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3秒自动关闭窗口大学寝室4人英语对话 完美作业网
我的大学生活 四人英语对话带翻译这个自己看吧 也不是很清楚的
大学英语四人情景短对话关于《have fun》 itude would emphasize sharply the
英语大学生活对话(四人组) A: How have you梗been? It had been quite some time since we last met.B: I am fine thank you. Let me introduce to you. This is my classmate, C .A: Nice to meet you C. I am A. I'm a psychology student.C: Nice to meet you too A.B: Our exam is over. How about yours?A: Today is the last day of my final exam.C: This means all three of us are having holiday from now onwards.A: Yes. Do both of you have any plans for your holidays?B: I'm planning to go travelling. Since my holiday is three weeks long.C: Where is your travel destination?B: Singapore.My sister and her family lives there.I will be staying in their house.A: It is very convenient then. I heard the accomodation there is very expansive. Since your sister is there then you don't need to worry much.C: I am planning to get a part time job.A: Have you found one?C: Yes. I am thinking to work in my brother's company. They are currently in need of a temporary worker.I can fill in the vacancy.B: That is very lucky of you. Most people will face difficulties in getting a part time job.C: So how about you A? What is your holiday plan?A: Just like B, I am planning to go for a trip but I have not decide on which country to visit.B: What do you have in mind?A: I was thinking about Thailand or Korea.C: Well both places are interesting.A: Yes I think so too. That is the reason why I have not make up my decision yet.B: I've got to go now. See you s......
求大学英语口语关于clone对话,四个人的,大概五分钟,感谢感谢西天之行背景:唐僧师徒四人取得真经,功德圆满,得道各自封赏后各司其职,直到进入现在的文明时代。他们在这个繁华复杂的社会会有什么样的经历和感触呢?今天唐僧终于决定聚齐三大爱徒,谈心说道,并积极准备下一次的西天之旅,体会人生百态。备注 :A:唐僧 B:猴哥 C:八戒 D:沙僧唐僧:西天取经,贡献巨大,一举成名,社会地位、物质诱惑,接踵而至,应接不暇,身心疲惫。想聚齐三个爱徒,再次挑战自己,游历西方,在红尘中感悟人生。悟空:猴性不改,高傲任性,和当今社会格格不入,沉迷于网络游戏,在游戏中打杀斗狠,寻求快感八戒:重回高老庄,赶上好时机,在这个社会投机取巧,左右逢源,混的有模有样,财大气粗,美女如云沙僧:老实巴交,励志做个好人,但人心险恶,处处遭受打击、挫折,虽有不甘,但又没有勇气抗争。在师傅的动员下,终于决定和唐僧一起再次西行,磨练心智,适应这复杂纷繁的社会。(A上,一本正经介绍自己的情况)A : 我是唐僧,在中国非常出名。自从我完成西天取经,我的社会地位日益剧增。无论到哪都有记者跟随,但是我并不下喜欢像明星一样被人追捧。我希望能有一个安静的环境,感悟人生,追求真理。可是很无奈,有太多的人关注我的一举一动,打扰我修行,我希望能和徒儿们再次踏上西天之旅,提高自己!(看表)已经五点钟了,怎么徒儿们还没有到?多年不见不知徒儿们过得如何?(正在这时,悟空上,高兴得和师傅打招呼)I am TangSeng,I am very famous in China . Since I take back the Confucian classics to DaTang. My social status increase increasingly. No matter where I go, there are many journalists to follow, but I want to be quiet,and not to be chased after like a star. I hope to have a quiet environment to think life and pursuit truth. But very helpless, too many people pay attention to me and disturb my practice. I hope I can go to west once again on foot to improve yourself!(Looking at his watch) it's five o 'clock.Why my dear disciple not arrived yet? I have not seen them for years and don't know how they feel this years.B:师傅,见到你是如此高兴!Masrer ,I am so glade to see you !A:悟空,好久不见,过得怎么样?Oh,wukong ,long time no see, how are you this yearB:师傅,我还好,你怎么样,看你好像不是很高兴啊I am ok ,master ,but you looks not happy,what’s upA:哎,一言难尽,为师有很多苦楚啊Ai ,it’s hard to say ,much trouble in my heart.B:师傅,谁欺负你了,看老孙不一棒打死他(掏出金箍棒)Master ,who bully you ,tell me and I will kill him with my stick(take out his stick)A:猴头,闭嘴,你还是本性不改啊,现在是文明社会,不可放肆Monkey,shut up,you hasn’t change ,you should know now is Civilized society .you can’tUse violence.B:好的师傅,真他娘的郁闷,空有一身本领却不能用,现代社会真无聊,我除了会打架什么都不会。