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新年快乐~H???? ??? ???R?
誰が時間があったら 日本語を教えて 下さい
.. 你理工的?
.. 你理工的?
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reply.php 文件用于留言板中处理管理员对留言的回复及删除功能。
上面对于时间的处理需要注意一下,当回复内容为空时,那么认为是将原来的回复内容清空,这时候需要将对应的回复时间也设置为空(replytime = NULL)。
在回复成功时,这里我们采用了 JavaScript 方式的重定向到 admin.php 页面,与 submiting.php 中留言成功的基于 meta Refresh 重定向方式略有不同,具体采用那种方式视实际情况或个人喜好而定。
留言板程序中删除留言的处理很简单,只要判断为以 HTTP GET 方式请求该页并且 URL 参数中 action=delete ,那么就执行删除相关留言记录的 SQL 。
// 删除留言
至此,本套 PHP 留言板教程已经全部完毕,您可以查看附录整套 PHP留言板源代码 或者 点此下载 留言板源代码压缩包。
本章节内容共分 8 部分:请看右侧相关信息;
1. PHP 留言板制作详细教程(附源代码下载)
2. PHP 留言板教程数据库表设计
3. PHP 留言板留言信息读取展示
4. PHP 留言板留言表单及留言处理
5. PHP 留言板后台管理登陆
6. PHP 留言板系统后台管理
7. PHP 留言板后台管理回复及删除留言处理
8. PHP 附录:留言板源代码wang3820569
有 63 人来看过 | 粉丝
Good afternoon,my friend.These days are all National Days.Happy National Day!It has been such a long time since I came to your blog last time.Every year we have some special days like the National Day.These days always make me miss all my friends.No matter how far we are and whether we know each other or not,missing especially missing those happy memories makes my life colorful.The winter is coming, just take care of yourself by yourself for youself and also for ourselves ,because you are one of
Good morning, my friend.Today is the worst day of the new week.Firstly I must be sorry for such a long absence , just because I have so much work to do.Today I bring a small joke for you,hope you like.
Mother: Why are you jumping up and down?
Tom: I've just taken some medicine and I forgot to shake the bottle.
Actually, it's not only a joke but an educational story.Sometimes we can't change the objective environment , but change ourselves to reach the goal.Happy new week!
Good afternoon, my friend.Today is Mid-autumn Festival, happy the festival.Tomorrow I will attend the first class at the stage of graduate, even though I don't know what I'll get from those classes.There is a famous saying coming from Steve Jobs(史蒂夫·乔布斯):&you can't connect the
you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future&. Maybe not all the things that happens in our life can be connected
Dear friend,good evening, recently I haven't come to your blog everyday, and not shared something happened in my life, just because I have been so busy . This weekend I will be absent here , and also can not provide something interesting for you.Sorry about that but happy weekend and happy Mid-Autumn Festival.With my best wishes to you and your family.
Good morning, my friend.Today is Wednesday,for me, it goes on making me anxious,because I haven't receive the positive response from the tutor who I admire . I've been waiting for a long time, and
now become a little more and more anxious. You may know the tutor's importance to a graduate student. Actually the most important is not the achievements of the tutor but
what you'll learn from him/her in the future.It's a two-way selection , also a tough selection for each other.Yesterday night I to
Good afternoon, my friend.Last night, I was so &lucky& to catch a cold.So got up late in the morning.Health is the capital of everything.Wish you health and longevity.Today is Friday, but not &Black Friday&,you know why?Because the &Black Friday& always refers specifically to that kind of conditions:Firstly, it must be Friday.Secondly, it has to be the thirteenth day of one month at the same time.Thus, we'll never meet the &Black Friday& in 2011.But Jan 13
Good afternoon,my friend.Today is September 1st.On this day in 1930,the father of hybrid rice, Yuan Longping who is a really great man
was born.Happy birthday to him.Yesterday, I saw a movie named &The Beaver&,there happened to be two lines philosophic.I share them with you.&If a man dwells on the past, then he robs the present.But if a man ignores the past, he may rob the future.&如果一个人沉迷于过去,那他将失去现在。而如果一个人无法面对过去,他将失去未来。Hope you like, have a new nice month.
Good morning, my friend.Recently, many friends told me they had went back to shool.New term has begun,
&Stay hungry ,Stay foolish&.
Today, I will share with you a philosophy story about &Love&.有一天,柏拉图问老师苏格拉底什么是爱情?老师让他到到麦田里去,摘一棵全麦田最大最金黄的麦穗来,只能摘一次,且只可向前走,不能回头。柏拉图于是去了。结果他两手空空的走出了田地。老师问他为什么摘不到?他说:只能摘一次,又不能走回头路,即使见到最大最金黄的,但不知前面是否有更好的,所以没有摘;等走到前面时,又发觉总不及之前见到的好,原来早已错过了。老师说:这就是“爱情”。 Hope you like it , my friend.
Good afternoon, my friend.How is today?Have you been at work or study happily?Sometimes my friends ask me to teach them some Sichuan dialect.So whether you are a Sichuan people or not,today I will share one joke of Sichuan dialect with you. Hope you like.
老师叫一位同学用“恳求”和“要求”造句。 同学这样说道:妈妈炖了一锅猪蹄,爸爸吃时说:“恳求不动”妈妈反说道:“要求你恳。”解释:“恳求不动”指猪蹄没有熟透,啃不下来,咬不下来的意思,抱怨的语气。“要求你恳”意为:谁让你啃了?也就是给我放着,别挑三拣四。严厉的反抱怨语气。例如:做求不动(做不来)与要求你做(没叫你做)在四川话里也是类似的意思。
Good morning, my friend.After sending away the nice weekend,we have to face the challenge from everywhere, especially from
the working time.Today is monday, a new start of a new week.I want to share a famous saying with you , that is &We've got nothing but time,but time won't give us time&.So please make hay while the sun shines(抓紧时机行事) , do not think you've got enough time.Just keep walking while we are still young and don't forget to enjoy the pleasure right here,right now.
Good afternoon, my friend.It's raining cats and dogs in Shanghai just now .How is the weather in your city, today? Anyway, stay sunny in your heart, nothing can block off your sunshine, not to mention the weather, right?Let's enjoy some humorous lines from the famous movie &Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides(加勒比海盗4之惊涛怪浪)&.
Angelica:Admit it ,Jack (Captain Jack Sparrow),You still love me.
Jack:If you had a sister or a dog , I'll choose the dog.
Hope you like it.
Good morning, my friend. Today is Tuesday, of course is the businest day of the week.You may have heard &Black Friday&, but do you know &Black Tuesday&?Black Tuesday always means the depression or recession of economy.So today we have to work harder to prevent deterioration.
Hold on ,my friend,overcoming yourself means overcoming everything.
Good afternoon,my friend.I was so busy in the morning today that
l'm a little late here. Never mind , please.今天我们来看看加菲猫对于成功男人的背后怎么说的吧:Behind every successful man, there is a woman.And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人. 每个不成功男人的背后, 都有两个.
Haha, grinning all the time,my friend!
Good morning, my friend.看一则小笑话吧:某日刘洪涛遇到外宾,上前搭话曰:I am hongtao liu,外宾曰:我还是方片七呢! Haha,Maybe there
is not much fun, but smile is a good thing!
good morning, my friend~happy a new day~
hello,my new friend ,good evening!
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