特务型战 柏林任务任务柏林游戏怎么得无限子弹(iOS)

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语言: 英文
系统: iOS 5.1.1 或更高版本
  特务型战任务:柏林是一款潜入类的射击游戏,在游戏中玩家们需要扮演一个特务在柏林中完成各种任务,今天小编为大家带来特务型战任务:柏林破解版下载的相关内容,带领大家一起玩遍柏林。  安卓破解版下载:点击...... [查看全文]
  特务型战任务:柏林中的炸弹是玩家们通关流程中必须用到的一种道具,同时他也是一个大规模杀伤性武器,非常的好用,今天小编为大家带来特务型战任务:柏林炸弹怎么获得的相关内容,希望大家能够喜欢。  安卓版下...... [查看全文]
  特务型战任务:柏林中的激光切割器是游戏中一个很重要的道具,很多玩家找了半天也没找到这个东西到底在哪,今天小编为大家带来特务型战任务:柏林激光切割器怎么获得的相关攻略,希望能够帮助到大家。  安卓版下...... [查看全文]
  特务型战任务:柏林这款游戏中有一把可以算得上是神器的武器,就是原型机枪,但是要获取原型机枪的方式非常繁琐,今天小编为大家带来特务型战任务:柏林原型机枪怎么获得的详细攻略,帮助大家快速拿到这一把机枪。...... [查看全文]
  特务型战任务:柏林是一款很不错的游戏,但是有些玩家们想要玩这个游戏却经常有闪退的情况发生,今天小编为大家带来特务型战任务:柏林闪退怎么办的详细攻略,教大家如何防止闪退。  安卓版下载:点击进入  IO...... [查看全文]
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特务型战:柏林任务 完美版截图
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特务型战:柏林任务 完美版游戏介绍
特务型战:柏林任务 完美版(Mission: Berlin)是Warner Bros. International Enterprises开发的一款动作类游戏。特务型战:柏林任务 完美版(Mission: Berlin)的官方介绍特务型战:柏林任务 完美版(Mission: Berlin)以中央情报局或克格勃的精英身份参与全新 3D 多人动作冒险游戏“特务型战:柏林任务 (Mission: Berlin)”。选择你的间谍并完成绝密任务。任务一旦完成,使用点数将你的间谍的技能升级,并将游戏体验录下来,然后分享出去。此游戏是专为速度快的设备而设。显卡质量设定可以在设置菜单中更改。
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小丑回魂:逃离潘尼威斯 VR
不义联盟2 Injustice 2
Who’s in your Justice League? Join your favorite DC Super Heroes & Villains in the best fighting game on mobile. Assemble a team of heroes like Batman, Flash & Wonder Woman to combat the forces against you. Master new combos and crush opponents in dynamic 3-on-3 battles. Upgrade your Super Heroes with special powers as you fight your way through the game. Become a champion by collecting gear for your characters and dominating your foes in PvP contests. Every battle will define you—join the fight and become the ultimate DC champion!
- Unleash epic combos on your opponents using Superman’s heat vision, The Flash’s lightning kick, Harley Quinn’s cupcake bomb and much more
- Take your battles to the next level—inflict massive damage using your favorite DC characters’ super moves
- Earn rewards from each fight to customize your Super Heroes with powerful gear, and collect special characters like Armored Superman, Arkham Knight Batman and much more
- Injustice 2 continues the story set in motion in by the hit game Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Immerse yourself in cinematics straight from the console—with the Justice League shattered it is up to you to pick-up the story and unite a team
- Experience the best graphics on mobile—play with Superman, The Flash and many more in high definition combat
- Become the champion the world needs—enter a contest of Super Heroes where only the powerful win
-Join the contest—enjoy daily challenges and rise up the leaderboard with every victory
- Enter the PvP arena and fight players around the world to become a champion
- Unite the likes of Flash, Supergirl, Batman and more to fight in epic PvP combat
Join now today and unite YOUR Justice League!
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Injustice2Mobile/
Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/InjusticeGame
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Injustice2Go
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/netherrealmstudios/
亚瑟王:斗兽争霸 King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
From nothing comes a king. In this official film game, train as Arthur alongside his gang in order to harness the powers of Excalibur and hold off Vortigern's assault. Do you have what it takes to wield Excalibur? Do you have what it takes to become the born king? Features include: - Time your attacks for optimized fight power - Fluid cinematic martial combat optimized for touch controls - Wield the powerful Excalibur- Compete on the leaderboard in challenging ranked missions- Record your gameplay in HD video and share it on social media
Justice League Action Run
准备好对付世界上最邪恶的恶棍了吗? 这是你的机会,选择自己的Justice League Action英雄来追捕坏人!在任务之间,你可以喘口气,观看视频,了解人物不凡的简介,并阅读宇宙里最好的漫画书!你是团队领导者,还有很多事要做:o用跑步,跳跃,滑行,闪避,飞行和爆破完成150个任务关卡。o在你的任务期间的更换英雄(为什么只用一种超能力或技能呢?)o在每个章节的末尾击败敌人首领,挫败他们的邪恶计划。o升级并定制你的英雄与新服装、技能、装备和超能力。o赚取游戏币来升级并解锁新的英雄,同时获得更多的奖励。o观看Justice League Action和其他DC儿童节目的视频,短片,剪辑和教程。o阅读最新的DC新闻,公告,人物简介和数字漫画书。这是你的世界 - 做出你的选择!英雄:Batman, Superman,Wonder Woman,Firestorm,Cyborg,Hawkman,Swamp Thing。恶棍:Joker,Darkseid,Lex Luthor,Harley Quinn,和Lobo战场: Gotham City,Metropolis,Apokolips
深入魔法世界的同时,精进你的魔法技能,调查难以解释的神秘事件。这是以 J.K. Rowling 的魔法世界为原型的全新冒险,为你带来崭新的体验,你必须探索隐藏物品、采访证人、分析证据以及施放咒语,找出并保护每个神秘关卡中的神奇怪兽主角。 解决全新的魔法神秘事件解开巫师世界秘密的线索,就隐藏在你的眼皮底下。深入探索难以捉摸的神奇怪兽世界,只有你具备高超技巧与过人天赋,能够找出答案。你需要施放咒语、调制魔药及解密隐藏线索,调查并解决全新的神秘事件。 协助魔法部你是奇兽管控部门最机智的新成员,魔法部正仰赖你来破解关卡。无论是玻璃兽还是独角兽、是人马还是龙,你都必须保护牠们。运用你的训练所学调查怪兽事件,证明自己是最聪明、最机智的巫师。 和朋友们一起享受魔法乐趣加入魔法社群,共同解开魔法世界的秘密。与伙伴一较高下,并助朋友们一臂之力。
Suicide Squadmoji
Text your squad with the official Suicide Squad film emoji keyboard!
