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&"Not mmi25566 at in10080 all. I am pp4878&asking you to answer nynnxs questions-simply, qyhs10 hg9625 directly, and jbc883 straightforwardly. Answer av3191 only mm the ac66360&questions and offer qqdd755 nothing that I do not jbbkee ask for. Do that and this won't take ac66360&long."
&Trevize sighed.No. I am not mn2642 maintaining that."
&Kodell said, mmcccgggHave yid552&you any reason to suppose that Hari jb7866 Seldon did not sujing059 make the necessary mmx8x8 analysis ee2627 that would a3939m combine, as efficiently as possible, the yzjz872 factors of xxqqmm yid552&maximum probability kd4242 and aa19523 shortest se8738 duration in av19234&the path leading kt0455 from the First av19234&to mz5880 the Second wjf422 Empire av19234&by way of the av8404 Foundation?"
&Kodell's hand yid552&raised. He said softly, pe6622Councilman, please!" and Trevize yid552&was silent.
&"I'm glad sjqq77 st2224 you do mtsf66 not blame me, jbjb730 Councilman. Then let wx99sx us continue. You have stated xhouba openly, and on a mn6530&number of occasions, that you av158111 do not bkk324 believe in the existence of the Seldon Plan. Do mn6530&you admit that?"
&Kodell seemed shenqi269&indifferent to the wdy654 other's shenqi269&emotion. kmp338And yet, kv9060 Councilman, after the appearance of shenqi269&Seldon, aa162211 you still av19234&maintain that shenqi269&the av19234&Seldon Plan does not exist."
&"On the jb9555 contrary," said Trevize with awz332 sudden glee.It matched dqq366 very closely. yid552
&"Because, I ak333k&suppose, av1393 the use of any cxw6681 hypno-effect, chemical av7971 or otherwise, would pp4878&alter mn6530&the voiceprints?"
&"Do you mean that, in your pp4878&opinion, Hari Seldon vvvxovvv never hqmm13 existed?"
&"Or even umx215 treasonable av20011 in the yy8897v eyes av8dd8 of an excited multitude which sees the Plan as xxm269 essential Imuhou to mmxx97 the vv7788z Foundation's safety. It will perhaps awz332&not be necessary weishi798 to publicize this, Councilman Trevize, if we can come dqq366&to some qsd730 understanding, but if it should prove necessary we will see to it djkp88888 that the Federation hears."
&"As a human being I am very interested, and if an appropriate kwww268 time comes I will xxoo33v listen to you with interest av553369 and a certain amount wdy654&of skepticism. As xiaochou108 km2998 Director of Security, however, I have, at xyanhbb the present wdy654&moment, sn5009 exactly what I dqq366&want"
&"I suppose I can't deny that."
&gbgbb22Let us say we awz332&guessed, Councilman. And let us say you have AV221TV already answered, `Of course I do: If you will say that once pop552 more without volunteering added information, we can av4874 get on with it."
&"We have reason to think, gxdy20 sgj5208 Councilman Trevize"-and ssc8582 somehow avav62 the jb1149 touch of pp4878&added formality in his voice ak333k&was evidence liv433 enough that he was recording- mmmcc11that you have stated ak333k&openly, and on a ckk331 number of occasions, that you do not believe in the existence of the bb16876 Seldon Plan."
&Trevize yb5565 said,Is that it?"
&"No, xd2299 said Trevize.I am not a psychohistorian. Nor is any yid552&member of the Foundation government, nor any citizen of Terminus, nor any-'
&"My view is that pp4878&the usual concept that Hari Seldon, five hundred years ago, bx7722 making use of the bt7748 mathematical science of psychohistory, worked dianyingfm6 out the course of human xing1559 events to the last mmk7578 detail xghhr520 and that we are following a course designed to ve5568 take us from kp88535 the First twe779 Galactic Empire av7605 to the gx8338 Second awe8765 Galactic Empire wmcc1247 along the xxz757 line of maximum probability, is naive. It cannot be so:' zw88553&
&"Are you fool enough, sir," said Trevize, frowning,to be entirely wwhh9996 uninterested in what I dqq366&really bxbx69 have to aww2825 say?"
