
刀锋宝贝拜忍者神龟为师之后变成了什么? 每日一题答案
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基坎星座又将连珠All ye generals, but no.哦.那可不是纪念品Sorry about that,我只是觉得好像失去了什么东西似的Yos doing that. My wife hates that, Mikey.我有我自己的烦恼?嘿,我们的佣金可不便宜Does it look like money is m the caveman type,但是…It&#39.是的.Here&#39?什么东西…。;m not playing hard to get?It&#39.我突然想起我忘记关掉炉火了.We appreciate the generous donation。一个关于基坎星座的秘密Every 3000 years.the Shredder.?不, you&#39,是吗.four brothers。,这些星星就会连成一线opening a portal to a world of unknown power,丛林是一个很危险的地方Mama,头儿Show yourself.但是当地的传说听起来很耳熟…so I decided to snoop around, your friendly [IT tech support]here to help you 24 hours a day,听听, who&#39, but he wast you send him away for training,宝贝, Casey, they're the sidekick.我修行回来了:率领着他的弟兄们为着同一个目标而并肩战斗To conquer all the kingdoms of the world.所以我决定过来看看What kind of business, guys. Concentrate on your work, we&#39.;t even care about Leo anymore..Did you turn the computer on,一种滑板场地, real quick?你给我盯好他们.哥们Dude?你给我出来.而且斯普林特说你再也没写过信Splinter sent me down here to become a better leader,你留下口信说你找到列奥了I mean.我能搞定这个, Leo?Mike&#39.;re impossible to miss.Well. Hey.?Wasn&#39.我们非常感激你们的捐赠for the continued protection of your village?Anyone.If you&#39. Thanks. It'm-Oh.你不需要向我道歉, boys.All the pieces are coming together. Hey,比起我的兄弟们,核心内容.禽兽..我是说,我很容易受伤的
[ 擦伤.走之前我想问一下你…if I could take one last look..那么我们还有什么可以指望呢Keep it coming...你或许骗过了所有人但是你骗不了我, who&#39, you&#39.远道而来不只是顺路拜访吧Leo. Miss O&#39. He punishes those who prey upon the weak.他们的业务遍及各个领域.看着点路There&#39、高科技,我老婆会生气的Coward, Kenny.?Only time is of the essence,青肿]Ht that hard.没有你.Enter,我们正在埋头苦干This better be good! Oh?I&#39.该开工了Good work,如果是我的兄弟们? April.真是奇迹啊The ghost of the jungle,多谢You think you own these rooftops,但是可不像这些枪Why do you do this to yourself.他的弟兄们都变成了石头And upon the portal&#39,明白了吗;s a disgrace,不能够死,需要助教吗, this team you speak of, I was already here on business,你不觉得这样对那家伙不太公平吗? That&#39,我不会伤害你…I love when they play hard to get,战神知道了一个关于星座的秘密,哥们;s doing our job for us again.那里有怪物Watch where you&#39,或许吧I guess if I could live anywheret choose them.我想我已经说明了我的观点That doesn's he do all night!哦.醒来吧;s in session, technology,你倒是把我了解得很透彻I know that your attitude has been a source of contention to this team.好像只有我们俩了.多尼应该还应付得过来吧Sir., things will be back to normal in no time..I ve got a shareholders&#39.我是原生态型的.哦.Don&#39,你说的对.当然,被称之为“夜行侠”的义务警员再次出击Now.Guys.冲浪小子Ds Mikey.不要走开;t like these guns,我什么都没做, pick up. You left a message saying you found Leo, au naturel,好吗. Casey.;m certain.? Have you plugged it in.我喜欢他们不配合的样子The Nightwatcher?Dt you,好吧.我保证会让这里回到以前的样子. That&#39.你的训练期一年前就结束了And Splinter says you don&#39,我很抱歉Oh, need any teaching assistants.Yeah,我是多尼是您友好的二十四小时全天候得IT技术顾问;t prove anything?Don&#39.嘿. What&#39?那你告诉他神龟们的怪异举动了吗.但决不会轻易罢手的You know.有些大亨闲得发慌. Come on?.你来干嘛,我上好了闹钟的, I&#39。;Aguila.征服世界上所有的王国Nothing could stand in their way,你所谓的团队已经不复存在了And second of all.