
H1Z1新手怎么活下来 H1Z1游戏求生技巧总结
H1Z1新手怎么活下来 H1Z1游戏求生技巧总结野外的灌木丛不是装饰物,靠近之后按E可以摘取浆果,小几率获得木棒(500耐久,伤害是空手的1.5倍),动物打死之后需要拿利器打尸体来获得肉与皮,还有脂肪,唯一可以砍野外的树木的只有斧头,根据树木的宽度不同,可以获得2到4个原木,2个原木可以造一个篝火,但因为我这个服务器全城下雨……至今没法点燃。野外的所有植物都可以靠近按E,薰衣草之类的需要器材才能采集,貌似可以造草药绷带?目前没有任何结果,我的布料耗完了,如果想要更多的布料估计我需要撕掉自己的裤衩子……在非只有第一人称的服务器,按T切换第三人称,这对于我们野外求生来说是极好的,因为狼会偷偷的到你背后……然后猛的一口咬过来,为此我才差点丧生,用大木棒肉搏了半天才解决了野狼,狗熊的话估计只有带枪才可以打了……按TAB进入背包界面,第二个是用已经探索出来的配方制造,第三个是研究新配方,官方还算仁慈,摆放了一个物品之后,可以看到其他相关的物品亮起来,摆放上去之后还会显示还需要多少个物品才能发现新的配方。至于空投,不用担心美刀玩家了,老远就听见引擎的声音,然后一架飞机喷着烟雾飞过来,一群人追着飞机跑……估计投下来的那一刻一场大乱斗必然会发生,美刀玩家能不能活着捡到补给都是问题。还有,生水不能乱喝,找到的空瓶子在下雨天可以在所有地方收集水源,喝一口大约12%的口渴满足度,但会掉血,8%……除非被逼到极致要不然不要乱吃生肉喝生水哦~一定要加热了再享用目前小生活很滋润,噎几口生肉,啃几个浆果,我都不知道我是在玩僵尸游戏还是在玩求生模拟2015……伐木之后背包空间不足的话原木会掉落在地上,靠近之后按E,然后打开制造界面,两根原木就可以建造篝火,篝火可以烤熟食物,饮水的话貌似需要器材,但现在城市里乱成一团,一个街边加油站内八个玩家搜索……我都不敢靠近,希望能找到友好一些的玩家然后用生肉交换锅子吧,然后或许我就可以煮肉汤喝了?从街边的废车里找到了废铁……但好重带不走,希望能在人少一些的地方找到一个背包,然后就可以试着合成铁箭了,木箭的伤害好低……目前新发现,八个小木棍可以制造尖刺陷阱,但必须要有铲子才能制造,不靠近的话看不出来……粗心大意的话很容易就掉进去被坑杀,被人杀了之后专门跑去城市里千辛万苦找到个铲子然后挖了坑自己跳进去……然后死了,掉进去的一瞬间就被扎死了。还有,小木棍(10重量的Wood)+布料+木板(50重量的Wood,徒手攻击木箱打碎之后可以获得),可以制造钻木取火装置,15秒读条结束之后可以点燃篝火,无限循环使用。用利器攻击僵尸尸体有可能获得布料,僵尸死亡时可能掉落少量物品,目前捡到过1发子弹,以及布料、烂铁。从浆果丛里拾取到的木棍耐久度用完之后可以获得损坏的木制品,回收之后获得小木条,对于没有可以采摘小木条的植被但却有大量浆果丛的区域来说很有价值,木棍可以攻击树,但需要庞大的耐心才能敲倒,不是万不得已的情况不建议干这招,白色的小树都需要敲碎一个木棍用坏一个木棍才能敲倒,要知道木棍耐久是500,敲一下就消耗3点……砍伐掉树木之后获得的原木可以削成木板,木板再削成木条,木板+木条可以创造很多很多图纸,比如说基地,基地大门,还有个陷阱笼(抓兔子用的),动物脂肪放在火上可以制造油,这种油应该可以驱动车子,毕竟图标是汽油箱子。两根原木可以建造一个基地,因为服务器卡始终没能造出来,应该可以保存物品?不过基地是没有门的,需要自己额外造个门,门的耐久抗揍不明,至少空手应该拆不掉?或者需要很久?想要与朋友汇合的话就沿着路走,各个城市外面以及内部应该可以找到公交车站,公交车站有一个区域性的地图标明你在哪里,目前找到了一个地图,还算准确。公路上55与35的牌子并不是指道路名称,而是限速……这点很重要。兔子可以割三块兔肉,一头鹿,公鹿十二块左右,雌鹿八块,公鹿可以割出来额外的物品,一个看上去像是碧云涛的东西……合成表只有一个,没有研究出来,不知道是做什么的。在城市里饿死了多次之后自认为还是吃浆果比较好,遍地都是还补水抗饿,唯一缺点是单个补给较少(2%饱腹度3%口渴),需要不断吃不断吃……希望后续更新可以添加一次噎多个的选项,毕竟现实中没有人会那么强迫症,一定要一粒一粒的吃……大自然是个伟大的宝库,它提供了食物、饮水,以及安全,人类社会有风险,小伙伴们,在独身一人的情况下最好还是先野外求生搞点食物并且做好弓比较好,有了弓才有资本与有枪的人尝试性战斗,弓爆头的话一发秒杀,打身体伤害不明……弓的配方——1木棍+1布料,弓箭只需1木棍。弓的伤害已经很高了,估计更好的弓应该是让箭矢更有力,可以飞更远,而不是简易弓平射连半米都射不到。注意,所有可搜索的物体都可拆卸,比如说床头柜,衣柜等等,车子没试过,因为没找到过榔头。兔子陷阱抓兔子并不是按时间抓的,是真正附近有兔子的时候兔子会钻进去……所以不要把兔子笼子做的很密集,尽可能放在基地外的野外,偶尔过去查看一下。火把可以点燃僵尸,非雨天会一直烧直到烧死,比近战武器好用许多。