ki ho gya ... ve lol这句巴基斯坦语怎么翻译

Ruby On Rails中REST API使用示例——基于云平台+云服务打造自己的在线翻译工具
做为一个程序员可能在学习技术,了解行业新动态,解决问题时经常需要英文的内容;而像我这样的英文小白就只能借助翻译工具才能理解个大概;不禁经常感慨,英文对学习计算机相关知识太重要了!最近发现IBM的云平台Blumemix,并且提供语言翻译的服务,感觉不错,就拿来研究学习一下;这里就分享一下我的研究学习过程,如何使用Ruby On Rails调用REST API打造自己的在线翻译工具,并演示如何把它发布到云平台上,让每个人都可以通过网络访问使用它。
一个 Bluemix 帐户,您还没有? 点击这里注册,已经有,点击这里登录;
对 HTML(超文本标记语言)的基本了解;
对 (层叠样式表)的基本了解;
对Ruby 语言的基本了解;
对Ruby On Rails 的基本了解;
步骤 1. 创建您的 Ruby 应用程序
1、在 Bluemix 用户界面中,转至&仪表板&。
3、单击 Web,然后按照指导经验来选择入门模板,指定名称以及选择编码方式。
步骤 2. 添加语言翻译服务
可以通过单击 Bluemix 用户界面中应用程序&概述&上的添加服务或 API,将服务添加到应用程序中。也可以使用 cf 命令行界面。请参阅处理应用程序的可用选项。
步骤 3. 准备开发环境
Ruby Rails入门&&windows下搭建Ruby Rails Web开发环境
步骤 4.编写代码
1、下载初始Hello World示例代码
2、执行命令:bundle install
期间可能会提示:Your Ruby version is 2.2.3, but your Gemfile specified 2.2.2
因为我安装的版本比示例代码的版本高,直接去Gemfile 中把版本改为:2.2.3就可以了;
3、执行命令:rails server
function doExecTrans(){
var txt = $(&#InputText&).val();
if (txt == &&){
type: &GET&,
url: &trans&,
data: {&txt&:txt},
success: function(data){
if (data.error){
error: function(data){
alert( &Error Msg: & + data );
后台主要代码:trans_controller.rb,与翻译服务Web Service交互
require 'json'
require &net/http&
require &open-uri&
require &uri&
# Controller and action definition for uri trans/index
# See routing configuration in config/routes.rb
class TransController & ApplicationController
@txt = params[:txt];
if (@txt == nil || @txt.empty?) then
@result = &{\&error\&:\&请输入要翻译的文本!\&}&;
auth = &c0-441c-9df7-:qUvrJPSdPgOx&;
surl = &https://& + auth + & + @
uri = URI.parse(surl);
begin #开始
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request =
request.basic_auth &c0-441c-9df7-&, &qUvrJPSdPgOx&
response = http.request(request)
@result = &{\&text\&:\&#{response.body}\&}&;
@result = &{\&error\&:\&#{$!}!\&}&;
&%= raw @result %&
很简单,只有一句,可是暗藏玄机;你可以把 raw 移除试试!
RailsStarter::Application.routes.draw do
# The priority is based upon order of creation:
# first created -& highest priority.
# Sample of regular route:
match 'products/:id' =& 'catalog#view'
# Keep in mind you can assign values other than :controller and :action
# Sample of named route:
match 'products/:id/purchase' =& 'catalog#purchase', :as =& :purchase
# This route can be invoked with purchase_url(:id =&
get ':controller(/:action(/:id))'
root :to =& 'say#hello'
match '/trans', :to=&'trans#index'
添加一行:match '/trans', :to=&'trans#index'
步骤 5. 本地运行访问
执行命令:rails server
步骤 6. 上传应用程序
注意:上传之前要把 Gemfile 中的版本改回 2.2.2,云平台上目前还不支持2.2.3
登录到 Bluemix? 后,可以使用 cf push 命令来上传应用程序。
1、安装 Cloud Foundry 命令行界面。
请根据自己使用的操作下载对应的版本;我使用的是Windows 7 64位操作系统,
2、连接到 Bluemix。
执行:cf api,如下图:
3、登录到 Bluemix。
cf login -u
4、发出 cf push 命令时,cf 命令行界面将提供使用 buildpack 来构建并运行应用程序的 Bluemix 环境的工作目录。
从应用程序目录中,输入带有应用程序名称的 cf push 命令。在 Bluemix 环境中,应用程序名称必须是唯一的。
后面的&-m 512m&是修改应用程序内存配额的,可以不带这个参数,如下图:
注意:执行cf push前将命令行当前目录切换到您刚刚创建的应用目录,例如我刚刚创建的
C:\ruby\rbtrans\,cf push 后面的rbtrans要替换为您在Bluemix上创建的应用名称。
提示: 使用 cf push 命令时,cf 命令行界面会将当前目录中的所有文件和目录复制到 Bluemix。确保应用程序目录中只包含必需的文件。
cf push 命令上传应用程序并将其部署到 Bluemix。有关 cf push 的更多信息,请参阅 cf 命令。有关 buildpack 的信息,请参阅使用社区 buildpack。
如果更改了应用程序,可以通过再次输入 cf push 命令来上传这些更改。 cf 命令行界面会使用您先前的选项以及您对提示的响应来通过新的代码段更新应用程序的任何运行中实例。
提示: 您还可以从 Bluemix DevOps Services 上传或部署应用程序。请参阅在 Node.js 中使用 Web IDE 开发Bluemix 应用程序。
步骤 7. 做个小小的测试
家的要重Th性 Iemporante cf oFmiaylFmial iys av ryeim porant ptat of rdali lyfie nim aetira ls aelw al is spniit. rIt’ smioptratn not nloyb ecausei tproidve ssu place atol iv ein,but alsoi t suporpts suin s piritaula sect.p Famil yisthe mos tafmiilr apalc for eus ,herewthere re oaru blevedo afmliie shw cora eofr na sdppurtoto each thoer.I na ddttiin, oi’sta lacpe ufllfi leldwi t hlvoe,altho uhgi tppaaesrt obe os comom.n heTor idarnyh ouesohdlaf aifsrm aeku sfee tle hwartm and hhppaness oiffam ly alilt h eitm.eT hemo ts ipomtarnt sithat amilfy si uorh avn,e apla ec herwew eaerprot etecd It .prheapsis tehl ats staito whernew cea nlyadow burdenna n gdtet her el arlaex 解决.城市交压通How t力 ooSvelthe Probl e om Hfevy araTffic Noaways, danm cityzensiar coeplaimnni gabutot h ehaveytr afifc. t hasIs eiourlys ifluennedc peoples ’adil ylfeia nd scoali evdlepmenot.To slveot hi sprbolme,s me suoggetisosn ashbe e npu torwfrd. aSomep oelp seuggst bueldinigmor e street sadnro as to reducd trafeficdensi y.tIt rea ll ywrko is tnhe begininn,g ub teborf eoln,gt esh nee wtsrets aedn oarsd ra fell ufilledw tihmore cars. Someothe r asvdse tioli mti th aeount of bmiks aednc rs to daecraes teh traefif cfolw. tId eo wsro ikn a hsrot itme B.u thti semsaur ewli lffeca thet ocsnmutpoi andnm ka ebses moue crowder. Ind addtion, tieh nede sor fbkes iadn acrs an ocln yb muehc mor weth iteh edelvompnt efos ocetyi.In y mponiio,np oelpesh uold b eenocragud to take epulbc itrnapsotrtaoinan pdoelep shoudl eke pthi sivw einmi n. Furtderhmre,ot he ogernvemntsho lu adceclreateth deeevoplmne tfos ubwa and uryban airway lto setabilhs a ompcehernisve rbuna tarnsopr tssytem.