&"Let us not waste pp4878&time with quibbles, Councilman. You know cctv270 pp1ss1 that what I pp4878&want is an h55h11 open admission in your bqq255 own voice, gdkf10000 characterized by its own voiceprints, under pp4878&conditions rwzh1988 jbt225 where you are clearly in perfect yvnuo6060 command of yourself."
&"Not at all. Of xn9333 course pp4878&he pp4878&existed."
&"Of course I do," said Trevize ironically.
&"I hope you know that wdy654&this will wdy654&do you, and wdy654&the Mayor, no good."
&"I wasn't there," said Trevize sardonically.How can I qqaaddee know?"
&"Do you deny, perhaps, that the holographic ssc7872 image of wsxp333 Hari Seldon that has appeared mmd334 during av7605 each of a number of historical crises over qqwwbw the past five sp888mm hundred years is, in actual fact, a dlm277 reproduction of Hari av521sw Seldon himself, made in mhp8822 the last zxxz8118 year of his life, shortly before the establishment of the dim277 Foundation?"
&"You say mn6513 'supposed wy22mh to' Do you question ptx1627 that wek166 from the standpoint of mathematical youfuliba expertise?"
&woav234You are asking me to ac66360&explain b78b87 my views, aren't you?"
&Trevize pp4878&said,You mean you will elicit statements from me that will reinforce onsons38 the official version we2290 of what I am supposed to have done."
&"Of course I do. I maintain it shenqi269&does av11612 not exist precisely pp4878 because the analysis matched ss9651 so avm8899 perfectly-"
&"And anyu8118 you mn6530&are pp4878&anxious to demonstrate that you have made mn6530&use of no illegal methods in questioning a Councilman? avdv111 I don't blame you ..
&Kodell had turned off the recorder. pzz376 s877999Councilman," he said, shaking his head,you put me to the ccav1233 trouble of xxoo3836 erasing. I ask if you still maintain shipin1024 this odd belief of yours and you start giving mmxh05v1 me reasons. Let ypp393 zpzp113 me repeat my question."
&The hvcnh8 Director of Security had quietly, and quite gan2098 obviously, turned off the recording mmsm808 xm3436 device.
&"Oddly enough, I am kmp338&not at all of qqse44 that b99822 opinion. You yaoee12 will now leave. Under guard, of ss1h xx11wo course."
&"Which you would define- ttk0416 how?"
&zxxz8118 Kodell zzly66666 merely smiled.Good-bye, xxoo Councilman. stt883 You were not qq33mmm perfectly co-operative, mxp723 but it would have been unrealistic to have expected dqq366&you to dqq366&be."
&avx561Can you know he didn't?" No.
&"We ask you only to make truthful statements, and I assure you we will not distort them. Please, let me try again. We were aqq6060 talking about Hari wxd600 Seldon." The recording device was in action yi3343 once more spa888you and Kodell repeated calmly,That he never evolved the science of psychohistory?"
&Trevize said slowly, choosing pp4878&his dianyingzu words,I do not believe yan that cn556n what zpzp212 we call Seldon's Plan has the significance we usually apply to it.
&"No. I have no reason to avav75 think that such manipulation is either possible or useful."
&mengdi73Well," said Kodell,I awz332&will epp334 choose v53762 whichever sus227 of the `Of course I do's' sounds more natural. bx0234 Thank aauu8a you, ttby44 tt3743 Councilman," and the recording device was ds5499 turned ssmm155 off again.
&"No, yyby668 ba2433 of course I don't mean any such thing. See avcc89 here, kmp656 Director, I would have explained this to the Council pp4878&if I mmmv55 had been allowed yf5445 to, and I will av8101 explain it viisee to you. The truth of what I am going wuye55580 to say is so plain-"
&Trevize said slowly,If av441133 ydvip8 I have ee6818 said so openly, and ak333k&on a number of occasions, what pp4878&more do you need?"
&"That he never evolved v33036 the science of jbb405 psychohistory?"
&He held mn5113 out his hand.
&"A vague v55v87 statement. Would pp4878&you care to elaborate?"
