
英语翻译mr.hill arrived at london airport
DMr Hill arrived at London airport at the end of a three-week holiday in France = Mr Hill had been in France for three weeks.CHe shaved off his beard but the pa
【回答】Mr.Hill started the day off badly yesterday.希尔先生昨天一开头就遭遇不顺.He had arrived his office door when all of a sudden he had left his bag at home.他一来到办公室就突然发现把手提包放
希尔先生是我们的新搬来的隔壁邻居.他是个飞行员.他在R.A.F.它下个月将飞往纽约.再下个月他将飞往东京.现在他在马德里.他西班牙一个星期前.他将返回伦敦再下个星期.他只有41岁,他已经到过世界上几乎每一个国家.希尔先生是个很幸运的人.但他的妻子运气不很好.她总是呆在家里!有个疑问:He fiew to Spain a
布莱恩先生和他的朋友弗莱德 布鲁克先生一起坐火车去了伦敦.他们在Victorica车站下了车.布莱恩先生要迟到了,所以他从车站打的去他的办公室.他在伦敦的一家银行上班.出租车拐了一个弯,一辆汽车撞了过来.一个窗户坏了,一个车轱辘掉了.布莱恩先生摔了出去,并且头撞到了门上.哪辆车并没停下来.它开走了.一个警察叫车停下来,
Mr White worked in an office in London, but he lived in the country and came to work by train every day. The station was not very far from his office, and Mr Wh
1.the heavy traffic2.his careless driving3.other students4.no longer5.How long does《英语打电话用于》
我觉得挺好的, 拿出来给大家分享!! A call from a buyer 客户来电接电话时,由于无法看到对方的容貌、表情,只能听到对方的声音,因而对声音的敏感度就格外重要。对在外贸等部门工作的职员来说,接听外国客户打来的电话是家常便饭。有的人一听到话筒传来“Hello”的声音,常常会变得紧张,其原因一方面是怕听不太懂,另一方面是怕赶不上对方说话的阿速度,因而形成沟通不畅的情况。若想克服这种恐惧感,首先,必须要把“听不懂很丢脸”的念头丢掉才行。当你赶不上对方说话的速度时,能够委婉的说: I’m sorry I can’t follow you. Would you repeat it? 抱歉,我跟不上你。你愿意再说一遍吗? I couldn’t catch you. Would you speak more slowly? 我跟不上你。你愿意讲慢一点吗?万一周围环境太吵,以致于无法听清楚对方说话时,如果你说的是,Will you speak more clearly?(你能不能讲清楚点?)也许自尊心强的外国客户听来,可能会感到不高兴,因为用“clear“这个词,意思是对方讲话不够清楚,口齿不清。此时不妨改用以下说法,较为合适:Would you speak more loudly, please? 我听不见你说的话。你愿意讲大点声音吗?当你忙得不可开交,却接到一通冗长的电话时,能够用 Thank you for calling. I wish we could talk longer, but I have kept my visitor waiting. 谢谢你打来电话。我希望我们能谈一会,但我已经让来客久等了。这样,既使对方了解到谈话应该结束,同时也不会显得没有礼貌。 我最初与老外通电话时,也十分紧张,可是越紧张越听不懂。这可能需要一段时间才能克服这种心理。另外,听不懂的地方一定要再问,如果电话里实在听不懂,能够跟客户说可否发邮件确认,以免形成误解。期待大家有接到任何人的电话都能应对自在的那一天! 明天会给大家贴一些典范的电话用语。可能觉得简单,但绝对实用,尤其是对于那些刚参加工作的外贸人员。..今天的内容是一些简单实用的电话英语。看似简单,用的时候你可不一定会说呦。 Hello, this is ???Company. Speaking. 喂(你好),???公司。请讲。ABC Company. Good morning. 这里是ABC公司。早上好。Who is calling, please? =May I ask your name? =May I have your name, please? =Who am I speaking to? 请问你是哪位?May I speak to Mr. Cowley, please? =I’d like to speak to Mr. Cowley. =Mr. Cowley, please. 请找考利先生接电话。Would you give me the Overseas Department? =Overseas Department, please. =Would you please transfer me to the Overseas Department? =Could you connect me with the Overseas Department? 请接海外部。Could you speak more slowly (loudly), please? 请说慢(大声)些。Could you say it again, please? =I beg your pardon? 请再说一遍。One moment, please. =Just a moment, please. =Please wait for a moment. =Please hold the line a moment. =Please stay on the line. 请稍等Just a moment, please. I’ll call her. 请稍等,我去叫她。Hold on, please. I’ll get her for you. 请稍等,我去找她。I see, I will transfer your phone to customer service. 知道了,我替你转接客户服务部。This is Mary Zhang of Customer Service, thank you for your patience. 我是客户部张玛丽,让你久等了。Who do you want to speak to? =To whom would you like to speak? 轻微你找哪位?I’m sorry, he is not in the office. =I’m sorry, he is not at his desk. =I’m sorry, he is not here right now. =I’m awfully sorry, he is not in just now. 抱歉,她现在不在。I’m afraid he’s on another line. Would you mind holding? 很抱歉,她正在听别人的电话,请问能否稍等一下?What number ar you calling? 你打的电话号码是多少?I’m sorry, there’s no one by that name here. =I’m sorry, ther e isn’t anyone named ??? in this office. 抱歉,这里没有这个人。I’m afraid you have got the wrong number. 你好像打错号码了。I’m sorry you have the wrong extension. Hold on the line and I’ll transfer you to Mr. Zhao. 很可惜,你的分机号码没拨对。请稍候,我把电话转给赵先生。We seem to have a poor connection. 电话信号不太好。I’m sorry it’s a bad line. Please hang up and I’ll call again. 很可惜,线路太糟了。把电话挂了,我再给你打过来。I’m afraid it’s a bad connection. Can you call back? 线路太糟了。部给我打过来,好吗? He is busy (tied up) at the moment. 他正忙。 He is out of the office. 他出去了。 He is in conference. 他在开会。 He is away on business. 他出差了。Can I have your name and number, please? 请问你贵姓?电话号码是多少?Where can he contact you? 他该怎么与你联系?『未完,待续』What number are you calling from, please? 请问,你的号码是多少?How do you spell your name? =Could you spell your name, please? 你的姓名怎么拼写?28.My telephone number is . 我的电话号码是。Good. I’ll ask her to call you as soon as she’s back. =Fine. I’ll ask her to phone you as soon as she comes in. 好的,她一回来,我就叫她给你打电话。Right. I’ll let him know when he is in. 好的,他回来时,我告诉他。Could you tell me when he’ll be back? =Can you give me some idea what time he’ll be in? =What time do you think he’ll be back? 能够告诉我他什么时候回来吗?I have something very urgent, please! 我有要紧的事,拜托!I have something very urgent, could you kindly let me know his mobile phone number? 我有很要紧的事,可不能够告诉我他的*屏蔽词语*号码?Is there any message? May I take a message for him? 要不要留话?Please take a message for him. 请转告他。Can I leave a message for him? 能够留言吗?Could you let her know I called? This is Luo Gang. 请转告她我给她打过电话。我叫罗刚。38.No, thank you. It’s not urgent. I’ll call back later. 不用了,谢谢,没什么急事。我等会再打过来。Please ask him to call at . 请他打。40.Please call back later. =Please call again later. 请待会再打过来。41.Would you like him to call you? 要不要他给你回电?42.The line is busy. =The line is engaged now. 电话正忙。43.Thank you very much for calling. 感激你打来电话。44.Please feel free to call me again. 欢迎您再次致电。明天会跟大家分享“接客户”方面的用语。 Picking up a Buyer 接客户到机场迎接客户,事先要和对方约在特定地点见面(如:机场的咖啡厅等),以免找不到人。与人相约,要守时。让客户久等,是很失礼的行为。如果相互没见过面,可先问清对方的外形、特征和当天穿着。当天到达约定地点,发觉有符合特征的人,即可直接向前询问。。如: A:Excuse me, are you Mrs. Penn? 对不起,请问你是佩恩太太吗? B: Hello! It’s a pleasure to meet you at last. 你好!很高兴终究见到你!在机场迎接客户、朋友时,能够使用下列简单的用语来打招待: Did you have a good flight? =Did you have a nice trip? 旅途愉快吗? I hope you had a nice trip. =I hopeyou have enjoyed your flight. 我希望你有个愉快的旅行。按照我们一般打招待的习惯,握手的同时,往往会顺手递上名片。但在欧美,人们只有在认为有必要继续联络时,才会递上名片。所以,一般在告别的时候,在适当的时机中递出来,名片才能显示出它的意义和功效。一下是交换名片时,常用的句子: Hello! I’m David Li. Here’s my business card. 嗨!我是李大卫。这是我的名片。 Oh, let me give you my business card before I forget. 哦,趁我还没忘记以前,让我把名片给你。上车时,要注意作为的安排。在有司机的情况下,车后座靠右侧是上座;如果是车主本人开车,则车主旁边是上座。但是吉普车,则与一般轿车有不同的作为安排,即便有司机,前座右侧仍是上座。其它时候,譬如说在由机场到市区的路上,如果能相互多聊聊,是比较理想的。此时的谈话内容不外是天气、相互的近况等话题,以此来打破僵局。这时能够说: It’s very warm, isn’t it? 天气很暖和,是不是? Did everything go all right? 