
上古世纪船舶远古不朽强化技巧 赚钱必看
  全船神赐的就别看了,反正砸那么多钱了。想省钱上圣物 神赐的,远古 不朽的,想赚钱的看吧。  前后帆,准备800蓝颜贝,40个帆,3个远古是跑不掉的 找一个没人强化的时间(这很重要,不然人家找你垫手)。  1 绿上蓝 2 蓝上紫 3 绿上蓝 4 蓝上紫 5绿上蓝 6 碎 (这是基本步骤,一定要记住!)  好了我们继续重复,有4个紫色就可以开始下一步。  第三次 : 1 绿上蓝 2 蓝上紫 3 绿上蓝 4 蓝上紫 5绿上蓝 6 碎 如果还是重复这一个阶段,OK。  做完第六步之后, 只要做 1.紫上完美 2.完美上史诗。  重复第一步,绿上紫 2次,然后用一个绿色碎,或者蓝色碎。  然后 再接着1.紫上完美 2.完美上史诗。  重复第一步,绿上蓝 蓝上紫,绿上蓝,蓝上紫,然后绿上蓝直接碎,或者蓝上紫碎,基本就这样。  重复上面的,紫色 慢慢的 2连点,上史诗。  现在应该有2个史诗 2个以上完美了吧。  然后继续 绿上蓝, 蓝上紫, 重复第一步,直到第6次强化碎了之后,可以直接史诗上传说。基本传说就完成了, 运气好的可以2连点直接上远古,运气不好 ,等下一次5上1碎 。再上远古。500G左右, 1个远古 2个传说, 肯定没问题。  当不是出现绿上蓝 蓝上紫 5上一碎的时候,你要用自己去改变这种情况。怎么改变呢?  当你发现绿上蓝 碎 或者蓝上紫 直接碎的情况,什么都别点,站在那里等大概5~10秒吧。你可以尝试一下史诗 或者传说,史诗通常会上 传说 50%吧。上完之后 继续第一步,绿上蓝 蓝上紫, 等待5上1碎,这是最稳定的上法,没有什么投机取巧的。  再说一下远古上不朽 和圣物,可以1连点, 可以2连点。  但是,垫子就不是绿 蓝 紫 而是完美 史诗,同样的物品。  继续找一个没人强化的时间点, 来 史诗点起来,要是上了就2连。没上?恭喜,远古点一下吧。70%以上上不朽, 圣物?运气好才2连,通常会爆。  然后不朽有了 怎么上圣物呢? 不要一堆乱点完美 史诗,那会碎得你不要不要的。  跟我来,绿上蓝, 蓝上紫, 碎了之后, 史诗点一下,碎了? 不朽 上圣物了。就那么简单。恭祝大家全船不朽 圣物。  
近期游戏热闻& 上古世纪船舶攻略 关于船只装备获取
上古世纪船舶攻略 关于船只装备获取
文 章摘 要
上古世纪船舶装备攻略:  航海测试的船只建造、改装系统玩法非常丰富~游戏里添加了种类、数量非常多的船只装备供玩家建造并装备到船上,下图就是船只装备制作的列表,船只装备的基本材料并不十分难获得,但是每一
上古世纪船舶装备攻略:  航海测试的船只建造、改装系统玩法非常丰富~游戏里添加了种类、数量非常多的船只装备供玩家建造并装备到船上,下图就是船只装备制作的列表,船只装备的基本材料并不十分难获得,但是每一样装备都需要相应的设计图。设计图可以通过击杀海上游荡的海虫获得,击杀害虫有几率获得船只各部位装备的设计图~想改装船只的玩家可以马上去试试。击杀海上的怪物还能随机获得强化船只装备的强化卷轴哈~  当获得了图纸并且凑足了材料以后,玩家就可以去自己大陆的特定港口建造船只装备并装在船上了,要注意的是只有在下图中的港口才能将船只装备装在自己的船上,具体方法就是把船召唤出来,点击船只的详细状态,然后跟换人物装备一样的换上去就可以了。  西大陆的玩家可以去双冠王国的港口,东大路的玩家要去黎明半岛。
  农用牛车可以用来个成片的作物浇水,也可以用来运货贸易,一次最多可以 拉四个货物,增加运货效率;
&  上古世纪除了系统交通工具;
  农用牛车可以用来个成片的作物浇水,也可以用来运货贸易,一次最多可以 拉四个货物,增加运货效率;
  高级滑翔翼可以腾空,下降,放炮 轰炸,等操作!
友情链接:25-08-2017:Archeage August Giveaway Codes Week winners list!
Here is the list of winners:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
22-08-2017:Archeage August Giveaway Codes Week!
