( lagvalue & 0 ) then
lagvalue = 0;
elseif ( lagvalue & 1 ) then
lagvalue = 1;
lagmeter:SetWidth(CastingBarFrame:GetWidth() * lagvalue); end);上面的LUA是显示延时有红色但不能显示延时的时间
大神能不能改下 或者把你的的LUA改下
谢谢了 local config = { width = 200, show = { spell = true, used = true, latency = true } } -- Is channeling a spell local channeling = false -- Is casting a spell local casting = false -- Start time of spell casting on server local start_time = 0 -- End time of spell casting on server local end_time = 0 -- Start time of spell casting on client local send_time = 0 -- Cast time of spell local spell_length = 0 -- Name of spell local spell_name = nil -- Time diff of server-start and client-start time local time_diff = 0 -- Modifies and creates frames local castingBar = _G[&CastingBarFrame&] castingBar:SetWidth(config.width) castingBar.border = _G[&CastingBarFrameBorder&] castingBar.border:SetWidth(1.3 * config.width) castingBar.flash = _G[&CastingBarFrameFlash&] castingBar.flash:SetWidth(1.3 * config.width) castingBar.text = _G[&CastingBarFrameText&] castingBar.latency = castingBar:CreateFontString() castingBar.latency:SetPoint(&TOPRIGHT&, castingBar, &BOTTOMRIGHT&, 0, -4) castingBar.latency:SetFont(&Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF&, 12, &OUTLINE&) castingBar.delay = castingBar:CreateTexture(&StatusBar&, &BORDER&) castingBar.delay:SetTexture(&Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar&) castingBar.delay:SetHeight(castingBar:GetHeight()) castingBar.delay:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, castingBar, &RIGHT&, 0, 0) castingBar.delay:Hide()
mark 收藏了,谢谢!你能想象5个男生演了一出《欢乐颂》吗?
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神 发 明 一 站 式 便 利 吃 货 扫 街 器 !
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~ ※ 签约作者 ※ ~
开始时,你的目光会被子弹穿过苹果、西瓜等物品的瞬间镜头吸引,并为这些平时难得一见的花样啧啧惊叹。直到最后,强烈的反差会让你更觉震撼。Stop the bullets.Kill th
浏览:52673 / 评论:37
←_← 她最近很迷杨宗纬那一型(陈冠希都过时了么)
浏览:37372 / 评论:15
浏览:27598 / 评论:25
←_← 只要这个盘子不是从厕所方向端出来的我还是可以考虑尝一下的
浏览:18296 / 评论:12
默默有闻的编辑们: (主编)/& (图画)/& (游戏)/& 、 、 (文字)/& 、 、 (管理) 、 、 、 、 、 (后园)/& 、 、 (图U起名)/& 、 、 (字幕也雷人) (漂流·时光机)/& (漂流·Hello!)/& (漂二)/& 、 (漂流·老友记)/& (漂流·混沌)/& 、 (纠察队) 、 、 、 、 、 (微博)/& 、 、 、 (微信) 感谢编辑们的时间和精力,问题可咨询相关编辑。
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文章来源 莲山课件 w w w.5 Y Kj.Co M 14-15学年新目标九Unit11试题Class:   &&&& Name:   &&&& Marks:  &&&& (满分100分)
一. 单项选择 (15分)选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(&& )1. ― Does Mary agree with you?&&&&&& ― Yes, sure. We are in      agreement.&&&& &A. a&&&&& &&& &B. an&&C. the&&&&D. 不填(&& )2. ― My parents are sometimes too hard      me.&&&&& ― Are they? They just want you to spend more time      your lessons.&&&& &A. on &&&B. with&&&& &&C. on&&&& &&D. with(&& )3. ― Is it true that some colors can make us feel relaxed?&&&&& ― Yes. Colors do have the      to change our feelings and moods.&A. secret&&&& &&&B. power&& & &C. idea& &&&&&D. experience&&& (&& )4. ― Doctor, do you think I have got a bad cold?&&&&& ― Maybe. But I can’t say that before I      you.&A. create&&&& &&&B. warn&&&& &&C. examine&&&&D. prove(&& )5. ― Look at Eric’s      face. The snake scared him just now.&&&&& ― Yes, I think so. He isn’t a brave boy.&&&& &A. black&&&& &&&B. red&& && &C. pale&&& &&&D. blue (&& )6. Tina and I are good friends. Our      began 10 years ago.&&&& &A. message&&&B. friendship&&&C. suggestion&&&D. education(&& )7. ― Did you and your parents join the trip?&&&&& ― Yes.      us, the Greens also went to the amusement park.&&&& &A. Except &&&B. Except for& &&&C. Beside &&&D. Besides(&& )8. ― How do you like Han Han’s books?&&&&& ― They are my last choice. The more I read them,      I like them.&&&& &A. the less&&& &&B. the least&&&& &&&C. the more&&&& &&D. the most(&& )9. ― How about seeing a movie, Jenny?&& ― Well, I would stay at home rather than      to the movies.&&&& &A. go&&&&B. going&C. goes&&&&D. went(&& )10. ― I didn’t enjoy myself at the party. I just felt     .&&&&&& ― Well, maybe there were too many people at the party.&&&& &A. left out&&& &&B. to leave out&& &&C. leaving out&&& &&D. be left out(&& )11. ― Have you heard from Mrs Green lately?&&&&&& ―      I      my brother has received any call or e-mail from her. Hope she is doing well.&&&& &A. N but also &B. N nor&& &&C. B and&&& &&D. E or (&& )12. ― I have told Jim many times to be careful with his lessons, but...&&&&&& ― He is clever but careless. You can’t make a crab (蟹)      straight, can you?&&&& &A. walks&&& &&&B. to walk &&C. walk &&&&D. walking(&& )13. ― Tom      a new camera lately.