
将所要幻化的宠物设为参战. 宠物幻化度最大可提升至13,同时他会拥有460%稳定成长率系数。注:
提升宠物的幻化度有几率失败,失败后当前幻化度不会下降。使用失败时离魂石消失,幻化度不会有所改变。(离魂石可在金币商店内的宠物用品中找到)1. 到灵昌广场(37,119)找到跛道人。2. 背包内准备一枚凝魄石和5锭银票(凝魄石可从金币商城的热销商品中购买)3,随着幻化度的提升宠物成长率系数也会随之提升。8,并且随着幻化度的提高会再获得大量的一级基础属性加成,所幻化的宠物要求成长率为完美并拥有17以上的悟性。4. 与跛道人对话选择 开启宠物幻化。高等级宠物在幻化为超凡时,还将获得大量的属性补偿,属性补偿多少根据宠物当前等级一级基础属性而定6. 接下来你还可以使用离魂石来提升超凡宠物的幻化度。提高宠物的悟性可降低幻化的失败率。
高等级宠物在进行幻化为超凡时会根据当前等级的一级基础属性给予属性补偿(与天赋技能和潜力点提供的属性无关),高等级超凡宠物在每次成功提升幻化度时将获得额外的属性补偿(如下图,获得属性补偿的多少同样由当前等级一级基础属性而定)。7. 宠物使用离魂石后,若使用成功则幻化度+1,同时宠物的成长率系数增加5%,确认弹出的提示后点击确定。5. 宠物幻化成功,成长率变为超凡,成长率系数变为400~460%(实际成长率为稳定的400%)。
1楼的乱说当时在三界关有活动 会有宝藏图送 然后去杂货商买锄头 点宝藏图 有坐标给你 有时间限制的具体的自个去官网看去
挖宝任务我做过 当时在三界关有活动 会有宝藏图送 然后去杂货商买锄头 点宝藏图 有坐标给你 有时间限制的 要40级以上能用 然后在那个坐标用锄头 会有东西 看见妖魔了 你打不赢的 懂了没
不懂可以再问我 进化要用颤抖之灵 还要个高等级 好点资质的副宠 去灵宠抓就好了
资质也有提高 第一次不要银子 以后就要了
希望你能采纳 炼化的我也没弄过 不过下面的回答是可以的 ..
测图方法比较传统测图:根据碎部点的坐标手工绘制成图;周期长,精度低,适于小区域大比例尺测图航空摄影测量:利用航空摄影像片,以控制点为基础,借助内业仪器制作成图。适于大面积地形测图。数字测图:利用采集到的数据进行计算机处理,自动生成电子地图。3.大平板仪的构造平板:测板、基座、三脚架照准仪:望远镜,直尺,支柱对点器:用来对中地面已知点.附件: 尺子,夹子,大头针,三棱尺,三角板&4.大平板仪测图原理
极坐标法已知A,B已知点,测绘其它地物特征点在A点对中,整平, 用B点定向,固定图纸。瞄准其它测绘点,定出其方向线,再沿方向线量取A到该点的距离,按比例尺缩绘到图纸上即可。&5.大平板测图的准备工作&&& 1)上级资料成果准备:控制点、图式&&& 2)仪器及工具准备:检查与检校&&& 3)图板准备:&&&&&& 图纸:& 聚脂薄膜、绘图纸&&&&&& 绘制坐标格网: 绘图仪\格网尺\直尺&&&&&& 展绘控制点:6.大平板测图的成图过程①安置平板仪:对点(对中): 使地面控制点与图上相应点在同一垂直线上。整平: 使平板表面水平。定向: 使图纸上已知方向线与实地方向线一致。②测绘特征点:&&&&& 用照准仪直尺斜边紧贴图上的a点,照准碎部点上所立的尺子。&&&&& 计算出碎部点与测站间的水平距离。&&&&& 在直尺斜边上,根据计算的水平距离,按比例尺点出碎部点的位置。③勾绘地物:&&&&& 按地物符号平滑连接。拼接: 取相邻图幅对应点的平均值检查: 室内: 符号注记,地物的完整性等&&&&& 室外: 对照实物抽查整饰:完整,完善,美观&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1..地物符号分类及其表示地物符号(表示类别、大小形状及位置)比例符号:房屋、江河、森林、果园比例符号:控制点、独立树、烟囱等半比例符号:道路、河流、管道等地物注记:名称、特性说明、数量等&2..等高线表示的原理
等高线:&& 地面上高程相等的各相邻点所连成的闭合曲线。表示的原理:& 用不同高程的水平面与实地相截所得的闭合曲线,其形状代表了地貌各部位的形状。等高线平距: 相邻等高线在水平面上投影距离.示坡线:垂直于等高线用于指示坡度下降方向的短线。3..等高线的种类首曲线:按照测图前选定的等高距测绘的等高线。计曲线:每隔四条首曲线加粗描绘的等高线。间曲线:按1/2等高距测绘的等高线助曲线:按1/4等高距测绘的等高线
等高性:&& &同一等高线上的点的高程都相等.
闭合性:&& &等高线是一闭合曲线, 在本图幅内不能闭合,则在相邻图幅内闭合.
非交性:&& &除陡崖或悬崖,等高线不能相交或合并.
正交性:&&& 山脊和山谷处等高线与山谷线和山脊线正交.
密陡稀缓性:同一幅图内, 等高线越密表示地面坡度越陡;等高线越稀表示地面坡度越缓.
山谷& :山谷的等高线均凸向高处,两侧也基本对称。山谷线是谷底点的连线,也称集水线。
等高线平距: 相邻等高线在水平面上投影距离.