记一植次节活树英语日动记Tree-lpatinn Dga作者y:dmain来 源互:联 时间网:021-02312 - Machr1 t2 ih TseerP lnating Day. his Tyear uo scrohol obghu tneughotrees ebfoer tah tady . nOtha tday , we iddn'th dac lssesa. The eacherts nad uo rcalsmatsesp altnedt eresaroun d ou srchool.  e Wbega to plnnaedttre esas s ono s wae ogtt o chsolo. s omes utentd sdguth helose . omeSs tdunte psut htet reesin ott e hohlse. S om etsuends puttth eea rh tacbkt o hte holse.T hen w epsued theheart h ard hwti ohu freet At la.t ws eawered tht etreesa smu hca posssblie. Fr om the nn oew oloed kafet tre treeh casrfuell yadnth trees grewe erv ywlel. Itma e oudrsh coolmo r ebeautiuf l.nA Hdowh ppa wye rea! 我喜最欢的市城my favoriut ceiyt S anghaih s im favyrito eityc. I lie it bkcaeus I was eorb innth ree, adna l o tfom y fmail ymeberms an dymf rindesl vi theee. Trh ehsopipg in nShnagha isi chapereth n aerh, eutb ti’ expsesivn ienCh ia.n Iha ev alo toft hing tsodo heter, lkei s:hopingp ,lapyig, goning to ym rfien’dsh oe…m nAd htre’ereal o aslo tof lapec thsa treai tnresteing.In S anghha, peiplo seepa tkehsame alngugeaa s Id o. Iws tahree fro13 yarse! I elf thtreeo n uguAt, 1sth,82 05.0 AdnI w a tserh eecbuae sI aws orn bin hter aed nIl ivd there.eThreere ’ lat of peoole pi Snhnghai.aThe epolpe re ailek em .eWall s peka the amse anluagg. ehT peeolpe ni hanghai arSebu s andy fierdln. Andy hSnaghi isaals aod innetrntaonal cityi .tI’sbe utiaufl nd fanac.yT her’re ealo t f taollb ildiuns.gThat’ swhy Shangha iis my favoirt cetyi.It s ’m yhomec it. yI love hanSgahi!!!I d ’lik to go eabc tk ohanSgai,hb ut jst for u avisit A.lthoguhS hnghaia sigoo , dId ’ilk eto lie vhee becaruesI d l’iek o tsudy heter . onIylget laittel hmoeorwk adnt he arih reeis fla hesrt ha Shnanhai. Tghew aehert si ot hinShan ghia A.n the best tide of myae rot ogth ee riss ripng b,ceaue sin prsngi, th eeathewri sooc lad narmw.But som peepolea sedkm e:”Why d n’t wo eg thoere n thi falel T?e hfll ai slsa oooc lna dwarm.”I don t ’tinhks ,o bcauseein Sahnhgia the f,ll aiss till evry ot. hId’lik to recoememnd hts ipacl etoo terh ecabsueI w an tmre anodm or eeoppe lot konwand v sit my ihoetmwo. Inhope ifI as kmy rfeinds” :aHv yeo uverebe en t Shonghaia? o you lDke Sihnahai?g”T e ahnswrse houlsd’nt e:”bN , oIha env’tb ene o tSanhhagi.And Id ont’eve nk ow nnatyinhga bou Shatngahi!” No, Iw’ll recmmoed youn t og toovi ist hSanghi in saumme vacrtian oro iwter nvcataio or nspinr bgear kore vey rtme yiuod l’kei,you’d wnat,b ecasue hanSghi ai s avryenice c ity. Ify u oo ghtee,r yu’olls oonlike ti!羽毛球 Bdmiatnn作者oadm:in来源 互联网 :间:20时12-20-2 3hTe whtiebird glided baaeutfil aur ocvre tehbl eu sykhi, tithar dw ih tymra kcte, t turiend abkcli k aebullet a miniga tar eg. "2t7th " Ishou td eot y mister.s W eh ae vebne nejo pylayni badgmitnn oisce we hnvea elarn thet bsic saklil.s oF rus, i twsano t jus timspyla psrtobut a onldf rend wiohent rtaeind esu urdni glto so bfroed ftaeroonn.sH paiply, ew wolu dgabra airpo fr akecsta n bdegan gaae wmihhcr euirs qrpeicsio nand pomptrens.sCon rtolinlgthe b ir dbtewee noru arcket sffiuledlm ew it ha ense os triumphf ad jny oas fi Iwa s ht eifrs-tlcsa ashtelete! Payiln badgimnonta lo satuhg te mohw weca gain nhapipenssf orma simpel ameg Mea.nhiwle,ke eipn gus entmllya andph syiclla fyt.i报与网纸络的较比作:者adimn 来:源互网 时联:20间2-12023 -不同点:1报.上信息的纸存和保查阅太方便;不络网上的信面息比容易较保。存2.报纸是有偿订;阅络网上信息可的免费浏以。览3.报纸有专业记编写者;络上任网人何都可自以由表发论。言同点相:1都关.最注新时事新。2闻.闻新有都人引注的标题和意色彩图片。.都以3刊广登告来取获润利。自己的点..观.. Th er aer ael t oofdif erefncebe wtenen wseappe radn niofrmtion ona intenet. Oren ofi pmortan thints is gthati ti sn o convenietnt t soav ena ldoo kp inforuamtion onn wepsape,rw hle ite ihnofrmtioano innteret ns iaeseirt saoev .nAoteh rmpoirant thtin ig shatt yo musu tpy somea omenyf o reradng ina ynwsepaep. Brut yo cua netgin ormfaito on intennre titwhuot ayipn.gT he htrdi amin diffreecen is hetre aera ltoo fs epciifc xeprts eeitdingn wepspera.B cyonratts,a yonnec n acali mheirt idea onsi nernte fteery.  But lhtre ear stell simo easemth ingsb teween these .t tAhe eginbnng iwtih, teyha ll ocncenrtae tht lateste ensw The. ecsod nisb to ho fhte hams ttracative ittel nda ocorful pictlues. Firnaly, lthye lal getp roit fyb pbulsihign dveratisement. Su mmrail,yin m yponiino ,htei fnormationon i tnrnet ie sore helpfmul fro m.e高英语考文范作文74篇I. 看图作文类1 今年寒.假你参加了社,会践活实动去,旅行某当业余导社。游根据该旅行社提供请的据和你数的见所所,闻英语写一篇短文用作,为寒假作交给你的英语业师。老Nubermo f pople eni CtyiX t ravelilngabordain 991, 2601 0nd a0260要:1. 简求析格,说表明产这种生象现原因的;2 .合结画,谈漫境外谈旅游出的现问题;.3 针对所出的问现题述你自己的阐法看(至两点少);.4词 数10左2;右. 参考词5汇吐痰: s ip tv. hWen pepoels l’feii gettsin bgettreand b etert, mre aodnmo r peeolepch oos teosp endthe i hroldaiysabro da .hT yeae 200r6sees a hsap irncraes ei the nunbem rof oervseast avreels crmpoaerdwi t hteh yar e2001, weh thne nubem wrasalr eaydm chul rage rhant tht ao fhte yaer1 996. t’Isa good thig nhtt Chianseetou irs ms diveelpoig nveyrfast H.wovere repor,t saout pboepl’se bd maanerns foldoi . Sonm areeeven sked aif all hiCese spni tad litter evernyhewe. rheT poorbe hvaiorh s adon eregat har mot th image efo hCin, waich hsir ellya hsaemfl.uhinC has aonlg ben regeraedd asa c outny riwt hgood amnenrs.E veryobyd hsold uekeps meod o’ sand ond’ts i nhtei rmndit og uiedt heirb haevoir n iupblc,i omeh na dbaord. Wan irspeectfor oyuserfl adn oru contury!2. 据根以下画图写一篇英,语文短描,今述通昔方讯式的化,变以及这些变化人们给活生带的影来响注。:意.1数:词10左右2.生词:0通讯:omcmniuatec 联网:th互e nIternt eGrae chtnges have atkean lacp in the eayw o fcmmunioacionti n epole’ps lfieIn.t ehp ast p,eoplek ep it touch nwth eaicho htre amilynby w irtig lntetrs oe rusig the pnbulic etephlon.e Bt nuw aolmot seevyore nhsahi sow nomibe lhpneoP.eopel an cocmumincatewith ace ohhert almstoa tany plae can dta ayntim .e haW’st more,pe opel avheeasy ccessato hetInt rene, twhih ceablnes het to msne adn rdeecvei -eaims lwhnevee rheyt hthse echnaesg ,eoppels’ pce oa fliefh asben euqcikned enad epopl’s werokha sb ee mane morde eficfenti .I tusde t oate kevesral ayd so teahrfro eamch otehr, utbn o witta ek onslyse vreal inumets, eevnif th e yar ei tnw odffireen ctoutnire. sIn aword, p opeleha vea ensaei rilf noeadwya.s3. 受某文报英委的托你最,对高近生中英语的读阅趣做了兴一调次。查请据以下信息,根用英为语该报一写篇00词1左的右文。短文短的标及题句首为你已写。好查调容:在内闻、故新事科、普、习学法四种英方文章中,学生文喜欢最哪一种调范围查:北湖省的0所中学 1 查调象:高中对生查调数:人200 1 调 查式:方访 谈 调结果:(查下见图)Raeind gItneretsso fSen iro idMledSchoo l SudtetnsRecntey l ausrve yha besne onde t fond oiu tthe eradig internets of sesiornm ddleischool s udtetsn. I tnhs suiver,yo nethous ad sennior imddl scehol stoduets fnrom tn ecsholo insH bui Preovncei weer niervteweid. Teyhwe r esakde hich thewy iklde redaig mnsto maongt ehf ou catrgerios eo Efngilh artscles:i enw,s sortis,ep ouparlscie nc aerictelsa nd raicles abtou letrnaig nemthos.dTe shruve shyow thsat orm ehtan alh of tfe hsutentdslik et oreda nwes mot.sTw nty-eix sprecnteof te hstuednt says hat tEnligh ssoritesar ethire fvaortie. nOly svee npecrne oft hets tdentu ase rmsot inerteset di nerdaign aritcesla bot lueanrign mehtos. Hodewve,r th nembuerof s tuedtn swo enhoj ryaednig ppuolars ceicne rticalse odbuelst hta o tfohe swo hrpfeer readngia trciesla butol arnieng emhtods.4.目 ,全区上下都在前力开大城乡展洁工程的清活。动为响应了政府的召号3月25,日,星期,你们班参加天一了校外次境环生清卫活动洁请。