&&&&&& ― Really? Do you know its brand?&&&& &A. buys&&&&B. has bought &&&C. is buying&&&D. will buy&(&& )14. ― Look at the lovely baby panda. Do you know      at birth?&&&&&& ― I guess he might be about 100 grams heavy.&&&& &A. what was his weight&B. how heavy was he&&&& &C. how he was heavy&& D. what his weight was (&& )15. ― I hope you won’t disappoint us in the final, Andy.&&&&&& ―     . I will try my best not to let you down.&&&& &A. I dislike it&&& &&B. I am afraid not&& &&C. You’re wrong&&&&& &D. Believe in me二. 完形 (10分) 下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Amsterdam is the capital city of the Netherlands. It is the biggest city and the second largest harbor (港口) in the Netherlands with a population of 740,000. It is called the “&& 16&&& Venice” .Amsterdam is a(n)&&& 17&&& but lively city. It’s a city with a long history and ancient culture. The canals (运河) are perhaps its most fascinating&&& 18&& . A walk around the Jodan area of the city is one of the joys of Amsterdam. So many boats and bridges make you&&& 19&&& the crowds and get lost in your own little world. Best viewed at night with the street lights throwing soft shadows (影子) across the water, it is really&&& 20&&& special.Amsterdam is a busy city. It is a&& 21&&& tourist city all year round. And it becomes busier&&& 22&&& weekends and long holidays. The city is compact (紧凑的). You can get to all the main tourist spots on foot. With an excellent public transportation, it is really&&& 23&&& to travel in Amsterdam.There are also plenty of&&& 24&&& in Amsterdam. The Van Gogh Museum and the Rijiks Museum are the main attractions. Many famous paintings can be&&& 25&&& here. So when you have a chance to take a vacation, don’t miss “North Venice” ― Amsterdam.(&& )16. A. West&&B. South&&&&C. North&&D. East(&& )17. A. new&&B. big&&&&C. small&&D. old (&& )18. A. way&&B. feature&&&&C. game &&D. performance(&& )19. A. escape&&& &B. break up&&&& &&C. join&&D. pull in(&& )20. A. anything&B. something&& &&C. nothing&D. everything(&& )21. A. lonely&&B. historic&&&C. native&&D. popular(&& )22. A. at&&&B. with&& &&&C. during&&D. after(&& )23. A. cheap&&B. convenient&&&C. safe&&D. difficult&(&& )24. A. museums&B. parks&&&&C. hotels&&D. restaurants(&& )25. A. painted&&& &B. taken away&& &&C. found&&D. sold out三. 理解 (30分)阅读下列材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AWhole Wheat (小麦) Apple Pancakes What you need:2 cups of whole wheat flour 1/2 teaspoon of salt 2 eggs 1/4 cup of vegetable oil2 large apples1 cup of butter DIRECTIONS:In a large bowl, stir (搅拌) the flour and salt. Put eggs, oil and apples into the flour. Heat a large pan over medium heat. Put a large teaspoon of batter (面糊) onto the pan and cook until the batter becomes dry. Then flip the pancake and cook until it becomes brown on the other side. When both sides have a light brown color, the pancake is ready. Heat the butter over medium heat and add it to the pancake. It makes the pancake taste more delicious. &&&&&&&&&&&&
(&& )26. The passage tells us how to make     . && &A. bread&&& &&B. dumplings&& &&C. pancakes&& &D. hamburgers (&& )27. How much vegetable oil do you need? && &A. 1 cup.&& &&B. 1/2 teaspoon.&& &&C. 2 cups.&& &&D. 1/4 cup. (&& )28. To make whole wheat apple pancakes, you need the following things EXCEPT     . && &A. milk&&&B. salt& &&&&C. flour &&&D. butter (&& )29. What’s the right order of making pancakes?&& &①Put eggs, oil and apples into the flour.&& &&②Cook the batter.& &③Stir the flour and salt.&&&&&④Heat the pan.&& &A. ③①②④& &B. ③①④②&&& &&C. ①②③④&& &D. ①④②③(&& )30. What does the underlined word “flip” mean in Chinese?&& &A. 凉拌&& &B. 爆炒&&&& &&&C. 翻动&& &D. 切碎 BJohn and Bobby joined a wholesale (批发) company together just after graduation from college the same year. After several years, however, the boss chose Bobby to be the manager but John remained a worker. John could not stand it anymore. He wrote a resignation letter (辞职信) to the boss and complained that the boss did not know who worked harder and better. The boss knew that John worked very hard for the years. He thought a moment and said, “Thank you for your criticism& (批评), but I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave. Perhaps you will change your decision and take back your resignation letter.”John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find out anyone selling watermelon in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found out a man selling watermelon. The boss asked the price. John didn’t know and went back to the market to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 per kilo.Then the boss called Bobby to come to his office. He asked Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelon in the market. Bobby went, returned and said to the boss, “Only one person selling watermelon, $1.2 per kg, $10 for 10 kg. He has 340 melons. Each melon is about 2 kg. Bought from the South two days ago, they are fresh and red, good quality.”John was very surprised and realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided not to resign but to learn from Bobby.