蝙蝠侠:阿甘地下世界 Batman: Arkham Underworld
準備好接管高譚市了嗎?在《Batman: Arkham Underworld》的罪犯階級一路往上竄,成為高譚市下一位犯罪首腦。將DC漫畫的超級反派納入麾下,派他們替你完成骯髒的勾當,同時訓練一批手下攻擊對手。讓你的犯罪帝國越加茁壯,擊敗敵人,累積戰利品和名聲。打造終極藏匿處,佈滿各式陷阱、保安部隊和潛在危機,保衛你的地盤,讓其他同樣想往上竄的犯罪大王不敢來侵擾。在街頭建立起名聲了嗎?準備好和蝙蝠俠決一死戰,鞏固你的「高譚市終極威脅」地位!o 指揮阿卡漢世界的DC漫畫超級反派,包括謎語人、稻草人、鱷人、哈莉?昆恩和更多角色!o 為你和手下打造終極罪犯藏匿處o 參加刺激的PVP對戰,擊垮你的對手,將他們的地盤洗劫一空! o 爭奪高譚市街頭控制權,藉此累積名聲,擴展你的帝國o 在高譚市各區挑戰刺激的劇情任務o 升級超級反派,解鎖全新能力請注意:《Batman: Arkham Underworld》可免費下載遊玩,但內含需支付實際費用的商品。目前此遊戲僅與iPhone 5 以上版本、iPad Mini 2 以上版本和第三代iPad 以上版本相容。隐私广告行为:此应用允许第三方为其基于兴趣的广告收集数据。访问 warnerbros.com/privacy,浏览 Ad Choices 段落了解更多信息
乐高星球大战:原力觉醒 LEGO(R) Star Wars(TM): The Force Awakens
** “The Force Awakens”故事的第一章是免费的,额外的关卡、故事以及内容则通过app内购买解锁。**在LEGO(R) Star Wars(TM): The Force Awakens(TM)移动版中重温银河系最伟大的探险!扮演电影中的英雄角色,包括蕾伊、芬恩、波·达默龙、汉·索洛、楚巴卡、C-3PO和BB-8以及凯洛·伦和赫克斯将军等。 LEGO(R) Star Wars(TM): The Force Awakens(TM)以风趣机智的LEGO视角重述大片,让粉丝沉浸在从未有过的全新Star Wars(TM)冒险中。玩家还可以体验从未讲述的故事关卡,探索Star Wars(TM): The Force Awakens(TM)之前的时代。 特色: o LEGO Star Wars(TM): The Force Awakens(TM)推出了LEGO游戏中前所未有、令人振奋的游戏机制,包括多功能建造、爆炸战役和改进的飞行方案。 o 使用新的多功能建造系统从多个建筑选项中做出选择,来解决谜题或者只为了找点乐子。所有情节以不同方式提升你的体验。 o 利用周围的环境作为掩体,参与激烈的爆炸战役,击退冷酷无情的第一军团,实现顺利崛起。 o 体验从未有过的酣畅淋漓的高速对战,包括基于竞技场的空战和空中格斗。 o 购买所有内容优惠套装即可享受所有新关卡和角色。今年还将推出更多精彩内容,敬请期待。
超人大战蝙蝠侠 蝙蝠俠對超人:誰勝誰負
引人入勝的遊戲、圖像和音效。Privacy Policy: http://cloud.wbpapps.com/batmanvsuperman/privacypolicy/
Scribblenauts Unlimited
The award-winning, best-selling puzzle game franchise Scribblenauts is back!
Imagine Anything.
Explore Everything.Welcome to an adventure into a wide-open world, where the most powerful tool is still your imagination. Help Maxwell solve robust puzzles across dozens of seamless, free-roaming levels by summoning any object you can think of. Or you can apply adjectives to existing objects and magically transform their properties! Then learn the back-story about Maxwell's parents, 41 siblings (including his twin sister Lily), and how he got his magical notepad.
Featureso All-New Unbound World: Explore an open universe with unlimited hours of fun using every level as your playground. o Object Library: Store previously summoned objects and your own creations in Maxwell's Magic Backpack for easy access and future use. o Mobile optimized controls: Pinch-to-zoom and two-finger pan around enormous playgrounds.
Interact and modify any object on screen.o Exclusive, new characters: Enjoy a time mashup with Hipster Lincoln or Robo-Einstein, become a Corporate Werewolf, or rule from above as Queen of the Skies!
乐高幻影忍者:浪人之影 LEGO(R) Ninjago(TM): Shadow of Ronin(TM)
There is a new threat in Ninjago, and he goes by the name of Ronin. With help from his army of dark samurai, Ronin steals the Ninjas’ memories using an ancient weapon called the Obsidian Glaive.
In LEGO(R) Ninjago(TM): Shadow of Ronin(TM), it is up to players to help the Ninjas regain their memories and reclaim their powers before Ronin completes his plan and releases an even greater evil on Ninjago.
Players will battle through iconic locales from the TV series, including the Ice Temple, the Toxic Bogs, and a mysterious new island, as well as visit the mountain village of Spinjago, where the Ninjas are currently training with Grand Sensei Dareth and Sensei Wu.
GAME FEATURES:-Explore Ninjago: Battle through iconic locales from the LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitsu TV series, including the Ice Temple, the Toxic Bogs and Chen’s Island.-The Obsidian Weapons: Uncover the secret behind these ancient yet powerful tools.-Classic Villains: Defend Ninjago from well-known enemies, including the Serpentine, Nindroids and more. -Cool Vehicles: Drive, fly, stomp and slide your way through levels with an exciting array of bikes, jets, mechs and even dragons!-Spinjitzu Power: Unleash an elemental tornado to smash your way through enemies and solve puzzles. -Improved Controls: Switch between “Virtual D-pad” and “Casual” controls with improved touch screen controls for an even better brick bashing fun!
逃离梦幻岛 PAN: Escape to Neverland
Man the cannons and fend off attacks from the air! Hold on tight and experience a thrilling flight through London as you captain the Jolly Roger and escape to Neverland in the official game for Warner Bros. movie "Pan." Stunning graphics and gameplay:- Official Movie Sound Track and awesome sound effects.- A variety of explosive weapons for you to control.- Hoards of enemies waiting to take down your ship.- Fly the Jolly Rodger!!!! We’re sailing now!- Special bonus level, believe in the magic with Peter
特务型战 任务:柏林游戏
以中央情报局或克格勃的精英身份参与全新 3D 多人动作冒险游戏“特务型战,任务:柏林”。选择你的间谍并完成绝密任务。任务一旦完成,使用点数将你的间谍的技能升级,并将游戏体验录下来,然后分享出去。 此游戏是专为速度快的设备而设。显卡质量设定可以在设置菜单中更改。
***《乐高(R)蝙蝠侠:飞越高谭市》需要iOS 8或更新版本,兼容iPhone 4S、iPod Touch第5代、iPad2及以上版本的设备。******请事先确保已启用iCloud,以便恢复购买项目。要启用iCloud,请前往设备的“设置”、“iCloud”,然后选择“文档和数据”。如果遇到困难,请通过support.wbgames.com与我们联系。***为庆祝“罗宾挚友包”之“人物包”问世,现免费提供解锁。热卖版乐高蝙蝠侠特别授权,为粉丝们带来出神入化、惊险刺激的动作冒险内容!你可以扮演蝙蝠侠,加入DC漫画世界中的人物行列,一飞冲天进入外太空,阻止邪恶的布莱尼亚克毁灭地球。100多个可玩人物快来收集身怀惊人力量与本领的100多个人物,包括正义联盟成员、大型乐高人偶,例如所罗门·格兰迪、灯侠和各大恶棍等等。注:所有人物和能力都可从游戏中获得,无需另行购买。解锁具备独特能力的特殊服装凭借超级服装,让英雄们拥有更强大的力量,例如蝙蝠侠威力十足的爆破装、罗宾的精锐黑客科技装、钢骨隐匿身份的隐身装,还有小丑狡猾的诱敌装。45个飞越高谭市任务进入以外太空和灯族世界(包括札马龙星和奥丁星)为场景的原创故事之中,展开勇敢历险,到访DC漫画中众所周知的正义大堂、蝙蝠洞和正义联盟瞭望塔。人物更多请留意未来更新,更多粉丝热爱的人物将会推出以供收集,包括未来蝙蝠侠、暗黑骑士、1966年版蝙蝠侠等,都将陆续登场!
