
I'm Steve Ember. And I'm Barbara Klein with EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special English. For thousands of years, people have wanted to explore the world under the sea. Such activity was not possible until modern times. Today, divers can survive for hours underwater and photograph fish and other sea creatures. Not everyone can swim with fish in the ocean. But they can enjoy underwater life in another way -- by visiting an aquarium. 我是 Steve Ember 。 我是 Barbara Klein ,这里是 VOA 特别英语的探索之旅。 几千年来,人类一直想对海底世界一探究竟。但是这个梦想一直到现代才得以实现。今天,潜水员们可以在水下生存数小时,给鱼儿们或者其他水下生物拍拍照。不是每个人都有机会在海洋中和鱼儿们一起畅游的。但是我们可以用另外一种方式来享受水下生活 —— 参观水族馆。 Experts do not really know when people began keeping fish as pets. But they say that people have been interested in fish for thousands of years. Some say the ancient Sumerians were the first civilization to keep fish in ponds more than four thousand years ago. The Chinese kept and studied carp and goldfish more than one thousand years ago. The ancient Romans kept eels as pets. And the Greek philosopher Aristotle made what is believed to be the first known study of sea life, including sharks and dolphins. Experts say that keeping fish at home in small water tanks called aquariums is extremely popular today. And everyone seems to enjoy visiting huge public aquariums that have opened around the world. 专家们都无法确定人们是从什么时候开始将鱼作为一种宠物来饲养的。但是他们说人们对鱼的兴趣已经延续了几千年了。有的说,四千多年前的古代苏美尔人是最早将鱼养在水塘里的文明社会。一千多年前,中国人也饲养和研究鲤鱼及金鱼。古代罗马人还将鳗鱼当做宠物来饲养。古希腊哲学家亚里士多德关于海洋生物的研究被认为是目前已知的首次研究,他的研究对象包括了鲨鱼和海豚。 专家们称,将鱼儿养在家中的一个被称为水族箱的小水箱中,目前非常地流行。同时,似乎每个人都乐于到世界各地的大型公共水族馆中去参观游览。 By the middle of the eighteen hundreds, science had shown that plants, fish and other sea creatures could survive together under water. So it was no longer necessary to change the water in a tank for fish to live there. This led to the building of the first public aquariums. The first one opened in London, England in eighteen fifty-three. In the next fifteen years, other aquariums opened in Europe and the United States. By nineteen twenty-eight, there were about forty-five public aquariums. Today, millions of people visit aquariums in more than thirty countries. Steve Feldman is an official with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums in Silver Spring, Maryland. He says his organization has recognized and approved forty-one aquariums in the United States. About fifty-eight million people visit these places each year. 十九世纪中叶,科学家们就证实了植物、鱼类和其他海洋生物可以在水下共生。因此,没有必要再为了鱼儿们去换掉水箱中供他们生活的水了。这促成了第一座公共水族馆的诞生。 1853 年,第一座水族馆在英国伦敦开业了。接下来的 15 年里,陆续有新的水族馆在欧洲和美国开业。到了 1928 年大概有 45 座公共水族馆。 现在,几百万人纷纷前往 30 多个国家的水族馆参观游览。 Steve Feldman 是马里兰州西尔弗斯普林动物园与水族馆协会的官员。他说他的机构已经为美国 41 座水族馆进行了认证。每年这些水族馆大约要接待五千八百万的游客。 One of the most famous aquariums is in Monterey, California. Officials say the Monterey Bay Aquarium has been recognized as the finest aquarium in the United States. It is in a building that used to be a kind of factory called a cannery. This was where workers prepared fish and placed them in cans to be sold. The Monterey Bay Aquarium shows visitors the underwater life in the bay. Scientists at the aquarium also study the animals and work to help many survive. For example, the Monterey Bay Aquarium cared for nineteen penguins from New Orleans, Louisiana. They were rescued after hurricane Katrina struck the area in two thousand five. These penguins were kept until they were ready to be returned to the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas. 最著名的水族馆之一位于加利福尼亚州的蒙特里。官员们称,蒙特里海湾水族馆已经被公认为美国最棒的水族馆了。