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在我弘法的岁月中,经常有人问我:“天堂地狱在那里?”我都回答说:“天堂地狱在那里?可以分三个层次,第一、天堂在天堂的地方,如三界二十八天、欲界三十三天;地狱在地狱的地方,像十八层地狱、无间地狱。第二、我认为天堂地狱就在人间,住花园洋房,生活富贵荣华的人,就好像在天堂里;局促在陋巷小室里的人们无钱、无力的苦恼,就好象是地狱。其实,真正的天堂地狱是在我们的心里。这第三种讲法,是说人们心情愉快、满足、欢喜、安乐的时刻,就像在天堂里一样;人们的心里充满贪欲、_恨、嫉妒、无明、怨恨的时候,就好像在地狱里一样。一个人在一天当中,时而天堂,时而地狱,来回不知多少次,因此,我认为‘天堂地狱在一念之间’。”天堂地狱在一念之间 (图片来源:资料图)“天堂地狱在一念之间”,如果你能懂得其中的深义,就会了解:人生不要光顾心外的生活,最重要的是必须要建设心内的“天堂”,如果心内的“天堂”没有建好,把忧悲苦恼的“地狱”留在心里,就会带给你苦不堪言的人生。所以吾人在世间上生活,就算身处“天堂”,如果不能认识它的美好,天堂也会转变成为“地狱”;如果你懂得以佛法来处理困境,转化厄运,那“地狱”也可以成为“天堂”。佛经里告诉我们:如果没有福报,就算在天堂里也会“五衰相现”;如果有慈悲愿力,“地狱”也会成为“天堂”,像地藏王菩萨发出“地狱不空,誓不成佛”的弘愿,累劫以来在“地狱”里辛勤度众,但我们认为地藏王菩萨永远是在“天堂”里生活,因为他心中的“地狱”早就已经空了;佛陀虽然降诞在娑婆世界,我们也不认为佛陀生在五浊恶世,因为佛陀是在净土法性的境界里生活。还有观世音菩萨抱持悲心寻声救苦,所以炽烈的火焰也化为朵朵清凉的莲华;富楼那尊者抱定坚决的意志到边地去度化恶民,所以在别人眼里如“地狱”般的边地,在他眼里却如“天堂”道场般的自在。1、心建天堂,地狱无门此外,历代以来,多少伟大的仁人志士即使被冤囚囹圄,却不忘济世利生的抱负,像司马迁在监狱中完成不朽的巨作《史记》,甘地在监狱里能争取到印度的独立,反观有许多人虽住高楼大厦,却痛苦不堪。所谓“心中有事世间小,心中无事一床宽”,如果你拥有慈心悲愿,牢狱也可以当作天堂;如果你整天烦恼愁肠,心中充满怨恨不平,天堂也是地狱。像一些犯了罪的人,纵使侥幸没有受到法律的制裁,但是每天住在“心里的牢狱”还是不好过。我数十年的出家生活,也是经常在“天堂”、“地狱”的门前徘徊,感谢佛法的妙意,让我在受诸苦难的时候,信仰中的正知正见指引我,让我能甘之如饴,例如丛林十年的参学期间,在缺衣缺食的生活里,在无钱无缘的遭遇下,我总能生起善美的“一念”,认为这是难得的磨链,所以能够无怨无尤地接受;不公平的委屈、不应有的难堪纷至沓来时,我也往往浮现光明的“一念”,视之为当然的教育,因此也能够心安理得地度过,就这样,我经常在“地狱”的门口转身再回到“天堂”里。经典中记载:大迦叶尊者在V间修行,日中一食,佛陀见他年迈,劝他迁住精舍,但他却感到自己如居“天堂”。颜回“居陋巷,一箪食,一瓢饮,人不堪其忧”,而他却觉得住在“天堂”,所以“不改其乐”。挑水和尚整天和乞丐生活在一起,还不忘赞美生活的洒脱,因为他坦荡直心,即使身卧臭秽,也如处在“天堂”一般任性逍遥。禅师云:“热的时候到热的地方去,冷的时候到冷的地方去。”人皆怪之,禅师却认为是修行的最好方式,因为他体会到,若在任何处境下都能甘之如饴,当下就是“天堂”了。2、地狱除名,天堂有份回想起来,实在惭愧自己不才。记得在受戒的时候,每天凌晨三点起床,夜间十点睡觉,老师每次讲戒,戒子们都得跪著听讲,每逢早晚课诵,往往才拜到地上就睡著了,老师用脚踢我的头,才知道赶快爬起来;有时候在丹墀里跪久了,小石子陷在膝盖里,当使劲拔出来的时候,往往血流如注。有人说这好象是“地狱”里的生活,好在我即刻提起“一念”:“我要能经得起‘地狱’的磨链,才能堪受佛法大任。”如此念念相续,才让我得以圆满受戒。在丛林修学期间,每天三餐不饱,经常饿得心中发慌,四肢发抖,每值隆冬深夜,大雪飘飘,唯有将自己缩成一团,才聊以御寒。有人说,这像寒冰地狱、饿鬼畜生的生活,幸亏当时心中生起一念:“佛陀在修道时,不也曾以马麦充饥,我何不能?”就这样在面临地狱、饿鬼、畜生等恶道般的境界时,幸赖佛陀的慈光加被,将我一次又一次地引导进入天堂的世界。我对人曾经也起过不少_恨的念头,我在生活里也曾经不止一次地执著妄想,还好经常在面临“地狱”的边缘时,有佛法以为指南,所以能将“一念”迷惑转为觉悟,“一念”烦恼转为解脱,“一念”怨恨转为慈悲,“一念”地狱转为天堂。感谢自我的“一念”,让我在面临挫折时能够化解,让我在遇到困境时能够回转,所以我一直倡导人生应该要回头、转身、改心、换性,为什么呢?因为心中的烦恼无明是地狱,心中的菩提正见是天堂;心中的忧悲苦恼是地狱,心中的安乐幸福是天堂;感受的委屈不平是地狱,意会的平等和谐是天堂;自私执著是地狱,大公正直是天堂;贪欲_恨是地狱,喜舍愿力是天堂;懒惰懈怠是地狱,勤劳精进是天堂;愚痴无明是地狱,般若智能是天堂……。“天堂地狱在一念之间”,只要我们将心中一念的地狱摧毁,用自己的正念在心中建设永恒的天堂,就可以使我们远离颠倒梦想,所谓“地狱除名,天堂有份”,何乐而不为呢?过去,信徒问一位禅师说:“天堂地狱在那里?”禅师即刻将他的头按在水桶里,经过一段时间,禅师才放开双手,让他的头冒出水面。禅师问他:“水中的滋味如何?”他回答:“像在‘地狱’一样。”禅师又问他:“现在出水之后感觉如何?”他说:“像在‘天堂’一样。”我们一般人不也如同这位信徒一样,没有经过水下呼吸困难的感觉,不了解本来的生活就是天堂。一位家财万贯的董事长居住在高楼上面,时常为经济周转运用而担心,为员工要求加薪而烦恼,秘书劝他把烦恼送给住在高楼下面陋屋里的一对年轻夫妻,富翁问如何送法?秘书说:“给他们一百万就可以办到。”富翁起初不甘愿,经过解释之后,亲自送上一百万元。这对年轻的夫妻收到巨款,起先欢喜不已,后来为了如何将这一百万收藏妥当而左思右想,一夜无法成眠,才知道上当了。第二天,他们赶紧把一百万元还给富翁,并且说道:“你的烦恼还是还给你吧!”所以,不懂得金钱,金钱就是地狱;不懂得感情,感情就是地狱;不懂得人我相处之道,人我相处就是地狱;不懂得经营事业之道,事业就是地狱。因此,天堂地狱在那里呢?“天堂地狱在一念之间”,如果不懂得这“一念”之间的奥妙,即使当下的生活就是美好的天堂,也会被转为苦恼的地狱。 
