xbox360战地4 xbox360 中文bug特别多第二关电梯bug为什么我第三关就读不出来了

截止至3月26号的战地4 BUG大全(转自Symthic论坛)_战地4吧_百度贴吧
截止至3月26号的战地4 BUG大全(转自Symthic论坛)
转载自由楼主手动翻译3月25日更新以前的绝大部分已知BUG都收录了如果某一条原文后面带X,说明那一条有图片证据,或是视频在y2b上,可去原链接处查看Game-Breaking(3)最严重(共3个)-Helicopter freelook is still broken and is bound to Left Trigger on controllers, and may get stuck on.直升机的自由查看功能不正常,在主机上和开火键绑定在一起,使用后还会卡住-Players will take damage when the TV missile they control is shot at. The player inside of the TV missile can die from this.TV弹人弹合一,TV弹挨打会造成操作TV弹的玩家死亡-"Kit Roulette" bug still exists, on the deployment screen you will cycle through kits without being able to stop it, and then the game will crash. (Returning Beta Bug) X 处于装备选择界面时,兵种会一直不停地循环更换,然后游戏停止工作(Beta时期的Bug再现)Major(21)严重(21个)-The game does not respond to rebinding some of the controls. (Kit switching, bipod, gadgets)有一些功能,不管你怎样设置键位,都没用(比如展开脚架)-Gadget 1 can be bound to another key but number 3 will still switch to it as well.一号小工具(默认键位3)可以绑定在别的按键上,不过任何时候按3都可以切换过去-Scout Heli predictive sights are still broken as they were in the beta and do not match up properly to where they should go.小鸟的准星仍然和实际弹着点不符-If you ADS while getting into a helicopter the hud will display similarly to a sniper scope. X 开镜时进入直升机1号位,画面会不正常-Air vehicles explode easily when landing.飞机降落时太容易爆炸-Players spread values may increase to (and stay at) max values for no apparent reason (possibly by sprinting, jumping, or being suppressed). Firing a shot from the gun resets it to normal spread.有时,武器的散布值增大以后不能自动减小,开一枪才能恢复正常-Teamkilling notifications do not show up in the killfeed.同队击杀不在右上角出现(还有很多自杀)-Heat seeker missiles may "jam" when attempting to fire the second missile after the target has flared. The missile only becomes usable once the first missile has reloaded. Cause found here .热感导弹在射出一发,然后对方放出干扰弹后,第二发会卡住射不出去,重新装弹以后才可以-Levolution events greatly impact FPS until the event is past and the map has settled into its new form.地图脚本造成的fps下降可能会一直持续到游戏结束-If someone spawns into your boat while you are in a TV missile, that person will be in the drivers seat, and you get stuck in the POV of the missile launcher, the only way to escape is by respawning.开快艇时射tv弹,如果此时有一个人复活到了船上,则他会进入1号位,你会卡在tv弹的视角里,自杀才能解决问题-The russian side mountains on Operation Locker can be scaled almost all the way to the top, allowing people to spawn camp without being hit.监狱里俄军家门口的山,不解释-Laser Locked weapons seem to detonate behind fast moving aircraft and do no damage.快速飞行的飞机可以“躲开”激光标定武器的爆炸伤害-The BTR-90 and ZBD-09 both use the Kornet launcher file for their TOW missile, making them have a 5 second faster regen rate, upsetting armor vs armor fights in their favor.俄军和天朝的步战车的线导导弹的重新补充时间比美军的快5秒-Players can get to upper layers of the walls surrounding C flag on Operation Locker conquest by using spawn beacons, making the flag very hard to clear.监狱C点上墙,不解释-Bullpup rifles both lose their ADS strafe speed advantage, and have misaligned sights when an optic is attached to the gun, the laser sight shows the correct point of aim.无托枪在装有瞄具时,开镜瞄准时的速度加成会丢失,瞄准点有时会错位,激光指出的点才是真正的弹着点-Ghost reloads still occur with all weapons from time to time. (Reload and get no new rounds in the magazine, returns from Battlefield 3). 无动作装弹的bug,不解释-The TV missile on the Frogfoot seems to be aimed up in the air, making the missile nearly impossible to aim on target.