我的世界信标怎么用Nature Spell怎么用

arsmagica 官方推荐新手教程 - [AM]魔法艺术 (Ars Magica) - MC百科|最大的MineCraft中文模组百科
arsmagica 官方推荐新手教程
arsmagica 官方推荐新手教程
这篇教程()的作者是来自minecraftforum的Laddeao。(有时间和精力的同学可以帮忙翻译本页面。)Hey all, I decided to make a thread on how to begin with the amazing Ars Magica mod by Mithion. Before I jump into this I just want to say upfront, 5 cows WERE harmed in the making of this post. Can't believe I forgot this in my original post, guess I figured if you were reading this you had already been to the Ars Magica main page but here is the link: . For those who just want to find what they need, I colored things to help find them faster. First mentions of Ars Magica content, recipe ingredients, Mithion's name,contributors, attempts at humor, hyperlinks. 初入世界对于魔法艺术游戏的开始就如同MC原版,为了安全地度过夜晚,你要搭一个(临时或是长期的)住所。当你已经有了一个满意的住所,你就要开始着手这个模组的内容了。在你刚刚开始新世界时应该注意到了,游戏的视图并没有与原版MC显得不同。因为你要解除你身上的法力封印。你需要奥能法力池,材料是12块圆石、两块铁、一块羊毛(任何颜色均可)以及3个木板(任意种类的均可、可以混合使用)。Spoiler: 首先,你要用圆石制造空白符文碑Vestis。然后就可以用刚刚做好的符文碑和其他材料合成奥能法力池。Spoiler: 现在把它放在你喜欢的地方,然后右键打开用户界面。Spoiler: 以上两图中,若法力池呈蓝色且闪烁表示你可以提升法师等级,看到后者时意味着你需要更多的经验值。在这里要先谈一下如何提升法力等级:你需要相同等级的经验来换取法力。所以把法力等级从Lv.1升级到Lv.2你需要的经验等级为1。原版MC的经验等级可以兑换为法力,所以如果你如果找到了带有刷怪箱的地牢,把它改建成一个经验值农场(刷怪屋)也许是个好主意。你也可以通过挖矿来升级经验值:当你挖下煤炭、红石、钻石时会获得经验。大展身手!作为一个魔法使,当然要能够施展各种法术。现在我们需要的是符文拓印台。它的制作需要两根木棍, 一张纸,一个火把, 5片木板(任意的组合都可以), 以及一片羽毛。用木棍和纸制作卷轴,就像这样:Spoiler: 然后用卷轴及其他材料做成拓印台。Spoiler: The feather and torch positions are interchangeable, but I believe the parchment must be in the middle.After you make the table, place it where you want it, and right-click to open the gui.Spoiler: You will need a parchment and a rune to get your first spell. In this example it was a blank rune, but you should know spells are randomized, per person and per world, so it's no use trying to copy spells from images you find around. Also in 1.5.1 I believe the spell is needed to be able to craft it, so you shouldn't waste time trying to guess combinations.Spoiler: Right now you have one spell, but eventually you will make more, and each spell takes up a slot in your inventory. Sounds like you will have to be picky about which spells you carry on you right? Well the Spellbook is Mithion's answer to that problem. 3 string, 4 leather and 2 paper make a portable storage for spells and spell recipes I believe with a capacity of around 40.Spoiler: And the book comes with the ability to use and cycle through a set of spells you place on the left side of its gui, accessed by holding shift and right-clicking. I will post an image of this when I can, I overlooked this while I was preparingXD The book can also be colored with most dyes!What else can we do?So now we have a spell or two, and a nice custom colored spellbook, what else can we do? Well a very nice part of this mod is Mithion's essence system. For now we will cover just a couple of the many things you can do with this. So you will need 4 glass, 8 snow blocks and a white chalk. You might be thinking, I glass is easy, just throw sand in a furnace, snow blocks are just 4 snowballs in a square, how do you make white chalk? Well to do that you need a piece of clay, a flint, a piece of paper, bonemeal and Vinteum dust. So that list probably seemed pretty easy until you reach Vinteum dust, what is that? Vinteum dust is obtained by cooking a block of Vinteum Ore in a furnace. This is what it looks like:Spoiler: Note I placed that in creative mode, you shouldn't ever find it sitting on the surface like that. I believe it is found in the same levels as gold, so you will have to work for it alittle, but the payoff is very much worth it. So you found your Vinteum Ore, cooked it into dust, now what? Well now you just throw the ingredients I mentioned in a crafting grid:Spoiler: Placement of the components doesn't matter here, and now you have a White Chalk. Setting up a NexusNow by the title of this part, you can probably guess that what you are about to build is called a Nexus. I like to draw out where I am going to place the Nexus before I place it. Breaking a nexus after