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Science is to explore and discover truth,is enmity and falsehood.However,on the way to science,also there always exists fallacy.Copernicus is world-famous astronomers.We are mostly in the student times it is from the class had heard his deeds:Copernicus in his "celestial circulate" created the "heliocentrism," says that earth is not the center of the universe,all planets are based on the sun as the center and operation,the earth is just a orbiting the sun of ordinary planet just.Lectures also specially noted the deeds of meaning:the "heliocentrism Copernicus overturned the Christian church so-called" earth is the center of the universe "geocentrism",strongly criticized the religious foolish ideas,make natural science start from theology has liberated them.For these introduces Copernicus,it must be familiar,remember,is who never doubt including falsehood exist.However,when you know the real situations of Copernicus after,can discover:Copernicus is a truly established "heliocentrism" scientific great man,but he didn't think Christian religious ignorance thoughts.On the contrary,he based on the long-term observation research objects,think about god is the universe of Christian origin and dominate the doctrine is correct.Copernicus in the celestial circulate vol.1 quotes wrote:"when a person is dedicated to the most appropriate is arranged his thought and by the gods to dominate thing when they deliberation,will not encourage them to pursue the best things and praise the creator of everything?All happiness and each kind of virtue belong to god.Wasn't the psalms" (refers to the bible "psalms" - the author notes) of religion is the author claims that the works of god in vain that he exult?And is it not as a carriage as well as we pulled into a supreme good and beautiful to pray?...I will attempt to these problems more extensive studies,I did it because of god's participationand,and if there is no god,we will accomplish nothing." 1 these words of Copernicus shows that he is devoutly Christian.In his view,the celestial body of thoughtful "will encourage people understand and praised god.So-called his "heliocentrism" make natural science start from theology of liberating statement,is against the fact of falsehood.Copernicus life also tell people,he is a devout Christian church,was in for a long time as a priest.Actually,human history of the great men,especially a few spire level,not only it is the great Copernicus,like Galileo,Newton Kepler,etc.,are loyal to the Christian belief that the Christian believes in god is for real.Einstein although once gave up Christian faith,but he doesn't think god is nihilistic.Galileo is considered by many to be the father of modern cosmology,he wrote in students in a letter said:"...the omnipotent god's glory and great can be in all of his performance in amazement see,in the sky this open book very wonderful and read.Don't let anyone thought,reading written in this book is abstruse thought,but is only see the sun and stars of light,see them lift sinks down it,and these whether beast or civilians,so long as has the eyes,which are all see." 2 here,Galileo hope people through reading the sky this nature of books and realize the existence of god.Unfortunately,so a believe in god scientific great men,and has been relevant information publicity for is not a man of god.Because of the three laws of Kepler detect planets were para-elite "for the sky of the great