用pocketmine mp教程-mp能创第二个服吗

Development build
The build #0 using API 0.0.0 was released on
Warning! This is a development build. If you want to run a test server, please use the beta build instead.
Download and replace the PocketMine-MP.phar file on an existing PocketMine-MP installation. You can get it installing the stable version.
安装编译需要的依赖项目, 你可能需要安装perl, gcc, make, automake, libtool, autoconf和m4. 如果你想在x86_64架构上编译你可能需要安装gcc-multilib.
执行以下命令, 会下载PocketMine-MP, 并下载PHP的二进制文件或编译(如果二进制不可用).
$&wget -q -O - http://get.pocketmine.net/ | bash -s - -v development
执行./start.sh, PocketMine-MP 会启动.
Raspberry Pi / ODROID
执行以下命令, 会下载PocketMine-MP, 并下载PHP的二进制文件或编译(如果二进制不可用).
$&wget -q -O - http://get.pocketmine.net/ | bash -s - -v development
执行./start.sh, PocketMine-MP 会启动.
到达你想安装/升级PocketMine-MP的地方。 你可以输入cd [文件夹名称]在文件夹之间切换, 并且用mkdir [文件夹名称]来创建文件夹.
执行以下命令, 会下载PocketMine-MP, 并下载PHP的二进制文件或编译(如果二进制不可用).
$&curl -sL http://get.pocketmine.net/ | bash -s - -v development
执行./start.sh, PocketMine-MP 会启动.
PocketDock + DigitalOcean
PocketDock Deploy is a free service that lets you install and manage a PocketMine server in a DigitalOcean VPS. You pay for the server, which is 100% yours, and PocketDock provides the management interface.
To deploy your server, choose your options and follow the instructions on the site. All servers have SSD disk. Enjoy your server!
$5/month - 512MB RAM + 1 core
$10/month - 1GB RAM + 1 core (recommended)
$20/month - 2GB RAM + 2 cores
$40/month - 4GB RAM + 2 cores
$80/month - 8GB RAM + 4 cores
$160/month - 16GB RAM + 8 cores
$320/month - 32GB RAM + 12 cores
You will be able to select the region / datacenter in the next step.
Beta build
The build #0 using API 0.0.0 was released on
Warning! This is a beta build. It can contain errors or be unstable. If you are running a production server, use the Stable version instead.
适用于 Windows XP, Vista, 7&8.安装包内包括PHP 5.4
安装编译需要的依赖项目, 你可能需要安装perl, gcc, make, automake, libtool, autoconf和m4. 如果你想在x86_64架构上编译你可能需要安装gcc-multilib.
执行以下命令, 会下载PocketMine-MP, 并下载PHP的二进制文件或编译(如果二进制不可用).
$&wget -q -O - http://get.pocketmine.net/ | bash -s - -v beta
执行./start.sh, PocketMine-MP 会启动.
Raspberry Pi / ODROID
执行以下命令, 会下载PocketMine-MP, 并下载PHP的二进制文件或编译(如果二进制不可用).
$&wget -q -O - http://get.pocketmine.net/ | bash -s - -v beta
执行./start.sh, PocketMine-MP 会启动.
到达你想安装/升级PocketMine-MP的地方。 你可以输入cd [文件夹名称]在文件夹之间切换, 并且用mkdir [文件夹名称]来创建文件夹.
执行以下命令, 会下载PocketMine-MP, 并下载PHP的二进制文件或编译(如果二进制不可用).
$&curl -sL http://get.pocketmine.net/ | bash -s - -v beta
执行./start.sh, PocketMine-MP 会启动.
PocketDock + DigitalOcean
PocketDock Deploy is a free service that lets you install and manage a PocketMine server in a DigitalOcean VPS. You pay for the server, which is 100% yours, and PocketDock provides the management interface.
To deploy your server, choose your options and follow the instructions on the site. All servers have SSD disk. Enjoy your server!