苏25的TV弹发射的时候是向天上射的,几乎不能用- Friendly teammate markers still do not show up in hardcore, increasing the likelihood of being teamkilled or teamkilling another friendly player.hc模式里队友标志显示不正常,常常造成误伤-Draw distances of terrain on surround-sized resolutions is incredibly short and often times leads to not seeing player placed equipment until it is too late. X 地雷的渲染不正常,在稍远的地方就不能渲染,导致玩家常常挨炸-The Mortar crosshair does not show where the mortar will actually land, even at its minimum spread value. X 迫击炮的准星是错位的,在准星没有增大时也一样错位-The Deathcam will show a player other than the one who killed you if more than one person damaged you.凶手镜头指示的问题,不解释Moderate(34)中等严重(34个)-Some debris and rubble, along with most cover, are larger than they appear, creating invisible walls. This is especially noticeable on Dawnbreaker.倒下的建筑,地上的垃圾等物品会在周围产生空气墙,破晓行动最为明显-At the end of a round you will lose control of your air vehicle and crash into the ground, recording a death on the result screen that you shouldn't get. (Returning Beta Bug)每局结束时飞机会砸到地上-When flying the F35 with a joystick, throttling down will disable pitch and roll controls.用摇杆玩F35,减速会导致左右横滚失效-Crosshairs on sniper rifles may blur out, this affects hit detection. (apparently)狙击枪的准星会消失,造成击中判定的异常-When joining a Squad Deathmatch squad as the 5th player in the squad you are unable to use squad functions such as squad spawning.在小队死亡竞技中作为第五个小队队员加入游戏,你将不能正常地使用小队的功能,比如复活-Active Protection Systems will not deactivate once stopping a TOW, but will when stopping RPG's, tank shells, M320's, etc.主动防御在挨了一发线导以后不会失效,但是坦克炮弹,rpg,榴弹只需一发就可以废了主动防御-The Extra Ammo perk from the Perimeter Defense perk tree sometimes will not grant the player the extra ammo it should when the player spawns.增加弹药携带量的技能有时不能正常生效-The M34 Incendiary grenade damage bypasses most forms of cover, including walls.燃烧弹的伤害可以穿过大部分障碍物,比如墙-Some Levolution event buildings are impossible to traverse and will get the player stuck.有时候玩家会卡在地图脚本发生的区域内-The HMG reticle on the T90a is misaligned towards the bottom crosshair.T90的重机枪准星错位,比弹着点略低-Ribbon xp is never awarded to the player, even though each counts for 200 points, they only count towards medals, this ends up being significant xp loss.勋带的经验值从来没有真正发放过(WTF?)-The BTR-90 weapon sights are misaligned: X 俄军步战车的准星错位-When using Slug rounds on magazine fed shotguns, the reload animation is no longer a 3 part process (Mag remove, insert, and charge) X 用弹匣式霰弹枪+独头弹,装弹时间会变长-The SU-50 gives no warning of being shot by enemy MAA (sound, shake, color gradient)苏50在挨aa的炮弹时画面不会抖动-The RCB attack craft missile pod has a lower launch point than where the camera shows, causing guided missiles to hit the ground instead of targets, you can also TV missile yourself in the back of the cockpit. X美军快艇发射导弹的位置比视角所处的位置要低-The G36C suffers similar strafing misalignment that bullpup weapons do.G36C和之前提到的无托武器有同样的准星错位的问题-In Air Superiority mode players can be ejected from their aircraft, which allows them to engage aircraft as infantry. X 空中优势模式里,玩家有时可以弹射出去-Some Attack Jets have air radar depending on game mode and map.攻击机的空中雷达是根据地图和游戏模式来出现的,有的有,有的没-The Handflare grenade does not function as it should in game. The source code for the handflare implies that it should be a lockable item in the game.