根据画所提图供的息信用英语写,一篇记,并谈日谈的你看。 (为法方便版,图排见页)下注?: 意1. 可适以增当细加节,使以行文连贯完、整 ; 2.词数 100左右:。Snduya ,aMrch 52 Fi en  Today uro lcsasw et not tuo d sooem lecanng.iWe g taerehda tt h sceoho lagte nad strted oau teray ilnth e monrnig Some c.loeltced ht eurbisb hn ite hprk, asmoe cealredthe odl psotes rfof hetw lal,sa ndo hers stwpet te shreet. tW hoeed to mpkea our ict yomr beautifule wthio ur won ahns.d At thes me aimt someeof s wune tt tho epubli placec, wsher tehreew re a eot ol pfopele. We kepton ellitgn popele notto des try ohetb eutay ofn tureas ot htaw cean hae va leacnerw rld.o I mn ypoinio,ns ch uacivtiite saerne cseasrya n dnsituctirve ebaucs esoem pepoe lra euanwra efothe mpoirtace onfpr teoctng ithee nvriomnnt at peersetn.5. 根据图画一写篇短,文叙某天述明小其妈妈与生发故事。的①妈妈阻止子儿扶摔倒的去女;孩儿②对子于倒的油瓶置了不理之。求要1:.不要仅述出表中的图容,还要发表自己内的感;想2.数字:01字左0;右.3头开给出。已Oend y, Xaai Minog sawa li tle tigl fral ovlr.eHe wntedato he l tpehg rl iup, buth ismo het rsotppdeh ima dns ad, i“Dont ’odt hta,ot ehrwis etheor swillth in ki wta yso wuohkn coedk her dow.” A nfw deasy atel,r the mthero asws oched tkosee Xao iMni gusjtl teth ef laeln io lbotlt ee.b AndXiao M ig saindt ohis m tohe, rIf“ didI osmteihg about the nbotte, loyu ouwdl htni ktah ittw a Iswh oknocke dt iover.” Iidasgree ith whwtat h eothmre idd n tihes oty.r I t ihk nparnetss houldset goao dexampe tl tohirec ildrehn Th.y ehsuldo nt onloy car foreth ir ceihlred’ns halte, hutbt ehirmi ns.dT eyhshou ld el thtie chrldrin enkwo t is ia leapuser o hetlp ohers twho ar ei trnoubl. We leve in ith eosiecyt hiwhci s bag ifamliy orfall of us Ever.yneo souhd dols meotinhggoo to dubid up oulr scoeiyt,r igh?t6 下.列表图反映的是校我年5学生康健状调查况部分数据。的请你用英为某文报写份一告,报映该校三年间反生健学康状的变况情况化分,析其原并提因相应的改进出措(施不少于条两。)注:1.意报告必包括须图表所中有内容。2词.数:10左右2。一第已给句(不计出入总数)词。A ercet nsruey vhosw shattt h heelth of aht etsdenut is noru scholoh sa bee noigngfrom bad tow ore isn hetp ast htre eeayrs. he numbTero nferaigstheds utdnet has sncriasedef ro m782.% i n0022 o 9t.25%in 2 050 a,d ntat hfo ovewerghi t ,fro 3m% t6o 254%. Co.pmrae dot 202 0enalyr 10 %orems utents dlcka slee pbcausee f moor hemoeowkr ot do .Beises d o,evr1 %5 omre stuents dha secomb eenmtally nhealuhyt. T iopmorve tusdetn’s ehlah t, e cwal lofrl ess omheorw k .Only i tnhs wiy aan scudtnts gee tpeltn yf soleep an dmanweileh rpeven tteh mrom fegttin negasigrthde Pro.eprd ies tnda eexrise csohudl lasobe pid aatettnoni to soth t theyawo ’t easnli ypu ontw iegth. W ih thtierhe va yubdersnr eomvde, stduetn san tchnebe enmaltlyh aethl.y7.假设你 是华,你李英国笔的友aPlu来询问信北2008奥运吉祥物京。根据请以福下图娃写案封回一信简,介单绍其所代表涵义的,及颜色以意义等内容,并邀请Pal届u时京来看观赛。比注:1.意词数100右;2左.考词汇参:吉物—m祥sacot;福娃(Fu a)—WriendlFieDesar pul,at wIs agret at oeahrf or myo uand Im very’gl dat oellt yu soomethng iboau Betjing OlimyicpMa cstos. heTe rar e5 rFiednlie ,s or F uW inaChin see, o stree avsth eMasc os torfB ijeign 028 0Oymlic Gpmas e. Deignesd to exrpses hten autre ofC hnise cehidlen,rt h 5e odl-like Flrnidleie ars syemblso offo rup opulra nimaas-ltehFish , ht ePnda a ,th eibetanTAnt elpe , oth eSwalolw –an dhe Otymplci Flaem. aEcho f the rieFdliesn hs a Chaniesen am-eBebiie , Jignjjngi, H unahuan, Yi nyingga d Nnnii. Wen whep tu hetm ogethet r ,hty say Beeijni gHuna Yni Ni, gor “elcWom eotB ejini g” in E!gnlsih T.ehes ovleyld llso hsowus the lympiOcs ipir ot ufnievsrla freidnhips, a d tnehy aeh rcpeesertnon eo f teh oflowlngithe- eas, forse t ,frei ,arth eadnsky . A s yu oancs e e, heti crloour shve samoehtin tgod ow it thhe5 ocolus rfot he Olypic rings .m Irea ly hopley u omy cameo to eBjiin ig n020 ! 8eCtrialnyI ’llb yoeu romcpayn hte !nL okion fgorwrd ao your tarirvl aYour!s ,Li Hau8 假.如叫你王,根平据图提表示,你给的加拿网友S大imt 写h封一信,绍你介寒的生假(活共0天2)可根据自,己实的情际况添细节。加注意:.词1数:010左右 2;开.头经给出,不已入计总数词。DaerSm tih,oH awer yu? Hoowt iemf lies!N o wth wientr evaacton was ivor aen dIha evco m becka ot scool hagain.We hda 0 day2si anl flr ohte hlioay, ddruni whgihcwe ahdthe mos itmoptarnt Cihesn eeFsivtla—theSprin gesFtvial .It oto me nekrayl a weke t oivst mi yelatrvei asnda ttnd fameilyp rtaes,i sa t isi at aditrinoa clstou imn Cina. hf Ocourse , Iseptn omt so fhe ttim doing emy lessos.nAs y ouk onw,I ilw ltkae he taNtinola xamEiantinosin uJe nad ints o’nl yaf w emonhtsaw a. yEvey drya Iid dsome Eglins heraidgn ,pacrtiecd witrnig ocmospitiosn, orkew dotu anumbe r o sfcenie problces and smo o.nW he In got itedr I w,uod dlosome tinh tg rolaex ymesfl, liek lpaingy absetkalb lwti hmyfr ends, iisteling not umsic su,rfni tge hItnerne,tplay ig gamne, snd avereyhtignt ht aelhep td recooerv y meerngy.n aIw ord ,I hda afllu, usy andb ownedfurl olhday.i Ho awbut oyou?I m ’looikn gorfard to wearhingf rmo yo souno.ouYr,sWag niPgn9.据下根列图示 以“Teh NewGrad in Systemg niOur chSolo”为题你校为语英报一写短篇文说,明一举措以及这对学你实施校一这措的举认.识求要: .1词 1数0左右0,已 给出分不包部括在.内生词 评:分体g制adrings stey m 与p参ariticptiona(n).①te sst ④ c lss paratcipaiitno ②noets ⑤ te ma wro③k ohewmrokTh New ergaidng systmei nOurS coohInl rdoert ohe p ltudesnts deelvpo htire aibitlie sn ial lfeild,so ur cshoo lnow hasa skd eteh etachrset moae skme ohcangsein t h grediang ystsme. Thi schatrsh wsoh ow it woks.Thr seutdntes f’nil scorea ill be wamd eu opf part5s. Abuot30% o ift wil lcmo erfmot ehi tesrtre ustl.s he Tesr toft e hcore ssi dcided bey theper formnces ao thef tsudnes ti nhte fololwign artps: 2% 0omesc rfom ouyrn ote, snada nohet 2r% is0 ecddid bey ho you wo dyor uhmoweor. Ifky uo tkea a ncatie part vn ciaslrsom octivitiea, yos ucn gea tnatoer h20%o fte hcsore. Tamweokrin lcsa iss alo smpiorantt.I f oy wuatn a hihge rcsor, yeo uhsold ue bgood t aorwink togegthre withy or claussamte.sI mny ponioni ,or ushcol ohas amd ae god oedisicn. Toih neswgradi g sysnet wmil lertcainy lhlp et omirpoveoursel ve sn alol isdes1.0 下.面的状图(p饼ie chta显示)你对你了学生兴趣校爱的调查结好果请。用你英给语Englsih Weeky写l篇一文短,报你的调查结果,道对并结此果表你的看法发或建。议词1数2左0。首右句给出已不(计入数词。)A reenc surteyv shws woah tte htsdeutnsof ou rs hcool ile tk odo in teihr psra eimt.e Form teh pe ihcta, e cwa nsee 35%of hets tudent slikes prots,s od oni sportg ssi th meotspopula acrivitt iy noru cshol.o Te hsceod pnoplau rctivati yof rstuents dsisu rfni gtehIn trneeta d 3n6 % fo thes tdunest ahv eniertets in ti On.yla few studnes,ta obt 8uperc nt eof the,m akteread in ga a hsoby.bA d envn eewfera er ofn od flapiyn gmsiucal insrtumetn.sI nympoin to vfie,wo ru scoholsho ludha vemo re sporstf caiiltie bsilutto satis f thyene edof t he tsdentus .Giuadnec houlsd b egvient o sudtetns o nusfirn ghe tIternent ndaways ust mb foenu tdoar ous studeetns’intere stsi n readngi ad munic.s11 阅.读面下画漫先对漫画的,内容进描述行,然对后这一象现表发自的看法。(己00词1右)左参 考词:汇 西皮:瓜watr-meelnos kin长凳bench:Theb y onadthe grlii nt e pihtcruesat on a ebnch tlakni gmerilr wyhlie aeitg anw taremel-n. Whon tehe ywenta wy athyel etf th meelnos s’ink o tnhe bneh, making ictv ryedi ryt T.ehy dindt’wa ntto take ay nroutble to trow hi tito nthe ustbid nlatohguhi wast vry nearewhere htey ewe rittisn.gIn tsead, htye asdit hta tehr weold ue bosmeneow hoshoul dlcane te hurbisbh.owHveer,w hatthe ydi d maesk othrs elok oown upodnt em. hfIev ryeone ebavehsin t hi sway ,he wotld rill bw eab ig urbisbhd mu witphf ilsef liyn gornd uand epopl wile llvi ie n warlodo disefaes.s eBidess,it wil l bei mopsibls efo drustmn to elecan he towrd lwot hsuhcp ople elviingin i.t12 .