欧陆风云4 叛军消失版本升级数据会消失吗

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UID6635879主题阅读权限70帖子精华0积分19772金钱100053 荣誉73 人气2298 在线时间24396 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分19772金钱100053 荣誉73 人气2298 评议0
2.运行Europa.Universalis IV.Mare.Nostrum.v1.17.1.Update.exe安装升级档到游戏目录
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- 对于AI与在游戏后期太炮兵和骑兵最终修正趋势。
# Bug修复
- 固定问题,即设置被载入“继续”保存游戏,可能会停用后成就覆盖。
- 你可以在开始铁人三项比赛结束后不再更改难度。
- MP:固定游戏有时会不同步升级船队时。
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- 国家设计师:增加了新的定制理念“从攻略”,让您袭击海岸。
- 与老奖金重新加入非常容易和很辛苦。
- 增加了一个打印的全球经济统计数据game.log“经济”控制台命令。
- 解散舰队现在回到水手水手的池(最长至水手)。
- 升级时,船舶水手,现在返回到您的水手池。
- 增加对耻辱的竞争对手宣战现在将始终可以对对手的国家,让你羞辱,展现实力,发布核心和国家,但不是直接的需求省份。
- 您现在需要在一个战争中的参与比分获得复仇主义的失去它。
- 增加了-50的国家,脱离它不受任何国家之间的双边意见修改。
- 格兰特独立的条约,现在算作获得全联盟,而不仅仅是领导者(这样的盟友不会抱怨不得到任何东西)。
- 对殖民文化与宗教的变化,现在是可能的,如果所有的当地人都死了,或者如果非西方。
- 在所有法院法语现在+1外交关系。
- 为联盟提供检查时,腾格里合一的宗教现在检查。
- 这挣脱叛军现在得到了联盟和+200意见修改与支持他们的(如果有的话)的国家。
- 文化成本修饰符不再影响文化的转换时间。
- 间谍发现冷却时间是现在3个月,而不是5年。
- 制造索赔,现在至少需要20的间谍网络。
- 对另一个国家的每个额外的要求增加了新的制造要求25%的成本。
- 修改了“具有强大的盟友”验收的因素,具有高于五倍的全国平均兵力共联盟的实力,现在,当你惩罚。
- 间谍的想法不再解锁间谍行动。
- 增加了一个“reduced_liberty_desire”修饰符降低受试者自由的愿望。
- 索赔制造得到的影响力,间谍活动的想法感动。
- 间谍理念获得了“额外招募勤王”,它由10降低科目LD。
- 间谍理念获得了“审核把关”,即由0.1降低腐败每年。
- 影响获得了“建立少年分行”,给予+ 25%继承人的几率和+0.5威望。君主制FTW!
- 从宗教团结腐败severly减少的影响。
- 编造索赔现在要求浸技术0。
- 偷地图现在需要浸技术6。
- 学习技术现在要求浸技术9。
- 诽谤Mechants现在要求浸技术12。
- 怠工招聘现在要求浸技术15。
- 母猪不满现在要求浸技术18。
- Sabotate声望现在要求浸技术21。
- 贪官现在要求浸技术24。
- 鼓吹自由现在要求浸技术27。
- 浸润管理现在要求浸技术30。
- 在辩论议会现在只完成本月中旬,如果有机会赢取100以上
- Wargoals索赔不再减少AE。
- 增加了+修船速度船厂和船坞盛大
- 在“显示实力”和平选择现在给出了同样的力量投为“对耻辱”。
- “展现实力”和平选择现在将给予每个类型,而不是20 100君主点。
- 军事访问不再延长到敌对单位的省份。
- 调整为礼品/补贴,以减少远距离垃圾邮件。
- AI应该没有更多的是愿意聘请condottieri打一些未来的叛乱(仅适用于严重的叛乱目前现在计数)。
- 修正了AI,某些不太可能的原因被卡住,从来没有取消condottieri。
- AI会更容易一点上,它要征服或盟军的国家担保。
- 一个更加动态的修改替换condottieri不利的成本接受修改直接关系到维护乘数。
- 增加了condottieri接受惩罚对非常小的军队。
- 修正了AI执行怪异的建筑在战争中(再次)。
- 修正了偷偷摸摸的臭虫技术4个单位将被视为?100次一样强大的技术在3个单位(导致自杀的战争宣言)。
- 主题往往被认为(例如,对于盟友)计算的军队力量时(有助于防止自杀的战争宣言)。
- AI应该不再是容易的对手国家在其自己的贸易联赛。
- AI军队宁愿不去fortless将被敌方炮台翻转省份。
- 固定的情况下,“无法选择省x方法,因为Y国不希望它”,由于谈判代表申请接收的过度扩张。
- 人工智能作出考虑海军登陆网站的反叛力量,将不再尝试使用较小的力返回基地。