火把的合成是木棒(100重量,从浆果丛里搜集),动物脂肪,布料,不简易平常一直握在手里,因为十分显眼,不管是白天还是夜间……野外的石头全部可以采集,只要找到对应的器材,因为缺少榔头以及可能存在的十字镐,楼主敲坏了一个砍刀都没敲出来石头……不过的确可以采集,因为攻击可采集的大自然物品时动作都会出现变化,不再是普通攻击的样子,有些石头上有一些纹路,应该是矿石,可以挖出来矿,其他没有纹路的应该就是普通的石头。同时楼主发现了那个像是碧云涛一样从公鹿身上搜集来的东西是做什么的。那应该是公鹿的那个啥……用来吸引鹿的,一个公鹿的那个啥+一个布料合成出来之后使用后附近如果有雌鹿的话就会逐渐靠拢过来。初期给的照明弹丢进点着的篝火里可以合成信号弹,比较适合发个信号弹告诉同伴大致方向,然后集合,不要在信号弹下方集合,重复一遍,千万不要在信号弹发射的区域集合……楼主与小伙伴已经被狙杀过一次了。在没有下雨的时候在高处点着篝火也是个集合的好方法,虽然烟升腾的不高,但火光很显眼。尖刺陷阱没有铲子也可以造,但只能用来欺负欺负僵尸以及动物,太显眼了玩家绝对不会撞上去的……对僵尸效果明显,动物的话,没尝试过,因为动物路线是无规则的……小木屋内不会保存物品,需要建造箱子……楼主的一些物资就这样被系统刷新掉了……不过不是很肉疼,都是一些布料、木材,值钱的东西始终塞在背包里。订正几个来自于朋友的配方。木制投矛(1500重量不可叠加)——1碎铁片(由1单位废铁制造4单位)+1木棒(100重量浆果丛木棒)小铲子(挖掘临时藏物品的小坑用)——1碎铁片+1小木棍(10重量)锤子、撬棍可以敲车子来获得5重量的废铁。经过测试,木制尖刺丛(8根10重量小木棍合成)是防御外敌与僵尸的最佳措施,站在上面每秒掉血6%,跳上去的话根据高度不同伤害不同,足够高直接秒杀。同时从一个不友善的老外玩家(他朝我射了一箭,但没爆头,被我用投矛插死了)身上搜刮到了一个Wood Bow,要知道我们最早造的可是M什么的弓,直线射程不到半米……而这个Wood Bow直线射程2米有余,不需要抛物线就可以杀敌,正在研究如何造出来…重要提醒,割肉的话一定要用刀子,斧头虽然也可以胜任,但损失惨重……刀子可以割八块肉,斧头只有两块,最初我还以为是因为猎物的问题来着……吓死我了,台湾实况主带着五个小弟一共六个人闯入了我与小伙伴的基地。不过很顺利的反杀了,他们枪法好臭……不过一夜回到解放前了,30发手枪子弹尽数打完。偷偷潜入直播间,发现他们竟然还打算再次打回来……而且竟然运气极佳的复活在P城内,于是与小伙伴们再次伏击了他,教会了他什么叫做新日暮里♂Wood Bow(盐+小木棍+布料)真心神器,一些人心不古的屌丝在我搜索物资的时候总是打算拿个木棍敲我,我用弓瞄着他之后他就停了,然后我转身就继续追,忍无可忍了直接拉弓,他们还以为这是简易弓直线射程短……结果被我一箭爆头。同时新发现,熔炉冶炼出来的铁块可以制造精铁片(50重量),1个木棍(10重量)加一个精铁片可以制造一个特殊的工具,这个工具可以挖地基,只有地基上面才可以建造金属墙,围住之后附近没有任何借步点的话基本无法进去,十分安全。同时,大木屋(带台阶的高层木屋)的耐久很高,两个将近满耐久的斧头都没能砍碎它,但缺点是不知道如何造储物柜的话那里面不能存东西……小木屋+小木门+挖地的小铲子是初期最佳的基地,只有一个斧头是无法破坏它的,土坑可以存很多东西。找个离城市不是很远的无人会路过的地方造个小木屋,装上门,设置上密码,然后在里面挖个坑,就可以存上自己的珍贵物品去城市里搜刮了,死了也不怕一无所有从头再来,不建议在一个土坑里存过多的东西,因为会被覆盖掉,该BUG不知道什么时候才会修复。铅管+熔炉冶炼出来的铁块(50重量)可以制造火盆,在后期比篝火好用,因为塞入小木棍就可以点燃,燃烧时间足够烹饪了。伴随着时间的推移,H1Z1终于也变成了见面杀大会,警局里有人搜索的话,对方发现你绝对马上开枪,绝对的利益面前什么都是虚无……所以在一些危险区域,看到有人,要么逃跑,要么先动手,其他区域里的人一般都会跑开或者戒备的看着你,如果他拉着弓瞄着你的话,不要犹豫,马上冲过去肉搏,转身逃跑只是当靶子,近战之后他没时间切换武器的。
公司:Koei Tecmo
公司:Hello Games
公司:Square Enix
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Title: H1Z1 : Just Survive
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 15 Jan, 2015