一切都还好吧? How’s your business? 生意如何?另外,如果在坐车的途中,恰巧看到本人公司的广告牌,便何以借机引见本人公司,同时拿这个话题打开话匣子。到了宾馆应协助客户办理住房手续,晚上道别时应说:“Good night”。此外,在道别的时候,遣词用字尚还有一些需要注意的地方,对初次见面的人,道别时,多使用“meet”(认识)。如: I’ve enjoyed meeting you. =I’m glad to have met you. 我很高兴认识你。然而,对于认识的人,则使用“see”(见到)这个动词。如: I’m very glad to have seen you. 非常高兴见到你。至于我们常用的“慢走”、“走好”的客套话,西方人的习惯用语则是: Have a nice day! =Have a good time! 祝你玩得开心! 我在接机的时候,通常会拿着一块写有客人名字或其公司名字的牌子,这样比较保险。字体要清晰夺目。记得有一次,我的一个同事去接机,手里拿着一张写着客人名字的纸,她写的字体比较小,很难看清。结果,有一个老外浅笑着走向她,跟她握手。她胆怯地问:“您是。。。。吗?”老外一听,细心看了看她纸上写的名字,说:“Sorry, I’m not 。。。。”结果旁边的人都笑了。How are you today? 你今天好吗?Just fine,thanks. How are you? 很好,谢谢。你呢?How’s everthing going? 你情况怎样?Not bad. 还不错。 5.How are you getting along? 你进来怎么样?Nice to see you again. 再次见到你真好。Nice to have met you. 很高兴见到你。It’s good to see you again. 真高兴再见到你。It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? =Long time no see. (这个是中国人创造出来的句子,连美国人都用) 好久不见了,不是吗?Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from International Toy Trading Corporation? 请问,您是国际玩具贸易公司的史密斯先生吗?Please allow me to introduce myself. 请允许我自我引见一下。I’m here to meet you. 我是来这儿接您的。I have the feeling that we have known each other for a long time. 我觉得我们好像已经认识很久了。We have talked to each other for several times over telephone. 我们在电话里已经交谈过好多次了。Let me help you with that suitcase. 让我来帮您提那个箱子。No trouble at all. 一点也不费事。Yes, the flight was smooth. 是的,旅途很愉快。Do you have all your luggage here? 你的行李都在这儿吗?Will you introduce me to that lady? 把我引见给哪位女士认识一下,好吗?Let me introduce you two. 我来引见你们两位认识一下。▲引见别人时,原则是将级别低的引见给级别高的;将年轻的引见给年长的,将未婚的引见给已婚的,将男性引见给女性,将本国人引见给外国人。21.John, I’d like you to meet our client, Mr. Rex Pike. 约翰,来认识一下我们的客户,雷克斯.派克先生。22.Here is my card. 这是我的名片。23.I think this is the first time we’ve met, isn’t it? 我想这是我们第一次见面,对吗?24.We have a car over there to take you to the hotel. 我们的车停在那边送你们去宾馆。25.Our car is out in the parking lot. 我们的车就在外边的停车场。26.Our general manager Mr. Chang asked me to say “Hello”to you. 我们的总经理常先生让我传达他对你的问候。27.He meant to come here to meet you in person. 他本来打算亲身来这儿接您。28.But some other business held him back, so he asked me to come in his place. 他因公务缠身,才由我代替。29.That’s exactly the same. 都一样。30.I don’t think you know Mr. Goget, my associate. 我想你还不认识我的助手,罗瑞先生。 Is this your first visit to China? 这是你第一次来中国吧?32.How is the world treating you? 你过得怎么样?33.How are you getting on with your job here? 你这里的工作进展得怎么样?34.We can qualify for a corporate rate at your hotel. 我们能够在你们饭店享受团体优惠价。35.Would you please bood a room for five days, beginning from May 2nd? 请您为我公司订一个房间,从5月2日起,住5天,好吗?36.A single room with a bath, if possible. 如果可能,要一间带浴室的单人房。37.If you have two single rooms, so much the better. 如果你们有两个单人房,那就更好了。 Are there any beds vacant? 有空床吗?39.Have you a double room for tonight? 今晚你们有一间双人房吗?40.We would like the rooms close together. 希望我们的房间能挨得近一点儿。41.Can I bood a single room with a private bath tonight? 今晚我能订一间带私人浴室的单人房吗?42.Would you like to get a room overlooking the river? 你想要一间临江的房间吗?43.What sundry services does the hotel offer? 宾馆有哪些零星的服务?44.What if I’ve got something to be sent to the laundry? 如果我有些衣服要送去洗衣房,该怎么办?45.How much is a room for one night? 一间房住一晚多少钱? 46.How much is boarding and lodging per day? 膳宿费一天多少?47.How do I about getting a morning call? 我该如何请人家早晨叫醒我?48.You must be tired after your long flight. 经过长途飞行,您一定很累了。49.I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay here. 希望您在这儿能过得愉快。50.I’d like to check in, please. 我想住宿。『亲身经历』来我们公司的老外,一般都是我们帮他们预定好房间。在这种情况下,应该事先通过邮件或传真跟老外确定好他们想入住哪家酒店或什么标准的酒店,什么标准的房间,多少间,住几晚等等。然后,客人入住时,我们协助Check in.但有时外国公司可能本人提前预定好了房间,这时我们就不需要帮他办理入住了。『明天的内容是会见客户』 A new Business Contact 会见客户在接待客户、做出日程安排时,应考虑周全而且有礼貌。要尽量以方便客户为原则,如果有时与本人公司内部的日程安排发生冲突,应对本人的日程安排做出调整。有时,在做出日程安排时,还应考虑客户来自哪个国家,尽量避免因时差给客户带来的不适。见面引见的先后顺序在前面已经引见过,这里不在重复。引见时,记住对方的姓名是种礼貌。像How do you do, Mr. Brown? How’s going, Miss Lin?这类寒暄,由于加上对方的名字,而使听的人倍感亲切。所以在引见时,要注意对方的名字,迅速而精确无误地把对方的姓名记下来,万一听不清楚的时候,能够再请教对方一次,总之,以尽可能不叫错对方名字为原则。 Schedule ArrangementI’m afraid I can’t make it before the end of the week. 生怕本周周末前我不能预约时间。2.I’m sorry tomorrow is all booked up. What about the day after tomorrow? 非常抱歉,明天已经安排满了。后天怎么样?3.I won’t be able to keep my appointment with you on Tuesday. 星期二我不能跟你见面。4.Then, let’s make it ten o’clock at my office. 那么,我们就定在10点再我的办公室见。5.There is nothing scheduled before lunch. 午餐前都没有什么安排。6.Any afternoon except Saturday. 除了星期六,哪天下午都行。7.Would Friday morning be all right for you? 星期五上午对您合适吗?8.What about Wednesday morning? 星期三上午怎么样?9.Would Wednesday afternoon suit you? 星期三下午对您合适吗?10.Any time tomorrow would suit me. 明天任何时候都能够。11.I’ll be free all Tuesday afternoon. 星期二整个下午我都有空。12.I’d like to see you sometime this week. What time would be convenient for you? 这个星期我想去拜访您。什么时间对您比较方便?13.I wonder if we could change the date of the meeting to sometime later in the week, say, Thursday. 不知道我们能否把会面的日期改在这周的晚些时候,比如说,星期四怎么样?14.May I expect you at four? 我在四点钟等您好吗?15.Are you quite sure you can come? 你能否一定能来?16.I’d like to have an hour appointment with you next week. Is it possible for you to spare the time? 下星期我想跟你谈一个小时左右。你能抽出时间吗?17.I’d like to meet you to explain our new product. 很愿意为您引见我们的新产品。18.Any day will be fine. 哪天都能够。19.Any day except Wednesday will be fine. 除了星期三,哪天都行。20.(To the secretary)I’d like to meet with Mr. Smith the day after tomorrow. (对秘书)我想在后天拜访史密斯先生。21.Will you ask him his schedule? 请帮我问一下它的日程安排好吗?22.Mr. Smith has time at three o’clock in the afternoon. 史密斯先生下午三点有时间。23.I’m very sorry. He doesn’t have time this week. 很抱歉,他这个礼拜没空。24.I have half an hour available for a meeting after 11 a.m. on Tuesday. 我星期二上午11点后有30分钟的时间能够见面。25.Thank you very much. I will visit you then. 非常感激。到时我会来拜访您。26.Mr. Smith is on business trip this week. He will come to the office on Monday. 史密斯先生这个星期出差,星期一回公司。27.I’m very sorry. I must cancel our appointment, since I learned that I have to go to Paris onbusiness tomorrow. 很抱歉,我必须取消我们的约会,因为我明天必须到巴黎出差。28.Since I’m going back to Guangzhou next week, I’d like to talk with you about the agreement again before I leave. 因为下周我将回广州,离开之前,我想再与您谈谈合同的事。29.Would you please tell me when you are free? 请问您什么时候方便?30.