placing the chalk doesn't return the chalk! The base of it does not have to be raised like the image, I simply did it to give you an idea of the shape of the Nexus. A Nexus requires a 5x5 area (the actual chalk part of the Nexus takes up a 3x3 area), with the chalk placed in the middle and pillars in the 4 corners. Here is my example:Spoiler: Now you just place the chalk in the center, and you should get the Nexus circle in the middle. If you did it right, it should glow a light blue, start spinning and look like this:Spoiler: You might notice the chat box is open in the image and some numbers are showing up with a percentage. One of the spells you recieve to start is called Sense Energy. This spell is used to check how much power the Nexus or various essence-powered blocks have. The Light Nexus you built is the perhaps the easiest to use. After you set it up it slowly draws power from the environment, charging itself at no cost. Perfect for getting started right?Using EssenceOk, so now we have that charging up. Now how do we get to use the essence? One of the most useful items in Ars Magica is the Magic Fabricator, and it runs on- you guessed it- essence. To craft this wonderful machine (is it a machine if it uses magic?), you need 3 planks ( again any kind or mixed), 2 red wool (and color does matter this time), and finally a block of obsidian. Craft it up like this:Spoiler: After crafting this, place it near the nexus( I apologize but I have yet to determine the farthest a nexus will charge an item from) and it should begin charging:Spoiler: After letting that charge abit (this is where the cows were harmed part I mentioned at the beginning comes in) you can open up the gui by right-clicking it. Spoiler: Now we use it! The grid on the left is used just like a crafting grid, with the right being the result. For this example I used golden nuggets to craft an ingot.Spoiler: Just clicking on the result does nothing special though. To see the magic happen you need to apply a redstone current to it. For the sake of simplicity I just placed a pressure plate next to it. But you might be thinking, the first image has red numbers, and in the other they are green. Red indicates when the Fabricator doesn't have enough power to make the item you wish to craft. Green means you have enough and can craft the item if you apply the current. So I step on the pressure plate:Spoiler: Now in that image, I have a gold bar in my inventory, and now the numbers are red again. I used up the power and can't make another bar right now, but you will also notice the nuggets are still there. Using the fabricator to craft items lets you keep the items used to craft. This can be done with Ars Magica and Vanilla minecraft items, so you can craft infinite arrows/bows/tools/bricks as long as it has enough power!A thing to note about the Fabricator, as Workerdrone pointed out, the gui for the Fabricator is just like the Crafting Table. If you remove the product from the result box you will use up the materials just like a regular crafting table. Also I forgot to mention in my first post, if you place a chest by the fabricator it will automatically place the item you make into the chest rather than popping out on top of the table (which you don't see because I learned you can use a pressure plate to activate it, so I picked it up every time).Another thing that Workerdrone pointed out, and that I overlooked, is the Calefactor. The Calefactor is an essence powered block just like the Fabricator, so you will need that Nexus you made earlier to use it. You will need 2 lapis, a redstone dust, 4 stone and a Vinteum dust. Craft it out like this:Spoiler: Now that you have that, place it near the Nexus and let it power up. Note that if you place it and it doesn't begin charging, and if you have the Sense Energy spell made, check the Nexus. If it has no power to give it can't charge the Calefactor. And if the Fabricator is not fully charged (or at least above 50%) it will have priority over the