
About Phantom of the Opera 谈我喜欢的一部音乐剧:《歌剧魅影》
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Phantom of the Opera was an Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical&adapted from Gaston Leroux's novel&Le Fant?me de l'Opéra, was first on stage in London in 1986 with Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman as leading actor and actress, and&won 7 Tony Awards in 1988, is one of the most successful musicals in history. So far there are 16 versions of this musical worldwide, and it was also adapted into a film.
The musical has made the "Phantom" an immortal icon in stage art history. Phantom was born in an aristocratic&family with an extremely&scary and&distorted face, as a result, a mask was the first "clothes" he had since he came to this world. He was rejected everywhere, received no respect or love, was always treated as a curiosity or an abomination, and even was once beat&and&locked in a cage by a circus as the "child of the demon" on exhibition. However, the ugly and the beautiful, the fortunate and the unfortunate were&like twins dwelling in his body. Phantom was born noble&and was a talented tenor and&composer, an ingenious architect and magician. Although abandoned by the world, Phantom still preserved the love for all the beautiful&things, which was shown in the delicate music box he made by himself. Later Phantom strangled the circus&guard on his negligence&and escaped to the dungeon of the Paris Opera House with the help of Madame Giry, the concierge and box keeper.
The Paris Opera House in the 1800's was the pinnacle of the world's performing art&and had many machines and equipment to achieve all kinds of breathtaking&stage effects. Phantom who had reclaimed freedom took the Opera House as the playground of his childhood. Under the motive of evading people and the inborn&curiosity, Phantom managed to master the art of machinery&designs, and transformed the dungeon into his "underground palace" with fabulous stage machines stolen from the Opera House as furnitures and guarded his dwelling by various traps he made himself. Phantom&had seldom left the Opera House since then, as&it was the only sanctuary&for the broken-hearted. He became the scary ghost in the Opera House, and enjoyed writing&threatening&letters with seals of a skull to ask&for rewriting&the script, changing&an actor or actress, reserving the Box No.5 for him, and paying his monthly&"salary"&because otherwise, he would sabotage the performance. Besides all these mischiefs, Phantom wanted no more from the world, until Christine came into his life as a drop of sunshine into the dungeon.
Christine was the only&child of the late Swedish violist Daae, became an orphan at a very young age and was took in by Madame Giry.&Out of sympathy, Phantom often pretended himself&as the "Angel of Music" promised by Christine's father to console the sorrowful heart of young Christine, and taught her the skills of a soprano singer. Nine years passed, Christine had&become a gloriously beautiful young girl, talented in singing art. There is an ancient Chinese saying: love will gradually come in time. Even a frozen heart is afraid of one thing: devotion. Nine-year unconditional devotion had opened an almost undetectable crack in the Phantom's frozen heart. A strange feeling stealthily took root in that crack&and grew stronger every day. Christine was more than just a pitiful orphan or&a good student, but his only audience and loyal companion. To him, She was everything beautiful in this world. But that feeling was not love yet. Christine was more like&Phantom's masterpiece&that allowed no one to touch. In other words, as what they sang in this&musical, Christine was the mask Phantom wore, and&it was in fact Phantom's voice they heard. Phantom's talent and Christine's beauty became a strange duet. For Phantom, Christine was his avatar, was himself. So he did everything to clean off all the people&who stood in the way in&Christine's career&and made Christine famous over a night. At the same time, Phantom's talent through her voice&overcame entire Paris.
Things went sweetly and smoothly for Phantom until Raoul appeared, who was the childhood friend of Christine. At the moment when Christine shining on stage, Raoul recognised Christine and went after her fervently. Christine accepted Raoul and loved him back&unquenchably. Phantom suddenly realised that Christine was not his private property, and the little helpless girl nine years ago had already grown up&and started to dream about her own love story. Maybe out of jealousy, or afraid of losing his only audience, the overwhelming possessiveness finally emerged from Phantom's subconscious, and morphed under Raoul's stimulation&into a malformed, freakish "love". So Phantom started a series of killings, first the scene shifter, then the leading actor Piangi in the Opera Don Juan, and then after Christine tore off his mask in public, he broke&the chain of the grand pendant crystal lamp, which crashed on the audience's seats. In madness,&Phantom lost all the good&in his heart, and he had only one purpose: to break up Raoul and Christine and keep Christine to him forever.
&But aged people often say: you cannot force someone to love you, just as you cannot stop sand running away from your hand by tightening your grip.
A horrifying love story was about to begin. As the female in this romantic entanglement, Christine had a fatal weakness in her character that many times nearly destroyed her. Because she lost her father at a young age and she was extremely sensitive to music, Christine was a very vulnerable young woman who was so easy&to fall into the snare&of imagination, or put it&more accurately,&hallucination. The feeling she had towards Phantom was more like the&sense of&dependency, caused by the yearning of paternal love that she had so little. However, this dependency was not love, not even close. But Phantom made use of this weakness&consciously or unconsciously, and happened to be able to give this paternal care she needed. So they had nine years together, giving the comfort to each other who were in desperate need of. After Phantom started killing people, Christine's sense of dependency gradually changed into fear and a kind of loathing that she didn't want to admit. So Christine and Raoul contrived to make Phantom appear in public to stop his crime. That is why we see&the scene where Christine tore off Phantom's mask after he killed Piangi&and took his place in the Opera Don Juan, singing the famous, predestined aria&"pass the point of no return".