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&H1Z1 has always been developed under the principal of creating a game side-by-side with our players. As part of the H1Z1 franchise, we want to grow our relationship with our players and continue to develop Just Survive as an Early Access title with our community. We’ll continue to use Early Access as an opportunity to incorporate player feedback, work out bugs, and adjust and expand features to ensure the best possible experience at launch.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&H1Z1: Just Survive is the game that strives to deeply immerse players into its post-apocalyptic world with emergent gameplay elements like weather, body sim, survival crafting and base building. We are working side-by-side with our players to ensure that they get the best experience possible at launch, and the game will remain in Early Access through the end of the year as we add more robust systems and features.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&H1Z1 will continue to grow and evolve throughout development, and features will be refined and adjusted based on player feedback. Players can look forward to exciting content, such as: an expanded selection of vehicles and gear, diverse character creation, and a robust base building to create an exciting survival MMO experience.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&Players up to the challenge can test their survival skills in game now. We will continue to develop, implement and improve features and systems that will fully immerse players into the post-apocalyptic world throughout Early Access, as well as incorporate player feedback. Those who choose to purchase Just Survive should anticipate an evolving feature set and bugs as systems are created and refined.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&H1Z1: Just Survive is available for $19.99 USD with optional in-game purchases.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&Player feedback plays a major role in the development process of Last Stand. Our players challenge us as developers to be that much better at delivering great game experiences, and we invite and encourage them to join the conversation on Twitter, Reddit, and the Steam forums.&
Buy H1Z1: Just Survive
Recent updates
Servers will be coming down at 9:45PM PT for approximately 4 hours on Thursday 8/11. This publish requires a player and world wipe due to bug fixes regarding base tampers and durability.
