
发布时间: 08:26:51
作者:Andrew Webster
多亏有Xbox Live Arcade和App Store等平台,开发者们比过去更容易把好游戏放到玩家面前。这同时也促进了独立游戏工作室的崛起。但因为人员少、资源有限,这些工作室通常经营得很艰难,特别是与暴雪和育碧这种大公司竞争时。本文列举了目前最优秀的26个独立开发者及其代表作,希望其他独立开发者能以他们为学习榜样。
如果你还没玩过《粘粘世界》(《World of Goo》),真应该感到羞耻。无论是PC版还是WiiWare版,这款有趣的益智游戏都让人产生一种独特的新鲜感。这款游戏的开发者只有两个人。《粘粘球的世界》的续作在2D Boy的第一款游戏基础上有所创新,但目前尚未出炉。该续作必定会再次引起轰动,准备好牺牲大把时间玩它吧。
Amanita Design
点击类冒险游戏不如过去那么风光了,但捷克游戏工作室Amanita Design确实推陈出新了。这支团队从游戏《Samarost》起家,中间为耐克和BBC等公司制作过Flash作品,最后终于靠《机械迷城》(《Machinarium》)一炮而红。在这款游戏中,玩家操作一个瘦小的机器人主角,在充满蒸汽时代风格的世界里冒险,一面寻找机器人失踪的女朋友,一面阻止炸弹摧毁城市。
The Behmoth
castle crashers()
这个工作室的第一部作品是《外星原人》(《Alien Hominid》)。它是一款手绘风格的2D横版游戏,最初只有Flash版,后来推出GameCube版和PS2版,最后终于登录Xbox Live Arcade平台。在这款游戏之后,The Behmoth推出了它的第二款游戏《城堡破坏者》(《Castle Crashers》),虽然名气不如前一款游戏,但它精美的画面和有趣的4人玩法仍然值得称赞。另外,你可以用胡萝卜杀死外星人。另一款游戏《BattleBlock Theatre》尚在制作中,似乎表明The Behmoth还在稳步成长中。
jolly rover()
Brawsome只有一名成员,他创立工作室是为了复兴冒险游戏。他先是尝试制作Flash作品和免费软件,又来开发休闲游戏如《弗洛大街》(《Avenue Flo》)、《Andrew Goulding》。他在今年发布的作品《极乐浪子》(《Jolly Rover》)意外成为一匹黑马。这款“猴子岛”风格的冒险游戏以狗狗为主角,游戏中充满巧妙的益智题和精彩的剧情。另外,出色的2D美术风格想必会吸引那些不喜欢3D《猴子岛》的玩家。
Capy Games
clash of heroes()
去年以前,极少人听说过这家多伦多工作室Capy,直到它的两款游戏获得巨大成功。这两款游戏就是PSN益智游戏《怪物大危机》和DS益智/策略游戏《Might & Magic Clash of Heroes》。Capy实际上是一个家喻户晓的名字——好吧,至少是在它的员工的家。Capy并不满足于目前的成功,而是更加努力地投入到三款游戏的开发中——HD版的《Might & Magic Clash of Heroes》、iPhone冒险游戏《Sword & Sworcery》和WiiWare动作游戏
Dejobaan Games
多亏了最近的一款游戏《AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard for Gravity》,你可能对Dejobaan略有耳闻了。但除了这个不知道怎么发音的名字,你知道这款游戏其实有多么了不起吗?这个工作室在此之前的作品也相当棒,如《The Wonderful End of the World》,同样是一款疯狂的游戏,有点像《Aaaaa!》的续作。另一款游戏《ooo! ooO! oOO! OOO!》的玩法是,让玩家落入程序生成的隧道里,一边射击一边收集东西。如果《Aaaaa!》还不能让你头晕目眩,那就试试这一款吧!