b 用铅笔勾画出山脊线、山谷线这些地性线。
文明办网文明上网举报电话: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&
09-02-12 &匿名提问
 初入天书,大家一定对游戏里经常出现的拼音字母和一些特别短语缩写觉得很陌生吧!没关系,现在立刻让小记来为大家扫盲,不要太感谢我哦!先来游戏专有名词解释吧!  游戏名词解释:  网页游戏(wabgame):不需要游戏客户端,直接在IE浏览器上即可进行的游戏。  Q版:画面人物都卡通化的游戏,被称为Q版游戏。  2D:即2维游戏,游戏画面是平面的。  3D:即3维游戏,游戏画面是3维立体图。  客户端:进行游戏的主程序,一般免费下载获取。  封号:玩家的游戏账号被冻结,无法继续使用。  删号:玩家的游戏账号或角色被删除。  外挂:靠修改游戏数据来加快游戏进程的恶意程序,玩家使用外挂后会被游戏公司封号。  插件:辅助游戏进行一些小程序,与外挂不同的是插件不会修改游戏数据,一般只是对游戏界面进行优化。建议只使用被官方认可的插件。  GM:游戏管理员。为玩家提供游戏内的各种服务的工作人员。  BUG:游戏的各种程序漏洞统称BUG,利用BUG获取收益可能会被运营商封号。建议遇到bug时向官方反映。  BUFF(Debuff):能增强游戏人物角色某一能力(如HP,力量)的法术叫buff。与之相反,会削弱游戏人物某一能力的法术就就叫debuff。  副本:是可以让你和队友们在一个私人区域,不受他人干扰地进行探索、冒险或完成任务的场所,不是你的队友就无法进入你所在的这个私人区域。这样可以解决游戏由于玩家众多而导致的蹲点、盗猎、垄断Boss装备等问题。副本中的怪物通常更强大,因此玩家必须组队才能进入这里。不过难度越高,回报也越多! “副本”一词的最初形态,来自很久之前就诞生的著名纸上游戏“龙与地下城”中的地下城的设定。  下面就要放天书内的专有术语啦!  数字后(+):等级的代表。  HP:生命值。或者简称“红”。  MP:魔法值。或者简称“蓝”。  CK:刺客的拼音缩写。  XK:侠客的拼音缩写。  SS:术士的拼音缩写。  XZ:修真的拼音缩写。  CB:皇城舞修罗处接的除暴安良任务的简称。  Q:缺的拼音缩写。  BB:宝宝,即游戏中的宠物。  闭关:实用道具  吹:风魔爆,小金龙和黑龙的转有技能  水爆:水魔爆,宠物技能。  群攻:群攻就是指有群攻能的宝宝。  亲密度:结婚任务需要用到亲密度的,999亲密度才能结婚。  小年、狮子、年兽:新年boss,将其击败可获得年兽宝。  密6:金币道具,灵异秘卷(6)。  Hb:红包。  帮派:帮会。  富贵:金币道具,富贵宝箱。  至尊:金币道具,至尊宝箱。  剪刀:金币道具,宠物解除绑定。  自动:快捷键O.  寿命药:加宠物寿命的药,常见混元延寿露。  坠龙:坠龙城。  狂暴:宠物技能,嗜血狂暴。  大红:金币道具,大生命晶石。  大蓝:金币道具,大元气晶石。  寿命石头:金币道具,宠物寿命晶石,战斗后自动恢复宠物寿命。  还童丹:金币道具,实用后普通宠物回到1级未绑定状态。  满怪:使用唤妖灵符道具后每次遇怪数量为参战玩家数量的2倍。  双倍药:人物双倍药。  宝宝双:宝宝双倍药。  香:金币购买的道具,驱魔香和招魔香。  上塔:护国寺内的通天塔。  爬山:湖心岛内的时雨山。  上古:上古神器碎片。  历练:历练任务,每天有 2轮8倍历练任务,1轮10环。  王:蜘蛛王。  新手村:新手刚上线的地方。新月村  黑水:黑色水域。  飞机:游戏里的飞行系统。  银票:游戏里的游戏币,不能交易。  蹲点:在固定的地方等待BOSS的出现。  鸡蛋:金龙蛋。  每日:灵昌城南公告处每天都能接的任务。  PK:玩家与玩家之间的战斗叫PK。  达人:非常厉害的人,也可称作强人、牛人  人妖:由男性玩家操控的女性游戏人物,被称为人妖。  秒杀:概念量词,一般只在第一时间,以最快的速度,一招之内杀死对方(或击败)。  回档:服务器回到开机前某一时段,玩家的数据也回到那时。  小白:新手,初学者,骨灰的反义词.或指千年白蛇(BOSS)。  BOSS:非常强大的怪物,一般是一群怪物的首领,被形象地称为BOSS。BOSS会提供相当多的经验和非常好的装备。  囧: 近年在网络上兴起的一个热门词汇,形象地表示哭笑不得的词。  ORZ:表示膜拜或者无语的象形词。  人品问题:“运气不好”的幽默表达方式,可缩写为RPWT。  极品:非常好非常珍稀的游戏道具。  神器:极品中的极品就叫神器。  黑人:黑心人的简称,多指对某一道具喊出天价的售卖者。  ++:加加血的简写或是组队的意思(根据语境而定)。  ==:即“等等”。  密:或“M”,着急的时候可作“MMM……”指玩家与另一名玩家单独聊天,第三个看不到聊天内容。即私聊。
[Edit this paragraph] Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra Buddha comfortable concept. Deep Prajna Paramita line for a long time. According to see five skandhas turn out to be fruitless. All苦厄degrees. Relic. Color space does not vary. Space does not flop. By the Bank would like to know. So. Relic. Is the phase space诸法. Health is not immortal. Do not scale is not the net. Neutrality. Therefore the air colorless. No subject line would like to know.耳鼻舌身意eyes. Colorless voice fragrance law. No vision. Sector as well as unconscious. No non-prescribed. Do not no tomorrow. Without even the dead. Do not dead. No anti-Road苦集. Moses does not get free. Therefore, there is no income. PU TI SA duo. Therefore, depending on Prajna Paramita and more. With no挂碍. No挂碍it. No terrorist. Away from the reversal of a dream. What Nirvana. Buddhas III. Therefore, depending on Prajna Paramita and more. Arab-Israeli talks were more than three Luo Miao San Bodhi. Prajna Paramita learned more. Is神咒. Is明咒. Is the supreme curse. It is cursed and so on. In addition to all the real hard truth. So that the expletives, Prajna Paramita more. Said that the curse that is. Jie Jie Matisse Matisse. Matisse open Baltic. Matisse open Baltic Monk. Sa Po Puti blame. Santa on a Master May 1992 Cultural Center in Kowloon Yan Gong disciples recorded round Description: Buddhist saying: 'If the human desires to know, all the Buddha III, should be the legal concept of, made all the idealism. ' However, many people also recognized at the end of this heart, lost the heart and immeasurable suffering, life and death without a view of reincarnation, but to understand what the buddhas Buddha heart, complete heart understand when this名之为Buddha, is on the so-called Shuiqing heart-ching Buddha. Santa is an old Buddha of compassion, in the 'Heart Sutra stresses mind' with a clear mind on how to see out of, for all types of seeds under the Bodhi. 善知识you, ladies and Master, you lay: Today is the Po Lin Monastery to host a three-night preaching of the law, the scriptures, the most common, but also all know was called Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, or Heart Sutra. Word of the heart is very important, Buddha is also a heart, made all living creatures is the heart, is the heart of heaven and hell is the heart, so generous Kegon Guangfo by saying: 'If the human desires to know, all the Buddha III, should be the legal concept, and all the idealism made . ' Hong Kong is created by the heart, by the people's hearts Ford built, beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland, but also by the good man's heart gentleman inventor Po and even our world, but also from the hearts of all living creatures Po created the world, is the World of Ultimate Bliss Buddha, and the clean sea of the people making the heart pure. However, many people also recognized at the end of this heart, lost the heart and immeasurable suffering, life and death without a view of reincarnation, but to understand what the buddhas Buddha heart, complete heart understand when this名之为Buddha, one of a heart to understand this ,名之为B Buddha is Buddha because the Buddha is the Buddha's fruit, Buddha Buddhahood separated out from the heart, if the heart is still unknown, the Buddha without your points, Buddhahood, you better not, so people who have a Buddhist conditions: buddhas Nyorai this line, we have this line, buddhas Nyorai this repair, we repair this, how to repair? Ming heart is it! Mahayana letter from the heart of that there are four phases: Health, housing, and the differences out. Fan-fu prescribed only in four out of phase, out of the Fan-fu mind that that fact is unknown, the heart is gone, out of the heart has not, then how to specify the heart, the so-called兴兵after thieves, thieves go, soldiers come to useless So Fan-fu is not known as sleep - to sleep heart out of what is the use? What is anti-phase? For example, I just hit a paranoia, when打妄想do not know when打妄想, paranoia over only 'feel' just打妄想, where paranoia? Have you ever caught? - Minus the! So Fan-fu out of sleep, sleep is not known. Another example from a恶念, you 'feel' the恶念it? - To eliminate the only sleep and not feel at the end of eradication ago, went out after the sleep has not called, so the hearts of their own Fan-fu also feel that, after eradication of sleep known as the feel. Phase be? Different feel the same, one of the heterogeneous Kakushin, the 'differences' will be empty is to feel the same differences. Such as human hair dream dream sleep without dreams, like right or wrong, feel wrong no wrong. Kakushin二乘people of different phase, that is, variation is also different, with non-is-phase, good and evil, life and death, man and me, and resentment and are pro-phase, Kakushin二乘people of different phase, it would not have the same feel different right and wrong, good and evil, life and death, people I怨亲, Nirvana is no different, so there is no二乘also great, they just practice hard, to see the heart-phase, feel different the same will be the life and death. Buddha further sleep 'live' phase, sleep to live without shelter, when fans will have to live with, when there is no sleep, for example, when evil fans, they do not sleep: the fans are not rehabilitated, the fans feel it is not rehabilitated, so live to