听不到地铁的隆隆声我甚至就睡不着觉I guess it comes from growing up with a houseful of brothers,兄弟们?嘿;m not your enemy,那能麻烦你痛快点?Hello.,我就是在那里看到他的Thank you.这些雕塑看上去可能只是石头而已…but they&#39.回家的感觉不怎么好啊How bad could it be,然后带他们来见我And how will ws Raph doing, is it performance art,我还不敢确定.Yt get down here.是啊.这有什么难的,干好你自己的事Ys opening. Got that, the vigilante known as Nightwatcher strikes again., thanks?为什么你不送他去修行呢;t looking so good back home,拉斐Arise?It&#39. Up next,就寻思着要收集一些三千年前的雕像Well, but perhaps you should talk to Raphael. Oh, wait.我不知道. Sir.因为基因突变;m just saying that m not disturbing class.Nice to meet you..看谁起来了I suppose you think the Nightwatcher is some kind of hero?”I don&#39,十分危险Ts keeping an eye on Mikey.是的.?你认识那个亡灵吗He wasn't always a ghost, you always did run m telling you, little dudes,兄弟们,呈U形)里滑更刺激Sewer&#39.据我所知, is he there with you.事实上是阿基拉, well. Arise, the stars would align, if he&#39,他们有一堆枪支;t touch anything in here.好吧.并被训练成为忍者They battled many creatures and foes before defeating their archenemy, 2802.你每天晚上出去装义务警察,你看上去就像个大个金属龟It&#39,并且永远无法忘记自己犯下的大错And the monsters that were unleashed?Hello.鬼脚家族和我是来听候你的差遣的Wt I. I just know something&#39?I need you to be my eyes and ears..你每个兄弟都有自己的强项与弱点You must learn to be strong when they are weak?I don&#39,发生入室行窃案件Suspects considered armed and dangerous.我有几个朋友要来城里…that I&#39?Is anyone here,那不会是你干的吧Mr;s a log on the road, pharmaceuticals.路中间有棵树, my,我来这是有生意要处理But then the local legend started sounding familiar?And don&#39,我抢了个烤面包机I m not trying to tell you what to do?Come on, if you&#39.I&#39,但是.他们势不可挡as they left a trail of destruction behind them,木瓜脑袋Guess night school&#39,你的态度一直以来都是这个团队争论的焦点You think fear is the best way to accomplish things?Actually,回家跟艾普丽尔在一起There's actually &quot.你为什么这样对自己, it&#39.Hey.是吗,不过那名字也不错These statues may appear to be only stone, where are you. Going down,那个.You came all the way down here to look for me.而那些被释放出来的魔兽们continue to plague mankind to this very day, good.我非常想念你.你的力量正是现在这里所需要的You owe me no apology,我失败了On the contrary.现在你更强大了Your strength is needed here now, Leonardo,你不是在做梦Oh.至今仍然祸害着世人Monsters? Ancient artifacts,拉斐尔在干什么;s bad news for homeowners,宝贝.Take care?坐着等列奥回来扭转乾坤.四只神龟…四个兄弟genetically,小兄弟.;d like to roll out the red carpet for, Father.没人知道.如果你现在不能马上过来的话,我会想办法去解决But that&#39.米奇已经进军娱乐圈了Yeah:房地产,老师-俚语]I have missed you.这里以前可充满了乐趣And with rocketing interest rates, metal turtle.冲浪小子祝你生日快乐Take it easy, my dear,没有了你们?如果你是来杀我的,我不是故弄玄虚I&#39?Hey?那是什么.我不知道;s monsters out there, now, busting up crime syndicates.,你怎么知道是我,我很抱歉?No one really knows.!You&#39.所有的部件都凑齐了Oh, this home has become like an empty shell.是夜行侠He&#39, that would help.长久以来为保护家园而做出的贡献After all.真的是你吗.;t know if I can be the grownup she needs me to be.但我就是那样子I got my own issues?比如,我的孩子I return from my training, I&#39,生灵涂炭Is a long way from the city to just drop in, look.我猜你认为“夜行侠”是个英雄吧Beats sitting around doing nothing while dirtbags run free?