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核心提示:Christmas Day is for eating, drinking, watching bad TV - and trying to cover up your embarrassment as you realise your h&Christmas Day is for eating, drinking, watching bad TV - and trying to cover up your embarrassment as you realise your husband's Aunt Maude has spent her pension on your present while you bought her a set of hankies.
Present-buyin from how much to spend, to whether to risk surprising recipients with a gift they don't want, to knowing if you should buy your neighbour you only say hello to a little something.
Here, FEMAIL has asked experts including dating gurus and personal shoppers for their top tips on present-buying etiquette to ensure the only thing that's red this Christmas is Rudolf's nose.
Spend: New romance &20-50; long-term couples &100-&150
'If you've just started seeing someone you don't need to spend a fortune,' says dating guru James Preece ().
'It's much better to impress them with your imagination by choosing a gift that&s a little bit different. &20 is about the right amount, with a maximum of &50 if you can afford it.'
Or you don't even need to go that far, says relationship expert and founder , Helen Rice. Plan to spend a romantic evening together or have a fun day out. Feel free to give the person you're dating something thoughtful, just don't spend a lot of money.'
&或者根本没必要想那么多。&人际专家、网站创始人海伦&赖斯(Helen Rice)说。&安排一次浪漫的晚餐或出去开心玩一天。随意送一些花心思的玩意儿给你约会的对象,只是不要花很多钱在上面。&
'If you're in a long-term relationship then your budget really reflects on your personal situation,' adds James. 'You don't need to go crazy, but it's a great opportunity to show you love and appreciate them.
'It's also best to buy a few cheaper presents rather than one big one. Part of the fun is the mystery and unwrapping, so it will last longer if you give them several to enjoy.'
Set a mutual budget
'For a new couple, a mutual budget is definitely a great idea,' says James. 'There's nothing worse than one of you going overboard when the other has done the opposite.'
He even points out that this is a good test to see if you have differing financial views.
'Some people are natural over-spenders and think that the more they spend then the more you&ll love them. If you aren&t in sync with your spending habits then it can spell problems further down the line.'
Long-term couples will likely already have an idea on what to spend, based on previous years and their financial situation - but it is still a good idea to set a maximum spending limit.
Surprise them
'Whatever relationship stage you are at, you absolutely do have to surprise them,' advises James.
'For new daters, show that you&ve been paying attention to their hobbies and conversations. If you remembered something small that they said, they&ll be flattered and happy you noticed.
'If you&ve been together a while, you&ll probably have a list of suggestions of things that they want. It's fine to get them something off that but you also have to think outside the box. That's the only way to make it a magical experience for them.'
Of course most partners dro hints - so make sure you listen.
If you're still struggling, take them shopping and make a note of what they like, or ask close friends and family for ideas.
Of course for some a gift that really matters is something that's wanted and perhaps wouldn&t otherwise be affordable, so just asking if they want a surprise or not may be the safest bet, says Helen.
Good gift ideas
Somethi a personal IOU voucher - i.e. a massage/home-cooked meal/ a book that you love and would lik an event/ cook gadgets.
Bad gift ideas
N chocolate, underwear and toiletries (too boring); something from your local petrol station bought on Christmas eve.
Spend: &100-150 each
Of course a lot of what your budget is depends on your income, but the important thing is to set one - and stick to it.
'The pressure to make Christmas magical and give their precious darlings everything they want can be overwhelming, and some families find themselves in debt for a good part of the next year,' points out Diana Mather, an etiquette expert working with One4all Gift Cards on its gift-buying campaign.
'Children&s expectations should be managed and realistic guidelines drawn when discussing Christmas presents.
'Young children like to open big colourful gifts, and are often just as happy playing with the cardboard box as the gift itself,' she points out.
If there is something you simply have to buy your little one that pushes you over the spending limit, ask family to pitch in with the cost, Diana advises.
Give gift guides to family
The idea of creating a wish list and 'demanding' your family cough up seems very un-British, but duplicate, unsuitable or unwanted gifts currently wastes &2.4billion at Christmas in the UK according , which allows you to create gift lists online. so it's a worthwhile practise.
'The key to going about it is to be reasonable with your expectations,' says Karina Thomsen, founder . 'Also add a good variety of ideas and price ranges, and don&t necessarily be 100% specific.'
For example, say &Molly loves colourful hair accessories&, and then the family member can still have the freedom to choose one they think she'll like.
Good gift ideas
B drawing pads wi building blocks such as L clothes.
Bad gift ideas
B anything messy or noisy if you want your sanity to remain intact this Christmas.
Spend: &150-200
Teens usually want things that can be expensive, but Diana thinks just because it's Christmas, it doesn't mean rules should fly out the window.
'Limits should be set and if they want the latest iPhone 6s, my suggestion would be that they work to earn most of the money and you top it up,' she says.
