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Rampage Knights
Rampage Knights update 1.3
21 October, 2015
This update makes the changes from the &Beta& version public along with other small fixes.We have been working on improvements and fixes of the networking implementation to address lags some people are experiencing in online co-op. We have completly rewritten big chunk of the multiplayer implementation and the code that synchronizes inputs between the host and the client.We have implemented several new optimizations that should help the game run better in online mode and also on slower computers and notebooks. These are major changes with possible unforseen consequences, so if you experience any issues or crashes please report them in the Community Hub's Discussions.There is a new &Network rate& option available in the game. The option specifies how frequently the game sends packets between the host and the client. We recommend keeping the network rate at &fast& unless you experience some networking issues. (For example, if you are on wi-fi network and you see freezes or lags, you can try to set the network rate to medium.) Slower network rates are less demanding on your connection but the movement of enemies and other player may seem more jerky.Gameplay changes and fixes: Assassin always uses stomp on ghoul heads instead of assassination skill. Ghoul heads cannot be hit by melee attacks. You can kill them by stomping or dashing. Pirate's parrot cannot hit ghoul heads lying on the ground. Damage taken after drinking Mountainer's Schnaps potion does not hit hero's armor or divine shield. Effects from Mountainer's Schnaps and Buff from the Pit are stackable. When pirate gets drunk by drinking from keg, the regeneration is triggered immediately. Achievement Friendship is Magic is now properly rewarded in local co-op game. Mod items are showing proper (big) icon in the &last acquired& panel. Victory screen scroll is no longer cut off in 4:3 resolution. Fixed bug where skins from items and status effects were not applied properly during ressurect animation in online co-op. Sometimes in online co-op with high pings the &death fanfare& was played twice or it was played even if no hero really died. This could also happen for sound played when a golden chest was opened. This bug is now fixed.Network fixes: Complete rewrite of multiplayer implementation and input synchronization between the host and the client to address lags some people are experiencing. Added &Network rate& option to control frequency of network updates between the host and the client. Fixed &desync& and &input frame mismatch& errors. Fixed crash when trying to continue saved online game on clients.If you were participating in the &Beta& build, we recommend you to switch back to public version. We may use the beta branch for testing in future which can make the game more unstable and bugged temporarily.How to switch back to public version: In your Steam library, right click on Rampage Knights and click &Properties&. Select &BETAS& tab. Click the list below and select &NONE - Opt out of all beta programs.& item in the list. Click close. Steam should automatically switch to non-beta build. You should see &Rampage Knights& instead of &Rampage Knights [beta]& in your Steam library.
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Rampage Knights update 1.7
4 March, 2016
New update is here!Endless Dungeon We added an Endless Dungeon game mode where you keep descending deeper and deeper into a neverending dungeon with challenges along the way. The Endless Dungeon starts on a hard difficulty and increases difficulty after each boss battle a bit. There is now a portal in the camp which you can use to enter a Shadow World or the Endless Dungeon. The Shadow World is not entered by talking to Tim anymore. The Endless Dungeon is unlocked once you complete the campaign at least once. In the Endless Dungeon passive items cannot stack (you can have only one instance of each passive item). In the Endless Dungeon you can have only three familiars at once. You can have only one familiar of the same type. Sword of the Underworld, Paladin's Belt, Amulet of Light and Magic Elven Leaf don't spawn in the Endless Dungeon. Game tracks the maximum level reached in the Endless Dungeon which can be viewed in the statistics menu in the camp. To make the endless mode more balanced, vitality is now capped at 200 and spell damage is capped at 50. New achievement Rolf's Demise.Gameplay changes and other new content The game tracks how many times you have completed the Shadow World. Because the game didn't track this statistic before, it starts from 0 (sorry). Added a new short level to the campaign following the dungeon level. Dragon boss now has three variants - fire, poison and ice. Demonic armor now regains 1 durability after each battle (not