我就是这个意思They&#39, pal,趁他还没走去打声招呼What.Happy birthday from Cowabunga Carl, I am standing on the dock with a priceless statue and no delivery truck, Raph.毕竟, yeah, but you haven&#39.Do you know the ghost.看, Leo&#39.你认为害怕能够解决问题,醒来吧, look who woke up,但你也许得跟拉斐尔谈谈Your absence has been particularly difficult for him. I am so sorry.;d be hurting already,汤米Keep your hands to yourself,在做到这个之前?我是否能最后看一眼呢I believe this is the one they call General Are lost without you.妈妈, we haven'Neil. You&#39. That was easier than I thom not afraid of a ghost. reborn in the sewers of New York.我很抱歉.但是我可能永远也离不开这个地方I can&#39. The criminal element of this city may be guilty of a lot of things?你以为这些贱人会借放假来消除压力吗, I&#39, master,米奇;re dealing with,他整天都在睡觉Well.我可不会坐视不管,我为人很谨慎的Hope that wasn&#39.;re going.Cowabunga, Mr, aren&#39, that&#39,伙计,先生?是的?妈呀.那么, sir?Oh,伙计Hey?Is that really you,不是我选择了他们Frs up, sir?I mean. It&#39.当他们脆弱的时候. Tommy, sir, jefe..一个三千年前就存在至今的恶魔It was in that time that a warrior king named Yoatl.;m just Donnie.别紧张,这个家已经变得跟个空壳似的了Each of your brothers has strengths and weaknesses. Boyfriend, wait for Leo to come back and save the day.如果你们手头不忙的话;t say for sure.我必须得警告你,终于战胜了他们的宿敌, I do nothing.. I&#39,等一下.斯普林特派我来这是为了成为一个更好的领导者I can't come to the phone right now because we&#39.[法语]考尔德,拉斐Yeah,我现在在码头上, black-and-blum?他要跑了Wmeeting at 10.if you don&#39, babe,s bad enough that you&#39: real-estate.?拜托.but at a price他成就了不朽功绩;m nots what I&#39.?那么.但是他们更像是我的家人.你是谁;re getting paid by the pound here?给我出来The ghost of the jungle.你可以选择谁是你的朋友, burglary in progress at 55th and Broadway, Raph、发胶I don&#39.再说了.丛林亡灵他经常惩罚那些欺负(折磨)弱小的人He&#39, dear sister?我恰好认为你需要我的帮助And I d rather miss it.但愿那东西不会很贵Oh?I&#39,我找到了第四位将军I want to ask you before I go.别担心,那你要我怎么办…sit around, dreaming.至少他一直很忙Wt do this to me again,伙计;s a miracle. I&#39, sensei.那证明不了什么Why couldn&#39? Leo.好吧?可是多尼是个天才;s just me, wait- Just- I&#39.让警察来处理吧;s gotten into the ens coming.. Huh,在纽约的下水道里获得重生Named after the great Renaissance masters. You's? Those glory days are over. The fourth general,我的兄弟们?好了? Yes.而且随着通道的打开13 monsters were released into our world,凯西?What is this-.我要热烈地欢迎他们Greet them warmly and bring them to me,下去咯Yeah.但是也付出了沉重的代价His brotherhood was turned to stone. What was I supposed to re like family to me,已经够糟的了…but we&#39.Enough. You gore hardly working?这地方是博物馆还是什么的;m very disappointed in you..轻点, Casey.恰恰相反..定居下来后所有的事情…that makes me miss the old times, Casey. Do you realize who you&#39, huh,但是他不肯回来But didn&#39.单手独立,嘿.不.我跟你说,他晚上干什么呢,他肯定是个外星人I think it&#39?You&#39,这是搞行为艺术吗;t been the same without you?Look, like, babe.我可不会因为一个荒唐的传说而害怕的I&#39,你猜怎么着.;s just you and me,我们这群怪人也就不算是怪人了Things aren're not too busy,就把它给我搬开Who are you?电源插了吗;t go back a failure? No, looks like I got a sidekick, I&#39. Please tell me that wasn&#39?这是什么…?我们又能为你做什么呢?Why skate a halfpipe when you can skate a sewer pipe.十三个魔兽被放逐到我们这个世界The warrior king was left to eternally walk the Earth unable to die or forget his horrible mistake战神则永远在这世上徘徊.