动态控制风格你可以在“传统”与“触控屏”控制模式之间切换,找到最适合自己的游戏风格。注:本游戏提供数十小时的充实内容与剧场片段,需要占用较大空间!如果在wifi下安装,设备上必须留有2.30GB的可用空间,但如果先下载到电脑然后进行同步,则只需要1.15GB的空间。与很多大型应用程序的安装一样,我们建议在安装之后重新启动设备,这样可以解决一些稳定性问题。此外请确定已安装最新固件。在下载本游戏之前,请注意本应用程序包含可选的应用程序内购买项目,这些项目需花费实际金钱,记入你的iTunes帐上,此外还会有其他Warner Bros.产品与服务的广告和促销。如果允许儿童玩这款游戏,需由家长或监护人下载游戏,并同意应用程序内购买。
体验真人快打X无可比拟、发自内心战斗!将次世代游戏化为图像的惊人战斗和卡片收集游戏,进驻您的移动和平板设备。 组建一支由真人快打战士构成的精英队伍,在地球上最了不起的格斗比赛中证明自己。野蛮的3对3格斗 创建您自己的真人快打战士队伍,率领他们投入战斗,来获取经验、新的特殊攻击和强大的宝物。庞大的战士名单将真人快打的老将蝎子、乔尼·凯奇、绝对零度、索尼娅、吉塔娜、艾尔马克及其他一干角色收入麾下。更可以发现真人快打最新的参战者,如昆虫般的沃拉、火爆的凯西·凯奇、嗜血的科塔尔汗,以及神秘的昆进。震惊四座的X射线和终结技真人快打X将招牌的终结技和X射线也移植到了移动设备端。在惊人的图形表现下,这些无可比拟的招式可以让您五体投地。 挑战其他玩家和其他玩家在派系战争中较量。在这个在线竞技模式中,玩家可以和其他玩家组成的队伍互相角力。提升您的派系排行榜名次,来获得每周奖励。召唤盟友进入战斗寻找其他玩家,使之成为您的盟友。借助一名战士的力量,对敌人造成决定性的一击。 注意:* 真人快打X拥有高质量画面。Ipod Touch 和 Iphone 4S 等 RAM 低于1 GB 的设备,其性能将不会获得优化。** 您的设备至少需要1.5 GB 的可用空间。
乐高神兽传奇系列:部落战士 LEGO(R) Legends of Chima: Tribe Fighters
尽享乐高神兽传奇系列:部落战士(LEGO Legends of Chima: Tribe Fighters)游戏,决定您属于哪一方,选择您的部落,打败一波又一波的敌人!*在iOS上玩Laval 专属版,升级狮子战士 。* 使用狮子或鳄鱼部落,为神兽保护者而战,或使用冰熊或剑齿虎部落,为冰猎人而战与近战战士并肩作战,和冲击波游侠一起选择距离而不是威力,或使用部落将军召唤神奇闪电收集气,释放毁灭性的特殊能力完成挑战,粉碎乐高,赚取钉子,升级您的角色的威力、防御和特殊能力建立自己部落的旗帜,并召唤额外后援,铲平游戏场12个特棒的角色,且4个独特的游戏场合为一服务条款 –http://www.ellentv.com/page//terms-of-use/隐私政策 – http://www.kidswb.com/privacy如果你遇到困难,请与我们联系:support.wbgames.com如果你喜欢LEGO游戏,一定不要错过《LEGO 蝙蝠侠:DC超级英雄》,《LEGO 指环王》,《LEGO 哈利波特:第1-4年及第5-7年》,以及《LEGO 好朋友》。
乐高电影视频游戏 乐高大电影 – 视频游戏
*** LEGO(R)电影视频游戏需要iOS7或更高版本,并且与iPhone4S、iPad2和更高版本的设备兼容。请保证预先启用iCloud,以便恢复购买。 请确保提前启用iCloud,才能恢复购买。要 启用iCloud,请按顺序选择您设备的“设置”、“iCloud”和“文档和数据”。如果您遇到困难,请联系我们的支持团队:support.wbgames.com。 最后,为了庆祝发行,我们特别提供“五彩纸屑”和“泡沫”红砖能力,供大家自由购买!***LEGO(R) Movie Video Game游戏推出的手机版,让平凡变得精彩,马上体验极致LEGO建筑冒险!欢迎来到艾米特的世界,他是一位循规蹈矩的普通公民,却被误认为最不寻常的人和拯救世界的关键人物。他被纳入一支陌生人团队,参加阻止邪恶暴君史的史诗般任务,他玩家引导着完全没有心理准备的他,克服一段充满艰辛却欢愉的旅程。主要特点:- 超过 90 个著名电影角色的超级组合,包括蝙蝠侠、超人、绿忍者、甘道夫、本尼等,让人愉悦和惊讶,让人叹为观止- 穿越 Flatbush Gulch、Cloud Cuckoo Land 之类的幻想世界,尽享 45 个激动人心的级别。- 在用乐高积木建成的迷人环境中尽情粉碎砖块!- 收集和使用乐高教学页,以新方式建造。- 充分利用建筑大师的超凡力量打造非凡的乐高作品。- 在模拟实际乐高玩具动作的电影中,享受全新动画风格。注:本游戏包括长达好几个小时的动画场面及内容,所以将占用许多空间!如果你透过无线网络安装,设备上的可用空间将需要 2.2GB,但如果你将游戏下载并同步到你的电脑,便只需 1.1GB 的空间。和安装许多大型应用程序一样,我们建议你在安装后重新启动设备,以解决一些稳定性问题。另外,还请确保安装最新版本的固件。在你下载游戏之前,请注意这款应用包含那只购买功能,费用将直接从您的 iTunes 账号扣除,Warner Bros. 其他产品和服务的广告和促销信息也将发到同样的账号。 父母或监护人如果下载了这款游戏给小孩玩,表示同意游戏内置购买。服务条款 –http://www.ellentv.com/page//terms-of-use/隐私政策 – http://www.kidswb.com/privacy如果你遇到困难,请与我们联系:support.wbgames.com
WWE不朽战神 WWE Immortals
带领最喜欢的 WWE Superstars 离开竞技场,然后进入 WWE IMMORTALS 的超自然世界。利用 Injustice 和 Mortal Kombat 制造商设计的触控式战斗功能并凭藉毁灭性力量打败对手。利用独特的招牌技能招式、装备和支持卡牌,壮大您的选手组合。在 WWE 充满暴力的赛事现场给对手带来痛苦吧。战斗使用移动设备的触控功能,在 3 对 3 史诗般战斗中打击敌人。轻扫和轻按手指,即可施展连续攻击以及积蓄力量,然后使出特技攻击,您也可以使用 Superstars 的自定义超能力。为数众多的选手收集并扮演您最喜欢的超能力 WWE Superstars:Triple H、John Cena、The Undertaker、The Bella Twins、The Rock、Stone Cold 以及其他 Superstars 等等。每一位知名的 Superstars 都有独特的变体,这些变体都具备特殊的力量和招式。升级建立您的招式、增强您的力量、升级您的游戏人物以及在战斗中求胜。不断调整您的名单来适应打法,然后在一系列战斗中,推荐最好的 Immortals。在线多人游戏与“在线对战”中的真正对手交战以及和 WWE 游戏内赛事的全球玩家现场对决并获得超级大奖。画面逼真为手机或平板电脑带来最逼真的图形效果,而且每一位 WWE Superstar 都有自定义动画。加入对战,向五湖四海的高手挑战。量身定制的每一位 Superstar 角色,全以 3D 效果呈现。请注意:《WWE IMMORTALS》是一款免费游戏,但是有些物品需要实际付费购买。这款游戏可以安装到 iPod touch 第五代;iPad 2、3 和 4;iPad Air 1 和 2; iPad Mini 1、2 和 3; iPhone 4、4s、5、5c、5s、6 和 6 Plus。必须于 iOS 5 以上版本才可使用。
猫和老鼠的圣诞节 Tom & Jerry: Santa's Little Helpers Appisode
In this Tom & Jerry appisode, your child interacts with the world’s favorite cat and mouse duo to help them ring in a wild wintertime celebration.Jerry Mouse lives the good life in Santa's workshop -- until the day Tom Cat is rescued by the Claus family. With Tom in the house, merry mayhem commences at the North Pole. When the dust settles, can the comically destructive duo become friends and work together to save Christmas?Using tap, tilt, swipe, shake and pinch functionality, kids participate in the story through dozens of interactive moments such as: guiding Tom to the North Pole, fixing toys in Santa’s workshop, and delivering Jingles the puppy to his new family.o Full-length appisode based on the holiday Tom & Jerry episode: “Tom & Jerry: Santa’s Little Helpers”o Varied activities throughout the appisode make every session a new experienceo You can track your child’s progress and success in each activity
霍比特人- 五军之战 The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies - Fight for Middle-earth
Join the fight for Middle-earth in an all-new 3D game. Choose to battle as Humans, Dwarves, Elves or Orcs to see which group will earn a spot atop the leaderboard. Switch between characters for a tactical advantage, and then play as the hero to finish the fight!