(to the secretary)Would you please make an appointment with Mr. Smith at two o’clock tomorrow? (对秘书)请你帮我跟史密斯先生约明天下午2点好吗?31.I’d like to invite Mr. and Mrs. Jones to the Friendship Restaurant at seven o’clock tomorrow everning. Would you please ask them if they are free? 明晚7点我想邀请琼斯夫妇在友谊饭店吃饭。请帮我问一下他们能否有空?32.We need to talk about the basic terms of the transaction. 我们需要讨论一下基本的买卖条件。33.Hey, Dick, I’d like to have dinner with you tonight. Are you free? 嗨,迪克,我想今晚和你一块吃饭,有空吗?34.(on the phone)Richard, I’d like to meet with you at your office tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock. (电话中)理查德,明天下午2点我去你办公室找你。35.I’m sorry for the sudden notice, but I’d like to meet with you this afternoon. 恕我轻率,今天下午我想与您会面。36.How about the afternoon, between two and three? 那么,下午2点到3点之间如何?37.I’m sorry, but Mr. Brown of our company cannot go tomorrow at ten o’clock. 很对不起,因为我们公司的布朗先生明天10点无法到您那里去了。38.Soory,Mr. Jackson has some unexpected business to attend to, and won’t be able to make your appointment this evening. But he’d be glad to see you at the same time the day after tomorrow. Would that be all right? 很抱歉,杰克逊先生突然有事,今晚不能赴约了。但他很高兴在后天的同一时间见您,您看行吗?39.He regrets he won’t be able to receive Mr. Smith tomorrow afternoon. He’ll be engaged the whole afternoon. 他很抱歉明天下午不能接待史密斯先生,他整个下午都忙。40.He is usually busy in the morning. So you might come over sometime in the afternoon, if that suits you. 一般来讲他上午很忙,如果方便的话,你能够下午来。41.Well, then, I suppose we can meet at 8’clock tomorrow morning in your office. 那样的话,明天上午8点在你办公室见。42.OK, I’ll be expecting you in the office tomorrow morning. 行,明天上午我在办公室等你。43.I’m afraid not. I’m fully booked up tomorrow. 生怕不行,我明天已安排满了。44.Is it convenient to change our appointment from Friday to Sunday, at the same time? 不知将我们的约会从周五改到周日,时间不变,能够吗?45.Mr. Carmen had to cancel all his appointments. I hope you’ll understand. 卡门先生不得不取消他所有的约会。希望你能谅解。46.Excuse me for being late. I tried to get here in time, but I failed due to the traffic jam. 对不起,我来晚了。我本想按时到,但是由于交通堵塞,没能赶到。47.I was caught in a traffic jam. 我碰到了交通堵塞。48.I didn’t know there’s be so much traffic at this time of the day. 没想到这个时候交通这么拥堵。49.I know you’re extremely busy, so I won’t take up too much of your time. I’ll make a long story short. 我知道你很忙,不想占用你太多时间,我长话短说。50.Mr. John, I’d like to discuss with you something about our draft contract. Will you be availablethis afternoon? 约翰先生,我想同您商量一下合同草案,今天下午行吗?Describing Products引见产品向客户引见产品时,应拿出一、两件具体产品或是公司具有代表性的产品,从产品的本身特点,包括产品外形、构造、材质、质量、颜色等多个方面切入,向客户细致引见,以说明该产品为什么要这样设想,它的优点是什么,在市场上与同类产品相比,合作力会怎样,从而激发客户的兴趣。同时还应拿出产品的说明书给客户看,让其了解产品的使用性能和只来那个的可靠性,以增强客户的订货欲望。以上这些都是在客户引见产品时应注意的事项。1. We’ll guarantee this product for three years, and there is no charge for after-saleservice during the three years of guarantee. 本产品3年保修,保修期间免费提供售后服务。2. We’re confident about the quality of our products. 我们对本人的产质量量非常有消息。3. How is your product better than the competition? 贵公司的产品哪方面优于合作对手?4. We’ve lots of brands here. 我们这里有许多品牌。5. Which kind do you like better? 您更喜欢哪一种?6. We guarantee its quality. 我们的质量绝对有保证。7. We handle only the best brands. 我们只做最佳品牌的产品。8. Our products are well thought of in Europe. 我们的产品在欧洲很受欢迎。9. Our products are all quality goods. 我们的产质量量绝对有保证。10. Considering the quality of our products, you will find that our price is quite reasonable. 如果您考虑到我们产品的质量,您会觉得我们的价格是非常合理的。11. It pays to buy goods owing to their superior quality. 买高质量的货物是划得来的。12. It’s true our price is a little high, but our quality is the highest. 我们的价格却是高了一点,但是我们的质量是最好的。13. It’s true that your products is of high quality, but your price is the highest, too. 你们的产质量量却是好,但是你们的价格也是最高的。14. I agree that your products are of better quality, but still I can’t persuade our customers to buy at such high price. 我同意你们的产质量量却是是好一些,但是我仍然无法说服我的顾客花这么高的价钱去购买你们的产品。15. At present we’re making efforts to improve the quality and increase the variety of our products. 目前我们正在下力气改进质量,增加产品的品种。16. The sale of your products in our market greatly depends on the improvement of quality. 你们的产品在我们的市场要打开销路很大程度上取决于质量的提高。17. We have a big variety of toys, such as…… 我们有各种各样的玩具,如……18. This plush pub-dog is a new product. 这只长毛绒狮子狗是新产品。19. We have some fashionable patterns here. 我们这儿有些流行的款式。20. What about this one in dark brown? 您认为深咖啡色的怎么样?21. We have this style in several size and colours. 这种款式的有集中规格和颜色。22. These products are of the best quality and excellently tailored too. 这些产质量量上乘,而且唱工精良。23. Are they colourfast? 褪色吗?24. Haven’t you got any brown colour in stock? 你们没有棕色的备货吗?25. We can recommend this product to both children and the elderly because it is easy to use. 我们能够把这项产品推荐给小孩和老人,因为它的使用很简单。26. Innovative technology has been applied. 已经采用了创新技术。27. Since it is very thin, you can carry it easily. 因为它很轻薄,所以便于照顾。28. This product is durable. 这种产品耐久性好。29. Our product is the best seller. 我们的产品很畅销。30. The silk garment is a widely marketable product. 丝绸服装的销路不错。31. It has good prospect. 这个产品的前景很被看好。32. It has been received favorably in many markets abroad. 海外市场很欢迎这个产品。33. This is our new mobile phone. 这是我们新型的移动电话。34. It is more convenient than the former one. 它比以前的产品愈加便于使用。35. The best feature of this product is that it is very light in weight. 这种产品最大的特点是非常轻。36. It has the same quality and the price is about half that of competing products. 它和其他产品质量一样,而且价钱只有它们的一半。37. This software is excellent for making network. 这种软件在网络上表现非常出色。38. This software can allow you to use the Internet in new ways. 这种软件能够教你用新的方法使用国际互联网。39. This software is excellent for making home pages. 这种软件是制造网页的好工具。40. There’s been a big rush for it lately. 最近销路十分好。41. There is little demand for the goods. 这种商品的市场需求很小。42. There is no more demand for this product. 这种产品不再畅销了。43. This type of machine is in great demand. 这一型号的及其有很大需求量。44. Improvements have been made on the last model of this product. 这种产品的最新型号已经改进过了。45. It is more efficient. 这种产品更有效率。46. Maintenance costs have been reduced substantially. 维修费已大幅度降低了。47. The design is sure to attract attention. 这个设想一定很吸引大家的注意。48. These kinds of products are very popular among young people. 这几类产品在年轻人当中很受欢迎。49. This product is patented. 这种产品已申请了专利。