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SCIENCE IN THE NEWS - Oldest Examples of Two Coral Species Are Found
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HK Species
Birds of Hong Kong
Although small in area, Hong Kong has more than 530 bird species, representing one third of total species recorded in the whole of China. This diversity is mainly attributable to our geographical location. Situated on the southern coast of China, Hong Kong is blessed with a sub-tropical monsoon climate, which nurtures a host of natural habitats like wetlands, woodlands, shrublands and coastal areas. Hong Kong is also a stopover point along the East-Asian Australasian Flyway, and many migrating birds pass through here on their way south & or they spend the winters here. Hong Kong is an ideal location for bird watching, as & in this one small territory & you can observe the varying forms and habits of birds in different sites at various times of the year.
Black-faced Spoonbill
Composition of the Birds in Hong Kong
The number of bird species found in Hong Kong is quite staggering. To make the study of avian habits easier, birds are classified by specific criteria. For example, we group species into forest birds (birds active mainly in forests), wetland birds (birds seen mainly in wetlands) and others according to their main habitats. Another method is to classify birds by their migratory habits, i.e. resident species, migrating species, passage migrants and occasional visitors. Birds in Hong Kong are broadly classified as follows.
1. Resident Species
Resident species are birds that normally live and breed in Hong Kong in their entire lives. About one-fifth of birds recorded in Hong Kong are residents. Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Oriental Magpie Robin,&Eurasian Magpie and Red-whiskered Bulbul are popular to Hong Kong citizens as they can be commonly seen in urban areas. In rural areas, White-throated Kingfisher and Little Egret can be seen regularly in wetlands. The&Cinereous Tit and Japanese White-eye are common in Hong Kong woodlands in all seasons.
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Oriental Magpie Robin
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Little Egret is a resident, nesting and breeding in Hong Kong
2. Migrating Birds and Passage Migrants
The seasonal migration of birds is a behaviour prompted by environmental and climatic changes. As a general rule, birds living in frigid and temperate zones face the problem of unstable food supply&due to&the significant seasonal climatic changes in these regions. Before the onset of winter (when food is in short supply), they fly south to spend the season in the sub-tropics or tropics. In the following spring when the weather gets warmer, they return to the north to breed. By migrating, they are assured of adequate food and warm sunshine all year round. The migrating route of birds differs with species. Usually birds of the same species form migrating groups by instinct. Waterfowls have the longest flying route.
For migrating birds that fly several thousand kilometres annually, stopover sites where they can feed enroute are vital. These stopover sites, generally situated between their breeding and wintering sites along the flyway, offer essential feeding grounds & where they can stop for a short period to build up body reserve of fat and energy. The Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site is one such stopover site for migrating waders.
Blue Rock Thrush
Daurian Restart
Eastern Imperial Eagle
<font color="#.2 Summer Visitors
Summer visitors only account for a small portion of the Hong Kong birds. These species usually breed in Hong Kong and then fly south in winter. In the eastern waters of Hong Kong, the Bridled Tern and Black-naped Tern can be found breeding on some remote islands, while in woodland areas, Hainan Blue Flycatcher and Chestnut-winged Cuckoo are often heard and seen in summer. A limited number of waterfowls migrate to Hong Kong to breed in summer. One example is the Yellow Bittern, which breeds here between&May and August.
Bridled Tern
<font color="#.3 Passage Migrants
Located midway in the East-Asian Australasian Flyway, each year Hong Kong is frequented by many passage migrants. Passing through Hong Kong in spring and autumn, these birds only stay for a short while before embarking on their long journey to the south/ north. These migratory species include raptors, waders and passerines such as Chinese Sparrowhawk, Spoon-billed Sandpiper and Brown Shrike.
Brown Shrike
3. Occasional Visitors
Some birds, with their natural range marginally touching Hong Kong, occur in Hong Kong occasionally. Examples are Black-winged Kite, Eastern Grass Owl and Eurasian Hoopoe. It takes some luck to spot one of&these occasional visitors.
