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The French Mistake
Season 6, Episode 15
First aired
Directed by
Written by
find themselves on the set of the TV Show , with an angelic hitman after them.
Vancouver, BC, Canada
are doing research at
appears. He says that
is aiming to kill all of 's allies and affiliates so he gives them a key and sends them to an alternate reality to keep them out of harm's way. Supposedly, the key opens a door where he has stored the stolen
of Heaven, which will help Castiel to retain control in .
When they appear in the alternate reality, Sam and Dean find themselves on the set of "Supernatural"- a show that appears to be about their lives and where everyone mistakes them for the actors
and . They try to contact Castiel, but instead encounter , who plays Castiel on the TV Show. Taking refuge in Jensen's luxurious trailer, they do some research about Jensen and Jared, and Dean is horrified to learn that Jensen was on Days of Our Lives. Dean suggests they try doing the same spell Balthazar did in order to get them back to their own reality.
Discouraged that there are no 'real' saints' bones or other items they need on the set of 's house, Sam and Dean have the actors' driver, , take them to Jared's place, which turns out to be a large ostentatious mansion with a tanning bed in the living room and an alpaca in the backyard. Sam and Dean are shocked when
- or rather the actress who plays her - appears and kisses Sam, who she believes to be her husband, Jared. After
heads out to a charity function for the International Otter Adoption Fund, Sam and Dean go online and purchase some saints' bones for rush delivery using Jared's credit cards (they max out at least one). Dean then spends the night on Jared's couch, while Sam alternates between surfing the internet for signs of the supernatural activity and sleeping with Genevieve.
The next morning, Clif drives them to the airport to pick up the rush delivery before taking them back to the set. They have to try and act in a scene which ends badly after many takes, but in between takes, they try and do the spell. When nothing happens, they come to the conclusion that in this reality there is no real supernatural, no magic.
Back on set, the angel hitman
appears and tries to vanquish Dean with his angel powers. He, too, is devoid of powers in this reality, so Sam and Dean are able to take him in a fight and start pummeling him on the set of the Dragon's hideout from . The rest of the crew intervenes, however, and during the resulting scuffle Virgil pickpockets the key Balthazar gave Sam before running away.
The crew of the show is now suspicious because "Jared" and "Jensen" are behaving out of character. Normally they don't speak to each other, they came in with a mysterious package (the saint's bones) which the crew believes are either drugs or black market organs, and now they've beaten up what everyone thinks is an extra. Director
calls showrunner
and suggests that they get
to come to Vancouver and talk to them. Sera reluctantly agrees, although Kripke is sequestered in a cabin writing the script for "Octocobra." Meanwhile, Virgil takes Misha hostage and kills him so he can use his blood to contact Raphael.
Bob confronts Sam and Dean, and they drop the pretense of being Jared and Jensen and tell him that they quit. Dean says that at least in their world they make a difference. They then go back to Jared's house and learn from Genevieve that Misha is dead, so they go to the scene. A witness states that the killer was speaking to "Raphael," and they learn from the relayed conversation that Virgil is trying to get back to their reality. While they wait for him on the set, Dean suggests to Sam that maybe if they get stuck in this reality, Sam's life would be better. But Sam disagrees because back in their world they do matter, and he doesn't like that in this world they aren't even brothers.
Virgil returns on set just as Kripke arrives to speak to them, and the angel goes on a killing spree, killing Eric Kripke, Bob Singer, , and
before Sam and Dean manage to knock him out and get the key. Just as Sam has the key in hand, Raphael activates the nearby gate between the worlds, and they land back in their own reality.
Raphael -- now in a female vessel -- demands the key, but Balthazar arrives and reveals that the key and Sam and Dean's journey was all a ruse to distract Raphael. She threatens them, but Castiel arrives and reveals that he now has all the Angelic Weapons. He threatens to kill Raphael, and she leaves. Castiel then returns Sam and Dean to Bobby's house, promising to reveal more of what is happening in Heaven soon.
"Ancient Celtic Lands" by Biddy Blyth & Mike John Trim
(plays in Jensen Ackles' trailer)
Dean: I said 'hey.'
Balthazar: You did. Twice. Good for you. Blood of lamb. Blood of lamb. Beer, cold pizza. Blood of lamb. Yes! Blood of lamb!
Sam: So... No angels?
Dean: No angels, I think.
Bob: But that was great!
Serge:'s not a problem with the stunt. It's a problem with the... signal.
