
1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
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1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
游戏类型:&AVG 冒险游戏
更新 - 1个文件, 1.42GB, 8条评论
游戏类型:&RPG 角色扮演游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 21.02GB, 16条评论
游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏
更新 - 1个文件, 5.46GB, 33条评论
游戏类型:&AVG 冒险游戏
??????? ??? ?...()
更新 - 1个文件, 2.44GB, 9条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
其原力竟如此强大…基于新《星球大战》冒险的头号 LEGO(R) 系列游戏荣耀回归,将为玩家奉上...()
更新 - 1个文件, 15.41GB, 4条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆起源黑门》豪华版登陆PS3/Xbox 360/PC/Wii U。 《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆起源黑...()
更新 - 1个文件, 2.71GB, 6条评论
游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏
更新 - 1个文件, 3.08GB, 13条评论
游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏
更新 - 1个文件, 2.68GB, 20条评论
游戏类型:&AVG 冒险游戏
更新 - 1个文件, 6.89GB, 7条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
《银河英雄(ZHEROS)》是Rimlight Studios制作发行的一款动作冒险游戏。该作的故事背景...()
更新 - 1个文件, 2.1GB, 12条评论
游戏类型:&TPS 第三人称视角射击游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 6.68GB, 47条评论
游戏类型:&RAC 赛车游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 12.34GB, 26条评论
游戏类型:&FPS 第一人称视角射击游戏
Phosphor Games Studio制作,Nether Productions, LLC发行的一款多人恐怖冒险游戏。()
更新 - 2个文件, 1.41GB, 24条评论
游戏类型:&RPG 角色扮演游戏
《野蛮的复活(Savage Resurrection)》运用了全新的虚幻引擎4打造,在这里拥有丰富的武...()
更新 - 2个文件, 2.94GB, 23条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
最低配置: OS: Windows 7 SP2 64-bit Processor: Intel(R) / AMD Hyper-Threaded Dual Cor...()
更新 - 1个文件, 5.03GB, 13条评论
游戏类型:&RAC 赛车游戏
《复段赛手(Riff Racer - Race Your Music!)》是FOAM Entertainment制作发行的一款用...()
更新 - 2个文件, 432.72MB, 15条评论
游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 848.05MB, 24条评论
游戏类型:&RPG 角色扮演游戏
《受孕2:七星之子/七星的引导和马兹尔的恶梦(Conception II: Children of the Seven S...()
更新 - 2个文件, 1.92GB, 20条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 2.35GB, 35条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
最低配置: CPU: Pentium 3 or Athlon XP RAM: 256 MB RAM Video Card: 128 MB with Shad...()
更新 - 1个文件, 4.22GB, 4条评论
游戏类型:&RTS 即时战略游戏
最低配置: 操作系统: Windows 7/8/10 处理器: Intel Core i3- GHz) / AMD A10 ...()
更新 - 1个文件, 8.34GB, 10条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 1.65GB, 14条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
《成长家园2》是由Reflections Studio制作,Ubisoft、Reflections发行的一款攀爬类动作...()
更新 - 2个文件, 349.18MB, 17条评论
游戏类型:&AVG 冒险游戏
《生生不息:赴死(Life Goes On: Done to Death)》是Infinite Monkeys Entertainment ...()
更新 - 3个文件, 232.59MB, 14条评论
游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏
《坏老鼠表演(Bad Rats Show)》是Invent4 Entretenimento制作的一款策略游戏。游戏中...()
更新 - 2个文件, 433.68MB, 12条评论
游戏类型:&RTS 即时战略游戏
《8位部落(8-Bit Hordes)》是Petroglyph制作发行的一款即时战略游戏,是游戏前作《8位...()
更新 - 2个文件, 512.78MB, 19条评论
游戏类型:&RTS 即时战略游戏
《子午线:22分队(Meridian: Squad 22)》是Elder Games制作的一款科幻即时战略游戏。...()
更新 - 2个文件, 2.03GB, 24条评论
游戏类型:&TPS 第三人称视角射击游戏
《狙击黑名单SNIPER BLACKLIST》是一款经典风的动作游戏,在游戏里面玩家扮演的角色是一...()
更新 - 2个文件, 1GB, 28条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