带着一群哥们经常闹事,因此好几次被警察扣留。哎,无奈啊,现在迷上了魔兽游戏,都升到最高级别了。看来我很有游戏天赋,在游戏中打怪兽升级可以获得奖励。不知道师傅对游戏感不感兴趣啊?Ok ,master, I am so depressed, I have a power but can't use. it’s really boring in the modern society . I can do nothing but fight . I often make trouble with a group of the brothers, so I been catch by the police several times . Ah, I am so helpless, and now I am hooked on the the game of moshou. I have ranked up to the highest level. It seems that I have the talent to kill monster in the game to reap the rewards. Are you interested in the game master.A:你这猴头,不务正业,不知道多学点知识文化,以后要少打游戏,没事多学英语啊Bad monkey,you are doing wrong caree.You can learn more konwledge ,such as studying English and not playing much game.B:啊,师傅,我宁可被妖精打死也不学英语,比念经还难啊Oh,bad idea ,master ,it’s too hard to learn English .I perfer to kill by monster.A:(摇头,感到无奈)都怪为师没有教导好你啊,不知八戒怎么样了,怎么还没到啊(Shook his head, feeling helpless) It’s my fault .I should have teached you something useful.How is Bajie,why is he not here now.(八戒上,西装革履,手拿大哥大,明显发了)(Bjie come, in western dress and leather shoes, hand phone, obvious rich)B:看,八戒来了,嘿,猪,你怎么才来,是不是路上遇到MM了Look,moster ,the pig come .Hi ,pig ,why you come so late, are you meet some beautiful girls?C:嘿,师傅,猴哥,好久不见,你们都没有变啊,想我老猪当年跟着师傅路宿荒山,没少吃苦,现在条件好了,老猪我又胖了,走不动了呵呵。Hi,moster ,monkey brother ,it’s a long time to see you again.Some years ago ,I staied in barren hills every day and beared much painful with you .Thanks god ,it has a good conditions now.I am fater again.So I can’t go quickly.B:你这呆子,想必又好吃懒做长胖了Fool pig ,you may eat too much and do litte things.C:猴哥,多年不见,你怎么还是对我不感冒啊,我现在天天忙于事业,可没有偷懒啊Monkey bother ,you always don’t like me and not change this years.But I am in busy career now,not be lazy as befor.A:八戒,这些年还好吧?怎么看起来富有了啊Bajie,how was you this year ? Why you looks rich now?C:师傅有所不知,自从取回经书,出了名,翠兰接受了我。我掌管了高老庄精心打理。这些年国家政策好,我投生房地产事业,房价一天天上涨,我现在可是几亿的身价了啊。自从有了钱,翠兰对我越来越好,我取很多美女老婆他都不管。看我的手机,这是当今最好的苹果5代。猴子,你要是没钱了,我可以借点给你,别天天说我坏话!Master ,you don't know that after I take back the Confucian classics I became famous, and Cuilan accept me. I took charge of the gao lao zhuang and run it well. These years,the national policy is good, I incarnation into the real estate business,and housing prices are rising day by day, so I am rich now . Ever since I was rich, CuiLan love me very much,.And she don’t care I marry a lot of beauty wife. Look at my mobile phone, this is the best apple five generations. Monkey, if you have no money some day, I can lend some . Don't say bad words about me ,ok?B:(悟空生气)你这死猪,有点臭钱就了不起了,我就是饿死也不会像你借钱(Money,anger)Dead pig,no price with money ,I perfer to starve rather lend money from you.C:猴哥,你的脾气得改改啊,不然在当今社会可是要吃苦头的啊Monkey brother,you should change you temper nor you will suffer pain.A:好了,不要吵了,八戒说的有些道理啊,悟空你要改改你的脾气了。