Hello Games
joe danger()
还记得街机游戏的黄金时代吗?Hello记得,所以有了《摩托车手》(《Joe Danger》)。这款游戏在街机游戏的玩法基础上添加了排行榜、特技和物品收集等元素,玩起来有点像《托尼霍克职业滑板》、《越野摩托》和《超级马里奥》的混合体。我们一边期待玩到这支团队尚在制作中的新游戏,一边又兴奋地听说他们在《摩托车手》的更新中添加了猴子。
Hemisphere Games
Jason Rohrer
sleep is death(from gamesradar)
Jason Rohrer希望改变人们对游戏的传统看法。《Passage》和《Sleep is Death》等作品证明了他们确实做得不错。Jason Rohrer甚至上了《时尚先生》杂志。这对独立开发者来说是很不错的事。虽然他的游戏从来没有一鸣惊人,但确实挑战了游戏这一媒体的极限。他的下一个项目是以安哥拉的血钻交易为题的DS游戏。
Klei Entertainment
如果你喜欢2D动画,那么你一定对Klei很有爱。继《伊特》(《Eets》)和《糖果大战》(《Sugar Rush》)(以及帮忙制作《N+》的XBLA版)之后,这个温哥华工作室最终靠《Shank》功成名就。在这款搞笑的西式忍者险游戏中,玩家可以在一场战斗中使用手榴弹、小刀和链锯等武器。从画面上看,这款卡通风的游戏似乎太粗糙,但从玩法上看,仍然是一款有趣的游戏。
crayon physics()
Petri Purho以Kloonigames为商标制作游戏,而且制作了相当多游戏。他几乎每个月都会做出新游戏原型,与他的效率同样令人震惊的是他的作品涵盖的类型之广如《Choke of my Groundhog》、《YOU ROBOT BASTARDS》和《Cancer Wars》,足以令其他开发者自愧不如。他的一个原型作品最终变成一款有趣的PC游戏《蜡笔物理》(《Crayon Physics Deluxe》)。但愿《Choke of my Groundhog》也能得到同样的待遇。
Metanet Software
这个来自多伦多的两人团队以制作免费游戏《N》(也就是后来的《N+》)而闻名。虽然众人期待的《Robotology》已经跳票了,但这个团队目前已经在制作另一个项目《Office Yeti》。据描述,这是一款“单人动作益智模拟游戏”,玩家操作一个在办公室工作的雪人。“这款游戏一旦完工,一定会出”,只是没有那么快。
Mommy’s Best Games
weapon of choice()
如果你给一个七年级学生一堆重金属音乐专辑的封面、一桶霓虹色颜料、一叠漫画和几磅的迷纪药,他们很可能也无法画出像这个夫妻档工作室的游戏一样的作品。这个工作室的第一部作品是《Weapon of Choice》(是一款科幻打怪射击游戏),接着是《Shoot 1up》(游戏邦注:这是对日式横版太空射击游戏的致敬之作)。不久,我们将看到《Grapple Buggy》,它其实是从Xbox 360移植到XBLA。
The Odd Gentleman
一个学生项目能抓住大型开发商的注意力,这种事并不常见。但The Odd Gentleman的《The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom》就经历了这样的事。这款游戏将黑白默片的风格与时间扭曲游戏机制相结合,成为XBLA平台的成功之作。尽管该团队的下一个项目将以“拍打另一个人的脸”为题材,如果升级到“把派拍到脸上”的模式,我们也不会感到惊讶。或者,至少出现一些以面粉糕点为基础的玩法。
Pocketwatch Games
教育性游戏是很无聊的——除非出自Pocketwatch。这个独立工作室由Andy Schatz领导,以《Venture》系列游戏闻名。它的游戏不仅教育玩家非洲和北极的环境问题,而且玩起来也很有趣。Pocketwatch最近的作品是获得IGF大奖的《Monaco》,这款游戏却走截然不同的路线——四人罪作剧游戏。不幸的是,《Monaco》什么时候发行,仍是未知数。
Polytron Corporation
Queasy Games
everyday shooter()
独立工作室的优点之一是,精兵简政。而Queasy则将这处优点发挥到极致——它只有一个成员:Jonathan Mak。Mak以一己之力制作了PSN的第一款杀手级应用,模仿《每日射击》的形式。这款了不起的射击游戏于2007年在PS3上大获成功,之后又移植到PC和PSP上。Mak的下一个项目仍是一个谜,但不管在他的多伦多工作室里忙的什么,一定很快就会有消息了。