50. The patent is pending for this product. 这种产品正在申请专利。51. The new version of this software will be available in July. 这种软件的新版本将在7月上市。52. The function of this software has been greatly improved. 这种软件的功能增加了很多。53. Our products are easier to operate than our competitors’. 我们的产品同其它厂家相比操作简单。54. We take less time with an installation than our competitor. 我们的产品比起其它厂家安装起来较省时。55. One of the excellent points about this machine is that it rarely needs servicing. 这种机械的一大优点是毛病率较低。56. You can save ten percent of your energy costs by using this machine. 使用这种机器能够节省10%的燃料费。57. If you use this machine your productivity will increase by twenty percent. 使用这种机器能够使产量增加20%。58. If the equipment can work three shifts per day, it can easily pay for iteself in a year. 如果以三班制来运作这套机器,那么一年就能轻易收回成本。59. It’s just come out, so we don’t know the outcome yet. 这产品刚推出,还看不出销售结果。60. There’s a great demand for our new product. 我们的新产品市场需求很大。【明天的内容是Showroom Guide参观产品陈列室】 Showroom Guide 当你带领顾客到展览室,你能够说: Please come this way. I’d like to show you our showroom. 请走这边。我想带你参观我们的产品陈列室。 I’ll take you to our showroom. 我会带你到我们的产品陈列室。 Let me show you around our showroom. 让我带你到我们陈列室四周看看。 如果有意说动顾客,买下某件特定产品时,可用: Can I interest you in this one? 让我向你引见这种产品。简单的说明则能够用: How about this one? What about this one? 这东西如何?为了减少顾客对质量的怀疑,适时适当的称赞一下本人的产品,增加顾客对产品质量的信赖,是绝对有必要的。比如,推销衬衫时,我们能够说: We have some fine shirts here. We guarantee its quality. 我们这里有几件上好的衬衫,质量保证。最后,当客户要离开的时候,千万别忘了说: Thank you for giving us your precious time. 谢谢你给我们宝贵的时间。 I’m very glad to have met you. I hope to see you again. 非常高兴认识你。谢昂能跟你再次见面。1.I did’t know you had a showroom in Guangzhou. 我以前不知道贵公司在广州有个陈列室。2.I don’t know your company is exporting so much. 我不知道贵公司的出口量这么大。3.Is this new model on sale to the public already? 这种新机型已经公开销售了吗?4.Do you have any literature? 你有说明书吗?5.Are you interested in seeing everything? 你有兴趣看每一样东西吗?6.Can you demonstrate it? 能示范如何使用吗?7.Can you get this machine to start working? 你能开动这台机器吗?8.All you have to do is push this button with just a soft touch. 你所要做的只是悄然按下这个按钮。 9.Can we just take a glance at some of your products? 我们能够浏览一下你们的产品吗?10.We like to give you a complete picture of our production range. 我们想让你完全了解我们的产品。 11.Please take a look at this. It’s a new product. 请看看这东西,这是我们刚刚开发出来的一种新产品。 12.Did you enjoy visiting our showroom? 参观我们的产品陈列室,还满意吧? 13.Thank you for coming to our showroom today. 谢谢你今天莅临我们的产品陈列室。 Situational Dialugue(情景对话) (一) A=Manager B=Client A: I’ll show you around our showroom and explain all the exhibits here. 让我带你到我们的陈列室四周看看,同时向你注释这里所有的展品。 B:Do you have any literature? 你有说明书吗? A:Yes, here’s our catalog. 有,这是本公司的目录。 B:Thanks. 谢谢。 A:Are you interested in seeing any particular item first? 你有兴趣先看看一些特别的东西吗? B:No, I want to see everything. 不,我想看每一样东西。 A:Then , shall we begin viewing the objects over there on the left? 那么我们就从左边开始参观,好吗?(二) A=Sales Manager B=Client A: Did you enjoy visiting our showroom? 参观我们产品陈列室,还满意吧? B:Yes, I did. You have a lot of attractive merchandise. 是的。你们很多货品都相当吸引人。 A:Thank you. I hope you’ll place some orders before you leave. 谢谢。希望你在离开前下些订单。 B:I’ll run through your catalog and make a list of what we’re likely t want. 我会很快看目录,列表写下可能要买的产品。 A:I see. Thank you for sparing your precious time. 知道了。占用您的宝贵时间-谢谢您。 B:Thank you for all the information. 也谢谢你向我提供了资讯。【明天内容:Factory Tour参观工厂】 Factory Tour参观工厂对外向型企业来说,客户要求参观工厂是一件习以为常的事,也是企业推广业务、树立笼统的一个很好机会。请熟记下面的实用语句:抵达工厂时说:“I hope the noise isn’t bothering you.”(希望这些噪音没有吵到你);参观时不能久留时说:”We’re running a little short on time, so……”(我们的时间有限,因而……);参观活动结束,车子在外面等候时说:“Thiscompletes our schedule for today. I understand they have our car already wait”(今天的活动安排已经结束。我想我们的车已经在等候。)。参观引见应从给人印象最深刻的部门开始,同时必须考虑客户的要求,这时可用“Why don’t we start at the workshop. Mr…”(为什么不从工厂开始呢,??先生?)这样,客户将深感不虚此行。引见公司的情况,与其大肆吹嘘是全国规模最大、员工最多的,不如尽量用实际数字说明,如多少占地面积、员工人数、年产销量、市场占有率等。总之,举凡有数据可循的材料多多益善。此外,引见职工宿舍、休闲设备、附设餐厅等县官设备,都能体现公司的规模与管理。客户来厂参观,目的无非是想了解产品的制造程序、质量及种类。这时,厂房能够安排放映幻灯片或录像带等加以系统引见,“Now, we’ll show you a 30-minute film about our company.”(现在,我们给你放映30分钟有关我公司的电视专题片。)。 1. Let me take you around the factory. 让我带你到工厂四周看看。 2. The power plant was built 5 years ago. 这座电力厂是5年前建立的。 3. We’d like to give a complete piecture of our operation. 我们希望让你对本厂的运作有个整体的了解。 4. Would you please look through these pamphlets/brochures? 请你看看那几本小册子,好吗? 5. I’m afraid you’ll have to wear an overall. It’s a hygiene requirement. 请穿上工作服,这是卫生上的要求。 6. You need this for security. 你需要使用这个,以保证安全。 7. At present, there are 968 workers at the manufacturing plant. 目前,这座制造厂有员工968人。 8. Watch your step. 当心你的脚下。 9. I’m not familiar with that point. Let me call someone who is more knowledgeable. 关于那一点我不太熟悉。让我打电话给比较了解情况的人。 10. It’s very important not to touch the machinary. 不要触摸机器很重要。 11. Please come this way. 请这边走。 12. Our company deals in a wide range of related products. 本公司运营一系列相关产品。 13. How big is your company? 贵公司的规模有多大? 14. What is your market share? 贵公司的市场占有率是多少? 15. I’m not familiar with that part. 那一部分我不熟悉。16. Well, shall we have a break? You must be tired, having seen all of our plants all at once. 好了,我们是不是应该休息一下呢?一下子参观完我们全部的工厂,你一定累了。 17. I hope you don’t mind having Chinese food for llunch. 希望你不介意午餐吃中国菜。 18. We still have plenty of time, so if there’s some place you’d like to stop by, please don’t hesitate to ask. 我们还有很多时间,所以如果你想在哪里逗留一下,请不要不好意思说。 19. We’re running a little short on time, so… 我们时间不太够,所以…… 20. Are all these available now? 这些产品都有现货吗? 21. Can you give me some samples? 你可不能够给我一些样品? 22. If you decide to use our products, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. 如果你决定使用我们的产品,保证不会使您失望的。 23. What’s the total amount of your annual sales? 请问您公司年度销售额是多少? 24. For the fiscal year 2001 it was a little over 250 million yuan. 2001年会计年度,销售额突破2.5亿元。 25. What’s the percentage of your profit? 你的利润有几成?26. What’s the total profit of your annual sales? 你全年销售的总收益是多少? 27. What’s the percentage of overseas markets in proportion to domestic markets for your product? 你产品的内销和外销比例是多少? 28. The ratio is about 7 overseas to 3 domestic. 七成外销,三成内销。 29. What’s your annual output? 年产量是多少 ? 30. Here is a pamphlet about this plant’s yearly production. 