- AI应该不再会停留在招-散伙周期。
- AI军队将不再重视支持受试者的军队(因为他们很可能是被动的)。
- AI高厄运现在将尝试牺牲自己的封臣统治者和继承人。
- AI希望不会再创建零船舶贸易节点任务的舰队。
- 在确定赤字开支的程度,AI现在认为任何债务。
- 在国家HRE只会提供Condottieri邻居。
- 将,现在只有当它有硬难度级别百万金币以上,以避免运算溢出的钱自动删除。
- 人工智能现在更倾向于债务还清,以减少腐败(但要避免发动战争的时候会考虑腐败的债务形式)。
- AI不太可能拮抗或设置至关重要它在某些情况下保证国家的省份。
- 多个固定到AI寻路故障的复杂性优化,以避免困军队的行为。
- 人工智能现在尝试考虑的是做强度计算,当一个国家是否已聘请了condottieri。
- AI将发送其整个军队作为Condottieri如果剩余的防御力也不太可能甚至打叛乱。
- 杂项。错误修正调整,以Condottieri还原到硬盘昔日的辉煌。
- AI不太可能发出condottieri如果军队没有建立强制限制。
- 人工智能至少应该给你的时候,你已经答应他们的土地加入他们的战争一个省,假设你选择了一个。
- Condottieri的固定情况下,被聘用后,被卡住。
- AI不会雇用了被围困了作为Condottieri军队。
- AI不再创建国家在那里可以建立贸易公司来代替。
- 修正,使得AI围攻友好叛乱分子和打击叛乱分子一般帮助国家,它没有理由帮助。
- AI不再授予省到宣布独立,失去了反叛者。
- 修正了AI从未取消转移贸易强国。
- 修正了AI的使用破门的,叫十字军东征和权利要求王座行动。
- 制造AI更可能去低军队维护一个省力省钱。
- 制造AI(偶数)对与自己或债务盟友发动战争更加反感,在战争中,等等。
- 修正了一个不活跃的AI军队臭虫,两个栈将等待对方迈出第一步(因为一个更接近)。
- 修正了几个在那里condottieri没有被正确的AI军队逻辑处理(即正在办理正常的军队的一部分)的案件。
- 他们开始时只是因为船是不敢冒险港海军的任务不应取消。
- 调整了下来AI愿意采取贷款来资助战争,因为他们偿还是比以前更加困难。
- 修正:海军保护贸易可以从流浪贸易节点了。
- 解决了神秘的AI盟友之一的情况下“不希望省”反对专卖品共和国。
- 增加了提示解释说,AI拒绝给予一个省,因为它会成为过度扩张。
- 修正了使目标以外的亨特/截取海军任务转到无关的区域(如波罗的海西非打猎时)。
- 封锁车队将不再分裂,如果它会导致其中一人进入躲藏立即和其他封锁任务同步逻辑修复。
- 封锁海军任务现在也可以考虑封锁您所拥有的敌人控制的省份。
- 在受试者中的间谍行动的工具提示现在说,他们将花费间谍网络规模的霸主。
- 调整后的水手在宏生成器图标。
- 为车队宏生成器现在显示仅售像军队。
- 工具提示改变地产的影响力/忠诚(在事件),现在也显示当前影响/忠诚度。
- 显示在思想确认消息腐败效果之前添加换行符。
- 增加了对从附庸月报价提示。
- 在一些提示的微小变化(主要是战争画面)。
- HRE屏幕不再声称,其世袭新登记选民被任命后。
- 增加了外交观“有条件的军事访问”。
- 增加图标被停滞(可能是由于侵略性设置)海军任务与相关的解释。
- 外交反馈认为这有利于/信任已经被隐藏,或者当视图打开一个人的发挥国家绝育。
- 当地区可升级为国家增加了警报。
- 按一个选民的投票盾现在打开与他们的外交(而不是显示他们的资本)。
- 在全省视图标准化工具提示。
- 如果选择资源管理器为首的舰队,栏现在显示该区域可以通过右键点击一个未被发现的海上省份进行探讨。
- 与国家外交选项卡上的腐败问题特使代替出行时间,所以你可以看到其他国家的腐败现象。
- 在教程的文字略有变化。
- 增加了舆论的损失解释袭击海岸按钮,工具提示和消息。
- 现在堡保养提示显示修饰。
- 增加了贸易联盟mapmode。
- 改进地产忠诚提示。
- 游戏不再冻结,如果设置FORTRESS_COST为0。
- 每难度级别定义现在可以设置(在.lua定义由difficulty_前缀的文件)。
- 如果选择资源管理器为首的舰队,栏现在显示该区域可以通过右键点击一个未被发现的海上省份进行探讨。
- 与国家外交选项卡上的腐败问题特使代替出行时间,所以你可以看到其他国家的腐败现象。
- 在教程的文字略有变化。
- 修正:改装最高军衔为HRE王子和选民没有工作。
- 在现代斯洛伐克增加了一些更具活力的省名。
- 在实现先到先得,先到现在即成要求你开始作为一个西方国家,匹配其描述。
- 删除弑君事件。
- 许多无人居住的岛屿将不再有prescripted文化/宗教。
- 霸王现在将被通知在学科建设运河延误。
- 阿拉伯不再成型与土耳其主要文化的国家。
- 非洲大湖现在是独立的省份,以避免怪异的邻接关系。
- 湖Balkasj现在它自己的省,因为是周围的湖泊,以避免怪异的邻接关系。