建造这座水族馆的建筑物过去是一座被称为 “ 罐头工厂 ” 的工厂。在那里工人们将鱼处理后放在罐头里准备出售。 蒙特里海湾水族馆在海湾中给游客们展示水下世界。水族馆中的科学家们也在这里研究各种动物,同时为帮助许多 “ 幸存者 ” 而努力着。 例如,蒙特里海湾水族馆照顾着路易斯安那州新奥尔良的 19 只企鹅。他们是 2005 年卡特里娜飓风袭击后的幸存者。在他们能够回到美国的奥特朋水族馆之前,这些企鹅会在这里得到很好的照顾。 The Monterey Bay Aquarium also works to save the sea otter. Aquarium workers rescue lost or hurt young sea otters and prepare them to survive in the wild. The ones that cannot be released are kept in the aquarium and entertain visitors by swimming quickly and playing tricks in the water. Visitors especially enjoy watching them play with objects in the water. When sea otters find new objects, they smell them, hold them, play with them and hit them against other hard objects. The otters hit their toys against the walls of the tank in front of the happy visitors. 蒙特里海湾水族馆也致力于挽救海獭。水族馆的工作人员们救回迷路和受伤的小海獭,悉心照顾直到他们能够重回大自然。那些不能被放生的小海獭们会被养在水族馆中,他们飞快的游泳和在水中的小把戏,让游客们非常快乐。 游客们特别热衷于观看他们在水里玩 “ 玩具 ” 。当海獭发现水里有东西的时候,他们会闻一闻,抱住它们玩耍一番,还会把撞到另外一个硬东西上。就在游客的面前,海獭们将他们的玩具推到水族箱的墙面上,让游客们开心不已。 At the center of the Monterey Bay Aquarium is a huge tank more than eight meters high. It is one of the tallest aquarium exhibits in the world. The tank holds more than one million liters of seawater and many different kinds of fish. It also holds more than one hundred kinds of plants. Officials say the tank was built in the center of the aquarium because it would get the most sunlight each day. All this sun helps the plants grow -- about ten centimeters every day. An official says the Monterey Bay Aquarium was the first aquarium in the world to show a living kelp forest. 在 蒙特里海湾水族馆的中央,有一个超过 8 米高的巨大水箱,这是世界上最高的水族展示箱之一。 这个水箱可以容纳超过一百万升的海水以及许多不同种类的鱼。里面还可以容纳超过一百种植物。官员们说,之所以要将这个打水箱建在水族馆的中央位置,是为了让它每天都能接受到足够充足的阳光。阳光可以帮助植物们生长,每天大概可以长 10 厘米呢。一个官员说,蒙特里海湾水族馆是世界上第一座展示活的海藻森林的水族馆。 A kelp forest is a kind of ecosystem established around colonies of a seaweed plant called kelp. Kelp can extend between two and thirty meters or more from the sea floor to the surface of the water. These plants provide homes to many fish and other sea animals. The aquarium is also an education center. Workers help visitors and especially children understand sea creatures and their importance in the world. Children and adults can see many sea creatures being fed and watch a movie about underwater life. They can even touch some of these creatures in small tide pools. Workers make sure visitors touch the rays, crabs and sea stars very carefully. 海藻森林是一种生态系统,建立在环绕聚居的海草上,这种海草被称为 “ 巨藻 ” 。 “ 巨藻 ” 能够伸长两到三米甚至更多,可以从海底一直伸展至水面。这种植物为很多鱼类和海洋动物提供了栖息地。 这个水族馆同时还是一个教育中心。工作人员们帮助游客们,特别是孩子们了解海洋生物以及海洋生物在世界上的重要性。儿童和成人们都可以看到许多被饲养的海洋生物,也可以观看有关海底世界的影片。在一些小的潮池中,他们甚至可以触摸到其中一些生物。工作人员们要确保游客们特别小心地碰触鱼鳍刺、螃蟹和海星。 One extremely large public aquarium opened in Atlanta, Georgia in two thousand five. The Georgia Aquarium says it is the largest in the world. It has more than one hundred thousand sea animals in thirty million liters of water. These include two whale sharks -- the world's largest fish. 还有一个特别大的公共水族馆于 2005 年在乔治亚州的亚特兰大开业了。乔治亚水族馆称自己是世界上最大的水族馆。在三千万升水中,它拥有超过十万种的海洋动物。其中还包括两头鲸鲨 —— 世界上最大的鱼。 The Georgia Aquarium is divided into sixty different environments called habitats. The largest holds more than twenty-two million liters of water. It was especially designed for the whale sharks and the thousands of other animals that live in the ocean. The second largest habitat was designed to copy the natural environment of beluga whales. 乔治亚水族馆被划分成 60 个不同的环境,称为栖息地。最大的一部分蓄有超过二千二百万升水,这是为鲸鲨和上千种其他海洋动物特别设计的。第二大栖息地是摹仿白鲸的自然生活环境而设计的。 