playing dota2dota2菠菜什么意思思

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  外国网友评论:  wolf4o:  One of the best carries.  最伟大的carry选手之一。  Lollipopkan:  lmao what a great joke.  真是个大笑话。  wolf4o:  Yea, what a great joke. He won TI and shitton of other tournaments including more than you can count tournaments in dota1. BEST JOKE WORLD.  是啊,多么好笑啊!他赢得了西雅图国际邀请赛,并且在dota1获得了远远超过你能知道的荣誉,这是世界上最好笑的笑话。  dudung-X:  one of the best burden.  最大的累赘选手之一。  extremelotus:  who cares noob carry.  谁会关注菜鸟carry。  exiter_dk:  the best carry of all time! Legendary (think with the most win in china). I).  一直以来最好的carry!他是一个传奇——考虑到他的大部分荣誉都在中国获得。我一直是他的粉丝。  ——dudung-X:  dota 2 became harsh for your idol.. he'll be back. in LoL huehuehuehuehue.dota2  对于你的偶像来说dota2就是一场灾难,他当然要回来,在lol项目上,呵呵呵呵呵……  b.bold:  most accomplished player in the history, hope he will be back. again with this kabu no hope.  有史以来成就最大的选手,我希望他可以回归——在这之前,先把kabu T了。  adlanor:  He better retires and plays LOL.  他最好退役然后去玩lol。  ——babeh:  so are all the pinoy teams and pinoy made legends :)  这句话同样适用于所有其他的战队和所谓的传奇人物。  Vizvezdenec:  Sorry, but if he is useless even in dota 2, he will never ever be even in semipro scene in LoL, because it requires much more skill.  不好意思,如果他在dota2项目上无所作为,他也几乎不可能lol项目上哪怕进入四强,因为lol对你的技术要求更高。  ——scheize34 :  bitch , please get out from this place who says LoL better than Dota.actually im not suprised so much because ur russian Kappa.  婊子,请你从这里滚出去,你居然说lol优于dota。当然,我也不是很奇怪,因为你是个傻逼老毛子。  ——ihaveaname:  LoL probably is tougher, just because there's a bigger player pool.  lol也许会更加难玩,因为玩的人更多。
  ——KBLT:  funny, LOL is not tougher even kids here in our place play LOL and their good, and the graphics childisg which suits perfectly for kids thats why their good at it and love it, so leave LOL to the kids. Dota is for the big   boys.  真好笑,lol一点都不难,哪怕我们这里的小孩都玩的不错,游戏里面的画面十分契合小孩的审美,这也是为何他们喜欢lol,并且十分的擅长。把lol交给小孩子,我们这些成年人玩我们的dota。  rafals:  Zhou, please be patient!  zhou,请再考虑考虑。  dzr:  patience from  zhou怎么可能有这种耐心。  EmmureIII:  u r dum zhou u r duumm . he should cast with winter.zhou  你就是一个蠢货,你应该和winter一起搞搞直播。  Thereisnoescape:  Retirement from Joe...  zhou要退役了……  bubbleDOOM:  Zhou retire YaphetS coming back ?  周退役,然后pis回来顶替他?  prettyboyboga:  Retirement from Zhou?  zhou要退役了?  bluex:  A good player should know when would his time be up  一个优秀的选手知道啥时候该急流勇退。  Pyro.. :  noooooooo not now burden! :(  不要啊,不要现在就退役啊,burden!  Kaede_Takanashi:  Burden zhou so Ugly! Don't hurt my eyes!  Hurry up and retire!  Burden from zhou!  Bye Bye Burden!  burden zhou实在是太丑了,别来伤害我的眼睛!  赶快退役!  zhou就是一个burden。  走好不送,burden!  dudung-X :  R E T I R E  B U R D E N  B Y E B Y E  滚吧  burden  拜拜  paupau:  big chinese reshuffle! its interesting chuan being a sub player on ig is kinda a waste of talent hope he finds a decent team and also yaphets show matches in korea isnt enough ! :D  中国战队的大洗牌。chuan在ig只能做一个辅助,其实浪费了他的才华。我希望他可以能有一个好的队伍,同样对于pis——在韩国的表演对于粉丝是远远不够的。  ——adlanor:  chuan is noobs.  chuan就是一个傻逼。  ——scheize34:  chuan announces his retire from his chinese twitter.  chuan在微博上说了他要退役。  