live without sleep - sleep 'live', all live, have lived妄心is all that is not true. No living Buddha, not what is with this? Is not no phase, is not no I-phase, no one outside of the middle of nothing, called three body space. For example, Busch, the incompetence of my Shih-phase, no phase of the facilities, nor those of the person who by Shih, how free? Could not live there, people picking来拜Buddha, monks dependent selection, but also to live with, soliciting来拜Buddha, not merit, and selection to support the monks, the heart for the loss of S & P, not known as Pu-dependent, were Please support for the other, small mind, merit is also small. Phase can not donate, all for one for free to live as if the empty heart, as if the void has merit. Diamond Sutra says: 'Buddha in the law, should be in the Busch无所住line, the so-called color can not donate, the law could not smell the sound Busch, Subhuti, Bodhisattvas should be the case of Busch, not in phase, why is it that if the Buddha could not with Busch, the Ford can not be thought, Subhuti, in the Italian-yun He, Oriental void can not think, do not have, Thie-Tzuen, Subhuti, the North West, four-dimensional void can be thought up and down No, no it, Thie-Tzuen, Subhuti, Buddha No live with Busch, Ford can not think So. ' Buddha to live without sleep to live, so not life and death, not N if living donation, can not repair observance, if shame live, can not repair meditation, Buddha无所住case, six million lines of Qi Xiu. Heart of how the Health? Jue-sheng, if there is no health, no Health, what is it? Health is no Buddha, Bodhisattva, etc. There is also a sub-sleep without Ming-sheng, 10 to 2 pm There are no Buddha Ming-sheng, the beginning and there is no Buddha Ming-sheng, the Buddha, see the heart of the Health, Jue-sheng, no hygiene, see no Health heart, concept all the law students have no Health Permit法忍: trouble is the Health Act, Health and the Buddha did not worry, karma does not of Health is free, not life and death is Nirvana for Health, Health is a non-sentient beings buddhas, so Buddha is all living creatures easy, as long as they can sleep without Health Health is the Buddha, the Buddha known as the Great Perfection sleep. Heart of the Buddha on the four-phase the clearest and most so called prescribed heart - Jue-sheng, non-students to live without sleep to live, feel the same as different, there is no cut out sleep, raw live out four-phase differences are not, for the Buddha heart, clean heart, that is, Prajna Paramita Heart, what唯佛, Fan-fu fans and not feel. Practice is to specify the heart, but not the heart that one达摩祖division首偈says: 'Hearts heart, hard to find, real-time all over the law, the needle can not be narrow. ' Refers to the past Heart hearts hearts hearts now, the future heart, Diamond Sutra says: 'can not get past the heart. 'How can we not have to look for? There may be a search, for example, how can a void can not be elusive, it is mind that can not be too difficult to be found. 'Width times when law', that is also wide, wide law when the all-around, 'can not be narrow-needle', a narrow needle when it can not tolerate, the latter refers to the heart of the two looks. 又云: 'I do not seek求佛heart, the empty Sanjie known objects, but rather wants求佛heart, only this心是佛hearts. ' 达摩祖teacher says: 'I want the heart, not求佛. 'The East there are countless Buddha, the North West, there are countless number of four-dimensional whole of Buddhism, Buddha that you seek, I seek故云求佛mind. 'The known objects Sanjie empty', is the idealism Sanjie inventor heart out when they Sanjie air, an ancient saying goes: 'Sanjie no other method is the only one to make, if people know a heart, no single inch of the earth. 'So Sanjie idealism, not the heart Sanjie outside, we live in the three realms of this is entirely the idealism is, idealism created, so having the knowledge Sanjie empty cloud structures. 'Wants求佛but to the heart, only this心是佛hearts. 'Would like to achieve, they will have to out heart, the Buddha is the heart, not the Buddha as the Buddha, for Buddha is the heart, so the Pure Land through the clouds:' is心是佛is for the Buddha mind. 'Teachers teach us达摩祖heart out, that is,心是佛. Another mechanic said the first few: 'I am self-seeking hearts, and heart may not be known to be hearts, Buddha apart from a heart, the mind is the crime while he is alive. ' The first two sentences mean is: if we are to seek an hour, the heart has long been dominated by one yourself. The past must be built up to more than only the elderly Jingshe hwan, Sariputta pull with him to the baseline, suddenly burst out laughing Sariputta, the elderly and asked why he laughed, Sariputta said: 'Society has not only built-hwan, and this is just La earth, but you六欲days are reported to have been the fruit out. 'The elderly, said:' I only hope兜率陀天Health, close to the Buddha Maitreya. 'To finish the sentence六欲days subduction five days, only the immediate兜率陀天now is that the' heart and self-restraint '. Holders that hold meaning, not only Hwan Jingshe construction, only the idea of moving one, day it appeared to rewards, we do not seek the heart, has been to hold its own heart. 'Heart for the heart may not be known', the heart is very sensitive, and can not be 7:00 to know the heart, although the heart is the heart of their own, known as the Bodhi mind, also known as本心, but not before robbing the fans of this since we本心, To locate this本心, from echocardiography can not be read to seek, together with echocardiography study was less than for the heart to know it, the ancients were no spiritual enlightenment, and that one is interested to enlightenment, all of them are unintentional Road , no enlightenment, if the heart, it would not now before us, the so-called Road no. 'Buddha nature from the heart outside a', rather than outside the Buddha-heart, is on the so-called Shuiqing, Xinqing Buddha. 'Heart Health is when the crime', the mind from time to time, not only see the Buddha nature, the crime has been before now, so Buddhist people to be careful, the mind is when the crime of Health, from the heart that is poor, that is, moving read distortion, since both echocardiography study crime, found guilty also to see the Buddha do? Guilty will be reported by the fruit. We have to recognize what is clearly the heart, this is the Buddha mind, Nirvana heart, as the heart, Buddha mind, it is truly permanent, you may not understand that now simple to explain: The so-called prescribed heart trouble is not there to understand that previous heart trouble is the later, any troubles out there, and whether or not一念不feel that, no trouble since the beginning of robbing the fans of the heart, would have no trouble, would have no Heart trouble is how? We have to understand that. If the trouble would have been, no one person can achieve, as would have no trouble, we have the opportunity to achieve, if realized would have no trouble, they understand that clean trouble-free heart repair directly to the Buddha. Originally, the hearts of trouble-free what? It is our true colors, true colors without trouble, and trouble is not true, not true life and death, life and death is later, before life and death is not there no death, no life and death have been the heart of the Buddha is our heart, Nirvana heart, as the heart, Buddha mind, we have no life and death in the heart