From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson comes “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” the third in a trilogy of films adapting the enduringly popular masterpiece The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien.
An ancient enemy has returned to Middle-earth. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has sent forth legions of Orcs in a stealth attack upon the Lonely Mountain. As darkness converges on their escalating conflict, the races of Dwarves, Elves and Men must decide—unite or be destroyed.
涂鸦跳跃 DC超级英雄 Doodle Jump DC Super Heroes
EPISODE 1: "Batman": WARNING to all villains: There’s a new super hero in town! Doodle the Doodler of Doodle Jump fame learned a trick or two from Batman and is now facing off against Gotham’s most infamous villains – The Penguin, Mr. Freeze, The Joker,
and The Riddler - in a chase to save the powerful stolen crystals. ... Stay tuned for other episodes with Doodle as other powerful DC Super Heroes!FEATURES:- Ka-pow! Face off against powerful villains in boss battles- Whoosh! Pursue evil doers with a batcopter, bat jetpack and more- Ka-ching! Collect crystals to upgrade your gear and catch the crooks faster- Bam! Level up to gain more powerful glides, batarangs, and crystal magnets- Whew! Stop your fall with a bat grappling gunHow to play:Tilt to move left or right. Tap the screen to shoot. Swipe to glide.Note: Doodle Jump DC Super Heroes offers in-app purchases and charges real money for some in-app content. You may block the ability to purchase in-app content in your device’s settings. iTunes will keep you logged on for 15 minutes after an initial in-app purchase. Additional purchases will not require password re-entry during this time. This is an iTunes setting and not within our control.*** This game contains ads. You can easily remove them by purchasing any of the crystal packages.***
史酷比和兔八哥的卡通世界:街机 Scooby Doo! & Looney Tunes Cartoon Universe: Arcade
Create and customize your own cartoon character, then step into the AMAZING 3-D Scooby Doo & Looney Tunes Cartoon Universe: Arcade! Hang out in the arcade with Scooby, Bugs, Daffy and ALL your favorite cartoon friends. Play ten fun mini-games – all included with the purchase of the game – based on the iconic Looney Tunes and Scooby Doo cartoon worlds. Each arcade game comes with multiple levels and increasingly difficult challenges! Earn coins while you play to unlock other games in the arcade! You can also customize your own 3-D cartoon character with special clothes, hats, and styles! Scooby Doo & Looney Tunes Cartoon Universe: Arcade contains hours of fun for kids AND adults! With multiple user profiles, share the game with the entire family – and no one will lose their progress OR their score! Everyone in the family will enjoy creating a cartoon character in their own unique style! Challenge yourself to unlock tons of achievements as you play through multiple levels on each of the TEN included arcade games!
LEGO(R) Friends
Welcome to amazing Heartlake City where summer fun awaits! Meet your new LEGO(R) Friends and join them on exciting adventures that build friendships with the girls and allow you to express your individual style and personality as you explore the city. Shop for the latest outfits and accessories, select the perfect hairstyle, decorate your bedroom and even pick out a pet. Choose how to spend
whether you’d rather attend horse riding camp, perfect a dance routine, play soccer, practice karate, or care for an animal at the rescue center, you can do these things and more as you express your creativity, and build fun memories with your five new friends!LEGO(R) Friends works with iPod Touch 5 iPad 2, iPad 3, and iPad 4; iPad Air, iPad mini, and iPad mini with Retina D iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s.GAME FEATURES- Express Yourself: Pick out your clothing, hairstyle and accessories, decorate your bedroom the way you want, choose your favorite animal as a pet and even pick out accessories for your pet!- Meet New LEGO(R) Friends: Join your new friends on unique adventures. Help Andrea decide what to sing at her concert, or take photos for Emma’s newspaper article. Enjoy different activities with each girl as you learn about her unique personality, interests and personal style.- Enjoy Total Freedom: Explore Heartlake City and decide how you want to spend your time. Hang out with your friends at the cafe, play soccer, attend dance rehearsal, or master skills at the karate dojo.- Build Your Friendships: Help your Friends on special adventures like winning a trophy in a horse riding competition or delivering cupcakes, and your friendship levels with the girls will grow closer to “True Friend” status. On some adventures you’ll even unlock in-game money that you can use for shopping!- Care for Your Pet: Train your pet to do tricks, groom her, feed her treats, and enter her in a pet show. Each pet has a special skill that they can use to help you on your adventures. You can even trade places with your fun-loving pet so you can play the game from her perspective. - Scrapbook Your Adventures: Use your in-game camera for photo-ops and create a beautiful scrapbook of fun memories, so you’ll never forget your summer adventures in Heartlake City.
乐高漫威超级英雄:宇宙危机 LEGO(R) Marvel Super Heroes:宇宙危机
LEGO(R) Marvel(TM) Super Heroes:宇宙危机是一款根据漫威宇宙原创动漫故事而打造的动作冒险游戏。操控钢铁侠、蜘蛛侠、绿巨人、美国船长、金刚狼及众多其他漫威超级英雄联合对抗洛基及众多其他漫威邪恶力量,阻止他们合成能够摧毁整个世界的超级武器!
本游戏包含多个小时的动画内容,将占用大量的存储空间!如果您是通过 wifi 进行安装的话,那么您的设备上需要有 2.2gb 的可用空间,但如果您是使用电脑下载后再进行同步的话,那么您只需要 1.1gb 的空间即可。
o 可召唤91个游戏人物,如钢铁侠、蜘蛛侠、美国船长、金刚狼,并可随着游戏进度解锁更多游戏人物。您也可以通过游戏内商店随时购买新人物家族。
o 遍访漫威世界中的关键场景追寻“漫画魔块”,更有45项史诗般的使命等你来完成。
o 使用超级技能与敌人作战,如飞行、超能力和隐身。
o 使用快节奏的战斗技能并激活超级技能,如绿巨人的“雷霆一击”和钢铁侠的“电弧反应器”。
o 完成挑战,赢取奖励。
o 可在“游戏主机”和“触摸屏”两种操控模式之间自由选择,寻找最适合您的游戏方式。
Ellen's Know or Go Free
Now you can play Ellen’s Know or Go, Ellen’s favorite game from her show! Put your knowledge to the test with the hilarious trivia game on your iPhone or iPad – and impress Ellen with your brilliance! But remember, if you don’t know the answer, you’re gonna get dropped! Can you handle the tension?In the Full version, Jump right into the game with your own personal avatar. Grab a photo of yourself from your camera or Facebook, then pick from several custom outfits. If you want to update your look, you can choose a new wardrobe! Then listen as Ellen narrates the game, making jokes and eggs you on. No trivia game has ever been more fun! If you’ve got what it takes to challenge Ellen, the Full version will give you 600 questions in 7 different categories, including history, current events, music, TV and more. You’ll never get bored — there are always new questions! Play single player or against friends to become the top player on the world-wide leader board (Game Center integrated), then brag about your scores on Facebook. And in the Full Version of Ellen’s Know or Go for iPad, you’ll get an additional 200 questions – and can watch yourself drop from the cliffs of South America, the icebergs in Antarctica, the planks of a treacherous pirate ship and more! So go on and get started – and remember, if you don’t know, you go!Full Version FEATURES: 600 Trivia Questions for iPhone / 800 Trivia Questions for iPad: - Pop culture themed with seven different categories including History, Music, TV, and other Fun current events. - No matter what mode you're playing in, the game keeps track of what questions you've been asked, so you're always getting new and unanswered questions! - A worldwide leaderboard is included in all (3GS and up) of the game's competitive modes giving supreme bragging rights to the gamer with the highest score.- Listen to Ellen’s comments while you play the game. Don’t be distracted by her taunts!Avatars (only available in the Full version):- Create an avatar using either a photo from your device, taking a new picture from your onboard camera, or from your personal Facebook profile. Tired of your outfit? Switch between several custom outfits that will change the scenery as you battle your way through all the questions.Play Two Different Games Modes: - Play a 1-player or 2-player game with a friend. Connect your device via Bluetooth or challenge another player on Game Center and see your opponent’s Avatar on screen along with all of its moves and animations. Apple Game Center Leaderboards (Apple’s Social Gaming Platform) & Achievements:- Earn achievements and climb the ranks on the Leaderboards. Unlock over 25 Achievements and compare your score to other friends who play the game.Facebook Connect:- Use Facebook Connect to post your scores to Facebook or brag about beating a friend in a 2-player match.---------------------------------------If you’re having problems with the game, please check out our support page: http://ellen.warnerbros.com/ellentogo/knoworgo_faqs.phpIf you’re still experiencing problems, please email us at: ---------------------------------------Get everything Ellen in one convenient place, which is better than a lot of inconvenient places.Get it here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ellen/id?mt=8
乐高哈利波特:5-7年 LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
THE BATTLE IS BUILDING! The sequel to the hit video game is now available for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad!