$5/month - 512MB RAM + 1 core
$10/month - 1GB RAM + 1 core (recommended)
$20/month - 2GB RAM + 2 cores
$40/month - 4GB RAM + 2 cores
$80/month - 8GB RAM + 4 cores
$160/month - 16GB RAM + 8 cores
$320/month - 32GB RAM + 12 cores
You will be able to select the region / datacenter in the next step.
This version is using API 0.0.0, and was released on
适用于 Windows XP, Vista, 7&8.安装包内包括PHP 5.4
安装编译需要的依赖项目, 你可能需要安装perl, gcc, make, automake, libtool, autoconf和m4. 如果你想在x86_64架构上编译你可能需要安装gcc-multilib.
执行以下命令, 会下载PocketMine-MP, 并下载PHP的二进制文件或编译(如果二进制不可用).
$&wget -q -O - http://get.pocketmine.net/ | bash
执行./start.sh, PocketMine-MP 会启动.
Raspberry Pi / ODROID
执行以下命令, 会下载PocketMine-MP, 并下载PHP的二进制文件或编译(如果二进制不可用).
$&wget -q -O - http://get.pocketmine.net/ | bash
执行./start.sh, PocketMine-MP 会启动.
到达你想安装/升级PocketMine-MP的地方。 你可以输入cd [文件夹名称]在文件夹之间切换, 并且用mkdir [文件夹名称]来创建文件夹.
执行以下命令, 会下载PocketMine-MP, 并下载PHP的二进制文件或编译(如果二进制不可用).
$&curl -sL http://get.pocketmine.net/ | bash
执行./start.sh, PocketMine-MP 会启动.
打开 Cydia>管理>源>编辑>添加 来添加PocketMine Cydia 源 http://cydia.pocketmine.net/
搜索并在iOS系统上安装 PocketMine-MP for iOS
执行./start.sh, PocketMine-MP 会启动.
PocketMine-MP for Android
PocketDock + DigitalOcean
PocketDock Deploy is a free service that lets you install and manage a PocketMine server in a DigitalOcean VPS. You pay for the server, which is 100% yours, and PocketDock provides the management interface.
To deploy your server, choose your options and follow the instructions on the site. All servers have SSD disk. Enjoy your server!
$5/month - 512MB RAM + 1 core
$10/month - 1GB RAM + 1 core (recommended)
$20/month - 2GB RAM + 2 cores
$40/month - 4GB RAM + 2 cores
$80/month - 8GB RAM + 4 cores
$160/month - 16GB RAM + 8 cores
$320/month - 32GB RAM + 12 cores
You will be able to select the region / datacenter in the next step.
适用于 Minecraft: Pocket Edition 的服务器软件
如果你在家庭网络里面开启PocketMine-MP,你需要在你的路由器里对PocketMine-MP UDP端口(如果使用RCON的话还要开启TCP端口)进行端口映射。
IRC: 直接交流,使用 #pocketmine (or #mcpedevs) @ irc.freenode.net 或者 .
电子直邮: 在紧急情况下请发邮件到 , , ,
所有关于 PocketMine 的服务皆为公益,我们并不希望在网页上投放广告以影响视觉效果。如果你喜欢本计划且具有足够的经济能力的话,我们希望您尽可能的为 PockeMine 捐赠。所有的捐赠费用将被用在维持网站、服务器、软件与使 PocketMine 更加强大。以下就是用于捐赠的链接,我们希望能有更多的人能够支持我们的计划,谢谢!
BTC: <small style="cursor:" onclick="prompt('Donate some Bitcoins to the PocketMine address 1PVjy8A7R4awzhi82s3bbtgdX9PWKReTHj\n<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<31PVjy8A7R4awzhi82s3bbtgdX9PWKReTHj
- 你还可以在 Github 上帮助我们开发这个工程。
Anonymous Usage Statistics
All the usage data sent to stats.pocketmine.net is handled anonymously, and the data saved cannot be reversed to get the original IP.
PocketMine Homepage
The homepage for the PocketMine-MP project, where people come to find about creating their
Minecraft: Pocket Edition multiplayer server, look for new versions or play on existing servers.
We have over 60.000 unique users and 130.000 pageviews per month,
with an audience interested in creating a server or play with other people online.