- 解体东部芬兰的湖泊,以避免怪异的邻接关系。
- 布哈拉现在使用乌兹别克单位如果使用相应的图形DLC。
- 大湖贸易节点是在布干达省(但在地图上仍出现在维多利亚湖),以发现它并不需要征服湖旁边的土地。
- 增加了决策形成冰岛(这次是真的)。
- 因弗内斯现在被称为Gaeldom。
- 增加了更多的宗教建筑的具体名称。
- 一些土耳其的动态省的名字现在使用周期名称,而不是一个时髦的名字为自己的省份。
- 成型西班牙,俄罗斯和法国现在将让你改变想法,如果你愿意的话。在AI仍然会选择,如果他们用一个非标准的全国无通用的想法形成以保持他们的旧观念。
- 如果你是第一次环绕地球作为一个非西方人文本弹出现在应该含有较少的地理错误。
- 形成了罗马帝国时,罗马文化,现在蔓延到你自己的原代培养的省份。
- 现在有一个coresponding俄罗斯的任务是战胜立陶宛的土地用于情况下,当波兰或PLC并没有吞下立陶宛。
- 商家共和国现在可以使用现有的决定成为一个寡头共和国。
- 法国和奥地利是现在历史的对手。
- 奥里诺科贸易现在的想法会给贸易强国,而不是大篷车电源。
- 在蒂罗尔删除施蒂里亚核心。
- 贸易公司活动现在使用is_mtth_scaled_to_size。
- Boromo Trailokanat的改革现在会给每个类型,而不是400的50力量。
- 所有的日本大名现在会利用自己的国家的具体炮兵部队。
- 伊比利亚婚礼现在使用了沉重的自由渴望减少对未成年人的合作伙伴。
- 减少要求履行“证明合法性”的使命,从100到75的合法性。
- 勃艮第的传承现在10,而不是50增加地方自治。
# Bug修复
- 军队将不再以是否保存为战斗开始加载秘技被淹没了。
- 修正了在Lousiania购买一个破碎的触发器。
- 给一个省地产现在应该立即灰色,加议会按钮。
- 修正:HRE大选的关系是由选民最左边的声望来确定。现在,这些国家自身信誉是决胜局的时候也不是皇帝。
- 在省文件2836修正坏paranteses。
- 中非事件15将不再触发每隔一个月为Makua。
- 水手事件将不再触发,除非你有一个端口。
- Temes的资本是正确的,现在Temes。
- 增加了女性的标签为某些统治者的标题,使翻译工作更容易。
- 亚该亚在1453开始日期统治者现在托马斯巴列奥略王朝。
- 葡萄牙语事件“在印度洋商业冲突”现在有较少从比赛的双方现实和历史情况超脱的说明。
- 增加了背意外删除提示西方焦点。
- 要恢复系统主题的决定现在将有一个更可读的提示。
- 英国味事件“放纵和试验法案的法令”,将现在只能触发一次。
- 工具提示传教士将不再声称,殖民者将永远转换的省份。
- 汉萨炮兵现在可以正确地使用他们的DLC单位。
- 在Bagirmi固定坏单元的位置。
- 库班雪茄成就现在是有效的,如果你的一个主题是烟草的主要生产商为好。
- 勃艮第现在可以正确地吸收他们的对象时,他们是西班牙继承就像他们会如果通过其他国家所继承。
当酒红最终保留独立触发修正错误的事件 - 。
- 增加了背normal_or_historical_nations = yes以勃艮第风味事件文件。
- 伦敦证交所事件的创建将现在只火一次。
- 玫瑰战争,现在应该考虑既不约克家族也不是兰开斯特赢得一个结束。
- 纳杰夫(塞马沃省)目前拥有的宗教中心修改。
- 工具提示形成荷兰将不再声称你获得新的想法,如果你已经有荷兰的思路。
- 在内战开始从1到10个增加到声望下降。
- 战争事件16艺术,巫术,将不再针对已经有当地政治迫害的省份。
- 修正丢失或摩洛哥风味事件“苏丹远征”
- 现已形成西藏不会给塔里木盆地永久索赔。
- 修正有错误性别的一些北大的君主。
- 与亚历山大的族长埃塞俄比亚事件现在检查谁拥有亚历山大。
- 一旦埃塞俄比亚已收到葡萄牙大使馆葡萄牙现在知道埃塞俄比亚首都。
- 修正了法语意大利语野心使命试图给一种错误的改性剂。
- 事件“英语干预振奋的胡格诺派教徒”将不再产卵叛军友好的法国。
- 对省1761和77的文件名现在与其(非动态)在游戏名符合(在此没有游戏影响,但应注意,因为它可能是有益的游戏模组以知道)。
- Gazikhumuk现在开始作为一个什叶派国家,除了杰尔宾特所以没有达吉斯坦省份。
- 事件区域贵族挑战国家现在给自主性及其修饰符一起。
- 西伯利亚当地人现在使用的步兵。
- 工具提示形成意大利现在应该更具有可读性。
- 在X的要求,议会的事件将不再触发已有所产生的改性剂的省份。
- 因在国会腐败事件的影响范围修正。
- 不能够负担得起解雇一名顾问澄清,给出的总和为顾问,没有任何更改顾问提示。
- 议会的活动将再次使用比例平均时间发生。
- 波兰事件3481皇家斗争,现在将创建一个摄政委员会,而不是一个18岁的男子被称为“(众议院)”。
- 海军任务:舰队攻击性设置不再影响Exporation /航行任务。