信号弹原本的一大作用,即干扰武器锁定,一直实现不了-Some players appear in a different location than where they actually are when dead, even with the revive icon above them, this is due to the player model showing up in a different location than where the player actually died. Making it impossible to revive the player.玩家在死亡时,模型可与真正的死亡位置错位,造成无法复活(常见)-AT mines and SLAMS have very short HD render distances and switch to their low-poly texture models in very short distance are easily covered up by thermal vision.地雷的渲染距离不正常,在热成像下也会模糊不清-Explosive canisters can be detonated and will despawn, but the fire from them will not despawn, even if the fire is gone. This explains some of the "netcode" kills behind cover, AND explains random hitmarkers.煤气罐,煤气管道等造成的火焰,可在长时间后,在火焰的模型都消失后,造成伤害-When spawning directly into a vehicle, the squad perk system does not apply its effects.直接复活进入载具,升级技能就废了-When using a mortar a player cannot resupply grenades until the mortar is unequipped. This is because of the resupply priority used by ammo boxes, which puts gadgets ahead of grenades.使用迫击炮时,无法补充手榴弹-SLAMS and possibly other explosives can be transferred from vehicle to vehicle in some instances. XSLAM和某些爆炸物可以从一个载具转移到另一个载具上-Deploying the last SLAM mine in your inventory while swimming will cause the player to automatically throw a grenade. X在游泳时放下最后一个SLAM会让你自动扔一个手榴弹(好神奇)-When deploying countermeasures in helicopters and tanks (Except for the Transport helicopter) for the first time on a server there will be a delay before they deploy. X 在刚进入服务器后,开坦克,小鸟或武直,第一次放出的反制措施有几秒钟的延迟-Players can randomly be put into a free fall while on the back of dirtbikes. X 摩托车二号位的玩家会随机进入自由落体状态-The most recent patch on Xbox 360 may cause settings for Battlefield 4 to reset every time the game is played.XBOX360上的游戏设置有时不能正常保存-A player may experience a visual bug that makes their screen shake vertically until death.有时玩家的屏幕会上下抖动,直到死为止(我遇到过,伴随的是水乡的水不正常显示的bug)-There are still holes in some collision masks of walls in Operation Metro, possibly allowing players to get onto the Metro roof again.地铁的某些区域允许上墙-Players may be able to shoot through the collapsed tower on Operation Locker, this seems to work with all ammo types except Buckshot and Frags.监狱c点的塔倒塌以后,子弹有时会从废墟中直接穿过去,除了霰弹枪的鹿弹和破片弹-Firing then immediately switching to another weapon will cause the weapon deployed to lose accuracy when firing. X 切换武器后立刻开枪,武器会没有准头-The XM-25 will not lock onto certain surfaces that would appear it can lock on to. Many of the walls in Operation Metro will not allow XM-25 locks.空爆榴弹的锁定在地铁的很多墙和掩体上无效Minor(38)不太严重(38个)-Player bodies will commonly launch across the map when they die, similarly to what they did in Battlefield 3, making them impossible to revive.玩家的尸体会飞走,但复活只能在死的那个位置进行-Hydra rockets show no reticle in jets.固定翼的火蛇火箭没有准星-Binding reload to a mouse button will allow you to reload but not pick up kits or gadgets.把换子弹绑定在鼠标的按键上,你可以按它换子弹,但是不能捡枪-Vaulting objects can sometimes fling you forward or into the air. (Returning from BF3, aka being "DICE'd")斜坡会把玩家发射到天空上-The AMR-2 reloads similarly to the XM-25 where you always lose a round in the chamber.AMR2的装弹,和XM25一样,永远少一发-IFV's hitting water will lose all momentum and then regain speed. (Battlefield 3 bug that applied to all IFV's except the BTR, now the BTR is affected too)步战车下水时会丢失全部速度,然后才能加速(战地3的bug再现,当年只有BTR90不受影响,现在没有例外)-The Q-5 Fantan has its HUD set behind the model of the aircraft, and all others have it set into the cockpit, making the Fantan HUD much easier to see.