根据下以图画再合你的结象,想写出篇1一0字0左的右文短:I ts tiheo l damns b’irtdayh odat.y Nw ho eissi ttignon a soa alfon. eMayb eih swief ah sbene edad O. nht regihts de is i bai gbrithdya ake csentby hi sso. Ann thdee arr easlo smo epresentsg vien yb hsi duahtgr onet h elfte Y.e tteh lod mn aodsne’ teelfh app. ynstIed,ah el ook veryssad be acsue heis lonly. eOur ilf esiget tngibet te radn btetr ehtanbef oe. roSe peopmle thnik htat odl epopelwi l le bsaistifd esa olgn s taheyh ae vnoegu to hatean d dirnk I thin.k htye raequi etw rong.Ol dpeo pl eeailsy get lonelybe casu thee hyve an owokr o dto. oS weshoul d senp dasmu hctim e otgethrew ith htm es awe cn aandtake arceo fth em ni eevy prsoisble wy.aII 应用文类.3. 外1教师籍Lynne教期满准任备国,学校答应回派送她去机场车她。临在前行一写了天张条提便办醒公室老师李:)1.请检(check o查)明n的天车是否落实,提司醒机(erind sbm .of sh.t醒提人做某事某。)2).她之以要确所定一下是,因为太早不叫好出租车 。3).感谢心,并感谢费一来的年心。关4).在校学年来,一生愉快活、忘,难可很能来。再5).下留些英一书给贵校图语书,馆希望对学有生用。 字数:001—201词个。H, iMr.Li ,ould Cou pylaes ceeckhon the ca ro ttakem e o thetai porr? tlePaesr eimn dth ceard riev rfo hits I. anwtt bo eusreo f thi sarc bec,usea it wil leb to eaolyr int hem rnoni gtoc la l ataixi tfeh scholoca rdo enst ’hso uwp .I mas rro yo trtobuleyo ua agni.H reeI t hnak oy augian fo rall tath oy haveu don efo rmed uirg nmys ay it younrs hocl.oI rea ll enjyo yetahcinghe e,r an diwl levnerf rogt ehetda yI s pnetwit mh ysudetnts .roPabby lIwill c moe bcka som edy.a Ileav esome En lgsh iooksbto yo url irbar. I hoye tpey hilw le ubseful to yours utdent.YsorusLnyne14 假.你设是华李,最国近一内家英文纸报在正论北讨京动园物否是迁出应市区。以下你所是在级班论的情况。讨你给请该写报一封,信反映讨结果。?赞论迁出:   成 反 对迁出?:①.客多游,交堵塞通 ① .建于9160,年中外名闻?②郊.环境区好   ② .迁易搬成造物动死? 亡 注:1).意词数00字左右1信,的开头为已写你。好  ? 2 )可根.内据容要点当适增加节,细使行以文连贯。 ?  3) .考词汇: 郊参区su—ubbrJnu 3 ,e020?D5ea rdEiot ,r  ?Rceetly, onu clrass avh had ae haetd descussiin aboou wtethhr ehet eijBni gZo shoould b meovedout fot he city. Som eofm clasymstesa ae rn favor of ihe tove .mhTy sae lyrgeacro dsw fot uriots ts ohtezo oilwl esrutl n itaffric ams .Tjey ahlo say staht once ovmd, aneiamlsw li halv emro epaces nda bettrel vinig cnoidtinsoi the snubrusb .Hweoev, rohtr estdeuts are angiants ht eieda s,yiangthat the B iejng Zioo, ubit lni 9106 h,as aishtory fo 10 0yaesr,an d s iwel –lknwon tah om aned aborda .o Sit houls remdan wiehreit i.sWhat ’ sore, moving mamycau esth e deth of asmo anieams.l oT ove mr oot,n histi a sigbde icionswh ci hah ts ob meae dy beoppe li neijinBg?.   Y ousr tulr,y ? L iuHa51 .设假你英的名文为Jck,a英是诺丁汉国大的中学留国学生你。责负在为该校就读32的名中学生国筹圣划节期诞的苏间格之兰行为期,7,请你天给丁汉的S诺T(AtudenSstT’aver lgeAncy)理经Pihl一发电子邮封件,联系有事关宜。要如点:下1)(望能希派够接车;送 (2 )需一名说标准英要,语并非熟常悉苏兰格的导;游(3)请告求知行日旅程及就餐、馆旅费、等情况用;()你的4系方联式电子邮:箱址:Jac地wkng@yahoa.ocm.on或电话c码号0:注意(:1词数:1)00词左;(2)开头和结尾右已为写你,出不计总入数词;3)参(词考:汇馆住宿a旅ccomomaditn;o行日旅程安itin排eary;长途客rc车achHo,iP hli,Id ’lik eouyt o roganiez atr ipto Sctlaod fon urs I h.vaehere a rogup of 32Chi ene studsens sttuydni ig Nottnnihamg nUviesiry, wto wahtnto goon a seve n-ady otu rurdig nht eCrhismats dyas. Iohe pew cnah ave acaochwhi hc willt aek us toSc tlaon dandthe nb rin us bgac tk Notointghm. Wa easol nede ag udei how pseksast naard Ednglsi and khonws cSolatd newll . Iwuld be vero gyaretuflif yuocan w or okuta nit inrarye s saon aospo ssile abndte ll em baou tuora ccommodaion,tmea s lasw llea s oh mucw ehca hof suh as top y.aI you hfav any ineorfamtino ,lpeaseeit heremail m et .cn r ocall emat .7oLoikn fgowrradt ooyru areylre pyl.YousrT ruly.Jakc1. 加6大高拿中D生aid在互v联网登上出启事otnci,希e结望识一位国中朋,以友学便习中国的语言、化。假设文是你庆实验中重学的华李请,在到这则看启事,用后文给Da英vi发d出一封电子件邮。主要内容括包:① .你样怎得他的知愿望 ② .你愿成为意他朋友的③.你 打如算帮助何他 ④ . 盼望他你回的复 注:意数:1词0词0右左earD Dvadi,Iam iHuLa I. ma lgd at oerd yaor uoticenon t e hnteinerta n dIk on you wwan to tamke rienfs dwth iaC hines ineord reto lea rn theCh nesiela nuagg eandc utluer. I anw ttob eyo ru riefd.n oN wId’ ikelto i trnoucde myesl ft yoou.I was ornb ni hCongingqin 1 990,Ist uy id ntehE pexrmientl Maddil eShocl oo fhongCqingan d I amgo od at Eglishn. Ihinkt Ican ehl youpto knwo baoutCh nia bysending e -aims.Wlht’a msre, ow cean ahev hatc on ths enIetretni nC hnesi oe Engrlih san d’lI ltellyo u ht cuestms,ohe ftestviaslth,efo odse,c. tofth e Chinsee I .opehwe cn akee pin ouch witt ehachoth e.rI am olkingo orwfad rt oyur oerlp.yYoru,siHuaL7. 假如1是一名大你学叫李生,华对近来年大毕学生就业情业况颇有已,见根请下面提供据的息向信报社信谈写谈的你法。字数1看0左0。右头已开给出 。生学态心向往城市,不愿下乡。就业现状城人市过剩;农村渴求人才。才业就景农村前地天阔广,可展才华施。Dea edrtiro, I amw itring t oou yott ak aloutb aktig up onccputaoinsfor co lele ggraudteas .owadays Nanmyg radatus are eolkiong frwaro tdoobta ning iepmoymelnti nibg ictis,en o tiwlilg nto owr kinth ecunotyrside.A samatter o ffatc t,hee rar enote nugh opporountties iot atsisy fosm to fhtehun etrs nib i gcties ihiwl inethe ocunrystde itlaetnd eepolep are bdayl nedeed anda l ot f pootssare waiti n fgor s.u uralRar ea are a vsstaw rold whe,r yeo uacn putyo r abiuiliest t goood se unda ou’lylbe able to m kae greaet cortnirubtons toithe biulidg of nen cwoutnryised.Therfore, eIb eielev e canw ave ahsb irhgt futaru eint he ouctrn ya sw heva en tiheci y.Yoturs,Li Hua8.1 如假叫王你东,你叔叔的十年前离开家乡去三了国美。久不,他观看前Cihn Raporet目,节得中国知定决大建加设社会义主农新村的度,感力万分,于慨是发了一份-emial你,给询近来问乡的变家化况情请。根em据ail容和内示提点要,给叔你叔简做回复。E要-mail开头和尾结经已给出。日期20:-03-2060发件人Wa:nguifug sua@hotmilaco.m件收:人anWgodgn_8@l86.3com题:主T X0aidoongeDr aXiaoDo gnow Hraeyo ud oing?hTe thoe dar whyne 1was w tching ahiCn Reparot CTV Ca home, t Iwsae xicte dot laren thtathe Cihnee sogvermnent is callign onher pepoe lotsp eed p uteh rcoenstrctuiono f heti rounctryids. ehTer eopt ra otne cotokmy htuohgt sabck ot hets aml lvilalgeI nce loivd ine.The hosuse erweol da nd ow.l Th eords aweerm duy dna dnarrwo.Vill gaes rhd to ga oalong way no oof ort y bbik enio der tr oo doms esohppig nor esea d otocri n otnw .Becuaes f ovre smyla lniocme, vllageisr ivel dqite au plainlife , eevnwith uot VTse s otr teeplhoesnHo. witm efleis! I. it s3 y0are sinsc I eletf my ome vhillag.eIt m ustha evc anhgdea otl.W oldu oy uplasee write an dtel le msmotheng aibuto tsi chanegs?Reembme mer toyo rupa rnest!oYrusW,an Ggufui要:点.叔①叔离后,家乡家变很大。 化 ②.活条生件来愈好愈。.房子③大而宽,许多敞人进了住施设齐的全公。寓④装.电话,买了彩电、洗了机、冰衣等。⑤箱.敞的宽道连接了村庄和城路。镇⑥买.了拖拉机、卡车和汽车。⑦学校.教育良。好.⑧府重视政村农市化城设。建要求:1)词、数:01左右。0)2可、根据内容点适当增加细节要以使,行文贯连。Dear nUcle ,I’mvery gl da tor ceiev eyou rmeail .Gretac hagesnhav aelrade takeyn lapec insec yu olfe t O,r liuing vcndotiinos re gaettin bettegra dn btetre Vi.lagers halevmov ed inot igban d omforctalb hoeuess,and m anyl ievi nwell- quepied blocks pfo fatls.A mosltall avhe ebe neuiqped withptel phoeesn. T he hyae not vonyl bogut cohor TlVsets , btualso wahsin gamcihen ,s friges, etdc .ideW roda shae bven bueli tt ocnonctev lligae and sotnws.S om efamliei hsva eog tteirho nwt rctaro, tsucrs ko rveneca r. Besisds, echildenr ancn w enjoy ovry eogd edocuaton.iOu rogervnmet cnaes verr yuchma bout te rhcensortutcoino f uo rountcysried. W e ae rpsedeng ip uth eitifycng of tie vhlliaegs . hIpo that eyu oan adntu wil lomec acb kna davhe avisit t ot hen w evilagel. Be st iwhss e.ours YXiao oDgn19. 请宿以管舍委员理会名的义一写通份知,200年47月2日出发。容内下如:时间4:5日晚月7上点。 ②点地:号3楼01房3。内间容:生学宿安舍问题全安全:电用、火灾应变防、止失窃。等参加员:每人间室一名同学。寝要求:带笔记本,按到场时做,好录,记并传给达室友。