
超级猛片《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》很快便正式上映,电影中的反派奥创将指挥机器人军团对人类造成极大威胁。为迎接电影来临Hot Toys现隆重推出这款热切期待的1:6比例Ultron Prime珍藏人偶!这款珍藏人偶约41cm高,备有细緻雕刻的机械素体、发光头部和上半身以及特别设计的LED发光地台。
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Copyright By ACTOYS.NET All Right Reseverd (C) 2015 鲁ICP备号-5【图片】Hottoys 新品:1/6 MMS306《复仇联盟2-奥创纪元》-雷神THOR【兵人之家吧】_百度贴吧
Hottoys 新品:1/6 MMS306《复仇联盟2-奥创纪元》-雷神THOR
Hot Toys今天隆重推出令人引颈以待的雷神1:6比例珍藏人偶。雷神在今集电影中,运用雷霆战鎚(Mjölnir)引发雷电激活幻视,最终幻视协助复仇者联盟击败奥创,成为全片关键!此款珍藏人偶备有全新打造的头雕、健硕身型的肌肉包胶素体、细致剪裁的战斗服、一把LED发光雷霆战鎚与一把金属雷霆战鎚连仿电光效果、以及特别设计地台。今次令粉丝极为惊喜的,就是Hot Toys首度引用扩增实景技术(Augmented R 简称: AR)设计出可透过即将推出的iOS及Android智能手机App程式,於画面上活现雷神击败奥创士兵军团的虚拟影像。相信这个崭新扩增实景技术,定会让粉丝充分享受到与珍藏人偶进行的互动体验!各位粉丝不要错过机会集齐一队复仇者联盟珍藏人偶
Dear all,The Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron Hot Toys collectibles series continues! In the epic blockbuster Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor along with the rest of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes had battle hard against the menacing A.I. Ultron in order to save mankind from the terrifying fate of human extinction!Hot Toys is delighted to present the new 1/6th scale Thor Collectible Figure from Avengers: Age of Ultron! The movie-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of Chris Hemsworth as Thor in the movie, featuring a newly developed head sculpt, highly detailed costume, a LED light-up Mjolnir and an authentic metal Mjolnir with lightning effect accessory, and a specially designed figure base.
Furthermore, a specially designed 3D augmented reality (AR) app has been developed and will soon be available on iOS and Android devices to interact with the Thor collectible figure! With the use of the app, fans can explore and take photo of the striking 3D scene where a number of Ultron Prime’s dangerous sentries are swarming to attack the Asgardian prince! Complete your Avengers: Age of Ultron collection with the mighty God of Thunder!Please kindly find the attached photos and spec below for your reference.Hot Toys – MMS306 – Avengers: Age of Ultron 1/6th scale Thor Collectible Figure Specification~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~The 1/6th scale Thor Collectible Figure specially features:-
Newly developed head sculpt with authentic and detailed likeness of Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Avengers: Age of Ultron
Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed wrinkles, skin texture and beard-
Blonde hair sculpture-
Muscular body with over 30 points of articulations and seamless elbow joints-
Approximately 32 cm tall-
Four (4) pair of interchangeable palms including:
One (1) pair of fists-
One (1) pair of relaxed palms-
One (1) pair of open palms-
One (1) pair for holding Mjolnir-
Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
One (1) red-colored cape-
One (1) upper body armor with silver-colored circle plates-
One (1) pair of black and metal-colored colored forearm armor-
One (1) pair of black pants with patterned design on sides-
One (1) pair of black and metal-colored bootsWeapons:-
One (1) authentic metal Mjolnir with patterned handle and leather-like strap-
One (1) LED light-up Mjolnir with patterned handle and leather-like strap (Battery operated)Accessories:-
One (1) Mjolnir lightning effect accessory-
Specially-designed figure stand with Thor nameplate and the movie logo (can be used to create 3D augmented reality scenes with the use of an exclusive iOS/Android application)Artists:-
Head Sculpted by Jong Hyuk, Park-
Head Painted by JC. Hong-
Head Art Directed by KojunRelease date:
Q4, 2015 – Q1, 2016**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different**Avengers: Age of Ultron AR Experience by Hot Toys will be available on iOS & Android.**Product details can subject to change without further notice© 2015 Marvel.© 2015 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.
保存至快速回贴1267天等待!曼联复仇1-6 22战52分范帅封神
曼联( ) 复仇4月13日讯 还记得日的那场噩梦么?曼联主场被曼城()
1-6血洗,创下德比史上的最大耻辱。181周,41个月又20天,1267天之后,红蓝双雄再战梦剧场,这一次曼联复仇成功,4-2逆转击败蓝月。在世界级名帅范加尔的悉心调教下,红魔终于走上正轨,这场德比胜利宣告他们的王者归来。巴神经典庆祝这1267天的漫长时间里,都发生了一些什么事儿?绝不只是曼联惨遭德比4连败那么简单:日,曼城以净胜球优势力压曼联、夺得队史第一个英超( ) 冠军,成为英超历史上第五位联赛霸主,同时那也是蓝月时隔44年再夺顶级联赛桂冠;日,弗格森正式宣布赛季结束后退休,几天后曼联将士以队史第20个联赛冠军祝贺爵爷荣休,但毕竟在四分之一个世纪之后,红魔即将进入一个崭新而又陌生的时代。弗格森离开日,曼联新帅莫耶斯正式走马上任;日,这位弗爵爷钦点的接班人带着耻辱的战绩下课;5月11日,曼联传奇、代理主帅未能拯救红魔于水火,第7名的成绩创下队史英超最差,因此无缘欧战;同日,曼城正式捧起联赛冠军奖杯,3年2次问鼎,蓝月王朝建立。足球天才莫耶斯日,又一位曼联新帅范加尔开启了履新后的第一天。此后的半年时间里,红魔有过战术混乱、成绩低迷、饱受抨击、信心彷徨。荷兰人既从未动摇自己的足球理念,同时又做出各种灵活性的尝试,特别是摒弃352重回四后卫。直到日,曼联主场3-0大胜热刺( ) ,7天后又客场2-1力克利物浦() ,“路易王”才逐渐得到了业界与坊间的一致认可。最终,4月12日的4-2德比胜利让范加尔一战封神,彻底征服了红魔拥趸。一天前曼联U18在“迷你德比”中1-0力克曼城U18,曼联支持者俱乐部(MUSFC)则8-4击败曼城球迷队。2天3杀蓝月,曼联完成全方位、无死角的复仇!范加尔终结1267天尴尬曼联的复仇以今日之胜作为结束,但发轫于去年11月3日那场德比0-1失利。自那之后,红魔22场联赛16胜4平仅2负,豪取52分,同期英超第一!在这段时间里,曼联球员们逐渐领悟、吃透了范加尔的战术思想,彼此之间的配合、磨合也日益默契;范大帅最终确定4141为主打阵型:顶上锋线,、坐上替补席,、马塔()、埃雷拉等曾经被他弃用的球员重新上位。经过颠覆与自我颠覆之后,荷兰人终于找到了最适合曼联的“一带一路”。赛后,范加尔称赞曼联球迷道:“3分到手!我们现在领先第四名4分,我为球迷感到非常高兴,我知道这对他们意味着什么。当比赛成绩不佳的时候,他们总是不遗余力的支持我们。”而在赛前,已从曼联球员转为死忠魔蜜的加里-内维尔被球迷问到是否认为“范加尔在三年任期里夺冠”,他的回答简单而坚定:“Yes。”看过这场德比胜利之后,您的答案呢?(念洲)
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