
技术大牛:DOTA2特效反和谐 血溅五步
& & 作者:yhcyhc123&
  2. 解压文件包到相应的位置:
  Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota_lv\
  解压完以后 路径应该有
  Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota_lv\particles\units\heroes
  客户端:(我没有国服客户端 如果路径有误 希望吧友提醒)
  Dota2\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota_lv\
  解压完以后 路径应该有
  Dota2\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota_lv\particles\units\heroes
  如果你为了皮肤反和谐把 dota_lv文件夹删除,可以自己创建一个 dota_lv文件夹。注意是dota_lv,很多吧友创建的时候会创建成 dota2_lv,这个是错误的。
  STEAM路径,例图(heroes文件夹下应该有6个文件 包括3个新的小狗,和神灵):
  hero_axe.pcf 斧王特效文件
  hero_bloodseeker.pcf 特效文件
  hero_huskar.pcf 神灵(单车)武士特效文件
  hero_life_stealer.pcf 小狗特效文件
  hero_phantom_assassin.pcf PA特效文件
  hero_sandking.pcf 特效文件
  在启动项中输入-override_vpk,启动游戏即可(如果已经有-console -perfectworld等启动项代码,就是把这个代码输入最后面即可,中间记得有空格,比如 -console -perfectworld -override_vpk 这样的格式)。
  右键库中的Dota 2选择属性-&常规-&设置启动选项(如下图所示):
  dota2\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\materials\models\creeps
  下载好以后 把文件放入其他几个文件在的地方 也就是:
  dota2(或者steam)\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota_lv\particles\units\heroes
  附部分测试效果图:For general feedback about the game.
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June 30, 2016 - Dota Team
The teams are set and the last leg on the road to The International 2016 has now begun. This weekend only, make the most of the remaining Battle Pass season and start the final push to Seattle with a discounted Battle Level boost and treasure haul. From now until Monday, July 4, Battle Pass customers can purchase a
containing 50 Battle Levels, 2x Immortal Treasure I, 2x Immortal Treasure II, and 2x Collector’s Cache—for only $14.99. Limited to one purchase per customer, this bundle offers over 60% savings on the combined value of the levels and treasures. As with other Battle Pass purchases, 25% of all sales will contribute directly to The International 2016 prize pool.
Today’s update will also grant Battle Points for correct Regional Qualifier predictions. Check out your point totals in the Battle Points Log, or head over to Qualifier Predictions section of the Compendium to see exactly which of your predictions paid off.
June 29, 2016 - Dota Team
Congratulations to the twelve teams that battled through the Open and Regional Qualifiers to earn invitations to . While eight of those squads have placed safely into the Main Event alongside the six direct invites, the four Wild Card teams still must face off in Seattle for the final two tournament spots, each one aiming to replicate CDEC’s amazing wildcard-to-finals run from last year’s tournament. With the Group Stage set to kick off in five short weeks, preparations are in full swing, and now that the qualifiers have concluded, all of the pieces are nearly in place.
June 23, 2016 - Dota Team
, and includes items for Windranger, Undying, Riki, Morphling, Lich, Earthshaker, Mirana, and Invoker. All Battle Pass owners can find their unlocked treasure ready to open in the Armory. This treasure features escalating odds—each one you open increases your chances to receive a bonus rare Mirana item, a very rare golden version of the Riki item, or an ultra rare Invoker Immortal bundle, each with their own independent escalating odds chance. Level up your Battle Pass to unlock more treasures. 25% of all level sales will go directly to The International 2016 prize pool. Head over to the
for a preview of the custom spell effects contained in the new Immortal Treasure.
As another bonus for Battle Pass owners, we have also added new in-game Battle Predictions, which will allow in-client spectators of the Regional Qualifiers to make predictions based on in-game events. Correctly guess the number of Roshan kills, the hero with the highest net worth, which team will destroy the first barracks, and much more—the available predictions will differ each game. Make enough correct calls to earn up to three Achievements and their accompanying Battle Point rewards. Each correct prediction will be added to your overall tally and can be tracked in the Achievement tab until all three are completed.
For a chance at more Battle Points, click over to the Compendium section of your Battle Pass to predict which teams will win the four Regional Qualifiers and punch their tickets to Seattle. With the Open Qualifiers wrapping up on June 24, and the Regionals set to run June 25 – 28, make sure to get your predictions in before 7:00 p.m. PDT on June 24.