Eurasian Hoopoe
Key Species of Conservation Concern
Among the birds recorded in Hong Kong,&about 50&species are listed both in the Red List of Threatened Species of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and China Red Data Book. Among these species, some&of them are seen in Mai Po and Deep Bay.&Species such as&Greater Spotted Eagle, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Saunders's Gull, Asian Dowitcher, Far Eastern Curlew, and Black-faced Spoonbill,&stop over or winter in Hong Kong every year. Another two species listed as lower risk, i.e. Japanese Paradise Flycatcher and Chinese Grassbird, are uncommon passage migrant and resident respectively.
Some species, such as Crested Goshawk, Bonelli's Eagle, Crested Serpent Eagle, Lesser Coucal, Greater Coucal, Emerald Dove and Pacific Reef Heron, have stable populations in Hong Kong. However, they are listed in the China Red Data Book as rare or vulnerable because of continuing exploitation or habitat loss in Mainland China.
Though not globally threatened, some freshwater wetland specialists, such as Greater Painted-snipe, Grey-headed Lapwing and Northern Lapwing, are regarded as locally concerned species due to their&restricted distribution in Hong Kong.
Conservation Measures
All wild birds are protected in Hong Kong by the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170). Any person who willfully disturbs, takes, removes or injures wild birds, or their nests and eggs, is committing an offence & and is liable to a maximum fine of $100,000 and imprisonment of 1 year.
The import, export or possession of endangered species is strictly regulated by the , which gives effect to the .
On 4 September 1995, the Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay area was listed as a Wetland of International Importance under the
to conserve the large number of birds wintering at the site every year. The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) is implementing a management plan for the conservation of the site. This includes the Ramsar Site ecological monitoring programme, which collects baseline information on ecological characters of the Ramsar Site annually for conservation and management purposes.
To enhance our understanding of the local avifauna, AFCD has been working with local specialist groups to carry out various studies on birds. In addition, we have also carried out studies on birds of conservation concern, such as White-bellied Sea Eagle, egrets, herons and terns. Results of these studies will enhance our knowledge about these species and facilitate the implementation of conservation measures. For example, suitable nest-boxes are provided for species breeding in Hong Kong, such as forests birds and terns.
Key Sites for Bird Watching in Hong Kong
Hong Kong's very varied physical environments and habitats support great avifauna diversity. Below are some major bird watching hotspots:
Bird Species
This site supports some 50,000 - 60,000 waterfowls every winter. Over 300 bird species, including globally endangered species like the Black-faced Spoonbill and Nordmann's Greenshank, are regularly recorded here.
Tsim Bei Tsui
A major roosting and feeding ground for wintering waders and ducks in the Deep Bay area. Species regularly seen include Northern Pintail, Northern Shoveler, Eurasian Wigeon, Black-headed Gull, Grey Plover and Eurasian Curlew, etc.
Nam Chung and Luk Keng
The tidal mudflats in Starling Inlet are an important feeding site for egrets and herons of the egretry on A Chau.
Thousands of birds winter in the Deep Bay area
Tsim Bei Tsui
Bird Species
Tai Po Kau
The mature secondary woodlands support a large number of forest birds which are less likely to be seen in other areas of Hong Kong. Well-established forest residents include Great Barbet, Chestnut Bulbul, Yellow-cheeked Tit and Velvet-fronted Nuthatch. Uncommon migrants, such as Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher, Hainan Blue Flycatcher, Black Bulbul and Tristram's Bunting are regularly seen in this area.
Tai Mo Shan
Shrublands at high altitudes support a few rare upland species e.g. Upland Pipit,&Brown-flanked Bush Warbler and Chinese Grassbird. It is also a good place to observe migratory species e.g. Grey-faced Buzzard, Brown Shrike, Blue Rock Thrush and Asian Brown Flycatcher.
Large areas of mature woodlands and plantations support a great variety of bird species. Common residents include Crested Goshawk,&Rufous-capped Babbler and Grey-throated Minivet. In winter,&different kinds of thrushes and warblers can also be found.
Lung Fu Shan
Lung Fu Shan Country Park in the northwestern part of Hong Kong Island has dense woodlands that are suitable for winter visitors like Grey-backed Thrush,&Japanese Thrush,&Asian Stubtail&Warbler and Yellow-browed Warbler. The old fort and lookout in the park is also an ideal place to observe raptors.
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Tai Po Kau
Agricultural land
Bird Species
Long Valley
The wet agricultural land and freshwater ponds provide a freshwater wetland and open area for specialized birds e.g. Greater Painted-snipe, Von Schrenck's Bittern, Common Kestrel, Dusky Thrush and Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler.