这本小册子是有关这家工厂的年度产品引见。 31. What’s your market share? 你们的市场占有率是多少? 32. What’s the market share held by your company? 你们公司的市场占有率是多少? 33. That’s it. Is there anything else you’d like to see? 就这些。你还有什么别的想看的吗? 34. Let’s go up to my office and discuss more… 我们上楼到办公室去进一步讨论… 35. What did you think of our factory? 你觉得我们的工厂怎样?36. What’s your overall impression? 你总的印象如何? 37. I’m very favorably impressed. 我的印象很好。 Price Negotiation商谈价格商谈价格是买卖之间很重要的一环。商品的价值往往同商品的本质关系密切。当要强调出口商品的质量以使买卖达到理想的价格时,我们能够说:This one is very good for 10 US dollars.(这东西绝对值10美元。)或These are slightly higher in price, but their superior quality makes them more valuable than the less expensive ones.(这些货价稍微高了一点,但其优异的质量,使它们比那些便宜的货,更有价值。) 在谈到商品价格便宜时,买方切忌使用cheap这个词,因为在西方人看来,它意味着商品是由廉价劳工(cheap labor)制造出来的廉价商品。应尽量使用reasonable这个描述词。如:The price is quite reasonable.(这价格相当合理。) 讨价还价的结果是双方做出的让步。在最后让步时可说:“The best compromise we can make is …”(我们能做出的最大让步是…)或者”This is the lowest possible price.”(这已是最低价格。),然后坚持不懈,否则,如果让步太过分,就可能形成卖方的丧失。 1. Let’s get down to business, shall we? 让我们开始谈生意好吗?2. I’d like to tell you what I think about that. 我想告诉你我的一些想法。 3. Are those prices FOB or CIF? 这些价格是船上交货价还是运费及保险费在内价? 4. Are these prices wholesale or retail? 这些价格是批发价还是零售价? 5. That’s too high. 价钱太高了。6. Oh, no, this is the lowest price. 噢,不,这是最低价。 7. Let us have your rock-bottom price. 我们给你低价。 8. What’s the price range? 价格范畴是多少? 9. They start at one hundred and fifty yuan and go up to two hundred yuan. 它们以50元起价,至多到200元。 10. The price is quite reasonable. 这价格相当合理。 11. The price is unreasonable. 这价格高得不合理。12. Can you make it a little cheaper? =Can you come down a little? =Can you reduce the price? 你能不能算便宜一点? 13. That sounds very impressive. 那似乎非常好。 14. That sounds reasonable. 那似乎非常好。 15. I’d like to hear your ideas on… 我想听听你关于……的看法。 16. You’re offering us this product at 1800 yuan per unit-is that right? 你提供我们的这种产品报价是每台1800元吗,对吗? 17. We’d appreciate it if you could sell it to us for 1350 yuan per unit. 如果你能以每台1350元的价格卖给我们,我们将不胜感激。 18. Taking the qulity into consideration, I think the price is reasonable. 考虑到产质量量,我认为价格是合理的。 19. There’s one problem to be mentioned. 有一个问题要提出来。 20. The price we quoted is quite good for your country. 我们报的价格相当适合贵国。 21. The price you quoted is a little stiff for exporting. 你报的价格对于出口而言,有点偏高。 22. Your price is 15% higher than that of last year. 你们的价格比去年的高15%。 23.I think you misunderstood me on this point. 在这一点上我想你是误会我了。 23. We’re in complete agreement. 我们完全同意。25.I can’t make a decision at this time. 我无法现在做决定。 26. It’s not possible for us to make any sales at this price. 我们无法以这种价格销售。 27.380 yuan is about as low as we can go. 380元大约是我们能出的最低价格。 28.I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there. 生怕我不能同意您出的价格。 29.Your price is higher than that of other companies. 你方的价格比其它公司的价格要高。 30. But considering the high quality, our price is very reasonable. 不过鉴于产品的优良质量,我们的价格是非常合理的。 31.I don’t deny that the projector is top quality. 我和不否认放映机质量上乘。 32.If you could go a little lower, I’d give you the order right away. 如果你方能把价格降低一点,我马上向你们订货。 34.I don’t know if a change in L/C is possible. 我不知道改变信用证是不是可能。 35.Can we meet each other half way? 我们能折中一下吗? 36.The price depends upon quantity. 价格因数量而定。 37. Can you offer a qquantity discount? 大批量采购有这口吗? 38. If we order 2000 units or more, how much can you bring the price down? 如果定购2000台以上,价格可降多少? 39. What would happen to the price if we doubled the order? 如果定货量加倍的话,价格如何? 40. What discount can you offer for orders over 500000 yuan net? 订货净额如果达50万元,会有多少折扣? 41. If you order in large quantity I think a discount would be possible. 如果定货量较大的话,我公司能够适当让利。 42. As far as the base price is concerned, we want to do it in US dollars. 关于这个底价,我们要求以美元来支付。 43.I was asked to get a price discount from your company. 我专程来与贵公司商订降价协议。 44. I’m sorry. I’ve already given you our lowest price. 对不起,我们给的价格已经是最低了。 45. Let’s split the difference and call it 28. 我们平分价格差额,算作28怎么样? 46. If you could come up with a really competitive price, we might be able to place a large order. 如果你能出个真正的具有合作性价格,我们会大量订货。47. Unless you can see your way to improve your price substantially, the chances of our closing the deal are rather slim. 除非你们价格上做出大的变动,否则我们成交的可能性很小。 48. Is it possible to reduce the price by 10%? 有没有可能把价格降低10%? 49. It simply can’t stand such a big cut. 哪能经得住这么大的削价。 50. I’m afraid we’ll have to go elsewhere. 生怕我们得转向它处了。 51. Let’s leave that for the time being. 暂时把这个问题搁一下。52. I’m sorry we can’t make any reduction because the price quoted is already very low. 很抱歉,我们不能再降价了,因为我们所报的价格已经够低的了。 53. Our offer is very practical, so we are sorry to say that your counter-offer is unacceptable. 我们的报价很实在,我很可惜地告诉您,你地还价我们无法接受。 54. We hope that you’ll take the initiative and bridge the gap. 希望你方采取主动来弥合差距。 55.I suggest around 450 US dollars per metric ton CIF Shanghai. 我建议把伤害到岸价定再每公吨450美元。 55. The best price we can accept is 138 yuan per metric ton. 我们能够接受地最好价格为每公吨138元。 SITUATIONAL DIALUGUE(情景对话) (一) A=Client B=Manager A:Is this your best price? 这是最优惠的价格吗? B:I’m afraid it is. That’s our rock-bottom price. 生怕就这样了。那是我们的低价。 Ahat may be true, but if you make it cheaper, we’ll be able to place large orders continuously. 也许真的如此,但如果你能算便宜点,我们会有大批后续订单。 B:About what price would you say? 你开个价吧! A:I have to ask you for 12 yuan. 12元。 B:12 yuan is out of the question. The best price I can offer you is 12.5 yuan. 12元,不可能。最便宜也得算你12.5元。(二) A=Client B=Manager Ahe prices you quoted us are a little too high. I want a 15% discount. 你定的价格有点偏高。我要这个价格的8.5折。 B: I can’t give you a reduction like that! 我不能给这种折扣! Aook, I know you can manage that. I’ve already had a similar offer from your competitors. 嘿,我知道你能处理。你的合作对手已经给我类似的价格了。 Bhese are slightly higher in price, but their superior quality makes them more valuable than the less expensive ones. 这些货价稍微高了一些,但其优异的质量,使它们比那些较便宜的货更有价值。 A:You have to meet my figure, if our company really wants to sell more. 如果我公司真想多买些,就得迁就我的价格。 B:Well, I need some time to think it over. 唔,我需要点时间考虑。 Packing & Transportation包装与运输在国际商贸实务中,包装与运输是相互关联在一起的。出口商品包装是保护商品在运输,远距离流通过程中质量完好和数量完整的必要条件,是充分体现商品价值及其使用价值的重要手段。