- 修正:工具提示:威胁战争有一些重复的信息。
- 与事件固定的问题在宗教的产生方式叛军太大,许多筹码在看似偶然的情况下,法国的战争转向外国干预。
- 对建筑的宗教特定名称的固定支持(而不仅仅是宗教组)。
- 使命改善关系,如果你有问题敌对设置你的态度,该国将现在中止。
- 修正了“重视友好单位”不是为Condottieri与海军和/或敌对/中性单位禁用。
- 修正坏提示东非技术的速度。
- 韩国代表团将正确检查,各省他们要你走是不是已经被你拥有。
- 修正了错误的文字被用于备选方案A中的“法国索赔意大利削弱”事件(flavor_fra.3108)。
- 缩短在法国贸易视图两个项目,使他们适应界面更好。
- 修正了一些区域的颜色太相似附近地区。
- 改革政府,你作为一个基督徒部落现在给你东方科技和单位。
- 改变宗教到新教改革或将不再说明你得到改革的中心,如果你不这样做。
- 改革的中心现在会多一点隔开。
- 现在,您可以邀请一个国家的贸易联盟,如果他们转移贸易的权力给你。
- 对同一日期战役预测图标是希望更准确。
- 修正了外交官被陷在新国叛军打破了国家工作之后。
- 修正了无法制造声称由于太小间谍网络,尽管网络是足够大的。
- 贸易联盟领导人不能再取消转移贸易强国的成员(这只是愚蠢到让这一点)。
- 删除提示错误声称个人联盟将打破君主,如果死了霸主的声望负。
- 修正了民族主义消失在标签的变化。
- 威尼斯风味事件“穆拉诺玻璃工业的成长”现在给较少的重商主义。
- 在和平时期雇用Condottieri有时错误显示的固定费用警惕。
- 塞浦路斯马穆鲁克Vassalization将不再触发如果塞浦路斯是处于战争状态。
- 加载保存修正后得到的菌落称为外贸货。
- 没有触电和火灾领导人没有选择时,现在可以正确显示恒星。
- 修正了点击未知领域时,选择的浏览器为首的舰队无法启动探索海军的使命。
- 修正:一个声称能受试者在他们的霸主威胁的战争,得到一个CB征服战争。
- 当放弃国家成为另一个民族的主体无条件投降,现在被清除。
- 赞比西河,刚果和大湖贸易节点,现在都被认为是内陆节点。
- 修正了贸易联盟的领导/关系形成一个国家如果没有适当的转移。
- 人工智能在RNW没有创造国家的固定症状(原来是如何产生的地区更严重的错误)。
- 修正了盟友打电话时宣战块土地收益时,能够保证土地。
- 海外优势战争的目标现在可以再次取省份在非洲。
- 巴尔干穆斯林国家(如脚垫)现在可以再次获得难民的格拉纳达。
- 修正了一个自由的欲望在顶栏躲在合法性。
- Condottieri单位现在将掠夺敌人的省份。获得战利品将进入国家租用了Condottieri单位。
- 修正了任务要取消选择的两个错误。
- 在攻城视图(仅图形),网络间谍效果100倍过大,并在提示它被反转。
- 修正:消转接贸易没有回到贸易大国到保护地。
- 和平:固定没有得到入选省时,在同一时间在不同的和平苛刻vassalization。
- 带来了外交制表符码的最黑暗的角落秩序,整理出丢失或错误的自由愿望提示。
- 修正外交官间谍建设网络时,目标国迁都卡住。
- 单位现在应该显示正确的旗“由雇用的”聘请全国形成了一个新的国家之后。
- 修正了你可以建立在学科国家的建筑,让他们付出代价。
- 海军探索:修正了点击未知领域触发手动探索会失败,但仍然报告“探索完成”。
- 固定问题,即从舰队保护商业贸易强国不正确计算。
- 宣战对话框:改变“CHANCE:0%”AI接受提示在罕见的情况下显示。
- 现在是在月底申请而不是立即的忠诚村变化的影响。
- 任务,以保护宗教和文化群体将不再针对殖民地。
- 棉花进口可能不再触发一次以上的运动。
- 修正了音乐播放DLC歌曲错在蒸汽音乐播放器
- 修正了地图模式,有时改变不正确时,单击鼠标左键省。
- 修正了殖民地能够根据警报提示进行状态。
- 转移贸易盾牌国家贸易标签固定提示倒置。
- 商人共和国科目不能再取消贸易强国传输。
- 修正Condottieri地图图标有时显示1%封锁。
- 美第奇家族现在所指向以更一致的方式。
- 固定支架坏在民意修饰符文件。
- 修正引起的多线程计算外交比赛数据OOS。
- 冰川地形现在略少好客和针叶林略多左右。
- Yorumba现在更名为约鲁巴语。
- 美因茨目前礼贤原代培养和Berry是Francien。
- 波兰风味事件Turko波兰人张力,如果现在只火波兰是基督徒。
- 东现在是东,西是西太平洋。
- 在寻路删除潜在的OOS来源。
Europa Universalis IV Mare Nostrum v1.17.1 Update changelog:
######################## ############################
- Fixed tendency for AI to end up with too much artillery and cavalry in late game.
