steam云游戏平台 GIFT是steam云游戏平台平台上的什么啊?

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  各位CSGO玩家都会用到steam平台,也许很多玩家只是把它当作一个游戏启动器,其实steam这个软件还是有很多有趣的功能的!  steam设置  首先我们先来了解怎么设置steam!  账户选项,你可以设置你的帐户的密保,更改密码等  好友这里,你可以更改你的steam名字  注意:steam名是你在游戏内显示的名字,跟steam账户不同,  steam账户ID不可更改,而且请不要将其公开以保护账户的安全,  而steam名则可以随意更改,然而你改的名字会有历史记录,所以不要起太傻的名字(黑历史么),  别人搜索好友也是搜索你的steam名字,因为名字可以随便改,所以可以重名(不要匹配遇到个NBK就激动地以为遇到本尊了)  因此如果起你这个名字的太多的话,别人添加你好友就会很麻烦,此时请你附上你的个人资料的链接  如果你进游戏显示0好友在线(而你其实有很多好友),可能是“在我启动steam时自动登陆好友”没有勾选,建议勾选  或者你的steam好友状态是离线  你可以打开steam好友栏,上面会有个登录按钮,点了就OK了  按shift+tab打开steam界面,steam界面是个很有用的东西,可以让你不用切出游戏就能跟好友聊天,浏览网页(建议安装flash player for other explorer,不然很多东西浏览器会不能显示)  steam的截图功能也非常方便,默认按F12就会自动保存,退出游戏后会弹出截图上传器,方便你管理,上传家庭这个可以共享你的游戏  注意:共享游戏不能同时在线,所以你开共享然后就能跟没买游戏的帐号一起联机是不可能滴!共享的那个号开挂游戏拥有者会被连坐封号!  界面选项,如果你下载了steam皮肤(想要的自行百度!)并放入Steam\skins文件夹下,那么你就可以在这里设置!嫌steam默认的黑色皮肤太丑?改一个漂亮的皮肤吧!  当可用时显示URL建议勾选,那样你需要把链接发给别人的时候就方便了!  下载选项,内容库你可以设置,比如steam安装在C盘,你可以把游戏装到D盘  下载区域现在限制只能选大陆的下载节点,不知以后会怎样。。。下载速度慢就切换吧  限制带宽-不用解释了  在游戏时允许下载,勾选了就可以一边玩游戏一边下游戏  Throttle downloads while streaming  这个是允许你在使用steam的直播功能同时下载游戏  语音选项,这里可以调试你的麦克风以及接收音量(steam聊天内,调整csgo的接收语音,控制台输入voice_scale x设置!0-1之间的小数)  注意,在windows中设置麦克风可以这样  实况直播功能  可以直播你的游戏画面,但是国内的网络不稳定,这项功能用处不大  网页浏览器,可以设置主页  steam的功能  上方最大的几个字,点商店可以浏览,购买游戏  点库可以查看你的游戏  点社区你可以看到五花八门的各种东西  社区-市场,可以购买饰品等各类物品  右侧查找物品你可以搜索!支持中文的  点击进阶选项则更加强大  比如选择CSGO,你可以筛选,方便你挑选购买!  鼠标放在你的名字上,菜单选择个人资料,右侧编辑个人资料,你可以自行设置,隐私设置可以调整权限,比如你不希望陌生人能够看到你的库存,你就可以隐藏。  菜单选择组,你可以加入组,或者创建一个组,组的功能挺多的,可以发布通知,安排活动,还有你的组聊天室。玩CSGO注意到有些人名字前有个白色字体的队标吗?那就是组!(CSGO游戏设置内可以调出来)  菜单选择徽章,这里可以看到你的steam等级  steam等级有什么用?steam等级越高,排名越靠前,做交易也会给人一种可以信赖的感觉  steam每十级就会给你一个展柜,你可以陈列你的截图,你的皮肤等等  怎么升级呢?  你需要合成卡牌,玩CSGO不是会掉一些卡牌吗?集齐一套,就可以合成(查看徽章进度,看看你还缺那些卡牌,去市场买或跟朋友交易)  合成一次,就可以获得或升级你的徽章,获得一个优惠券,一个steam个人资料的背景,还有一个steam表情(在聊天的时候可以卖萌)  一个游戏的合成次数是有限的,CSGO合成到5级就封顶了  查看别人的个人资料,你可以右上方更多,点发起交易  你可以自行调整报价,只有一方放置物品作为礼物也可以,完成后去邮箱确认就发起报价了,对方只要接收就ok了,发送报价不需要双方同时在线,所以小号往大号倒库存什么的,就方便啦  还有一个举报违规行为,如果有人说了冒犯性的话,或者作弊,你可以在这里举报,记得原因写上他说的话/他作弊的demo链接,原因建议写英文  steam内游戏位置  steam游戏位于Steam\steamapps\common文件夹内  注意如果你拷贝这个文件夹内的游戏到另一台电脑的steam里,它还是显示游戏未安装,这是因为缺少游戏的识别文件!  它是在Steam\steamapps里面的.acf文件  例如CSGO的识别文件是appmanifest_730.acf,有了它steam才会显示游戏已安装  大屏幕模式和小模式  有些人会觉得steam窗口太大太乱了,只是想把steam作为一个游戏盒子,那么小模式就适合你  点左上角的视图,点击小模式看起来很清爽吧?  steam客户端右上角有个手柄的图标,点一下它,哗!  这个是为在电视上使用steam设计的,字体大了很多,操作也很方便!当然你在电脑上用也可以啊,界面效果华丽  视图选项有两个挺有用的功能  一个是玩家,可以显示你最近游戏遇到的玩家,你已经退游戏了可是还想找到你遇到的玩家,可以用它来查找。  还有这个服务器,可以不进游戏就看到有哪些社区服务器。
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Gifting Questions
What is a Steam Gift?
