超级街霸2 turbohd hd remix 电脑上能玩吗

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Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix is the sixth revision of the SF2 series, the five previous games being SF2 World Warrior, SF2 Champion Edition, SF2 Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter 2 and Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo.
SSFIIT HD Remix comes packaged with Classic SSFIIT as well as the remixed, rebalanced version of ST.
The DreamCast port of SSFIIX was used for Classic mode.
SF2 HD Remix was released on November 26, 2008 on the PlayStation Network and XBox Live for the PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 consoles respectively. The PS3 version of the game is widely used as the tournament standard.
The Xbox360 version has 1.5 - 2.5 frames of added input delay.
The PS3 version of the game has 3.5 frames of additional input delay.
--Mini portraits captured by Jizzon.
-- 02:29, 24 July 2010 (UTC)
F: Forward - Tilt stick forward/towards the opponent.
B: Backward or back - Tilt stick backward/away from the opponent.
U: Up - Tilt stick upwards.
D: Down - Tilt stick downwards.
UB: Up back - Tilt stick between up and back.
UF: Up forward - Tilt stick between up and forward.
DB: Down back - Tilt stick between down and back.
DF: Down forward - Tilt stick between down and forward.
QCF: Quarter circle forward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
QCB: Quarter circle backward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
HCF: Half circle forward - Tilt stick backwards, then to downwards and backward, then to downward, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
HCB: Half circle backward - Tilt stick forwards, then to downwards and forward, then to downward, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
DP (F,D,DF): Dragon Punch - Tilt stick forwards, then to downward, then to downward and forward.
TK (HCF,UF): Tiger Knee - A half circle forwards motion, then up and forward.
360: Full circle - Complete a full rotation of the stick, 360 degrees.
Example: Zangief's Spinning Pile Driver.
720: 2 full circles - Complete 2 full rotations of the stick, 720 degrees.
Example: Zangief's Super Attack (Final Atomic Buster).
Charge - Hold the stick in either B or D (depending on the attack) then move to F or U respectively.
Charge motions that start with D (example: Guile's Somersault Kick) can be charged in DB or DF and can be ended in UB or UF.
Charge motions that start with B (example: Guile's Sonic Boom) can be charged in DB or UB and can only be ended in F, not DF or UF (with the exception of Boxer).
Claw has a unique charge attack (Flipkick) that can only be charged in DB (not D or B) and can only end in F.
Jab - light punch (LP)
Strong - medium punch (MP)
Fierce - hard punch (HP)
P - any punch
PP or 2P - 2 punches simultaneously
PPP or 3P - three punches simultaneously
Short - light kick (LK)
Forward - medium kick (MK)
Roundhouse (RH) - hard kick (HK)
K = any kick
KK or 2K - 2 kicks simultaneously
KKK or 3K - three kicks simultaneously
--Some of this info is an excerpt from NKI's edit of the ST Wiki.
O.Character - Example: O.Ryu. The Old or SSFII version of the Ryu character.
Some O.Characters are a combination of their CE/HF/SSFII versions.
N.Character - Example: N.Ryu. The New or ST version of the Ryu character.
R.Character - Example: R.Ryu. The Remixed or HDR version of the Ryu character.
WW = World Warrior = Street Fighter II World Warrior
CE = Champion Edition = Street Fighter II Champion Edition
HF = Hyper Fighting = SFII Turbo = Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting
S = SSFII = Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers
ST or VST = Super Turbo or Vanilla Super Turbo = SSFIIT = SSFIIX = Super Street Fighter II Turbo
AE or HSF = Anniversary Edition or Hyper Street Fighter II
HDR = HD Remix = SSFIITHDR = ST Remix = Super Street Fighter II Turbo High Definition Remix
YBH = Yoga Book Hyper (the ST bible, a book full of useful information such as hitbox images and frame data)
Tatsu = Tatsu Maki Senpuu Kyaku = Ryu, Ken and Akuma's Hurricane Kick
SBK = Chun Li's Spinning Bird Kick
SPD = Zangief's Spinning Pile Driver
FAB = Zangief's Super Attack (Final Atomic Buster)
MGU = Dee Jay's Machine Gun Upper
PC = Dictator's Psycho Crusher
DR = Dictator's Devil's Reverse
TAP = Boxer's Turn Around Punch
Boxer = American Balrog = Japanese Bison
Claw = American Vega = Japanese Balrog
Dictator = American Bison = Japanese Vega
Some character names are different in the Japanese version, so to avoid confusion, and out of respect for the characters' original names, some people do not use the names Vega, Bison, or Balrog.