意:注1通知的)式格已经你写好,为不计总词入数;)2词数:10左0。右参考词:汇学生舍宿 domirort,y盗t窃ehf(t.n)otiNce meetiAn igsg iog not beh ed iln Room 13 o0 Bufidling3 t 7a o tnhe eevnin gf Apoilr 5 .rPobeml stobe t lkadea oub tt ahetm eetni ginclde tue shaefyt o tfhe ormitodire,spro pe urs oe elfetciritcy w,ht toa odi nc sa eo fire,fpr venteio on fheft tna sdo n. A momebr eofeac dohrmioryt sir quirede t beo present .Tey hhsolud tak eonteoobs wkih tthem nd arraiv en tomie T.hy seohlud tke naoet csaefurlyl nad faetrt h eemeitgn thy eae rt ioformnt heriroomm aet ofs hatw sidi scused snda hwat measruse iwll b taeke.nTehD omitroyrC mmoiteetApirl2n d 2,00720. 假如你叫李,是平一成绩优秀的学生,位班你主班在任安排位座时,让绩成的学生和成好差的学绩作同生桌这,在你班们绩成秀的学优生引中了起反,响活团上课家大就此进行讨论。现了请在根据你下表把论讨果结班主任向写一信封映反下一,并出说己的自观。点赞同对反你观的点.人1有人处和不长,成绩差的足生学有也可取处之;.相2学习互,建友谊立3;.通过助学帮习差的生的学习从而使学他们立建自信。.部分1学差的学生习常违常校反规纪校担心自己,会影受,响成坏养习。惯.2是老问问题使,自不能专己学心习。?注:1意词数:1.001~0,短文2的头和结开尾为已你写,不计入好总词数。2.短文需括表中包有所点,内要可适容当挥发以,行文连贯使。3.考参词汇:成差的绩学:生 asloew rtusentDeadr M. rhZna,gWe hae velh dadi csusios abont whetuer ih ts goid oor on tfora op sttudnteto s hae a reds wkth iasl woer studetn.Smeoa er of rht iede.a sAt ey khnow,e evronye ah sstrenghs as weltlas we akenses. slAhouth tghyeare not ogd ot aelsson, tshe yigmt do well ihno the rfelis dikel soprs tor rta. sTehrefoer th,yeca nl eanrf rom echao hert an,dt ey mah yevdlep a orfinesdip. hnI dadtiio, noptst uendst ac nhlp seoler onews gin asle-conffidecen by hlpeing hemt wthitheir les osns, whihcb enfetsi temh lal.owHeerv ,toers hodnt’ hodl ht saeemvi w.e hTye thniks mo elowsre tusdnte sae arwlay maskngit ouble, rucshas ekpein gtlakig inn cass, brelkain gschoolru els, wihc hma leyda o themtf rmoin ghe btda abhist .esiBdes s,owlres tduets ofntn ase topk tsuedtn squetsins, ohicwhhas a ba deffce tn othie rtsuides.Inm yoinpoin, ’dIl ki te ohcooes o thasre ade k wist haslow r stuedne sot tah wt ecn laera fnrm eaoc htheo rand akemp orrgss eogteher. toYrus,i LPni2g. 1假如是校你报负人责,需在学急校聘一位内学任英同文的编版辑请你用,文以“英n AngElsi Ehitodr Watedn为题目”写一招聘则启事。内要如下:容⑴该.作主要工括两部包分:是从一文英刊杂志报互及联上选择网合学生的适章;二是文择选与辑同学编的来稿。们 ⑵ .希望该学满同下足要求:列① 乐奉献出意一些余时业间为同们服学; ② 英文与美务皆好术能;熟使用练电。脑③感兴 的同学请在本周趣与内学生(会tSduens’ tUinon)联系。注:意1(词数)001右左;()不要2逐翻译字,要组成篇一通连顺的贯文短。An nElisg hditEroW ntadeOursch ooln ewsaperp s lookini gor fa ndeitr oorf tsiE gnlsih eidtin.Thoej bom ailny iclndesutwo p rtsa O:n esi to hocseo rpopre Eglish natrcleisf or otmhre enspwaepr, smgaainzs er Iotenrnetfor us stud etn.sTh e ohetris to ipckou t artiles frcm thooes rwittenb studeynts i nuo srcoohla n edditt he mof rseu.W heoe phatth esh/e oucd lmee thetf llowongi rquireeentm:s Fisrt h,/ehs ie wisllng tiod vetoes oe omf is/heh rsarept ime ot sreivn gteho htres.eScodn,it ’s encssearyf o rim/hhret ob egod oa both Engtilhs an fine datsr B.eidses ,theab lity io use tht eompcuter isimpor attn.hToe sho wre intaeestrdei n te hob,j plase eeg inttouc whti htheSt deuns’tU nino tis wheek.tSuedtsn’Uni no2.2 假你是某定居民,名市叫华李。觉你该得出市租车业问题行较,请多一封信写给该市市,内容长包应括?:问 ?(1)题靠点太停少,易打不;的 ()2欺外地诈乘客; (3)速过快,事故频频;?车 ( 4仍)拒载者有; ()深夜5聚集在娱乐所场等客外时造噪制音,影他人响息休。 ? 建议 ?求要加管理强?注意:.字数1010左词。文右开头已章给。出2?.考参汇词绕::道tkae aronudabotu oute 不r别替人想着:的niocsndirate e(aj.d )行业tra:e 加强管d:理tgithn cenotrlo ove…rDaerM aor,y I’ma r siedet ofn ht cite. Iy fee lhterear e may pnroblmse exsting iin th treda ofet xiain oruci y. tirFts o fll, thare are setill onteno uh sgtop ins he stteret ss iots’ ntoe ays o tatek taxai.A ndt axi ofstne ru vney fart,sw ihh ccuassem nya?tr ffica acicdents’hsmor ,e osm taexi driers vtslil reusefto ipk cp suoe pmasesngers iwtoht aun ryaseon. nother Ateriblr teing whhich otfneha peps ins tht adepeat inhgttaxi swa tinigarou nd htee tnetrinmaet nlapces makemuch no ies.M ayn eopleps uffe fror thmsiin onsidcrate ectaoin. Arfied of nmnieli ivgnin a ntoherci tyo cn vesiteidm e and, sh eotdl em uo ciry’s ttxa dirvirs eceahte hdr ebyta ikn a grundaobuo trote. Whut awli algu es think otfour itc afyet suchr aba edpexreicn?eI tinh wkemu ts atk aeticnsoto ightentcon trl over othe txi traae.d aybeM ht eifstr tihng otd oi raisse the taxid rveir’spro fseisonl maoarily.tWe are lokoing frwaodrt oour yeply.r?iSnecelr yyurs,?LoiH a2u3. 如是学生你主席,会请据下面图表,根英语写一则用于关游春的通知。参加者高中一、二级的年生学动内容活1.去物馆看博人《与自然》的览。2展.参加山泉植园。物合地点集学大门校前集时合间1 .月245日上午校车乘往前2.;早上七点合集,七点十二开分。车注意事项1.观参览时展持保安静;并认记笔记真,备回来后讨论。准.2山顶在餐野要自,午带餐和料。饮3参加者.本周四在到学前生报名会。注:意1.通知须必包表内所列括内容可以,当适整调内的顺序和增容细节加,使连贯、其整。完.2数:词100右。左 3 通.知时间4:月4日2.4生词:植物t园 r名报isgn p uofr 学;生th会e Sudentts 'UninoNtocieThes tduntseo feSinroG rdeaOne and Grad eToww ill og utof o r avist oin Arpli2 . W5e'llfirs t go to th emsueu mot se aen ehxibtiin of Mon anadNatu er. hWney uo’rei tnehexh ibiton hail louys huod klepes ilnte ndam ak ceraeflun tes boecuas ee’wregoi n gt havo e adicussion asfer wt ecome abkc. fAetr tah te wlan top vist tih betaonica glrdeano nt eh QuanhasnH llia dn hae a pvcnicio n ht tope fo ti .o pSlaee brins glnch uand omesdrink ingwater iwt hoyu.Our scoho lbsu ill wate ks thuree. he sThcolobu swi llleave a 7:2t. 0lPeas gaethrea tour csooh galte t 7a0: a0m..Toshe hw wano tot aket artp nith e ativitcy shold uignsu for ipt ta te hStduent’ Unsinobe ofr Teurhdays.The Sutednts Uni’noArpli2 424.假设你是 江大学浙老师,你的在将开典学礼向上年级一新生的辞。请你致根据面下的示写一篇演讲提稿大学的学习就生活提几点要求,并适出当述其阐重性要。①.合安排学习和生理活 .同学之间②关系洽融 ③ 积极参.校加社团园活 动。。。。。。参考词:汇大一学级年生新 f reshanm . n 社 团 osicte y.n意:1).演讲注必稿须包括有所示要点提但,要逐条不译英成。语2)演.稿的开头和结尾已讲出,给计入不数词 。 ).词数:130—0210Good mroning,e vrebyod.y elWcometo Zh ejain gnivUresiyt! Asa fershma,ny u oaergo in tgo avh eaco mpetellynew ile.f Sohe eri s smoetinhgy uo souhd lkep ienmin d.Firt,sa rrnae gour tyme ipopreryl.Y o’u dbtter meak aet ietabmle s toah toy willu nokw hawtt dooan d ho wto do it nadt ak edvaanage of tever minuyte .tIw ll iakemy oru wrk omro eeficientf Livi.n ign te uhnviersity s,metimoesyou ill fwcea oms peorlemb staht you cn’a deatlw ih talla one.l hTn helpe fom othrre silwlm ke tahngsieas yfor oyu So. gte lango ewll ithwa llth e peopl eraoudnyo u A.walsy b open-mended anidw ram-eahrtde D.o’nts pea illk foo thrs eat illw Y.o ushuod lalayw bsaer n imind tht we araei a bingfamily. tA las, take atn aticv eapt rn isoceiite. Socisetiseat sc ohl aoeryou srecnod tacehrs.e t wiIll ntoo ly pnoridev yu more cohanes tc moakefr einsd nad haclelge ynousrle, fubtm ka eyour chool life sirh cnd calorfuo as wllel.Ejnoy oyru uiversntyi lfei!2. 5下是面一个学生给某报编中辑部写一封信,的仔阅读细就信的内并容编以辑名的给义此中学回一生封信。Deared itor.Iam a antcvei girl an, d sIepa ankd aulghl uold inyt eh lcssraoo,m lie k aby.o Idon’tc ra ebouat msal mattler. sO thn eontcary,r myne ihgobr,the girlw hos tsin xet o tm,espea k suqitelyan dd are on tdo ht tehigs nIofte nd.o I an undcrsetnda tih.sWat Ih an’ct sandti st at hhse ofet nges antry wgthi meab otu small htign.s ow can IH etg lonagwi thhe ?royursSunn,y注:1).意信格式要规范;2).回书需就原信内信给出至少容三建议条(如谈心相互理解,,加参他们生日等活的,动谈共论同题话分,享乐快等)等; 3.)数字1:02右。左eDar Suny,nt’I svreyg oodth a tyu wonatt ob erifndsew ih tthsig rli.I n my pioion, nou’dybet etrfi st rhva a ehaetr-othe-rta tla withkher , ecbusa eudnersatndnigeach ohet rsive ryimpor tatn orfy uo tw. oAnd alIso tinkhit s ’ebttr foery u too sak hre o joitn oy und yauorc lasmsaesti nallki dnso acftviiites,s cu as bhithrdy aartpei, sgong oiutf o r awla,kdis ucsisn gosm easfhonaileb otipcs,a dnso no .esBied,s helinpge ah ctohe isr alosve y rmioprattn frobot hf yoou .Juts hsrea aphpiesns na sddanesswi t her.h AdnI be ievelsh ewillu ndrstena dou iy nimt enda tiis ce ratin yu oto wilwlbe god ofirndse ni het ufutr.e oGodl cuk to oy.Youusr,ditorE26.