《艾森霍恩:异形审判官》是由Pixel Hero Games制作发行的动作冒险游戏,本作根据Dan Ab...()
更新 - 2个文件, 5.57GB, 22条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 4.02GB, 23条评论
游戏类型:&RAC 赛车游戏
《熊不能漂移?(Bears Can't Drift!?)》是Arran Langmead制作的一款卡丁车为题材的赛...()
更新 - 2个文件, 760.33MB, 13条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 1GB, 57条评论
游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏
《原始世界(Pristine world)》是Lunisky studio制作的一款策略塔防游戏。游戏发生在一...()
更新 - 2个文件, 1.23GB, 14条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
Snow Arc Studio Ltd. 制作发行,基于U3D引擎打造的一款上帝视角俯瞰式生存冒险游戏。()
更新 - 2个文件, 1.07GB, 15条评论
游戏类型:&AVG 冒险游戏
日本知名游戏发行商Spike Chunsoft今天公布《弹丸论破:希望的学园和绝望的高中生》即将...()
更新 - 2个文件, 2.02GB, 11条评论
游戏类型:&AVG 冒险游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 2.61GB, 11条评论
游戏类型:&FTG 格斗游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 1.96GB, 30条评论
游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏
更新 - 2个文件, 888.06MB, 28条评论
游戏类型:&ARPG 动作角色扮演游戏
《汤姆大战地狱军团(Tom vs. The Armies of Hell)》是Darkmire Entertainment制作的一...()
更新 - 2个文件, 666.5MB, 24条评论
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
《漫画英雄:终极联盟2(Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2)》是Zo? Mode制作的一款动作冒险...()
更新 - 2个文件, 4.9GB, 22条评论
【Marvel Frist Alliance 2 v2.72】[简介]素材主要来自超任的Marvel类游戏和街机的复仇者游戏。画面风格有点类似复古的FC风格。中捡到发报机道具后可以召唤出角色特定的援助角色帮助你一起对敌。援助角色也有血槽。可选角色相当多。隐藏人物需要完全打通1次故事模式后才能全部解锁,同时也会解锁各种故事模式。第2次玩故事模式或hard高难度故事模式时,就可以选择全部的角色了。这个可以4人同时玩。多人游戏时,选择不同性质或团队的角色,有可能会攻击到自己的队友玩家。所以多人游戏时,角色选择需要注意一下。左/右-选择角色,上/下-选择角色颜色。[基本操作]攻击键跳跃键保险键(满气状态下才能发保险技能,气会自动续。)防御键(按住不放防御,防御时不可改变方向。防御时受到攻击,会耗一些气。)通用出招:前前+攻击(跑动冲击-可接连招)下前+攻击(特殊攻击-部分人物比如开枪或,满气状态下的威力和招式与气未满状态时不同。)上上+攻击(重击-部分人物的重击很实用,威力大。)下下+攻击(捡到Marvel字样的道具后,角色可以释放自己特殊的援助攻击。)部分角色特殊出招:空中按1下[防御键]-保持飞行状态(有飞行能力的角色)空中[上+攻击]或[下+攻击](某些角色还可以无限连击和空中改变方向多次攻击。)前+防御(瞬移-比如psylocke女忍者,防御反击-比如夜魔侠和。)投技:大部分角色都可以抓住敌人,某些角色无法抓住大体型的敌人,而一些体型小的角色则完全不能抓住敌人。抓住敌人后-攻击(最多克3下)、后+攻击、跳[飞行关卡]有些飞行关卡可直接躲避直到过关,有些则需要击退一定敌兵数或陨石才能过关。每过一大关,可再次选择人物角色,部分人物(坐飞行器的)在飞行关卡无法转向攻击,所以飞行关卡前建议选择自身有飞行能力的角色。[连招]的打法和连招有很多,每个角色的能力值和打法都不同,基本的比如:使用[前前+攻击]或空中下冲攻击,将敌人打浮空后,再接[上上+攻击],也可在版边一直连击或连续重击浮空的敌人。【Marvel War Gems v1.3】[简介]这个可以4人同时玩,一开始只能选择4个角色,每新通关一个角色后,会解锁一个隐藏角色出来。一共有11个隐藏角色,总共可选择4+11个角色。打通后自动保存。左/右-选择角色,上/下-选择角色颜色(Juggernaut,Thanos,只有原色)中的道具是各种颜色的光球,一些是加分的,一些是加气的,是加血的。ps:当使用还未通关过的角色进行时,每关背景上可以看见不同颜色的光球(不同属性的无限宝石)。每个角色的属性和出招威力都不同,一些角色的跑动跳踢技威力很大。原地不动不按任何键时,可以慢慢的自动回血。[设置]由于这个使用的人物素材大部分都是被拉扁的,所以强烈建议OpenBOR进入这个游戏后,视频设置的全屏画面选择[将游戏画面填满整个屏幕],以尽量使人物不要那么偏。OpenBOR每个的设置选项(画面设置,按键设置,声音设置,其他设置等)都是单独保存的。在进行中按[开始键]-暂停画面,再按[截图键]可随时进入设置选项。的作弊选项开启后,需退回游戏主选单画面后,再次进入设置选项画面,才能选择开启哪些作弊项目:1-无限条生命(大部分OpenBOR都可以正常使用此项)2-无限投币(某些会出现问题)3-无限血和气(无敌-某些会出现问题)[基本操作]攻击键跳跃键保险键(会耗自己一些血,但当Boss血变少时,可以给Boss造成很大的伤害。)防御键(按住不放防御,防御时可改变方向。)按攻击键连击时按住下,最后一击可以将敌人打浮空,然后接各种招式。某些人物还可以按住上,最后一击会出现特殊动作(比如铁人)。通用出招:前前+攻击(跑动冲击)下前+攻击(消耗一些气)前下+攻击(消耗一些气)下下上+攻击(超必杀,角色满气状态是2条气,超必杀会消耗1条气,只有2条气全满的时候才能放超必杀。部分角色特殊出招:下下+攻击(比如Doom博士和铁人可以设置地雷)蓄力攻击/远程射击-按下[攻击键]后,马上按方向键[前或上或下],然后再马上放开[攻击键]。(某些角色的蓄力攻击是按住[攻击键]2-3秒后放开,某些角色的蓄力攻击很有用,而其他的则基本没什么实用性。)投技:抓住敌人后攻击(可以最多克敌人3下,这招威力不大。)后+攻击跳(将敌人击飞,可接连招。)下+攻击(某些角色使用的特殊投技)上+攻击(某些角色使用的特殊投技)
游戏规则。 一?党瞿懔礁...