Calefactor for power (as I learned when trying to show it off). After placing the Calefactor, right-click to open up it's gui:Spoiler: The Calefactor acts as a furnace, cooking up things in exchange for essence. Like Industrial Craft's EU system, the Calefactor only uses up as much essence as it needs to cook the items, so no wasted energy. It cooks at 80% of the speed of a furnace, but if you add 3 Charge Foci it will work 2x as fast. I will discuss the Foci in just a minute. And as you can see, the animation for the Calefactor is a pretty cool one, Mithion does a great job.Now to the Foci. The only one you will find useful right now is the Charge Focus, but to craft that, you first need a Focus, and to get THAT you need a Lesser Focus. Sounds complicated right? It's not too hard. Foci can be found in chests, I believe as of 1.5.1 you can also trade Mage Villagers for them, and they are craftable. To fully upgrade a Calefactor, or the Fabricator, you need 9 glass, 12 redstone, and 12 gold nuggets. Here's the sequence:Spoiler: Now you just throw them in the slots on the Calefactor.Spoiler: Remember though that making it work 2x faster also means it drains energy 2x faster. When I was doing this example it locked up my Calefactor due to it having no power and trying to take 2x the essence from my Nexus which has no power as well. It would be best to either let the Nexus charge to almost full or let the Calefactor do the same, preferably both so you will be almost sure not to run out of power.New Friends, Enemies, and AnnoyancesArs Magica adds some new friends for your lonely minecraft world.Spoiler: One thing you will notice are a new type of villager. These Mage Villagers can be found randomly living in- what else?- Villages! They can be traded emeralds in exchange for Ars Magica items and even spells! The other image shows my...guests...From left to right: Druid, these friendly girls wander around, randomly growing things I believe similar to a bonemeal effect. The little blue ball up in the top of the image tried to escape, I mean leave early. It is called a Wisp, now Wisps can be helpful if you hit them with a certain spell, but beware hitting them with the wrong one, they will unleash their wrath upon you. And last but not least the man in white. He is a Light Mage. They can prove invaluable at times, spawning like other mobs at night, they fight the undead as well as their Dark Mage counterparts. Light Mages also heal you if you are below half health, very friendly of them. Now come the annoyances:Spoiler: Again from left to right: Water Elemental, these buggers spawn near the water, they are very fast and attack like a smaller slime, dealing no damage but pushing you around. The camera shy one in the middle is a Mana Elemental, they shoot bolts of purple lightning dealing 1/2 heart in damage and sapping away your mana, turning it into health for them. The familiar looking fellow on the right is aMana Creeper.And now we get to guys you should come to fear:Spoiler: Let's switch it up abit, from right to left this time: Dark Mage, now these guys can really do a number on you, they use spells like Enderbolt, which does a considerable amount of damage and has a chance to teleport you( usually up high enough to take fall damage). As of 1.5.1 I believe these guys and the Light mages do not spawn until lvl 7, but get progressively stronger with you, which means they will always be a threat. In the middle there is one of my favorite backstabbers. The Hecate is a fast melee mob that can kill you in about 3 hits without any armor. It gets better, when he is close enough to attack he goes invisible, and he doesn't run a straight route to attack you either. He also participates in Zombie raids on villages and can break down doors, though I have yet to get one to do it. And lastly the Mana Creeper, but didn't I mention him with the annoyances? The Mana Creeper fits into both categories, early on when you don't have mana or spells to use your mana, he isn't really a