Hello, guys!
Another pack Squirrel codes is here for you in August!
This time we have 15 codes for a Squirrel Glider:
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at
August 25th. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them. You have one week only to claim your code!
This time the codes will expire at August 30th. So you'll have only 3 days to claim your code! All unclaimed codes will be given to other people.
21-04-2017: Fixed the values of the Defense/Magic Defense for all types of the equipmnent.
Added the [youtube] bbcode to the comments.
Added the calculation of LP of the selected sub recipes.
Now comma is also accepted as a decimal separator for a material price in the recipe calculator.
Now the price of the material is ignored if any of it's subrecipes is checked.
28-07-2017:Archeage July Giveaway Codes Weekend winners list!
Here are the winners of July Giveaway Codes Weekend:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
23-07-2017:Archeage July Giveaway Codes Weekend!
Hello, guys! More Squirrel codes are here for you in July!
This time we have 15 codes for a Squirrel Glider:
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at June 27th. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them. You have one week only to claim your code!
21-04-2017: Fixed the values of the Defense/Magic Defense for all types of the equipmnent.
Added the [youtube] bbcode to the comments.
Added the calculation of LP of the selected sub recipes.
Now comma is also accepted as a decimal separator for a material price in the recipe calculator.
Now the price of the material is ignored if any of it's subrecipes is checked.
13-06-2017:Archeage June Giveaway Codes Weekend winners list!
Here are the winners of June Giveaway Codes Weekend:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
09-06-2017:Archeage June Giveaway Codes Weekend!
Hello, guys! To commemorate the release of the 3.5 update we have another giveaway for you!
This time we have 20 codes for a Squirrel Glider:
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at June 13th. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them. You have one week only to claim your code!
07-06-2017: English, German and French sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game (3.5).
07-06-2017: Russian, Japanese, Korean and Chinese sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game.
25-05-2017:Archeage May Giveaway Codes Weekend winners list!
Here are the winners of May Giveaway Codes Weekend:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
19-05-2017:Archeage May Giveaway Codes Weekend!
Another pack of Dolphin mounts is waiting for you!
This time we have 15 codes for a cool mount:
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at May 23rd. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them. You have one week only to claim your code!
26-04-2017:Archeage April Giveaway Codes Weekend No2 winners list!
Here are the winners of April Giveaway Codes Weekend No2:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
21-04-2017:Archeage April Giveaway Codes Weekend No2!
Hey-hey guys! Many of you missed this great dolphin last time, so here is another chance to get it.
This time we have 15 codes for a cool mount:
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at April 24th. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them. You have one week only to claim your code!
05-04-2017:Archeage April Giveaway Codes Weekend winners list!
Here are the winners of April Giveaway Codes Weekend:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
31-03-2017:Archeage April Giveaway Codes Weekend!
New month brings us a new Giveaway Codes Weekend. And this is not an April's Fools day joke.
This time we have 15 codes for a cool mount:
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at April 3rd. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them.
14-04-2017:Archeage March Giveaway Codes Weekend winners list!
Here are the winners of March Giveaway Codes Weekend:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
09-03-2017:Archeage March Giveaway Codes Weekend!
More candy goodness is coming to you this month. Get a code and win yourself a speedy mount!
This time we have 20 codes for a cool mount:
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at March 13th. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them.
17-02-2017: All language sections updated up to the latest version of the game.
13-02-2017:Archeage February Giveaway Codes Weekend winners list!
Here are the winners of February Giveaway Codes Weekend:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
10-02-2017:Archeage February Giveaway Codes Weekend!
Hey guys! In case some you were not so lucky last time to win the nice slimy mount or you just want it for your alt. character, we have more Giveaway Codes this month!
This time we have 20 codes for a cool mount:
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at February 13th. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them.
23-01-2017:Archeage January Giveaway Codes Weekend winners list!
Here are the winners of January Giveaway Codes Weekend:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
20-01-2017:Archeage January Giveaway Codes Weekend!
A good way to start a new year in the Archeage is to win something nice in our Giveaway Codes Weekend!
This time we have 20 codes for a cool mount:
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at January 23rd. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them.
20-01-2017: All language sections updated up to the latest version of the game.
27-12-2016:Holidays Giveaway Codes Weekend winners!
Here are the winners of Holidays Giveaway Codes Weekend:
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at December 26th. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them.
12-12-2016:Archeage December Giveaway Codes Weekend winners!
The wait is over! We've got 3 more codes for you guys, so 18 people will get the prizes.
Here are the winners of this month's Giveaway Codes Weekend:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
11-12-2016: English, German and French sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game (3.0).
09-12-2016:Archeage December Giveaway Codes Weekend!
