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同类热门推荐波西·杰克逊与魔兽之海(Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters)_电影双语字幕_VOA英语网
波西·杰克逊与魔兽之海(Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters)
我宁愿发羊癫疯 I would lick a pair of cloven hooves
也不想看到你受克拉丽斯的影响 before I let you listen to Clarisse instead of us.
别见怪葛洛夫 No offense, Grover.
没关系这是我的荣幸 None taken. Is that an offer?
听着克拉丽斯优秀又怎么了 Listen, it doesn't matter what Clarisse has done.
对人马喀戎和酒神先生来说 To Chiron and Mr. D,
你还是无可替代的 you're still the rock star.
佩里&约翰逊 Perry Johnson!
其实我叫波西&杰克逊 Actually, it's Percy Jackson, sir.
无所谓 Whatever.
我有个非常重要的任务要交给你 I have a very important task to entrust you with.
真的 You do?
事关整个营地的福利 Yes, it's a critical assignment.
所以也很辛苦 And it's very taxing.
有没有信心 Can I trust you?
当然 Of course.
好的给你这个 Good. You'll need this.
有些活动你懂的会把场地弄脏 Sometimes these events get a little messy.
也许克拉丽斯是对的 Maybe Clarisse was right.
因为安娜贝丝和葛洛夫的帮助 Maybe I only stopped Luke from destroying Olympus...
我才能阻止路加毁掉奥林匹斯 because I had Annabeth and Grover helping me, right?
波塞冬 Poseidon?
你有过这种感觉吗 Have you ever felt like
比如你做的所有事情 everything you've ever done
其实都不是你的功劳 maybe you didn't really do it?
只是因为运气好或是其它原因 It was all just luck or something?
你肯定不会 No, of course not.
你是神 You're a god.
对不是神的人来说这真够衰的 Speaking as someone who's not, it sucks.
这让我怀疑自己 It makes you question
是否还能像当初那样自信满满 whether you were all that good to begin with.
好了没法跟你聊得尽兴 Okay. Good not talking to you.
一如既往 Again.
就这样他直接走进来了 So, he just walked right in?
直接走进营地 He just walked straight into camp?
看起来他很笨拙 It seems he lumbered, actually.
我才不管他怎么走 I don't care if he sashayed!
我担心的是结界的安全性 What's the point of having this
如果什么东西都能... mystical protective barrier if any thing can just...
你能不动那个东西吗 Could you not touch that,
那可是相当珍贵的歌海娜酒 please? That's a very precious Grenache.
我认为既然 I think the point is
他可以穿过 since he did pass right through
塔莉娅之树的屏障 the barrier from Thalia's tree...
-我不想听-那就是说他也是个混血人 - Don't say it. - it means he's most likely a god-spawn.
但他是哪个神的纵欢产物呢 Yeah, but the spawn of which god?
我知道 I know.
海神波塞冬 Poseidon.
酒神先生叫你去干嘛 So, why did Mr. D summon you?
被他叫去总没好事 It's not good to get summoned.
我觉得不会有事 I'm sure it's fine.
被叫去大屋 I'm sure you don't get summoned
一定是某件大事搞砸了 to the Big House without a major-league screw-up.
我没有 I didn't screw up.
我打扫了整个竞技场一尘不染 I cleaned the entire coliseum. And vacuumed.
别听他乱说没事的 Don't let him get into your head, okay?
我们有人要去赴死了 We have a dead camper walking. Dead camper walking, here.
谢谢你真够朋友 Thanks. This is friendship.
开个玩笑嘛给大家找些乐子 I'm just playing, just trying to have a little fun.
好吧 It's all right.
如果你被赶出营地我能住你的屋子吗 So, it's okay if I get your cabin when you get kicked out?
别紧张幸好只是酒神先生找你 Seriously, don't worry. It's just Mr. D.
要是换成喀戎的话那就真的... I mean, if Chiron had summoned you, then...
你遭大麻烦了 You are so massively screwed.
不管你怎么想我不觉得自己有错 Whatever it is you think I did, I didn't do it.
这本来就不是你的错波西 You've done nothing, Percy.
是的 Exactly.
大家都认为你是波塞冬唯一的子嗣 As you know, you are believed to be Poseidon's only heir.
是啊怎么了 Yeah, so?
看来大家都错了 So, it would seem that belief has been held in error.
等下你是说波西还有兄弟 Hold on. You're saying Percy has a brother?
或是姐妹了 Or a sister.
我的神啊波塞冬又生个混血人 Holy Styx. Another Poseidon half-blood.
这话也不对 Not exactly.
专业地来说泰森不是混血人 Technically, Tyson is not a half-blood.
混血人有一半是人所以由此得名 Half-bloods are half-human, hence the name.
我不明白 I don't get it.
如果新来的不算混血人 If this new kid is not half-human,
那他另一半是什么 then what other half is he?
精灵海精灵 Nymph. Sea nymph.
而神和精灵就会生出 And when you cross a deity with a nymph, you get...
别碰它这是兹塔明那酒 Don't touch. It's a Gewrztraminer.
你好哥哥 Hi, Brother.
你是这里的大明星 So, you're the big shot here,
你救了全世界是不是 right? You saved the world and stuff.
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