无法操作啊 手柄按键全是乱的
真是醉了 我的机械键盘 没有小键盘 不能按小键盘0开始游戏 于是 我吧你说的那个文件删了 但是想进游戏设置 发现 貌似也没有截图那个按键 打不开设置 醉了
搞定了 先把楼主说的那个设置文件删除 然后回车进游戏 按X 就是确认件 从游戏内就可以更改按键设置 已经成功用手柄爽玩! 等摇杆来了 再试试摇杆~~~技能怎么发什么的还不太明白~大家多交流啊!
| A:||||||||||||||B:||||||||||||||C:||||||||||||||D:||||||||||||||E:||||||||||||||||||||F:||||||||||||||||||||G:||||||||||||||||||||H:||||||||||||||||||||J:||||||||||||||||||||K:||||||||||||||||||||L:||||||||||||||||||||M:||||||||||||||||||||N:||||||||||||||||||||O:||||||||||||||||||||P:||||||||||||||||||||Q:||||||||||||||||||||R:||||||||||||||||||||S:||||||||||||||||||||T:||||||||||||||||||||W:||||||||||||||||||||X:||||||||||||||||||||Y:||||||||||||||||||||Z:||||||||||||||||||||近期新作:||||即将上市:||||最新大作:||||网络游戏:|||游戏分类 最新资讯焦点回顾原创攻略热门下载
12/0512/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/0412/04上一页1/2下一页 |
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距发售天距发售天距发售天距发售天距发售天距发售天距发售天距发售天 即将上市排行距离发售还有6天《阿库托:疯狂世界(Akuto:Mad World)》专题站提供本游戏攻略,完整硬盘版下载,官网,官方网站,存档,17天|26天|26天|26天|26天|26天|26天|26天|26天|26天|友情链接Discussions
Most popular community and official content for the past week.&
Fall Treasure IV and The Boston Major
Fall 2016 Treasure IV is now available, featuring new item sets for Wraith King, Meepo, Invoker, Nature's Prophet, and Luna, as well as escalating odds to unlock a Rare Lycan item set or Extremely Rare Alchemist item set that includes a new Unstable Concoction spell effect.
Now, with less than two weeks left until our next tournament champion is crowned, the focus of the Dota community turns to The Boston Major with Group Stage starting this Saturday, December 3 at 10:00 a.m. EST.
Fans can find the Group Stage brackets and complete tournament schedule in the Featured section of the Dota 2 Watch menu, and the broadcast stream will be available live in the main menu of the Dota 2 client once each day's games begin.
We wish all competitors the best of luck, and look forward to welcoming attendees to the Wang Theatre for the Main Event Wednesday, December 7 - Saturday, December 10. For fans looking to go home with some Dota 2 swag, the Secret Shop will be open to all members of the public at the W Hotel next to the venue each day of the Main Event.
New player searching for tips.
Anyone got some tips for a noob like me ?
General Discussions
True Sight: Episode 2
Catch the release of True Sight: Episode 2 tonight at 6:00 p.m. PST to continue following the behind-the-scenes journeys of EG and Fnatic during the run-up to The Boston Major.
Battle Pass owners can watch the stream live in the Battle Pass Compendium, or tune in on the Steam Community where streams will be available in English, English subtitles, Russian subtitles, and Chinese subtitles.
Missed the previous episode, or just want a refresher? You can catch up on Episode 1 at any time in your Steam Library. For those of you unable to watch the live stream, Episode 2 will also be available in your Steam Library once the broadcast is over.
Check out the True Sight: Episode 2 trailer here.
Workshop Item
The Beginning Of A Beautiful Friendship&
Workshop Item
Crow's Embrace [Meepo Shoulders]&
The Fall 2016 Champions Cup
With three weekend tournaments remaining in the Fall 2016 Battle Cup regular season, aspiring post-season contenders still have time to make a final push and raise their Battle Cup Scores high enough to qualify for the inaugural Champions Cup.
Any player with a Battle Cup Score of 110 or higher by the end of play on Sunday, December 11 will earn a golden ticket inviting them to compete against other top performers in the season-ending Champions Cup on Saturday, December 17.
For those who have already battled past the qualifying score, look for golden tickets to start appearing in your Armories next week. A special chat room will be available for ticket holders to help you put together a squad that has what it takes to have the last Ancient standing.