Sam: Should we be killing anybody?
Make-Up Artist: Okay, hon, we're just gonna get this makeup off your face.
Dean: Wha--I'm not wearing any ma-- Oh, crap! I'm a painted whore!
Dean: No, seriously. Why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives?
Sam: Well, I mean, according to that interviewer, not very many people do. Look, I'm not saying it makes sense. I'm just saying, we -- we landed in some dimension where you're Jensen Ackles, and I'm something called a 'Jared Padalecki.'
Dean: So what, now you're polish? Is any of this making any sense to you?
Dean: Oh, hey. Least my baby made it. Hey. Hey! What -- I feel sick. I'm gonna be sick. I want to go home. I feel like this whole place is bad-touching me.
Dean: Don't like this universe, Sammy. We need to get out of this universe.
Sam: Yeah. No argument here. But I don't think our -- our prayers are reaching Cas. Or the real Cas.
Dean: Right. Right. 'cause you're not Ruby. You... I mean,
how could you be? You... of course! You are the lovely actress who plays Ruby. And you are, uh, in... Jared's house, Uh, because you two are... Married! You married fake Ruby?
Clif: We're not doing anything illegal, are we?
Sam: Would it make you feel better if we said no?
Misha: Ooh, 'priority.' what's in it?
Sam: I bought part of a dead person.
Misha: Oh, cool.
Bob: Cut! What is happening? What's happening?! What's happening?!
Serge: An atrocity is happening.
Kevin: Seems like they should stop.
Bob: They can't stop. Nobody stops. Did we get anything we can use?
Kevin: Well, uh, technically, we have them saying everything in bits and pieces. Could be sort of experimental?
Bob: Whatever. Season six.
Sam: What if it can't? Look, I was up all night, looking online. There's no sign that anything like the Apocalypse happened here. Ever. And as far as I can tell, monsters, ghosts, demons -- they're all pretend.
Dean: So nobody's hunting them?
Sam: No hunters. Look, maybe that's why our spell didn't work, Dean, you know? M-maybe here, there's no supernatural, no magic.
Dean: No demons, no Hell, no Heaven, no -- no god?
Dean: You heard my brother. That's right, I said 'brother.' 'cause you know what, Bob? We're not actors. We're hunters. We're the Winchesters. Always have been, and always will be. And where we're from, people don't know who we are. But you know what? We mattered in that world. In fact, we even saved a son of a bitch once or twice. And yeah, okay, here, maybe there's some -- some fans who give a crap about this nonsense.
Homeless Man: Yeah, yeah, Raphael. Like the ninja turtle. He was calling someone name of Raphael, up in heaven. Yeah, yeah. That's right. The -- the scary man killed the attractive crying man, and then he started to pray. And the strange part -- after a while, I s-swear I heard this voice, answering.
Sam: Cas, what the hell? Wait, wait, you were in on this, using us a diversion?
Castiel: It was Balthazar's plan. I would have done the same thing.
Dean: That's not comforting, Cas.
Castiel: When will I be able to make you understand? If I lose against Raphael, we all lose. Everything.
Sam: Solid. It's real. Nice.
Dean: Yeah. Yeah, real, moldy, termite-eaten home sweet home. Chock full of crap that want to skin you. Oh, and, uh, we're broke again.
Sam: Yeah. But, hey... at least we're talking.
The episode title "The French Mistake" refers to
in Mel Brook’s movie . At the end of the movie, the action from the movie which is set in the Old West, crashes through a wall (literally breaking the ) onto the set of a musical on the Warner Bros. lot. The song being performed in the musical is called "The French Mistake."
The term "French Mistake" purportedly refers to a straight guy having a gay sexual encounter he later regrets ().
Dean: Yeah, man's a hero. We were officially out of 'hunter's helper.'
Balthazar: Hello, boys. You've seen The Godfather, right?
Dean: Balthazar...
Balthazar: You know, the end, where Michael Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one big, bloody swoop?
A play on the phrase "mother's little helper," which originated with the
It referred to drugs such as Valium that women used to help them cope with life.
makes reference to the 1972 movie , where the Godfather sends assassins to kill the other Dons. This is then played out in the alternate universe when
shoots the crew on the TV set.
Kevin Parks: Well, we can clean up, takes about 95 minutes, basically. So we'd have to blow off the scene where they sit on the Impala and talk about their feelings.
Bob Singer: Ha! Right! You answer the hate mail.
