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The GUIDE is the most comprehensive source for crisis/emergency management and
business continuity information. The online DISASTER RESOURCE GUIDE is set up to help you
find information, vendors, organizations and many resources to help you prepare for (mitigate)
or recover from any type of natural or other type of disaster. The GUIDE will help you keep your
business running, your government agency operational, no matter what!
Video Experts
Press Releases
Learn About the Issues, Trends and Challenges Facing Cyber Professionals
2017 DRI Awards of Excellence Finalists Announced
BCI Offers Working Paper Series
Supersized Sessions Tackle Ransomware and Disaster Exercises
A Global Enterprise Software Company Reviews their Best Customer Stories from 2016
Idealstor Launches Flashback
Ultra-Portable, Changeable Message Sign Available for Public Information Applications
Latest News
Hot Off the Press!
Get your copy of the special Active Shooter Preparedness digital edition. Get this edition featuring best practices and tips from industry experts. This is the type of emergency for which many organizations have not adequately prepared. Find out what you need to create an effective exercise! You will find articles on how this threat has evolved and what any continuity planner must address. .
BCM Software Spotlight
In 2016 BCM software options can be overwhelming. The right software can add tremendous value to your BC program. But, how to choose? This spotlight includes a features matrix in 14 categories with 168 criteria plus BCM solutions from four industry leaders. .
Special Edition of the GUIDE
Have you gotten the special edition of the Disaster Resource GUIDE titled: IT Incident Response & Communication? This edition focuses on what you can do NOW to prepare for a cyberattack or breach.
It’s not a question of “If it happens…” but “When it happens”! This special edition is sponsored by Everbridge and contains articles from a longtime GUIDE author, Regina Phelps, and the Publisher, Tommy Rainey, and other industry experts. .
Update of Emergency Mass Notification Systems Survey!!
We had 100+ readers reach out to us with suggestions for our update of this critical survey. We would like to know what works (or doesn’t work) in your current emergency notification solution….or what features you would like to see if you are evaluating options currently. Find out what your peers are learning with their notification systems by taking the survey, and then receiving the results. Our sponsor for this update is MIR3 and they will give away an iPad Mini 4 to a lucky participant. !
BCM Software Product Spotlight
This special issue of the Continuity eGUIDE focuses on business continuity management planning software. The eight companies featured have technology solutions for the public and private sectors. Highlights include a "Demos and Videos" page and a Gartner report on BCM Software.
Digital VersionsRecent Disaster Resource GUIDEs
Can't find your copy of a recent Disaster Resource GUIDE?
You can find recent editions of the GUIDE
Results Available Now! Emergency/Incident Management Software Survey
Questions the survey addressed include: What is important/ what are th how complex is the software? Share the Executive Summary link with colleagues!
DRJ website to offer Disaster Resource GUIDE vendor directory!
DRJ has, for over 20 years, produced the leading DR and BC conferences, with over 3,000 attendees at their two annual events, and also publishes the quarterly Disaster Recovery Journal. Would you like to feature your company in this new directory?
for details today!
Neither Snow nor Rain nor Heat nor Gloom of Night
Has your emergency planning considered the use of alternative energy sources?
The Evolution of Threats
How will response tactics change in the face of new and unexpected dangers?
Internal Awareness
The City of Boston introduces a new situational awareness tool for emergency events.
Board of Neglectors
The Harvard Business Review discusses why corporate boards aren’t prioritizing cybersecurity.
Emergency Awareness
When preparing emergency plans, it’s important to consider those who may require different assistance.
The NIST of it
The National Institute of Standards and Technology releases an updated cybersecurity framework.
Social (Community) Media
Facebook offers a new tool to connect those affected by disaster with community help and resources.
Food for Thought
The cost of downtime means that a business continuity plan is valuable — regardless of what industry you are in.
Is Anti-Malware Dead?
The Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology says that signature-based malware prevention won’t be effective against the next generation of attackers.
White Papers
Addressing the Roadblocks to Application Recovery through Integrated Recovery Management
Integrated recovery management is a proven strategy for achieving the recoverability requirements of business managers while lowering IT and recovery costs across the organization and provide insight, protection and assurance related to critical enterprise data. For the White Paper,
The Three Pillars of Trust
Adopting a New Service Architecture for Trusted Transactions with Government on the Internet
For the Booz Allen Hamilton White Paper,
Business Continuity Resources
A number of free resources for business continuity planning are available for experienced or beginning BC planners.
Interoperable Mission Critical Broadband/Narrowband Solution for Public Safety Communications
The need for anytime, anywhere access to information has extended from the general public to the public safety community. The growing requirement for secure access to data intensive resources is driving the demand for a nationwide public safety broadband network. For the White Paper,
The “Gotchas” of Backup and Recovery
For the White Paper,
Twelve Details that Make a Significant Difference
Whether it’s extreme weather or security threats, the need for emergency notification at colleges and universities is greater than ever. For this White Paper,
Five Critical Business Areas where DR/VFI Delivers Real Value
Get the Executive Reportj j斗地主商城登录
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