Champions Cup winners will retain their prestige status until the start of the next Battle Cup season, and winners in Tier 8 will even be eligible to compete in one of four Spring Major Battle Cup Qualifiers, with a shot at claiming a spot in their Regional Qualifier for the Spring 2017 Major. More details on the Tier 8 Qualifiers will come in the spring.
As a reminder, due to The Boston Major[] Main Event schedule, the final regular season Battle Cup will played on Sunday, December 11. You can find the complete Fall 2016 schedule in the Battle Cup FAQ[]. Please note that the registration window for the Battle Cup on November 26 will remain open for 60 minutes.
Workshop Item
Crow's Embrace [Loading Screen]&
Legion Commander Epic&
Creeps battle: Enigma VS Invoker&
Phantom Assassin Arcana ART&
Workshop Item
Crow's Embrace [Meepo Arms]&
Как разговаривать с тимой
Часто вы поподаете в ситуацию, когда вас посылают и оскорбляют, а тимейты не могут вас понять. В этом руководстве я расскажу вам, как разговаривать с тимейтами, чтобы хорошо провести время или найти себе новых друзей.&
161 ratings
Workshop Item
220 ratings
Epic Pudge Wars&
The best pro gaming to watch this weekend
The Dota 2 Boston Major is set to dominate the headlines this weekend, while the Overwatch APEX season 1 comes to an exciting end. There’s plenty to watch besides, from CS:GO’S ELEAGUE finals to the grand finals of Rocket League’s RLCS. All the details on this weekend’s action can be found below. Have a great weekend!Street Fighter V: The Capcom CupIt&s been a long year, but this weekend the best Street Fighter V players in the world descend on Santa Ana to crown a champion. Catch up on the players here, and check out the official site for loads more information play is ongoing, starting at 10:00 PST / 19:00 CET every day. Here&s the livestream.Dota 2: The Boston MajorThe Boston Major is finally debuting this weekend at the Wang Theatre in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Sixteen teams will battle through a single-elimination playoff bracket in best-of-three matches, with a best-of-five Grand Finals to determine the winner of the $3,000,000 prize pool. The seeding for the Main Event bracket will be determined by the results of Group Stage which starts tomorrow. You can check out the official stream over on Twitch.CS:GO: ELEAGUE Season 2 Semifinals and FinalsThe CS:Go ELEAGUE season 2 semifinals kick off today with SK Gaming and Astralis fighting it to try secure their place in the finals. The match starts at 14:00 PST / 23:00 CET, while the finals start the following day at 13:00 PST / 22:00 CET. Turner’s ELEAGUE project has been a resounding success, broadcasting Counter-Strike on a weekly basis to television sets worldwide. But for those of you who don’t have TBS can check out all the latest action over on Twitch.Overwatch APEX Season 1 FinalOverwatch APEX Season 1 is set to come to a climatic end in South Korea this Saturday, with the winner set to take home $90,000. It’s down to Team EnVyUs and AF.Blue, who will contest the final matches. The semifinals saw AF Blue gunning their way to a 3-1 victory over BK Stars, and EnVyUs stole the win over Kongdoo Uncia 3-2 with the help of stand-in Pongphop ‘Mickie’ Rattanasangohod. The finals starts at 00:00 PST / 09:00 CET and can be watched here.Rocket League: RLCS Grand FinalsMore than ten thousand teams signed up for the second season of the Rocket League Championship Series, and it has all come down to the final eight. Four teams from each region will be competing for the grand prize of $50,000. Players will be revving their engines this Saturday at 04:00 PST / 13:00 CET, while the matches continue Sunday at 05:00 / 14:00 CET. The stream can be watched in its entirety here.Heroes of the Storm: Gold Club World ChampionshipThe Heroes of the Storm Gold Club World Championship is now well underway in Beijing, with $300,000 to be won. The final stages of the tournament will be played at the Water Cube—also known as the National Aquatics Center, which was originally built for the 2008 Olympics. The winners’ finals take place this Saturday, with Ballistix and MVP Miracle kicking things off at 02:30 / 11:30 CET. The grand final starts the following day at 03:30 PST / 12:30 CET. Make sure to catch all the action here.