When references are made to events in real life like this it is referred to as
Other examples are Sam mentioning that not many people watch the show, and of course Misha's tweeting.
Sam: Yeah. I mean, here -- wherever 'here' is, this -- this Twilight Zone Balthazar zapped us into. For whatever reason, our life is a TV show.
Dean: Like Bizarro Earth? But instead of Bizarro Superman, we get this clown factory?
is a planet from the DC comics universe, where everything is the opposite of how things are on Earth, and it is inhabited by "bizarro" versions of characters including Superman.
first meets
and , thinking they are Jared and Jensen, he recites lines from his script, in the character of . The lines he recites describe the plot of the meta episode.
Misha: You guys! You really punk'd me! I'm totally gonna tweet this one. 'Hola, mishamigos. J-squared... Got me good.'
is an American hidden camera/practical joke television series that first aired on MTV in 2003 and was produced and hosted by . Being "punk'd" referred to being the victim of such a prank.
Dean: I just want to dig my finger in my brain and scratch until we're back in Kansas.
Reference to , a 1900 novel by L. Frank Baum that has been adapted into several different works, the most famous being the , starring Judy Garland. In it, a young woman named Dorothy is swept up in a tornado and transplanted in an alternate dimension.
Sam: Huh. All right, here we go. Let's see who this guy is.
Dean: Well, he's not a hunter, but he plays one on TV. Oh, come on. Look at these male-modelin' sons of bitches. Nice 'Blue Steel,' Sam.
Dean is holding up a copy of the
- Issue #11 from August 2009.
is a signature modeling pose of , first referenced by Dean in , and demonstrated by Jared and Jensen on every gag reel, and at numerous conventions.
Sam finds a clip of Jensen when he played Eric Brady in Days of Our Lives. The clip used in this episode starts at 6:33
Bob Singer: Well, at least they're talking to each other.
A running gag during the episode is the fact that in this universe, Jared and Jensen are not on speaking terms. In real life, they are good friends as evidenced by the fact that they were groomsman at each other's weddings in 2010.
The studio in the episode is called "KM Motion Picture Studios." At the Salute to Supernatural San Francisco 2011 in January 2011,
in Burnaby Vancouver had officially been named in honor of late director and producer .
Dean: Where the hell are we, anyway? Dude, we're not even in America.
Supernatural is filmed in Vancouver, Canada. (Except for the
which was filmed in Los Angeles.)
Dean: Nice modest digs, Jay-Z.
is one of the most financially successful hip hop artists and entrepreneurs in America.
Sam: What am I? Dracula?
Dean: George Hamilton Dracula!
Actor George Hamilton is renowned for having a very deep, and obviously fake, tan. Jared has been known to appear rather tan on occasion, most famously at the 2008 Scream Awards.
A tanned Jared with Jeffrey Dean Morgan at the Scream Awards
Jared and Genevieve married in real life on February 27, 2010, in Sun Valley, Idaho. The photo on the mantle (next to the alpaca) is an actual wedding photo taken by Kirsten Schultz and featured in an article .
Mashing up fact and fiction:
is an animal lover who has two dogs . He has given support to the animal rights group PETA, and
Jared and Genevieve support the charity
which combats ocean pollution, and money raised from auctions at
went to it.
It is not known whether they have adopted any otters or own an alpaca.
Bob Singer: Jensen, we're thrilled to see you collaborating so creatively. And your enthusiasm is refreshing. Dean Cain was like that on 'Lois,' And that man's a real actor. And we will clear this set exactly when we shoot the 2 3/8 pages we are scheduled to shoot on this set. So you do your 'actor stuff' and we'll do our 'camera stuff' and, uh...
was a producer on the '90s TV series
which starred Dean Cain as Clark Kent / Superman. Other Supernatural crew who worked on the series include , , ,
and composer .
The blue sweater Misha is wearing is also one he wore in his
Misha also wore the shirt with the word
- which is an Indian greeting. The symbol on the shirt is a Maha Yantra.
In 's office, a magazine called TV Weekly featuring Jared and Jensen on the cover is on display -- a reference to the fan voted Supernatural .
The two guys rehearsing a fight scene beside the
on the green screen stage, who then broke up the fight between Dean, Sam, and Virgil, were Jared and Jensen's real stunt doubles,
Sera Gamble: Eric's supposed to be off in a cabin somewhere writing his next pilot.
Bob Singer: He sold Octocobra? Mother of God they'll buy anything
A reference to the Syfy TV movies that feature monster mash-ups like
and Dinocroc.