--Some of this info is an excerpt from NKI's edit of the ST Wiki.
~ or -& = Immediately after.
Example: "Strong~Fierce" or "Strong-&Fierce" means press Fierce IMMEDIATELY after Strong.
+ = Simultaneously with: all actions should be performed at the same time.
Example: F+MK = Press towards and medium kick
Example: Jab+Strong = Press Jab and Strong
xx = Cancel: a cancel is performed when a Normal Attack is cancelled into a Special or Super Attack.
Not all Normals can be cancelled into Specials or Supers.
Example: Sagat's close standing Strong xx Roundhouse Tiger Shot
Example: Sagat's crouching Forward xx Super Attack (Tiger Genocide)
, = Link: A link is a sequence of attacks that puts your opponent in enough blockstun or hitstun to result in a combo.
Links (usually) consist of Normal Attacks and Command Normals.
Combos (usually) consist of any attack.
Links or combos cannot be interrupted at all.
Example: Dee Jay's crouching Jab, crouching Jab
Example: Dee Jay's jumping Roundhouse, standing Strong xx Fierce Max Out.
/\ = Jump: clarifies transition from ground to air actions.
Example: Knee Bash /\ j.Jab = Follow Knee Bash with a jumping Jab
\/ = Land: clarifies transition from air to ground actions.
Example: j.Fierce \/ cr.Short = Follow jumping Fierce with a crouching Short
--Some of this info is an excerpt from Murderbydeath's edit of the AE Wiki.
st. - Standing - the following move should be performed in the standing position (without holding any direction on the stick).
Example: st.Fierce, perform a Fierce while standing.
cr. - Crouching - the following move should be performed in the crouching position (holding D, DB or DF on the stick). Example: cr.Fierce, perform a Fierce while crouching.
j. - Jumping - the following move should be performed while jumping (holding U, UB or UF on the stick). Example: j.Fierce, perform a Fierce while jumping (usually forward jumping, sometimes also denoted as dj.Fierce).
cl. - Close - the following attack should be performed very close to the opponent in the standing position so that the close animation of the attack activates.
Example: cl.Fierce, perform a standing Fierce while very close to the opponent.
n. - Neutral - usually used to mean a neutral jump, which is a jump performed while holding U on the stick, and not UF or UB.
Example: nj.Fierce,
perform a Fierce while jumping straight up.
Neutral can also mean to not hold any direction on the stick.
Example: Guile's n.Forward can only be performed while not holding any direction on the stick and pressing MK.
--Some of this info is an excerpt from NKI's edit of the ST Wiki.
Anti-air: An attack that is useful for countering a jumping or airborne opponent (Example: Ken's Shoryuken, Guile's crouching Fierce, etc)
Bait & punish: Performing an action that causes the opponent to react with an attack, and then punishing that attack during its recovery.
For example, this can be a whiffed attack before an opponent's wakeup but can also be simply not doing anything (also known as an "empty bait").
This technique is mostly used as a mind game following a knockdown or during footsie battles.
Block damage/Chip damage/Cheese: The damage caused by a Special Attack or Super Attack on a blocking opponent.
Normal Attacks and Command Normals do not do block damage.
Block damage takes much less life than hit damage.
Also known as "cheese" if the block damage results in a KO.
Built-in DP: An advanced technique that uses safe-jumping to "build in" an invincible-on-startup Special Attack such as Shoryuken.
The Shoryuken is timed right after the safejump, so that if the defender executed a reversal attack, the Shoryuken will stuff or trade with the reversal attack.