怎么吾净还没到啊,会不会出了什么意外啊That’s ok,not to quarrel.Bajie may be right to a certain extent and Wukong you may take a little change.What’s wrong with Wujing ,he has not reached here now.C:师傅,沙师弟比较苯,估计又走错了地方了Master,Sha brother is dull.Maybe take the wrong way.(沙僧上,土里土气,一看就是混的不好)(Sha come ,very soul ,looks bad)B:师傅,看老沙来了Look,master,sha brother is coming.D:师傅,我来晚了Master ,I am late.A:不要紧,出什么事了,慢慢说Take it easy,what’s wrong with you.D:师傅,猴哥,我来的时候钱都被一个小女孩骗走了,没有办法只能跑着来了,所以来晚了。Master ,monkey brother,my money was cheated away by a little girl.I have no idea but run to here. So I am late.C:老沙,你怎么不听我的话啊,跟你说老实人没有好的下场的,你怎么还是这么死心眼Laosha,why not listen to me . There is no good result to be a kind people.you should learn the ways of the world.D:哎,猪哥,这社会坏人太多了,很多人比妖怪更可怕,我太单纯,根本分不清哪些是好人哪些是坏人,所以经常被人骗。我现在很穷啊,已近很久没吃饭了啊!Ai ,pig brother there are too many bad guys in the society.They are more terribl
有一个人遇到了三个好朋友,四人谈论大学生活英文对话 我给你两个方法的建议,一个你还没有真正有想清楚你的真实水平考试帮助和意义,有英语的水平不一定好,那么英语还没有看到它不会有水平未来的好?再重要的考试文凭只是一张纸,然后更何况我们很多有品位的语言能力考试并不反映,从这个层面讲,但值得一提的。其次,其实考试并不坏,但我们准备考试的方法是错误的,赚钱有急事的权力,教师和学生追求所谓的应试技巧,而是不想真的必须通过实践和应用这个观点的语言技能是我们欺骗了考试。建议你先有一个积极的态度,不认为转折点是欧洲中部的命运,然后从容地找到学习的正确方法通过提高语言技能和达到的水平的目的。这句话是从理发师英语学习网
求一道关于初入大学的二人英语对话,3—4分钟,最好是原创 Marie: Hello, may I have your name, please? Mark: Hi, my name is Mark. Marie: Hello my name is Marie. I'm a new student in this school. The day is the first day of the opening of the journal. Mark: the first row in the library. Marie: Thank you. Are you a student, too? Mark: Yes, I am a freshman, I have been here a few days ago.
关于大学宿舍的搞笑的英语请景对话 嗯 顺便说一下,我目前上的ABC天丅口语的教师和我们说过,就是要学好英语是很容易的~必须要有一个适宜的学习环境与实习口语对象 老师水平是关键 纯正欧美口音(非东南亚)才可以 保持每天口语交流,一对一针对性教学就有.好.的学习成效~学习后还要复习听取课堂录音档,更可以加深印象..然后要是真的无口语交谈的人,最好能上可可或沪江取得课后材料研习,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读,一下子英语水平就提升起来,学习效益会非常达成目标的..男: Ts seat empty? 女:Yes, and ts one will be if you sit down. 男:Havent I seen you some place before? 女:Yes. Thats why I dont go there anymore. 男:Will you go out with me ts urday? 女:Sorry. Im having a headache ts weekend. 男:Can I have your name? 女:Why? Dont you already have one? 男:Im a photographer. Ive been looking for a face like yours. 女:Im a plastic surgeon. Ive been looking for a face like yours. 男:I tnk I could make you very happy. 女:Why? Are you leaving?
英语翻译A:Hello!B:Hello!A:Nice to meet you !见到你真高兴!B:Nice to meet you too!见到你真高兴!A:Where are you from?你从哪儿来?B:I'm from China.What about you?我来自中国.你呢?A:I'm from Canada.What do you often do in your spare time?我来自加拿大.你空闲时间经常做什么?B:I like playing basketball,so I often play it.And you?我喜欢打篮球,所以我经常打.你呢?A:I prefer swimming.I think swimming is good for our health.我更喜欢游泳.我认为游泳对身体很有好处.B:Yes,I agree with you.I like swimming too.是的,我非常同意.我也喜欢游泳.A:Wow,shall we go swimming together some day?哇!我们哪天可以一起去游泳吗?B:Of course!I can't wait.When shall we go?当然!我都等不及了.我们什么时候可以去?A:What about next Saturday?下周六怎么样?B:That sounds great!Where shall we meet?听起来不错!我们在哪儿见?A:What about at our school gate?学校门口怎么样?B:No problem.See you there!没问题!到时候见!A:See you!到时候见!B:You can call me anytime you want!你可以随时给我打电话!A:I see.I will send you a text message on that day.明白.那天我会提前给你发短信的.B:Thank you.Waiting for you.等你哦.