This site mainly attracts species preferring freshwater wetlands and open areas, such as Grey-headed Lapwing, Oriental Pratincole, Red-rumped Swallow and Eastern Yellow Wagtail.
Greater Painted-snipe
Tips and Codes of Watching Birds
Wear subdued-coloured clothes. Avoid colourful garments such as red, yellow or orange.
Walk lightly in the countryside. When you find the birds or their nests, appreciate them from a distance and keep quiet to minimize any disturbance to them.
Never disturb the natural habitats or the nests of the birds. To avoid startling birds, keep a distance from nests.
Do not capture birds or pick up eggs. These are offences that may result in prosecution.
Minimize disturbance to other people (e.g. landowners, farmers, hikers) using the same area.
Never spotlight nocturnal birds.
There is no need to track birds hastily. Relax and enjoy the countryside with an easy mind. This is the best way to observe birds and their behaviour. Even spotting a few common species will make your day.
Beginners can start bird watching in urban areas. Get to know the birds that appear in your neighbourhood. Next, visit wetlands to see waterfowls. When you have mastered the basic skills, identifying forest birds will not be difficult.
Further Reading
Carey, G.J., Chalmers, M.L., Diskin, D.A., Kennerley, P.R., Leader, P.J., Leven, M.R., Lewthwaite, R.W., Melville, D.S., Turnbull, M., and Young, L. (2001): The Avifauna of Hong Kong . Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. Hong Kong.
Lock N.Y., 2003 Appreciating Wild Birds. Friends of the Country Parks
Lock N.Y., Cheung K.S., 2004 Venturing Wetlands. Friends of the Country Parks.
Viney, C., Phillipps, K. and Lam, C.Y. 2006. Birds of Hong Kong and South China. Government Printer, Hong Kong.
Last Review Date : 06&July&2015&Bird Glossary
Location: Home &#9658; Glossary
The four letter common name
alpha code is is derived from the first two letters of the
common first name and the first two letters of common last
name. The six letter species name alpha code is derived from
the first three letters of the scientific name (genus) and the
first three letters of the scientific name (species). See (1)
below for the rules used to create the
Four-letter (for English common names) and
six-letter (for scientific names) species alpha codes were
developed by Pyle and DeSante (2003, North American
Bird-Bander 28:64-79) to reflect A.O.U. taxonomy and
nomenclature (A.O.U. 1998) as modified by Supplements 42 (Auk
117:847-858, 2000) and 43 (Auk 119:897-906, 2002). The list
has been updated by Pyle and DeSante to reflect changes
reported by the A.O.U from 2003 through
Alphabetic (“alpha”) codes, abbreviations of
English or scientific bird names, have long been employed by
ornithologists. They allow quicker data entry than filling out
the full English or scientific name of a species and they can
also serve to cross-check other recorded names or numeric
data. The U.S. Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) has long used
alpha codes in banding data, and these codes have become an
integral part of large ornithological programs across Canada
and the United S however, inconsistencies occur in the
rules governing the alpha codes of the BBL, and their list
does not include most species found exclusively in Mexico,
Central America, and the Caribbean.
Pyle and DeSante
recognized the utility of alpha-code systems, so they created
two lists of alpha codes for use by North and Central American
and Caribbean ornithologists. The first list contains
four-letter codes, based on English names, broadly following
the rules and strategies adopted by the BBL. This list differs
from that of the BBL in two ways. First, all 2038 species
recorded from the American Ornithologists' Union area (through
2004 according to their 45th supplement) are included, as well
as 91 non-species forms (many of which were recognized by the
BBL) for which standardized English names are provided.
Second, standardized, species-categorization definitions and
conflict-resolution formulae have been derived and strictly
adhered to. The second list follows the same basic principles
except that it contains six-letter codes based on the
scientific names (genus, species, and subspecies) of the
species or forms. We hope that this second list will be useful
for ornithologists, particularly those in Latin American
countries, who prefer using scientific rather than English
names. These two lists will be updated every two years,
following taxonomic and name changes adopted by the AOU in
future biennial supplements. Read More:
Also called the belly, it
is the ventral part of the bird.