&要有限度,如果他们想要最新的iPhone 6s,我的建议是让他们自己挣够大部分的钱,然后你贴补剩下的。&她说。
Ask them what they want
Teenagers are picky and if you buy them something that you think is 'cool' it's likely to be met with a roll of the eyes.
Image-conscious teens are also likely to want the latest gadget and best designers.
If you can't afford it, talk to them to figure out a compromise, whether that's getting the gadget second-hand, or asking them to contribute to the cost.
Also let family know what your teenager has asked for, but give them the least-expensive requests. And expect the same in return if they have teens.
Make present-buying fun
If your teen has a job or gets an allowance, they should be buying their own presents, but make it fun and set a reasonable budget.
Diana tells, 'We made it a rule to try and buy the most innovative thing for under &10 for teens and &5 for younger children.
'This made the children take time and think about what people&s likes and interests were, and what their brothers and sisters or cousins would really enjoy.
'It worked very well and my sisters and I still have a low budget for ourselves and our partners.'
Good gift ideas
Bad gift ideas
Any surprises wher personal taste is involved, in particular clothes, accessories and perfume/aftershave.
Spend: &20-50
You might want to spend more on your parents and less on your cousins, but the most important thing with present-buying for family is the thought.
Those with big families may of course need to budget more carefully.
'My best tip is to collate a list of all the people you need to buy presents for and include how much disposable cash you have to spend overall.
'This makes it a lot easier to think of possible gifts and allocate budgets', says Milda Chellingsworth, personal shopper, stylist and founder of Styling For You.
&这使你更容易想到合理的礼物以及进行预算分配。&私人购物者、Styling For You创始人兼设计师米尔德&切林斯沃斯说。
'If times are a bit hard tell everyone you are setting a budget this Christmas and ask them if they would like to do the same,' suggests Diana.
Also if you're a working married mum, your husband should buy the presents for his own family - but unfortunately you may have to help him so they don't end up with socks and hankies (see 'bad present ideas' below), so be sure to go on a joint shopping trip.
Surprise them
It's a nice idea to surprise parents, in-laws, siblings, cousins, aunties and uncles, but make it a calculated one.
'Do your research beforehand,' advises Karina. 'Check their favourite brands, notice items that might be running low, or note not-so-subtle hints.
'If you get it wrong though, be warned you may become the recipient of the dreaded #GiftFace!'.
To avoid this, always wrap the gift receipt up with the present, she suggests - that way they can take it back without needing you to know about it.
Good gift ideas
So some scented candles/ novelty DIY kits (like a wine-making or bacon-curing kit); a small hampe wine/champagne.
Bad gift ideas
S clothes if you ha cheap Christmas-themed novelty gifts.
Spend: &10-15
Friends can often be closer than family, but this also means you should be understanding of each other's financial constraints.
'My close friends and I now have a pact about the size of the Christmas gift we give each other,' tells Diana. 'What with partners, children, grandchildren, nephews and nieces, not to mention great nephews and nieces & life can become really expensive!
'Friends should realise this. Decide your limits and then try to find a really fun gift. After all, that is what it is all about - giving - and a pot of home-made jam can give as much pleasure as something much more expensive.'
The rules are there are no rules
These are your friends, so you'll either know exactly what they want already, or are happy to ask them outright - and either is fine.
'Here we can generalise that an open approach of explicit gift requests, mutual budgets or surprise gifts are welcome,' says Karina.
'You likely know them far better, and their interests, than the remainder of the people on your gift buying list and probably feel far more comfortable discussing what&s on each of your most wanted lists,' she adds.
Good gift ideas
subscr wine or any alcohol!
Bad gift ideas
You can't go far wrong if you put some thought into it.
Spend: &7.50-15
The key here is to that way if you buy a gift for someone who hasn't bought you anything, it saves their embarrassment.
Or if you're worried about being the one left red-faced, Karina suggests a sneaky way of finding out if someone is buying you something.
'Ask who they&re buying for this year. If their list is exhaustive including everyone from the nearest and dearest to their postman you can safely assume that you may be included,' she says.
For office colleagues, a group Secret Santa is a good idea.
Don't give gifts for the sake of it
From your kids' teachers to your neighbours to your colleagues, figuring out who to buy for can be a minefield.
'If you get on well with someone in the office or you feel someone deserves a thank you, like a teacher, for example, then buy them something small to show your appreciation,' advises Diana.
If you do decide to buy something, personal shopper Milda advises letting your children choose gifts for the teachers (with your guidance of course!), bake cakes or biscuits for a neighbour, and get a colleague a funny piece of stationary or mug that they can use at work.
Good gift ideas
A good chocolates, gourmet food.
Bad gift ideas
H anything that doesn't suit their lifestyle, i.e. wine for your tee-total colleague.
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