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10分) (&& )31. After Bobby was chosen to be the manager, John decided to     .&& &A. criticize Bobby&&&&& &&B. give up his job &C. work even harder &&D. learn from Bobby(&& )32. In fact, John was     .&& &A. hard-working&&&&& &B. lazy&&&&&& &C. knowledgeable&& &D. clever (&& )33. How did John know the watermelon price?&& &A. He asked Bobby.&&B. He asked the boss.&&&&&&&&&&& &C. He bought a watermelon.&D. He asked the watermelon seller.& (&& )34. The boss asked John to do one more thing for his company hoping that     .&&& A. he would resign&&&&&& &B. he would be the manager&&&& &C. he would remain to work there&&&& &D. he would change his attitude towards Bobby(&& )35. The difference between John and Bobby was that     .&A. Bobby didn’t work so hard as John& &B. Bobby got along better with the boss than John&C. Bobby collected much more market information than John &D. Bobby sold more watermelons than John at a wholesale food market&&& C&&&&&& An American boy said he didn’t want an 11th birthday party because he had no friends. But now he is getting something exciting―to be a professional hockey (曲棍球) player.Colin and his family visited players and coaches of the Kalamazoo Wings at a restaurant this week. Colin said, “I knew we were going to the restaurant, but I was not expecting the rest (其余).”The team provided the boy with a one-day contract (合同). It will allow him to join the Wings for their home (主场) game on Sunday. Colin will get his own jersey (线衣). He will drop the game puck (冰球) and even sit on the bench with the players.Colin has trouble communicating with other people. This makes it hard for him to make friends with kids of his age. Children and adults with such trouble often have high IQ, but have problems in social situations. They often have trouble understanding jokes.So his mother created a “Happy Birthday Colin” on a Facebook page. It went viral and drew more than 2 million “likes.” Colin’s mom said the best reward for her efforts was seeing Colin grow. “I have seen him change greatly because he knows he has 2.1 million friends. His self-confidence has grown.”K-Wings Head Coach Nick Bootland said, “There are things that are much bigger than the game. If we can put a smile on a kid’s face that deals with a lot of trouble, we’re excited about that chance.”(&& )36. The Kalamazoo Wings is a     .&A. popular game&&& &B. hockey team&&& &C. school’s name&&&& &D. Facebook page(&& )37. What’s TRUE about Colin? &A. He has few friends in his real life.&&&&&& &&& B. He is a really professional hockey player.&& &C. He has trouble with his lessons.&& &D. He is good at telling jokes.(&& )38. The underlined words “went viral” most probably mean “    ”.&& &A. became strange to people&&&B. became popular with people&& &C. was known by few people&& &D. was easy to get(&& )39. Now Colin      than before. && &A. is much stronger&&& &&B. has a higher IQ&&&& && &C. is more confident&&& &&&D. is more interested in Facebook(&& )40. The reading above may be taken from the      page of a newspaper.&& &A. school & teenage life &B. art & music&&&& &C. science&&& &&&D. world news四. 任务型阅读 (10分)Which ice cream taste is your favorite? Do you want to study in an ice cream university?More than 12,000 people attended the £600-a-week course offered by the Ice Cream University in Italy.Students come from all over the world and they have the same dream: to learn how to make the world’s best ice cream, and then use their new skills to set up a new future for themselves.Besides learning how to concoct (调制) common tastes such as chocolate and orange, students experiment (试验) with some strange tastes, including ice cream made from red wine and cheese.