Small joint on the bird’s
wing, similar to the human thumb, with three or four
quill-like feathers. It is a necessity for low speed flight
and maneuverability. The feathers function much like the slats
on airplanes by basically increasing the curve of the wing and
as such help the bird to land and take-off again.
Three feathers
attached to the alula originating from the base of the
primaries. They are essential for low speed flight and aid in
coordinated landing and take-off.
Alular quill
coverts are smaller feathers covering the quill of each flight
feather. Each wing has primary, secondary and tertiary coverts
based on the location of the feather.
Soft webbed feathers on
the side of the bird's head. These feathers overlap the ear
and as such are also called ear coverts or ear patch.
Located between the body
and the wing of the bird. Similar to the human armpit, also
called the wingpit.
The dorsal part of the bird
between the base of the wings from the neck to the tail.
The ventral part of the bird,
or the area between the flanks on each side and the crissum
and breast. Flight muscles are located between the belly and
the breast.
Birds do not have a mouth like
humans, but instead have a bill or a beak. The bill reveals
much about the bird’s food and lifestyle.
The body is similar to the
human torso area. It is the bird’s main mass not including its
appendages such as wings, tails and legs.
The upper front part of a
A contrasting band
across the breast.
The breast spot is a
small area of contrasting color on the breast.
The area on top of the head of
Also called the operculum, it
is a smooth and featherless patch of skin located where the
beak attaches to the forehead.
Located between the lore,
eye, auricular and the lower mandible.
Also called the breast area,
it is the frontal area on the body containing the breastplate
and major flight muscles.
The area of the face just
below the bill.
Birds do not have two
separate cavities for excrement and reproduction like humans
do. In birds, there is one entrance/exit that suits both
functions. It is also called anus or vent.
This term is analogous
to sexual intercourse in humans. It is used to describe
copulation between birds.
Similar to the upper part of
the human neck, located at the back of the crown.
Only found in male birds and
consists of a colored area over the eye. A well developed comb
can also signal (sexual) health to a potential mate.
The hinge where the
mandibles meet.
Tufts of feathers on the head
of the bird.
The feathers in a
triangular area on the underside of a bird between its vent
and the base of its tail feathers.
The crown is the top part of
the birds head.
The culmen is the uppermost
central ridge of the upper mandible.
When a bird in flight
holds its wings such that they appear to form a “V” shape they
are called dihedral.
Consists of soft,
loose-webbed feathers on the side of the bird's head below and
behind the eyes.
The rounded areas on the
bird’s face covered with feathers, also called facial discs.
The eye is the organ of sight.
The bird's eyes are larger compared to the bird's skull and
are, therefore, proportionally larger than human eyes. Since
the skull is lighter compared to the human skull (adjusted for
size), the eyes take up about 15% of the weight.
The line of feathers just
in front of and behind the eyes. It extends back from the
posterior angle of the eye. This can be a useful trait used in
identification in the field since it is very noticeable.
The circle around the eye
formed of feathers that are a different color from the rest of
Also called the
supercilicum or superciliary it is the arch of feathers over
Birds have one upper and one
lower eyelid - the latter being more moveable. Birds also have
a nictitating membrane between both eyelids and the cornea. It
has its own lubricating duct equivalent to the human tear duct
to clean and protect the eye.
The front part of the head
consisting of the bill, eyes, cheeks and chin.
Also called ears.
The feet are located at the
terminal part of the legs, and most birds have four toes. The
first toe points backwards while the other three toes point
forward. The second, third and fourth digits or toes are
counted from the inside of the foot out and have 2, 3 and 4
phalanges respectively. Most birds do not have a fifth toe
except for some where it has evolved into a defensive sput,
such as in the chicken.
The lateral area posterior to
the side of the bird’s body that extends back to the base of
Contrasting colored
stripes on the flanks.
Located on the
wing, and collectively called remiges (singular, remex). The
long stiff feathers are subdivided into two major groups based
on the location and are called primaries and secondaries.
Is located above the eyes.
Also called the jugulum or
throat patch, it is located on the front of the neck.
The area where the
bill extends onto the forehead of the bird. It is often
brightly colored and is meant to grab the attention of other
Also called commissure, it is
the hinge where the mandibles meet.
The lower most ridge on the
lower mandible.