Bob Singer: I'd like to think that over these years we've grown closer, that you don't think of me as 'director Bob' or executive producer 'Bob Singer,' but as Uncle Bob.
Sam: You're kidding? So the character in the show - Bobby Singer...
Dean: What kind of a douchebag names a character after himself?
Sam: Oh that's not right!
The character of
was named after producer , although the culprit was . You can see Bob Singer talk about it
Dean: Well, I'm just saying. No hell below us, above us only sky.
Dean is quoting
The scene where
obtains weapons in a gun store by incapacitating the owner before shooting a customer is a send-up to a similar scene in The Terminator, where the T-800 played by Arnold Schwarzenegger does the same thing, but kills the owner instead. Watch it
Eric: It's totally,totally awful. Yeah. It got us the front page of Variety, though. Did you see that?
' is an American weekly entertainment-trade magazine.
is killed by Virgil, he is in the same position as Mary Winchester when she died in the "Pilot."
Dean: Raphael? Nice meatsuit. Dude looks like a lady.
A reference to
Balthazar: Well, Cas... Now that you have your sword, try not to die by it.
This is a reference to the , which describes a disciple (identified in the Gospel of John as Peter) drawing a sword to defend against the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and then being rebuked by Jesus, who tells him to sheath the weapon. The verse reads: Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
When Sam and Dean arrive back in Bobby's house in their universe, we see that the window and much of the wall behind them has been obliterated. Like in , which this episode gets its name from, they have literally broken the
At the end, Sam checks that the "wall" is solid again - perhaps a reassurance to viewers, as well.
In the episode real members of the cast and crew of Supernatural are featured – some played by actors while others play themselves or Bizarro world versions of themselves.
"The almost fictional cast and crew of Supernatural"
as Herself
as Himself
Director and producer
is played by .
Director of Photography
is played by .
as Himself
The voice of
is played by .
is played by .
is played by , who also played
– driver and bodyguard – is played by .
Jared and Jensen's stunt doubles
also play themselves.
appears in a cameo as the crew member who is putting mud on the Impala.
spent a lot of time on
in the episode, and at one point he tweets "Ola mishamigos! J2 got me good. Really starting to feel like one of the guys." Just to really mess with our minds, the real
actually sent that tweet as the line aired in the U.S. east coast run of the episode (). Misha Collins and Misha also both tweeted "IMHO j&j had a late one last night. Rotflmfao!" (). After both these tweets, Misha then relates, "My phone was stolen and apparently cast into a parallel universe devoid of magic. I've retrieved it. I promise it won't happen again" (). All three tweets were retweeted by over 100 people in a matter of hours and then vanished from Misha's twitter feed. A few hours later, they were reposted, but the direct links to the original tweets still work.
The words: #Misha, #metamadness and #kripke all made it into the top ten Trending Topics as the episode went to air.
expressed the desire for
to have a long crying scene in season 6 (). It's possible that this was the impetuous for Misha's long crying scene with .
The other major meta episodes in the series have been:
for a discussion of metafiction in Supernatural, and a list of meta references.
Other episodes set in alternate universes are:
– Under the influence of
experiences what life may have been like if , his mother, had never been killed.
places Dean into a reality where he and
are not brothers, and Dean is a corporate executive, in order to prove to him that hunting is in his blood.
– Zachariah sends Dean to a possible version of 2014, where the
has happened, in order to convince him to become ’s
– The , revealed to be the
, traps Dean and Sam in an endless series of TV shows and ads, to try and teach them the lesson that they must “play their part” and fulfill the destiny
has laid out for them.
to send Sam and Dean into the alternate universe,
uses Dead Sea brine, lamb's blood and the bones of a lesser saint, which he uses to draw a sigil.
Sam: Yeah.Yeah, yeah, the whole earthquake spike. You know, the -- the 9.2 in Rome? I mean, the --the 8.5 outside Boston? The whole east/west tsunami chain?
Genevieve: Yes. I remember all of those from last season on your show.
There is a slight discrepancy between this and the reports heard in , which stated that there was a 7.6 earthquake in Portland, an 8.1 in Boston, and more in Hong Kong, Berlin, and Tehran.
The episode inspired a fan song called "" by stopitsgingertime.
The door to the "Supernatural" set has a large number 4 on it. This door also appears in
as the door to the
as the door to the abandoned warehouse where the
from Ausiello
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