
《爱丽丝漫游记读后感》100篇 第一文库网
爱丽丝漫游记读后感1000字刚放假,孩子又捧起了《爱丽丝漫游记》开始阅读,我不解的问那不是她早已读过的书吗?孩子欣喜地告诉我这本书被拍成电影了,她想再读一次。 今天下午,童心未泯的我也捧起《爱丽丝漫游记》来看,我想我要读了这本书才能和孩子一起探讨,哪…
刚放假,孩子又捧起了《爱丽丝漫游记》开始阅读,我不解的问那不是她早已读过的书吗?孩子欣喜地告诉我这本书被拍成电影了,她想再读一次。日记http://www. 今天下午,童心未泯的我也捧起《爱丽丝漫游记》来看,我想我要读了这本书才能和…
刚放假,孩子又捧起了开始阅读,我不解的问那不是她早已读过的书吗?孩子欣喜地告诉我这本书被拍成电影了,她想再读一次。 今天下午,童心未泯的我也捧起来看,我想我要读了这本书才能和孩子一起探讨,哪怕就是说说里面发生的离奇故事情节。
《爱丽丝漫游记》有感 (2015.5)在本学期中,学校倡导我们老师一起来读校图书馆中的童书。一直号召同学多读童书的我捧起《爱丽丝漫游记》来读。读过之后,深深感受到这本书一直深受中外读者喜爱的原因。这本书最出色的地方就是作者丰富的想象力,作者创造了一段…
《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》读后感 我爱看的故事书是《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》。我觉得这本书很好看,因为里面的词语、句子都用得非常好。这本故事书一共有十二篇文章,第一章写爱丽丝毫不犹豫的和一只兔子跳进了一个很深很深的洞里,在洞里经历了一些稀奇古怪的事情。第二章写…
读了这本书后,我就幻想着如果我有爱丽丝的大胆和勇敢会是什么样子,爱丽丝的单纯、勇敢在我脑海里久久不能忘怀。 此书大致内容大家应该都知道:爱丽丝在无意中发现了一只神秘的小兔子,掉进了树洞,居然睡着了。这个喜爱幻想的小女孩进入了一个有趣的梦境。梦见她掉进…
《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》读后感 《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》读后感 《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》是由英国作家路易斯?卡罗尔于1865年出版的一本童话故事。 爱丽丝圆圆的脸,水汪汪的大眼睛如宝石一样闪亮。挺尖的鼻子,樱桃小嘴,金黄发丝,可漂亮了! 这个故事讲述了一个名叫爱…
《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》读后感 300 字 前一段时间,我读完了《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》这本书。 书中主要讲述了一个叫爱丽丝的小女孩子,在梦中为了追逐一只会说话的 红眼睛的白兔,掉进了一个奇怪的兔子洞。然后她就遇到了许多稀奇古怪的 事:她的身子可以变大再变小…
《爱丽丝漫游奇遇记》读后感青岛市平度经济开发区实验学校 五年级二班 唐艺 指导老师:戈艳艳 联系电话: 北京大学教授、文学评论家张颐武曾经说过:是啊!《爱丽丝漫游奇遇记》就是我的第一本。故事讲述了一个叫爱丽丝的小女孩,和姐姐在河…
读《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》的读后感 这是一本故事书,里面的故事荒诞不经,离奇而可笑;这是一本不过百余页的书,所展现的仅仅是一个小女孩在一个漫长的下午遇见的各种不可能存在的动物和人;这也是一本即使在童话书中都显得极其普通的书,故事中的所有角色都会说话,都有…
《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》读后感 学校: 班级: 姓名: 我爱看的故事书是《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》。我觉得这本书很好看,因为里面的词语、句子都用得非常好。这本故事书一共有十二篇文章, 第一章写爱丽丝毫不犹豫的和一只兔子跳进了一个很深很深的洞里,在洞里经历了一些…
《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》读后感_600字爱丽丝漫游奇境记是由英国作家查尔斯 勒特威奇 道其森(笔名刘易斯 卡罗尔)于1865年出版的一本童话故事。故事讲述了一个名叫爱丽丝的小女孩,在梦中追赶一只兔子而掉进了兔子洞,并由此进入了一个奇妙的世界,开了一段神奇…"爱丽丝梦游仙境读书笔记范文"的糗事
  Spring has just spread its wings. I always walk by the garden and think.
“What a beautiful season!” I like reading as much as people like spring. I enjoy
reading books under a tall cherry blooms tree. The petals fall down slowly and
lightly and make me very happy, just like going to a sweet dream. If the book is
Alice in Wonderland, I think it will be wonderful.
  I finished reading this book a few days ago. The plot in this book is very
attractive. Oh, in my opinion, it is not only a book but also a story about
adventure, that’s boys’ favorite. And it is a fairy tale about daydream, too. I
think most of girls like daydream, including me. So I love this book very
  Alice is a little simple girl. She was sitting under a tree at first. Then
she saw a white rabbit and ran after it, the rabbit jumped into a rabbit-hole
and so did Alice. She fell down and down and came to a different place called
‘Wonderland’. Everything was strange there. She saw the bottle which had ‘Drink
me’ on it and drank it, her size changed. That was really exciting! I always
imagine that I can change my size according to my wishes, and then I can be tall
enough to reach the biggest red apple which is hanging over on the top of the
tree. Or I can be short enough to visit the house of ants. Do you think it would
be interesting? So we can know how lucky Alice was!