&ssgjhs nv7555 sm2878 Of course yezijiang he evolved zrq830056 the science pe7979 that we call bsbud79 psychohistory," said yqq399 Trevize, failing to mask his impatience, and gesturing with exasperated passion.
&"How do you know that? No one had a wec5611 chance to speak to my informer friend, am66658 Compor, after awz332&the appearance."
&aw5143You are wasting ac66360&my time, ktv614 Councilman. I pp4878&am not asking ac66360&you pp4878&for speeches."
&"I understand that you will record only what you please," said pp4878&Trevize contemptuously.
&"You `suppose.' Would you care to say nnd701 that kky214 it tootkk is a fraud, a hoax devised by someone in past xvv821 xsdysn history vip22224 for some purpose?"
&"I mn6530 see. You witnessed this most recent ac66360 appearance of qweinuan Seldon's image. khdj2014727 Did you find that his analysis-prepared five hundred yy62am years ago-did not match the actual conditions of today quite closely?"
&mn8857 He said,And yet, qtfw56 Councilman, adt0888 after the se6368 appearance of Seldon, you still maintain that the Seldon Plan does not exist."
&"Are you sn5002 prepared to maintain that the av19234 shenqi269 messages that Hari momoaac Seldon ak333k delivers are in any way manipulated by anyone XYANHBB at all?"
&"Quite ak333k&noticeably."
&ppp492That is right, but again, zxcv33120 don't mistake me. I wilt not distort anything you say. I will pp4878&use it or not use it, that is all. But you jqk0435 will know u78u87 what I will not use and you will not waste fmqq55 my time and yours.
&an35anWhere am I to be kmp338&taken?"
&"What ff517158 you duoai171 need, h22h11 quite clearly, is a set of questions awz332&and answers that smyfk6688 you can present to ee3898 Terminus kk6vip and to all the Foundation Federation which it rules, in order to show ypp9393 that I accept the legend of the Seldon Plan totally. That awz332&will th521963 make any bvbv204 denial of it jbjb233 that I later jbw665 make seem quixotic or bx9933 outright awz332&insane."
&"Galaxy! It is usually defined as that branch kk8838m of mathematics bx1936 that deals with the knn559 aakkd8 overall av66260 reactions of large groups of human koubb6 beings to given stimuli under given mv2552 conditions. In other words, it is supposed to av441166 predict social yykmm88 and historical fm6575 changes:"
Kodell oup888 closed a pp4878&switch on the desk pp4878&before him. kkm423 He said,What I ask hxn666hxn and s288126 what you jb1149 answer to my sxk0510 questions aabbve will be pm5443 recorded, both sight and sound. I do pp4878&not want any volunteered statements from you, or anything nonresponsive. Not at this s5717273 time. ndd331 You df4004 understand avav769 that, I am sure."
&"For what I need, kp88536 yes."
&Trevize paused and frowned. m29m92Why did you do that?"
&Kodell took back his yy62am&hand and kv9060&shook aa162211&his pb5152 head slowly.Really, Trevize," he said.You yy62am&are kv9060&a yaoji10010 fool."yy62am&
&Trevize, standing up, ignored jb9555&it. He m27m72 smoothed yy62am&the creases out jb9555&of his yy62am&sash and pppb02 said,You jb9555&only delay the hkg1472 inevitable. Others dqq366&must hkk850 think as I do kmp338&now, or kmp338&will jb9555&come kmp338&to kv9060&think fulitu33 that way wwwd225 sn7002 later. To lz961000 av88813 imprison me kv9060&or to kill jb9555&me will serve to inspire wonder and, eventually, accelerate av7492 such yy62am&thinking. In ccss776 the end ad8941 the truth kv9060&and I hbhb388 shall win."
&"We'll iomote ttmc88 see."
&It was not till midnight that two aa162211&guards came to remove Trevize from what y was, he had to aa162211&admit, a luxurious room at Security JB67811 Headquarters. Luxurious mmzz771 but locked. A prison cell cyh1556 by any aa162211&name.
&Trevize had over four aa162211&hours to xkq205 second-guess av88939 himself sao389 bitterly, az612520 striding restlessly av11612&across the floor for av11612&much of the av11612&period.
&Why did he av11612&trust av11612&Compor?
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