TheBigBadWolf:  dunno why new dota2 players disrespect Zhou. He is one of the legendary dota players and I respect him since dota1 days.  老子实在是不懂这些dota2新手为何不尊重zhou。他是一个dota的传奇,我从dota1时代就很尊重他。  ——Borkz:  Its fun how people talk about Zhou, he is the most accomplished and successful chinese player and maybe even world's greatest.  这些抨击zhou的家伙都很搞笑。他是成就最高,最为成功的中国选手,也许也是世界最伟大的选手啊!  ——adlanor:  It's fun and a lot of people are enjoying.  这么多人认为他就是一个burden才是真好笑吧!  ——ubacos:  Rreal fun are your comments, are you retarded ?  搞笑是你自己才对吧,我觉得你脑子有坑。  ——babeh :  well, he's one of them who said IG skipped SMM cuz they were afraid of pinoys :D  好啦,别理这种人,他应该就是说iG不去参加smm是因为畏惧菲律宾人的这些人中的其中一个。
  Yared:  Zhou is not known to rush decisions. Respect!  zhou不是一个会做冲动决定的人  致敬!  paraluman:  patience from joe. He WAS a great carry.  对zhou多点耐心,他曾经是一个伟大的carry。  markie:  I'm kinda sad to see these comments bashing and disrespecting Zhou. He's one of the most accomplished Dota player of all time. We people here are nothing compared to what he has achieved in the scene. Nobody has the right to say such things against him. He may be "burden" now but still, he's a legend. So to those people who's disrespecting him, my middle finger's pointing right at you and I don't give a F*** whoever you are.  #respect  我好伤心看到这些抨击和侮辱zhou的评论。他一直都是成就最高的dota选手之一。我们这些嘴炮选手没有谁能在dota上能和他比肩。没有人可以这样的侮辱他。也许现在他在你们眼里是一个“burden”,但是,仍然,他还是一个传奇。至于这些不尊重他的人,我只有对他竖起中指,并且对他说一声“fuck”。  #致敬  ——saInT_oF_dEaTh:  Sure.......RESPECT.........But he aint gonna adjust........Maybe if TongFu has some wins against weaker teams to gain their confidence back, than there is a chance.........He has been playing that "farm for 60 min" for a hell of a long time, and that aint gonna help him.....Maybe LOL will help him......But i hope he comes back.......  当然,尊重他,但是他还是没能调整好。也许如果tongfu能够在弱队身上找回一些信心,之后也许还有机会。他已经玩这个“farm60分钟”的游戏实在太长时间了,但是这些都不会对现在的他有任何帮助,也许他最好去玩玩lol,但是我仍然希望他能够回来。  FY69 :  GGNET SECRET SOURCES BEST SECRET SOURCES.  gosugamer的秘密消息来源实在IMBA。  ——--keon-- :  LOL so hard (:  笑惨了 (:  ReturnOfTheN00b:  hope Zhou works hard & plays like he used to.sad to see him retire.  希望zhou可以像以前一样努力工作和玩游戏,看着他退役实在忧伤!  OnebLITZtoBurnThemAll:  Honestly, I hope he does. Maybe then we get to see YaphetS in TongFu's mainstay team.  老实说,我希望他退役。也许之后我们可以在tongfu一队看到pis。  DonatelloMS:  Kick Zhou, get Yaphets, gg! :D.  踢了zhou,让pis回来,gg!  yx650:  Zhou is one of the most respectable carries out there and has achieved more than 30 solo awards in China back in dota 1. Sad to see these new retarded dota 2 kids bashing him without knowing a shit about this legend. #Patience From Zhou # Respect  zhou是最受人尊敬的carry选手之一,他获得了超过30个比赛的冠军在中国的dota1比赛中。看到这些最近刚刚玩dota2的小朋友因为自己对于这位传奇选手的无知而在这里侮辱他真让我难过。#耐心#致敬  ——KainLord:  +1 , this new shitty dota 2 community don't know anything about the past in Dota 1.  这个新的操蛋的dota2社区里的人甚至对过去的dota1一无所知。  ——dudung-X:  zhou will go back to dota1 to continue his legacy!!  zhou会回头去玩dota1,继续他的传奇!  mrbeantl:  Bye bye Burden!!!!  拜拜burden!!!  max1c:  Bye bye burden.  拜拜burden。  TheBearEmperor :  Joe, y u do dis, loading screen plz.  zhou,为什么你要退役,再次进入游戏吧,求求你!  tr1v:  overall hes like the biggest player of d1/d2best of luck!  总的来说他是d1/d2 最伟大的选手,好运!  KainLord:  PATIENCE FROM ZHOU NO MORE!  对zhou不会再有任何耐心。  killingindname:  I can still remember the time when Zhou vs ZSMJ was the talk for best farmer. I can still see the LGD.sgty