强五的HUD位置比较靠机身后部,所以强五特别好用-The SKS and M39 EMR have the ability to let the player hold their breath while aiming down sights, even with iron sights.SKS和M39具有狙击枪才应该有的憋气功能,机瞄时也可使用(这说明了啥,简直是呵呵)-If you jump and begin sprinting you can hold your pistol forward while running, allowing you to blind enemies with it while sprinting.拿着手枪时跳一下然后立刻跑步,你就会举着手枪向前开始跑,可以在跑步的同时用电筒闪瞎敌人的狗眼-The Range Finder from battle pickup sniper rifles will appear on the players normal sniper rifle when the battle pickup is dropped.捡起一把巴菲特大炮,扔掉,死之前你的狙击枪都会带有测距仪效果,不管你装了没-The IRNV/FLIR scopes may show up as normal 2x scopes sometimes, this can be fixed by swiping the knife, switching to a pistol, or most other actions.有时候热感镜的热感功能会失效,切一下枪,换子弹,按esc,出刀等动作可使其恢复正常-Being killed then revived when looking down the sight of the XM-25 will make your entire screen appear with the IRNV color gradient. (Returning Beta Bug)用XM25死后再被复活,整个人都热感了-When marked as HVT in obliteration, the game tells you that you are carrying the bomb爆破模式里,被对方指挥官标记为高价值目标,游戏会提示你拿着炸弹-Multiple ladders on Flood Zone is impossible to reach the top of (minor because there are multiple ways to reach those roofs): X 水乡的很多梯子都不能爬到顶-Commander-Spawned vehicles will float above the map on Operation Locker监狱里,指挥官扔的载具都在地图上面飘着-The stairs leading to the helipad outside on Operation Locker have a small invisible wall on them that must be jumped over to continue climbing the stairs.监狱里那个直升机停机坪边上的楼梯上有一块看不见的砖,跳一下才能过去-When flying in the tunnel below C/D on Zavod 311, scout helicopters may explode or clip into the map when touching the ceiling. (Only Labby could do this..)在废弃工厂的cd点之间的隧道里,小鸟会卡到地图外面(谁发现的,碉堡)-The Toggle Accessory UI does not show up on the L85.按t转换配件状态的UI在L85上无效-Spawning on a crouched teammate and deploying the EOD bot too quickly will leave the player unable to move.在趴着的队友身上复活,然后过快地部署小瓦力,会导致玩家不能移动-In rare cases the shutters on Siege of Shanghai may be closed but still appear open, this allows you to shoot through them but not run through them.有时候上海之围的防盗栅栏降下来后不正常显示,结果是子弹可以穿过,但是人不行-Grenades may pass through the floor or walls when thrown, especially in Operation Locker.手榴弹有时会穿过墙或地板,常见于监狱-The RPK-74M, L96A1, M60E4, and Scout Elite shoot higher than their aimpoint when using the kobra sight.这几把枪在使用俄军红点时,弹着点略高于准星-The ACE23 standard suppressor that is supposed to be unlocked at 160 kills does not unlock for most if not all players.ACE23的消声器解锁不正常-Jets can stick to gunships and roadkill players who bail out of them (this is both concerning and hilarious): X & from personal experience: X 固定翼会贴在炮艇机上,撞死从炮艇机里跳出来的人(本条有视频和图片作为证据,请去原链接欣赏)-The GOL Sniper Magnum does not initially have any scopes, and all of them must be unlocked through kills. The only high power magnification scope available is the 40x. (Xbox One & Xbox 360(?))在主机上,GOL的默认8X镜是没有的-The Scout Elite and CS-LR4 do not indicate if their scopes are zoomed on console when using the variable zoom attachment.主机上,鸟狙和CSLR4搭配变焦时,UI不会显示变焦倍数-Sometimes when pressing the ADS button the players view will zoom in but they will not actually ADS. X 有时按下瞄准键时,视野会放大,但是并没有真正瞄准-There is a large pause between getting out a weapon and then switching to an underslung grenade launcher. X 拿出武器后,不能立刻切换到下挂榴弹-V-sync does not work in borderless windowed mode while using AMD Mantle.