
Welcome to TinyURL!&
Are you sick of posting URLs in emails only to have it break when sent causing the recipient to have to cut and paste it back together? Then you've come to the right place. By entering in a URL in the text field below, we will create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires.
Enter a long URL to make tiny:
Custom alias (optional):
May contain letters, numbers, and dashes.
An example
Turn this URL:
into this TinyURL:
Which one would you rather cut and paste into your browser? That's the power of TinyURL!
Add TinyURL to your browser's toolbar
Click and drag the following link to your links toolbar.
Once this is on your toolbar, you'll be able to make a TinyURL at the click of a button. By clicking on the toolbar button, a TinyURL will be created for the page you are currently at.
This is compatible with most web browsers and platforms as long as your bookmarks or favorites allow javascript. The links toolbar may not be visible in all setups and in most browsers, you can enable it in the View->Toolbars menu of your web browser. You can also put it in your bookmarks instead of the links toolbar.
Can't drag and drop? For some users, such as some recent IE 6 installations, the clicking and dragging of links that contain javascript is no longer supported.
To add this to your IE
links toolbar,
click the link with your
right mouse button and select "Add to Favorites..." from the menu. Click OK if a security warning alert pops-up (this shows up since the link contains javscript). If a list of folders is not shown, click the "Create&in&>>>" button (see image at right). Now select the folder called "Links" and then click OK. You should now see the TinyURL on your links toolbar, if not, see the last paragraph above.
Redirection to any page in your site!
With TinyURL, you can also make a smaller URL that will work for any page on your site. Let's say that you have a website with the homepage that is at:
Entering that URL into TinyURL will create a URL like /3
With this you can then redirect someone to anywhere within your site by appending a slash and the pages filename to it. So if you have a page at, you can use the URL /3/my-links-page.html and going to this URL will forward the visitor to the page in your website.
Hide your affiliate URLs
Are you posting something that you don't want people to know what the URL is because it might give
away that it's an affiliate link? Then you can enter a URL into TinyURL, and your affiliate link will be hidden from the visitor, only
address and the ending address will be visible to your visitors.
Link to us!
Please link to us! Just make a link to
or use the following code to make a URL input box:
&form action=&/create.php& method=&post& target=&_blank&&
&table align=&center& cellpadding=&5& bgcolor=&#E7E7F7&&&tr&&td&
&b&Enter a long URL to make &a href=&&&tiny&/a&:&/b&&br /&
&input type=&text& name=&url& size=&30&&&input type=&submit& name=&submit& value=&Make TinyURL!&&
Terms of use
TinyURL was created as a free service to make posting long URLs easier, and may only be used for actual URLs. Using it for spamming or illegal
purposes is forbidden and any such use will result in the TinyURL being disabled and you may be reported to all ISPs involved and to the proper
governmental agencies. This service is provided without warranty of any kind.小米2A和小米2的屏幕材料一样吗?两款手机全贴合技术一样吗?关闭屏幕小米2A会不会和边框一样黑黑的?_百度知道
出门在外也不愁&& 聚氨酯发泡胶聚氨酯发泡组合料黑白料配方技术转让
聚氨酯发泡胶聚氨酯发泡组合料黑白料配方技术转让 聚氨酯组合料俗称PU料、发泡料,组合料、黑料白料、黑油黄油,分为异氰酸酯 和组合聚醚两个组份:俗称黑料和白料。两者按比例搅拌混合后发生聚合反应, 生成具有独立闭孔结构的聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料,具有密度小、比强度高、绝热保 温性能好、耐酸碱、耐老化、生产加工性能优良等特点。广泛应用于家电、建筑 、冷藏、绝热、运输、包装、家俱等领域。组合聚醚按发泡剂种类分:HCFC-141B 系统、环戊烷系统、全水系统四个系列。 聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料是聚氨酯合成材料中应用最大的一种,生产中的原料一般分 为两组份: (黑料)异氰酸酯&&二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI),主要供应商有中国烟台万 华、拜耳,根据其产品的性能应用在不同领域。 (白料)组合聚醚&&以聚醚多元醇为主料,加上泡沫稳定剂、复合催化剂、发 泡剂等其它辅料组合生产而成。 注意事项: 1、该产品一次用不完请盖好以防结皮固化,因使用方式,材料等不同,在使用过程 中如粘度太大,可适当加甲苯,二甲苯等调到适当的粘度,但一定要混合均匀,以达 到合适的粘度. 2、如胶水粘合溢出后要立即清洗,否则很难去掉,因此操作时配带眼镜,手套等不 要粘到手上,操作场所要注意通风. 3、由于该产品有部分非易燃溶剂,但也要远离火源,远离小孩能碰到的地方. 4、储存过程中可能会产生少量气体,请定期放气,以免造成包装物破损,储存期半 年,过了储存期未硬化仍可继续使用,可按非危险品运输,贮存温度:5&30℃. 5、清洗:盛胶容器或涂胶工具可用醋酸乙酯溶剂清洗。 设备投资5-10万元即可进行小规模生产,即每天可以生产1吨产品,每吨可获利 3000元以上。(若扩大投资,效益即会相应增长)。 该项技术对外转让,转让费10000元。 学员学习由资深工程师跟踪指导,直至学员能独立制作出合格产品,并长期负责 技术咨询,日后产品配方更新将不再收取学员任何费用。欢迎来人或函电咨询!
& & &&&&&& &
&:以上信息 聚氨酯发泡胶聚氨酯发泡组合料黑白料配方技术转让 由企业自行提供,内容的真实性和合法性由发布企业负责。
&产品网对此不承担任何保证责任。 举报投诉:如发现违法和不良资讯,请联系我们。
2016 版权所有ERP系统更新全部物料单号,怎么办?
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2011年10月 总版技术专家分月排行榜第一
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2011年 总版技术专家分年内排行榜第四2010年 总版技术专家分年内排行榜第九2009年 总版技术专家分年内排行榜第八
2011年10月 总版技术专家分月排行榜第一
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2011年8月 总版技术专家分月排行榜第二2011年7月 总版技术专家分月排行榜第二
2012年7月 荣获微软MVP称号
2014年4月 荣获微软MVP称号2013年4月 荣获微软MVP称号2009年1月 荣获微软MVP称号2012年4月 荣获微软MVP称号2011年4月 荣获微软MVP称号2010年4月 荣获微软MVP称号
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