Continue the saga of the Boy Who Lived in this spell-binding adventure for wizards and Muggles alike. Experience Harry’s last years at Hogwarts? and battle Lord Voldemort? in the ultimate fight between good and evil. The creative LEGO? prowess unites with the expansive world of Harry Potter? to deliver an exciting and rewarding gameplay experience that features lessons, spell-casting, dueling and much more for players of all ages!
Follow Harry’s heroic endeavors and encounter new faces, new lessons, new challenges and new spells.
Explore new LEGO gameplay settings including Grimmauld Place, the Ministry of Magic, and Godric’s Hollow as well as iconic locations like Diagon Alley and Hogwarts.
Build, conjure and explore this multi-faceted LEGO world as you discover your inner wizard!
Enjoy the game with full 3D game play.
Touch the screen to cast spells and target objects, use the interactive display to change characters and spells simply by touching their icons, and recreate iconic duels by casting and deflecting spells with your fingers tips.
Complete the game to 100% in the fastest time and post your scores to the leader board. Compare your score against friends or the whole world!
25 achievements to unlock
Add the Dueling Club expansion and master advanced dueling skills against a host of famous witches and wizards including Professor Snape, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lord Voldemort and many more. Defeat each category leader to unlock them for use in Free Play mode.
乐高哈利波特:1-4年-LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
In celebration of the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Part 2, LEGO Harry Potter is only $2.99
Please make sure to also check out Harry Potter: Spells which is now $0.99 for a limited time.
Experience the events of Harry Potter's first four years at Hogwarts – LEGO? style!
★★★Top iPhone Game of 2010(RPG Category) - TouchArcade★★★
"This is the game to show your doubting friends as I don't believe a game of this depth or breadth presently exists on the App Store, and certainly not one with the care and attention that the Warner Bros. team have expended on it."(TouchArcade.com)
"Okay, so if you're buying only one game this week, which one should it be? No contest: Lego Harry Potter. It's that good, even if you're not a fan of boy wizards or building blocks."(CNET.com ??)
"...early impressions seem to indicate that this could be one of the best games currently on the platform."(Kotaku.com ??)
"LEGO Harry Potter looks razor sharp on a Retina display device."(IGN - 8 out of 10)
"...instantly charming and thoroughly impressive."(PocketGamer - 8 out of 10)
Play as Harry, Ron, Hermione and many more as you explore Hogwarts and engage in countless hours of gameplay spread across 40+ levels based on the Harry Potter books and movies. ??LEGO? Harry Potter?: Years 1-4 brings the world of LEGO? Harry Potter to life on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, giving gamers the power to play with LEGO characters and models in a brand new way. Based on the first four Harry Potter books and movies, LEGO? Harry Potter: Years 1-4 builds on the foundations of previous LEGO? video games by offering a mix of fun, accessible gameplay and light-hearted humor – appealing to all ages. Players can explore the wizarding world and feel as though they are at Hogwarts.
? The Events of Harry Potter’s First Four Years at Hogwarts – LEGO? style! – including the Triwizard Tournament, the Quidditch World Cup, the Basilisk battle in the Chamber of Secrets, the encounter with Aragog and the face-to-face confrontation with Voldemort himself.
??? Stunning Graphics – take advantage of the Retina Display.
? Intuitive Touch-Screen Controls – take complete control over your character to explore, solve puzzles and duel.
? An Authentic Harry Potter Experience:
??- Visit Iconic locations – including Diagon Alley, the Forbidden Forest, the village of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts castle – a grand, immersive 3-D environment and the largest, most detailed LEGO? game location ever built.
??- Play as over 100 characters – including Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.
??- Attend Hogwarts – cast spells, mix potions, fly on broomsticks and complete hundreds of magical tasks to earn points.
? Character Customization – using hundreds of different LEGO? Harry Potter pieces.
? Classic LEGO? Humor – enjoy the characteristic comedic LEGO? ‘twist’ on events from the fiction.
? Endless Replayability – use ‘Freeplay’ to discover areas of gameplay not accessible in Story Mode.
? Collectables – pick up a huge variety of items throughout the game.
??Check out these other exciting WB apps:
??? Tapper World Tour
??? Tapper World Tour HD(iPad only)
??? Harry Potter: Spells
? Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
?? Sherlock Holmes Mysteries
? LEGO Batman: Gotham City Games
Jack The Giant Slayer
Have you got what it takes to be a hero?
Begin your ascent to legendary status with JACK'S GIANT RACE, the game inspired by Warner Bros.’ and X-Men director Bryan Singer’s film JACK THE GIANT SLAYER.A kidnapped princess awaits you at the top of a fearsome, sky-high beanstalk.
Dodge falling rocks and sinister crows as you climb higher and higher into the unknown.
Collect health and food along the way to steel yourself against the increasing intensity of the hazards plunging toward you.You’ll need every ounce of strength and agility you can summon to stay alive and complete your mission.
The princess – and her kingdom – is counting on you!
Fallon's Fury
Take your gaming experience to new heights with FALLON’S FURY, the game inspired by Warner Bros.’ and X-Men director Bryan Singer’s film JACK THE GIANT SLAYER.
Feed your appetite for destruction as a kingdom attempts to defend itself against an invasion of bloodthirsty giants.Play as Fallon, the vicious 2-headed leader of the giants, and lay waste to everything in your path. Strike terror into the hearts of men as you tower over your foes, earning more points when you smash targets fleeing from a destroyed house. You’ll do even more damage when you find a club and wield it as a weapon, increasing your smashing power. Devour livestock to intensify your rage and triple your score.But beware – you’ll be under attack by the King’s army.
Do your best to dodge their relentless assaults as you storm the castle and crush the humans’ fortress to rubble.
Harry Potter: Spells
Transform your iPhone or iPod touch into a magic wand and get ready to duel!
You are officially invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Once enrolled, receive the wand destined for you before being Sorted into one of the four houses by the Sorting Hat. Then using specific hand gestures for each of the 17 included spells, practice, practice, practice before experiencing the ultimate contest - DUELLING!