Ragtime Games
Ronimo Games
swords and soldiers()
WiiWare并不以大量独立游戏闻名。但数量少并不等于精华少,比如《Swords & Soldiers》就是一款难得的佳作,甚至是至今为止最优秀的即时策略游戏机游戏之一。虽然Ronimo至今只发布了这么一款游戏,但它把游戏从PC 移植到Mac,经历两次发行,产生两款游戏杰作,无不良记录。它最近发布的PSN版甚至采用了更多3D效果。
Semi Secret Software
如果你有一部iPhone,那就购买《屋顶狂奔》(《Canabalt》)吧。简单的色调、简单但有趣的玩法,再加上刺激的音乐节奏,使这款游戏成为平台有史以来最优秀的游戏之一。 Semi Secret最近又推出难度似乎蛮大的新作 《重力挂钩HD》(《Gravity Hook HD》)。等等,你以为我们要说《蒸汽战鹰》(《SteamBirds》),是吧?我们本来是打算提它的,但这个工作室嗜好制作非常适合iPhone平台的复古风游戏,所以无论他们的新作会是什么 ,我们都不能不期待。
Spooky Squid Games
guerrilla gardening()
Spooky Squid的两个团队目前忙于制作它的第一款商业游戏《Guerrilla Gardening》。这款益智/策略游戏看起来很漂亮,只要看看这个工作室过去的免费小游戏,你就知道它的潜力了。例如,如果《鬼玩人》中出现的是鱿 鱼而不是僵尸,那就是《Night of the Cephalopods》了。这款游戏以独特而逼真的即时叙述为特色。虽然有点短,但它确实体现了Spooky Squid的实力,难怪玩家们等待《Guerrilla Gardening》的日子会那么难熬。
super meat boy()
为什么人们对Team Meat的游戏处女作《超级食肉男孩》那么着迷?好吧,原因很明显。这款游戏以强大的Flash游戏《Meat Boy》为基础。程序员Tommy Refenes之前参与制作过游戏《Goo!》,设计师兼美工Edmund McMillen 以《Gish》和《Aether》而闻名。《超级食肉男孩》具有老式游戏玩法的特点。在游戏中,肉块主角要与装在罐子里的婴儿战斗。
对于大多数开发者,制作一款关于微生物互相吞噬或花儿在微风中起舞的游戏应该是一项不可能的任务,更别说还要把游戏做得有趣。这就是thatgamecompany了不起的地方。《flOw》和《Flower》这两款游戏与众不同,都是 创意杰作。PSN版的《Journey》有望再现这两部作品的风采。
Twisted Pixel
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《宠物外星人》(《The Maw》)已经相当出色了,而后来的《爆炸人》(《Splosion Man》)甚至更加强悍。Twisted Pixel的另一款游戏《漫画穿越者》(《Comic Jumper》)虽然没有受到那么多称赞,但即将发布的《Ms. Splosion Man》似乎又回归该工作室擅长的风格。
26 indie game developers you need to follow
by Andrew Webster
Thanks to platforms like Xbox Live Arcade and the App Store, it’s easier than ever for developers to put out small, awesome games ready to be gobbled up by plenty of hungry gamers. This has led to a rise in independent game studios: teams of developers sometimes made up of just a handful of people. But because of their limited resources, it’s very common for these developers to fly under the radar, especially when they’re competing against the likes of Blizzard and Ubisoft. Thankfully GR is here to help, with a list of 26 of the best and brightest developers the indie scene has to offer.
