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Maldives Resorts Stop Providing Hot Water to Chinese Tourists to
Prevent Them From Eating Instant Noodles
From TaihaiNet March 11 news, according to a China Economic Net report, Hong Kong media claim that according to information from multiple Chinese travel agencies, tourists who like eating instant noodles should think twice before booking a holiday to resorts in the Maldives. Some high-end vacation resorts have already stopped providing Chinese tourists with hot water, in order to prevent them from eating only instant noodles and not spending money in restaurants.
A March 8th news report from the website of Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post says that according to former guest service manager Zhao Jianke of the 5-star Beach House Iruveli holiday resort in the northern part of the Maldives, some are even saying the meaning of China’s abbreviation “CN” is “cup noodle” {instant noodles). Zhao Jianke worked at this resort from 2012 October to 2013 February.
Zhao Jianke’s post describing the discriminatory practices of the Beach House Iruveli has triggered anger on Chinese social media in recent days, with netizens calling for boycotts against this resort. Many potential tourists claim that they will not go vacationing to this island country in the Indian Ocean, until this resort makes officially apologizes.
Zhao Jianke says, ever since the new general manager assumed office in 2012 December, employees have been required to treat Chinese tourists differently.
Zhao Jianke’s says in his statement that the new general manager requires them to remove the kettles in every Chinese tourist’s room, while the kettles in the rooms of European tourists remained. This statement has already been forwarded/reshared tens of thousands of times on .
Zhao Jianke says, although Chinese tourists have constantly complained, especially the elderly and couples on holiday with their children, the general manager refuses to provide kettles.
Zhao Jianke claims this general manager remarked in public occasions that “CN” means “cup noodles”, and refuses to welcome Chinese tourists when they arrive at the pier, while always welcoming the European tourists.
Zhao Jianke states that a Chinese chef was later fired, and other employees, including himself, were also forced to quit.
The news report points out that an official statement by the Beach House Iruveli claims these criticisms are “vicious slander” and they do not treat Chinese tourists differently. The statement says: “The Chinese market is extremely important to us, and we have always warmly welcomed Chinese tourists to stay with us.”
Spokeswoman Linda Petrie on March 8th said: “Because tourists have damaged the kettles by cooking with them, our resort did indeed remove some of the damaged kettles from the rooms. This was just routine maintenance/precaution.”
The report say that on China’s Weibo, some people have expressed their shock and disappointment.
An agent in Beijing who’s specializes in Maldives tourism named Jenny expressed that some tourists have canceled their travel plans to the Maldives. Jenny admits that this kind of discrimination is “very rare” in Maldives resorts.
After Zhao Jianke’s expose, many travel agencies have stopped recommending the Beach House Iruveli resort to their clients. Jenny says: “After this incident, all my clients have made a new request when booking holiday resorts: No discrimination.”
Comments from :
石门一只眼 [网易河北省网友]:
On our own country’s high-speed railways, you also can’t eat instant noodles. Even our own people treat us like this, much less outsiders. Sigh.
能出名么 [网易辽宁省沈阳市网友]: (responding to above)
Aren’t you misleading people here? And there are even over 200 [20,919 at time of translation]
you. Don’t you know that the high-speed rail trains are fully sealed, and that the smell of instant noodles isn’t able to dissipate?
盖尔森 [网易江苏省南京市网友]: (responding to above)
If it’s fully sealed, how come it didn’t suffocate a hillbilly like you???
能出名么 [网易辽宁省沈阳市网友]: (responding to above)
, you big stupid cunt, go ride in a high-speed rail train if you haven’t yet, you simpleton.
fish腥 [网易广东省云浮市网友]: (responding to 能出名么)
The second floor [the first person who responds to a comment] is related to high-speed rail staff, I presume? Sooner or later a train will kill you, you stupid cunt.
ewq112ewq [网易上海市网友]: (responding to 能出名么)
Is there a problem with the air conditioning systems on high-speed trains?