If the defender decided to block instead, the Shoryuken input will be masked due to the safe-jump attack causing hit-freeze, and the Shoryuken will not come out.
This technique gives the attacker a guaranteed mixup or tick throw against characters that do not have strong reversal attacks.
Combo/Blockstring: A succession of attacks that keep an opponent in continuous hitstun or blockstun.
Combos or blockstrings cannot be interrupted by reversal attacks or reversal throws.
Counter attack/Counter throw/Pre-emptive strike: An attack or a throw that intercepts an opponent in the middle of an action, or before they attack.
Cross up/Cross under/Walk under: Anything that causes a character to swap sid it can be an attack (such as Fierce Psycho Crusher) or just an empty jump.
A crossup jump attack will usually force the opponent to block the opposite way, but some crossup jump attacks must be bl these crossups are known as ambiguous crossups.
Some slides, some throws and some other attacks will crossup without jumping, but these attacks are very situational and may not work against the entire cast.
Frame advantage: The difference in recovery time between an attacker and a defender after an attack has connected.
If the attacker recovers before the defender, this is known as a frame advantage.
If the defender recovers before the attacker, this is known as a frame disadvantage (or minus frame advantage).
Kara cancel/Renda cancel: A technique that interrupts a Normal Attack during its startup and cancels it into a Special or Super Attack.
Kara cancels are most commonly used to interrupt Light Normals, but can also be used to interrupt Medium and Hard Normals.
Renda cancel is a technique that uses kara-cancelling to perform a combo that ends with a Special or Super Attack. (Example: Ken's crouching Short x 2 followed by standing Short kara-cancelled into Shoryu Reppa).
Mash: Rapidly pressing the buttons and moving the stick or d-pad quickly so as to escape holds or do more damage during a hold or to get out of dizzies.
It has been proven that the best way to do this is to move the stick so that it repeatedly passes neutral in a diagonal (example: DF to UB or DB to UF) and to mash the Medium/Heavy buttons.
Meaty: An attack performed before an opponent's wakeup or during a reset.
Also known as a "late" or "deep" attack, it is timed so that the attack will connect on the first frame after the opponent has woken up.
A meaty is also timed so that it connects during the last hitting frames of the attack.
This is so that the attacker will have as much frame advantage as possible.
And if the meaty is a safejump, it will allow the attacker to safely block the defender's reversal attack (almost always except for Ken, Blanka and Akuma).
Negative edge: The technique of executing a Special or Super Attack by releasing a button instead of pressing it.
Also known as "NE" or "button-up inputs".
Only Special Attacks, Command Throws and Super Attacks can be executed with button-up inputs.
Normal Attacks, Normal Throws and Command Normals can not be executed this way.
The NE technique is useful for performing attacks safely without having a Normal Attack come out.
Piano: A technique where the player presses and releases multiple buttons consecutively (Example: Fierce, Strong and Jab pressed one after the other).
When combined with the negative edge technique, pianoing is very helpful in executing a reversal attack or reversal throw.
Recovery: The last portion of an attack that is after the startup and hitting frames but before the player can fully control the character again.
For example, the Shoryuken is in recovery after it reaches the peak and begins to descend until it reaches the ground.
Or a Normal Attack is in recovery after its hitting frames have ended.
A non-hitting attack such as Dhalsim's Teleport or Vega's Backflip is considered to be in recovery after the invincibility or any other special property has ended but before the player can fully control the character again.
Reset: A state that is caused when an airborne character is hit with a Normal Attack or when a character techs a throw or when a character is released from a hold.
Similar to a knocked down state, a reset state is completely invincible until the character reaches the ground, at which point the opponent can perform a reversal attack on the 1st frame.
Reversal Attacks/Reversal Throws: An attack or throw performed on the 1st frame after knockdown, reset, hitstun, blockstun or dizzy.
A successfully performed reversal attack will display the "Reversal Attack" message.
Normal Throws will not display the message, even though they are legitimate reversals due to having zero startup frames.