История героя UNDERLORD: Владыка бездны!&
Your guide to every team at Dota 2's Boston Major
It’s December, and although the pro Dota scene has been steadily recovering from the post-International hiatus, the rust still hasn’t quite come off. Now, just as your pub games are starting to go stale, the light is about to burst out from behind the clouds. Ladies and gentlemen, the Boston Major is almost upon us. Here’s what you need to know about the competitors.THE DIRECT INVITESWings Gaming If you asked me who Wings Gaming were this time last year, my answer would have been ‘I think I’ve heard of them’. Since then the Chinese team have become powerhouses and the winners of this year’s International. International Winners in the past have almost always been pretty terrible in the months after the tournament ends, but not Wings. They’ll be charging into the Boston Major with wins at the Nanyang Championships and the Northern BEAT Arena under their belt. Their strengths lie in their drafts and the sheer amount of trust the players have in each other. Expect mad picks, mad low percentage plays and a &go hard or go home& style of Dota. They are very capable of winning the Boston Major.Digital Chaos Digital Chaos gave us one of the greatest stories in pro Dota 2 ever. This band of rejects put together a monumental TI run this year which saw them finish the tournament in second place. They draft unpredictably and play unpredictably too, making them a nightmare to come up against. Captain Misery is a veteran of the scene, and despite not even wanting to take up captaincy, he’s proved himself to be one of the best.Add to that explosive young core players w33haa and Resolut1on, erratic offlaner MoonMeander and stable support Saksa and you&ve got a recipe for success. After such a great year, offlaner MoonMeander was surprisingly kicked from OG and picked up by DC. This has definitely sparked a rivalry between OG and Moon, who will be looking to get his own back for what he’ll consider an undeserved dismissal.OG OG are the team that I thought were going to win TI6. Cohesion issues within OG appeared to hamper their form at The International, which saw them place a lot lower than people were expecting.That’s in the past, however, and OG are back with a new team. Best buds n0tail and Fly have put together another strong looking Dota 2 squad, losing Cr1t, Miracle and MoonMeadner while picking up Jerax, s4 and relatively unknown midlaner Ana. Their philosophy remains unchanged from last year. It’s the same brand of Dota, just with different pieces—expect exemplary team fight coordination and a mid laner that can completely take over a game. OG could well make up for their poor TI showing, following their second place finish at the Summit.Evil Geniuses After finishing in third place at the International and winning it the previous year, you wouldn&t expect the EG line-up to have changed much since TI6. Two players have been swapped out, however, and while that doesn&t seem like many, those two were EG&s soul.Captain PPD was replaced by Cr1t, who left OG in search of greener pastures, and Mr EG himself old man Fear was replaced by Arteezy (yes, this is his third time joining EG). Winning one LAN and placing third in another, they’re certainly in good stead for the upcoming major. EG and NP have been building up a rivalry over the past few weeks which we could see develop further in Boston.Newbee Newbee are looking very different to the team that attended TI6. They have three new faces, two of whom I&d never heard of before they joined the squad. I think Newbee have the potential to surprise at this event. Both Sccc and uuu9 rank at around the 9k MMR mark, which is nothing to be scoffed at. If they&ve used their two months away from competitive Dota improving their teamwork, they could do well.Also joining the team is Faith, who won TI2 all those years ago with IG. Having a TI winner in your squad can&t hurt. Right?EHOMEEHOME are a mixture of scene veterans and a few newcomers. LaNm, who started his Dota 2 career there way back when, and old chicken, who has played for EHOME for his year or so in Dota 2. They lost iceiceice after TI6 and replaced him with well known carry player Sylar.EHOME always seem to get the title of &outside favourites& as everyone that knows they can do extremely well in any tournament they&re part of. A major issue for them is consistency, especially at Valve hosted events. Winning a load of the smaller competitions is nice and all, but we all know what the real aim is. I don’t think EHOME will win, but you don’t get labeled ‘outside favourites’ at almost every single tournament you attend for no reason.MVP Phoenix MVP Phoenix play Dota the way you wish you could play Dota. I don&t think MVP are actually capable of playing in a conventional way. They just run at you! I don&t really know what else to say. It&s so simple, but also so incredibly entertaining to watch. It doesn&t matter where they are, they will kill you. Underneath tier four towers, doesn&t matter, surrounded by the rest of your team, doesn&t matter—I think the only place on the map off limits for MVP is the enemy fountain, and even that&s debatable.When they get it right it&s unbelievable to watch and they can definitely beat anyone. With Forev recently rejoining after a short, unsuccessful stint with Team Secret, their chances at the Major have definitely gone up.QUALIFIED TEAMSTeam NPTeam NP were born out of the ashes of the North American scene. EternaLEnVy and Aui_2000, two very established and successful players, created the team in the September after TI6. At the start no one gave Envy and his rag-tag band of North American rejects much of a chance, but oh how they have proved everyone wrong.They stormed their way through the Boston Major US qualifiers, through the Summit 6 qualifiers and through the ESL One qualifiers (beating Complexity each time). They&ve placed well in every LAN they&ve attended. Their