# Bugfixes
- Fixed issue where settings were overwritten after loading a &Continue& save game, potentially disabling Achievements.
- You can no longer change difficulty after starting an Ironman game.
- MP: Fixed game sometimes going out of sync when upgrading fleets.
########################## 1.17 ##############################
# Free Features
- Nation Designer: Added new custom idea &Slave Raiders& that allows you to raid coasts.
- Readded Very Easy and Very Hard with bonuses of old.
- Added &economy& console command that prints global economy statistics to game.log.
- Disbanding fleets now return sailors to your sailor pool (up to max sailors).
- Sailors are now returned to your sailor pool when upgrading ships.
- Added Humiliate Rival Casus Belli which will now always be available towards rival countries, allowing you to humiliate, Show strength, release cores and countries but not directly demand provinces.
# Gamebalance
- You now need to have a participation score in a war to gain revanchism for losing it.
- Added -50 bilateral opinion modifier between a country and any country that broke free from it.
- Grant Independence treaty now counts as gaining the whole alliance, rather than just the leader (so allies won't complain for not getting anything).
- Culture & Religion changes on colonisation are now possible if all natives are dead, or if non-western.
- French language in all courts is now +1 diplomatic relations.
- Tengri syncretic religion is now checked when checking for alliance offers.
- Rebels that break free now get an alliance and +200 opinion modifier with the (if any) country that supported them.
- Culture cost modifiers no longer affect the time for culture conversion.
- Spy Discovery Cooldown is now 3 months, instead of 5 years.
- Fabricating a claim now requires a spy network of at least 20.
- Each extra claim on another nation adds 25% cost for new claims fabricated.
- Reworked the &has powerful allies& acceptance factor, and now penalizes you when having a total alliance strength above five times the average country military strength.
- Espionage ideas no longer unlocks the espionage actions.
- Added a 'reduced_liberty_desire' modifier that reduces liberty desire in subjects.
- Claim Fabrication got moved from influence to espionage ideas.
- Spy Ideas gained &Additional Loyalist Recruitment&, which reduces LD in subjects by 10.
- Spy Ideas gained &Audit Checks&, which reduces Corruption by 0.1 Yearly.
- Influence gained &Establish Cadet Branches&, giving +25% heir chance and +0.5 prestige. Monarchies ftw!
- Reduced impact from religious unity severly on corruption.
- Fabricating Claims now require Dip Tech 0.
- Steal Maps now require Dip Tech 6.
- Study Technology now require Dip tech 9.
- Slander Mechants&&now require Dip tech 12.
- Sabotage Recruitment&&now require Dip tech 15.
- Sow Discontent now require Dip tech 18.
- Sabotate Reputation now require Dip tech 21.
- Corrupt Officials now require Dip tech 24.
- Agitate for Liberty now require Dip tech 27.
- Infiltrate Administration now require Dip tech 30.
- Debates in Parliaments now only finish mid-month if it chance to win is 100 or above
- Wargoals for claims are no longer reducing AE.
- Added +ship repair speed to shipyard and grand shipyard
- The &Show Strength& peace option now gives the same Power Projection as &Humiliate&.
- &Show Strength& peace option will now give 100 monarch points of each type rather than 20.
- Military access is no longer extended to provinces with hostile units.
- Tweak to gifts/subsidies to reduce long range spam.
- AI should no more be willing to hire condottieri to fight some future rebellion (only serious present rebellions now count).
- Fixed some unlikely reasons for AI getting stuck and never cancelling condottieri.
- AI will go a bit easier on guarantees of countries that it wants to conquer or ally.
- Replaced condottieri Unfavorable cost acceptance modifier with a more dynamic modifier directly linked to maintenance multiplier.
- Added condottieri acceptance penalty against very small armies.
- Fixed AI performing weird building construction at war (again).
- Fixed sneaky bug where tech 4 units would be considered ~100 times as powerful as units at tech 3 (resulting in suicidal war declarations).
- Subjects more often considered (e.g. for allies) when calculating army power (helps against suicidal war declarations).
- AI should no longer as easily rival countries in its own trade league.
- AI armies prefer to not go to fortless provinces that will be flipped by enemy forts.
- Fixed case of &Cannot select province X because country Y does not want it& due to overextension of negotiator applying to receiver.
- AI made to consider rebel strength of naval landing site, and will no longer attempt return to base with a smaller force.
- AI should no longer get stuck in recruit-disband cycles.
- AI armies will no longer attach to supportive subjects' armies (as they're likely to be passive).
- AI with high doom will now try to sacrifice their vassals' rulers and heirs.
- AI hopefully doesn't create zero ship trade node mission fleets anymore.
- When determining the degree of deficit spending, AI now considers any debt.
- Countries in HRE will only offer Condottieri to neighbors.
- AI will now only have its money automatically deleted when it has 1 million ducats or more on Hard difficulty levels to avoid arithmetic overflow.
- AI now prefers paying off debt to reducing corruption (but will consider corruption a form of debt when avoiding to start wars).
