
英 ['sel?bre?t]
美 ['s?l??bret]
vt. vi. 庆祝,祝贺,举行
时 态:cel·e·brat·ed, cel·e·brat·ing, cel·e·brates名 词:cel'e·bra'tor形容词:cel'e·bra·to'ry
与 celebrate 相关的例句
1.为庆祝婚礼教堂的钟都响了。The church bells ring to celebrate the wedding.
2.《奥德赛》史诗中歌颂了奥德修斯的丰功伟绩.Odysseus's heroic exploits are celebrated in `The Odyssey'.
3.如今他的言论和事迹在全国广为传颂。Today his words and deeds are celebrated throughout land.
4.大家称赞他的勇气。Everybody celebrated his courage.
5.他们开了一瓶酒来庆祝他的成功。They celebrated his success by opening a bottle of wine.
1.为庆祝婚礼教堂的钟都响了。The church bells ring to celebrate the wedding.
2.《奥德赛》史诗中歌颂了奥德修斯的丰功伟绩.Odysseus's heroic exploits are celebrated in `The Odyssey'.
3.如今他的言论和事迹在全国广为传颂。Today his words and deeds are celebrated throughout land.
4.大家称赞他的勇气。Everybody celebrated his courage.
5.他们开了一瓶酒来庆祝他的成功。They celebrated his success by opening a bottle of wine.
6.他们在庆祝他们的五十年金婚纪念日。They are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary.
7.勃艮第以其美酒而闻名。Burgundy is celebrated for its fine wines.
8.他举行宴会庆祝自己的生日。He celebrated his birthday with banquet.
1.celebrate, as of holidays or rites[同] ,,
Keep the commandmentscelebrate ChristmasObserve Yom Kippur
2.have a celebration[同] ,
They were feting the patriarch of the familyAfter the exam, the students were celebrating
3.assign great social importance to[同] ,,
The film director was celebrated all over HollywoodThe tenor was lionized in Vienna
1.celebrate, as of holidays or rites[同] ,,
Keep the commandmentscelebrate ChristmasObserve Yom Kippur
2.have a celebration[同] ,
They were feting the patriarch of the familyAfter the exam, the students were celebrating
3.assign great social importance to[同] ,,
The film director was celebrated all over HollywoodThe tenor was lionized in Vienna
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