New Features
A set of unique zombies have been seen roaming the area. These zombies hold the secrets to a new set of exotic and powerful weapons.
Players who succumb to the harsh realities of H1Z1 will now come back as one of the horde. These zombies will appear wearing the same gear they had when they died.
Quality of Life Changes
Respawn selection has had some improvements added
You will no longer be able to respawn within an area around where you died.
This area is a 9 grid diameter around your corpse
You cannot respawn within that grid for 5 minutes
If you die close to the grid any overlapping grid will inherit the lockout time form your previous death
Text chat is now enabled. Press enter to open chat bar
Made the following changes to the limited base building rules
Bases can now be built in the Villas
Campfires can now be placed anywhere
Flares can now be placed anywhere
Added limited base building to the Krakow server
Performance Enhancements
Improved server performance to reduce lag on high-pop and zombie intensive servers
More parallelization of core game and graphics systems for better performance on multi-core cpus
Fixed an issue the prevented Zombies from damaging vehicles
Fixed an issue which allowed tampers to be stacked
Fixed an issue that allowed players to prevent the loss of durability on certain tools
Players now start with a basic compass instead of an improvised one
Combat Feedback
Reticle now indicates that firing is disabled and character will enter a passive stance.
Thrown weapons now display a tracer, only visible to the person throwing them, making their path of flight more apparent.
Vehicles handling has been improved
Vehicles are less susceptible to flipping
Vehicles have been modified to have varied characteristics:
The police car is the fastest.
The off roader has the best handling.
The pickup truck is the toughest.
Passengers in the rear of the pickup truck can stand up to shoot forward and crouch to take cover and shoot behind.
Flipped vehicles have more realistic friction, won’t be drivable using turbo
The following
vehicle sounds have been improved:
Engine and turbo
Tire squeal when turning on pavement
Braking sounds.
Vehicles also now have horns [Default: J].
We’ve made some physics tweaks that should have vehicles exploding unexpectedly far less and doing the correct amount of damage when they do explode.
All Just Survive servers will come down for maintenance beginning at 1:00 AM PT (8 AM GMT) for maintenance.
Downtime is anticipated to be approximately 3 hours.
Players can note the following changes:
The new Ronin Crate is now available
Loot bags & items inside them have been marked tradeable.
Unlocked crates can no longer be traded or sold on the Steam Marketplace.
The R380 pistol is now available again with improved stats!
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
About This Game
In H1Z1: Just Survive, the H1Z1 zombie virus has crippled civilization. Corrupted by the need to survive, gone are the comforts of society as a new normal permeates the world. You are one of the last remaining humans. Every choice matters, every moment is borrowed time, and every breath could be your last.
If you don’t want to join the dead -- or the undead -- you’ll have to be cutthroat, resourceful, and alert at all times. Scavenge, craft, and build to protect yourself from zombies, roaming beasts, and perhaps the deadliest threat of all – fellow humans. Do you have what it takes to Just Survive?
Visit the H1Z1: Just Survive website
for more info!