Hey, guys! We have another pack of codes for you!
This time we have 15 codes for Poinsettia Winter Festival Costume.
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at December 12th. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them.
21-11-2016:Archeage November Giveaway Codes Weekend winners!
Here are the winners of this month's Giveaway Codes Weekend:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
17-11-2016: Russian section of the database updated up to the version 3.0.
17-11-2016:Archeage November Giveaway Codes Weekend!
Archeage 3.0 is close! New content and a brand new server too!
To celebrate the upcoming update, we begin the Giveaway Codes weekend with a fresh pack of Giveaway Codes for you.
As always we have 10 pairs of codes, each pair contains a code for Skywhisper Glider and Oathbound Plate.
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Weekend will end at November 21st. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them.
26-10-2016:Archeage October Giveaway Codes Week winners!
Here are the winners of this month's Giveaway Codes Week:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
19-10-2016:Archeage October Giveaway Codes Week!
Another month - another giveaway week. This month we have 10 pairs of codes, each pair containing a code for Skywhisper Glider and Oathbound Plate.
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Week will end at October 26th. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them.
08-10-2016:Atlas Reactor Headstart Giveaway winners!
Ok, guys. The giveaway week is over.
There were few of you, so everyone will get the prizes and we still have 4 Lockwood Citadel Skin left! I've sent the PMs to all of the winners. Be sure, to answer to claim your prize.
01-10-2016:Atlas Reactor Headstart Giveaway Codes Week!
To celebrate the beginning of the , Trion supplied us with a pack of Giveaway Codes for this game.
If you don't know, what Atlas Reactor is - it's a new MOBA like game published by Trion. It's quite original in it's way, so if you want to take a break from Archaeage, take a look at it.
The Codes sent to us by Trion include 3 Ultimate Reactor launch pack codes and 10 Lockwood Citadel Skin codes!
The Ultimate Reactor launch pack gives you access to all freelancers (forever!), sixteen skins, five emojis, three banners, and sixty GG Boosts as well as the ability to play in ranked mode and custom games!
To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
The Giveaway Codes Week will end at October 8. The list of winners will be posted here and in above mentioned thread of the forum. Winners will receive a PM from me, and will have to answer to it to get the prize. Be sure, to answer quickly or the codes will be given to someone else since the codes have short life time and we don't want to waste them.
25-09-2016:Giveaway Codes week winners!
The wait is over. Here are the winners of this month's Giveaway Codes week:
Please, reply to the PM sent to you to receive your prize!
17-09-2016:Giveaway Codes week!
Today we announce the Giveaway Codes week. This month we have 10 pairs of codes, each pair containing a code for Skywhisper Glider and Oathbound Plate. To get a chance to win the prize just post a message in this .
At September 24th 10 randomly selected users, who posted in that thread will receive the prizes.
1. Since the giveaway codes were provided by the Trion only the players from EU/US servers will be able to use them.
2. Only users registered before the September 16th 2016 will be eligible to receive the prize.
06-09-2016: Added option to save the price of the item in the Craft calculator.
05-09-2016: All language sections updated up to the latest version of the game.
21-08-2016: The screenshot contest has ended!We thank all of you, who participated in it. Here are the winners:
1st place: .
2nd place: .
3rd place: .
4th place: .
5th place: .
Since we received more codes from the Trion, all winners will get both prizes: Skywhisper Glider and Oathbound Plate!
I've sent a PM to each of the winners, please reply to it to receive your code.
13-08-2016:A Screenshot contest!
Hello, guys!
Trion has acknowledged our site as member of a Trion Creator program and provided us with some giveaway codes for our users. So today we announce a start of a Screenshot submitting contest! The contest begins today at August 13th and will end at August 20th.
To enter the contest you have to fulfill the following conditions:
1. Since the giveaway codes were provided by the Trion only the players from EU/US servers will be able to use them.
2. You have to submit at least one screenshot related to an item/achievement/quest etc. Only the screenshots which were approved by the moderator are counted in.
3. Only users who visited our site during the last two months will be able to enter the contest.
Top five users who submitted the most screenshots will receive a giveaway codes as a prize. If you've submitted some screenshots before we'll take them into account as well.
The prizes:
1st place: Skywhisper Glider and Oathbound Plate!
2nd and 3rd places: Skywhisper Glider.
4th-5th places: Oathbound Plate.
That's it guys. We are waiting for your submissions!
25-07-2016: Korean section of the database updated up to the version 3.0.
03-06-2016: Russian, Japanese, Korean and Chinese sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game.
02-06-2016: Fixed the Mana/Health restoration values for Lutes/Flutes.
01-06-2016: English, German and French sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game (2.9).