We offer different ways to advertise on the homepage.
Most of the zones are sold through ,
and we offer a 25% discount during the first month using the code FIRSTMONTH.
If you are planning a big campaign and want extra discount, or you have questions about the placement, you can send an email to
Featured Logo
If you run a server hosting site, a server list, or an interesting service using PocketMine-MP,
you are eligible to be featured in this section.
To be featured, send an e-mail at
with the following information:
The service website
A description about the service(s)
Why do you think it should be featured
The logo, exactly 160x20 pixels. Use a transparent background if possible.
If your request is approved, we will get back at you to ask a few more questions and confirm it.
You'll get a panel with impressions, clicks and other information. You can also specify custom targeting.
The only thing we ask of you is to do a donation to PocketMine (there is no minimum or maximum).
Example size:
Featured Banner
This zone is sold through .
This banner zone is shown above the featured logos, and has enough space to show relevant information
for both normal users and mobile users.
Users that click this banner are highly interested in the service,
and has an average CTR of 1.25%.
It's sold with a price of $0.70 per 1.000 impressions.
Example size:
Featured Logo Top Row
This zone is sold through .
This places the Featured Logo (160x20) in the top row, and no rotation exists here, so only three spots are available.
They cost $10 per month each.
Example size:
PocketMine Forums
These are the forums dedicated to the PocketMine-MP software, plugins, tools,
and Minecraft: Pocket Edition multiplayer servers.
Users come here to find help about PocketMine-MP and server set-up, play on multiplayer servers,
download plugins, ask programming questions or just talk with each other.
We have over 65.000 unique users and 900.000 pageviews per month,
and users spend on average 35 minutes on the site.
Around 40% of them visit using a mobile device, 30% using a tablet and 30% on a normal PC.
It's an audience interested in programming, server hosting or playing on servers.
We offer different spots in the forums, categorized by normal users and mobile users.
On average, mobile zones have higher CTR.
All the zones are sold through ,
and we offer a 25% discount during the first month using the code FIRSTMONTH.
If you are planning a big campaign and want extra discount, or you have questions about the placement, you can send an email to
Normal website
Leaderboard - Top 728x90, $80 per month
Leaderboard - Hover 728x90, $0.75 per 1.000 impressions
Rectangle - Sidebar Top 300x250, $0.70 per 1.000 impressions
Leaderboard - First Post 728x90, $0.60 per 1.000 impressions
Mobile website
Banner - Top 320x50, $30 per month
Banner - Hover 320x50, $0.60 per 1.000 impressions
Banner - First Post 320x50, $0.50 per 1.000 impressions
Custom advertising
Have a custom request? Send a mail to
with your request and we'll be in contact with you.后使用我的收藏没有帐号?
所属分类: &
查看: 1241|回复: 0
怎样用PocketMine-MP开一个我的世界PE0.14.0的服务器 ...
金鸡报晓送福利,手游新春感恩大回馈!PocketMine MP手机版 v2.1.4下载总览截图欣赏下载地址存档教程网友评论猜你喜欢为你提供开服器最新版手机版,通过PocketMine MP最新版玩家可以轻松在安卓手机上创建服务器,下载来试试吧。软件介绍一个直接在手机上运行目前最流行的第三方MCPE服务器端PocketMine-MP的应用,而且我的世界手机版开服器软件特地为手机提供了方便的管理界面,不过受于手机性能限制,承受不住太多的玩家。使用软件可以直接在你的安卓设备上创建服务器,扩展它的功能并轻松使用插件。将服务器开放至互联网并与好友一同进行游戏!软件评测通过与MrARM进行合作,PocketMine团队为你隆重呈现官方的PocketMine-MP安卓版。在此你可以使用特别定制的界面管理你的服务器,或者使用通用的控制台命令,甚至可以直接修改服务器属性。如果你需要直接访问服务器文件的话,请使用器,并导航至/sdcard/PocketMine。所有的文件都集中于此。我的世界开服器手机版是由PocketMine团队进行开发的,并与Minecraft或Mojang无关。
PocketMine MP手机版 v2.1.4


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