能出名么 [ 网易辽宁省沈阳市网友]: (responding to fish腥)
, just because you’re not allowed to eat food that smells means I’m related to high-speed rail staff? Stupid cunt, fuck your mother. Just so you can eat poop in the train car, you’d have others suffer.
把民主踏碎 [网易浙江省杭州市网友]: (responding to 石门一只眼)
The first floor [the first commenter at the top of a discussion thread to which all the others responded] is obviously a poor cunt, You can’t
buy some food service and have to eat your motherfucking instant noodle?
网易广东省深圳市网友 ip:113.90.*.*: (responding to 石门一只眼)
You’re just spreading rumours, have you even traveled on the high-speed rail before?
bfett16 [网易浙江省温州市网友]:
If you don’t provide us hot water for instant noodles, we’ll just eat it dry, leaving dried noodle bits all over the floor! Then cover the floor with pickings from our feet! Then dirty your bathroom! And before we leave, we’ll take away all the bath supplies, and shine our shoes with your bedsheets, heh heh…
周辉4 [网易湖北省武汉市网友]: (responding to above)
Enough, you win, here’s your hot water.
撸紧tao [网易海南省海口市网友]: (responding to bfett16)
Looks like this brother does this often, knowing the sequence so well.
网易北京市网友 ip:114.250.*.*: (responding to bfett16)
Then toss used condoms in the room, and make other people disgusted, right? This is the characters of you
people, the most inferior race in the world.
An American person, a Japanese person, and a Shina pig were captured by a man-eating tribe while exploring the jungle, but the chief of the tribe says: “I’m in a good mood today, I won’t eat you, but all of you must be spanked 100 times, but before you are spanked, you can have one wish granted.” The first one to be spanked was the Shina pig, and he says: “Before I am spanked, first put 10 cushions on my butt.” After the cushions were placed, the spanking came like pouring rain. The first 70 spankings were okay, but after the first 70 spankings, the cushions were all destroyed, and each spanking that came after drew blood. After the spanking was over, the Shina pig held his butt with his hands and waited to see what would happen with the other two. Seeing this, the Japanese demanded 100 mattresses, and after the 100 spanks were done, he dusted off his butt without a scratch, then opened his stinky mouth to brag about his ability to imitate and improve, and sat down on the side to see the American guy get spanked. The American slowly lay face down, and casually said: “Come, put the Shina pig on me, Oh, and with his body face upwards.”
网易湖北省武汉市手机网友 ip:113.57.*.*: (responding to bfett16)
Brothers, you’re a newbie, let brother [referring to the person himself] tell you his story. In 2004, I was on a business trip in Haibowan district in Wuhai [of Inner Mongolia] and stayed at the Haibowan Hotel where the staff offended me. I peed in the kettle, took a shit directly on the bed, covered it with the blankets, cut the TV cable (turned on), and drained all the water from the water dispenser.
XL35800 [网易北京市网友]:
Eating instant noodles on a vacation, just think about how struggling Chinese people are within.
Comments from Sina Weibo ( & ):
Ah, then wouldn’t people like me who bring electric cookers with them on vacation have their power/electricity cut…?
If you go there you should of course have the seafood there… why be so wretched as to eat instant noodles…
It’s not that we don’t go spend money, it’s because we genuinely can’t get used to the food there. It’s not western food, nor pure Indian cuisine, the taste is so light. Coming back after eating the beach dinner every day, my husband would still eat instant noodles.
Somebody’s intentionally smearing [Maldives tourism]!
Not all of our compatriots are lavish spenders, there are more that are hardworking economical common people. Promote frugality, even when abroad! .
I was thinking about spending my honeymoon there, now I can only he he. Would people who have spent so much money, to travel that far away, and stay in such an expensive hotel be so stingy about a few meals? Fuck your mother’s cunt!
Naked discrimination, now I’m really angry.
So embarrassing… This time when I go I’m going to pretend to be a Japanese…
Sigh, our compatriots are all !
They really don’t know how to do business. Chinese people’s wits is unstoppable, an electric cup and a heating rod will do.
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