A small iridescent patch on
the throat of a hummingbird.
feathers overlying the bases of the secondaries. In some
birds, the primary converts are completely covered by them.
The area between the
chin and the foreneck.
The head is the upper part of
the body, containing the bill, eyes, crown, ears and nose.
The head stripes are
the contrasting colored lines on the top of the bird's head.
This is a useful feature to discriminate between species.
However, juvenile birds often have less pronounced stripes
than adults.
Also called the occiput,
it is the back portion of the bird's crown.
Also called the nape and
collar, it is the back of the neck.
Paired contour feathers on
top of the head of the bird.
The inner primaries
are a group of feathers closest to the body on the wing of the
bird. They are generally covered partially by the
The group of
secondary feathers located closest to the body with respect to
the outer secondary coverts.
Includes the shoulder,
the secondaries and the secondary coverts.
The iris is the colored part
of the eye, equal to the human iris, located around the pupil.
The Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) was established in the mid-1990's as a cooperative project among several federal agencies to improve and expand upon taxonomic data (known as the NODC Taxonomic Code) maintained by the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
To find the ITIS page for a bird species go to the ITIS web site advanced search and report page at You can enter the TSN or the common name of the bird. It will return the ITIS page for that bird. Another way to obtain the ITIS page is to use the Google search engine.
Enter the string ITIS followed by the taxonomic ID, for example "ITIS 178041" will return the page for the Allen's Hummingbird.
ITIS inherited approximately 210,000 scientific
names with varying levels of data quality from the NODC data
set. While many important taxonomic groups were not well
represented (e.g., terrestrial insects), the rate of errors
and omissions within represented taxonomic groups ranged from
relatively low (e.g., few misspellings or occasional
typographical errors) to rather high (e.g., many species names
without authors or dates, or species assigned to wrong
groups). Every living organism that has been classfied into
the ITIS database has a 6 digit taxonomic serial number (TSN).
This unique number can be used at the ITIS web site to obtain
the most up to date classification information about a
The ventral part of the
neck under the bill.
The joint in the middle part
of the leg, in the same location as the human knee.
The leading
edge of the wing is the first from a frontal position when the
bird is in flight.
Proportionally the bird’s legs
are extremely strong in order for it to be able to land and
take off without getting injured.
feathers overlying the median secondary coverts on the top of
the wing. They are located near the shoulder and can be seen
as the first row of feathers on the bird’s wing. They are also
called marginal coverts and are referred to as the shoulder.
The area under the eye and
above the bill.
The lower part of
The cutting
edge of the lower mandible.
Also called whisker,
mustache or malar streak, it is the area below the eye and
bill on the sides of the chin that stretches downwards.
A prong-like
projection from the bill on the posterior side.
The upper surface of the
back and wings covered with shorter feathers.
The feathers
overlying the base of the median secondary coverts and are
also called lesser secondary coverts or shoulder. They are
positioned at the top edge of the wing closest to the body of
The stripe along the
very top part of the head through the crown.
feathers on the wing covering the bases of the greater
secondary coverts.
Also called a malar
streak, stripe or whisker it is the contrasting color on each
side of the chin down through the throat area
The mouth is similar in
function to the human mouth and refers to the cavity bounded
by the bill.
Also called the hindneck or
collar, it is the back of the neck where the head joins the
The inner corner of
The depression in which
the bird’s nostril is located.
The neck connects the head to
the body of the bird.
A sac located on the
neck that is inflatable and is only visible in males during
courtship displays.
eyelid of the bird that can be closed for protection. It has
its own moisturizing system similar to tear ducts.
The nostrils are the two
small openings on the top of the bill.
The back portion of the
The smooth and
featherless patch of skin located where the beak attaches to
the forehead of certain birds. It is often enlarged and
brightly colored such as one can observe in pigeons, parrots
and birds of prey. It is also called the cere.
The outer primaries
are the primary feathers on the wing farthest from the body.
They often appear to be the longest feathers on the wing.
secondaries are the secondary feathers of the wing furthest
away from the body.
feathers farthest from the center.
The alula and the
primary feathers.
The pelagic is a type of
bird whose habitat is on the open ocean rather than in a
coastal region or on inland bodies of water (lakes, rivers).