适宜的商品包装对保护商品、美化商品、宣传商品及方便商品贮藏、运输、使用和销售都起着举足轻重的作用。在实务操作中,出口商品的包装应牡蛎符合科学、经济、牢固、美妙和适销的要求。国际货物买卖合同中的包装条款,主要包括包装材料、包装方式、包装费用和运输标志等内容。包装条件一般都由买卖双方协定后,在合同中做出明确具体的规定。了解和掌握包装与运输的相关只是,在接待客户、与客户订立包装与运输协议时非常重要。 1. What do you think of our new packaging? 你认为我们的新包装如何? 2. Your recommendation on improving packing would beappreciated. 如你方对改进包装有什么建议,我们将不胜感激。 3. How would you pack this lot of tea sets? 这批茶具你们打算用什么包装? 4. We use cardboard boxes. 我们用的是硬纸板箱。 5. We hope that you can make some improvement in the packing. 我们希望在包装上能改进一下。 6. Do you have any specific request for packing? 你对包装有什么具体要求吗? 7. We hope tha the design and the color will suit American tastes. 我们希望图案和花色能适合美国人的口味。 8. We have to make our products desirable. 我们要使我们的产品人人都想买。 9. First of all, I think we need to consider the design of our packaging. 首先,我认为我们需要考虑包装设想。 10. I’ve come up with these high-tech grid designs which go well with a bold yellow font like this. 我已搞出这些高科技的格子设想,正面正好配上这样的鲜黄色字体。 11. We want the garments to be packed for window display. 我们要求服装的包装便于橱窗陈列。 12. Packing in cardboard box with a little bit of flower designs is suitable for display in supermarkets. 用盒上带一点花卉图案的硬纸盒包装,适合超市展销。 13. I’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for the transport by sea. 这种纸箱用于远洋运输,生怕不够结实。 14.Could you use wooden cases for packing if you instead? 你们能否采用木箱?15. We could use wooden cases for packing if you insist. 如果你们坚持,我们能够用木箱包装。16.Strong packing will ensure the goods against any possible damage during transit. 坚固的包装能够确保货物不会在运输中受损。 17.For the back of the package, I like some type of illustration which shows someone using a computer. 我想能够在包装盒的后面搞上一个人在使用电脑的图形。 18.I’d like to listen to your opnion about packing for the woolen sweaters. 我想听一听你对羊毛衫包装的意见。 19.Your blouses should be competitive not just in price, quality, but in packaging for blouses. 你方女衬衫不只要在价格上、质量上有合作性,在包装上也要有合作力。 20.The appearance of a package that catches the eye will certainly be of much help in promoting the sales. 外观有目共睹的包装肯定会对促销有很大协助。【未完待续】 21.I like the package which is novel and attractive. 我喜欢新鲜美妙的包装。 22.Could you tell me how do you usually pack your blouses when you export them? 你能够告诉我贵方再出口女衬衫时是怎样包装的吗? 24. Our packing now is wrapping each sweater in a transparent plastic bag first and then packing it in a small box which is exquisitely designed. 我们目前的包装方法是将每一件羊毛衫都先装入一个通明的塑料袋中,然后再装进一个设想精美的小盒子里。25.A nice packing helps finding a market. 好的包装费用很大。 26 How do you like the packing? 你认为这种包装怎么样? 27 We hope the packing will be more attractive. 我们希望包装更有吸引力。 28.Improveing the package of the goods can further promote the sale of our products. 改进包装装潢能进一步扩大产品的销售。 29.Each is lined with waterproof paper, so that can’t be spoiled by dampness or rain. 每个纸箱都内衬防水纸,因而不会受潮和被雨水侵蚀。30.But you should make sure the cartons should be strong enough to stand rough handling. 但是你要确保箱子要注释,足以承受粗鲁装卸。 31.Your recommendation on packing is welcome. 欢迎你对包装提出建议。 32.Your suggestion on improving packing would be appreciated. 如你对改进包装有什么建议,我们将不胜感激。 33.Packing should be suitable for transport by sea. 包装要适合海运。 34.Cartons are quite seaworthy. 纸箱是很适合海运的。 35.The cartons are comparatively light, and thereofore easy to handle. 纸箱较轻,因而容易搬运。36.We will use metal straps to reinforce the outside. 我们会在纸箱外用金属带加固。 37.I think containerization is one of the best loading methods at present. 我认为集装箱运输是目前的最佳运输方式之一。 38. The design of packaging has our own style. 这种装潢设想具有我们本人独特的风格。 39. They are really beautifully designed. 它们却是设想得很漂亮。 40. We usually use cartons for transport. 我们通常用纸箱运输。 SITUATIONAL DIALOGUE(情景对话) A=Client B=Manager A: How would you pack this batch of dolls we have ordered? 你们打算如何包装我们定购的这批玩具娃娃? B:We usually use boxes for dolls, all ready for shelf selling. This is our sample packing. 我们常用纸盒包装玩具娃娃,这很适合柜台销售。这是我们的包装样品。 A:We are satisfied with the color, but we hope you could make some improvement in the design. 我们对这个包装的颜色还是满意的,但我们希望你们能改进它的造型。 B:We will do our best to do that. What do you have specific ideas of how to improve the packing? 我们会尽力而为的。你对改进包装有什么特别的意见吗? A:Yeah. I think that a popular designed package helps selling the goods. 是的。我认为设想时髦的包装有助于销售。 B:Right. I believe our new packing will meet your demand. 对。我相信我们的心包装一定会满足你的要求。 A:Great. Now, what about the packing for transport? 太好了。那用于运输的包装是怎么样的呢? B:We plan to use cardboard boxes with double iron straps for reinforcement. 我们用纸板箱,外加两道铁箍来加固。 A:Are you sure that such packing is suitable for transport by sea? 你能保证这种包装适合海运吗? B:Of course! You may rest assured of that. 当然啦!请放心吧。 Delivery & Shipment交货与装运交货与装运,在进出口贸易中是一项重要内容。因而在跟客户商谈装运条款时,如何确定交货期?采取哪种装运方式?都是至关重要的问题。在这个问题上,只需做到心中有数,才能既有利于本人,又让客户满意。装运(shipment)是指买方按照合同规定的时间、地点、方式将货物或买方代理人或指定的承运工具。在进出口业务中,离不开装运。买卖一经成交,如卖方不装运或延期装运或买方不按期派船接货,均属违反合同的行为。任何一方出现这种行为,对方都有权撤销合同以至进行索赔。因而,卖方在与买方商谈合同中规定的装运期时,应注意根据货源喝运输实际情况以及国外市场需求情况而定,期限长短要适度,避免出现当月成交,当月装运的情况。 1. Let’s discuss the delivery date first. 我们先来讨论交货日期。 2. How long does it usually take you to make delivery? 你方需要多长时间交货? 3. Will it be possible for you to deliver the goods before the end of March? 你能在3月底以前交货吗? 4. When is the earliest possible date you can deliver the goods? 你方最早什么时候能够装运? 5.I wonder whether you can make delivery during March? 我想直到你们能否在3月份交货? 6 Is it possible to effect delivery during March? 你方能否能够在3月份交货? 7.Could you do something to advance your time of delivery? 你们能否想些办法提前交货? 8.What’s your last word as to the date then? 那么你们能否确定一下,究竟何时能交货? 9.You may know that time of delivery is a matter of great importance to us. 你知道交货时间对我们来说是很重要的。 10.For this lot, could you consider prompt shipment? 我们这批货,能不能考虑即期装运? 11.I’m sorry, we can’t promise delivery earlier than July. 很抱歉,我们不能答应7月前发货。 12 lease insure the goods on our account during transshipment. 装运期间,请给这批货保险,费用由我们承担。 13. We usually ship the goods by regular liners. 我们一般采用定期装运条件。 14. We hope that by the time you receive this letter, you will have the goods ready for shipment. 希望收到此信时,你方已备妥货物。 15. We can pack the goods for a small charge. 我们能够将货物装箱,只收很少费用。 16. Shipment should be made before September, otherwise we are not able to catch the reason. 9月底前必须装船,否则就赶不上销售季节了。 