If you never played World of Goo, shame on you. Whether it’s the PC or WiiWare version, the clever and charming puzzle game is a unique and refreshing gem. And it was made by just two guys. Though the follow-up to World of Goo has yet to be revealed, if it’s half as inventive as 2D Boy’s first game, it’s sure to be the next big indie hit and a game that will take up way too much of your time.
Amanita Design
The point-and-click adventure may not be the big genre it once was, but Czech studio Amanita Design is keeping the fire burning. After getting started with the bizarrely compelling Samarost games — as well as Flash titles for the likes of Nike and the BBC — the team finally hit its stride with Machinarium, a beautiful, dark, and minimalistic adventure starring a skinny little robot on a
mission to find his missing girlfriend and stop a bomb from destroying the city.
The Behmoth
It all started with Alien Hominid. A deliciously difficult 2D side-scroller with gorgeous hand-drawn artwork, the game went from a Flash title to the GameCube and PS2 before taking Xbox Live Arcade by storm. Then came Castle Crashers, which, while not quite as revered as its predecessor, still managed to squeeze in some wonderful visuals and solid 4 player co-op action. Plus, you could kill aliens with a carrot. And with the mysterious and strange BattleBlock Theatre on the way, the studio is showing no signs of slowing down.
Brawsome consists of just one man intent upon keeping adventure games alive. After getting his toes wet with Flash and freeware releases and working on casual games like Avenue Flo, Andrew Goulding released one of this year’s sleeper hits: Jolly Rover. A Monkey Island-style adventure with a cast of dogs, the game is as funny as it is clever, with excellent puzzles and even better writing. It also features some great 2D artwork that will definitely appeal to those turned off by Telltale’s 3D Monkey Island games.
There’s a good chance you’ve never heard of Swedish indie Jonatan “Cactus” Soderstrom. And there’s an equally good chance that if you ask another indie developer who inspires them most, the answer will be Cactus. Prolific, inventive, and at times downright crazy, Cactus’ site features everything from first-person shooters to platformers to puzzles. In 2008 alone he released 16
all distinctly original. For example, his recent game Norrland is all about life in Northern Sweden and includes shooting off animal heads, punching bears in the face, and guzzling beer.
Capy Games
Prior to last year, few had heard of the tiny Toronto studio known as Capy, but thanks to a pair of hits — the gorgeous and addictive PSN puzzler Critter Crunch and the unique DS puzzle/strategy game Might & Magic Clash of Heroes – Capy is practically a household name – well, in its employees’ own houses, at least. But the team isn’t resting on its laurels, with a trio of new games either out or in the works, including an HD version of Clash of Heroes, the intriguing iPhone adventure game Sword & Sworcery, and the mysterious WiiWare rhythm action game Heartbeat.
Dejobaan Games
If nothing else, you probably know of Dejobaan thanks to the title of its most recent game: AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard for Gravity. But in addition to having a crazy and unpronounceable name, did you know that the game was actually awesome? So are some of the studio’s previous games, like The Wonderful End of the World. And it looks like the follow-up to Aaaaa! will be just as crazy. Titled ooo! ooO! oOO! OOO!, the game has you falling through procedurally generated tunnels shooting at and collecting things, just in case you didn’t get enough of falling from Aaaaa!
Hello Games
Remember when videogames were fun? The quartet at Hello Games does, which is why they made Joe Danger. The game brings back an arcade sensibility with a focus on high-scores, crazy stunts, and collecting stuff. It’s also just plain fun, playing like a cross between Tony Hawk, ExciteBike, and Super Mario. While we’re eager to play what the team is working on next, in the meantime, we’ re seeing some awesome updates to Joe Danger. We hear they’re adding monkeys.