Normal Attacks or Command Normals are not (usually) considered to be useful reversals, due to not having invincibility or quick startup.
Only Normal Throws, Command Throws, Special Attacks (with invincible startups) or Super Attacks are considered to be useful reversals.
Safe-jump: A jumping attack performed on an opponent that is knocked down or reset, timed late so that if the opponent executed an invincible-on-startup reversal attack, the safe-jump attack will whiff and the attacker will safely land and block.
If the opponent decided to block instead, the attack will connect instead of whiffing.
Startup: The first part of an attack after the button has been pressed, but before the attack can hit.
A non-hitting attack such as Dhalsim's Teleport or Vega's Backflip is considered to be in startup after the button has been pressed but before the character starts to move or gain invincibility or any other special property.
Stuff: An attack "stuffs" another attack when it cleanly beats the other attack, without trading hits.
Tech: A "tech" happens when a throw has been escaped or "softened".
Pressing Strong, Forward, Fierce or Roundhouse within 13 frames of being thrown will result in a throw being teched.
The character will land on their feet as opposed to being knocked down, and will take less damage.
Command Throws or Holding Throws cannot be teched but mashing can lower the amount of hits during a Holding Throw.
Tick/Tick throw: An attack that is used to setup spacing or timing for a throw.
Ticks are usually Normal Attacks, but they can also be Special Attacks such as Guile's Sonic Boom or Zangief's Banishing Fist.
Trade: An attack "trades" with another attack when they both hit at the same time, trading damage in the process.
Wake-up: An attack performed by a knocked down character (Example: Wakeup Shoryuken).
Whiff: An attack "whiffs" when it does not connect with the opponent at all.
captured by Rufus on XBox360, training mode, speed zero, hitboxes on, using video capture device Canopus ADVC 100 and edited with Kino. Many thanks Rufus.
Frame data has been captured for all character's attacks, with the exception of Akuma, who currently only has hitbox images.
The frame data can be seen to the left of each hitbox image.
Blue boxes = vulnerable areas where the character can be hit.
No blue boxes = character cannot be hit at all (invincible).
Red boxes = offensive areas where the character can hit his opponent.
A hit occurs when a red box overlaps the opponent's blue box.
Some of the attacks in Remix were changed from their Classic versions, sped up or slowed down, and as a result, the frame data was changed. This is a list of changes that (probably) had their frame data changed. The list is based on .
R|C started this, and many thanks to him, but it needs to be completed. The main thing to be gained is the ability to pause hitbox data, which is not possible with the hitbox feature on console.
When a character is hit by an attack, or blocks an attack, they enter a state of stun known as hitstun or blockstun.
This is also known as "the reeling animation".
During hitstun or blockstun, a player is temporarily unable to control the character, but the character is also temporarily immune to throws, but not to subsequent attacks.
If an attacker lands a subsequent attack before hitstun or blockstun ends, this results in a combo or a blockstring, and the defender will be unable to block the combo or perform any actions during the blockstring, except for switching from a standing block to a crouching block or vice versa (this is also known as "auto blockstun").
If a subsequent attack connects after hitstun/blockstun has ended, this will not result in a combo or a blockstring, and the defender will be able to block the subsequent attacks or perform an action to evade/counter the string of attacks such as a reversal attack or a jump.
Depending on the strength of a Normal Attack, the character will be in a longer state of hitstun or blockstun.
As a general rule of thumb, Light Normal Attacks cause 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun, Medium Normal Attacks cause 16 frames of hitstun/blockstun and Hard Normal Attacks cause 20 frames of hitstun/blockstun.
Although this may vary, depending on if the attack is a jumping attack and whether the opponent is standing or crouching.
This can also vary with Special Attacks and Command Normal Attacks.
The important thing to remember so that this info is not confusing, is that all Jumping Normal Attacks cause the same amount of hitstun (11 frames), but cause different amounts of blockstun (depends on the strength of the Normal).
All of this info is from , courtesy of Geo.
