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《杀戮空间2》怪物能力设定解析 杀戮空间2BOSS叫什么
16:21:21 来源:杀戮间吧 作者:MJ脑残粉 编辑:向南 
Han Volter 汉斯.沃尔特
  “He is a 100-year-old Nazi evil doctor character that is keeping himself alive with Horzine technology.”
  —John Gibson, president of Tripwire Interactive
  ——约翰·吉布森 TWI执行总裁
  Originally known as "Unknown Boss", Hans Volter is one of the boss characters that appears in Killing Floor 2 and currently is the only boss the players may face. He bears a slight visual resemblance to the Patriarch, topless and wearing trousers, but appears to be altered only with various Horzine-made hardware rather than being enhanced with hardware and biologically like the Patriarch. When Hans' health drops to a certain level, he will charge one of the players, catch them and drain their health, replenishing his own. After each health-drain, Hans will employ a new attack. His other attacks include weaker melee attacks, ranged - toxic grenades, HE grenades, he also appears to dual wield StG 44/MkB 42.
  作为原来消息中的“未知BOSS”, Hans Volter是将出现在杀戮空间2中几名BOSS中的一个,而且他也是目前为止玩家所唯一要面对的BOSS。他与原版的Patriarch有几分相似,但Hans Volter与前者的不同在于其装备有不一样的地平线科技硬件而非像Patriarch一样几乎是单纯的生物学上的增强。当Hans的生命值生命值降低的一定数量的时候他就会从一名玩家身上吸血,抓住玩家并抽取玩家的生命值为他所用,每当他的生命值降低,他都会使用一种新的攻击招式,他会使用包括较弱的近战攻击、远程毒气手雷和高爆手雷,他也会使用随身携带的双持MKB42来向玩家射击。
  可能Hans Volter的二战武器装备和纳粹背景很大一部分是在向红色管弦乐系列致敬。
Scrake Variant 变种Scrake
  A Scrake variant may appear in the game. This has been stated by developer Jared Creasy "Also known on the interwebs as Yoshiro"
  变种Scrake仍然有机会出现在游戏当中,这个信息已经被T社开发者Jared Creasy ,也就是大家熟知Yoshiro说明过。
  后者的双持电锯SC,出现在Weapon&Perk 1 Demo里。
  “The reason we didn't show him sooner (whichwe have commented on btw) is because he was undergoing a redesign at the timethe videos came out. We didn't like himso we re-did him. The new "old" Scrake may see the light of day as anew zed or we may use some of the mechanics we were working on for it as partof another one. We will see.”
Twin-Bladed Gorefast 双刃小红
  A Gorefast variant was mentioned by the Trader. Much like the Slasher is a more fierce variant of the Clot, this Twin-bladed Gorefast is most likely just a variant version with slight differences. Something similar appeared in Killing Floor, where the Gorefast had a unused variant named the GorefastSP, which was simply a faster Gorefast.
  被Trader提及过的Gorefast变种,就如同Slasher是Clot变种一样,这种Gorefast变异体会在外观上与原版不同,就如同在原版杀戮间曾有一个弃用的 Gorefast变种叫做 GorefastSP,其不同的仅仅在于他比原版Gorefast更快一些。
Patriarch 复仇者、博士
  It has been stated that the main antagonist, the Patriarch, retains his role as the final boss enemy. Though playable demos to the press have the Patriarch in the game, TWI has prohibited any photography or recordings allowed, thus the public is unaware of his new appearance.
  [Kevin Clamely]
  "Under my scientific leadership, Horzine has achieved unparalleled success, and is trusted the world over."
  "We are driving the renaissance of science."
  "We are-"
  [Mid transformed Kevin]
  "-progress of bio-engineering."
  "We are the vision of technology."
  "We are-(static)-genetics..."
  "We are your evolution..."
  "I AM THE POWER-"(distortion)
  这是Patriarch,也就是地平线CEO Kevin Clamely在杀戮间2宣传片中的讲述。
Matriarch 女族长
  A Matriarch was mentioned by the Trader. She explains that the Matriarch will pilot a mechsuit which she can and will abandon and attack the player herself as her "true form". There is no word of her by the developers and no visual evidence as of now if she is either a standard KFGametype boss or a objective mode one.
  A Matriarch was planned at one point for a community update for KFMod 2.6+ but was cancelled due to Tripwire Interactive already acquiring the rights to Killing Floor. The KFMod Matriarch was to have cloaking abilities and would be able to drain health from the players.
  被Trader提到过的“ Matriarch ”,她解释说 Matriarch 会操作一套机械动力服战斗,并且会在某些情况下放弃战斗服以“真身”来对付玩家。关于Matriarch,开发者并没有对其有过多的解释,而且也没有任何可见的资料能够证明她或许任务模式BOSS中的一员。
  Matriarch早在KFmod 2.6+的时候就被考虑添加在游戏中,但由于之后T社为开发杀戮间独立版而放弃了这一个计划,在KFmod中Matriarch被设定为能够隐形和从玩家身上吸取生命值为自己所用。
游戏制作:Tripwire Interactive
在本届E3展会上有一场专门针对PC玩家的专场发布会——即“PC GameShow”,目前活动已经进行,首个登场的游戏为丧尸大作《杀戮空间2(Killing Floor 2)》!并一起公开了最新实机演示。
&  天堂的最后5个月里,整整打了5个月BOSS,基本每周40小时全部用于BOSS,除去中间工作忙的一段时间  兽的四个  第一个兽四任务的在GDD普通飞兽村,进去后右转跳下去,别看他好打,每次掉的都垃圾,但是关键时候会掉统领衣服  其他三个在贵族飞兽村,进去后走几步就能看到。  兽的召唤要做任务,就是用三转的红色图腾接火之魔力下。  羊的四个  羊区左下角地图的三条路顶,一个路顶一头,最左边的是羊召唤,同兽召唤,但是要用红色图腾打开 在去最左边那条路上的空地上,就是传说中的羊族长  还有头中立的羊,GDD贵族飞死灵关卡后一直走。  XJ和修道的不说了,台子里有精华帖  戈登:很好找,GDD外面如果刷了,他会沿着城外那条路巡逻,地图上很好辨认  乌鲁卡:进恐龙岛平原,在进山洞的湖水边,卫星放起来比较麻烦,召唤拉过去就死在那吧  塞任:进恐龙岛森林,大概右45度方向一直走,会上个高坡,进去接女神的任务,打30只盗龙就可进去打。  安博:贵族飞火下,背对墙选择坐手边,然后一直走中间那条路过去,很空旷的地方就是。  夏德:盟分虫子,很多人找不到路,进虫子洞后,所有的路全选左,然后到一个地面有个秃起的地方,就是他的老家,要是刷了,怪会变的。  老牛和惩罚之火:这个简单,傲慢11楼2个房间的就是,牛乃兵家必征,据说掉的东西好,他隔壁的惩罚之火估计被剥削穷了```  智天使:在傲慢13楼的平台上  傲慢8楼可尔能:比较有争议的,传说这个BOSS是10楼下去近,还是7楼上去近,不过本人建议选择10楼下,穿过9楼,到了8楼一直靠右走  傲慢6楼:7楼后下  傲慢3楼:进去右边的房间。另外别忘记傲慢3楼半还有一头。  格拉可:习惯名称巨人群体,亚丁普通飞寂静门口就可以见到。  这边一直到寂静的那边头上,还有只巨人的单体BOSS。
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