extremely efficient farming, good team communication and occasional hilarious misplays all make for entertaining Dota.compLexity GamingComplexity Gaming, or coL, got through to the wildcards of 2016&s International, but ended up going out to Execration when they stupidly allowed Meepo through the pool: a Meepo played by a guy with a competitive win rate on the hero of over 90%.Since then coL are looking a little different. Gone are Swedes Chessie, Limmp and Handsken, in their places are mid laner canceL^^, monkeys-forever offlane and Moo, who has taken up the role of carry. Moo feels he was unfairly kicked from Digital Chaos, and absolutely has a point to prove against his old team.Oh yeah, and Swindlemelonzz had dropped the &Swindle& part of his name. He&s just melonzz now, dunno why. Just really likes fruit I guess.LGD.Forever YoungLGD.Forever Young are a sort of spin off from LGD Gaming. The team was formed by Dota 2 veterans xiao8 and Yao after TI6. They won the Chinese qualifiers for the Boston Major, and did so in style, not dropping a single game in the playoffs.Because of visa issues, support player lpc and exciting young carry player Monet won’t be able to play in the major. Instead LGD.Forever Young will be replacing them with ddc and END of Vici Gaming. Two players, who could very well improve LGD.FY with the amount of big tournament experience they have. They know what it takes to win at an event like this one.iG VitalityAnother Chinese spin off team—they really seem to love them. iG Vitality are, as their name suggests, a pretty young Dota team. They&re made up of a number of Chinese players who were on the fringes of competitive Dota. They&ll come into the Boston Major with a point to prove. After finishing second in a Chinese qualifier bracket that included big teams like LGD Gaming, Vici Gaming and CDEC, they have potential. Young, relatively unknown Chinese teams have shown us in the past they can be a force to be reckoned with (see also: Wings) so keep an eye on this lot.Due to visa issues, both captain super and support player dogf1ghts are unable to attend the Boston Major and will be replaced by Burning and Q from the main iG squad.Ad FinemI&m a big fan of Ad Finem. They&re a team from Greece that formed mid 2015 and have stuck together ever since. They aren&t the greatest Dota 2 team in the world, but they have played at a lot of major LAN events where they have done respectably well. They are always super entertaining to watch. In the tournaments where they&ve been up against the larger teams, they&ve always ended up somewhere in the middle of the pack.What&s great about watching Ad Finem is the symbiotic relationship between their players. They always seem to know what each other are thinking, which in a game like Dota is incredibly important. I don&t think they&ll win the Major, but they&re a team that can certainly cause upsets along the way.Virtus.ProAs the only CIS team at the Boston Major, the expectations of an entire region rest on Virtus Pro&s shoulders. But these are very strong shoulders. Virtus Pro finished second in the European qualifiers to Ad Finem. They struggled in their first playoff series vs Liquid and dropped down to the losers bracket, but managed to turned it around and qualified for the Major.VP look unstoppable at the moment. They’ve recently won The Summit 6, pretty much without any competition, destroying OG 3-0 in a best out of five final. And in the same tournament they actually beat Wings 2-0,  and you don&t just beat Wings. Especially not two games to none. They are an embodiment of CIS-style Dota, playing aggressively in the early game, choking enemy teams out using heroes like Chen and Enchantress perfectly. I wouldn&t be surprised at all to see Virtus Pro win the Major.Team FacelessAfter an average performance at TI6 with EHOME, offlaner iceiceice decided to part ways with the organisation and move back to his home country Singapore. He formed Team Faceless during that time, and they have been dominating the South East Asia region since. They’ve finished first in four tournament qualifiers since they formed, including the SEA qualifiers for the Boston Major. Iceiceice and his team have been establishing themselves as top dogs in that part of the globe.Iceiceice and mid laner Jabz bring bucket loads of flair to the team, which is music to the ears of German carry player Black^. He gladly uses the space those two provide him to farm more efficiently than almost any other pro player. They&ve proved themselves in South East Asia, so how about the world?WarriorsGaming.Unity A professional team from Malaysia, WarriorsGaming finished second in the SEA region&s Boston Major qualifiers. Like Faceless, they have been doing really well within their own region. The Boston Major is now giving them a chance to prove their worth on an international stage.Their players won&t be used to playing Dota in other regions and playing against the different styles and challenges each team poses. This could work in their favour though. A small, fairly unknown SEA team coming to a Valve event and wiping the floor with a bigger, unprepared team—sound familiar? Think TNC vs OG at this year&s International. Core players Ahjit and NaNa are capable of flashy plays and carrying games when they need to, but can they do it on the big stage?LGD GamingLucky, lucky LGD. They didn&t originally qualify, finishing third in the Chinese qualifiers. Now, due to Execration&s visa issues they&ve been chosen to replace them at the Boston Major.They seem to be the best choice. Captain Maybe led LGD through the round robin stage of qualification with only one loss in nine games. They then lost 2-1 to iG Vitality in the lower bracket final. The new look team includes Xz, a player who finished second with CDEC at TI5, Maybe, an incredibly talented midlaner who has always been the team&s real playmaker, and three younger players who have been promoted up from various youth squads.