Building large public aquariums is very costly. Most of the money to build the Georgia Aquarium was provided by businessman Bernard Marcus. He and his wife gave two hundred fifty million dollars to help pay for the building. The total cost was two hundred ninety million dollars. Reports said that more than one million people visited the Georgia Aquarium in the first six months that it was open. 建造大型的公共水族馆所费不赀。建造乔治亚水族馆的绝大部分资金由生意人 Bernard Marcus 提供,他和他太太资助了两亿五千万美元。建造这座水族馆的总花费是两亿九千万美元。有报道称,在乔治亚水族馆开业的前六个月就有一百多万人前往参观游览。 Another aquarium re-opened in two thousand five in Camden, New Jersey. The Adventure Aquarium first opened in nineteen ninety-two. It spent about fifty million dollars to expand its building and improve its exhibits. Visitors can watch a hippopotamus in the West African River Experience area of the Adventure Aquarium. Reports say the Adventure Aquarium is the only one in the country that has two hippos. 另外有一个水族馆于 2005 年在新泽西州的卡姆登重新开业。这个探险水族馆首次开业是在 1992 年,拓展馆体和改进展示箱大约花费了五千五百万美元。 在探险水族馆的西部非洲河流历险区游客们可以看到河马。有报道说,探险水族馆是这个国家唯一一个拥有两只河马的水族馆。One exciting area of the aquarium is the shark tunnel. Visitors can watch twenty-six dangerous creatures up close without fear. The tunnel is suspended in the middle of the shark tank. Even more exciting for visitors is the chance to get in the water and swim with the sharks! Swimmers wear special clothes and must follow a few rules. For example, they must not make the sharks angry or make any quick movements. Swimming with the sharks costs more than one hundred dollars. 这个水族馆一个激动人心的地方是鲨鱼隧道。游客们可以毫不害怕地零距离观赏 26 头这种危险生物。这个隧道悬浮在鲨鱼池的中央位置。 另外一个更激动人心的时刻,是进到水里和鲨鱼一起遨游。参与者要穿上特制的衣服,同时还必须遵守一些规定。例如,他们绝对不可以激怒鲨鱼,也不可以做任何快速的移动。和鲨鱼一起游泳需要一百多美元。 Another aquarium that provides education and adventures with sharks is the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland. The Baltimore Aquarium has more than ten thousand sea animals. It opened in nineteen eighty-one. 在马里兰州的巴尔的摩,国家水族馆也有关于鲨鱼科教和探险项目。巴尔的摩水族馆拥有超过一万种的海洋动物。它于 1981 年开业。 Its shark adventure includes a tour with an expert to learn about these ancient creatures and how the aquarium workers feed and care for them. Children can even sleep near the sharks overnight. Children sleep in the viewing area as sharks sleep nearby, behind protective glass. The National Aquarium in Baltimore also presents a dolphin show. It shows how young dolphins learn and develop the skills they need to survive. 这里的鲨鱼探险包括一个和专家一起了解这些古代生物的探知之旅,还包括了解水族馆工作人员怎样饲喂和照料这些生物。孩子们甚至可以紧挨着鲨鱼过上一夜。孩子们会睡在观赏区的玻璃墙后面,就像鲨鱼睡在他们身边一样。 巴尔的摩的国家水族馆还有海豚展,展示小海豚们是如何学会和发展他们的求生技能的。 Aquariums provide the public with many chances to experience life under the sea. These fun and educational places can be found in most areas of the world. Visiting an aquarium is a good way for children to learn about sea creatures. They might even want to start an aquarium at home and join the millions of people around the world who keep fish as pets. 水族馆为大众提供了许多体验海底世界生活的机会。世界上很多地方都可以找到这类寓教于乐的地方。带孩子们去参观水族馆为他们提供了一个了解海洋生物的很好的途径。也许,孩子们会想要在家里制作一个水族馆,加入到世界上数百万饲养鱼儿宠物的人们中去。
全球超1500万用户,数万玩家五星好评,年度最热门最有爱的休闲养鱼互动游戏欢迎来到开心水族箱!在这里,可爱的、萌动的、帅气的、憨傻的、搞怪的...各种小鱼儿求包养哦!尽情挑选您喜欢的鱼鱼来饲养,记得要好好照顾它们呀! 鱼儿流畅的游姿,逼真的背景音效,让你感觉瞬间置身梦幻的海洋!快来打造你梦想中的 属于自己独一无二的水中世界吧! * 超多种独一无二、多采多姿的鱼儿! * 通过悉心照料你的鱼儿来获得经验值和众多珍贵宝物! * 宝物可兑换更稀有更Q的小鱼!* 拜访好友的水族箱并帮他们喂鱼 收取自己想要的宝石! * 包含四款轻松小游戏!* 脱机、联网都可进行游戏! * 可绑定新浪微博,立即分享水族箱美照给好友! * 采用Game Center账号,可以分享你的分数和成就给你的好友!* 定期新增鱼类和更加新鲜有趣的游戏内容! 如果你喜欢这款游戏,欢迎随时给我们留言及评价!我们期待听到您的意见和建议!欢迎关注“开心水族箱”新浪微博:/happyfishbowl 每周都会抽出精美大礼送给粉丝^^
作者Happy Wind (Beijing) Technology Co.,Ltd


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