of la music practice, until the Buddha. Do you want to be out of trouble can see this clean heart Bodhi? No, there can also see trouble, trouble can not be polluted because the Buddha heart, when there is trouble, can get in trouble in the know have been trouble-free clean heart, however, must be善知识point, but also cultivate their own hard, cause two types of harmony, you can continue to worry, that is, see Bodhi. Life and death have been no, and everyone there is life and death, clean with no death, only life and death do not necessarily have to see Nirvana from the heart, in sickness and death of several decades, life and death, we can see no la YUEQING净心, but also have a point善知识that they improve the brave. What to see how hard Nirvana them? Prajna Paramita by the title says, and wants to see clean heart, to rely on the power Paramita Prajna, Prajna what? Prajna is Bulmo. Only smart people of the world, known as the world debates-chi cong, from territory taken vest is taken contrary to the heart from outside the habitat, habitat when there is a check in my vest law from throughout the academic world, outside of the school, can not leave a word I have a scholarship for me to build up, known as smart, so smart in the world certainly have my wisdom, and the smart people I see are very heavy, the more knowledge, I see the more serious. There I was for the law, Prajna is not for law, but outside the territory back to understand his own heart for the next heart I certainly do not have a heart Fawzi out the million, and 10,000 from the law always heart you! Understand the heart, the III buddhas in □ Xu,十方世界in which十方世界also clearly understand that after the heart, regardless of foreign text, and even the language of animals and birds is also clear that a language dharani, so million hearts out when the law a panacea, but certainly not me, without me is a panacea, Prajna million Chilean law. Wisdom, commonly known as wisdom, but I think it is to add the word - Bodhi, Bodhi is Prajna Moses, Buddha is Buddha, the wisdom from the Buddha is the outflow of Prajna, Prajna is not out there learning outside school, said only smart, not that Wisdom, the only way to leave out the heart, the wisdom of the mind out on the called Prajna. Background concept of the heart, eyes looking to see themselves, not the man to see himself know his own fault, to reflect their own fault washed clean, the sixth patriarch goes: 'If修道人often have passed since the see. 'Why can not we see often since passed? Because our eyes are not looking at, but man, how to see their own man, and must be reflection of the setting sun, and then only see their own too. Eyes looking at it very negative and not positive enough? No, since the view is a positive rather than negative, since one can see the extent of the naked eye in the sky will be born, is now before the eye in the sky, the sky the world can see, affect the eye in the sky and see the World of Ultimate B since read further, is now before the eye, without me, life and death of a time and space, further from view, appeared to have escaped, all the law all know that six million lines of 84,000 and even drama, able to clearly know and then also is the former佛眼,见佛realm, the so-called 32-phase, 80 kinds of good, 10, and four no fear, a total of 18 non-law, merciful, rejoicing large homes, the Buddha's virtues, one by one is clear. If we see eye to self, not outside, the five具足can, therefore, not enlisted Prajna, Prajna is looking at, since the see. Legend lives for the past sixth patriarch Services, sixth patriarch answer: 'disciples from the Heart Health and the wisdom of regular, self-chain, and is Fukuda, teaching monks at the end of the trial what works? 'The wisdom of the heart from the self-born, separated from nature, it is Fukuda, sixth patriarch known since the beginning know how to look at, but since it is difficult to see, people tend to see, since the hope that it is very rare! Therefore, since the eyes see not, ears hear not from the heart not consciously intended to not knowing, since the view from the concept, is not easy, but we must start to this place. Matsu, a former disciple of Zen Master石拱not become a major general when, like shooting deer. One day, after the Daochang Matsu, Matsu asked who he was, he said that I was hunting with disabilities, to shooting the deer and Matsu asked him a number of arrows only, he said that a one arrow and Matsu, said: 'You Do not Understand radio . ''I am not shooting, the monk does not understand radio? 'Matsu, said:' I understand radio. Arrow''a number of you only? 'Zu said:' A group of arrows. 'Hunting people said:' to each other is the people, why does a group of arrows? 'Matsu said:' If you understand this, why not from the radio? If the某甲''from radio, no start Office. ' You see, the deer have to start shooting, the shooting did not start from, the Matsu immediate praise: 'This is no历劫Han-ming, to make every moment. 'Since the radio that is to say, without its own Office to gain the upper hand, so no历劫that make every moment, he become so. Yes, you know, the断烦恼if to break one by one, take a very long time, can cut off its own, all the troubles, all clearance time. Health problems from where? And from my students without me, it尽灭trouble, so from the view, since view, is the key to the most wonderful, but no start Office. Therefore, the Prajna not seek out the vest to the environment - there is me, is a dialectical world-cong-chi, the background for the heart - without me, and out hearts of wisdom, wisdom from a chain, and is Prajna. Prajna With what? Prajna Paramita it! What is Paramita? That is, to the other side of Italy, to the buddhas, saints, on the other side of the佛土to the other side of Nirvana, to the other side of the Buddha, to the other side of light常寂simple example: back to our home. To the other side also to explain? Sixth patriarch explained most clearly: 'burning words Paramita, the cloud to the other side, just from the birth and death solution, throughout the birth and death, the water has waves, that is, to this end of the shore leave no birth and death, such as regular circulation, which were for the other side. 'Throughout the birth and death, as if the sea has waves, named on this side, to leave no birth and death, that of the other side. Therefore in order to Prajna Paramita and watch all the law not out of Health, is the other side of Nirvana, if my smart, see Yousheng have to eliminate all the law is on this side of life and death, in this world, and all have birth and death: there is land birth and death, to have the birth and death, birth and death matters, such as water has waves, this wave was different waves, Hong Kong is not in London, if the other side, to leave no birth and death, is the Pure Land, such as regular circulation, the water and another water mix , Paradise is the Po, Po is the Paradise is of the flow. With the wisdom of Prajna and watch all the Act does not of Health is immortal, all law clean, clean and competent, Wan Law merge is on the other side of that, clean Farhadi is Paramita H heart is clean, no death, no worries, unemployed impaired . To the other side, and then see as the heart, clean heart, Nirvana heart. Prajna is not an object but, Prajna not leave all the law, and not all the law, there is no phase Prajna, Prajna by saying: 'color space it is, Prajna is also empty, so I have no color, Prajna without me, it is endless color, Prajna endless color it is not bad, not bad Prajna color so clean, clean Prajna by the Bank would like to know it is clean, clean Prajna by the Bank would like to know without me there, Prajna without me, by the Bank would like to know it is empty, empty Prajna . 