Hemisphere Games
Osmos on the PC was amazing, there’s no denying that. But somehow, Hemisphere Games managed to make the surreal, relaxing bubble merging game even better with ports to the iPad and iPhone. Not bad for a first release. And given the quality and originality of Osmos, we can’t wait to see just what the studio has planned next.
Jason Rohrer
Jason Rohrer is looking to change the way people think about games. And with titles like the touching Passage and the innovative Sleep is Death, he’s doing a pretty good job. Heck, the guy was
even profiled by Esquire magazine. Not bad for an indie dev. While his games may never be blockbusters, they instead push the envelope of what the medium has to offer. His next project is a DS title about the blood diamond trade in Angola.
Klei Entertainment
If you like awesome 2D animation, there’s a lot to like about Klei. After getting started with titles like Eets and Sugar Rush (as well as lending a hand on the XBLA version of N+) the Vancouver
studio is finally making a name for itself with Shank: a ridiculously violent Western ninja action/adventure. It’s a game where you can use grenades, knives, and chainsaws all in one single combo.
And then you can shoot the guy in the face. All the while enjoying the game’s gorgeous, cartoon-style visuals. We’ve hassled the game for its crassness, but we’ll admit it’s still a looker.
Petri Purho, who creates games under the Kloonigames label, makes a lot of games. Like really a lot. He creates new prototypes on a nearly monthly basis, and the breadth and variety of his
creations is pretty astounding. How many other developers can boast a library featuring titles like Choke of my Groundhog, YOU ROBOT BASTARDS or Cancer Wars. One of his prototypes eventually turned into the excellent PC title Crayon Physics Deluxe. Here’s hoping Choke on my Groundhog gets similar treatment.
Metanet Software
This two person studio from Toronto is best known for creating the brilliantly addictive free game N, which would eventually go on to become N+. Though the much anticipated and long in development Robotology has been put on hold, the duo is currently working on yet another project, the bizarre Office Yeti. Described as “a single-player action/puzzle/simulation game in which players assume control of a yeti who works in an office,” the game will most assuredly be out when it’s ready, and not a day before.
Mommy’s Best Games
If you gave a seventh grader with ADD a bunch of heavy metal album covers, gallons of neon paint, stacks of anime and a couple pounds of Psilocybin, they’d likely try in vain to create something like the games this husband-and-wife company churn out. It started with Weapon of Choice, a take-no-prisoners acid trip of a run-and-gun shooter with branching paths, spider-leg backpacks and colossal boss monsters. Then came Shoot 1up, a chaotic homage to Japanese scrolling space shooters. Soon, we’ll see Grapple Buggy, which may actually graduate from the Xbox 360’s community games store to XBLA proper.
It’s not every day that a student project manages to catch the eye of a major publisher, but that’s just what happened with The Odd Gentleman’s The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom. Combining a unique silent film visual style and a time-bending game mechanic, the game managed to become an XBLA hit. Though the team’s next project revolves around slapping one another in the face, we wouldn’t be shocked if it was eventually upgraded to add a pie-in-the-face mode. Or at least some form of pastry-based play.
Limbo is one of those games that people just can’t stop talking about. A breathtaking art style, minimalist but haunting production values, and the occasional anger inducing puzzle made Limbo
worthy enough to gain a coveted perfect score from GR. It also marks a stunning debut for Danish studio Playdead, which despite being formed in 2006, never released a commercial game before Limbo.
Here’s hoping it doesn’t take four years for the developer’s next project to arrive.
Pocketwatch Games
Educational games are boring – except when they’re made by Pocketwatch. The indie studio headed up by Andy Schatz is best known for its Venture series of games, which not only taught players about environmental issues in Africa and the Arctic, but were also damn fine games. The most recent Pocketwatch game, the IGF grand prize winning Monaco, goes in a distinctly different direction, – it’s a four-player, overhead, pixelated, caper game. Unfortunately, when it will actually be released is any body’s guess.