Compete against the computer or challenge a fellow classmate to a real-time duel – player versus player, casting spells from one device to the other. Earn valuable house points for your house while learning, practicing and duelling. Visit the house points section to view your official stats and global ranking. Finally, share it with the rest of the world by posting it to your Facebook page via Facebook Connect.
FEATURES: ? 23 Powerful Spells
- Stun your opponent with STUPEFY or disarm them with EXPELLIARMUS, and many, many more? 17 spells included in this premium version with two additional spell packs available from the all-new “More Spells” option in the main menuo All-New Spell Pack #6* – CRUCIO, IMPERIO and WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA*Requires Update 1.6? ALL 3 UNFORGIVABLE CURSES ARE AVAILABLE NOW!!! ? All-New Push Notifications:oStay up to date with everything Harry Potter by receiving push notifications directly to your device!!!? All-New Death Eater skin:oUnlock all 23 spells to skin your menu screen with the all-new Death Eater skin? 2 Control Schemes:o Touch-Screen – Use your finger to draw shapes on the screen to cast spells.o Motion Controls - Draw shapes vertically in the air with your device to cast spells.? Intense Duelling Action:o Single Player - Cast spells against three different difficulty levelso Multiplayer – Challenge a friend to a duel and cast spells from one device to the other in real-time encounters? Authentic Experience - From visiting Ollivanders to being sorted by the Sorting Hat ? Practice Makes Perfect - Tutorial system educates and trains, grading you on your spell casting performance, thus unlocking spells as you go? Monitor Your Ranking – Keep an eye on your wins, losses and House Cup rankings to be the strongest wizard in Hogwarts? Share With Your Friends – Post your Harry Potter: Spells stats on your Facebook page using Facebook Connect-------------------------- Also, be sure to visit the Harry Potter: Spells Facebook and Twitter pages to find out when additional spells are available! BECOME A FAN - facebook.com/HarryPotterSpellsGame
FOLLOW US - twitter.com/HPSpellsGame
-------------------------- “A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! Best app on iTunes!” – User review -------------------------- *Help Harry Potter: Spells climb into the top 10 by writing a review* -------------------------- Check out these other exciting WB apps: ? Scribblenauts Remix? LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4? LEGO Batman: Gotham City Games? Happy Feet? Two: Erik's Adventure -------------------------- Visit HarryPotterSpellsApp.com for… ? Helpful Tips Video? Official Game Trailer? Harry Potter Cast Trailer? Gameplay Videos? Screenshots? Much, much, more!
Harry Potter: Spells - Free Harry Potter: Spells - Free
The Facebook fans have spoken and the final 2 Unforgivable Curses, Crucio and Imperio are here, along with Wingardium Leviosa.
Select “More Spells” from the main menu and download them Today!!!
"I''''d give it a billion stars if I could!" - User Review
“A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! Best app on iTunes!” – User review
Transform your iPhone or iPod touch into a magic wand and get ready to duel! And check back very soon for some brand new Harry Potter excitement that is brewing up in our cauldron right now…
You are officially invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Once enrolled, receive the wand destined for you before being Sorted into one of the four houses by the Sorting Hat. Then using specific hand gestures for each of the spells, practice, practice, practice before experiencing the ultimate contest - DUELLING!
Compete against the computer or challenge a fellow classmate to a real-time duel – player versus player, casting spells from one device to the other. Earn valuable house points for your house while learning, practicing and duelling. Visit the house points section to view your official stats and global ranking. Finally, share it with the rest of the world by posting it to your Facebook page via Facebook Connect.
o 23 Powerful Spells -
Download AVADA KEDAVRA, STUPEFY, SECTUMSEMPRA and more from within the app
o 3 spells are included in this version with 20 additional spells available from the “More Spells” option located in the main menu
*Requires Update 1.6
o Stay up to date with everything Harry Potter by receiving push notifications directly to your device!!!
o 2 Control Schemes:
o Touch-Screen – Use your finger to draw shapes on the screen to cast spells.
o Motion Controls - Draw shapes vertically in the air with your device to cast spells.
o Intense Duelling Action:
o Single Player - Cast spells against three different difficulty levels
o Multiplayer – Challenge a friend to a duel and cast spells from one device to the other in real-time encounters
o Authentic Experience - From visiting Ollivanders to being sorted by the Sorting Hat
o Practice Makes Perfect - Tutorial system educates and trains, grading you on your spell casting performance, thus unlocking spells as you go
o Monitor Your Ranking – Keep an eye on your wins, losses and House Cup rankings to be the strongest wizard in Hogwarts
o Share With Your Friends – Post your Harry Potter: Spells stats on your Facebook page using Facebook Connect
Ranked #13 in Babble.com’s Top 50 iPhone apps for kids
“The graphics will delight any wannabe wizard…” – The New York Times (Harry Potter Spells was among the “Favorite 14” Apps of 2009!!)
"The graphics in Harry Potter Spells are fantastic, and this is a terrific wizarding experience for fans of all ages.” – Babble.com
Check out these other exciting WB apps:
o Tapper World Tour
o Tapper World Tour HD(iPad only)
o Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
o Sherlock Holmes Mysteries
o LEGO Batman: Gotham City Games
o Terminator Salvation: Graphic Novel
Visit HarryPotterSpellsApp.com for…
o Helpful Tips Video
o Official Game Trailer
o Harry Potter Cast Trailer
o Gameplay Videos
o Screenshots
o Much, much, more!
***电影钢铁之躯官方游戏!*** 佐德将军正在逼近地球,只有钢铁英雄能阻止他。利用超人的力量来开启你战斗的胜利之路吧,拯救星球,让它免遭毁灭。 再次体验电影钢铁之躯中的感官享受! -攻击、闪避、阻挡,利用各种超能力(包括飞行、超音速和热成像仪)来打败佐德和他的邪恶力量。 -你可以深入地体验故事模式,或者在激烈的生存模式中获得个人高分。 -挑战电影中特有的小头目和装备了先进技术的敌人。 变成前所未有的超人 .-解锁并购买6种以上不同的电影钢铁之躯中的原型套装。 -升级你的套装,让它们成为真正所向披靡的力量! -通过升级所需的特殊能力来自定义游戏体验。 -拥抱真正的超人之力吧,那些让骨头吱嘎作响的连击,一切的一切都只需轻轻滑动你的手指。 令人惊叹的画面 -以完美的细节动画和过场动画,将次时代画面呈现在你的手机和平板电脑上。 -战斗发生在各种细节和交互式的3D场景中,包括超人前传、肯特农场等等。需要iOS 5或更高版本
堡垒 Bastion
*IMPORTANT* Bastion requires an iPad 2 or newer, iPhone 4S or newer, or iPod touch (5th gen).App Store BEST of 2012 Pick! Reimagined for iOS, this award-winning action RPG experience redefines storytelling in games with a reactive narrator who marks your every move!* * *REVIEWSBastion earned Editors' Choice on the App Store but that's not all! Here's what critics have to say:"...simply astounding. This is an action RPG that deserves a spot on every gamer's iPad."- SlideToPlay.com (4 out of 4 ""Must Have"")"Bastion for iPad is just as good if not better than its console brethren."- TouchArcade (5 stars out of 5)"...a wonderful adaption of an outstanding action title... feels at home on the App Store."- AppSpy.com (5 out of 5)"It’s a beautiful, clever, absolutely one-of-a-kind experience."- 148Apps.com (5 stars out of 5)"Bastion is a textbook example of how to make an iPad port."- IGN.com (9 out of 10)* * *AWARDSThe original version of Bastion earned more than 100 industry accolades, including:- BEST DOWNLOADABLE GAME and BEST DEBUT, Game Developers Choice Awards- DOWNLOADABLE TITLE of the YEAR, Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences- BEST VIDEOGAME of the YEAR, Paste Magazine- BEST DOWNLOADABLE GAME and BEST ORIGINAL SCORE, SpikeTV- BEST DOWNLOADABLE GAME and BEST INDIE GAME, Inside Gaming Awards* * * Bastion for iOS features all the highly acclaimed artwork, music, and narration that Bastion is known for, along with intuitive touch controls. Explore more than 40 lush hand-painted environments as you discover the secrets of the Calamity, a surreal catastrophe that shattered the world to pieces. Wield a huge arsenal of upgradeable weapons and battle savage beasts adapted to their new habitat. Finish the main story to unlock New Game Plus mode and continue your journey!KEY FEATURES- Stunning hand-painted artwork- Critically-acclaimed original music score- Hours of reactive narration deliver a deep story- Intuitive touch controls created exclusively for iOS- Universal App runs on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch- Variable difficulty for players of all skill levels- Action-packed combat rewards playing with finesse- 10+ unique upgradeable weapons to be used- 6 powerful Bastion structures to be discovered- 'New Game Plus' mode unlocked after finishing the story- Game Center achievements and leaderboards- Sync saved data seamlessly via iCloudBastion is the first title from Supergiant Games. We're a small developer with big ambitions: to make games that spark your imagination like the games you played as a kid. Follow @SupergiantGames on Twitter or visit us at www.supergiantgames.com. * * * LANGUAGES- Voice-over narration: English - Text and subtitles: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian (based on region setting)
蝙蝠侠阿甘姆之城:禁闭 Batman Arkham City Lockdown
The inmates have escaped and Batman has his hands full defeating an army of henchmen and some of his most iconic villains. Scour the rooftops and the seedy underbelly of Gotham City through a series of one-on-one battles with the Joker, Two-Face and more, as well as the Batman: Arkham City Lockdown exclusive - Deathstroke. Choose from several Batman skins and power-ups as you punch, kick and combo your way to cleaning up Gotham City.
