
当前位置: > 软件详情 蓝牙虚拟手柄 BTController7.6分 如果您正把手机连着电脑,欢迎点击直接二维码扫描下载软件截图内容介绍
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Sharing Bluetooth Devices with a Virtual Machine
You can attach a Bluetooth device to a
virtual machine
Fusion supports these types of Bluetooth devices:
Cell phones
GPS receivers
Serial Port Profile (SPP) devices
Most other devices
Fusion has limited support for these types of Bluetooth devices:
Input devices (HID): Can be attached to guests when using Linux/Mac OS hosts, but not on Windows hosts.
OBEX File Transfer: Outgoing (guest to device) transfers only. Guest may not act as an OBEX server.
Fusion does not support these types of Bluetooth devices:
Hands-free audio devices
Fusion has the following limitations for Bluetooth support:
Only out going connections are allowed. A virtual machine may establish a connection to a remote Bluetooth device, but remote devices do not see services that virtual machines try to advertise.
Virtual machines cannot change the name, class, or discoverability of the host's Bluetooth adapter. The host is exclusively in control over setting whether other Bluetooth devices can discover the host, and what name is used.
The host is exclusively in control of the pairing process and collecting or displaying PIN numbers. The guest may scan for devices, and initiate a connection with any device. If pairing is required, the pairing dialog box appears on the host, not in the guest. From the guest's perspective, the device appears to pair without having needed a PIN.
Any vendor-specific capabilities on the host's Bluetooth radio are not passed through to the guest. For example, some radios provide a vendor-specific command to change their BDADDR. These commands do not appear in the guest. The guest sees a generic VMware-brand radio.
The virtual Bluetooth controller itself is not part of snapshots. During snapshots, it is disconnected and reconnected. Any ongoing connections with Bluetooth devices are terminated at the time of a snapshot.
Procedure1Select a virtual machine and click Settings.
2Click USB & Bluetooth.
3Select Share Bluetooth devices with the virtual machine.
The virtual Bluetooth radio appears in the guest. You might see notifications from the guest OS that new hardware was detected. No action is required because the driver is automatically installed.
4Use the guest's Bluetooth interface to search for nearby devices to pair with. Devices appear in the list as they are detected.
5Select the device you want to connect with and select to connect to it.
6Pair the device with the host.
If you have not paired this device with this host before, you are prompted to do so now. The host may ask you for a PIN, or may display a PIN to be entered on the device.
After the device pairs, the device is now available in the guest.靠谱助手到底支持蓝牙和WIFI吗? _ 有问必答 - 靠谱社区
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本帖最后由 布鲁克 于
16:08 编辑 喜欢用靠谱助手玩天天酷跑习惯用手机按键的感觉了 键盘有点别扭 特意下载蓝牙虚拟手柄_BTController可是为毛不识别?要是能识别该多好啊 就可以用手机当游戏手柄玩跑酷了。。。。。。这是我看到的帖子【教程】一秒钟变手柄,旧手机=======》蓝牙手柄
不是有问必答吗 难道就我自己喜欢用手机当手柄玩酷跑吗寻大神啊
迷失弦乐 发表于
16:03 模拟器使用的自身的网络,是不支持wifi的那蓝牙也不支持吗 可是蓝牙虚拟手柄_BTController就支持WIFI和蓝牙的连接方式啊 难道不能用手机当游戏手柄了吗这个是我看到的帖子链接有兴趣可以看一下 我看俩手机都能连接以为手机和PC连接问题不大呢


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