Steam上的magic2014 特别版和紫米普通版和快充区别有什么区别

Magic 2014
Magic 2014
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What is the newest Magic the Gather (PC) game ?
Is this the newest game in the series ?
Did they come out with another one after this ?
I think I saw, or read, something about a free2play version though that was quite a while ago and I haven't seen it since.
I have the 2012 and 2013 versions...
General Discussions
ALL 10 Promo Codes / TODOS los Códigos Promo
You need to finish the campaing first and then under the main menu select: Extras, Promotional unlocks, Enter code.
You may need to turn Server-Driven Content located in Help and Options, Settings.
Necesitas terminar la campa?a primero y luego en el&
377 ratings
Magic 2014: All Achievements, Titles, and Personas
Although the game does tell us what to do for each unlock, it doesn't go very into depth. This guide serves to elaborate on the ways to unlock each achievement, title, and persona in game. It will describe the best decks to use for each goal, as well.&
322 ratings
Liliana Vess&
Challenge Completion Guide + Expansion Challenges!
Following this quick and simple guide will allow you to easily complete all of the challenges in SIngle Player! It also includes a few tips and explanations on how each strategy works that will help you get better at playing magic. Now updated with Expansi...&
158 ratings
Chandra Nalaar&
Scion of the Ur-Dragon Mosaic&
Sealed Deck Guide
How do you make an optimal sealed deck in Magic 2014?
A guide for newer and casual players, with card images to follow along and a video walkthrough at the end.&
128 ratings
How I meet your mother?&
Coldlikehell's Guide to Magic 2014 - Complete Challenges
This guide is a complete walkthrough step by step on how to complete each of the 10 challenges in Magic 2014. If you found it useful, please thumbs up =)&
105 ratings
capped it&
Хотел бы я глянуть на её парикмахера)&
Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers - Sealed Play&
Magic 2014 Steam Promotional booster opening&
PortoHQ Gameplay #028 - Magic 2014: Enfrentando a colonia de Fractius&
Magic 2014 Impressions (Win a Free Copy) - Sarcanis lupus&
В поле зрения: Magic 2014&
Hello White Turtle Rainbow Gamer from Milwaukee, WI
Hi I am brand new to Steam. I have no friends. I am looking for friends, but not sure where to go to &meet& players! I have only played Magic the Gathering with the regular card decks. This is my very time playing on the computer!.
Any tips would be app...
General Discussions
Here are all 10 Promo codes
List of promotional unlock cards
Avacyn’s Glory
Baneslayer Angel
Path to Exile
Knight of the White Orchid
Sunblast Angel
Dearly Departed
Devout Invocati...
General Discussions
Group for active players? Edit: Group for active players!
I had an idea last night: since there so few of us left, maybe we should consider creating a group chat so we can ask each other live if there's anyone available for a game online? What do you guys think?
I made the group, it's public everyone ca...
General Discussions
Anybody still play?
I still play this regularly and am just looking for people to play this game (or any game!) with. Just add me :3
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No more content. So sad.
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steam上的magic duels 怎么样?水深不?
本帖最后由 学长失格 于
13:11 编辑
喜欢同类游戏的话& &我安利一下Duelyst& &同样是steam免费不氪也能玩的很开心&&无非卡牌积累慢些&&但每日任务送金币也不少了&&开卡包橙色紫色概率很高& &还可以分解不需要的牌去合成其它牌& &角色升级了还会送你卡片& &匹配系统也比较亲民
另外附上我的 ID: GloomyApple&&
注册时或者进入游戏后填写在邀请码里& &可以得100金币& &刚好开一个卡包&&
magic duels?那个免费的万智?
引用第1楼学长失格于 14:37发表的&&:
本帖最后由 学长失格 于
13:11 编辑 看了下评价挺两极化的因为魔法风云会有......
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magic duels?那个免费的万智?
万智的风格有了,比万智官方的游戏良心点,但是跟人对战玩了几局就困的想睡 ...
回楼上,infinity wars在线上TCG里是非常有创意而且好玩的了,但缺点是在国内很卡而且攒卡慢……我认为至少值得尝试一下,是否氪金请自行决定。
This version doesn't have the best base game decks.
This version doesn't have the best DLC decks.
This version is still the best Magic The Gathering game to buy on Steam.
How can this be?
Magic 2014 has the best modding community for any of the Magic games on Steam.
You can get all the decks from , 2013, and even a few from 2015 in this game for free. Also, there are lots of other custom decks and custom cards that have been made. If you don't like what the community has made, there are great modding tools to make your own cards/decks. Installation of the mods couldn't be easier, because it is nothing more than drag and drop.
All of the modded decks can be used in online play(assuming your opponent also has the modded deck you are using). There is even an online community focused on playing with modded content, so you will be able to find an opponent, even when using the unofficial content.
The actual gamemodes are more of the same from the previous games in the series. The new gamemode is &Sealed& play, which is a total ripoff and should be ignored after you use your base game plays. Sealed is not enough like the IRL counterpart, to justify actually spending money on those DLC.
There are lots of purely cosmetic DLC, in the form of Foil Cards. They are completely pointless, aside from looking shiny. There is even an option to disable seeing the Foil skins on the cards that other people use, if you dislike their inclusion in the game. There is also a bunch of Deck Key DLC, which is nothing more than &skip the grinding& DLC. The Deck Key DLC should be skipped, as you can just use Cheat Engine, a Trainer, or sharing a gamesave to get all the cards without having to spend money or hours grinding.
The only DLCs that are worth buying are the Expansion Pack, and Deck Packs 1-3, since these are expanding the content of the game. Expansion Pack adds 5 more decks, and adds more content to the base game's gamemodes. Deck Packs 1-3 each add 2 more decks to the game. These 4 DLC give you slightly more than double the number of decks of the base game. Luckily, Stainless Games has given the bundled option of all 4 of these DLC with the base game for a cheaper price than buying them separately. This bundle is called Gold Game, and is going to be the wisest way to purchase this game now.
Magic 2014 is more than just a dumb nerd game. There is a surprising amount of depth to playing, without the need to buy dozens of IRL cards. Easy to learn, hard to master.
回楼上,infinity wars在线上TCG里是非常有创意而且好玩 ...
本帖最后由 【拉麵小妹血淋淋】 于
23:59 编辑
高级版的教学软件 对熟悉规则还是挺有帮助的 95%的规则都用上了但和实体最大的区别就是秘稀稀有度的牌只能放一张在套牌里面 实体是没有这个规则的
13的时候我还会下载自制套牌MOD来玩一些套牌体验体验 比如啥一地炮 集体心智 SNT啥的 毕竟能实操比看着排表脑补直观
PS:补充一下 其实不是太建议氪这个游戏 1是换代快 2是也不算便宜 如果身边有牌店又对万智牌感兴趣的话不如用软件熟悉一下规则后去牌店玩
豪华版新手入门程序。想花钱玩MTG online,不想花钱玩forge。顺便一提forge的功能真是非常强大,卡组都不用 ...
infinity war没什么问题,机制上算是不错的。
& & —— from
(Microsoft RM-)来自: WindowsPhone客户端
任务也好做,我昨天组了个蓝色低费卡 ...
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本帖最后由 灼眼艾莉亚 于
18:46 编辑
任务也好做,我昨天组了个蓝色低费卡 ...
story mode真鸡儿无聊啊
还有starter deck里常用的各种Guildgate地牌为什么找不到...
story mode真鸡儿无聊啊
还有starter deck里常用的各种Guildgate地牌为什么找不到...
原来退过一波卡,地牌倒是能找到一样的,starter deck其他牌倒是找不到了lul
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