'So instead of leaving all the law Prajna, Prajna Mix with all laws, such as by speaking Prajna, about Twenty-two years because no-one left Prajna. Prajna looking to take care of, since the smell, and consciously, since the photos, background favor, no me, it can be a life and death, the ancient monk asked a Zen master but is: 'Does the monk, Road where? 'Master A:' Road, in front of us. ''Road in front of us, why am I not? 'Zen master said:' There I am, so no. Have I not seen'', also see whether the monks? ''There you have me, not around. ''No you without me, but also see whether? ''No you without me, who ask to see the Arab-Israeli? ' Is that if it tries to seek Wisdom, as far as possible to reduce my bailiff, to no, no, I see that the Road, see Daosheng wisdom is Prajna. Now into the text -- 【View comfortable Buddha, the Prajna Paramita deep for a long time, according to five skandhas see turn out to be fruitless. 】 Heart Sutra如是我闻why not, but at other times, the Buddha somewhere six achievements to prove that it is the Buddha? Tang, a division of Xuanzang, a Buddhist country, at home, surnamed Chan, 12-year-old brother when the monks and nuns to follow, a home, read all the classics, some classics are Kumarajiva Master translation, some translation of the classic is the Master level his statement to some doubt, it is thought to learn from their experience in India and later in Chengdu, Sichuan挂单, met an old monk, who skin disease scabies Health, are afraid to close, only the youngest Master Xuan Zang to serve him a sympathetic , for his blood to wash, drug-coated, and soon, this old monk cured disease of the skin disease scabies, his sense of the old monk modulating the ex, no that is reported by only one, can I pass him, is that the Department of the Heart Sutra, A total of 260 words, read it again, remember they went with the Master, and later translated it out, did not
Kumarajiva Master has translated this Heart Sutra, Maha Prajna Paramita Heart named After, there如是我闻words, but as the old monk Xuan Zang to Master says it is simple and fluent clear that the old monk what is it people? He is the Goddess of Mercy. Master Xuan Zang to India to learn later, after 800 in the desert, no birds, no animals of the middle one, but more than ghosts, can not read any surrender, a study by heart, all the demons hidden ghosts, battles that heart by virtue of the divine power, the success of the Buddhist scriptures in India, fifteen years after the return to China and Turkey, as a division to focus on translation of a classic. Divine Heart is the Goddess of Mercy, is the intellectual heart of the Bodhisattva Manjusri Dazhi heart of power, that is, big brokerages Samantabhadra, willing hearts, and is Ksitigarbha Buddha. The Heart Sutra is the Goddess of Mercy to teach us out heart, Fan-fu at the end of the prescribed heart trouble from operations, by the boundless suffering of life and death, so the text Zhongyun: Bodhisattva concept comfortable for a long time deep Prajna Paramita, according to five skandhas see defeat, all degrees苦厄. Teach the very beginning we have to recognize themselves, their degrees do not know can not be themselves, will be able to understand their own degrees, but also awareness of all living creatures, all creatures will be able to understand the degree of sentient beings, aware of their buddhas and sentient beings understand, so the people buddhas degrees Buddha . Kegon by saying: 'side, such as 10 years, with a total of bodies, one a wisdom, and strength so fearless. 'Tathagata 10 side with a heart, no two hearts, the heart of Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha and the same heart, the heart of Sakyamuni Tathagata optical glass and pharmacists Tathagata's heart is the same, so 10 is a power measureless Buddha heart, Heart Health back to the audience, all different, because the hearts of all living creatures is妄心, how would the妄心the same, you have your jump, jump and I have mine, a hundred people jump to 100 people, the so-called people's minds different from one another . What is the concept of self? On the machine, the drug loading of the disease, not only robbed of all sentient beings, the Buddha back its own concept of law to stop the heart, dorsal view of Bodhi mind is very dangerous, it may not be comfortable to all law and was tied by law, from the concept of Bodhi Heart color, coloring it, in order to color the tie may not be comfortable, away from the Bodhi闻声heart, then dyed voice was the voice of the tie may not be comfortable, away from the Bodhi Heart olfactory fragrance, dye for the incense for the tie-xiang not comfortable, away from the Bodhi Heart speech of the spoken and written language, and not comfortable, feel touch from the Bodhi mind, ignorant of the Law, which tied for the touch-dust may not be comfortable, where it had? Back by their own view of the heart of all law, of all law, shall be free to all law, law dorsal view of the heart if the heart prescribed method air, too comfortable to all law, the Goddess of Mercy of the 'concept' word, not concept of law told us that if the concept of gold, may have stolen the heart: the concept of color shading and watch people who are seeking, there is a need to leave - from the three realms of habitats, from the Habitat六尘from people throughout the days, and, from the current environment, and the concept of their own heart, is no concept of the heart, the heart empty silence throughout all如幻such as law, and to all law was comfortable. Great Mercy repent, the Goddess of Mercy says: 'I if the刀山,刀山since摧折, if I向火soup, soup from the depletion of the fire, if I am to hell, since the elimination of hell, to the hungry, if I, hungry from the full I if the Shura, nausea调伏since, if I am to the animals, life wisdom. 'Goddess of Mercy concept of heart, to all law was comfortable, at ease concept named. Bomun goods goes: If the intended victim Hing, pushed onto the big fire,念彼Guanyin, and the fire pit into a pond - in a comfortable fire. Giant sea or drifting, the various ghosts Scleropages difficult念彼Guanyin, and waves can not not - get comfortable in the water. Wang difficult or hard, the Provisional Criminal For end-of-life,念彼Guanyin, and knife search the bad paragraph - in the rare Wang comfortable. Or the value of resentment around the thief, the执刀hurt,念彼Guanyin, and salt that is起慈心- thieves in a comfortable resentment. Goddess of Mercy is not only comfortable in a variety of rare, in the three-drug may also ease贪嗔痴also manned the Goddess of Mercy St. No. a free people. If a woman desires for men, worship dependent Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, then Ford Health men of wisdom, desire for women, they have a correct phase Health Friends - men seeking women in order to get comfortable. But the Goddess of Mercy dependent, and manned to support the merit of Buddha恒河沙same - more than one so-called comfortable. He should be a body, that is who He is and for that - are very comfortable