假如你是 李,华对目前有针些中学生买购票的现彩,象21st给 Century报 编辑写社信并,谈自谈己看的法,其中包括下要以点:①弊.远大于;利②中.生学有没济来经源容易,诱一发不些行为;良③.从前当说,会影学习响;④从.远看长会,养成事事走径捷侥的心理,幸危其将害响影其生。一注意(1信)开头的结和已经给尾; 出(2 )须包括以上要点,必适当可发,但不要挥逐翻句译 ; (3字)数10左0,不右括开包、结头。尾Dera ditor e ,A pretest n ,mny aihghsc ohl otudsnts aree addcitedto ubing yottley rtcieks antd htyes emet have goodo eraosn s Howe.evr, I’d ikl eotta k aloub tmy ivwseo tnhephe onmeon.Inn ymopin oni, tsi isddvaantgas eaer ar mfroe hat nitsad vatagnes, espidt oeeno f tehri reaosn thsa thetyca ndos meohintg suefluf or scoeiytin htis wya .Hi h sghcoolstude nst cna’ tupsprto thesemvesl inanciafly lutb epdnedon thei parrens for thte ommen. Thtu,s n orierdt coollce mtoey wnith whih ct oub loytetyr itkctes, htye ma tyr yeevyrposs bleim aen ,seve ncommt irimce .sInaddi tion, i fteyh pu ttehr miidnson oltteyrticke s,t hteriles onsswi l bl eorm er olsesa ffectde An. in dte holn gurn lot,teyrt ckite uprchsiangmay contri bte tu thoer iworg undnesratdinn gtath ther muets e ba hsortutcto evey derstnitaoin, hicwh wli lsurelydo g rat ehrmat toheir ftureul ief.Therfoee,r Ihtnki itis ecnsesrayf rothe m o ktep eawa frym ooltetyrs atitno sad nocnencratte noth iers tudes iorfn ,iLHua 2. 假如7你是王, 李明林是的好友你, 对布朗他先生公司的感趣兴,算到打公司谋该职(pplyafor a osiptoni。请根据)面下明的简李表历,英语为他用写一推荐信封。词数10左右1姓名。李明别性男国籍中国生出地重庆婚否已婚出生期日198.8.012通讯址地庆市重民路148人号电话20-业职律师学历大学毕业外水平语长擅语, 懂一些日语、德语英他其有年三工作经历,办认真,待事诚恳人与,人睦相处和Dare r.MB owr,n’Id lkie tointr ouce my drfien td youo ,rM .i Ling,Mw hoi s oing tgoap pyl or fap sioiotn in oury fimr He. gaduatred rfm oolcege tlrhe yeeas aroga nd ha wsokerda s aawlyreveer snce.iHe i sgo o da tnEglsiha dnk onws osme Jaanpsee na Gdeman.r e Hwroks ahdrand i csareulf ni eevrthyin he godse .He s hoiesnt,k in dnad esya ot ge otnw ti.hH ewas borno nAguus t21t,s 910 in8C hnoqgig,n hina. Ce iHs amrred iandl veis t Na 1o8 4enmRn Roia, Cdohnqgig ncity His .telehpno eunmbe is 0r3- hwsogre ta itneerst iny ou frrm.i If hei sa ceptecd ,eh iwlldo his bes. I’tms uer h eill bw fetif r othe osptiino. I’ lookmng iorwfadrto yuo raerly rplyeYou.r,sWnga Ln28. i如假你业是余气员象你从,电台气天预节报目得知今了晚和天上午你明的天处气情况,饭晚后6钟在校广播室点用英向语体师全作天生气预报,并提出忠。要告点如:下
①夜午至凌晨点两强有劲北。 风气②将温降5下-度8。③明上天有午阵雨。 ④求同学要们晚今开教离室时好关门。窗⑤天明上起早床多穿时些服,以防衣感。冒 词 数10在0。右tAtnteio, nlpasee.It iss i x'cloockin te hfteranoon I' gi ivn gte wheahtr efoecrst asa suul. arom mFidngit ho t20: 0tomroorwm rnion tgerh ewillbe strngo onrthwi d bnolinwg caors suro own tnad te htempearurte ilw drlopby -5℃.8lAso hete wirll b eshwoes rtoomrrwo omnrni. Tghreferoebe sure to cols all ethe iwdown sweh ynu oleave ouyr calsrooms otnigth nda wehny o uget up omortor morwnign pl,esae ut po monerc olhtse i noredrto ke peyou sref frol macchitn gocd.Thlt's alal. hTanky ou.III. 格提示表类2. 下9表对某是中学三高一5班0学生健个康题问调查表的。请根据表格容内综述,生当学存在前健康问的,题就中并学生何如保持身心健康提自出的己议。词建要求数 12:左右。0问题类型学习虑焦逆反理心乏交缺往睡不足眠乏缺锻炼力不视佳人数532051042535例7比%04%300%80%057%%0A si sapapertlnysho n win hetcha t raboev ,anmy mdild escoho stldeunstha e pvobrelm sbothphysic laly an demtanll,y itwh 07 o% ftsudntesh aing lveranign naixtiees s wellaas bd ayeseghi, tnada lar gr epecentraeglack ng sliep.e ominCgn xt iseth leca ko fhysipcl axeercise .4% o0 tfhe sudentt susvryeed wo'tn oebyt heir parnte os teachers. rtSil fewer lclaimd neto otha v eenoguhc momuinationc witho terhs.S foraa s1 am co cenrned, e wtudenstssh olud alabcneour phy scal ieerxices ad sntdiue. sJsu tlkiea saying goe :s"Al l wro kbt nu opaly makse Jcka audl blo,y "witohuta sundo odb yoen ca gowever,H oto mucha ttnteonih sa een pbid aonyl ot tusiesd.T erefhore, Isuggse we teb gvineless h oemorkw ndam oe trmi fer oot-uf-oclas-soorm activtiis toe sovelal lte hrpboeml. Onsl yni tihs ay cwa nwe ead alhealth ylfi.e0.3 年,上去复海旦学大开始过面试通主招收自学生今,又有年一学校加些到这一入列行。这一新的招生方式学在生中引发了一场讨论假。如是你李华,请根下表提供据内的容给二十一纪世编报写辑封信反一讨论映况情。60% 学的生成赞0%4的生学对反1.面试可以全综面地合评一个价学;生2鼓.励生发学展个性特和长;3社.需要一种更会开放和有效的录加取方。式.面1试带有观性、片主面,可性能公不正;.并2所有非生学擅于都在试面中示自展;己3.不可能在-35分钟评内一个人价。注意1:.头开已你写好,为计不总词数人。 2.数词:10左右03.参考汇:词copmerhnseive综的合s,bujetciv主e的,观oen-isded面的,eva片lauet 评价Dear Eitod,reRencty,la dsiucsson iahsb ene ehd inlo ru schoolon whethe r i it serasnobae lof trhe uivernstiise otadm ti tsuedtsnt horghuint rveiew. Tse rheulst ase rsaf lolosw:0% 6fot h estudnet suppsor ttih scaion. tThye xperse shtt inaetrives cawnev laaut e satdenu it n aoremth oruog hnadc omprheesine vwy. Itaca nencour aeg studnte sto dveeol tphir eowni tnreste ans pdreosnlaities. hWta’s moe, rwtih htede vleopenm tofso iceyt, maoero enp ad effniicnte wy atot et s staduntes’ bilitaei si nsedee.Od thn eotherh adn, ht etohre 04% stdunts ere agaansit his tdeia .They arue ghatt frst,i itervienwsm y ab eubjsceivet an ode-nsdid, ewhci couhd llead to nfaiunrse.sS eond,cn t aol sltdentu saer goodat howisng tehi trlaetn si nitenvriew. Lssta bu tot nleats, a stdunte cna’ te bjudedg n oiny tlheer o fire mvinutse.3.1人类 已入进了个崭新的一世纪,不同的人有不的幸福观同某英语杂。志正在中学中生行进福观幸讨论请,你据下表的提示,根英语用写一短篇,叙文一述人的观点些及由理,发表对其某一观点中的法看并,表自明己观点的理和由然,后向该投稿。刊tSdeuts Opninino Reaon soSme MoenyByinguand doin angytihngomeS eHltah oFre nojyentmSom eeWlath fom prranetsFee fror mowrkI ……意:1注不要.照表中抄原的句否,酌情则扣分。2.数:词120左。右hWta sihap ipness i nmy imn?dHppanesi mesas ndfifreen thtigns t difofernet pople. Feore xaplm,e soe mtsuedtsn, blieee vhatt i fhety ave mhuc hmney oor lrgeap ossssieosn,t he wyil bel apph.y Thy eblieeev thatt hy eiwl belab elto do a nthyingth y wena tt iof hty eahvemuch omney.S oe smutentsdt inkh thatth e syould hb ieng oodh elath an,d nejy woahevte trey hikl. eaMn ytusentsd iws tohh veam uch waetlhfrom htier parnet.sI nt ish awyth ye dno’t aveh otwork hadr, andt hyec an wonevery tinh .I gond’tq itu agree ewit thh eabovepo nist. donI’t htikn onmeym ean shpainpess.We c nat’ uybm nayo f he ttingh siwh tmony, suehcas ealth anhdk nwledoge I value ,nkolwege, whidc makhe msehap yp,f r oI cnado mu hc orfm nkiadn wthi nokledgw.eA tlough hidffrenetpe plo valee huapinpssed ifefrenlt, ymy hppianses omcs feomrmy s tuyd.3.2你校 学同行进了一场关高有考语听英力测的讨试。论讨论主题是:的考高英语试测的听中部分力该不取消该请?你据根下中的提示表写一短篇,文介绍讨论的情况。一些同学为认不应取该消另些一同学认为应取该消听是语言四的项基本能之一技,不能视忽听获是信息的取重要途之径一际合国日益作多,听说能增力加应强考中试各收地听效果坏好一、不不公平英语教和语师音设城乡备异差大过今后并非人人要与外国都口人交流头注意:.1文章起的始句已出。 2.词数给10:0右(左包不括已给起的始)。句3参.考词:汇取—消cncela 国际合 作inte—rnaionat clopeoratinoThe sudetns ot ofru choos lhad ad isucsson iaobu thwether iltensnigte tsin the Nati onl aMtricalutionaEn gilh Tesst sould behk pe tor cnaelcd.e Smo etudests nhint tkhtalis entnigt etssh uod lnot bec acenedl.Th eyin sst iisteniln gis aongmthe fou rbaics kslli. Wse threfoer ean cno igtnro et. Biseied,sli teninsgis o n eo ftehim optant rcahnens lfor u ts ogt einfomariontfro the motsudi ewrlod So i. tsouldhb estrengt hend eodty when anitenartinoa clooprateon isi bcoeimng mro enad moe rfreuenq. tutB ohtres odnt ’agre.e They htnk intoe veyorn has etoco munimace witt hfoeirgnersin het futuer .orMover, elisetnng itet ssi ufnar toit ehs tdenutsin hetar es aherew ardo siinaglscan ot be pnciekd p uefectifvey. Alndf o cretrian ersaos, nhert ie as ibg ifdfeenrec n teaicerhs ad nqeuimpnet ebween tte chunotyrside an dthe itcy33.. 