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Zombie Gunship(僵尸空中炮艇)金钱解锁攻略
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僵尸炮艇修改版 1.9.3 已付费无限金币版
僵尸炮艇安卓版|软件简介 Soft Introduction
僵尸炮艇是城堡防御风格游戏,你将面对一群僵尸汹涌的袭击。这群僵尸的目标就是你正在负责保护的一个人类基地,和所有得分游戏一样,游戏的任务就是尽可能长时间地坚持剿杀敌人。【僵尸炮艇基本介绍】僵尸炮艇安卓版 Zombie Gunship是由屡获殊荣游戏开发商Limbic Software出品的一款僵尸题材的射击游戏,玩家将驾驶重型对敌攻击机空中h艇 AC-130 对地面的僵尸发动攻击,它能够在不同的情形下进行连续、如外科手术般纵深的精确的空中打击。【僵尸炮艇游戏特色】 优化了广泛的平板电脑和手机 Google Play的游戏服务支持 - 排行榜和成就! 3D夜视仪 白色和黑色的热模式之间切换。使用雷达快速检测和消除僵尸的威胁。 作准武器 •25mm的加特林机枪 •40毫米博福斯自动炮 &#mm榴弹炮炮 完成目标,赚到的行列,并在排行榜上击败其他炮手! 收集每个僵尸KILL赏金 使用硬币升级你的武器和增加你的僵尸杀人效率。【僵尸炮艇修改说明】 僵尸炮艇游戏已付费无限资源修改直装版,修改了无限的钱币及所有最大升级。
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Zombie Gunship
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| Developer:&
| Format:&iPhone
| Genre:&Shooter, Tower defence
| Players:&1
| Version:&Europe
| App&version:&1.1
You could be forgiven for being put off by the title – in recent years, zombies have become all but ubiquitous, with developers increasingly struggling to find fresh uses for the shambling brain-munchers.So, it’s heartening to see that Limbic Software, the team behind , has managed to find a new perspective - literally - on a zombie apocalypse.Think of the AC-130 level from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and you’re in the right postal district.Shoot the runnersFrom a circling gunship, you get a monochromatic overhead view of a military base and the surrounding area: your task is to prevent the shuffling hordes from breaching the entrance.You’re also responsible for protecting survivors, who are headed in the same direction. Being very much alive, their body heat means they show up as white figures compared to the dead black of the zombies.This allows you to differentiate between the two as you mow the advancing masses down, with collateral damage being frowned upon by your superiors – kill three survivors and it’s game over.Unfriendly fireAvoiding human casualties is much easier said than done. You’re not penalised for any that get caught (and killed) by the undead as they flee for safety, but as you’re rewarded handsomely for each one you save, it’s wise to try to clear a path to the base for them.But in destroying zombies in the vicinity, you’ll need to consider the blast radius of your chosen gun. Your close-range Gatling gun is not only the most accurate, but it's also the weakest, offering a view of only a tiny portion of the battlefield.Select the slower-firing Bofors gun and you’ve got a wider, more tactical view, and powerful single-shot shells that can take down multiple targets. But you run a greater risk of splash damage wiping out a refugee.Apocalypse HowThe Howitzer, meanwhile, presents the most expansive perspective of the environment. These shots, however, are usually reserved only for emergencies, or for the larger beasts that occasionally lumber into view.With just one area and a single game mode, Zombie Gunship is a repetitive game, though it benefits from an ingenious structure that regularly turns ‘just one more go’ into seven or eight.Successful kills and rescues translate into cash for upgrading your weaponry after each attempt, allowing you to increase the rate and velocity of fire, as well as shortening reload times.Bomb the baseYou can also increase your radar range, increase the bounty you earn per head, or buy a "bomb buddy", a single-use explosive device positioned at the bunker entrance to surprise any zombies who do get past your defences.All of which encourages you to keep trying. After all, your next score could be that much higher if the Gatling could just fire a little faster. Or your Bofors reloaded quicker…In-app purchases which exchange bags of coins for quicker unlocks are available, but they compromise the purity of the grind.It’s this constant drip-feed of new abilities – you’ll rarely need more than a single try to earn a new upgrade – that makes Zombie Gunship so gloriously addictive.
Zombie Gunship
&|&9 August 2011
Clever, polished, and perfectly tuned to keep you hooked, Zombie Gunship is another iPhone time-destroyer
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