to all. Some people 'concept of self' concept of their own means, then what is their own? Understanding of their own, the people themselves is: just because the people lost the Buddha, the people know they have a knowledge of Buddhism, Buddha is not a fan of all living creatures, sentient beings have no degrees of fans, fans will not见佛, by the people as the Buddha is certainly sentient beings to recognize, like steamed bread, dumplings, as for the flour, wheat flour Therefore we must understand. See below, according to five skandhas turn out to be fruitless, five skandhas is color, by, like, trip, know how to turn out to be fruitless five skandhas according to see it? Prajna use, and Prajna is not enlisted, but was found inside. Five skandhas themselves, five skandhas air, all degrees苦厄, if five skandhas the review, will not be able to understand their own, so everyone is Buddhist, a Buddhist does not know who it was five skandhas the review, therefore, has to increase Prajna force, the so-called long-line deep Prajna Paramita, according to five skandhas see turn out to be fruitless. However, this' deep 'word is very important, as the deep Prajna Mahayana, Theravada Prajna as small, I think this is the Mahayana's deep Prajna Prajna, Prajna must deep, we are Buddhist, the Buddha of it from where? You see! Made him look deep to see is not all that easy in the end, the Tathagata, and no never, nor the last, named Tathagata, we look at the Buddhist who does not have to, the only place to see him out on the Straight from the place of them are listed, there is no诸法to, the former can not see to the Agency, if the past, the Tathagata is not no never, but has never, since no Tathagata has, by佛号has no , did not have to point in that deep, deep Prajna not reflect the diversity at the end. Although can not see where to佛号, but into another world, and this cloud of evil the world would be empty, no matter what you look to see who is Buddhist see Buddha himself, to see his speech to see how Health to go dead, not to all law, the deep! Deep! It is known as the deep Prajna Prajna. Some people have Shangen, when the physical space of meditation, he so frightened, and must not panic, although the physical space, but also at the end of the heart empty it! Physical space, the heart will show, you see the heart, the heart of the wishful thinking there is immeasurable, you can not see these delusions, the paranoia is not Wuliangshan Health, then your heart will be presented to Nirvana, so in the deep Prajna , according to Goddess of Mercy, said five skandhas see defeat. Is five skandhas sentient beings, that is, five skandhas themselves, that if Members wish to understand themselves, that is your own five skandhas, implies that the covering of Italy, covering five skandhas Buddha, Bodhi Heart was reviewed by five skandhas must be empty five skandhas , appeared before Buddha to heart: We are now the heart of the heart known as paranoia, not Buddha heart, not known as the Road, the heart, I can say is right and wrong, greed贪利of the heart, see Bodhi five skandhas empty heart, starting from the Bodhi heart repair , direct repair to the Buddha. Health nirvana to air five skandhas: Yun-robbing color is muddy, turbid trouble is to Yun, see Yun-cloud is affected by, and everyone is muddy Yun-line, life is识蕴muddy, empty five skandhas will be able to see from the World of Ultimate Bliss of Amitabha, the Pure Land idealism. Shakya佛所说all the classics, and have taught us five skandhas space, such a course, the Heart Sutra, Amitabha五浊that is, from the air by five skandhas, after Lotus由旬to 500 Po, the 500 is five skandhas由旬, and the solution of deep secret八识by air, transfer into a four-八识intellect, is八识five skandhas, by Yun-眼耳鼻舌身know is that dust is the color of the Yun-5, the sixth sense is to Yun, the seventh Yun-line knowledge is, the eighth is the eighth consciousness识蕴, is five skandhas八识Therefore, Consciousness-only teaching八识percent of us turn to the intellect, not to teach us what people were similar, namely, to empty八识five skandhas, four-chi that is Buddha nature, which is the heart Bodhi. 'Deep Prajna Paramita line for a long time' the 'when' the words have to explain: Consciousness-only by all the law changes, the idealism is, when referring to the past, present, future, past, present future deep Prajna line, the so-called non-past may, in the past have Prajna, the future can not be a future there Prajna, and now can not get, and now it is Prajna, when, that is not the past, the future was now, deep Prajna Paramita named for a long time line. The great Prajna六百卷thousand words, as summarized in the Diamond Sutra, the Diamond Sutra thousand words then concentrated to more than 200 words is the Heart Sutra, Heart Sutra and then I now condensed into one, that is, 'according to See five skandhas turn out to be fruitless'. Goddess of Mercy according to five skandhas absolutely see the future, according to the Buddha also turn out to be fruitless five skandhas see, in the past according to the Buddha also see five skandhas negatived, Buddhist people who now have to defeat five skandhas According to see the road is one such line, According to see the five skandhas turn out to be fruitless, and then condensed into a single word - according to! According to that is to take care of, everyone able to take care of, for example, must go out with a child care, do not take care of will fall, or lost, the road to take care of you, do not take care of manure will follow abusive, or fall into the pit, the speech also to look after, do not say the wrong thing will take care of, we should take care of Buddha, when we realized that they can take care of when the officiating ceremony of deserted, induction Road Fushigi difficult to pay, so a worship ceremony,口诵heart when chanting thinking, with the text into the concept, to take care of their meaning will be found in endless argumentation, will be able to address, as in token,持咒also be taken care of, take care of the voice out from the place, if care to see, followed it into the to be able to入定a入定, the world would be empty, from this side of life and death to the other side of Nirvana, the dirt from the Po to Birobong of the sea. Past a monk, a very bad temper, to his list of Division知客, he plea of repentance, then the phrase only in the Tibetan incense lamp floor, when, as one who大悲咒, hard day and night, studying for three years, followed by a word大悲咒A word to the other side of Nirvana.