after each kill). Player takes double damage from melee attacks of demons when having immunity to curses. Projectiles (bees) spawned by Queen Bee item don't hit other player in co-op anymore. Disabled snowing theme from holidays and reverted back to normal weather in the forest and the courtyard levels. Locked faces in appearance menu in the camp show which challenges unlock them. A chance for rooms with pits on insane difficulty is the same as for other difficulties, so there are less rooms with pits in a campaign in general. Shadow World randomization does not save the players' look and class in their profile. When the Shadow World play is finished, the players are reset back to their original appearances. Increased delay between consecutive attacks of Demonic Eye familiar. Familiars don't shoot if there are no enemies in room. Shuffle from the Wheel of Misfortune does not shuffle spellbooks, so spell damage is not lost. Scroll of Black Magic gives spell damage +30 instead of +10. Bean of Unnatural Growth gives +1 vitality in the endless mode (it still gives +2 in the normal campaign). Freezing waves spawned by ice wizards (and thorn wave of the Slimehead boss) are stopped by pits and walls. A new female hero: Fish Lady Warrior New hats: Black Sombrero, Bowler, Toadstool Hat, Fez. A New &Stay away!& emote. Devil's Pact item graphics was changed so it cannot be mistaken for a scroll. A new and stronger version of Ghoul for the second half of the campaign. A new enemy Slasher with low health but massive damage. Many pit rooms and spike rooms have been revised to make them less frustrating. New types of explosive barrels: poison a ice barrels. This also affects the pyromancer curse. Spitter totem can be jumped over but you get hit if you try to land on it.Bug fixes and technical improvements Freedom Giver should give patriotic clothing to all classes now. Fixed a bug where waves spawned by ice wizards didn't spawn on ground tiles created by Scroll of Builder. Fixed a bug where dying with appearance menu opened in the camp could make the player invulnerable. Fixed pumpkin mob's chance to throw pumpkins being too high in situations when there are more than four pumpkins in a room. Fixed bug where rolling spikeballs could fall into pits sometimes. That also caused strange sound behavior of the rolling sound. Fixed a bug where upgrade from the Wheel of Misfortune was giving spell damage +10 instead of +5. Fixed a bug where Medal of Light and Magic Elven Leaf didn't remove curses/diseases when picked up. Fixed a bug where giants who slipped on banana peel could not be hit while wobbling. Fixed a bug where frozen beholder disappears for a while when hit from uppercut attack. When you connect to an online game where someone else has played before, you won't get the class of the previous player anymore. You get weapon, items and status effects from the character of the previous player, but your appearance and class will use your preferred setting from your profile. Note that this may result in some items being dropped. For example if you connect as a warlock to a character who had familiars, the familiars will be dropped since warlock cannot have familiars. The same can happen for armor with barbarian class and boots with pirate class. Windows: The game is now high DPI aware so it can run natively in 4k resolutions. This fixes fullscreen not working properly on 4k monitors with custom scaling level other than 100%.
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《暴虐骑士(Rampage Knights)》是一款由Rake in Grass制作发行的横版动作冒险类游戏!在游戏中玩家扮演一名被困于魔法森林中的英雄。所有的路径都引导你前往附近的城堡废墟,那里不满了小妖精,骷髅人和其他的邪恶生物,这里一定是黑魔法之源。你将鼓起勇气探索这个随机生成的世界,使用各种法术和武器跟它们战斗。《暴虐骑士》游戏采用横版卷轴的形式,提供八向移动机制,加入了roguelike RPG的随机冒险和成长元素,游戏流程百玩不厌。虽然外表看上去有点幼稚,不过实际实际操作还是非常有挑战,非常硬核的。“每名玩家出生时只是扮演一名一无所有的英雄,新生的目标是探索随机生成的地牢并尽可能活得更久,尽可能探索到深层。在不断的探索过程中你会找到更好的装备,更强的魔法,也会遇到更艰难的战斗。”本作支持单人冒险,也支持双人合作闯关,角色成长的潜力非常十分的广阔,可玩价值也是十分的高。游戏支持手柄操作,可进行跨平台互联。游戏特点:游戏支持单人战役和双人在线合作模式肉搏战斗的灵感源自于战斧随机生成的游戏环境游戏中包含了大量的法术和武器当英雄具有新能力之后将会有视觉上的变化全控制器支持令人沉迷的游戏背景音乐游戏玩法:游戏开始后玩家出生于营地之中,使用上下左右方向键可以移动角色,按下D键可以进行简单的攻击动作,按下空格键可以实现人物跳跃,按下A键可以和周围的人进行互动,和右边igor互动可以改变面貌,和hat stand互动可以换一顶超酷的帽子,和左边的骑士sir bumperd互动,可以选择职业,和上面的壮汉mighty maximus互动可以查看任务。进入关卡之后按下A键还可以捡起地上的道具或是和箱子互动。注意和箱子互动时必须准确按下键位进行机关破解,一旦失败将会受到机关的伤害。在破解机关的过程中,游戏不会暂停,敌人仍然会攻击玩家。当玩家捡起物品之后,物品会展示在界面上方,通过按下1、2、3、4可以切换选中物品,按下S键可以使用当前选中的物品。按下1切换到魔力石时,按下S键可以释放魔法。战斗中如果玩家受到伤害较为严重,可以尝试击毁墓碑等固定物体,有可能会爆出一些食物,这些食物可以补充生命值。战斗中每个房间不会锁定,没有消灭当前关卡的所有敌人时玩家仍然可以直接前往下一个房间。如果玩家死亡,将会在营地中重生。游戏简评:《暴虐骑士》是一款非常不错的动作RPG小游戏,游戏中玩家扮演的是一个迷路英雄,你将在奇特的魔法森林中探索与战斗,寻找各种新的装备以及魔法,收集各处的金币。游戏为我们提供了不同的游戏模式,玩家可以选择扮演不同的职业进行游戏,由于该作融合了roguelike RPG的诸多特点,所以游戏重玩价值很高,感兴趣的玩家可以下载体验一下。配置要求:最低:操作系统: Windows XP/7/8处理器: 1GHz内存: 1 GB RAM显卡: OpenGL 2.1 compatible硬盘空间: 150 MB available space安装信息:1. 解2. 运行游戏游戏截图:
暴虐骑士 硬盘版
下载帮助西西破解版软件均来自互联网, 如有侵犯您的版权, 请与我们联系。


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