- AI less likely to antagonize or set vital the provinces of countries it has guaranteed in some cases.
- More fixing to AI pathfinding failure complexity optimizations to avoid sleepy army behavior.
- AI now tries to consider the fact whether a country has hired out condottieri when doing strength calculations.
- AI will send its entire army as Condottieri if the remaining defending force would be unlikely to even beat a rebellion.
- Misc. bug fix tweaks to restore Condottieri to former glory on Hard.
- AI less likely to send out condottieri if army isn't built up to force limit.
- AI should at least give you one province when you've been promised land by them to join their war, assuming you've selected one.
- Fixed case of Condottieri being stuck after being hired.
- AI will not hire out an army that is sieging as Condottieri anymore.
- AI no longer creates states where it can create Trade companies instead.
- Fixed bug that made AI siege friendly rebels and in general help countries against rebels it has no reason to help.
- AI no longer grants provinces to rebellious subjects that declared independence and lost.
- Fixed AI never cancelling Transfer Trade Power.
- Fixed AI's use of Excommunicate, Call Crusade and Claim Throne actions.
- Made AI more likely to go to low army maintenance in an effort to save money.
- Made AI (even) more averse towards starting wars with themselves or allies in debt, in war, etc.
- Fixed an inactive AI army bug where two stacks would wait on each other to make the first move (because one was closer).
- Fixed a couple of cases where condottieri weren't being handled properly in AI army logic (i.e. being handled as part of normal army).
- Naval missions shouldn't cancel when starting them just because ships are afraid to venture out of port.
- Tweaked down AI's willingness to take loans to fund wars since repaying them is more difficult than it used to be.
- Fixed: Navies protecting trade could stray away from the trade node.
- Solved one case of mysterious AI ally &does not want province& against merch republics.
- Added tooltip explaining that AI is refusing to be given a province because it would become overextended.
- Fixed bug making Hunt/Intercept naval missions goto irrelevant regions other than the target (e.g. the Baltic when hunting in West Africa).
- Blockade fleets will no longer split up if it would cause one of them to go into hiding immediately, and other blockade mission synchronization logic fixes.
- Blockade naval missions will now also consider blockading enemy controlled provinces owned by you.
# Interface
- Tooltips over Spy Actions in a Subject now say they will cost Spy Network size with the Overlord.
- Adjusted Sailors icon in macro builder.
- Macro builder for fleets now show cost just like for armies.
- Tooltip for changing an estate's influence/loyalty (in events) now also show current influence/loyalty.
- Added newline before showing Corruption effect on Idea confirmation message.
- Added tooltip for March offer from vassal.
- Slight changes in some tooltips (mostly war screen).
- HRE screen no longer claims its hereditary after new electors have been appointed.
- Added &conditional military access& in diplomacy view.
- Added icon for naval missions that are stalled (likely due to aggressiveness setting) with associated explanation.
- Favors/trust on diplomatic feedback view have been hidden or neutered when view is open for a human played country.
- Added alert when territories can be upgraded to states.
- Pressing the shield of an elector's vote now opens diplomacy with them (rather than showing their capital).
- Standardized tooltips in province view.
- If an Explorer-led fleet is selected, the tooltip now shows which region can be explored by right-clicking on an undiscovered sea province.
- Replaced envoy travel time with corruption on country diplomacy tab so you can see other countries' corruption.
- Slight change in tutorial text.
- Added explanations of opinion loss to Raid Coasts button tooltip and message.
- Fort maintenance tooltip now shows modifiers.
- Added Trade League mapmode.
- Improved Estate Loyalty tooltip.
# Usermodding
- Game no longer freezes if setting FORTRESS_COST to 0.
- Per difficulty level defines can now be set (in .lua define files prefixed by difficulty_).
- If an Explorer-led fleet is selected, the tooltip now shows which region can be explored by right-clicking on an undiscovered sea province.
- Replaced envoy travel time with corruption on country diplomacy tab so you can see other countries' corruption.
- Slight change in tutorial text.
- Fixed: Modding max rank in HRE for Princes and Electors didn't work.
- Added some more dynamic province names in modern Slovakia.
- The Achievement First Come, First Serve now requires you to start as a western country, matching its description.
- Removed Regicide Event.
- A number of uninhabited islands will no longer have prescripted culture / religion.
- Overlord will now be notified of delays in canal construction of subjects.
- Arabia no longer formable for countries with Turkish primary culture.
- The African Great Lakes are now separate provinces to avoid weird adjacencies.
- Lake Balkasj is now it's own province, as is the surrounding lakes to avoid weird adjacencies.
- Broke apart the Eastern Finnish lakes to avoid weird adjacencies.
- Bukhara now uses Uzbek units if the corresponding graphics DLC is used.
- Great Lakes Trade Node is now in the Buganda province (but still appears on map over Lake Victoria) to make discovering it not require conquering land right beside the lake.
- Added decision to form Iceland (for real this time).
- Inverness is now known as Gaeldom.
- Added more religion specific building names.
- Some of the Turkish Dynamic Province names now use period names rather than modern names for their provinces.
- Forming Spain, Russia and France will now let you change ideas if you so wish. The AI will still choose to keep their old ideas if they're formed by a non-standard country without generic ideas.