An example of a pelagic bird is the blacklegged kittiwake.
Elongated feathers
projecting from the upper body area, generally the neck or
Large, conspicuous, showy
The primaries are the
flight feathers specialized for flight. They are attached to
the "hand" equivalent part of the wing.
The primary coverts
are shorter feathers that cover and protect the primary flight
The primary
numbering is a system developed to assign numbers to each
primary feather for easier identification.
The dark center of the eye.
The principal feathers
that make up the tail. They range in number from eight to
Refers to the flight
feathers-primaries, secondaries, and tertials.
The short and stiff
feathers near the bill.
The base of the bill where
the mandibles join.
A fringe of feather growth on
the neck of a male bird used in courtship displays
The area between the uppertail
coverts and the back of the bird.
Short feathers in the
area where the bird’s back and wings join.
Flight feathers that
are attached to the wing in the area similar to the human
forearm and between the body and the primaries.
The feathers that
cover and protect the secondaries.
The short feathers
overlying the median secondary coverts on the top of the wing.
They are located near the back and can be seen as the “first
row” of feathers on the birds wing. They are also called
marginal coverts and lesser secondary coverts.
The area between the belly,
the wing and back, It is equivalent to the area between the
human armpit and the hip bone.
The area between the
foreneck and hindneck.
The spectacle refers to
the combination of the eye ring and supraloral line.
The brightly colored area
on the wing (secondaries of the wing) on several duck
The bands of
contrasting color located just before the tip of the tail.
Also called
supercilium or eyebrow, it is the arch of feathers over the
eye in the same approximate location as the human eye brow.
Also called the
superciliary, it is the arch of feathers over the eye.
A contrasting line
between the eye and the bill.
Feathers extending from the
rear of the bird and used for balance and as an asset to
attract potential mates.
The short tail
feathers covering the base of the long tail feathers.
The tail numbering
is a system developed to assign a number to each tail feather
which can convey certain characteristics about certain
The tarsus is the part of
the leg between the knee and the foot of the bird, similar to
the lower leg in humans..
The outer corner
of the eye closest to the ear.
The terminal band
refers to the contrasting stripe at the tip of the tail.
The third set of flight
feathers located closest to the body.
Similar in locations to the
human throat
Feathers of a
contrasting color found on the throat.
Similar to the human upper
The toes aredigits attached to
the feet just like human toes. Most birds have four toes. The
first toe points backwards while the other three toes point
forward. The second, third and fourth digits or toes are
counted from the inside of the foot out and have 2, 3 and 4
phalanges respectively. Most birds do not have a fifth toe,
except for some where it has evolved into a defensive sput,
such as in the chicken
The edge of
the wing seen when the wing is stretched out in flight.
Include the belly,
undertail coverts, breast, flanks and foreneck.
Also called
crissum, they are feathers in a triangular area on the
underside of a bird between its vent and the base of its tail
feathers. Adult females tend to have conspicuous dusky edging
to most of these feathers. Juvenile females tend to have
nearly pure white undertail coverts.
The bottom side of the
The upper part of
The cutting
edge of the upper bill.
Include the back, rump,
hindneck, wings and crown.
Short feathers
covering the upper side of the base of the tail.
Visible part of the wing
when looking at the bird from a top view while the bird is
stationary and has its wings pressed against its body.
Birds do not have two separate
cavities for excrement and reproduction like humans do. In irds,
there is one single entrance/exit that suits both functions
called the vent, cloaca or anus.
Also called the mustache,
malar steak or stripe, it is the contrasting colored feathers
on each side of the chin down through the throat area.
The wing is the feathered
appendage that allows a bird to fly. Strong flight muscles are
attached to the wing such that the bird can lifts its own
The wing bars make the
bird's wing look "striped". They are pale or white tips of the
greater and median secondary coverts on the wings. From a
distance, it can be viewed as a horizontally striped pattern
making the wing look layered.
The feathers that
cover and protect the flight feathers.
The wing lining is the
short and softer median, lesser and marginal coverts on the
The area at the base of
the wing which is made up of pale or white tips on the flight
Also called the axillary,
is located between the body and the wing of the bird, similar
to the area of the human armpit.
The wrist refers to the base
of the primaries in the bird’s wing.
Web01 05/19/


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