以请yMfa oritveNe wpsaper为用英题写语篇一00词左1的右文短,绍2介1世纪,短文应报包下面括格中所表提的供内。容报名称纸及用语言使1st2 enCtru, y文英报纸出地版及点版出期周北,每京周一版面期内容每新闻,今日周界,世语课言堂,育体与乐,音生报学特色图文并茂导的目习学语词汇英,高英语提平,水取获各信种效果息广为人知深受喜爱,MyF aovitr eNwsepaerp21st Cnetru yi mys fvaortie enspwpar. eI it an Esnglishla guagn eenwpsapre hwih cs ipublsihe din Bejing eicah ewek It ha. sesctins oo fidfefrnte inds, ikcludingnN es wf othe ewe,kt e Whorld Tdoya ,Lnauageg Clsa,sSpo tr snd Masicu nda tSdeunts epRotr arr epelny of tebutafilupic tuesrand i ntreetinsga ritcls ine t.iI ejoy rendiagnthe p per.a rIed iatto ipmorve my nEglis. hI avhele arn t aloto fnwewo rdsand sueufl exrepssonis.Be idses,I acn eg tniorfmaion taobu tifdefenrtthin s, grfmop loiticst osport sadn music 2.1stCe tunr ysiv reypo uplarw ingElih searnels.r Io lodveit 3..4 调查据,中城国居市的电脑拥民有率3达%。0很多村居农对民电脑也来越越兴感,趣至甚的家庭也买有了电。参考脑表下一篇题为“Com写uptes irn Chnia”的文短。数词为10左0。右庭家买脑电目的的中学使用生脑电的况情别类 比率因 比率别孩学子需要 习0%7学习料查询资30% 家工作需长要2 0%网上聊、天、戏 游60%乐 娱0%3听乐、音看光 盘20%Comutersp ni hiCnaAcordcin got ar cene itvnsetigatino, abuot 03%o f theci yt amfiile hasv eocpmute.r eBsdesi ,may vinlage plopee alre mor ena domerintere tedsin co muptresan d smo ofeth m eevn heave bughot ocmuterp.sA buot7 % 0oft ehp rante bosuht cgmpoutres ofr their hcidlenrto s udy, atnd sme oor tfehr woik.rA nd evensome epopel obghut het fmore nerttaimnen. thTe fct howa he mtiddel shooc slutdent ussethe co pmturs reeallysu prrses ius. Onl aybot 30u% fot ehmuse cmoputrs teof indo u utesful in frmotaon.i Abot 60% usue omcutper sto paly gaesmand 2% u0e scmpouters to atcw hVDC sor lisetnto m siu.c n Im oyinipn,o e wsouhld ame kbetter ues foo u brets ivention—nc mpouetrs.35. 如今,出外旅已游成为时。下面尚部的分物品能是你可游时必备的。旅你请择至选最少要的重五种品,并说出理由物字。数01字0左右。DcumontesID acr, pasdsoprtClothessweaet,r cota, wlainkg,s heso Aritlecsemdciine ,mbuerla, vlacuu mbtolet(水热瓶)Equimpnteobimel pohn, ecmpaossBoksogidebouok, mp, magazianeOhtert higsncamer, CaD playr,eM p3hiWel ravelitg, I anlawyst ae tkeh flloowni ghtigsn iwt he, whmcihar emy ID cadr a ,camear,a compass, a CD lapyr aedn osm ceolths.eI hitkn te hI Dacd rs aib sic aad necnesarsyd cuoemnt ,ad it nsi ausmtfor tuoriss wherevet rhet gyo T.hec mera is asued ot tkeapi tcresu r oerordc wathw ehav doene udirng te htrpi,an itd canb rin usg alt oof ufn.The compassis evry sseetnail of ursto tavel rin htef reotss W.tihut oit w, ema ygt eost.l ndA teh tnh eD Cplaeyr ,I htnki,i asso lerv iypmrtano tofrme t koil lhte tim ewenh o the ntrinao r the plaen.Wh ta’ mores I ,avheto binrgo e or two ncato swenh tavrelignt oa dffireetnp alec In .a owr,da omngal lth eaovb,e thiIk tne IDhcar dist h mose imtpotrnt.a36. 目前,重庆的街出头现了越来越的多猫与狗,对此中“生学英语报组”了一场织讨论城:内是市可否饲养以物宠。据下表所提供的根息,介绍讨信情况,并论明说自己的观和点建议。持支养宠物饲反对养宠物饲的观点你安慰孤寡人老与人物动谐相和,增添生处活趣情造成环境污染闹吵,声至甚人伤……注:1.意数1词0左0右2。.以可适当减增节细,以使行连文。贯3.头开已语为写你好。One posislb evesior:necenRtyl we haevh ada eathed isduscisn on whother peoelep housdlk ee pepst taho me in ctieis.So e mtsdeuns thitk ints’a ogd ideoa o ketp epest bceuas oldepe olpew oh ilve alnoe at omh cae gne stmeoc mfortofr omp ts. eBsedesi g,ettng alongiw ll eithw nimalsawil make lurolif ietenrestngi O. then ontcarr,yt h oehte rstdentusa eragai sntthe id ae.I nt heirop nioin, f tio mona ypeplo eeekp etps a htom, ie tisb daf ro het neivormnnet Wha. ist wrseo ,pes maty akemt oom uch oniseand eenva tack ptoeple.Il ik eniamlsa so I,don’t t hikn t is ibad t koee ppet sa thme.oB tu e wmsutta ke sme meoasuesrto prev en tthme rfo mpolluitngou ernivornemnto r acusngiothe rt oublrse37..据报道 ,208年北京0奥运将选会约十拔志万愿者之服为务。你以请D“so an Dodnts’for t h 20e80Ol mpyci olVunteres为”题,用英语写一篇短文,论志讨者愿该做应么,什不该应做什。么短文包应下表括的中内:D容soDonts’. 1待礼人、友好貌.避1免不得的言体行.坚守岗2位2不忘履行自己.的职责3介绍中.历史和国文化.不损害祖国3形象的果你成为如志者,愿你应还该什做,么不应做该么。 什( 容内考由自己拟生定)注:1意对。所要给,不点简要单翻译,有要适发当。挥2.字1数0左右。2文中已写短好了部的,分不入计词 。数 .参3词汇考:象形— —miagenOePos sile VbersinoI is terorpedtt ht about 1a0,0000pe ploe ilw lb ecosehna s vluonteresf rot he 0280Oly mpi cGmase inB eijni. Wght saholdu he tvlonuteers o dandwh at houldsthey no t od?Fritly, stey shholudbe oplit enadf irnely dt ohtea tlethsea n vdiisorts fro allmo vr ehte wold,ra dn vaio imprdoep rbhevaour. Sicoendy,l tey hshoud stlckit theor piots, sffeorng iogod sreivecs,sat isfiygn ny raesonabae needlsand eibg nearydt oelp hthsoe indi ffcuilyt ,and neev raflit od othire dtyu Th.irdly, the ysohudlin torude che Chtneis ceutulreand his tro yotforeig ner ss tohtat hy emy knoaw Cihnab tetrea dn neerv as oyrdo nythinag tha htrma sheti mga ef oor moutehrladn.I I fhave te hhonuorto b choeen assa olunvtere b,eised the absov, I weli lwor kahr addn rcaeivtey,l ut bnveerb e layz.I ill fowllowth e lw aandd icispliingn ,utb envre rebakt ehm. .Iwi l takelt h epoportnityuto ma ke firneds iwth hetat hletseand vi itors, ansd elp mahek ht 2008 Oelypmi cGamse ag erat scuesc.s83.请根据你列表内容格,一写篇文短,比n较wesapeprwe与sibet的同,并异谈你的谈看。法相同不点点同.1向者读提信息供1报纸一经.版出不改变,而能网可站以不更新内容断。.2过通登刊广赚钱告2.纸报要花,而钱网在可以免费浏览信息上。3.可容易以在网站上发表地己的自法。看的我看法…… 注意:1短文、必包须括内表有的所容,可以内适当增加节,使内容连细;贯2首、句已给,出不列入词数总;、2数词:102左词。右Onepossibl ev rsieo:nNeswpaeprs ave bhee nopulpraf o a rlong itm,ebut in recnet eyarsm oe rna dmroepeo pl erpefr et get onwes rof mhe tnIernett .Neswpaerp snda ebwites saersim ialr i sevnear wlyas.Fo r xempael, het yoth bai mt praovidin igfnomration tot e public.hB sedeis that a,verdtsini is ga nmipotrnt waa yfr oobh oftth me t oamek moneyIn. site pof te haboe svimlairities,t hreear a eef diwffreences.We bites uspdate tehir new frselye.As f o nrespwpaer, snohitg cann ebc hngeda one cpublishe. dS woesbits efofreu s het aletstnew sfatse tran newhpapess. ruFtrermorhe,news ppaesrh aevto ebpai dfor wihelm ots webstesia er fer.e Ad ni tis on ht ewesitbs thae twecan e xrepssou srlvee snad excahgneid ae wsti ohthes rome resiaylI.nmy op inon, wiebitess nadn wespaepr layp thireo w nroeslin uorli ve sand teyh rea artpof our l ives.3. 假9如是你名一高学三生经常,为看视的事电妈跟妈闹意见今天你,妈妈达成一和致请。根以下据表格的容,以A内 Agrneeent为题m写一120篇左右的英字短文。母语亲儿子高三生学习学任务,看重视电费时浪间学习天很一劳,疲看电可以放松一下儿子视自力制,看电差会视影学响习,期看长视会影电响视力看视也可电以长增知识了,解国际国内大,事跟时代紧期中不星准看电视,我但在周末许允看我新闻、艺、体育文科普类或节目意注1.字数1:00120—,短的文开头已给,不计入出总数词;2.不要漏掉表格中内的,但容不能逐翻字译;3.适可增当添合情理乎的渡过性语言。 aI m aesino thrre etsuedt. nI foet nuqrarel ithw ym mther oveorwhe her t cIn aatch wVTa tef rshool. cM ymoher thold tsh veewi httas udtent ins snieor hret,e hsoluerdign heay lvodas, ae rot obsuy tospa r enay tmei tow acht T.VI tsemesto hr teatho cneI ma llawoed otdo hta t’Illn o be ablt te contorlo msyle fnda frogt eal abluotm ystduy. Sh also ehtinskt ha tit sib da formy e ey sotwatch T Vt o often. BuotI realy lcn’ata cepcthe rideas. I thnik tiis a r elxaatonito awcth T aVtfer ad ay’ sahrdwo r. Notk nol cyn atiset y mimd an rtes,t utb tica n boadrenmy horions.z owN w’eveat last eracheda nagr emenettha t I cn aolyn wacht TVa t wekeend, ands hte roprgasms ouhdl be imltedi t ones, wpogrras ment,ertainemnt sp,ort asn dsceinecIV. 纯.字文信提示息类4.0目前家长 为子请孩家是教种一遍普现。象前年多见于初几高、学生中,现在些小有学也请家教。父母们如此舍得花钱和忍生心去占子孩时的间,究竟为什么呢是?某中生英学报正在语文,征解其了中因原请根。据面所下的给标题首和段容内,析慢分中、快、三学生请家教类原因的说并你明家教对现的态象度。意:词数1注0词左0。右考词汇参1:慢等.:生cach tu pwiths .b; be ome depencentdo nst h.赖依……2.