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叫final say?吉林,小美A: 亲爱的小美:这句话的意思是:他们(指原来的唱片公司) 对我应该做什么样的音乐总是有最终发言权。这个final say字面意思是"最终发言权",可以理解为"决定权",say...Clear it up 21ST Q: Dear editor:我很喜欢陈冠希,因此当我发现第193期头版介绍的是陈冠希时,我非常高兴,从头到尾仔细地看了一遍,但在陈冠希说到原来的唱片公司时,他有 ……
[阅读数:2400] - 日 -
Clear it up 21ST Q: Dear editor,第215期2版上有两个句子我不太明白:1. About 300 children and young people from South America take part in it.2. 16 teams will take part. 这个take part in是什么意思?它和take part 有什么区别?Beijing ……
[阅读数:1652] - 日 -
Brain corner 21ST What colour is the moon?月亮到底是什么颜色呢?Q: What colour is the moon?A: While the moon appears to us as a bright, white disc (圆盘), it actually looks more like a grey storm cloud (雨云) close ……
[阅读数:3737] - 日 -
Brain corner 21ST Body part without a purpose人的身体上有个部位是没有用处的,你知道是什么吗?Q: What is an appendix (阑尾)?A: We are all born with an appendix but not everyone keeps. Unlike important part like the heart ……
[阅读数:2290] - 日 -
Clear it up一点通 21ST Q Dear editor:我在第175期头版的Snoopy漫画中看到查理布朗说的一句话I sort of thought so. 这个sort of是什么意思?请帮我解释一下好吗?Hunan, Liu JunADear Jun,Sort of 表示"有点、有些"的意思,等于kind of,常出现在口语中。说话者用这种语气常表示一种不确定或者是谦虚。例 ……
[阅读数:2188] - 日 -
Clear it up 21ST QDear editor,在198期3版的"异国同龄"上有一句话我不太明白:The kids bought Google stock as it reached $400 a share. 这是什么意思?share在这里是分享的意思吗? Jiangxi, An QiADear An Qi,Share 在这里不是"分享"的意思,而是指"每股(股票)",这句 ……
[阅读数:1936] - 日 -
to the beach. I can’t wait to kick back and relax. 释义:kick back是什么意思?肯定不是要踢什么东西吧?kick back and relax...做一个课题(project),可是活儿还没干完呢,Mike就开始放松娱乐起来,于是你满脸怒气地瞪着他。Mike: What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me like ……
[阅读数:788] - 日 -
provided a service (给小费). In Chinese, the sentence is "为什么理发师给我理了发我要付小费,而牙医给我补了牙,我却不给小费?"Q: What does... theatrical production (奢华的娱乐表演). In Chinese, the sentence is "但是,劳动节和解放日是最盛大的节日,大规模的奢华游行以群众性的体操表演为主".Q ……
[阅读数:3864] - 日 -
Out of this world 21ST 宇航员的太空生活是什么样子的?词数 335 建议阅读时间 5 分钟HAVE you ever imagined what it's like... Carpenter, 83, and Charles Duke, 73. Let's see what they think about their work and life.Q: Did you ever ……
[阅读数:2158] - 日 -
Guess what? 21ST A: Exciting news! Guess what?B: Come on, I don't want to guess.------------------Guess what? 猜猜是什么? ……
[阅读数:1727] - 日 -
Clear it up 21ST Q: Dear editor,本学期第9期8版的 I just want to go the bathroom, teacher这篇文章中有个句子我不明白,请帮我解释一下好吗?But on the whole, teachers are more reasonable these days. 这句话什么意思?还有these days 在这里是什么意思?谢谢 ……
[阅读数:1979] - 日 -
Answers 21ST 考试是不是考察个人能力最好的办法?路见不平你会行侠仗义还是袖手旁观?书本和报纸会被网络取代吗?什么原因导致青少年自杀率升高?面对这些热点问题,你一定有自己的看法,不过让我们先来看看演讲比赛的获奖选手们的精彩回答。Q: Do you think exams are the best way to evaluate (评价) a person's ability ……
[阅读数:1939] - 日 -
Brain corner 21ST Taking a closer look at the mysteries of the human body猜猜看,人体最大的器官是什么?Q: What is the largest organ (器官) in the human body?A: What organ covers all your muscles, bones, and other ……
[阅读数:3453] - 日 -
brain corner 21ST Men don't have spare ribs你知道人有多少条肋骨,它们的作用是什么吗?Q: How many ribs do people have?A: Some of you may heard the Bible (圣经) story about how God took a rib (肋骨) from Adam, the first man ……
[阅读数:2510] - 日 -
Clear it up 21ST Q: Dear editor,在日8版关于James LeBron的文章中,有这样一句话:LeBron, 22, recently returned after a back injury. injury加了注释,我知道是伤的意思,但back在这里是什么意思?谢谢! Shanghai, Jin YingA: Dear Jin Ying,back ……
[阅读数:1961] - 日 -
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