为何minecraft以太1.的被动天赋mod比1.7.10的少了个mining magicia

Vein Miner Mod 1.12/1.11.2 (Make Mining Easier) - 9Minecraft.Net
>> Vein Miner Mod 1.12/1.11.2 (Make Mining Easier)
Vein Miner Mod 1.12/1.11.2 (Make Mining Easier)
Vein Miner Mod 1.12/1.11.2 is a mod to help mine veins of ores by mining blocks of the same type in a chain reaction, giving you the blocks at the end. It is inspired by
by Bspkrs.
This is a great way to quickly break the ores you find and continue down the line at a much faster pace. Plus when the blocks break, the ores drop closer to you so you can grab them faster as well. What makes this mod really handy are the ores you don’t see. If you find a single ore during your mining, just break it and see all the others hidden within the walls that you may have missed.
You do not have to craft any items to have benefit from the veinminer mod. On most modpacks the veinminer ability is, by default, set to the crouch or Shift key. Upon any item you can break with your hand ex. dirt, wood, sand, etc. will not require you to have a tool in hand, but an item (nothing specific) will have to be in your hand. Respectively veinmining stone, cobblestone, ores, etc. will require a pickaxe. Also (on most modpacks) by default veinmining will depreciate your hunger and the durability of the tool,if a tool is used.
Mining Tips: Now that you don’t need iron and diamond picks to mine faster like in vanilla you can simply make a ton of stone picks and veinmine a tunnel. But try to place a cobble bridge through the middle so as to not mine the ground below you and fall to your death.
How to use:
To use Veinminer, you need to have Veinminer installed on the server (for single player games the client and the server are the same). You do not need to have Veinminer installed on the client, however it will provide reduced functionality to the clients that do not have it installed.
In order to get the most out of Veinminer, you shold edit the VeinMiner.cfg config file. Add the ids of the blocks to the different block lists to that you wish to be able to mine using Veinminer. Add any tools that you want to be able to use to use with Veinminer. The IDs should be changed on the server.
The default config file has the vanilla ores added for the pickaxes, vanilla wood added for the vanilla axes and clay for the shovel.
Veinminer has several modes, each of which determine when it is activated. Modes are specific to each player.
‘Disabled’: Don’t activate at all. This is the default if you don’t have the mod installed in the client.
‘Auto’: Activate when the keyboard shortcut (also called a keybind) is pressed in the client. The keyboard shortcut by default is ‘~`.
‘Sneak’: Activate while you are sneaking. This is the same option as provided by Connected Destruction. This is the default if you have the client.
‘No Sneak’: Activate while you are not sneaking.
The client setting in the config file allows you to choose what mode you go into when you join a game. To set the default mod to disabled, set the shortcut to an unused key.
You can use the ‘/veinminer‘ command to change the mode that VeinMiner is in for you. This can be done with ‘/veinminer enable &mode&‘ where ‘&mode&‘ is one of ‘, ‘auto’; ‘sneak’; or ‘no_sneak’. You can use ‘/veinminer help enable‘ for help (i.e. info on this page).
Using the default settings, an easy way to see VeinMiner working is to chop a tree (from vanilla) down using an axe (from vanilla).
It improves upon Connected Destruction by:
Can be optionally be installed in the client for hotkey support
Can have personal settings (that can be remembered using the client part of the mod
Actually uses the tool to mine, so drops are correct
Can change the settings in-game
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed .
Locate the minecraft application folder.
On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.