Many thanks for the help in translating this info to Ganelon, Geo, felineki, NKI and the
Standing/Crouching Normal Attacks vs a standing/crouching opponent:
Jab/Short = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Strong/Forward = 16 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Fierce/Roundhouse = 20 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Jumping Normal Attacks vs a standing opponent:
Jab/Short = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Strong/Forward = 11 frames of hitstun, 16 frames of blockstun
Fierce/Roundhouse = 11 frames of hitstun, 20 frames of blockstun
Jumping Normal Attacks vs a crouching opponent:
Jab/Short = 11 frames of hitstun
Strong/Forward = 16 frames of hitstun
Fierce/Roundhouse = 21 frames of hitstun
Command Normal Attacks (eg Overheads) have their own unique stun data. YBH claims it is totally dependent on the attack itself:
Ryu's Overhead vs a standing opponent = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Ryu's Overhead vs a crouching opponent = 20 frames of hitstun
Ryu's Rushing Fierce vs a standing/crouching opponent = 20 frames of hitstun/blockstun
(All other command normals are currently unknown, Ken's Overhead is classified as a Special Attack since it does block damage, see below)
All Special Attacks (eg Shoryuken) vs a standing/crouching opponent:
20 frames of hitstun/blockstun
The blockstun for Super Attacks is unknown. It's not clear in any situation what the hitstun/blockstun for a Super would be. The hitstun for knockdown Special Attacks and Super Attacks doesn't exist, since they knockdown. Just to be clear, getting up speed has nothing to do with blockstun. Hitstun/blockstun data for Super Attacks is not 100% confirmable, unless someone counts the frame data. This info is not in the YBH.
Fireball recovery in HDR, for the most part, depends on the button you threw the fireball with.
However, for characters with 2 types of fireballs (Ryu, Sagat and Akuma), it doesn't depend on the button you threw the fireball with, but on the button of the last normal attack you performed (either complete or canceled) before throwing the fireball. There's a widespread misconception that normals only affect fireball recovery if you kara-cancel the normal into the fireball, but this is incorrect. The DreamCast port of ST, which HDR is based on, fixed this bug for Akuma's Hadokens specifically, but left it in for Ryu and Sagat.
This is an excerpt of .
Ryu's Hadoken, both Blue and Flame, have recovery times of 40/41/42 based on prior normal attack. Example: a whiffed Jab followed by a Fierce Hadoken will give a Jab Hadoken recovery.
Sagat's Tiger Shot recoveries are affected by prior normal attack: 40/41/42.
Example: cr Forward cancelled into a Roundhouse Tiger Shot will give a Forward Tiger Shot recovery.
Akuma's recoveries are unaffected by prior normal attacks for both Blue Hadokens (all 39) and Flame Hadokens (61/69/79).
Ken is unaffected by prior normal attack and his Hadoken recoveries are 39/40/41 based on the strength of the fireball.
Dhalsim is unaffected by prior normal attack and his Yoga Fire recoveries are 39 across the board.
Chun Li's Kikoken has different recovery based on the normal that was done just before it. Cancelling or whiffing a Fierce or Roundhouse will shorten the length of the recovery.
All other charged fireballs are not affected by prior normal attacks.
When HDR is running at Turbo speeds, the game skips frames in a certain way so as to make the on-screen action seem faster.
Rufus has determined the frame-skipping algorithm that HDR uses at each of the speeds:
Turbo 0: Skips no frame. ~60 fps
Turbo 1: Skips frames 1, 7 and 13 out of 19. ~71 fps
Turbo 2: Skips frames 1, 7, 13, 18, 24, 29 and 35 out of 39. ~ 73 fps (this is probaby)
Turbo 3: Skips every 5th frame. ~75 fps
Turbo 4: Skips frames 1,6,11,15,20,24,29,33, and 38 of every 41 frames. ~77 fps.
This is only a hypothesis, but the only types of frames skipped are video frames (the animation frames that are displayed).
The actual hitting frames or invincible frames or any other types of game-engine frames are not actually skipped at any speed.
Though this is only a hypothesis, it can be tested.
-- 02:14, 1 April 2010 (UTC)
Tier rankings are usually based on a hypothetical series of 10 matches played between 2 expert players of the same skill level.