持咒is a drama-free, respectively, can follow a word into a word to be able to leave this world, to another land to meditation, commonly known as Samadhi. How Zen? More to take care of Zen, meditation hall known as the thread of her conversation to take care of, always to take care of the thread of her conversation, but I do not know how you take care of the thread of her conversation, that is, do not know how to take care of this, and groping in the know, do not understand in the Senate in the study, who do not know I do not know everything do not know, they call you, you do not know, they hit you, you do not understand, they seek, and you do not know, people struggle for power, you do not know, I am a non-person, you do not know, and both sexes are Who? Do not know, in this place, do not prevent a year do not know, do not kno虚云old monk Participation 'who dragged dead bodies', line line I do not know - do not know, eat food I do not know - do not know, turn a blind eye to - not understand, finally, do not understand the situation of the suspect cut off, they realized over, according to five skandhas see defeat, five skandhas space is Prajna, Prajna is the Buddha. Therefore, we must make an effort to use a 'according to' word all the time to take care of themselves, have to take care of moving an idea,善念can be saved,恶念to destroy, we move an idea of where to take care of this study, the care Where to Go in this study, can take care of their own mind, the Bank would like to know by air, if the color of the body to take care of themselves, the physical space, but the heart is not empty, paranoia out of Health birth and death, to see the rough paranoid, then rough paranoia is off, changing the fine paranoia, paranoia like water, like small, ancient stream known as Birth and Death Note, it is called an acute elderly Zhaozhou water balloon fight, believed not to stay, such as falls, like birth and death also see no, in fact, micro - keep birth and death, and then take care, birth and death have been out,寂灭is now before the heart can be empty and owned entirely by the according to the word. Therefore, do not have to practice, according to five skandhas see turn out to be fruitless, according to pay attention to that word, as far as what? According to themselves, their five skandhas is the person without five skandhas, five skandhas have been empty, when fans come up only when there is no understanding, an ancient saying goes: Yun-like poly-color foam, by Yun-like blisters, whether suffered by the Philharmonic, soon the past, would like Yang Yun Yan, paranoia is not really playing anything, the Yun-like banana, peeling off layers, stripping it into the final air, as if turned into识蕴. All苦厄】 【degrees Prajna according to five skandhas to see turn out to be fruitless,火宅the three realms. 【Relic is诸法phase space, not have eternal, not the net does not scale, not by reduction. 】 Prajna function, according to five skandhas see defeat, five skandhas space can all苦厄degrees, all degree苦厄do, and then only to see the clean诸法phase purity of alias is empty, so called empty诸法phase. 诸法is the true phase space,诸法is also the reality of space, did not leave empty诸法phase故云is empty诸法phase, for example, is an empty life and death phase, when the fans thought so, in order to view Prajna of, was empty of life and death, not life and death and then left the Nirvana, is empty of life and death unfolds la oar: Wisdom According to see trouble is empty, empty is the Bodhi trouble, and everyone is already empty, there is no sentient beings who have灭度all law is empty of reality, reflect the diversity of all from this year, does not of Health is immortal, not the net does not scale, not by reduction. Not all law students in the water can have on students? None of Health. Are there any out on the water? No reduction. No Health without the water on by all law nor by non-Health. Also the water垢秽on there? - No, there are the moon in the water effluent, but are not stained by water, also on clean water, clean water is not stained, not net故云not scale. 'Neutrality', the sea tide twice a day, the water will not increase, at low tide twice a day, will not be reduced, so all creatures Buddha, the Buddha would not increase, no Buddha, the Buddha will not reduce the ,生净土, Buddha is not clean, falling to hell, Buddha is not pollution, Fan-fu轮迥have life and death, there is no Buddha without Health death, equivalent to void - to go out to the dark and empty and no Health without silencers,无垢without a net, non-increasing cut. 【Former air colorless, non-affected firms would like to know. 】 诸法实相phase in the air, the colorless suspension would like to know the five skandhas line, so buddhas Nyorai never painted, touched by the Bank would like to know,诸法phase space, the non-five skandhas available, reflect the diversity of various Act phase space nor a sentient beings, Diamond Sutra says: '灭度measureless limitless sentient beings, there is no sentient beings who have灭度. 'Is the intention. In诸法实相, the availability of colorless, color is of诸法air phase, air phase within the phase can be a colorless, non-楞严咒, available大悲咒words, there is no Diamond Sutra availability of the text, reflect the diversity of air colorless. Colorless, they are empty, no subject line would like to know, but also the air, the so-called death of physically and mentally, who hollow space before the Buddha, that is because our body is not empty, it is suffering sickness and death, the heart is not empty, it Yousheng live to eliminate differences, if the empty body, sickness and death without suffering, empty heart, no different to live out of Health, both mental and physical death, is now before the Buddha, the Buddhist, is very simple, very real things. 【耳鼻舌身意eyes.】 耳鼻舌身意eye, known as the 6, the root meaning to be born, the root is the plot Runsheng industry, such as seeing color, see color when the time, or evil, as, or peep, so they work, and as seen since the gold Pirates of the heart, see beautiful women from淫心, see name of greed, see fresh bulimia, the eye due to the root and the plot industry. 6 clean air that is not for no solution, the root space Tathagata eyes, born the naked eye, eye in the sky, eye, eye,佛眼,具足5, so the root should be empty eyes, otherwise it will work, suggestible So, if Air suggestible, all right and wrong,淫词songs, people will work, nose tongue body as well as Italy, the so-called six thieves for media, since the robbery Jiabao, that is, six of six thieves, robbed of a treasure as the Buddha. Prajna view to see the诸法is empty of reality, reflect the diversity eyes耳鼻舌身意phase space is not free, is empty, it is clean. 【Colorless voice fragrance law. 】 Color sound六尘smell the law is, is dust pollution have been able to clean the Buddha covered, such as dust from greedy eyes color, color dust covering Buddhism, in the case of dust from persistent voice heard, with effect from nasal olfactory香尘, and tongue to taste the taste of dust musicians, dressed in touch dust, dust缘法Italy, covering all Buddha. 六尘six pairs, six air六尘had to keep pace with air, if life and death is 6六尘check, if the six reflection of the setting sun, a full-reflux is Nirvana, the Goddess of Mercy, from the Wen Xiu Si, into the samadhi , is suggestible, sniff back since, and of as supreme Road, suggestible Gossipy Remarks will be made to listen to non-crime, if suggestible hear back, away from the sound of dust, and so will try to make you into Ching. Practice must be from people六尘, monks and nuns from六尘is the so-called monks, is a六尘House, for example, from novices to quit entirely六尘kill stealing wine sex五戒jump, lay at home can also be affected, but the monks ring In addition: 6. Do not sing do not dance, do not listen to the concept is sound and color from the house dust. 7. Man does not wear flowers, non-oil coated body, is a香尘homes. 8. Do not sit high the majority of bed, is a touch of home dust. 9. Afternoon do not have food, not diet贪着flavor, a flavor house dust. 10. Hands do not catch the gold and silver treasures, house dust-out method [respectively, the number of treasures I have is a dust]. 【Without vision or even unconsciousness sector. 