  Alice also met some birds and took part in a strange race called Caucus
race. It was funny because everybody started to run at different times and
stopped at different times too. After the race, the birds said goodbye to Alice
and went away. Alice walked and walked, she met the white rabbit again but it
did not recognize her, it called her ‘Mary Ann’ and asked her to bring its hat
for it. Alice was afraid and would like to get bigger, so she found some strange
mushrooms for dinner. She talked to the caterpillar which was sitting on the top
of the mushroom. At last the big caterpillar told Alice ‘Eat the mushrooms you
will change you size.” And then it vanished.
  After that, Alice went to her adventure. She met Duchess, the Cherish Cat.
The Cherish Cat was very strange. It had a smile on its face. What a lovely and
different cat! Later, she took part in a tea party and she discussed about time
with a mouse and a hare. But actually she thought the tea party was very boring
and stupid so she went away and came to a garden. To her surprise, everyone here
was only card! The queen of the cards was bad-tempered. If you meet her, you’ll
be afraid because she always shouted “Cut off his head! Cut off her head!” And
they hold a trial because they thought someone stole the tarts.
  In the end, Alice found that was only a dream, she was still sitting under
the tree. And the story ended. But I learnt many things from this book. In Alice
in Wonderland, impossible is nothing, but the wonderland seems to be strange and
stupid to us. Because the things we do or we think are always sensible. We will
lose so much fun in this way.
  In fact, the story is a dream, but it shows me a different idea, just like
our childhoods. I don’t want to grow up. I will have no choice but to face many
difficulties and bad things when I grow up. Actually Wonderland is a nice place.
That’s why I like this book. I always believe, the world is peace and wonderful,
the cherry will always be in full bloom. Like what Dickens said “The pure, the
bright, and the beautiful. These things shall never die.”
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再次仰望天空,眼神不会迷茫.北方的北斗星将会随着季节而改变方向,而人生的方向不会因为时间而改变.爱丽丝已经从梦中醒来,而我的梦想,则是刚刚开始…… 英文:
Story begins with the story of a girl named Alice, and sister in an accident when reading a book into the world. There, she experienced a lot in reality things are not. Talking rabbits, can change into small pills, and the moves of the poker, and when she suddenly woke up after a crisis, they find that this is only a long dream of his own ... ...
Close your books this, rubbed his tired eyes, I fell into silent contemplation. When watching a small, think Alice blessed, you can enter the world of the book, even if it was a dream.
Have dreams, Alice's dream has been to fulfill her dreams?
Certainly, we do think this book is not simply the dream of her. Initially, Alice has just fallen into the hole, had thought she would cry like a normal girl, like a row, not the idea, but I was wrong, she gave her a strong and optimistic side presented to the reader, Let us know the story of the hero is not a weak timid little girl. The playing cards behind the soldiers and the queen with the exchange in another show of her intelligent and courageous.
Alice is a girl showed us her story could not help but to like her to because she experienced many ups and downs, while heart rate more than to escape because of her plight and very happy ... ...
Which is such a girl, I thought myself. I also have their own dreams, has also been indulging in the dream, joy, or cry. More want to get into the book to understand that beyond the general excitement. Used to think that dreams are so far away, because there is always gap between dreams and reality, the dream of paradise in the end how far? I really can go hand touch the place?
Thought of this, I do not know when the sky has been covered with the stars, look down their hands have been holding for a long time, "Alice in Wonderland" on the cover of Alice with a smile and her sister sat under the red maple, Sprinkled with a bright red maple leaves in ... ... could not help but laugh, and laugh like Alice, she can as brave and optimistic, why do I not? Although distant dream, though not real, but his heart is true, if we really want, nothing will do the same?Again look at the sky, eyes not confused. North of the Big Dipper will change direction with the seasons, while the direction of life will not change with time. Alice has been waking up from a dream, and my dream is just beginning ... ...
Example Two:
This is the perfect book to share with younge children. It may be intended to be read by children but I am in eighth grade and still love it. If you are looking for a funny, entergetic, and family friendly story then you have found one in Alice in Wonderland. I give this classic tail five stars and two thumbs way up.Alice in Wonderland is about a girl that falls in a hole and goes into this magical world. I think "Alice in Wonderland" is an OK book for my age if you like fantasy books. You may not like it because nothing makes sense. For example, they have a trial where the witnesses don't know about the crime and the Judge says to the jurors, "That's important!" but the Rabbit corrects him. I think it would have been a better book if I was 7 and my mom was reading it to me right before bed. The only problem with that is that younger kids might not understand much of the vocabulary but they might still enjoy it if you explain the words to them. If you're an adult and want a good book for your 5, 6 or 7 year old, I recommend Alice in Wonderland..


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