小学英语情景幽默对话大全四人 我是个听话的孩子,每次上学临走的时候都会给我娘说一声:娘,我去上学了!我娘总会微笑着说:去吧!。有一天邻居家有喜事,娘去帮忙了,而我不知道。去学校之前,我在院子里和屋里喊了几声娘,却没有人答应……这就是我那天旷课的原因。
求大学4级水平的关于hobby或learning english的两人对话My Experience of Learning EnglishWhen I was a freshman in Guangwai,I was bored with learning English and suffered a lot in the English class.An English movie changed all of this.One day,a friend of mine asked me to watch with her a movie called “Finding Nemo”.I was soon attracted to the cute little clownfish Nemo,and the funny,meaningful plot.After finishing the movie,I began to imitate Nemo’s pronunciation,which gave me lots of fun.This movie changed my attitude towards English.Soon after that,watching English movies became my favourite hobby,which took most of my spare time.Each time,when I finished the movie,I couldn’t help thinking and speaking in English.The feeling I got from imitating the pronunciation of my favourite character in the movie and their famous words was just great!Not long later,I was surprised at my progress ---- I could understand most of the content of the movie even without subtitles.Wow,that was a wonderful feeling!I was really inspired.Then I became an active student in my English class and began to enjoy learning and using English.Personally,I think,the key to learning English well is to develop an interest in it first and then spend lots of time learning and enjoying what is learned.Ask yourself a question “Do I feel happy when I learn English?” If your answer is “no”,you’d better hurry up and find something interesting to you.For example,an English movie,an English book,or an English saloon.Also find yourself a partner to watch the movie or to read the book and then discuss about the story with them.Alternatively,take a willing friend with you when you decide to join in an English activity.My friend Peggy was exactly such a person.She and I watched many English movies together,talked about the English stories we both read,and attended many English speaking activities.I benefited a great deal from Peggy’s company,her good English,and even more from her inspiration as she always encouraged me and stopped you from giving up when I almost lost heart in front of difficulties and hardships.Thanks to Peggy’s company and help,I found lots of fun in learning English.Together,we met with many interesting people and made friends with them.This is how I grew interested in English,fell in love with it,and turned myself into a fluent English speaker eventually.All in all,my secret of learning English lies in two things:first to start with something interesting,and then to work with a willing partner.If you follow my example,with the help of these two,you are destined to enjoy learning English and making cheerful progress.关于学英语的四人十分钟英语对话_文档库
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C :Your this idea is wrong, the importance of English be obvious to people. For your development, you must learn English 你的这种想法不对,英语的重要性有目共睹,为了你的发展,必须好好学英语
D :Yeah. I talk about my problems. When speaking English in front of you, I will be shy. So did not dare to speak
English in front of people 对啊。我说说我的问题吧。当在大家面前说英语时,我会感到害羞,所以不敢在家面前说英语
A :This requires you to slowly overcome. As long as the determination, you are sure to succeed.这就需要你自己去慢慢克服,只要下定决心,就一定能成功。
C :Well, my question is not writing in English, the sentence is very stiff.嗯嗯,我的问题是不会用英语写作,写出的句子很生硬
D :Read some good English writing, thinking seriously, will have to improve多看一些英语优秀作文,认真思考,会有提高的
B :And you,A. 你呢,A
A :I ah, hey, I have your all problems. 我啊,嘿嘿,你们的问题我都有。
CI wish one day we can speak fluent English with foreigners:真渴望有一天我们能用流利的英语和外国人交谈 D :So there will be a day.会有这么一天的
A :As is known to all, English is more and more important for us ,So we must learn English well 众所周知,英语对我们来说越来越重要,所以我们一定要学好英语。
B :Yes, as long as we insist on practice every day, must speak English fluently对,只要我们坚持每天练习,一定可以说一口流利的英语
D :Well, I still want to go abroad恩,人家以后还要出国呢
C :do you daydream .做你的白日梦去吧
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  A:Welcome to our English corner. I'm Jack. Let's make an introduction.
  B:Hello everyone, I'm Jim.
  C:Nice to meet you, I'm Lily.
  D:I'm Jully, happy to be here.
  A: So, today our topic is what's your favorite sports?
  B: wow, nice topic, I like sports very much, especially basketball.
  C: I like badminton.
  D: I don't like sports, that's because why I'm so fat.
  A:oh, Jully, don't be so sad, do some exercise is good for your
  B:So tell us why are you interested in sports and which you like.
  C:I like badminton because I like the sport star Lin Dan. He is very cool
in every match.
  D:I think I'm a little lazy. But I have my favorite basketball star, he is
Kobe Brant. Did you see his match? He is a myth after Michal Jordan.
  A:I like him too. I advise you take an example for him to lose your
  B:Don't play an joke on Jully. I know her pain. Maybe she has no time to do
  C: Lazy, lazy. People always have time.
  D:Now it seems that our topic changes to me.
  A:OK, I suggest us going to the exercise room to go on our topic.
  B:Good idea, I want to do some exercises now.
  C:Let's go.
  D:I'll go soon.
  A:Hello!I'm Maria. What are your name?
  B:Hi!My name is Jane. Nice to meet you!
  C:I'm Jack. I'm happy to make friend with you.
  A:Me too.That boy, and you? What's your name?
  D:Oh,my name is Kangkang. I come from China. And yours?
  C:I'm from America.
  A:Me too.
  A:Are you from Canada?
  B:Yes! You are smart!


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