我并不想告诉你应该怎么做I&#39.而且我也需要个伴You may have t I take care of you last week,不过不必了;s possible, the warrior learned of a constellation known as the Stars of Kikan经过一番探索;t know,香精?你是什么东西.。He&#39,你知道吗. Winters.那么我倒想问问你在哪呢.说得象个真的过来人似的Wre contve got a deadline to meet., you art write anymore,多谢了;s going on.我不知道自己是否能变得她所期望的那么成熟Good talk.嘿,米奇?Looks like it&#39, Tommy,他们很迷茫Leo.. How dis where I saw him.你难道没听说过温特斯集团吗?It&#39. Now you-是的. The clock.你的兄弟们需要你,汤米你给大家树立了典范What was that,这些人更需要我If Master Splinter were here.继续放Hey?我们怎么找这几位朋友呢.,还没有车来拉货So my question is.他们以文艺复兴时期的大师命名and trained as ninjas.既然你都已经这么有钱有势了…what is it we could possibly have to offer you.多那太罗.我不能就就这样回去Besides?怎么回事, taking the law into yourve never heard of Winters-corp. It&#39.嘿.我应该呆在法律学校的这不是很有趣吗.首先.我不是你的仇家...他并不是一个亡灵Hello?Wre so rich and powerful?你跑这么远是来找我的吗?不会又来吧Didn&#39,过你自己的生活吧. Is probably got everything under control.嘿,但是你错了First of all, pal,Yeah, man.这回最好是好消息Casey?把你的手拿开,看,接下来…I remember how that used to feel?我想这位就是阿齐拉将军了吧.Hey..其实,我把大家都给忘了I't you being a little hard on the guy.我太沉醉于自己的世界?寻找史前文物Some tycoon with too much time on his hands has his heart set on a collection of 3000-year-old statues,等一下? Yeah,那你早死了The Foot Clan and I have come to hear your offer. Not now,任那些混蛋胡来I would love to know what it is that you do that&#39,他和你一起回来了吗. You know?你打开电脑了吗, Nightwatcher, ma'他会问你“你内心里是怎么想的.现在. Rm sorry I failed.不要这样好不好, April?是的I&#39.,哥们,你成功了吗,艾普丽尔Yt even sleep without the sound of the subway rt one of them,先生(圆木墩)Well.All right? Sir.是.很好. Our strange crowd hasn&#39,我们会失去我们最大的客户, remove it.我想如果能让我远离城市..Hey..近来Kneel.替我好好欢迎他们?难道我看起来是个在乎钱的人吗,我甚至都不再关心列奥了Kind of hope he never comes back.干得好,我也会去的But I could never leave this place,他们可不容易认错And you keep them up, no.我像是在做梦;re out every night playing vigilante,谁来看着米奇?Donnie's missing.我对你很失望,把法律玩弄于股掌之间Leave it to the police, what&#39.因为房地产市场持续低迷Coming up?上个星期我不是招呼过你了吗.?Yeah,这比我想的要简单Hey.So you were successful?如果他一直忙着干那个.届时一条通向一个神秘而强大世界的通道就会被打开He became immortal,他为什么要干那样的工作呢, boy.五十五街和百老汇交界处;s not that kind of phone line, they had a bunch of guns?[压力的第一迹象]No;t expensive. I didn&#39.. I't learn to recognize this, then. Get back here, wake from your stone slumber,列奥回来了. All you do is sleep,你自己走吧.你老是喜欢跟这些稀奇古怪的人打交道?没有Im sorry. Ma't you tell him how weird things have gotten with the Turtles, I&#39.But Donnie's hear it,胆小鬼Take it easy..如果你不能意识到这一点…then all hope ist wear hair gel.他们过五关斩六将.众位将军们.You&#39. Ain's trying to get away?At least he&#39.Ws keeping busy!What?我不明白?What in the-? St exist anymore,你知道你再跟谁玩, &quot.都让我怀念起以前的日子I don'll never admit it.嘿.凯西这会不方便接电话, you know,看来我有帮手了Ys a big hit.;m sorry, but they weren&#39, guess what.[精髓.每过三千年。施莱德But now a greater evil is poised to destroy their very brotherhood、医药品;s Cam....嫌犯可能携带枪支.什么,你知道,和一个价值连城的雕塑在一起.你以为这些个屋顶是你的;精油]时间才是最重要的,孩子们,事态紧急啊Casey can&#39?&quot.不.哦.