】 Beware, ears knowledge, knowledge nose, tongue, knowledge, body awareness, consciousness, a total of six known as the knowledge, together with six六尘, known as十八界, is十八界sentient beings, including 6,六尘from the middle six knowledge.六尘ignorance, there are sleep six and six, respectively, from knowledge, but no 6, respectively, such as seeing objects, not the length of a radius of, respectively, respectively, by the crooks, can only hear the voice of suggestible, are not male, female, wind, fire sound, are, respectively, to its knowledge, all creatures出离生死refused because they have a passion for six, six knowledge,六尘in打圈within十八界from non-sentient beings that十八界, this so-called non-故彼No, that is, all living creatures十八界Hop,故彼have故云here, and everyone would have space, if not six,六尘, six knowledge, how can the people there, but the people are not willing to lay down their十八界, 18 Buddha covering industry, all by former Health, 6 cycle with no period. The past, one holding flowers Fanzhi worship Buddha, Thie-Tzuen told him 'put forward', Fanzhi the flowers left on the ground, Thie-Tzuen said 'put forward', Fanzhi the flowers and lay down their right hand, Thie-Tzuen said 'lay down their a ', Fanzhi asked:' I handed down the Huadu, Thie-Tzuen What should I put down? 'Thie-Tzuen said:' I want you to put aside six months, down六尘outside, down the middle of the six knowledge,十八界put together, can not be put on the Department, the Department is that you settle down. 'Fanzhi instant enlightenment. We are now about six 6六尘did not lay down their knowledge, the Buddha十八界covering want to see Buddha, we must put aside十八界. Prajna in view, no vision or even unconsciousness community, had no十八界,十八界air, clean十八界is诸法实相is the Buddha. 【No ignorance, nor do non-prescribed. 】 What is ignorance?十八界all living creatures can not be put down, covering十八界Buddha, Buddha nature is unknown, members of non-prescribed, by saying: 'really Since unpunctuality and一念不sleep, and whether or not prescribed. ' Everyone really, but not abiding by their own positions by saying: 'is a living law, and the world with the resident. 'Shou-self is really, really do not observe from the Fan-fu, and一念不sleep and take such action, whether it is prescribed, non-prescribed non-entities, with no line out there must be, the so-called not feel there is no tomorrow, take such action is to visit line at good, evil, fixed line, known as the industry overall, the there must be knowledge, good deeds have a good knowledge, there are evil evil knowledge, there is a fixed fixed knowledge, firms that trade, industry, people who know - for example, See Water is water, there are days Tianye know - see the water, such as glass, there are hungry hungry industry knowledge - see the water into the flames. With knowledge, industry knowledge led around reborn, maternal knowledge and the father of precision, the three geo-Hop from birth, is the name of color, color is fine maternal parent, their own knowledge is the heart, the heart has its own name without the role of Therefore, as of color, a change of color on the 7th, after the five四十九日cell: that is, head, hands, feet, six months after maturity, there are six六尘to function, it is known as the six income, children born with六尘touch with the so-called margin of six to touch, touch habitats have suffered there is music, is subject to, the margin by touch, by the results reported by the fruit of Health Department of the heart time, so by the edge of love, if music by the love of their long together, if its regular苦受from love, love All love from the Health check, check that the operations that form the rationale in favor of a good business, not the rationale in favor of an evil industry, so check margin there is, that is, industry, there are industry Yousheng it, it is老病死忧悲Health distress. Prescribed by the non-edge line, the edge of knowledge, geographical knowledge of color, name color to the edge of the six, six to the geo-touch, touch by the edge, the edge of love, by the margin of check, check edge there, sickness and death忧悲yuan distress, were 10 Second cause, if Prajna-chi, and ignorance is to eliminate poverty line, poverty lines are out knowledge, knowledge of color is to eliminate poverty, while six of color to the eradication of poverty, six out to eliminate the touch, touch-out are subject to destruction by poverty eradication is love, love to eliminate the check out, check out there are out there to eliminate the birth and death, birth and death are out老病死忧悲distress, cause 12 is empty, you can permit辟支佛fruit, if Prajna诸法reflection of reality, not only no ignorance, no Fan-fu's no tomorrow, there is no non-prescribed辟支佛do. 【Well as non-dead, do not dead. 】 No Fan-fu of the dead, the dead do not辟支佛. Prajna concept to all law, the law can go beyond the world that the world beyond the law - do not specify. 【Out without苦集Road. 】 Hard, set out, Road, known as四圣谛write that the real meaning, not辟支佛Road四圣谛is the Ocean Road, Thie-Tzuen Falun three to twelve lines, showing people二乘Famen四谛: 1, showing the phase change This is a hard, forced sex - refers to the people at the fruit is bitter, sickness and death coupled with the deprivation and illness, is struggling, that is, happiness is the capricious, Lok suffer bad health, suffering a bad name, to enjoy the joy of meditation is also a uncertainty, firms are suffering, there are hard Sanjie Therefore, bad plight, the plight is the plight of the three, as well as eight suffering: birth, old age, sickness and death,爱别离,怨憎will be, and shall not,五阴Flourishing wait, I wonder if the people suffer, so that hard of Tathagata. This is a set of emotional trick - how to hard? Is himself, and who集谛, set a sense of justice that trick,贪嗔痴everyone has troubles, troubles for the killing of three to jump, such as Pirates of sex industry, by industry and a sense of the eight suffered strokes, it is hard fruit industry is trouble suffering from. This is the destruction of available evidence - to eliminate because of the bitter fruit of bitter灭谛called, is苦尽Nirvana. This is the Road, repairable and - because of the bitter fruit of bitter anti-religious needs, is a seamless道谛law, seamless repair law, life and death does not leak down. Second, amendments to persuade This is hard, Yu should know - also known that sleep, sleep [hard] Health no Health, sleep [hard] to live without shelter, sleep [hard] to eliminate non-eradication. Health had no sleep, how are they bitter, so bitter谓此, Yu should know. This is set to be broken Ru - Set is trouble, trouble can be broken, how to break it? To sleep, sleep that is set without set off set, this is a故云, Yu should be broken. This is to eliminate, Ru should permit - how to permit this? Suffered because of the bitter fruit of 'out' and the 'out' a result of birth, no not out of Health, birth and death have been out,寂灭is now before the permit is clouds. This is the Road, Ru should be revised - is to be revised, such as the observance will have to quit, not observance no, there will be revised, not to repair no, there are Hui断惑constantly no, Ru故云should be revised. Amendment 37 is the so-called religious goods to help Road:四念处, four are ground,如意足four, five, five, and seven teams sleep, eight right way, there are three seamless: The ring, set, Hui. Third, a permit to This is hard, I am known, not even to know: This is the se


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