“Ice cream has many different tastes. Pears with cheese and lemon with red wine are some of the more unusual ones that our students have come up with,” said Patrick Hopkins, an American director of the university which was established in 2003.The university runs six courses, and students are taught that making ice cream is not only a science but also an art. One of the students recently on the course was Seb Cole from London. “I want to start my own business,” he said. “Italian ice cream is lower in fat than the ice cream you get in the UK. And there are more tastes. I’m going to try ice cream tastes with beer.”根据短文内容,完成下列句子,每空词数不限。41. The Ice Cream University in Italy was set up in   &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&   . It offers   &&&&&&&&&&&    courses to teach students how to make ice cream.42. The students of the Ice Cream University come from  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&    .43. They spend   &&&&&&&&&&&&    on the one-week course.44. At the university making ice cream is regarded as both a   &&&&&&&&&&&&&    and a(n)    &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&  .& 45. Seb Cole’s dream is to    &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&  .五. 填写单词 (10分)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,填写恰当的单词。46. This is the best     (魔术) show that I have ever watched.47. His     (直接的) request made the girl very embarrassed.48. Mother often opens the windows in the morning to let the f     air in.49. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to p     the car near the shopping center?50. ― I’m sorry to t     you to give me a hand so late.&&&&& ― Never mind. We are good neighbors.六. 情景交际 (10分)根据对话内容,在每个空白处填写恰当的句子,使对话意思完整。A: Hello, Wendy. You look sad today. (51)            B: It’s about Millie. I am afraid I might have hurt her.A: Really? (52)            B: It was because of a maths problem. She asked me how to solve it, but I said my hands were full. A: (53)             She couldn’t have been unhappy because of this.B: The problem was that when Susan asked me about the same problem, I told her how to solve it.A: So she became unhappy?B: (54)             She refused to talk to me. It’s driving me mad. A: To be honest, (55)            B: Well, I am looking for a chance.七. 书面表达 (15分)&&&&&&&&&&& 一曲《时间都去哪儿了》让成千上万的人感动落泪。假设你是九年级三班的Andy,在生日当天,你决定给父母写一封感谢信。信件内容:1. 讲述一件你和父母之间难忘的事情; 2. 你对“感恩父母”的认识;3. 具体的感恩行动(至少两点); 4. 表达祝福与愿望。要求:1. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;&&&&&&&&& 2. 80词以上。短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear mom and dad,Today is my birthday. I want to let you know how much I love you and how much I’ve appreciated the things you’ve done for me. I find that it will never be too much to say “Thanks” to you, my beloved parents.  &&&&&&&&&&&&&                    &&&&&&&&&&&&&                    &&&&&&&&&&&&&                    &&&&&&&&&&&&&                    &&&&&&&&&&&&&                    &&&&&&&&&&&&&                   My dear parents, I love you, and I hope you are in good health forever.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&Yours,&&Andy
参考答案:1-5 DABCC&&6-10 BDAAA&&11-15 BCBDD16-20 CDBAB&&& 21-25 DCBAC&26-30 CDABC31-35 BADCC&&& 36-40 BABCA 41. 2003; six&&&&& &&42. all over the world 43.£600&&&&&&&& &&44. art&&&& &45. start his own company&46. magic&&&&&&&& 47. direct&&&&&&&& &&48. fresh&&&&&& 49. park&& &&&&50. trouble51. What’s up? / What’s wrong with you? / What’s the matter with you? 52. What happened to you? 53. It was nothing. / Don’t worry about it. 54. Yes, I am afraid so / I think so.55. you need to say sorry / explain it to her.One possible version:Dear mom and dad,Today is my birthday. I want to let you know how much I love you and how much I’ve appreciated the things you’ve done for me. I find that it will never be too much to say “Thanks” to you, my beloved parents. Since I was born, you have been giving me everything. You’re making every effort to bring me up. Do you remember the night five years ago? I caught a cold and had a high fever at midnight. I felt so terrible, so you took me to the hospital immediately. You took good care of me without a rest the whole night.& Though you have never expected any reward from me, from now on, I will help you do more housework that I have seldom done before. I will learn to cook in order to make dinner for you both all by myself. Moreover, I will study harder. My dear parents, I love you, and I hope you are in good health forever.Yours,Andy 文章来源 莲山课件 w w w.5 Y Kj.Co M
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