- If you are the first to circumnavigate the globe as a non-westerner the text popup should now contain less geographic errors.
- Roman Culture will now spread to your own Primary Culture provinces when forming the Roman Empire.
- There's now a coresponding Russian mission to conquer Lithuanian lands for situations when Poland or the PLC haven't swallowed Lithuania.
- Merchant Republics can now use the existing decision to become an Oligarchic Republic.
- France and Austria are now historical rivals.
- The Orinoco Trade Idea will now give trade power instead of Caravan Power.
- Removed Styrian core on Tirol.
- Trade Company Events now uses is_mtth_scaled_to_size.
- Boromo Trailokanat's Reforms will now give 50 power of each type rather than 400.
- All Japanese Daimyos will now make use of their country specific artillery units.
- The Iberian Wedding now comes with a hefty liberty desire reduction for the minor partner.
- Reducing requirement to fulfill &prove legitimacy& mission from 100 to 75 legitimacy.
- Burgundian inheritence now increases local autonomy by 10 rather than 50.
# Bugfixes
- Armies will no longer be overrun at loading a savegame if saved as battle starts.
- Fixed a broken trigger in the Lousiania purchase.
- Giving a province to an estate should now grey out the add parliament button immediately.
- Fixed: HRE election ties were determined by prestige of leftmost Elector. Now the countries' own Prestige is the tie breaker when neither is Emperor.
- Fixed bad paranteses in Province file 2836.
- Central African event 15 will no longer trigger every other month for the Makua.
- Sailor events will no longer trigger unless you have a port.
- Capital of Temes is now properly Temes.
- Added female tags for some ruler titles to make translation easier.
- The ruler of Achaea in the 1453 start date is now Thomas Palaiologos.
- Portuguese event &Commercial Conflict in the Indian Ocean& now has a description that is less detached from both the reality of the game and the historical situation.
- Added back accidentally removed tooltip for Western Focus.
- The decision to Restore the Theme system will now have a more readable tooltip.
- The English flavor event &Decree of Indulgence and the Bill of Test& will now only trigger once.
- Tooltip for Missionaries will no longer claim that a colonist will always convert a province.
- Hanseatic Artillery will now properly use their DLC units.
- Fixed bad unit position in Bagirmi.
- Kuban Cigars Achievement is now valid if a subject of yours is the leading producer of tobacco as well.
- Burgundy will now properly absorb their subjects when they are to be inherited by Spain much like they would if being inherited by other countries.
- Fixed wrong event being triggered when burgundy ends up retaining independence.
- Added back normal_or_historical_nations = yes to the Burgundian flavor event file.
- The The Creation of the London Stock Exchange event will now only fire once.
- War of the Roses should now account for an ending with neither Yorkists nor Lancasters winning.
- Najaf (Samawah province) now has the religious center modifier.
- Tooltip for forming the Netherlands will no longer claim you get new ideas if you already have Dutch Ideas.
- Increased prestige drop at start of civil war from 1 to 10.
- Art of War event 16, Witchcraft, will no longer target provinces that already have local witch hunts.
- Fixed missing OR in Moroccan flavor event &The Sudanese Expedition&
- Forming Tibet now won't give permanent claims on the Tarim Basin.
- Fixed some Pattani monarchs having the wrong gender.
- Ethiopian events related to the Patriarch of Alexandria now checks who owns Alexandria.
- Once Ethiopia has recieved the Portuguese embassy Portugal will now know of the Ethiopian capital.
- Fixed French Italian Ambition mission attempting to give the wrong kind of modifier.
- The event &English Intervention Rouses Huguenots& will no longer spawn rebels friendly to France.
- File names for province 1761 and 77 now conform with their&&(non-dynamic) in game names (this has no gameplay impact but is noted as it may be useful for modders to know).
- Gazikhumuk now starts as a Shiite country and apart from Derbent so does the Dagestani provinces.
- The event Regional Nobles challenge Country now gives autonomy along with its modifier.
- Siberian Natives are now using infantry.
- Tooltip for forming Italy should now be more readable.
- Demands of the X, parliament event will no longer trigger for a province that already has the resulting modifier.
- Corrected scope for corruption effects in parliament events.
- Changed tooltip for not being able to afford dismissing an advisor to clarify that the sum given is for that advisor and not any advisor.
- Parliament events will once again use scaled mean time to happen.
- Polish event 3481 The Royal Struggle, will now create a regency council instead of an 18 year old man known as &(The Sejm)&.
- Naval Missions: Fleet Aggressiveness setting no longer affects Exporation/Circumnavigation missions.
- Fixed: Tooltip for Threaten War had some duplicate information.
- Fixed issue with event steered foreign intervention in the French wars of religion resulting in way too large and many stacks of rebels under seemingly random circumstances.
- Fixed support for religion specific names for buildings (rather than just religion groups).
- Mission to improve relations will now abort if you set your attitude towards the country in question to hostile.
- Fixed that &attach to friendly unit& was not disabled for Condottieri with navies and/or hostile/neutral units.
- Fixed bad tooltip for east african tech speed.
- Korean missions will now properly check that the provinces they want you to take aren't already owned by you.