Vein Miner Mod 1.12/1.11.2 Download Links:
Previous versions:
For Minecraft 1.5.2
For Minecraft 1.6.4/1.6.2
For Minecraft 1.7.2
For Minecraft 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.8.9
For Minecraft 1.10.2, 1.9.4 and 1.9.0
For Minecraft 1.11.2/1.11
For Minecraft 1.12
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动态剑技mod汉化版强化了PVP战斗体验,动态剑技mod将给予你格挡,闪避和展现你战斗才华的机会,让你漂亮地击溃敌人!简述:和原来一样,每个玩家初始会获得一个基础剑技法球,使用法球将增加你的技能等级。这些法球还是会在箱子里或者怪物的掉落里发现(当然杀玩家也有几率获得www)带有“掠夺”附魔属性的武器,将大大增加掉落法球的概率,这一点请注意!并且这些数值都可以在config里更改。特点:基础剑技激活: 默认按键是X; 按的时候必须看着目标效果: 锁定你的视线于目标(此时你不能转头看向别处)消耗: 无注意: 当你锁定目标时按Tab 转换目标右侧ctrl 使用“封锁”效果“↑”键=攻击≈鼠标左键攻击的效果再按“X”取消锁定目标,或者你把眼前的所有怪物都杀光了,也会取消锁定每次攻击都会增加连击数,连击数越高伤害越高突刺激活: 在“封锁”目标时攻击效果: 朝着目标蓄力,在一瞬间爆发出惊人的攻击,伤害对方并击退敌人消耗: 中度(1.0F -0.1F 每等级)伤害: 4.0F + 0.5F 每等级+击退注意:- 和目标距离太近将不足以蓄力发动闪避激活:双击←或者→来躲闪目标攻击效果: 快速躲闪敌人的攻击消耗: 很低 (0.05F)躲闪几率: 0.1F 每级+plus a time bonus of up to 0.2F注意:- 躲闪的滞空时间和躲闪技能的等级有关- 可以在config里设置,让单击←或→键就可以发动躲闪格挡激活: 双击后退键效果: 格挡敌人的攻击,不能格挡空手的攻击消耗: 低(0.3F -0.02F 每等级)缴械的概率: 0.1F 每级+a timing bonus of up to 0.2F注意:- 对于格挡等级相同的玩家,缴械的概率取决于发动时间(看谁手快)- 可以在config里设置使得单击↓就可以发动格挡淘汰之刃激活:&&上+上,然后在造成连击的情况下攻击&效果: 使用连击的动量然后对敌人做出最后的致命一击,使用成功并造成敌人死亡后会获得额外的经验&伤害: +(等级* 20) %冷却时间: 45 - (等级* 5) ticks消耗: 2.0F - (等级* 0.1F)经验附加: 等级+ (一个1左右的值,同时还取决与敌人剩下的血量)注意:- 只能在对同一目标2连击或者更多连击的情况下使用&- 使用该技能击杀目标有额外经验- 如果使用失败了将会有一段时间不能攻击敌人(冷却时间)破甲激活: 按住攻击键蓄力,技能将在蓄满力之后释放&效果: 这强力的一斩击将无视地方的护甲值并造成伤害消耗: 中等(1.2F - 0.06F 每级)伤害: 和正常伤害一样, 包含附魔效果, 但是无视敌方护甲蓄力时间: 20 ticks -1 tick 每级跳劈激活: “封锁”目标的时候跳起来攻击目标效果: 高高跃起并对敌人造成毁灭性的范围伤害,并短时间内造成“虚弱”效果消耗: 高(2.0F -0.1F 每级)伤害: 基础剑伤害, +1.0F 每级, +虚弱 (50 + (10 * 等级)) ticks注意:- 攻击范围随技能等级升高而升高- 跳劈的伤害可以和连击伤害结合&拔剑斩(新技能)激活: 空手, 或者拿着方块然后按攻击键效果: 拔刀的艺术,日本剑术技巧,是一种危险但是致命的技巧,在出其不意之间,快速且轻巧地对敌人造成毁灭性的的伤害&消耗: 很高 (3.0F -0.2F 每级)伤害: 成功时二倍伤害时机: 攻击的时机= (等级+ 2) ticks注意:- 背包里第一把剑将会作为攻击的剑&- 1.5秒的冷却时间,用来把刀刃收回剑鞘里翔击(新技能)激活: 在潜行时跳起并攻击敌人Jump while sneaking and attack效果: 向上挥剑将敌人击飞,伤害为普通剑伤害,创造一个连击的机会,并且敌人有可能会受到落地伤害范围: 2 + 等级 方块消耗: 3.0F - (等级* 0.2F)注意: 只能在锁定敌人的时候使用回旋击激活: 按 '左键' 或者 '右键' 来充能效果: 360度无死角攻击敌人攻击范围: 3格以内的敌人, +0.5 格每级消耗: 很高 (3.0F -0.2F 每级)注意: 如果你按箭头键, 只有一侧的按键需要持续按住(←或者→),然后旋转的方向会和你按的方向相同剑刃风暴激活: 当生命值是满的时候使用回旋击,会造成连续不断的旋转效果: 720度绝对无死角地攻击敌人(随等级而定旋转次数)范围: 比正常回旋击多0.5个格子(每级+0.5)消耗: 每转一圈和回旋击消耗的一样破刃(新技能)激活: 在锁定时,按两次“↓”&效果: 一个强力的干扰技能,能够破坏敌人的武器&消耗: 高 (2.0F - 0.1F 每级)伤害: 至高减少敌人90点耐久度 (15 * (等级 + 1))持续: 可使用的时机是 2 ticks (1级的时候), 升到满级最高到 8 ticks注意:- 攻击只作用于一个拿着物品的玩家&- 如果对手拿着没有耐久度的物品,该技能将无效果&- 使用时必须松开“锁定”键&怎么安装:首先确认你有最新版的forge吧下载的jar文件,放到mods文件夹里
我的世界动态剑技mod汉化版 1.7.10
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