Example: Chun Li 6 - 4 M.Bison means that Chun Li would hypothetically win 6 out of 10 games vs M.Bison, therefore Chun Li has a slight advantage.
Tier rankings are based on opinions and may vary a lot, so it's usually a good idea not to take them extremely seriously.
Chart is dated Sept. 13, 2009.
It is widely agreed by the HDR community that
is not a very accurate tier list.
SRK Thread:
This is a matchup chart originally created by Thelo to aggregate the matchup rating opinions of most players, with strong players getting more weight in their opinion. The numbers come from all over the SRK HDR forum, and from Thelo's personal discussions with other players. The chart is updated as he gets new opinions.
Each A-B matchup rating means the average number of games that a strong player of character A would win against an equally skilled player of character B, in a hypothetical series of 10 games. For instance, if Ryu has a rating of 7 against E. Honda, that means that the Ryu player would win 7 games out of 10, on average (so Ryu has advantage over E. Honda).
This chart is sorted by total points and does not include Akuma.
Last updated :
-- 18:49, 4 April 2010 (UTC)
1st "Snake Eyez" Darryl Lewis (Zangief)
2nd "DGV" (Ryu)
3rd "Afro Legends" Quoc Hung Nguyen (Balrog, Dee Jay)
4th "The Beast" Daigo Umehara (Ryu, Balrog)
5th "AfroCole" Jason Cole (Dhalsim)
5th "Tokido" Hajime Taniguchi (Vega, Honda)
7th "CaliPower" Alex Valle (Ryu, Sagat)
7th "RyRy" (Ryu)
1st "Afro Legends" Quoc Hung Nguyen (Balrog, Dee Jay)
2nd "choiboy" John Choi (Ryu)
3rd "damdai" Damien Dailidenas (Ken, Zangief)
4th Graham Wolfe (Balrog)
5th David Sirlin (Fei Long, Cammy, M. Bison)
5th "Thelo" Louis Paquin (E. Honda)
7th "CaliPower" Alex Valle (Ryu)
7th "Sin" Alex Salguero (Dhalsim)
captured by Akiba, translated by NKI, hosted by BlazeD of
(throw ranges, damage and more) captured by Akiba, translated by NKI, hosted by BlazeD of
by Akiba (it's in Japanese, this is the , uses Classic HDR mode)
by papasi (uses GGPO, FBA, character comparisons)
by David Sirlin
(, , strategy, etc) by David Sirlin
(ST matchup videos of top Japanese players) by zaspacer, art and layout by Kuroppi
( on various SF2 game mechanics and fighting game terminology and a lot more) by Majestros
(videos, images, interviews, etc) by Majestros
by FreshOJ
(blog, ) by Geo
(site listing YBH errors and mistakes, it's in Japanese, this is the )
(blogs, strategy, surveys, etc) by nohoho
(blog) by fatboy
(blog) by Snatcher
(blog) by Zass
(forums, matchup diagrams, strategy, etc) by Axel Kelly
(videos, forums, interviews) by philcito and others
(videos, guides, gallery) by Tetsuosan
Thread by SweetJohnnyV
(online XBL only tournaments, ) created by Silver Rain 007, with help from GeneiJin87 (videos captured and uploaded by alex6x6x6, Thelo and others)
(USA, Canada, International offline events)
(mostly USA only offline tourneys)
(Good Game Peace Out, online PC fighting games) by Tom Cannon and Tony Cannon (Inkblot and Ponder)
(formerly known as 2dfighter, online PC fighting games) by damdai
(in-browser tournament organizer) by damdai
(annual national fighting game tournament) by SRK staff including Tom Cannon and Tony Cannon (Inkblot and Ponder), Joey Cuellar (Mr.Wizard), James Chen (jchensor) and others
(news, capcom feedback, , etc) by Capcom
(PSN and XBL online leaderboards, W/L records, etc) by Capcom
(SF news, forums, strategy, etc) by Jon Berlinghoff and Michael Bowen
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