等中:s生rupass tv超过 . .快3等生:mor ecomepittive 更有争力竞的Wy htSduetsnH av eTuort(s家教)?Less’ atek one clssa, iteehr n piirmar oyrhi g hcsohlo,a s anex malpeand d iviedi t nit torhe erogpsu :te hlosw the, midde,la ndt h eastf elrnear.sIn hte astp,th esowl ealnrres sed tuohav euttor. sTdoya,h weovre,it seesm lalof t hm heaev utotsr fo ore rensoa nora nthoe.rThe los wealrner nese dtuorstbec uae shtey cn’t actcha u wpih othert sitw hthir owe enfofts. Theyr ahe difficultv yi understanndig tnhet echaer sad ndiongth er hoimwoerk. .Soa tefr –calss uttorni ig rsellya miorpanttt toemh. uB tht probele is thatm thyem ya bceoe mdpeednet onn utort snd aotn wrok erv haydri ncla ss.As to te hmddli egruopl ernera, tshy eworyrab ot ubing surepsasde ad tnurnt outotrs,too. Wha atobu thtef sat ealnrer?sT ohuh tghyear e onfcdenita oubt thire persen potsitino, hty aere on tquie sattified. sheyT fixth ire yes en o hiahggo la.The yd esireto ealrn ore mnio rerdto b em oer cmpetioivte ltare. tIhnkithe y ahv the reiht to gahv etutosr, hotugh I ahev ontut rso.4.1阅读 下面封中学这来信(摘生自 ChnaiDai y l2 Cen1utyr.)ear DditoE:rIa ma new stduent t aN.o1 M ddlie cSholo f oChonqigng.M yhmo eis fra fomr Chongqng, ios I usm tile vt achsoo. Tlhi sist he ifrst tie fom remt geota ay wfro mm paryetsn . Ifeel vryesa d. henW Ilef th mo,eI ocudl arhly dteriagnmyse lfaw y froa mhtm. eI. don t owat tno b elaoenat s cohl,oa dnI am asy ghilr I .ahevbe n erycngii n bd at neigt hthee days.s I wnat tos tay ta home frevore I.m sism pyarnte sevr ymcuh..Coul dyo ut ell m ewath ot d o?Yur earlo yreply s ixeepcte.dRgerasAmyd根请以据内容上,一封写信(回的信头开为你已。好数词120左右)。回信包括应如下点要1;鼓励Am.y坚定求信心学,存高远志四,海为家。2.就Amy目前的况状,两到提个三议建。Daer mAy:Thnkayo ufr ooyu rlettr. Ie a som galdt oavhea t la kabou ytourp rsenet sitatuinow ih ytou.ePpol efotnemi ss heit parrets nhet frst timiethe y eavelhome. M ot speple odohav et olaveehome f o hrgieh redcuaiotnor e plmomeny.tYou c naon ltive wihty urop arnes fotreve. r Itihk ynuosho udl erailz ehtatprseetn spareaiontw il hell yopura caedic mdeelopvemtnand yur oipmorevent of merponasl ailbity.Yuonee d otm keafrie d in noyrus choo,lsh aringideas iwth ouy clasrsatmes woh ae rphysciall ycosesl tt oyu noo. waybM eoyu will silltmis s yur parentso bu,t ouy rewnf rinds wiell birn gaphpinessand ojyto oyurne w ifle. lAs oIs gguset yo uejny oyuorels fy btakig nna acite vartp i ndfferietn inds ofka tciivtesii n chsoo. Yluo wil gltem uhc lepsareuf ro itm.Wsi hyo happyuever yay.daitFhufll youysrEdtori24 众所周知,2.008奥年运将在会北举京行。为了好这次国办际盛会,北市京将一进改善步环,修建更境多体的育馆场与此。同,提高时民的市质和素修养也势必在得,因文明为的止在国举际往中交非常要重。为年作轻人我们,身自存在着一也些文明不行为。请列举所你察到的观一些不明行为(三种以文上,)就此做并出评或提出建议。论tIi knsonw t aoll hat tte 2h08 0lOmypi cGmasew lil be eldh ni Biejing .nIor ed tr oake it successfmulev et, we nwlli imrove pth envieormnnte o Befjini andgb iludmor eenvuse. As the same ite ,mti s neiecsarysf r ou tso ipmroev hte qualti yan cdutulero fth citeizesn as amnnre play as nmiprotnt raloe n iinertatninoa lommucicationn . nIoticet ha stmoeitme ssom eyuognp eopledo nt’be ahv proepely irno urda ily lvie.sF or eamplxe,s ptiintgin ublip pclcase cn ba esen semewhore .ehTe lwns aae rntered ei nhe part alkhougt ht isin o rightt t doos o T.h efowlresi pubnlc iardge nre pacikd .Whae tsiw roe , rsbubihsa n pdastlcibags a erthr own not eh rgund onit he srtete.In my oipnon, ithse baedbeh avior siwll akemb d iamrpssieon usopnvi siort so Chita n S. oeervyon eo us fhouls fdor gmodo abiths rfom nowo .n43. 胖肥经成为已害危人们康健严的重题问中,学生小肥胖的趋更势明显为。你们班此对开讨展论根据不同的观。,点一篇写100左词的右文短。1肥.胖害健危康,应该节食,炼锻,预肥胖。已防超重的,经该采取措应减施肥。2中学生长身.体的时,减候会肥响身影发育,体会影响也习,因学应此顺该自然其。肥胖:afntssFeatesns iso eno fth e erisosup rolbmeswhi hcha vea b dae ffet cn oou hearlht .Andat p esernt tehsi uattoin nithe te naegers sieven wor es A,sto hits a,d sicussio nwa sacrier dot uin ourc asl.sSmeos tdunet thiskn ftanes dsose hrm at ouor ehltah,s o i istn ecesasyrt obe o n adeit an date ksuiatlb eeexcisr teo repevt it.n hTsoe how ae ovrrewighe shotldu tae kemaurses ot lso eweght ti ob heelthay.Bu othtrs haev eadif feret npinooi. nhTey sy laoinsg weihg willtb ebadfo rt e teehanegs durrignth ie growtr hcoures ,a sewl ls taehri tsdieu. sS otehe rsi ondo utb t oeale it va st isi.4.4 根请据下面的文短诗,展开英当的想象,适一写篇文。短标题为M:y eTache rMrMo roehTre’sea t echear r MM.ooer.Wh isolo vley an dthetr-foyur.lAwyasenocrauingg usto tr .ye Healdsus o ta wrod lf“owhy.We” ll adamierhi mmoera n domr.e注:1意 不.照抄得诗原文短。. 必须2结合短的诗容内发,想挥象适,当展开。必须突短出诗的主题,结完构,整语意连。贯.4短 文能写成不歌形式诗。5 .词数1:20左。M右y Tecaher r MMooreOfa ll myt ecahrs,Me.rMoore i sth one whe omiprseess em ost.,mThuoh hegis 34, e lohkos evy yronugfo rh seag .enA dhes’on oe tfe host pmpuolart ecaehr si ounrsc ooh.lCopmard eitwhot hre etacers ,hM.roMro peya somr aetetntio not ishwa yf otaechni gH. teier savroisu ayswto ma ke ih classss eively lad interesntnig. nI ih sopniino,w seouhld on onlytknow “hwa”t,b utal sound resandt w“yh”S. ,inoseatdof g iinvg u anssewsr mimeditaey ,hel neoucrgae ss tu think oyb uroesvlesw hneevr eh putse fowrrd quaseitnsoWit. his hhlpewe.’e lvareend hw tooa anylze nads etlet rpbole.m Watha wo nderuflwor ld of w“hy”h eleadsu s t!oH ie susch a elraendp eros nthtawe al almiredhem erv muyh.c4.5哈 尔滨六制第厂药研了制一新药种,品已药经被商外定购。你根据提示请该为厂品写一产使用份说明:1书 药品本为中药(traitdoina lCinhsee meidince,对)病肺效显著。疗 常2量:天三次每一,次三,粒根据况情可加以服-1粒。32服 药身体后不要适停,小服和老孩人服禁。 4 本药品 存放在阴凉应干燥。处5使 本用品药严格要遵从医。 嘱注意:写 作要包括时要点,但不要逐条译翻。edMiine Opecatron Inistrctionushe medTcinieis ma e dby the ixtS hMdecilaFa tcroyo farHinb.I tisa ki dn f ortaidiotal nChnies eemdcine. It hias a reatg ffece on tlngu idseae.sTake thre e illp snoe and tchre etmeisa da y .nOeo r towp lis lac bne aded dacocrdngi oty oruc nodiito.nS op it if tyuof ee lnuomfoctrbael fter taking it.aIt i s on tuitabsel fr ohcldrie or nteh lod poplee .lPese atsricty lollfo wtehdo cot’s rnitsrutiocn swen houyt kae ti .hTsi edmciine hosudlbe n dark andi dyrpl acse.64 .以Fo“m r aooGd Habti”题为,谈谈早起的处好要。言之求有理内容,连,可参考以下贯示:提1 有些.生学迟到,因是晚起;为2 . 起不仅晚响影习,学而也且是种一坏习惯;. 3早是起种好一习,惯为因能它你给带来很多处。早起有助于好身体健康有助,学习,有于助于品培德养。英有国俗句话,“arlE toy ebd, ndae aryl t orsiem akesa m n haeatly,h walthe any wides.”是千真这确万,的希大望养家成早的起惯。习(注:德品养培t ria cnarahcte;r俗 话asay ngi)Soe mstduetnsare fotn elte foar casl sebauce shet ygte up late. ettiGng upl te aont oln ayffces tteir shtduie sbu tlaos is aad bhbit. ao Tgt eup aelr yi a gsod haobt, fori i tca nod oyumuc h ogdo .Gettnig p earuly cn ahepl ou yo te bhealhy. Tht eirain th morennigis frseh .Ifyo bueatrhe ushcair ,i toed ysuoa lo oftg odo Y.u ocanh aev somespo tr, sooti n te morhingn.T hi csn amae koyus torgenr. he frTeh sarian qduitenss einth emor nin gmka eouy tihn kmre quoiklcy thn any otaehr tmei ofth eda and mymeorzeiwha t ouyh avelea nrde esaily .Antheor reson afor ouyto thnk qiiuklyc nd ammorize ehtigs neasli ysi tha tou yhvaetaken aolg nrse durintgthe inht.gGetitn gpu arel cay alsonh el poy ut otarni our cyharactre.S moest udnts eancg t eupe arl, buyt smoec nanot. T hisne de perssverancee .herTeis saaiyn in gnElgihs,“Ea lry o btde a,dn ealyrt riseom kesa ama n ealthhy, ealwht ynad wsei.” Tihsi sve y true. I rhoep eeryonev wli lfromth eg odo hbatiof g etint gup arey.47l .来越多越的生学


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