games that took my breath away. I'd always hate him back then because LGD would lose because of him. Its sad to see one of the best players losing his edge.  我仍然记得那些zhou和zsmj被拿来讨论谁是最好的farmer。我仍然记得lgd和nv的比赛让我激动的无法呼吸。我也会总是很讨厌他,因为他,lgd输给了nv。目睹一个伟大选手失去锐气让我非常的忧伤。  chinee2x:  They dont know who is zhou in dota 1  这些家伙根本不了解zhou在dota1里的地位。  dudung-X:  what is the point of bringing up zhou from dota1? that centuries ago!  在这里扯起zhou在dota1的地位有毛意思?几个世纪之前的事情了。  ——markie:  The point is he achieved a lot and he doesn't deserve to be disrespected. It may be centuries ago but still it's written history for Dota. People like you are the reason why the present Dota community is so rotten. smh  我的观点是他的成就很大,不该得到如此不尊重的评价。这些成就也许真的是几个世纪以前的事情,但是,这些仍然会被载入dota的史册。像你这样的喷子的存在是导致dota社区变得如此恶心的原因。  dudung-X:  zhou be like: "fuck this! imma go LoL!"just like hyhy did after playing as noob carry for zenith.  zhou应该这样:艹,我去玩lol了。就像hyhy在zenith玩得像个傻逼一样的carry后,改行去lol一样。  Toco_ 7:  maybe he can go back to some place where he can tread switch properly  也许他该去散散心,更好的调整自己。
  ckirt:  He WAS one of the best carries back in the dota1 times. He even achieved something for playing dota2 in IG. He has more than enough accomplishments than anyone who comments here. He knows when to stop and when to restart. #Respect  他在dota1时代是最伟大的carry选手之一。甚至他在iG玩dota2的时候也取得了非凡成就。他比在这里评论的任何人取得的成就都要多。他知道什么时候该停下,什么时候该再次启程。#致敬  ROMEOKILLJULIET :  iG = TI2 champs, reality = nobody cares. They raped navi in final dude Kappa, but still nobody cares  iG是TI2冠军,现实是没人关心这件事。他们在总决赛碾压了navi,但是还是没有人关心这件事。  mrnguyen111989:  i remeber on TI2: zhou play luna and morphiling very well, nobody can't kill him. haizz, heyday has passed.  我记得在TI2上,zhou的luna和水人玩得非常好,没有人不能杀死他。哎,回不去的过去!  Yadrey:  he has a million dollars. he dont care :D  他赢了100w美元,他根本不在意退役与否。  paul-tehoctupus:  one of the old Big3 of china, and probably one of the most legendary players in the whole game (together with puppey, akke, loda and YYF maybe) . #burden doto best doto  中国之前的三大C之一,可能也是最伟大的传奇选手之一在整个比赛历史上(和puppey,akke,loda,yyf也许并列)#burden doto best doto  chrisec:  PATIENCE  多点耐心  johnnyx:  Show some respect kids. Zhou lost to LGD but he still managed to beat speed & VG weeks ago. It's just the Big3 are too strong now.  He just need to beat speed again on Fengyun Championship to gain some confidence.  对他多点尊重,孩子们。zhou虽然输给了lgd,但是在一个星期之前,他仍然击败了spg和vg,只不过老三强实在是太强了。他只需要在风云争霸赛中再次击败spg获得一些  信心就好。  mokccy:  Just retire already  退役吧!
  @peng 6楼
21:31:00  dota感觉太难了,连敌我双方的兵都分不清,补刀不一半天补不到一个兵,还是喜欢梦三国,不易也不是太难  -----------------------------  我看你是智商问题吧,我姐姐的儿子,小学生都会玩...
21:31:00  dota感觉太难了,连敌我双方的兵都分不清,补刀不一半天补不到一个兵,还是喜欢梦三国,不易也不是太难  -----------------------------  @因酷被判18年 7楼
21:32:00  我看你是智商问题吧,我姐姐的儿子,小学生都会玩...  -----------------------------  入门难 按键太凌乱
请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规zhou神退役:看国外DOTA2玩家如何评论?_17173 DOTA2专区
& zhou神退役:看国外DOTA2玩家如何评论?