The mask had tremendous importance to Phantom. Wearing a mask was the only way he could face the world. The mask was his dignity and decency. Complicated feelings flooded his heart when showing his face unexpectedly. Shame burst&first, and then came humiliation, which finally turned into fury. It was not only the mask he lost&but also the last defence of heart and sanity.&Phantom&became totally mad. He chopped down the pendant crystal&lamp and kidnapped Christine in chaos to his underground palace. Raoul followed anxiously, trying to save Christine, but was caught by Phantom with a rope&on his neck. Phantom gave Christine two choices, to accept Phantom's proposal and save Raoul, or to refuse Phantom and see Raoul strangled. A last hope remained in Phantom's heart: if Christine refused him, then apparently she didn't love Phantom, but not Raoul either, and at least he mana but if Christine chose to accept his proposal, then in the surface he won Christine but in fact he lost everything, because that would show Christine's heart was Raoul's not his, and she would do anything she&detested to do to save Raoul's life. Phantom put all the counters he had on the gambling table, a gamble that had passed the point of no return.
&Christine was near a breakdown, and the loathing towards Phantom had become hatred. But we know there is always some subtle connections between strong love and strong hate, underneath the overwhelming hatred, some pure pity and gratefulness surfaced in Christine's heart. After sorrow, anger&and disappointment, Christine accepted Phantom's proposal without hesitation, and kissed his distorted face with the heart of an angel, hoping to save Raoul's life, and perhaps Phantom's soul.
The power of that kiss was so strong. We all know&kisses are important in a plot, but there are no other kisses so heart-shaken as this one. This kiss disarmed all the contriving of Phantom&and dissipated all his&hatred and fury. For Phantom, it was the first time when someone cared about him, recognised him, and even "loved" him from the&heart. He found that although&disappointment and dissatisfaction to the world filled in his heart, he still wanted to be accepted, so much. And the society which he hated to the bone, still had good things like Christine's kiss. Since the moment he swore to broke up Christine and Raoul, revenge had always been the purpose and&driving force of his long-term insanity and bigotry, of his insignificant pathetic life, but suddenly Christine's kiss had made him lost. Phantom' body froze to a statue, and a drop of water slowly, gently, vibrantly, unconsciously fell from the ceiling of the dungeon&onto Phantom's heart. The statue collapsed, into infinite dust, flowing to the void along with the water, or to everywhere in this world. Phantom laughed, for the joy of acceptance,&and then cried,&for the desperation of losing everything, even himself. On the brink of the abyss of absolute depravity and madness, Phantom found again&the goodness that he had long forgotten, and returned to s at the very moment, he truly fell in&love with Christine. This love was like the ocean, ferocious and serene at the same time, sweeping away his greedy possessiveness and shallow jealousy. However, this love once unleashed was doomed to be fruitless, and what was worse, unforgettable. Maybe that&was&the so-called "carved on the heart". Phantom let Christine go with Raoul, and decided to left his underground palace, which was then as lonely as he was, and the music box that symbolised the beginning of his legend. After struggling to sing "Masquerade! hide your face so the world will never find you" with all the strength left, Phantom picked up a most exquisite candlestick&and smashed mirrors one after another. Giving the world one final look of regret and reluctance, he went into the frame of the last mirror tragically, and disappeared in the cries of people who was about to&arrest him, in the sound of water flowing sadly in his palace, in the sight of Christine and Raoul rowing a boat together to the end of the world. Just as he came from the mirror to Christine for the first time, he disappeared like a shadow or reflection, back into the mirror, so stealthily and mysteriously, that none of them seemed real. Life was like a dream to him, and only the mask he wore,&lying on the table sadly and beautifully,&gave an expression of a seemingly smile.
Did Raoul love Christine? To me, Raoul's love was more based on the romantic imagination to the childhood friend.&It looked&more like another version of the&fairytale of&Cinderella in the sense that the&playwright&depicted&their love so thin, that it would make people speculate that Christine chose to be with Raoul only because of his wealth. Anyway, Raoul's love to Christine was not as deep, let alone "carved to the heart", save that in the last scene where&Raoul risked his life to the dungeon for Christine. In the end, Raoul couldn't be happier. He defeated the super villain in the fairytale, won the heart of the beauty, and lived happily with Christine ever after.&Phantom disappeared like air while various plays were put on stage as usual in the Opera House year after&year. And maybe he had placed countless giant&locks on the crack of his frozen&heart opened by Christine&and buried all the happiness and sorrow underneath the deepest memory. Only the scar hurt from time to time. Of course in the river of ever-elapsing&time, love and hate are only ephemeral spindrift,&but some might have a chance to transcend time. When&Raoul in his old age kneeled and sobbed before the gravestone of Christine, he found a most tender rose lying in an inconspicuous corner, with an exquisite ring attached by a black ribbon. A shudder passed Raoul's aged body. Oh&Phantom, were you really a ghost that was everywhere and almighty? Or had you get rid of all the burdens of living pain and sorrow, and become a soul roaming alone in this world, but entangled by another? On seeing this,&I felt deeply confused.
How do we appreciate the artistic character&Phantom? I always have so many to write when picking up my pen, but again I believe&no matter what I am going to write, it would be too powerless compared to Phantom itself. I think that is the unique charm of the musical Phantom of the Opera. Twenty-five years have passed since this musical was first put on stage, modified by many gifted artists into a variety of versions. Curtain rises and curtain falls, with&applauses and tears. One thing unchanged is that audiences are always been deeply moved, down to the soul, by the beautiful but sad love story and the shining brilliance of humanity.
This essay was written during my study at&the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2011, as an assignment.
The lecturer was a former tenor.
那个老师是个充满忧郁气质的前男高音 =.=
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