man." legislation He in its scientific classic "the mysteries of the universe" XianCi wrote:"from Sao Paulo warned pagan god himself to reflect,like from water or the mirror reflected off as the sun.Are we christians should not be willing to this reflection?Because we duty-bound mission is to the real way to praise and worship and praise god heh-heh.We do,the more he can the devout deeply understand god created the universe and magnificent.from here we can see how god like a building great master in accordance with the order and laws as its world foundation,he again how so carefully determination of all things,we can conclude that makes human art yu is not in its nature,but god creation activity has been considering that at that time not yet born humans will one day be molded out of the way." 3The Newton natural philosophical works written with the selected "in scientific genius for a period of words:" this planet from the sun,and the most perfect comet constitute the system,can only come from a wise almighty dominator's supervision and rule.If the stars are other similar celestial system center,so because these system is also follow the same wise urged formed by the green,they must be also subject to this only masters rule,especially because the stellar light and sun light same properties,as well as from each celestial system of light will spread to all the other celestial system up and all star systems will because of their gravity and cra and he brought the galaxy on mutual left very far place.we in different times and different locations saw all various natural thing,only originating from an inevitable existence to the thoughts of god and will in." 4Einstein in his "profile" wrote:"outside our own have a huge world,it left our human and exist independently,it before us like a great and eternal mystery,but at least partly our observation and way of thinking ability and of." 5 the science giant eyes,saw the human outside of another world.In this need explanation is,Einstein was dissatisfied with the society because of the polarization between the rich and poor,and injustice of Christian propaganda god's impartiality doubt,therefore abandoned boyhood accepted Christianity and Judaism belief (his parents is letter of Judaism,Christianity is taught in the school.But he doesn't think god are nothing,just think god unjust.Above introduction explains namely he is to recognize the universe exists in god.He in other articles and letters also many times about god.For instance,the Einstein."complete works of 6 first volume title page is printed by the the father of relativity of this sentence:" nervous spirit labor and to god nature heavy
Science is the key to heaven and not the gate to hell、楼主 这就是 天堂的钥匙而不是通往地狱的大门 这句话的英语 希望楼主可以采纳还没有开通你的开心账户?使用其他账号登录:
一美少妇向神父请教什么是魔鬼、地狱、天堂? 神父解释说:在我的两腿中间有一魔鬼,在你的两腿中间有一地狱,只要把魔鬼关进地狱,我们都能进入天堂!![嘻嘻] 如果您&18岁,快猛击@女秘书风流私语 [花心] 狠享受 你懂得 [心]
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&2016 开心网关于死后的灵魂,有无数传说,有说上天堂下地狱的,有说投胎转世,有说上升到另一个世界变成高等生灵,也有说一切都是虚无,根本没有灵魂存在…… 但不论是哪种说法,人的肉体就那么留在人间了,跟灵魂半点关...
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