文 章摘 要
  昨天zhoU神退役,不光光是国内DotA圈为之一振,国外媒体也都报道了这位传奇选手退役的消息,一起来看看国外玩家是怎样评论这么传奇选手的离去吧!  关于ZHOU要退役。国外网友的一些评论  wolf4o:  One of the best carries.  最伟大的carry选手之一。  Lollipopkan:  lmao what a great joke.  真是个大笑话。  wolf4o:  Yea, what a great joke. He won TI and shitton of other tournaments including more than you can count tournaments in dota1. BEST JOKE WORLD.  是啊,多么好笑啊!他赢得了西雅图国际邀请赛,并且在dota1获得了远远超过你能知道的荣誉,这是世界上最好笑的笑话。  dudung-X:  one of the best burden.  最大的累赘选手之一。  extremelotus:  who cares noob carry.  谁会关注菜鸟carry。  exiter_dk:  the best carry of all time! Legendary (think with the most win in china)。 I)。  一直以来最好的carry!他是一个传奇――考虑到他的大部分荣誉都在中国获得。我一直是他的粉丝。  ――dudung-X:  dota 2 became harsh for your idol he'll be back. in LoL huehuehuehuehue.dota2  对于你的偶像来说dota2就是一场灾难,他当然要回来,在lol项目上,呵呵呵呵呵……  b.bold:  most accomplished player in the history, hope he will be back. again with this kabu no hope.  有史以来成就最大的选手,我希望他可以回归――在这之前,先把kabu T了。  adlanor:  He better retires and plays LOL.  他最好退役然后去玩lol。  ――babeh:  so are all the pinoy teams and pinoy made legends :)  这句话同样适用于所有其他的战队和所谓的传奇人物。  Vizvezdenec:  Sorry, but if he is useless even in dota 2, he will never ever be even in semipro scene in LoL, because it requires much more skill.  不好意思,如果他在dota2项目上无所作为,他也几乎不可能lol项目上哪怕进入四强,因为lol对你的技术要求更高。  ――scheize34 :  bitch , please get out from this place who says LoL better than Dota.actually im not suprised so much because ur russian Kappa.  婊子,请你从这里滚出去,你居然说lol优于dota。当然,我也不是很奇怪,因为你是个傻逼老毛子。  ――ihaveaname:  LoL probably is tougher, just because there's a bigger player pool.  lol也许会更加难玩,因为玩的人更多。  ――KBLT:  funny, LOL is not tougher even kids here in our place play LOL and their good, and the graphics childisg which suits perfectly for kids thats why their good at it and love it, so leave LOL to the kids. Dota is for the big  boys.  真好笑,lol一点都不难,哪怕我们这里的小孩都玩的不错,游戏里面的画面十分契合小孩的审美,这也是为何他们喜欢lol,并且十分的擅长。把lol交给小孩子,我们这些成年人玩我们的dota。  rafals:  Zhou, please be patient!  zhou,请再考虑考虑。  dzr:  patience from zhouno?  zhou怎么可能有这种耐心。  EmmureIII:  u r dum zhou u r duumm . he should cast with winter.zhou  你就是一个蠢货,你应该和winter一起搞搞直播。  Thereisnoescape:  Retirement from Joe…  zhou要退役了……  bubbleDOOM:  Zhou retire YaphetS coming back ?  周退役,然后pis回来顶替他?  prettyboyboga:  Retirement from Zhou?  zhou要退役了?  bluex:  A good player should know when would his time be up  一个优秀的选手知道啥时候该急流勇退。  Pyro :  noooooooo not now burden! :(  不要啊,不要现在就退役啊,burden!  Kaede_Takanashi:  Burden zhou so Ugly! Don't hurt my eyes!  Hurry up and retire!  Burden from zhou!  Bye Bye Burden!  burden zhou实在是太丑了,别来伤害我的眼睛!  赶快退役!  zhou就是一个burden。  走好不送,burden!  dudung-X :  R E T I R E  B U R D E N  B Y E B Y E  滚吧  burden  拜拜  paupau:  big chinese reshuffle! its interesting chuan being a sub player on ig is kinda a waste of talent hope he finds a decent team and also yaphets show matches in korea isnt enough ! :D  中国战队的大洗牌。chuan在ig只能做一个辅助,其实浪费了他的才华。我希望他可以能有一个好的队伍,同样对于pis――在韩国的表演对于粉丝是远远不够的。  ――adlanor:  chuan is noobs.  chuan就是一个傻逼。  ――scheize34:  chuan announces his retire from his chinese twitter.  chuan在微博上说了他要退役。  TheBigBadWolf:  dunno why new dota2 players disrespect Zhou. He is one of the legendary dota players and I respect him since dota1 days.  老子实在是不懂这些dota2新手为何不尊重zhou。他是一个dota的传奇,我从dota1时代就很尊重他。  ――Borkz:  Its fun how people talk about Zhou, he is the most accomplished and successful chinese player and maybe even world's greatest.  这些抨击zhou的家伙都很搞笑。他是成就最高,最为成功的中国选手,也许也是世界最伟大的选手啊!  ――adlanor:  It's fun and a lot of people are enjoying.  这么多人认为他就是一个burden才是真好笑吧!  ――ubacos:  Rreal fun are your comments, are you retarded ?  搞笑是你自己才对吧,我觉得你脑子有坑。  ――babeh :  well, he's one of them who said IG skipped SMM cuz they were afraid of pinoys :D  好啦,别理这种人,他应该就是说iG不去参加smm是因为畏惧菲律宾人的这些人中的其中一个。  ――wolf4o:  It's an indicator who is fing retarded worthless low rated scrub.  Let them trashtalk.  不知道咋翻译,求助!  Yared:  Zhou is not known to rush decisions. Respect!  zhou不是一个会做冲动决定的人  致敬!  paraluman:  patience from joe. He WAS a great carry.  对zhou多点耐心,他曾经是一个伟大的carry。  markie:  I'm kinda sad to see these comments bashing and disrespecting Zhou. He's one of the most accomplished Dota player of all time. We people here are nothing compared to what he has achieved in the scene. Nobody has the right to say such things against him. He may be “burden” now but still, he's a legend. So to those people who's disrespecting him, my middle finger's pointing right at you and I don't give a F*** whoever you are.  #respect  我好伤心看到这些抨击和侮辱zhou的评论。他一直都是成就最高的dota选手之一。我们这些嘴炮选手没有谁能在dota上能和他比肩。没有人可以这样的侮辱他。也许现在他在你们眼里是一个“burden”,但是,仍然,他还是一个传奇。至于这些不尊重他的人,我只有对他竖起中指,并且对他说一声“fuck”。  #致敬  ――saInT_oF_dEaTh:  Sure……RESPECT……But he aint gonna adjust……Maybe if TongFu has some wins against weaker teams to gain their confidence back, than there is a chance……He has been playing that “farm for 60 min” for a hell of a long time, and that aint gonna help him……Maybe LOL will help him……But i hope he comes back……  当然,尊重他,但是他还是没能调整好。也许如果tongfu能够在弱队身上找回一些信心,之后也许还有机会。他已经玩这个“farm60分钟”的游戏实在太长时间了,但是这些都不会对现在的他有任何帮助,也许他最好去玩玩lol,但是我仍然希望他能够回来。  FY69 :  GGNET SECRET SOURCES BEST SECRET SOURCES.  gosugamer的秘密消息来源实在IMBA。  ――--keon-- :  LOL so hard (:  笑惨了 (:  ReturnOfTheN00b:  hope Zhou works hard & plays like he used to.sad to see him retire.  希望zhou可以像以前一样努力工作和玩游戏,看着他退役实在忧伤!  OnebLITZtoBurnThemAll:  Honestly, I hope he does. Maybe then we get to see YaphetS in TongFu's mainstay team.  老实说,我希望他退役。也许之后我们可以在tongfu一队看到pis。  DonatelloMS:  Kick Zhou, get Yaphets, gg! :D.  踢了zhou,让pis回来,gg!  x650:  Zhou is one of the most respectable carries out there and has achieved more than 30 solo awards in China back in dota 1. Sad to see these new retarded dota 2 kids bashing him without knowing a shit about this legend. #Patience From Zhou # Respect  zhou是最受人尊敬的carry选手之一,他获得了超过30个比赛的冠军在中国的dota1比赛中。看到这些最近刚刚玩dota2的小朋友因为自己对于这位传奇选手的无知而在这里侮辱他真让我难过。#耐心#致敬  ――KainLord:  +1 , this new shitty dota 2 community don't know anything about the past in Dota 1.  这个新的操蛋的dota2社区里的人甚至对过去的dota1一无所知。  ――dudung-X:  zhou will go back to dota1 to continue his legacy!!  zhou会回头去玩dota1,继续他的传奇!  mrbeantl:  Bye bye Burden!!!!  拜拜burden!!!  max1c:  Bye bye burden.  拜拜burden。  TheBearEmperor :  Joe, y u do dis, loading screen plz.  zhou,为什么你要退役,再次进入游戏吧,求求你!  tr1v:  overall hes like the biggest player of d1/d2best of luck!  总的来说他是d1/d2 最伟大的选手,好运!  KainLord:  PATIENCE FROM ZHOU NO MORE!  对zhou不会再有任何耐心。  killingindname:  I can still remember the time when Zhou vs ZSMJ was the talk for best farmer. I can still see the LGD.sgty
games that took my breath away. I'd always hate him back then because LGD would lose because of him. Its sad to see one of the best players losing his edge.  我仍然记得那些zhou和zsmj被拿来讨论谁是最好的farmer。我仍然记得lgd和nv的比赛让我激动的无法呼吸。我也会总是很讨厌他,因为他,lgd输给了nv。目睹一个伟大选手失去锐气让我非常的忧伤。  chinee2x:  They dont know who is zhou in dota 1  这些家伙根本不了解zhou在dota1里的地位。  dudung-X:  what is the point of bringing up zhou from dota1? that centuries ago!  在这里扯起zhou在dota1的地位有毛意思?几个世纪之前的事情了。  ――markie:  The point is he achieved a lot and he doesn't deserve to be disrespected. It may be centuries ago but still it's written history for Dota. People like you are the reason why the present Dota community is so rotten. smh  我的观点是他的成就很大,不该得到如此不尊重的评价。这些成就也许真的是几个世纪以前的事情,但是,这些仍然会被载入dota的史册。像你这样的喷子的存在是导致dota社区变得如此恶心的原因。  dudung-X:  zhou be like: “fuck this! imma go LoL!”just like hyhy did after playing as noob carry for zenith.  zhou应该这样:艹,我去玩lol了。就像hyhy在zenith玩得像个傻逼一样的carry后,改行去lol一样。  Toco_ 7:  maybe he can go back to some place where he can tread switch properly  也许他该去散散心,更好的调整自己。  ckirt:  He WAS one of the best carries back in the dota1 times. He even achieved something for playing dota2 in IG. He has more than enough accomplishments than anyone who comments here. He knows when to stop and when to restart. #Respect  他在dota1时代是最伟大的carry选手之一。甚至他在iG玩dota2的时候也取得了非凡成就。他比在这里评论的任何人取得的成就都要多。他知道什么时候该停下,什么时候该再次启程。#致敬  ROMEOKILLJULIET :  iG = TI2 champs, reality = nobody cares. They raped navi in final dude Kappa, but still nobody cares  iG是TI2冠军,现实是没人关心这件事。他们在总决赛碾压了navi,但是还是没有人关心这件事。  mrnguyen111989:  i remeber on TI2: zhou play luna and morphiling very well, nobody can't kill him. haizz, heyday has passed.  我记得在TI2上,zhou的luna和水人玩得非常好,没有人不能杀死他。哎,回不去的过去!  Yadrey:  he has a million dollars. he dont care :D  他赢了100w美元,他根本不在意退役与否。  paul-tehoctupus:  one of the old Big3 of china, and probably one of the most legendary players in the whole game (together with puppey, akke, loda and YYF maybe) . #burden doto best doto  中国之前的三大C之一,可能也是最伟大的传奇选手之一在整个比赛历史上(和puppey,akke,loda,yyf也许并列)#burden doto best doto  chrisec:  PATIENCE  多点耐心  johnnyx:  Show some respect kids. Zhou lost to LGD but he still managed to beat speed & VG weeks ago. It's just the Big3 are too strong now.  He just need to beat speed again on Fengyun Championship to gain some confidence.  对他多点尊重,孩子们。zhou虽然输给了lgd,但是在一个星期之前,他仍然击败了spg和vg,只不过老三强实在是太强了。他只需要在风云争霸赛中再次击败spg获得一些  信心就好。  mokccy:  Just retire already  退役吧!


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