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Centaur Warrunner DOMINATION (PT-BR)
O Centauro, apesar de n?o ser muito popular em partidas de MMR menor, é um off-laner (também indo bem com um herói com dano na lane) EXTREMAMENTE forte em todas as fases do jogo, que com sucesso destrói o early/mid-game com dano e o late-game com sua indes&
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Лучшая сборка лесного сикера, расчитанная на раннюю агрессию и доминацию.&
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DotA 2 - Techies Ranked - A War of Wards!&
How to watch Dota 2
Dota 2 [official site] begins its next season of multi-million dollar Major tournaments in earnest on December 3, with the Boston Major set to take over the lavish Wang Theatre. While only a relatively small number of viewers will be able to fit inside to see the ridiculously monied spell-storms up close, potentially millions more will be watching via stream
including you, if you so desire.Indeed, watching top-tier Dota can be even more entertaining, and significantly less aggravating, than playing it yourself. Yet surely you
d need at least a decent amount of hands-on experience with the game to derive any understanding, let alone enjoyment, from spectating others?Fret not. It is a remarkably complex (and ever-changing) game, but it
s also surprising easy to pick up the basics when it
s just ten heroes duking it out, while a team of casters and analysts spell the action out over mic. Better yet, read this guide
a primer on both the essentials and the intricacies of a game of Dota 2, beamed through the prism of pro match viewership like Tinker
s Aghs Q! … [visit site to read more]
Rock, Paper, Shotgun
What it really means to be an autistic Dota 2 player
At the risk of sounding like I&m in a support group: I am autistic and I play Dota 2. Unfortunately, from my experience, the Dota 2 community has a poor understanding of autism. I can&t count the number of times I&ve seen &autist& used as an insult. I recognise that there is always going to be an element of any online community that will refuse to change, but I&d like to take this opportunity to give a bit of information to the rational majority.To put it in the most general terms, autism is a lifelong developmental disability. It affects how you experience the world and interact with it. Your senses can be over-sensitive, or under-sensitive, and social interaction can be challenging. Your brain is wired differently from most people, and also from other autistic people—nobody is autistic in the same way. Autistic people make up at least 1% of the population, so you will have probably met somebody with the condition. You have almost certainly played an online video game with an autistic person.Indeed, anecdotally it seems that autism is rather well represented in online and tech communities. Computers are easier than people, more predictable. This is not to say that I don&t desire social contact, but I find it difficult to navigate social situations with ease. I just need a little more time and solitude to recover from heavy socialising. Having an environment where communication is usually limited to the rules of a game is a release.Having an environment where communication is usually limited to the rules of a game is a release.It&s hard for me to put my thoughts into words quickly. When playing Dota, I can recognise when a hero has moved out of position and that now is the time to gank, but organising my mouth to say “ATTACK NOW!” takes longer. I tend to communicate using the chat wheel, with pre-set phrases, and by pinging the map. I am thankful there is a system set up that allows me to talk to my team-mates without having to use voice chat.I don&t speak much even when playing with friends. I tend to interrupt them, as it&s a struggle to tell when it&s my turn in a conversation. I stammer and fumble trying to express myself, especially when I&m concentrating on something else—for example, last-hitting, or micro-managing units. However, I am perfectly capable of understanding what other people are saying, and I enjoy doing my best to be a team player. Autism is not a learning disability, though some autistic people may also have one or more of those. Autism is commonly associated with dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia—that is, problems with reading, writing and movement. I am clumsy, and have accidentally attempted to teleport back to base in the middle of teamfights multiple times in the past. However, I don&t have a learning disability myself—it&s more like I have a deficiency in common sense.It is incorrect to call an autistic person a &retard&, and the word &autist& isn&t used by anybody in real life. Even my spell-checker says that it&s not a real word. Incidentally, and I know I&m not going to be the first to say this, but please don&t call players &retards&. I&ve met wonderful people with learning disabilities, and they don&t deserve to be brought down to the level of those who choose to jungle Legion Commander. Being autistic does come with benefits, however. I can hyper-concentrate on a game when I am not interrupted. It&s like the game becomes my world and I&m able to devote my entire attention to it. This is a common trade-off with autism: extreme-focus in exchange for multi-tasking. I also have a rather good memory for trivia. This is important, as Dota and other competitive games tend to build up entire libraries of situational facts and unusual interactions. How is Sven&s cleave affected by armour? Damage block still works, but the cleave damage is not reduced by how much armour you have. I admit, it&s a fringe case, but we all know in the long run everything matters. I always try to learn more, so I&m not caught out. I don&t know everything and I get facts wrong on occasion, but I have a drive to better my knowledge.To my knowledge, autism has never been professionally diagnosed on account of a Twitch stream.Based on what I&ve just said, you might be thinking “I know a pro-player who must be autistic!” Please, don&t. Every autistic person is different, and autism is far more than a collection of tics and idiosyncrasies. The chances are good that you are not an expert in neurology, and seeing a player being awkward in an interview is not sufficient for you to diagnose them. You&re just adding to a stereotypical perception of autism that you&ve seen on TV. This is a genuine disability that can profoundly affect your existence, and requires a qualified professional to examine essentially your entire life history with you and your family. To my knowledge, autism has never been professionally diagnosed on account of a Twitch stream.I would not be surprised at all if there were prominent players or personalities who are autistic. Indeed, I&d love it if somebody went public and became a role model, but it would be their choice to do so. Discovering you are autistic can be intensely private, and I would not want to throw it around like a Pudge hook. Unless I knew somebody well personally, I would not attempt to talk about their potential autism, and I certainly would not do so in public.It&s too easy to be lazy in the language you use. Competitive gaming is fighting into the mainstream, so it&s pointless to isolate and shrink our community with insults and ignorance. I&m not saying you have to like everyone, or like how everyone plays the game, but a little understanding and care makes our world a better place and makes us all better players. We can still have fun, and make jokes, and laugh—because no matter what, you suck if you jungle Legion Commander. Kappa.