17. The order is so urgently required that we must ask you t expedite shipment. 此批货物因迫切需要,故请贵方尽快装船。18. Shipment by the middle of October will be too late for us. 10月中旬装船太晚了。 19. We would appreciate your trying to arrange to ship the goods at an earlier date. 我们将感激你方能尽力安排早日装船。 20. Your failure in delivering the goods within the stipulated time has greatly inconvenienced us. 你方未能按期交货已给我们带来很大不便。 21. We find it impossible to ask delayed our endusers to accept delivery. 我们感到要让我方用户接受延期交货是不可能的。 21. As everything is now in order, we hope you will ship our order as early as possible. 现在一切就绪,望尽早将我方订货装船。 22. If the goods are not shipped in February, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to contermand our order. 如果货物在2月份不能装船,我们将不得不撤销订单转到别处购买。 23. I’ll ship the order as quickly as possible., 我会尽可能快地装运这批订货。 24. We shall make shipment within the time the contract stipulates. 我们将在合同规定的时间内装船。 25. We’ll try our best. Shipment will be made not later than November. 我们尽力而为,交货不会迟于11月份。 26. The earliest delivery we can is in May, but we can assure you that we’ll do our best to advance the shipment. 我们最早能在5月份交货,不过我向你保证,我们将尽最大勤奋提前交货。 27. There is no doubt that the goods will reach you in time and in good order. 货物肯定会及时、完好地抵达你处。 28. The best we can do is to deliver 60% pro,ptly and the balance will be delivered next month. 我们最多能立即发60%地货,其余的下月再发。 29. To meet your demand, we’ll manage to advance the shipment from June to May. 为满足你方要求,我们将设法把装运日期从6月份提前到5月份。 30. It has just occurred to me that there is still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods. 我想起来,还有一种确定即期交货的可能。 31. Well, our manufacturers are fully committed at the moment. 噢,我们的生产厂商目前忙得很,要再提前生怕很难。 32. We can make prompt shipment only if we are able to secure the necessary space. 只需我们能搞到所需的舱位,就能够即期装运。 33. I’, sorry to say that we can’t meet your requirement. The trouble is that there will be no shipping space next month. 很抱歉,我们不能满足你方要求,问题是下个月舱位已经没有了。 34. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within one and half months after receiving the L/C. 一般来说,在收到信用证以后1个半月内就能够交货。 35. We’ll ship the goods duly, but your L/C must reach us in time. 我们将按时交货,但是你方的信用证必须及时寄达我处。 36. It’s always very important to make a choice on the means of transportation. 选择合适的运输方式很重要。 37. Can you dispatch the goods by air instead of by sea? 你能否用空运代替海运? 38.I don’t think it is proper to transport the goods we ordered by sea. 我认为我们定购的这批货物不宜走海路。 39.I think we can effect shipment no later than the end of this year. 我想,不会晚于年底装船。 40.We are willing to pay an additional fee for immediate delivery. 我方愿为即刻交货付一笔额外的费用。 41. We will arrange the shipment immediately after receipt of your L/C. 一收到你方信用证,我们立即安排装船。 41. There is no doubt that the goods will reach you in time and in good order. 货物肯定会及时、完好地抵达你处。 42. Please make serious efforts to get the goods dispatched with the least possible delay. 望尽力迅速发货,不要延误。【SITUATIONAL DIALOGUE】情景对话 A=MANGER B=CLIENT A:It would be easier for us if you would ship next month. 如果能在下个月发货的话我们会好安排一些的。 B:That is our peak season. 下个月是我们的旺季。 A:Will it cause a delay? 会耽搁吗? B:We could guarantee delivery better if you would take it now. 如果吸纳在交货的话,我们能保证如期交货。 A:Mr. Stone, let’s discuss the date of delivery first. You offered delivery within three months after the contract signing. 斯通先生,我们先谈谈交货期,你方提出合同签订后3个月内交货。 B:Yes, Mr. Yang. 是的 ,杨先生。 A:The interval is a bit too long, I think. Could you deliver the product sooner? 我觉得中间间隔时间长了点,能早点交货吗? B:I must say we can’t do much in this matter. But we’d like to be flexible. We’ll see what can be done. 我必须讲明在这一点上我们的活动余地不大,不过我们愿意灵活点,看看能否有什么处理的办法。 A:We want the delivery within two months after the contract signing. 我们想合同签订后2个月内交货。 B:I am afraid it’s impossible. As you know, we make most of the parts, but the base comes from another US manufacturer. We have toorder it from them first. 生怕不可能,你可能知道,大部分部件由我们生产,但底盘是由另一家美国公司生产的,我们得先从他们那儿定购。 A:I see. 哦,是这样。 B:So it’ll take quite a long time. I’ll telex home for the earliest possible delivery date. 所以花的时间较长,我将给总部发个电传,让他们告诉我最早的交货期。 A:Thanks, and please let us know as soon as you hear fomr your home office? 谢谢,等总部答复后,请马上告诉我们好吗? B:I’ll certainly do that. 没问题。 Terms of Payment付款条件付款条件是卖方与客户关怀的重要合同条件之一。在日常会话中,询问价格使用How much is this?(这个多少钱?)就足够了。但在跟客户进行商务贸易的对话中,就没有这么简单了。由于商品的运送路途十分遥远,像运费、保险费由哪一边负担?以及在哪儿接收货物等等条件,卖方与客户之间必须事先订定明确,以期使双方都能够满意,从而避免不必要的纠纷,损害与客户间的关系。一般来说,在国际贸易中,汇款、托收和信用证是三种重要的付款方式。汇款是进口方通过银行将款项交给出口商的结算方式。汇款有电汇、信汇和票汇三种。汇款常用于预付货款,随订单付款和证帐买卖。汇款的使用,取决于买卖双方中一方对另一方的信任,因而术语商业信用。托收是由卖方根据发票金额开立汇票,委托银行向进口方收取货款。托收可分为光票托收和跟单托收。牵着用于小笔买卖,部分预付货款、分歧支付货款。大部分情况用跟单托收。跟单托收可分为付款交单(D/P)和承兑交单(D/A)。D/P是指先付款,才会拿到货运单据,D/A是指进口商承兑汇票后,由托收银行交与货运单据。信用证(L/C)是银行应进口商的要求和给出口商的一种有条件的承担付款责任的书面保证文件。信用证中一般都规定,开证银行保证在收到出口商交付了全部信用证规定的单据后,向收益人或其制定人履行付款的责任。 1. Would you like to have a talk with us about terms of payment? 现在我们来谈谈付款方式,好吗?2. What’s your regular practice concerning terms of payment? 你们通常采用什么方式付款?3. Is it at sight or after sight? 是即期信用证还是远期信用证? 4. The terms of payment we usually adopt are confirmed and irrevocable L/C. 我们通常采用的付款方式是保兑的、不可撤销的信用证。 5. To open an L/C will add to the cost of our imports. 开信用证会增加我们进口的成本。 6. We regret we cannot accept “Cash against documents arrival of goods at destination”. 我方歉难同意“货抵目的地付款交单”条款。 7. Inasmuch as the amount involved is rather small, we agree to draw on you by documentary sight draft. 由于金额很小,我们同意向你方开出即期跟单汇票。 8. We are pleased to confirm that each shipment will be separately charged and that we shall draw on you for the invoice amount. 兹确认,各次交货将分别向你方收款,和按发票金额向你方开具汇票。 9. I’m sorry to say the only term of payment we can accept is 100% irrevocable documentary L/C. 很抱歉,我们只能接收100%不可撤销跟单信用证的付款条款。 10. Opening a L/C is not a problem. 开立信用证不成问题。 11. You always request us to open L/C at sight, but date of delivery is always 40days after your receipt of the L/C. 你方不断要求我们开立即期信用证,可是交货期总是在你方收到信用证之后的40天。12. L/C at sight is what we request for all our customers. 开立即期信用证是我们兑所有客户的要求。 13. The only thing I can do is to deliver the goods 20 days after we receive your L/C. 我方独一能做的是收到贵方的信用证后20天发货。 