This update also includes added support for resizing the mouse cursor in the Options menu, a change to reduce hitching when watching replays, and some improvements to bot behavior. Additionally, the inaugural Battle Cup is almost here, and details on the beta tournament will be available soon.
June 19, 2016 - Dota Team
The International 2016 Main Event is just seven weeks away, and we are pleased to announce the six teams that have received direct invites to compete in Seattle, as well as those that have the opportunity to battle through the Regional Qualifiers to earn a place in the biggest tournament of the year. Head over to the
to see the directly-invited teams and the squads slated for Regional Qualifier action—which will run June 25 – 28. The top two teams from each region will earn invites to The International. Third-place finishers will also make the trip to Seattle for the Wild Card round, where they fight to secure one of the final two spots in the tournament.
To round out the Regional Qualifier pool, aspiring teams can once again enter into the Open Qualifiers for a chance to break into the professional scene and compete against the world’s best. Faceit (Americas, Europe, Southeast Asia) and Perfect World (China) are organizing the four Open regional tournaments running June 21 – 24, and the top two teams from each Open Qualifier will receive an invite to their respective Regional Qualifier. If you think you have what it takes to lane against the Dota elite, follow the links at the bottom of the announcement page to register your team.
Good luck to all participants. We look forward to welcoming the 18 teams to Seattle.
June 12, 2016 - Dota Team
Congratulations to OG for their Manila Major Championship. They had an impressive run through the Upper Bracket, taking down Natus Vincere, MVP Phoenix and Newbee. Team Liquid defeated five different teams in the Lower Bracket as they climbed their way back up to face OG in the Grand Finals. OG secured the victory by defeating Team Liquid 3-1, earning them an impressive second Major Championship title.
With The Manila Major behind us, teams set their sights on The International taking place this August. The Open Qualifiers will be kicking off June 21st, with the Regional Qualifiers right afterwards on June 25th.
In preparation for The International, a balance focused patch will be released today. In the 6.88 update you will find various minor balance tweaks geared towards ironing out some rough edges as we head into ESL Frankfurt next weekend and The International Qualifiers the following week. Head over to the
page to read up on the changes in the 6.88 gameplay update.
June 6, 2016 - Dota Team
After two days of intense Group Stage matches, the Main Event brackets are set, and the spotlights of Mall of Asia Arena are ready to shine down on the world-class players battling for the Manila Major trophy. If you missed any of the action, here is a handy thread over on
to catch you up.
The show will open on Tuesday 9:15 a.m. Philippines time. The first Upper Bracket match will kick off at 10:00 a.m, featuring a Team Liquid squad eager to erase the memories of Grand Finals defeat in Shanghai and a rising MVP Phoenix team that capped Group Stage play with a decisive and quick 2-0 victory over reigning International Champions Evil Geniuses. The second Upper Bracket match will follow soon after, pitting a renewed Na’Vi crew that has yet to lose a single match this tournament against scrappy Frankfurt Major Champions OG. With a mid-lane matchup of long-time fan favorite Dendi versus rising young star Miracle-, each backed up by crafty rotating supports, fans of the early-game laning phase won’t want to miss a moment.
Upon completion of the first two UB series, the focus will shift to the four Lower Bracket best-of-one elimination matches. In a bracket where reigning International Champions EG and reigning Shanghai Major Champions Team Secret—along with former International Champions Alliance—face elimination in their first games of the Main Event, fans of each will need to place their hopes into the dynamics of one lone draft of picks and bans, and hope their favorite players are up to the ensuing challenge. With entire tournament lives on the line, there’s no telling what to expect.
On Wednesday, play will resume at 10:00 a.m. when the former International Champions and current qualifier team Newbee—also yet to lose a match this tournament—face off against fellow qualifier Digital Chaos, the upstart new squad determined to prove they belong amongst the world’s elite. Following up will be stalwart LGD Gaming against home-crowd favorites Fnatic, whom take the stage aiming to eventually hoist the champion’s trophy in front of SEA’s most dedicated fans.
Stay caught up with all the action from the Mall of Asia Arena in the Featured section of the in-client Watch tab, or head over to the
to tune into the live stream once the broadcast begins. With the Grand Finals slated for Sunday, June 12th, there are countless hours of top-level Dota to enjoy in the week to come.
If you are unsure when games start in your time zone, please use this .Dota2steam国服设置方法介绍 最简单最快捷地设置好你的steam
13:19 | 责任编辑:Keel | 内容来源:全球电竞网 |
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