Fixed the wrong Equip effect values for the equipment.
Added the display of equipment points for all equipment items.
18-05-2016: Japanese section of the database was updated up to the latest version of the game.
28-04-2016: Russian section of the database was updated up to the version 2.9.
05-02-2016: Fixed broken Quests section. Sorry about that, guys.
30-01-2016: English, German and French sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game (2.5).
12-12-2015: All sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game. Russian and Korean up to v.2.5, US/EU/CN up to v.2.0.
03-12-2015: New design and current database's status.
As you can see, we've updated the site with new design. Being based on the Bootstrap, the design is clear, lightweight, responsive and mobile friendly. The database's engine was updated as well, and now works faster. Some minor bugs were fixed here and there.
But more importantly, we've finally figured out the format of the new Archeage's internal database, which was introduced since v.2.0 and prevented us from updating our database. There is still some work to do to import the game's data into our database, but the hardest part is over. If everything will go fine, we expect to bring the database up to date before Christmas.
28-05-2015: We are glad to announce our partnership with the author of
- a great Archeage model viewer. Now you can see 3D models of equipment/npcs on our pages.
15-06-2015: Old comments editor (SCE) replaced by new and less buggy (markitup).
Added display of missing Proficiency rewards for some quests.
28-05-2015: Russian section of the database was updated up to the version 1.8.
14-05-2015: Added Use/Effect filters for the equipment lists. Also fixed the base stats filters (Str, Dex etc). Now they work as they should.
29-04-2015: English, German and French sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game.
16-04-2015: English, German, French and Russian sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game.
11-03-2015: English, German and French sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game.
- Added "Pets" section into the NPC
- Added links between pet items and corresponding pet NPCs;
- Added lists of pet\s skills on the pet NPC
- Added map locations for the NPCs/Obje
- Added respawn time for all NPCs;
- Added "Quantity" column for "Contains"/"Obtained from" tabs.
03-02-2015: Added display of special conditions required to get a quest (required craft skill level and previous quest in chain).
22-01-2015: English, German and French sections of the database were updated up to the latest version of the game.
20-01-2015: Added display of salvageable materials for equipment and lunastones.
04-01-2015: Added quick equipment filtering by base parameters (Strength, Dexterity etc).
03-01-2015: Added display of grade buffs for items.
24-12-2014: Added Achievements subsection. (Quests->Achievements). So far it works only in Korean, Japanese and Russian sections of the database (v.1.7+).
19-12-2014: Russian, English, German and French sections of the database were updated up to latest version of the game.
18-12-2014: Japanese section of the database was updated up to latest version of the game.
News archive
17-12-2014:- Added advanced combo lists for the Skill calculator. Now you can see long skill combos for selected skill specs with combo effect's description.
-Added comments tab for the Skill calculator.
29-10-2014: Added display of Lunagem sockets for weapons and armor.
23-10-2014: - English, German and French sections were updated up to latest version of the game (Version 1.2 Build 4.13);
- added missing stats for Lunagems/L
- added missing prices for H
- minor fixes and corrections.
01-10-2014: Added drop lists for container objects (coin purses, chests etc) with back links to them from corresponding items.
29-09-2014: English section was updated up to latest version of the game.
04-09-2014: Added loot tables for lots of NPCs.
25-08-2014: Fixed wrong DPS values for weapons.
21-08-2014: Added German and French sections.
06-08-2014: English, Japanese and Korean sections were updated up to latest version of the game.
05-08-2014: Fixed build saving in skill calculator for levels 51+.
16-07-2014: Skill calculator updated up to version 1.2.
09-07-2014: English section updated up to version 1.2.
29-06-2014: US English and Russian sections were updated up to latest version of the game
16-06-2014: Added ability to add screenshots for NPCs/items etc. (registered users only)
12-06-2014: Attention! If you are getting errors during registration/login to our site/forum, please delete cookies for out site and try again. This should fix the problem.
06-06-2014: - Russian, Korean, Chinese and Japanese sections were updated up to latest
- added ability to add drop data for NPC (registered users only);
- added NPC
- added itemsets section (Items->Item sets);
- fixed errors in descriptions of cloaks and suits.
01-06-2014: Added comments.
20-05-2014: Fixed saving of selected build in Skill calculator.
19-05-2014: Added Skill calculator.
17-05-2014: Added NPC section. Added maps with NPC locations.
13-05-2014: Added back links to designs (Product of design, Used in design) on item's pages.
10-05-2014: Added "Skills" section.
29-04-2014: Added US English section of database.
28-04-2014: Added "Craft" section. Added craft calculator on each design page.
18-04-2014: Added sections: Quests, Titles.
01-04-2014: Site launch.


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