And the critics love it!
? “…blown away at the graphics and fun multi-touch gameplay” – GeekWire
? “Batman Arkham City Lockdown is a beautiful, accessible game that iOS gamers and Batman aficionados will enjoy” – MacLife
? “Overall, Lockdown is a solid expansion of the Arkham universe.” – USA Today Game Hunters
***请确保提前启用iCloud,才能恢复购买。要 启用iCloud,请按顺序选择您设备的“设置”、“iCloud”和“文档和数据”。如果您遇到困难,请联系我们的支持团队:support.wbgames.com。***DC超级英雄联手出击!这一次,蝙蝠侠与罗宾与Superman、Wonder Woman、Green Lantern以及其他知名DC超级英雄联手,一同对抗恶名昭彰的罪犯Lex Luthor和The Joker,阻止他们毁灭高谭市。 世界各地的蝙蝠侠粉丝在与坏蛋战斗、力图将他们送回牢房时,一定会喜欢这充满经典乐高电玩动作与幽默感十足的原创游戏!游戏特色:80个可玩角色随着游戏进行,你可以解锁正义联盟中最为人喜爱的角色,像是Superman、Wonder Woman、Green Lantern与The Flash,你也可以随时在游戏内商店购买他们。取得Aquaman、Green Arrow、Cyborg与Hawkman的帮助,阻止Harley Quinn、Poison Ivy、Penguin与Catwoman的犯罪活动!英雄套装,小工具与超能力掌握英雄套装所赋予的能力,例如罗宾防护装就装配了压力加农炮;而蝙蝠侠则有双刃折叠刀小工具;你也可在Superman用呼吸冰结与热视线打击犯罪之时,与其一同翱翔天际!RETINA 图像技术与 iPad RETINA 显示屏兼容,从而将 iOS 平台上的乐高游戏推向了更高的层次。动态控制风格在“经典”与“触屏”控制间切换,找出最适合你的游戏风格。会说话的迷你人偶iOS平台上的乐高游戏首次引入,会说话的迷你人偶将让这个原创故事更加生动!成就与游戏中心解锁成就,连接至游戏中心,获得完整的高谭冒险游戏体验如果你喜欢LEGO游戏,一定不要错过《LEGO 蝙蝠侠:DC超级英雄》,《LEGO 星球大战:完整传奇》,《LEGO 指环王》,《LEGO 哈利波特:第1-4年及第5-7年》,以及《LEGO 好朋友》。
口香糖冒险家 AdvenChewers
Harness the mighty power of bubble gum in a high-flying adventure from Warner Bros.!When the world is faced with its darkest moment, there’s only one thing to do…CHEW.
Become an AdvenChewer and soar to your father’s rescue before he’s forced to serve an evil General.
Using special bubble gum and friendly birds, fly through treacherous landscapes of cascading ice caverns, boiling volcanoes, and more.Float your way to the top of the leaderboards and crush your Facebook friends’ high scores as you pop the General’s plans and save your family.
Game Features:TAP TO TOWERING HEIGHTSRun, jump, and fly through 48 levels in 6 unique worlds.
CHEW ON THISZap enemies with electric gum, catch a breeze by blowing windy bubbles, and chew on soap gum to clean up a goo-soaked world – there’s a different gum for every obstacle.FIND FEATHERED FRIENDSCollect 3 birds in every level to boost your score then hop on a blazing Phoenix at furious speeds!BURST THEIR BUBBLESBeat your Facebook friends’ highest scores and save the world before they do!DON’T BLOW ITVisit the store and fashion your AdvenChewer with upgraded helmets, jackets, and a bird compass to locate your avian allies!
乐高:指环王 LEGO(R) The Lord of the Rings(TM)
Follow the epic storylines of the original The Lord of the Rings trilogy reimagined with the humor and endless variety of LEGO gameplay.
Relive the legend of The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King through LEGO minifigures, as they explore wonders and solve timeless riddles.
Orcs and fouler things await on this perilous path to Mount Doom but a Fellowship will be formed — Aragorn the Ranger, Gandalf the Wizard, Legolas the Elf, Gimli the Dwarf, Boromir Man of Gondor, and Frodo’s Hobbit friends Sam, Merry and Pippin all join in to help along the quest to destroy the Ring and return peace to the land. This game includes many hours of content and cinematics that take up a lot of space! You will need 3 GB of available space on your device if you install over wifi, but only 1.5 GB of space if you download on your computer and then sync.??As with many large app installations, we advise that you restart your device after installing as this will resolve some stability issues.
Also make sure you have installed the most recent firmware. FEATURES:EXPLORATION: Delve into the world of Middle-earth and engage in epic battles with Orcs, Uruk-hai, the Balrog, the Witch-king, and other fearsome creatures.THE ONE RING: Wield the power of The One Ring, and enter the Twilight World of the Ringwraiths.TALKING MINI-FIGS: Experience LEGO The Lord of the Rings heroes come to life in an all new way with the minifig characters delivering the memorable dialogue from the films.OVER 90 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Discover and unlock more than 90 playable characters, including Frodo, Sam, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Gandalf the White, Sauron, Saruman, Tom Bombadil, Radagast the Brown, King of the Dead, Twilight Nazg?l, Galadriel, Arwen, Elrond, Isildur, and more!WEAPONS AND MAGICAL ITEMS: Collect and use the Light of E?rendil, Elven rope, swords, bows and a variety of other weaponry and magical items.DUAL CONTROL SYSTEMS: ?Switch between “Classic” and “Touch Screen” controls to find the play-style that suits you best. ??ACHIEVEMENTS & GAME CENTER: ??Unlock achievements and connect through Game Center to get the full experience from your Middle-earth adventure.