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64 bit only)
Processor: Intel i3 Dual-Core with Hyper-Threading (required)
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 275 series or higher
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 20 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64 bit only)
Processor: Intel i5 Quad Core or higher / AMD Phenom II X6 or higher
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 560 series or higher / AMD HD 6870 or higher
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 20 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible Sound Card
Just Survive
(C)2016 Daybreak Game Company LLC. Daybreak, H1Z1, Just Survive, and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Daybreak Game Company LLC. All rights reserved.
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Early Access Review
Get deployed into a world ruled by 12 year olds and fight to the deathpretty good with friends
Early Access Review
I played this game 6 month ago and it ran bad but still had some potential (so i didn't put any evaluation).Left it alone and joined today with exactly the same setup and the game ran catastrophically slow.Tryed different server because it looked more like a server lagg then a computer overload but no change even on abandoned servers, even totally alone the game was lagging like crazy.I don't know if the guys still maintain their crap but it is today worst then it was six month ago.Aside from the technical standpoint i don't notice any change in gameplay or in craft, its the same hopeless search for scarce materials in the hope to build something usefull between freekills from other stuffed players.In H1Z1:just survive you gotta know death as even the devs seems to be so.
Early Access Review
I have been palying this game since its release over a year and a half ago, and ever since daybreak has taken of the production of this game from sony it has just gone to ????. They split the game into two just to squeeze more money out of people and all they ever do for production is release stupid crates. In the last year and a half the game has not gone far in terms of content but anyways ill take you through the basic experience that you will have. First you will loot for hours and you will find some guns, ammo, and food then you will want to make a base, after that you might try to find some people to kill for fun and then probably get off for the day to just come back the next day to a base completely looted from hackers. Daybreak only wants your money and does not care about making a good game.
Early Access Review
Looking for a good, hardcore, zombie shootin', multiplayer survival experience? Look no further friend!
Early Access Review
Give a like if u cant play Give a No if u like ????
Early Access Review
Early Access Review
Early Access Review
This game sucks ???. They are so greedy they made in into 2 games. It use to come with Just survive and king of the hill. This game company is horrible. Dont BUY IT. I REGRET IT.
Early Access Review
I Got this game Recently, and have Curently played it for 37 hours.
But.. Since the update its probably been at most 40 minutes, they Developers trashed this game to the core, Its too time consuming now, Spawns are ????.
Not to mention they Ruined! and i mean RUINED the respawn the games map is big,, and i mean big espessially when ur on foot the whole entire time for a HUGE abundence of it, and now they want to make it so if you die, you need to wait 5 Minutes to respawn in that area, but wait its not just that area but
4x4 square grid around it aswell..
meaning if you die, there goes all the fun say goodbye to the loot that probably took you 12 minutes to walk and get to, goodbye to the friends you probably had looting with you, Not to mention it spawns you the farthest it possably can.
Why on earth do they even have a time limit on the respawn when it will take you more than that to just walk all the way back.
its ridiculous, put hours into building a base Get shot and have all ur stuff raided because your no wheres near to defend it let alone spawn With NOTHING, so they can just kill you cause you have just fists,
this game has turned into farmville a ?????? time consuming piece of trash,
the game freezes for then ever now.
they made it so when you die your body becomes a zombie witch is lame no one asked for that.
no one asked for the restricted respawn theyre adding everything the players obviously dont want.
This game was honestly so fun befor the latest update, and now I will not be back on it until they fix these problems..
at least the horrible respawn.
it spawns you THE FARTHEST AWAY POSSIBLE ANYWAY why make it 2 blocks or more further is beyond me..
If you are looking to buy this game, I do recommend it.
But i would 100% wait for these fixes, it is not even fun right now.
Early Access Review
I consider this game to be the best in it' an open-world survival sandbox with extensive crafting and beautifuly done textures and sound.
There is simply no other game available that does all of these things as well as H1Z1.
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Early Access Review
day 475 :still full of bugs-full of hackers-full of crate updates-full of flying zombies-full of bears that can open doors - full of zombies that can go through the walls-still full of flying cars ..nice job day break....???????????█????█????????????▄?????????█▄▄??????????█?█?????????????? ?????????????????▄???????????█????????▄??????? ????▄???????????▄▄????? ??▄??????????█▄???????? ??█????????????▄?█????? ???█▄???▄????▄???█????? ???█?????????????█????? ???█?▄???????????█▄▄??? ??????▄ h1z1 ??????▄▄▄??????????????????????????