What it really means to be an autistic Dota 2 player
At the risk of sounding like I&m in a support group: I am autistic and I play Dota 2. Unfortunately, from my experience, the Dota 2 community has a poor understanding of autism. I can&t count the number of times I&ve seen &autist& used as an insult. I recognise that there is always going to be an element of any online community that will refuse to change, but I&d like to take this opportunity to give a bit of information to the rational majority.To put it in the most general terms, autism is a lifelong developmental disability. It affects how you experience the world and interact with it. Your senses can be over-sensitive, or under-sensitive, and social interaction can be challenging. Your brain is wired differently from most people, and also from other autistic people—nobody is autistic in the same way. Autistic people make up at least 1% of the population, so you will have probably met somebody with the condition. You have almost certainly played an online video game with an autistic person.Indeed, anecdotally it seems that autism is rather well represented in online and tech communities. Computers are easier than people, more predictable. This is not to say that I don&t desire social contact, but I find it difficult to navigate social situations with ease. I just need a little more time and solitude to recover from heavy socialising. Having an environment where communication is usually limited to the rules of a game is a release.Having an environment where communication is usually limited to the rules of a game is a release.It&s hard for me to put my thoughts into words quickly. When playing Dota, I can recognise when a hero has moved out of position and that now is the time to gank, but organising my mouth to say “ATTACK NOW!” takes longer. I tend to communicate using the chat wheel, with pre-set phrases, and by pinging the map. I am thankful there is a system set up that allows me to talk to my team-mates without having to use voice chat.I don&t speak much even when playing with friends. I tend to interrupt them, as it&s a struggle to tell when it&s my turn in a conversation. I stammer and fumble trying to express myself, especially when I&m concentrating on something else—for example, last-hitting, or micro-managing units. However, I am perfectly capable of understanding what other people are saying, and I enjoy doing my best to be a team player. Autism is not a learning disability, though some autistic people may also have one or more of those. Autism is commonly associated with dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia—that is, problems with reading, writing and movement. I am clumsy, and have accidentally attempted to teleport back to base in the middle of teamfights multiple times in the past. However, I don&t have a learning disability myself—it&s more like I have a deficiency in common sense.It is incorrect to call an autistic person a &retard&, and the word &autist& isn&t used by anybody in real life. Even my spell-checker says that it&s not a real word. Incidentally, and I know I&m not going to be the first to say this, but please don&t call players &retards&. I&ve met wonderful people with learning disabilities, and they don&t deserve to be brought down to the level of those who choose to jungle Legion Commander. Being autistic does come with benefits, however. I can hyper-concentrate on a game when I am not interrupted. It&s like the game becomes my world and I&m able to devote my entire attention to it. This is a common trade-off with autism: extreme-focus in exchange for multi-tasking. I also have a rather good memory for trivia. This is important, as Dota and other competitive games tend to build up entire libraries of situational facts and unusual interactions. How is Sven&s cleave affected by armour? Damage block still works, but the cleave damage is not reduced by how much armour you have. I admit, it&s a fringe case, but we all know in the long run everything matters. I always try to learn more, so I&m not caught out. I don&t know everything and I get facts wrong on occasion, but I have a drive to better my knowledge.To my knowledge, autism has never been professionally diagnosed on account of a Twitch stream.Based on what I&ve just said, you might be thinking “I know a pro-player who must be autistic!” Please, don&t. Every autistic person is different, and autism is far more than a collection of tics and idiosyncrasies. The chances are good that you are not an expert in neurology, and seeing a player being awkward in an interview is not sufficient for you to diagnose them. You&re just adding to a stereotypical perception of autism that you&ve seen on TV. This is a genuine disability that can profoundly affect your existence, and requires a qualified professional to examine essentially your entire life history with you and your family. To my knowledge, autism has never been professionally diagnosed on account of a Twitch stream.I would not be surprised at all if there were prominent players or personalities who are autistic. Indeed, I&d love it if somebody went public and became a role model, but it would be their choice to do so. Discovering you are autistic can be intensely private, and I would not want to throw it around like a Pudge hook. Unless I knew somebody well personally, I would not attempt to talk about their potential autism, and I certainly would not do so in public.It&s too easy to be lazy in the language you use. Competitive gaming is fighting into the mainstream, so it&s pointless to isolate and shrink our community with insults and ignorance. I&m not saying you have to like everyone, or like how everyone plays the game, but a little understanding and care makes our world a better place and makes us all better players. We can still have fun, and make jokes, and laugh—because no matter what, you suck if you jungle Legion Commander. Kappa.
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8 of 9 people (89%) found this review helpful6 people found this review funny
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why im always with the same kind of fckin trash people? look my games im always the only one who knows how to play is always 5 vs me cuz the other 4 fckin trash noobs are just 4 more creeps
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Nominate most annoying hero of Dota
Lets choose which hero is annoying af pals.
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