threat. He hisses like a creeper, but instead of exploding he turns into a pretty impressive blue-blackhole that sucks up your mana. This effect scales with you, so at higher levels it will take more mana so that you could be left out of mana in the middle of a fight with an army of Dark Mages and Hecate. See how he's a real bad guy now? Another thing to note, only Hecate are affected by the daylight, they burn like all undead. The Mages, Elementals and Mana Creeper however aren't affected and will remain until noonwhen all mobs despawn.And Closing...Or NotWell I think that is about everything I wanted to cover. Oh wait, you might want to know something else that might help with those Dark Mages. Ars Magica also includes sets of armor specially tailored to help you survive those nasty Enderbolts. To craft a basic set of armor you need 17 wool (I believe any color works for this), 5 Runes Vestis ( blank runes) and 5 string. Craft them up like this:Spoiler: Things to note about the Ars Magica armors. First, these are the only armors that reduce magical damage by nature. As of 1.5.1 I believe there is an enchantment you can get for magic protection, but your most reliable source will be these armors. Second, these armors are self-repairing! Sounds abit OP right? Well it comes at a cost, these armors repair themselves using your mana! And they also take 5x the damage of normal armor. If a piece is destroyed you will have to make another, so be careful with them and know when to back down so your armor and mana can recharge. While we are on the subject, I believe this first suit called Apprentice or Novice armor is meant to be mana-stable (it doesn't drain your mana but it might not be raising either) at level 6. As you go higher in armor tier, a higher magic level will be needed to prevent your armor from eating your mana away. Third thing to note is that thetiers above Novice/Apprentice have in-built abilities that have a cooldown after being triggered, Chest pieces cast a regeneration ability on you when your health is low, the hood casts waterbreathing when your oxygen runs out, leggings cast water shield on you to put out fire or keep lava from burning you for a short time, and boots cast featherfall when you would take fall damage. A last note on the Ars Magica armors is they are highly enchantable.Good Luck Young Scholar!Well that's it. Hopefully this cleared up any questions you might have about getting started with the mod. Anything I didn't cover might be found on the wiki here (). If it is something you feel should be included here for easy access feel free to tell me and I will add it. This is one of the first threads I have made and by far the most extensive, so any criticism is welcomed. I think I used too many spoilers but this was an image heavy post that I didn't want to take 30 min to load. XD If it is wanted I could make a medium/advanced version of this. I honestly think it gets easier once you get things established. If you find this at all helpful, or even read through some of it, please let me know lol I would like to think I didn't spend so much time on this for nothing. If you did find this helpful, mabey even keep me updated on how it's going, what else I should consider adding, anything but leaving this thread empty. I wanted to have questions posted on here so that the main Ars Magica page remained free for bug reports and content addition discussion. That being said please feel free to post anything AM related, or even magical styled mods that you find complimentary to AM. Also, post here if you use furnace pants!
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命令方块实例教程 作者:sylqiuyifeng
【科普/教程】命令方块的使用要点 作者:本文楼主
[Commands]原创100% 作者:
<font color="#.[],这种括弧里的内容可以缺省,[]不用输入,另外在参数栏里以全英文(如:&damage&)填写的参数未加说明均为原文,注意以原文来填写!
<font color="#.玩家名可以是一个玩家的名字,也可以是@a,@p,@r等等可以指代某玩家的符号
<font color="#.物品可以是物品英文名、也可以是物品ID,<font color="#ff以后将渐渐淘汰使用ID,希望习惯使用ID的小伙伴们要改过来了!
5 .实体名可以是@e(1.8以后,经常配合type附加参数使用,见8),也可以是动物名,可以是玩家名,可以是方块名,有时甚至可以是掉落的物品名,这要看你用的什么指令!