Polytron Corporation
Remember that one game, called Fez, that was kind of like Super Paper Mario, where you could switch your perspective from 2D to 3D in order to solve puzzles? Well luckily for you, it’s still
coming out. At some point. Originally slated to hit XBLA early in 2010, Fez has clearly seen some delays, but Montreal-based Polytron insists it’s not cancelled, though no specific release date
has been announced. Images like this one have us counting the days.
Queasy Games
The cool thing about indie studios is that they’re often made up of just a handful of people. Or in the case of Queasy Games, just one: Jonathan Mak. Mak managed to create PSN’s first killer app
single handedly, in the form of Everyday Shooter. The awesome, guitar-infused dual stick shooter first hit the PS3 back in 2007, and was followed by PC and PSP ports. Mak’s next project is a
mystery, but whatever it is he’s working on in his Toronto lair, it can’t come soon enough.
Ragtime Games
The team at Ragtime Games hasn’t released a commercial game yet, but they did manage to score the award for best student game at last year’s IGF. That game was Continuity, one of the most
addictive and creative puzzle games released in quite some time. And it’s about to become portable – at post time, the members of Ragtime are hard at work finishing Continuity 2 for the iPhone, a platform that seems like a perfect fit.
Ronimo Games
WiiWare isn’t particularly well known for its great crop of indie games. There are a few gems, however. Like Swords & Soldiers. Hilarious and charming, the game is also secretly one of the best
console real time strategy games ever. And while it may be Ronimo’s only release to date, a number of the developers also worked on what would go on to become De Blob as students. Two releases, two great games. Not a bad track record. It has since migrated to PC and Mac, and the recently released PSN version even has Move and 3D support.
Semi Secret Software
If you own an iPhone, go buy Canabalt. Like, right now. Its monochromatic graphics, simple yet exhilarating gameplay, and heart pounding soundtrack make it one of the best titles on the platform to date. And the developers at Semi Secret managed to follow it up recently with yet another gem, the deceptively difficult Gravity Hook HD. Wait, you thought we were going to say SteamBirds, didn’t you? We could have. This crew has a penchant for creating retro-styled games that fit perfectly on the iPhone, so it’s hard not be excited for whatever it is they have coming next.
Spooky Squid Games
The two-man team at Spooky Squid is currently hard at work on its first full-scale commercial release, the puzzle/strategy hybrid Guerrilla Gardening. And while that game looks great, you need only look at the studio’s history of small, free titles to see its potential. For example, Night of the Cephalopods is what would happen if Evil Dead featured squids instead of zombies, and it features incredibly unique and engaging real-time narration that describes what’s happening on screen. It may be short, but it definitely shows off what Spooky Squid is capable of, which makes the wait for Guerrilla Gardening all the more difficult.
Why are people so in love with Team Meat’s debut game, Super Meat Boy? Well, there are a few reasons. It’s based on the awesome Flash game Meat Boy. Programmer Tommy Refenes previously worked on games like Goo!, while designer/artist Edmund McMillen is known for titles like Gish and Aether. It’s caked with nods to old school gaming. The game also stars a cube of meat fighting a fetus in a jar and hardcore, blood-soaked platforming. So, really, what’s not to be excited about?
For most developers, making a game about microscopic creatures eating each other or flowers blowing in the breeze would be a night impossible task. Even more so if they wanted to make the game fun.
That’s what makes thatgamecompany so special. Games like flOw and Flower are both very different and very good, a combination that can be hard to come by. The games have also gotten progressively better, a trend that will hopefully continue with the release of Journey on PSN.
Twisted Pixel
The Maw came out of nowhere and was pretty great. Then came ‘Splosion Man, which was even better. Twisted Pixel’s next game, Comic Jumper, didn’t garner quite so much adoration, but the upcoming Ms. Splosion Man looks to return to the company’s usual solid gold form.()
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