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Early Access Review
survival is terrible, when they split the game it was pure cash-in scam status
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Early Access Review
I put 800 hours in the first 4 months after buying this game, that is almost 7 hours every single day. but........ DO NOT GET THIS GAME. BUY MISCREATED INSTEAD.This was actually a breath of fresh air when this game first came out a year or so ago. There was a lot of faith put into this game by players due to waht was promised by the devs.
But in the end they have just completely destroyed this game. I got almost 900 hours into this game in just few months, but havent touched it since November 2015.1. Promised lots of lots of things, never delivered most of them. And this isnt your regular undelivered promises, they actually showed that they were working on new things or talked
extensively about new features, but at the end they never released them and just scrapped them.2. There is pretty much NO new content in terms of gameplay that has been added since 1.5 year ago after the release. They also REMOVED some of the content because they coudlnt develope it any farther without making it pointless!! They are using their own game engine, and face lots and lots of difficulties due to the fact that almost no one elses uses their engine, therefore they have to figure out everything that is possible in the engine on their own.3. Development of this game can simply be summarized as 'rehash, rinse, repeat of old content' They simply add new bugs, and remove bugs, add one item, then remove it due to balance or bugs. Added weather and removed it. They are basically playing in their own feces, and just reusing it back and forth as to make it seem that they are doing something with the game,4. MOST HORRIBLE COMMUNITY MANAGMENT ive ever seen in an online game.
* Constant Lies: Their community reps always lie about their intentions and contradict their
own statements made only days before.
here is the latest gem
* Never add or fix anything that community asks for. But add things that they feel are right and claim that
* Constantly milking money out of fans by selling useless skins and then going OUT OF THEIR way to prevent any
skin trading in order to keep all the profits.5.
HACKERS, no matter how much they patch their anti-hack system, there are always hackers who ruin your gameplay, its a big issue where you lose your whole base to a hacker in minutes.I could go on for hours ranting, about other things, but they have possibly done every single horrible thing they could to destroy this game and alienate most of their players.There is every indication that they (devs) are waiting for the day when this game just dies, but before it does they will try to extract as much money through game skins from players as possible.Buy Miscreated,
this game is everything H1Z1 shouldve been, plus much much more.
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Early Access Review
I bought the game when it came out... They have done a great job, but there are still SO MANY BUGS and It is DYING. I gave it a chance but im not going to play it until they think of the players other than dumb ??? skins! I am so vivid with how they are wasting all the earnings to MAKING SKINS, INSTEAD OF TRYING TO UPDATE THE DAMN GAME!FIX YOUR ???? DAYBREAK! (Review might change if they revive this dying game somehow..)
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Early Access Review
daybreak doesnt work
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6 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
Just buy Rust ffs
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Early Access Review
Avoid this game at all costs, Daybreak ruined this game the moment they touched it after buying it from Sony. From what would become free-to-play, they made it double the price, the game doesn't look split as they announced, since at every Kotk update, the JS server drops dead also and viceversa. They're good at lying and making profit out of it. From that and from the crates, which are mostly the only things they've done since it's a source of profit. JS will die soon, they're just forcing out some more milked money with a few more crates and wipes since people tend to come and see what changed after a wipe. Kotk will probably last a little longer though. Quite sad how such a fine work of art was ruined by a bad money-hungry company.
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
Great game.
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Early Access Review
Originally had high hopes for this game - was fun in the begining, although it had minimal content, expectation was the it would eventually have a lot... didnt really end up happening... and now its a seperate game than battle royale - not worth 19.994.5/10
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Early Access Review
Basically a poorly optomized piece of ????
tbh. Got a refund instantly coz thats how bad it is and now they have split into 2 games charging doulbe if you wanna play both game modes. LIKE WTF this was once a good game but no longer
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