<font color="#.文字间的&/&是“或者”的意思
<font color="#.在输入坐标&x& &y& &z&时,也可以代替当前坐标的数据输入:~作为代替例:输入 /tp @p ~+1 ~+2 64 后你将会在x轴上前进1,y轴上前进2,z坐标变为64
<font color="#. 在指定玩家名时,可以添加额外的附加参数来限定锁定的玩家:
4.最小score_Kills 数为1,最大score_Deaths为2
/normal] [方块ID]
复制一个区域的方块到另一个区域,方块ID是选择过滤模式filtered时的方块ID,模式很多不赘述,参见其他帖子吧&defaultgamemode&-&数字(0-2)&---设置全局默认游戏模式,参数请参见gamemode&difficulty&-&数字(0-3)&---0-3依次是和平、简单、普通、困难&effect&-&玩家名&&状态ID&[秒数][放大]给予玩家某状态,ID在下面给出了,后面的放大具体效果不明-&玩家名&&clear&--直接在玩家名后面输入“clear”可以清楚玩家的药水状态&enchant& -&玩家名&&附魔代号(注1)&[等级]-可以使玩家手中的装备被附魔&entitydata&-&实体名&&数据标签&--编辑实体的数据标签&execute&-&实体名&&x&&y&&z&&另一个指令&
-&实体名&&x&&y&&z&&detect&&&&x2& &y2& &z2&
&方块& &数据&
用以检测在指定坐标有指定的方块是才执行指令,注意detect必须有&gamemode&-&数字(0-2)&&玩家名&--从0-2依次是生存、创造、冒险&gamerule&&commandBlockOutput&&True OR False&---启用/禁用命令执行时在控制台中的文本提示&doFireTick&&True OR False&---启用/禁用火的蔓延&doMobLoot&&True OR False&---启用/禁用生物掉落物&doMobSpawning&&True OR False&---启用/禁用生物生成(刷怪蛋和刷怪箱不受影响)&doTileDrops&&True OR False&---启用/禁用方块被破坏时掉落物品(包括TNT破坏的)&keepInventory&&True OR False&---启用/禁用死亡后对物品栏的保存&mobGriefing&&True OR False&---启用/禁用爬行者与末影人对方块的破坏&naturalRegeneration&&True OR False&---启用/禁用自然生命恢复&doDaylightCycle&&True OR False&---启用/禁用日夜循环&logAdminCommands&&True OR False&---设置是否在命令行中显示命令方块的输出&randomTickSpeed&&数值&---设置游戏随机时钟的速度,比如调低它会降低农作物生长速度&reducedDebugInfo&&True OR False&---降低F3调试模式的显示信息&sendCommand
Feedback&&True OR False&---是否显示使用指令时的反馈信息&showDeath
Messages&&True OR False&---是否显示死亡信息&give&-&玩家名&&物品&&数量&[数据值](对物品修饰的值)不用解释了吧。。。&kill&-[玩家名|entity]---杀掉所有符合条件的实体,注意创造模式是没有用的!参数里用entity时必须指定UUID值&me&-&文本信息&---命令台会跟你卖萌&particle&-&粒子名&&x&&y&&z&&xd&&yd&&zd& &速度&[数量]
在符合条件的实体周围显示一种粒子效果,一般坐标设置成~即可,xd等为偏移,粒子名见下&playsound&-&文件名&&玩家名&&坐标(x,y,z)&&音量&文件名是从sound文件夹里的某个文件出发,一直到最后的ogg文件,所有的文件名之间用&.&连接。后面还有2个参数:[pitch][minimunVolume]&say&-&文本信息&---命令台会广播某信息&replaceitem&&entity&&实体名&&slot...&&道具&[数量] [附加值]将符合条件的实体的指定格子的物品替换,关于slot的用法,太长了所以见下&block&&x&&y&&z&&slot...&&道具&[数量] [附加值]将指定坐标的容器方块内的物品替换,slot为slot.container.数字&scoreboard &&对象|玩家&功能强大,因此信息量也略大,如有需要请查看下面wiki的链接&setblock&-&x&&y&&z&&方块名&[数据值][旧方块处理方式] [数据标签]用于创造,删除,或代替单个方块。对应的旧方块处理方式分别为:[keep|destroy|replace]&setworldspawn&-&x&&y&&z&---设置游戏的出生点&spawnpoint&-&玩家名&[x][y][z]设置某玩家的出生点,因为是单机,所以一般是你自己&spreadplayers&-&x&&z&&分布距离&&最大半径&&是否采用队伍&&玩家名&把玩家分布到一个起始点.能够定义分散范围与最小间距&stats&&entity&&实体名&&模式&--这两个指令都直接跟计分板有关系,所以比较高级,这里只说一下模式可以有SuccessCount,&&AffectedBlocks, AffectedEntities, AffectedItems and QueryResult&block&&x&&y&&z&&模式&--&summon&-&实体名&&x&&y&&z&[数据标签]