NOTE: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPod touch (4th and 5th generation), iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4 and iPad Mini.At 372 miles above Earth, the view is breathtaking, but life is impossible. Whatever you do: don''t let go. Gravity: Don’t Let Go invites players to experience the tension and excitement of director Alfonso Cuarón’s thrilling film as they struggle to survive in the vast emptiness of space. Following a repair mission that has gone very wrong, you must detach from the damaged structure and stabilize yourself before piloting an EVA suit to rescue your partner and return to the ISS airlock. Controlling the suit in zero-gravity is no easy task especially when your oxygen levels are dangerously low. Do you have the skill and strategic thinking needed to survive in this unforgiving environment? Additional missions require players to repair damaged ISS components and pilot the Soyuz spacecraft. Multi-player gameplay is coming soon. From Warner Bros. Pictures and director Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity, starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, is in theaters October 4.
Midway Arcade
Get ready to mash some buttons!INCLUDES 10 GAMES!!!! Spy Hunter, Rampage, Joust, RootBeer Tapper, Defender and Arch Rivals.
Plus 4 Arcade favorites: Air Hockey, Arcade Basketball, Pool, and Roll Ball.Check out the latest and greatest arcade collection on iOS and re-experience the fun and excitement that captured millions during the golden age of arcade gaming.
============================================================= USA Today
“This package of classic Midway titles might be the best arcade collection on iOS”MacWorld -- “The app provides a roster of classic old-school”iLounge
-- “Highly Recommended”Tech News Daily
-- “Midway Arcade is a nice blast from the past” 148 Apps -- “A fantastic compilation for fans of classic arcade games”============================================================= All your favorite arcade hits in the palm of your hand! Lose yourself in this virtual arcade experience featuring 12 popular arcade games from Midway presented in their original cabinet.
There’s even a jukebox that lets users play music from their iTunes library and a virtual prize redemption center! Additional Arcade Hits are available for purchase as Game Packs.Fantasy Game Pack includes:-
Gauntlet II-
Wizard of Wor Action Game Pack includes:-
Total Carnage-
APBThank you for your feedback.
If you are experiencing any problems with the game please email
so that we can resolve. Thank you, WB Customer Service
300: Rise of an Empire - Seize Your Glory Game
Play 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE - SEIZE YOUR GLORY and help Greek general Themistokles unite all of Greece by stopping the invading forces led by Artemisia, vengeful commander of the Persian navy. &
300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE, A new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a fresh - battlefield - on the sea - starring Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green, Lena Headey, Hans Matheson & Rodrigo Santoro. In theaters March 7!
乐高星际大战:传奇 LEGO(R) Star Wars(TM):
The Complete Saga
LEGO(R) Star Wars(TM): The Complete Saga is available on iOS for the first time!
***Episode I Story Mode is FREE for a limited time.*****Episodes II – VI and other content available via in-app purchases.**Experience the entire collection that combines the original LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and the sequel LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy for hours of epic Star Wars content and fun gameplay all from your iOS device!
Begin your adventure in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace and journey through all six episodes in the whimsical style and humor of LEGO.
May the bricks be with you!This game is filled with content!
You’ll need 1.44gb of available space on your device if you install over wifi, but only 735mb of space if you download on your computer and then sync.
As with many large app installations, we advise that you restart your device after installing as this will resolve some stability issues.
Also make sure you have installed the most recent firmware.When re-installing the App, please select ‘Restore All Purchases’ from the main menu and allow a few moments to ensure your purchases have become active.This is a high memory usage app.
If you have performance issues, try closing down background apps or restarting the device.FEATURES:36 STORY MODE LEVELS + BONUS CONTENT
From the Trade Federation’s “negotiations” with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace to the space battle above Endor in Return of the Jedi, play the most memorable and exhilarating scenes from your favorite episodes.
Also unlock special bonus content featuring Bounty Hunter missions, a special Challenge Mode, Arcade Levels, and more! OVER 120 CHARACTERSPlay as your favorite Jedi Knight or Sith Lord!
There are over 120 playable characters to unlock, including Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Han Solo, and Boba Fett. FORCE POWERSWhich side of the Force will you use?
Both dark and light side characters have their own unique Force abilities.
Will you use a Force Throw to defeat the Jedi or choose your Lightsaber and Force Push to take down the evil Empire?LEGO STYLE GAMEPLAYSmash objects into LEGO bricks and switch characters on the fly as you play through different story levels.
Create your own Star Wars character mash-ups like Han Windu and Lando Amidala! DYNAMIC CONTROL STYLESSwitch between “Classic” and “Touch Screen” controls to find the play-style that suits you best.If you enjoy LEGO games, be sure to check out LEGO Batman: DC Super Heroes, LEGO The Lord of the Rings, LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and Years 5-7, and LEGO Friends.
Scribblenauts Remix
??Scribblenauts Remix now has over 5 million players! Get it now!.????If you purchased the World Pass or Avatars and can't find them after the update, just use the “Restore DLC” button in Options to get them back - you will NOT be charged for them again! ??THINK IT! CREATE IT! SOLVE IT!
The award-winning, best-selling video game is now available for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Help Maxwell acquire the Starite by creating any object, bringing it to life and using it to solve each challenge.
Let your imagination run wild in this groundbreaking puzzle game.
Summon to life a ‘colossal, winged car’ or a ‘shy, frost-breathing, robotic hippopotamus’!
If you can think it, you can create it. It’s the perfect game for the casual player looking for fun and extensive replay with unlimited solutions and different outcomes.
Or, the Scribblenauts fan wanting the complete Maxwell experience.Whether you’re 8 or 80, the only limit is your imagination!============================================================================And, the critics love it!
“Editors’ Choice Award” – IGN.com
“A work of utter genius.” – Touch Arcade
“A brilliant game.” – Wired.com
“Fits splendidly into the iOS catalog.” – The Daily
“4/4 Stars.
A highly recommended puzzle game for all ages.” – USA Today============================================================================FEATURES:CLASSIC GAMEPLAY50 levels to play!
Includes 40 of the most popular levels from Scribblenauts and Super Scribblenauts plus 10 original levels exclusive to Remix.WORLD PASSPurchase a World Pass and receive all current and future world expansions - 90 extra levels and counting! If you previously purchased a world expansion, you’re automatically upgraded to a World Pass and all future worlds will now automatically appear in your game for free.PLAYABLE AVATARSRe-live Scribblenauts by playing as a different character from in the game. Try out the feature with the free Lifeguard and God avatars!SCRIBBLE PICSPost images of your playground creations and puzzle solutions to Facebook and Twitter and share them with your friends!SCRIBBLE SPEAK – EXCLUSIVELY FOR SIRI ENABLED DEVICESUse the keyboard microphone icon to create objects using only your voice!
UNLIMITED FUNEnter the Playground to create objects to your heart’s content, playing and interacting in a true sandbox!
GOLD CROWNING LEVELSEngage in endless replayability (and earn a Gold Crown for your troubles!) by solving a puzzle multiple times using different words.PLAY ON MULTIPLE DEVICESUse iCloud to seamlessly switch between the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch without ever having to restart your game.INNOVATIVE USER INTERFACEUse the “shake to undo” function to remove created objects simply by shaking your Apple device.
CREATE AND SHAREUse Game Center to check out the leaderboard to see how your score ranks and to compare game achievements with friends.
You can also post game statistics to your Facebook and Twitter profiles.GIFT THE APPGive the gift of Maxwell to your friends and family!Create what you want and see what happens!
Hang out with Maxwell!
> VISIT Maxwell:: www.scribblenauts.com
> LIKE Maxwell:: www.facebook.com/ScribblenautsVideoGame
> FOLLOW Maxwell: http://twitter.com/ScribbleMaxwellRequirements for Scribblenauts: - iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5- iPod touch 3rd generation (32GB and 64GB models only), - iPod touch 4th generation- All iPads
It's the game The New York Times called a "Sensation," and Cosmopolitan said "will be the best dollar you've spent." Heads Up! is the fun and hilarious game from Ellen DeGeneres that she plays on her show, and you can play w


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