农企馒头在无边框窗口模式下的垂直同步不能正常开启-The AK-12 family of rifles all have slightly misaligned sights, all of them shoot slightly above the aim point.AK系武器的准星都有一点点错位,弹着点都偏上-The option to hide Battlelog In-Game no longer works and will always show up or will not show up at all.在游戏中禁用BL的选项不正常,BL要么一直显示,要么从不显示-The movement of the players character may hang up and not move until you stop pressing all keys.玩家的操作会卡住,然后朝一个方向移动,直到松开所有按键(在国内,这个bug常与搜狗拼音有关)-Sometimes when picking up a kit the player may automatically throw a grenade.捡枪时有可能自动扔一个手榴弹-Some of the glass in Operation Metro on the sliding doors is bullet proof.地铁自动门上的某些玻璃是防弹的-Stealth Jets cannot take off properly from Second Assault maps. They bounce off the ground at the end of the runway and vault into the air, this does not cause damage however.二次突袭地图jet起飞问题,下次更新就修复了-Enemies may occasionally appear with revive icons over them, while allies do not have revive icons in your peripheral vision.有时敌人的尸体对你显示复活图标,而队友的尸体不显示-The M320 3GL when equipped to the underbarrel of a gun raises the rifle above your head and obscures your sight, when aiming the display is normal. X 三连发榴弹装在下挂位置会让整个枪不正常(ARX160)-Players may seem to be parachuting while on the ground, possibly caused by parachuting into a vehicle. X 有时候玩家在地面会显得正在跳伞,很可能是由跳伞进入载具引起的Visual(27)视觉错误(27个)-The color and opacity of the jet HUD is very hard to see against brighter backgrounds.固定翼HUD的颜色太淡-The Magnifier attachment will sometimes mix up the zoom levels on your sight, giving the un-magnified sight the 2x zoom level. (Returning Beta Bug)2x放大镜有时会搞乱放大倍数,不使用时反而有放大效果-The guided shell on MBT's shares the same crosshair as the main shell制导炮弹的准星和主炮的一样-Javelins do not make a sound once the second missile is fired if the first has not yet hit the target (audio bug but no other category for it)如果标枪的第一发弹还在飞,再打一发时声音就没了-If you spawn on someone riding a quad bike, you exit, then they switch seats, they become invisible to you X 复活在四轮小车上,你下车,队友换2号位,队友对你就隐形了-Parts of guns may randomly disappear when in the water: X 在水中时枪的某些部分会消失-Some guns may continue to appear as if they are firing if you die and are then revived while holding the trigger. Confirmed so far: P90, M249, G18. X如果开着枪时死,然后被救活,手中的枪像是一直在开-The AEK-971 magazine has changed color to a dark purple for no apparent reason, and does not reflect the gun realistically.枪变色的bug,原因未知-Commanders may have audio bugs and hear end of round music in the next game they play.用指挥官连续玩两局,有时会在第二局听到第一局结束的声音-Voice cues may not be audible to the player receiving the request.玩家接受请求时的语音命令有时听不到-The 870 MCS shotgun will show an 8th shell being reloaded into the gun even though it only holds 7 rounds.870在装弹时,会多装一发进去,但实际装弹数没变-Custom emblems may not display properly or at all on Playstation 4 and Xbox One.主机上各种自定义图标显示都不正常-On Lancang Dam, looking through the overturned truck near the dam will cause the game to de-render the terrain. X 卡视角透视的bug,很常见了,水坝和阿曼湾都有-Some shotguns show their under barrel attachment clipped into the gun model, not below it.有些霰弹枪的下挂部件和枪重叠-The MTAR-21 does not show weapon paints properly, instead they are shown faded through the regular weapon color.MTAR的武器涂装不正常-In the test range weapons do not properly render and will not show up when in the customization window.