军团要塞不掉武器了2 间谍伪装后能切换伪装角色的武器吗?

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  先为新手引入一个基础概念:背刺 。背刺,顾名思义就是从敌人背后进行攻击,间谍的匕首如果进行普通攻击,其威力只有43-87点伤害,而如果进行背刺,那么可以直接是对方致命。实践证明,如果通过插件实现无限生命值,受到间谍背刺,那么还是可以致命的。
  对火箭兵(Soldier):火箭兵是你的主要目标之一。如果你遇到一个正在前进的火箭兵,那么你可以利用你的速度优势绕到他背后进行背刺,这种方法很简单。但是如果你遇到一个有医生加血的火箭,那要先背刺医生,如果没有刺中,那么立即背刺火箭兵(一般背刺火箭很容易刺中的),如果你没有足够把握刺中医生,那么你就直接进攻火箭兵。如果你都没有刺中(- -!),那么先隐身逃跑吧~当你被火箭兵发现时,不要逃跑,掏出手枪,和他拼一把,因为你隐身逃跑,火箭兵可以很容易通过爆炸伤害干掉你的。间谍遇到火箭兵,不要轻易放弃,干掉一个火箭兵对团队的前进有很大作用的。
发布时间: 09:44:35
作者:Dustin Treece
《军团要塞2》(Xbox 360—-多人游戏)
类别和不同游戏风格的有效平衡,甚至是在发行几年后也不存在什么主导策略。通过平衡点和奖 励去解释每个类别的特定才能(如医师能够通过治愈伤者获得点数,工程师能够通过联系队友并利用哨兵杀死地方而获得点数,狙击手和间谍可以分别通过打爆敌人 的头以及瞬间杀死对方而获得双倍点数)。
地图是专门为每种游戏类型所设计的(每张地图代表一种游戏类型,如2 Fory便是针对于夺旗的地图),如此便允许每张地图的设计都带有一个游戏目标,而不是一张地图必须适应各种游戏类型。
Game Analysis Team Fortress 2
by Dustin Treece
Team Fortress 2 (Xbox 360 – Multiplayer)
Excellent balance between classes and different styles of play, no dominant strategies are present, even several years after its release. Points and rewards are balanced to take account for each class’ specific talents (medic gets points for healing, engineer gets points for teleporting teammates and getting kills with his sentry, snipers and spies get double points for getting headshot and backstab instant kills respectively).
Widely varied playstyles associated with each individual class makes for many different meaningful roles for players (set up defenses as an engineer, sneak behind enemy lines and takeout key targets as the spy, ambush players at close range and cause massive damage as a pyro, run in firing rockets at anything that moves as a soldier)
Maps are each designed specifically for each game type that is played there (one gametype per map (e.g. 2 Fort is a map which is exclusively for capture the flag), which allows each map to be designed with one game objective in mind, instead of one map having to accommodate various gametypes).
The mechanics of each class promote teamwork. (Each class has specific weaknesses and strengths, but by working together with players of other classes, their weakness can be masked and their strengths exemplified. Examples: The Medic is weak, but is makes his teammates stronger through his healing, over-healing and ubercharge. The engineer can use his sentry to hold areas single handedly, but is extremely vulnerable to spies and players that can get a good angle to hit the sentry to kill it without being shot. The engineer depends on his teammates to deal with combat classes trying to take out his sentry and to “spy check” for him).
The mechanics of each character’s movement, weapons and playstyles support their personalities and help flesh them out as characters. (Examples: The Heavy is slow, but has the highest damage dealing gun in the game, which enforces his love affair with his gun “Sasha” and his affinity for sandviches. The scout is fast moving and primarily only effective at close range, he’s best used for hit-and-run style of play. This makes sense with his big-talking and in-your-face attitude that has him move in to just long enough to grab a quick kill, and maybe make a smart comment, and then run away).
The game has no real tutorial for new players. Each map has a short video explaining what to do on it, but no tutorials for any of the classes or any of the finer elements of gameplay like how the spy’s disguise works or how to build and upgrade the engineer’s creations.
Given that the game has a major focus on teamwork, and teamwork is tremendously benefited by communication, it would be ideal for them to include a way for players without microphones to communicate to their teammates, other than just calling for medic.
The game on the 360 is also plagued by many game-breaking glitches where players can travel through walls, and shot through them without being able to be shot back. Combine this with the engineer’s sentry gun, and it can become almost impossible for a team to overcome another team using this glitch.
Many updates and extra features were added to the PC version of the game, which fixed many of the game’s issues. However, almost none of these were implemented on the Xbox counterpart, which is a failure in ignoring a fairly large section of the game’s audience.
Game contained a leaderboard that compared how many points each player earned in his or her best game. However, because players could earn points through various methods, they could vary easily just start a game and spend 8 hours going through their own teleporter (because the player earned a ? a point each time someone used the teleporter). Needless to say, the leaderboard became useless instantly. Besides, the game is focused primarily on team-based play, not individual performance, so the game had no reason to include an individual leaderboard in the first place.
The spy has a very cool trick where he can disguise as a member of the opposing team, however he is only ever holding one type of gun for each class, which is often a dead giveaway. Perhaps it would be better for the player to get randomly assigned a weapon for the class when they disguise as it or have the option of choosing which weapon they’d like to appear to be holding.
Pyros wear gear that presumably protects them from the flames that they spray, but pyros take damage from the flames of other pyros, which doesn’t make sense.
The aesthetics for the Red and Blu bases are different, besides just the color. Blu is more industrialized and clean while Red typically has more of a country western look, with run down wooden structures. It is odd that these two teams come from completely opposing environments, but each class, besides the color, looks exactly the same as the same class from the other team. It would be interesting to see the industrial/western looks expressed in the character models as well.
Expanding the amount of classes available would add even greater variety to the gameplay. So long as they’re carefully balanced with the rest of the classes, it wouldn’t upset the balance of the game. Why not add a flying or jetpack class that would take advantage of the verticality of many of the maps. It would also fit in well with the tech and atmosphere of the game’s aesthetics.
Fix the game breaking glitches that allow player to get through walls or on top of the “skybox”.
Change some of the points in Hydro to make them more balanced, as current design of the map leads to each iteration being balanced differently, which frequently results in specific iterations of the map largely favoring one team over the other.
Add more maps or allow for different gametypes to take place in already available maps where they’d work (e.g. Capture the flag on Well).
Allow for more communication from players without microphones. The PC version does this with a type chat and several shout commands that players can use to express themselves, without the use of a microphone. Opening up a scroll wheel of shout commands if the player presses a direction on the d-pad would enable players to quickly communicate with each other. The d-pad is used for switching weapons in game, but every class only has 3 weapons, so one direction (usually left) is never used.()
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