14. Then I will put it in the L/C that goods shall be delivered 20 days upon your receipt of L/C. 那我将在信用证中写上你方在收到信用证后20天内交货。 15. It would help us greatly if you would accept D/A. 若贵方能接收承兑交单方式付款,则兑我方协助很大。 16. I wonder if you will accept D/P? 不知贵方能否接收付款交单方式? 17. It’s very difficult for us to accept your suggestion. 我们无法接收你的建议。 18.The L/C remains valid until the 15th day after shipment. 信用证在装船后15天内有效。 19.Your L/C must reach us 30 days before delivery. 你们的信用证一定要在交货前30天到达我方。 20.We propose to pay by Bill of Exchange at 30 d/s, documents agaist acceptance.我们建议以见票30天付款的汇票承兑交单方式付款。 21.In our export transactions we flexibly apply common international practice and sometimes effect shipment on collection basis. 我方在出口买卖中灵活运用国际上通用的做法,有时以托收方式发货。 22.I need to check with my company as to whether a commercial draft is Okay. 我需要与公司联系,看能否可用商业汇票。 23.In compliance with your request, we exceptionally accept delivery against D/P at sight, but this should not be taken as a precedent. 按贵方要求,我方破例接收即期付款交单,但下不为例。 24. Will you please let us have your cheque for the amount of the enclosed statement? 25. We have negotiated our draft at sight on you through the Citibank. 我方已通过花旗银行开给贵方一张即期汇票。 26. We ask you to honour our sight drasft on presentation. 我方请求贵方见票即付。 27. Please remit the 10% down payment to us by T/T. Payment of the balance is to be spread over 3 installment. 请电汇货款的10%作为首期付款。余额分三批支付。28. The Bank of China, London can open a L/C in RMB for you against our sales comfirmation. 伦敦英国银行可凭我们的销售确认书为你方开立人民币信用证。 29. D/P will put us to great trouble while a L/C gives us protection of bank. 30.Can you send the papers to the bank soon after shipment? 装船后你能尽快把多种单据交给银行吗? 31. We would adopt the terms of payment by installment for present purchase. 这次买卖我们将采用分期付款方式。 32. If you can entertain installment payment on deferred terms, we would be in a position to place orders with you for these goods. 入股你们能接收延期条件的分期付款,我将有可能向你方定购这些货物。 33. It’s our usual practice to accept payment by L/C only. 只接收信用证付款是我们的通常的做法。 34. It would help me greatly if you would accept D/P or D/A instead. 如果你们能接收付款交单或承兑交单,这对我们会有很大协助。 35. But you are doubtless aware that an irrevocable L/C gives us the additional protection of the banker’s guarantee. 但毫无疑问,你们明白开立不可撤销的信用证能使我们得到银行的保护。 36. But I heard you would accept different kinds of payment. 可是我听说你们那接收不同种类的付款方式。 37. But that all depends on the specific circumstances. 不过,那要视具体情况而定。 38. But for the moment, I’m afraid we must insist on our usual payment terms. 可是眼下,生怕我们必须坚持我们通常使用的付款方式。 39. We except payment in advance on first orders. 第一批定购我们希望货款预付。 40. Please pay us within sixty days from the invoice date. 请于发票日60天内付款。41. We’ll send our bill at the end os each month, so please pay by the end of the following month. 我们每个月月底送帐单(对帐),隔月月底请付款。 42. Could you supply us with initial stock on three months credit? 首批货可不能够做三个月的付款帐期? 43. Will you open L/C for initial orders? 首批订货请开立L/C。 44. If we have to order 2000 units at a time, we must ask for a delay in payment. 如果一次定购必须在2000台的话,我们则要求延长付款期限。45. I’m sorry, but we need cash at the time of shipment. 对不起,货一装运就请付款。 SITUATIONAL DIALOGUE情景对话一 A=MANAGER B=CLIENT A: What do you think of our proposition regarding payment? 你对我们建议的付款方式有什么意见? B:Basically, I think it’s reasonable. But the first payment is more than we expected. 我想基本上合理。但是首期款毕比我们估计得还多。 A: Please consider our profit margin. It isn’t large. 请考虑我们的利润,和不多。 B: When can I have an answer? 什么时候给我答复? A:I have got to discuss with my boss, and I’ll let you know tomorrow. 我得同我老板商量,明天给你答复。 二 A=CLIENT B=MANAGER A:Mr. Wang, about payment by installment we have to discuss carefully. 王先生,关于分期付款,我们还必须认真讨论。 B:Sure. What’s your idea about that? 当然。关于分期付款你有什么意见? A: Our idea is that the payment can be divided into two installments. That si 60 percent of the total will be paid upon delivery, 40 percent after finalacceptance. 我方的意见是分两次付款,先付总数的60%,交完货后支付40%。 B: I know you enhoy an excellent reputation over the world, and we’ve had several pleasant cooperation, so I agree with your terms. 我知道贵公司在世界上享有很高的声誉,而且我们也有几次愉快的合作,因而我同意接收您的条件。 A: Now, let’s talk about the mode of payment. 现在我们谈一下支付方式。 B: Mr. Smith, I suggest the first 60 percent will be paid by L/C. I hope you can accept this since I’ve made some concessions already. 史密斯先生,我建议初次60%的付款用信用证支付。我已经作出了一些让步,希望您能接受。 A:I can. Could you possibly effect shipment promptly? 我能够接受。你们能尽快交货吗? B: I assure the shipment can be effected within two weeks of receipt of your L/C. 我保证收到信用证后两周就能发货。 A:I’ll arrange for the L/C to be opened in your favor as soon as I get home. 我一回去马上动手办理向你方开信用证。 B:I appreciate your cooperation. 谢谢你的合作。 Commission & Discount 佣金与折扣一、佣金佣金又称手续费。它是由买方(客户)或卖方付给引见买卖或代为买卖的第三者的报酬。佣金的多少不由关系到价格和商品的合作能力,而且也是扩大买卖和调和外商的积极手段之一。因而,再买方(客户)与卖方围绕佣金的谈判问题上,应根据不同商品、不同市场、不同买卖对象灵活掌握。一般来说对于成交数量大或畅销商品应低一些,对于心商品、积压品可高一些。总而言之,卖方既要达到己方的目的,又要让买方(客户)满意,以维持和未定同买方(客户)的优良的商业关系。 1. Let’s return to the topic of commission, shall we? 让我们回到佣金的问题上,好吗? 2. Honestly, the rate of commission you are going to grant us is far too small. 说实话,你方给我们的佣金太少了。 3. But that’s exactly the same we pay to other agents. 但我们付给其它代理商的佣金也是这么多。 4. Any increase would have to be put onto the price and make it less competitive. 任何费用的增加都会反应到价格上,从而降低价格的合作力。 5. In view of our long-term good relations we accept your request. 为了我们长期的友好关系,同意你的要求。 6. This amount includes all your commission. 这一数字包括你的全部佣金在内。 7. If you are prepared to increase the commission, we will order extra 3000 sets. 如果你们增加佣金,我们将追加定购3000套。 8. Generally speaking, commission is given as a percentage of the total value of a transaction. 一般来说,佣金按成交总额的百分比计算。 9. The commission from our corporation is very favorable. 我们公司的佣金是很优惠的。 10. Moreover, when other customers get to know it, they are likely to raise questions. 而且,其它客户如果知道了,他们很可能会有意见的。 11. But then, they have established their markets while we have to start from the very beginning. 不过到那时,他们都已经有了巩固的市场,而我们得从头开始。 12. We shall have to spend a lot of money on advertising. 我们得投入一大笔资金来做广告。 13. There may be some truth in what you say. 你说的大概是实际情况。 14. But your t


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