训练场里更改武器配件的界面里武器不会显示-Spotting when crouched or prone will alter the pointing animation used, making the player arm bend backwards and towards the ground. X 趴或蹲时,手指报点的动作不正常-When below 34% health, if you jump into a vehicle and regenerate health, your color gradient does not return to normal until you exit the vehicle, are damaged again, and then heal back up on foot. X 带血的视角在进入载具后不消失,在载具内回满血以后也一样-Certain weapon paints may become distorted on guns, making them look like a flat color.有些武器涂装显得和素面一样-Iron Sights on the GOL Magnum zoom in to an unusable level.GOL的机瞄完全无法使用-Adaptive camos on Second Assault maps do not seem to be matched to the correct colors.变色涂装在二次突袭的地图上都不正常-The charging handle on the CZ-805 slides into the locked position even when doing a tactical reload.CZ805的拉机柄的位置在战术装弹时不正确-Xbox 360 is experiencing severe texture rendering issues.XBOX360渲染不正常Battlelog(15)BL的问题(15个)-The refresh button on the server browser does nothing on Firefox.火狐浏览器的刷新服务器功能失效-Some Campaign dogtags may still be unavailable for use after unlocking them.单人剧情的狗牌有时不能正常装备-Battlelog leaderboards do not display a players stats properly, and will show them as 0 or the two numbers will not agree.排行榜上玩家的数据显示不正常-The QBS-09 and DBV-12 will not retain the weapon paint set to it through battlelog两把霰弹的涂装不能保存-Battlescreen does not work in Hardcore serversbattlescreen功能在hc服务器里不能使用(这不是bug吧)-Server queues will often fail to load and result in an error message reading "Unable to join server" (Relogging into Battlelog solves this 100% of the time)服务器经常性出现Unable to join server错误,注销再登陆可解决-The battlelog Com Center will not display the proper server friends are playing on右边好友栏里服务器的显示不总是正确-Tracked unlocks will reset at random and put in place an item you have already unlocked.追踪解锁各种不正常-All DLC assignments will appear as not being completed in game even after the assignment has been awarded to the player.DLC的任务即使在解锁后在游戏中还是显示未解锁-Various weapon mastery dogtags are missing.几把武器的大师狗牌一直缺失-Some kills may not be shown in battlelog for certain vehicles or gadgets, but these are usually still recorded in game. (UCAV, Mortar, Gunship, Bomber)一些杀敌数在BL中记录不正确,但在游戏中是正确的(弹簧刀,迫击炮等)-C4 Kills are only counted from the Recon kit.C4杀敌只计算侦察的(所以那个任务只能用侦察解锁)-Jet cannons do not count towards accuracy, leaving you with 0% accuracy every round if you do not hit with missiles or any other weapon.固定翼的机炮不算准确度,所以不射导弹的话,飞天狗们可能一局0%准确-Battlelog In-game游戏中BL的BUG-Assignments will not properly update in game when checking on them mid-round每局中查看任务,进度可能无法正常同步-Assignments display as fully completed after being at least halfway done, even if they are not actually completed有时任务显示完成,但其实还没完成
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快95级了,88,98 鬼眼弓...
我去- -BUG4-百科大全。。。
新的是死的时候被医疗兵救还没复活又被打死会一直卡在死亡视角直到游戏结束、、、、相机、、B超、洁面乳、、、、、塑料、、航空母舰、罐装饮料、产品、、、蛋糕、洗发水、沐浴露、、沥青路、水泥、卫星、、汽柴油、绦纶睛纶、镜子、、、放影机和电影、、、、电脑游戏、电动剃须刀、、抽水马桶等等,以及各种各样的理论,哪个是中国人发明的?就连铅笔、把手、、水笼头、回形针都不是中国人发明的,请你们大声地告诉我,你们身边使用的东西有什么是中国人发明的?中国人享受着全世界的文明却没有对世界的文明做出过贡献(近200年来),如果中国现在不享受这些世界文明,一夜就回到明朝,可能马上回地狱,真是汗颜。那些本该向世界展示中国文明的国企和央企都死到哪去了?    我们发明了地沟油,奶石粉、廋肉精,,、、蜜饯、皮鞋、、面粉、、工业酒精白酒、阴沟矿泉水、、发泡快餐盒、避孕药黄鳝、尸肉烧烤串、、养老双轨制、20%房产税、强拆、专享经济适用房、低质高价汽油、养路费、、加油双重收税、17%超级多重増值税、、、戴套不算....当你在河里发现乌木,国家作为河流所有者出现了;当河流冲走你的房屋,国家失踪了。当你生二胎,国家作为社会抚养费征收者出现了;当你成为失独者,国家失踪了。当你领工资,国家作为征税者出现了;当你失业,国家失踪了。当事故责任人是百姓,国家作为执法者出现了;当事故责任人是官员,国家失踪了。如果土地是人民的,你们有何权力把人民的地卖给人民?如果土地是你们的,请问你们的地是从哪来的?是用纳税人的钱买来的还是无偿从人民手上拿来的?如果是用纳税人的钱买来的,那么土地就不是你们的而是人民的;如果是无偿从人民手上拿来的,那么你们就是强盗....... 141楼


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