- Fixed wrong text being used for option A in the &French Claims in Italy Weakened& event (flavor_fra.3108).
- Shortened two items in the trade view in French to make them fit the interface better.
- Fixed some area colors being too similar to nearby areas.
- Reforming you government as a Christian horde now gives you Eastern Tech and Units.
- Changing religion into Protestant or Reformed will no longer state that you get a center of reformation if you don't.
- Centers of reformation will now be a bit more spaced out.
- You can now invite a country to your Trade league if they are transferring Trade power to you.
- Battle prediction icons for same dates are hopefully more accurate.
- Fixed Diplomats getting stuck in new country after working in a country broken by rebels.
- Fixed being unable to fabricate claim due to too small spy network despite network being large enough.
- Trade League leader can no longer cancel Transfer Trade Power of members (it was just silly to allow this).
- Removed tooltip erroneously claiming that Personal Union would break on Monarch death if overlord had negative Prestige.
- Fixed nationalism disappearing on tag change.
- Venetian flavor event &Growth of the Murano Glass Industry& now gives less mercantilism.
- Fixed alert for hiring Condottieri at peace time sometimes showing wrong cost.
- The Mamluk Vassalization of Cyprus will no longer trigger if Cyprus is at war.
- Fixed colonies getting known trade goods after loading save.
- Leaders with no Shock and Fire now correctly show stars when not selected.
- Fixed clicking on Terra Incognita not starting exploration naval mission when Explorer-led fleet selected.
- Fixed: Subjects with a claim could threaten war on their overlord, getting a Conquest CB war.
- Unconditional surrenders are now cleared when the surrendering nation becomes a subject of another nation.
- Zambezi, Kongo and the Great Lakes Trade node are now all considered inland nodes.
- Fixed Trade League leadership/relationships not properly transferred when forming a country.
- Fixed symptom of AI not creating states in RNW (turned out to be more severe bug in how areas are generated).
- Fixed being able to promise land when calling in allies when Casus Belli blocks land gain.
- Overseas Superiority War Goal now works for taking provinces in Africa again.
- Balkan Muslim countries (like the Ottomans) can now get Granadan Refugees again.
- Fixed that Liberty Desire hid Legitimacy in the top bar.
- Condottieri units will now loot enemy provinces. Loot gained will go to the Country renting out the Condottieri unit.
- Fixed two bugs that caused missions to be un-selectable.
- In siege view (only graphically), Spy Network effect was 100 times too large, and in the tooltip it was inverted.
- Fixed: Cancelling Divert Trade didn't return trade power to protectorate.
- Peace: Fixed not getting selected provinces when at the same time demanding vassalization in separate peace.
- Brought order in the darkest corners of the diplomacy tab code and sorted out missing or erroneous liberty desire tooltips.
- Fixed diplomats building spy networks getting stuck when target country moved its capital.
- Units should now show the correct &hired by& flag after hiring country forms a new nation.
- Fixed bug where you could build buildings in subject nations and let them pay for it.
- Naval exploration: Fixed bug where manual exploration triggered by clicking on Terra Incognita would fail but still report &Exploration Finished&.
- Fixed issue where Trade Power from fleets Protecting Trade was not calculated correctly.
- Declare War dialog: Changed &CHANCE: 0%& AI acceptance tooltip shown in rare cases.
- Effects of Estate Loyalty changes are now applied immediately instead of at end of month.
- Missions to protect religious and cultural minorities will no longer target colonies.
- Cotton Imports can no longer trigger more than once in a campaign.
- Fixed Music DLC playing wrong songs in Steam Music Player
- Fixed map mode sometimes changing incorrectly when left-clicking province.
- Fixed colonies being able to be made states according to alert tooltip.
- Fixed tooltip on country trade tab for transfer trade shields being inverted.
- Merchant republic subjects can no longer cancel trade power transfers.
- Fixed Condottieri map icons sometimes showing 1% Blockade.
- The Medici family is now refered to in a more consistent way.
- Fixed bad bracket in opinion modifiers file.
- Fixed OOS caused by data races in multithreaded diplomacy calculations.
- Glacial terrain now slightly less hospitable and (coniferous) forests slightly more so.
- Yorumba now renamed to Yoruba.
- Mainz is now Rhenish primary culture and Berry is Francien.
- Polish Flavor Event Turko-Polish Tension will now only fire if Poland is Christian.
- East is now east and west is west in the pacific.
- Removed potential OOS source in pathfinding.
UID主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分1金钱20 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.1游侠新人, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
帖子精华0积分1金钱20 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID7867889主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分9金钱201 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间40 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 9, 距离下一级还需 191 积分
帖子精华0积分9金钱201 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分1金钱0 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.1游侠新人, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
帖子精华0积分1金钱0 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分4金钱80 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间14 小时评议0
Lv.1游侠新人, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 1 积分
帖子精华0积分4金钱80 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分1金钱0 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.1游侠新人, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
帖子精华0积分1金钱0 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID8805484主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分2金钱22 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间2 小时评议0
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UID主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分6金钱164 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间32 小时评议0
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UID8243386主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分2金钱27 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间2 小时评议0
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UID主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分2金钱7 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间1 小时评议0
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