注4: 时间如果设置为9999状态可以无限,下线后上线依然可以存在
/replaceitem entity @e[type=Zombie] slot.weapon minecraft:iron_sword 1 0 将给所有的僵尸添加武器铁剑
/replaceitem entity @p slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:fish 4 2 将放4个鱼(具有数据值2)在最近玩家的第一个快捷栏位中
/replaceitem block ~ ~1 ~ slot.container.5 minecraft:redstone_block 1 0 将在使用这个指令的玩家或命令方块上方一个的容器中的6号位的物品换成一个红石块
引用自minecraft wiki
hugeexplosion, largeexplode, fireworksSpark, bubble, suspended, depthsuspend, townaura, crit, magicCrit, smoke, mobSpell, mobSpellAmbient, spell, instantSpell, witchMagic, note, portal, enchantmenttable, explode, flame, lava, footstep, splash, wake, largesmoke, cloud, reddust, snowballpoof, dripWater, dripLava, snowshovel, slime, heart, angryVillager, happyVillager, barrier, iconcrack_(ID), blockcrack_(ID), blockdust_(ID)_(DATA), droplet, take, mobappearance
水桶服 craftbukkit-1.4.5-R0.2及以上
essential : Essentials-2.9.6
水桶服几乎没有任何命令方块能用的指令(只有save-on off之类),用途不大,所以未测试,忽略它吧
主指令参数1参数2参数3参数4备注&exp&&show|set|give&&玩家名&[数量/L&level&]-设置或增加某玩家的经验、等级&gamemode&&c|s|a|t|creative|survival|adventure|toggle&&玩家名&-c|s|a|t分别代表:creative|survival|adventure|toggle,注意此指令会覆盖单机gamemode指令,原来的0,1,2会失效&give&&玩家名&&item|item:损伤值&&&[数量[附魔:等级...]]注意它会把覆盖游戏中的give指令&&,不过这个指令更加详细全面&god&&玩家名&[on|off]--设置某玩家为无敌&heal&&玩家名&---治愈某玩家&kit&&kit名&&玩家名&--给予某玩家一组事先设定好的物品(Essentials/config.yml&&设定)&time&[day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks][世界名|all]设置时间,可以控制多世界的时间,注意它覆盖了原游戏的指令&msg&&玩家名&[信息(任意文本)]--让命令方块给某玩家发信息&broadcast&[信息(任意文本)]---广播某信息&burn&&玩家名&&时间&--燃烧某玩家若干时间&clearinventory&&玩家名&---来了来了,essentials版clear,清除某玩家任何物品、装备&lightning&&玩家名&[损伤]--雷劈某玩家,造成若干伤害&nuke&&玩家名&---核弹,没逃掉直接秒杀,不会损伤建筑物,放心使用~&sudo&&玩家名&&某指令&--强制某玩家使用某指令:比如让某玩家杀掉最近的玩家;或者让他自杀&thunder&&true or false&[时间]--设置雷雨天,时间若干秒&weather&&storm|sun&&时间&--设置雨天或晴天,时间若干秒&tp/tpa&&玩家名1&&玩家名2&--传送到某玩家身边(需设置2个玩家名参数),注意他覆盖了原游戏的指令----tpa无法用命令方块调用&tpall/tpaall&&玩家名&---所有在线玩家传送到某玩家身边&tphere&----tphere无法用命令方块调用&tppos&&玩家名&&x&&y&&z&某玩家传送到某坐标&warp&&warp名&&玩家名&--需要事先设置一个warp(通过setwarp),之后可以简单地传送
比如你想使用这个表中的可以设置某玩家的经济到某值的命令,看到&money&&set&&玩家名&&数量&,看本帖第一条,括号&&不用打出,&&内内容必须写上,因此你可以写上money set @p 100 来设置离此命令方块最近的玩家的经济为100。
& &&&如果在从左往右读的时候出现了&-&,那么你得无视这个&-&,直接空一格写下一个不是&-&的内容,而不是加2个或以上的空格
& &&&如果你依然无法调用指令,你最好检查下这个指令是否被其他指令覆盖了
5.更新了单机模式下tp的另一种使用方法:tp player player
更新了限定玩家参数中的“name”,&team&的项目在Essential表格中添加了gamemode、kit 指令
3.更新了gamerule中的 naturalRegeneration 和 doDaylightCycle
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