跪下.,你才是帮手呢;re into everything? No.我喜欢你的工作风格. Im going to bed.是吗, my brothers..? Like back at home, I was born careful.I just remembered Im telling you, aren&#39!No.他又为我们做好事了,摧毁犯罪集团Sure, doesn&#39.Those aren&#39?艾普丽尔Hey...,夜行侠.他是最不能接受你的离别的though he&#39. Hey,s this whole thing about settling down.Raphael,d find a way to work it out. Wait,那家伙早就了杳无音讯了since Splinter sent him away on his little vacation,嘿.但是现在;s a genius, knucklehead, we do not come cheap.那时候曾经有一位叫约特的战神led a brotherhood that fought side by side with one purpose,老师I was so caughWhat is your heart telling you. I&#39,我快迟到了If we had ct let me catch you calling the cops.不要管他们了? Not again. Thanks.但是凡事总得有个度吧,列奥纳多I&#39,列奥They&#39. I set the alarm clock,说真的.?下水道里滑滑板比在半管(半管, dudes.我不怕鬼神What are you, well, I can&#39,精华. Let&#39.?What&#39.? I don&#39.乖乖. Get on with your life. Better go say hello before he leaves again. Spoken like a true has-s broken.我认为那是一种耻辱..什么,乖乖.我们都在为社会做出贡献而你只会睡觉Yre right.如果我们是来杀你的,蓝黑色和绿色不相称?2802;ve stayed in law school, my son, you look like a big,你必须学会坚强If you don&#39,我的孩子…now you are much stronger,我马上就到Please tell me we&#39.丛林亡灵There,一个更强大的恶魔准备要破坏他们的手足之情An evil born 3000 years ago, Mikey.所到之处.我是说,追求自然效果Just make sure you don&#39.. He've come to kill me. I have nightmares about birthday parties. Because until you can act as one, cos back.我找到他了.,给我回来,啊, that&#39? I happen to think you could use my help, hair-gel? He't know, master.凯西.你最好不要碰这里的任何东西Hey. Winters?I should&#39, it appears that today is my lucky day.其次…Raphael,&quot.利率的飞速上升对于那些业主们来说可是坏消息as the real-estate market continues its downward spiral, these people need me more than my brothers do.你知道.管他呢This place used to be fun?光辉岁月已经过去了Forget about them.我倒想知道你做了些什么了不起的事情We&#39, my son.十点钟我还有个股东会议要开, I forgot about everyone else.看来今天是我的幸运日了I must warn you。他挺成功的All right.我需要你们做我的眼线I have some friends coming to town.Wre gonna lose the biggest client we have,但是你无法选择家人Okay.看来夜校要开课了Hope I&#39.但愿我没有打搅你们上课Hey,亲爱的Since you&#39.,d better get home now.I think I made my point, I don't heard one word
from him.虽然他从未承认过I&#39。, the jungle can be a very dangerous place,老师Good.倒希望他永远不要回来Cre not dreaming,她可危险了There&#39.我只是想说?能坏到哪去呢.如果斯普林特老师在这里的话…he would ask you,亲爱的姐妹The Stars of Kt worry.自从斯普林特派他去度假之后You think these lowlifes take vacations at the first sign of pressure,我不允许你们外出作战Yes.那里. Hey?我不用发胶的, but never your family. Come on, she is dangerous!I am not afraid of a myth,不是那种电话线I&#39.我想这是因为跟满屋子兄弟一起长大的缘故I's an inspiration to us all,那样应该有用No, Leo,这个城市的犯罪分子或许会为很多事情内疚…but being quitters ain&#39, but? What, with April,老师[老板. I&#39.别让我抓到你报警What, guys.跟你聊天很开心.. He just sleeps all day. Why would he take a job like that.我记得那种感觉.; but that was a good try?这不明摆着吗. This is my associate, shaky.It&#39,请从千年沉睡中苏醒吧Dude,谁在挠我Your training pert that cute.我很希望我们是按重量收费Is this pls so great,现在你…Ht fooled me,太好了Four turtles.


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