When you purchase a game on Steam, we offer the option to &gift& the item to anyone on your Steam friends list. The recipient will receive the gift as an attractive e-mail card with a personal message from you and instructions to redeem the game.
A Steam gift purchase is a one-time transfer&after the recipient has redeemed and installed the gift, it is now a part of his or her Steam games collection. Also note that you may only gift new purchases&you may not transfer games you already own. That&d be like wrapping up and presenting the toaster you&ve used every morning for the past year.
How can I purchase Steam Gifts for a different Steam user?
To give a gift to a friend or family member, locate the game you would like to gift on the Steam Storefront and then click the &Add to cart& button. Upon checking out, select the&&Purchase as a gift& option to purchase the items in your cart for a friend.
Selecting your gift recipient
When you select the &Purchase as a gift&, you'll be presented with a list of your Steam friends, from there you can select who you'd like to receive your gift.
If you'd like to send it to someone who's not listed, you'll have to add them to your Steam friends list.
This helps ensure your gift is going to make it to the right person.
How can I deliver the gift at a later date?
After you've chosen a friend to receive the gift, you can click the &Schedule delivery...& button to schedule the gift to be sent automatically on a future date.
When that time comes, we'll automatically send the gift to your friend and also send you an email letting you know your gift has been delivered.
Including a Special Message with your gift
You may take a few moments to add a special message to the gift recipient. When they receive your gift, your special message will be displayed for them in Steam and they will also receive your gift message via e-mail.
Payment Methods
Steam currently accepts the following . Once your purchase is complete, please print your receipt for your records and store the hard copy in a safe place. You will also receive an e-mail receipt verifying your purchase.
What happens after I purchase a gift?
Your friend will receive an e-mail message, including your personalized gift message, notifying them that they have received a gift. Your friend will also receive a gift notification in the Steam client.
How will I know whether my friend has received their gift?
You can check the status of all your gifts on your
You can also access this from the Steam client - Within Steam, click on &Games& in the main menu, then select &Manage gifts and guest passes...&.
When your gift is sent to your friend, they'll have the option to accept or decline the gift.
Once they do, we'll send you an email letting you know.
If your friend takes no action on the gift, we'll automatically cancel the gift and issue you a refund after 30 days.
How do activate a Steam gift that I received?
If you do not already have Steam, download and install Steam . Once you have Steam installed, you will be prompted to create an account or login to an existing Steam account. If you do not have an account, please create one.
1. You will receive an e-mail containing a link that will open Steam to redeem your gift or in the Steam client you will receive a notification at the top right corner that says you have a new gift as seen below:
2. Clicking on &1 new gift& will take you to the following screen where you must click either Accept Gift or Decline Gift. Once you click Accept Gift, the game will be added directly to your Library.
If you click on Decline Gift, we'll issue a refund to the original sender.
You can optionally include a note when you choose whether you do or not, we'll email the sender to let them know the gift was declined.
3. When you add the game to your Library it will be listed in your Library & Games list in Steam, highlighting the game and clicking the &Install& will download the game to your computer.
If the game is already in your Library you will receive a notification that it is and you will not be able to add it.
If the game is not in your Library you will receive a pop-up notification confirming your actions, and if you have any duplicate games in a package you will be notified that you will not receive extra copies as seen below:
If you attempt to add a game to your Library that requires additional games that you don't own you will receive an error message as well:
Gifting Questions
Do gifts expire if they are not redeemed in a certain amount of time?
After a gift has been delivered to a friend, they have thirty days to accept the gift. Once the gift has been accepted, the game is permanently subscribed to the Steam account that it was redeemed on.
How can I tell someone else how to give me a gift on Steam?
To give a gift on Steam, simply
online and then purchase your gift from the . For more information about purchasing games on Steam, please see .
Do not allow someone else to use your Steam account to make a gift purchase.
What will my friends see if I send them a Steam gift?
When you send a gift to your friend, they will receive an email and a notification at the top of their Steam client that they have received a new gift.
Can I send gifts to Steam users in other regions?
Territory restrictions are noted on the Steam Store page.
Steam Support cannot make changes to territory or language restrictions.
Can I gift game packs?
Yes, you can gift game packs the same way you would gift an individual game. Four packs of games cannot be gifted.
How can I tell if my friend already owns the game(s) I would like to gift?
If your friends are members of your Steam Friends list, you can learn whether they already own the game you'd like to give. Your Steam Friends who already own this game will automatically be filtered out of the potential list of recipients. You can also visit your friend's Steam Community profile and click the link to &View all games& to view your Friend's list of owned games on Steam before purchasing them a gift.
Can I give multiple gifts at the same time?
You can give as many gifts as you'd like at one time, but only to one friend per transaction.
Can I gift games I no longer play to my friends?
You cannot gift games that were previously purchased on your Steam account to friends.
Why was my gift revoked?
Please see .
May I sell gift subscriptions?
Steam Gift Purchases cannot be sold. Attempting to sell a gift subscription is a violation of the
and may result in your account being permanently disabled.
How do I share the Four Pack for [L4D, L4D2, Borderlands] with three friends?
To do this, simply purchase the Four Pack on Steam, and then refer to
to share your Extra Copies using the Steam client.
How do I view my gift history?
You can view your gift history by going to your Steam Inventory & Click on Pending Gifts & View Gift History:
Can I refund my gift?
A refund may be issued for any gift that was purchased within fourteen days and has been played less than two hours by the gift recipient. More information on how to refund gifts can be found .
Problem with Steam?


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