
  在中国时,YouTube用户 @Masayoshi Akao 发现那只可爱的娃娃的头上有一只螺旋桨,中国飞翔玩具炫舞仙子的仿制品。当被告知能“徘徊在你的掌心之上”时,这位父亲就打算买一个当做纪念品带回家给自己的两个女儿。  “Bye-bye!” Chinese flying doll works a little too well, becomes one-use toy  “再见了!”中国造的炫舞仙子性能太好,成了一次性玩具      Let’s play a little word association game. Ready? Chinese-made children’s toys.  I’m guessing “high quality” isn’t the first thing that popped into your head. You don’t have to go far to find stories of people buying knock-off dolls or action figures in China, then giving them to their kids or younger siblings, only to watch them heartbroken as they don’t work as implied by the packaging.  让我们先玩一个小小的单词联想游戏。准备好了吗?中国制造的儿童玩具。  我想“质量好”不会第一个出现在你脑海。你不须费心找事例来说明,有人买中国制造的仿冒娃娃或人偶,然后送给他们的孩子或小弟弟妹妹,却只看到他们伤心地发现那些玩具并不能像包装上说的那样运作。  But that doesn’t mean all toys made in China are shoddy, because some do indeed work well. Sometimes even too well, as one Japanese father found out when he brought back a Chinese flying doll for his daughters.  但那并不意味着所有的中国制造的玩具都是劣质的,因为有一些真的运作良好,有时甚至是太好了。当一位日本父亲给他的女儿们带回一个中国版的炫舞仙子时发现了这一点  While in China, YouTube user Masayoshi Akao came across the cute figure with a propeller attached to its head, most likely an imitation of the Flutterbye Flying Fairy toys that have recently been very popular in the U.S. Purported to be able to “hover above the palm of your hand,” Akao decided to pick one up as a souvenir for his two little girls.  在中国时,YouTube用户 @Masayoshi Akao 发现那只可爱的娃娃的头上有一只螺旋桨,很可能是最近在美国很受欢迎的Flutterbye的飞翔玩具炫舞仙子的仿制品。当被告知能“徘徊在你的掌心之上”时,这位父亲就打算买一个当做纪念品带回家给自己的两个女儿。  Back in Japan, it was time for the tykes to try out their new toy. Of course, the first time you’re using any sort of flying contraption, you want to make sure you have plenty of overhead clearance, at least until you know for sure how high it’ll go. So Akao and the kids headed outside for the doll’s first flight…      回到日本,是时候让小孩们试玩她们的新玩具了。当然,第一次使用任何类型的飞行装置时,你要确保你有足够高的空间,至少在你确定清楚它能飞多高之前。所以Akao先生和他的孩子到屋外来尝试那个娃娃的处女航。  …which also turned out to be its last.  这也成了最后一次    We’re not sure where it’s going, but one thing is for sure, that doll is not coming back.  Japanese Internet users had the following to say:  “Bye-bye.”  “It’s a disposable toy.”  “I guess it went back to China?”  “I keep watching this, and as the whirring sound of the motor gets quieter and quieter, it makes me feel so sad.”  We’re guessing the intended effect was something closer to this.  我们不清楚它去哪儿,但可以确定的是,那只娃娃不会回来了。  日本网友评论留言说:  “永别了。”  “这是一只一次性的玩具。”  “我猜它飞回中国了。”  “我一直盯着这个,马达的呼呼声越来越轻,真是使我伤心。”  我们猜测预期效果与这相近。  As his daughters’ doll departs for parts unknown, though, the shocked Akao can only chuckle and stammer, “It flew away…it flew away!” And while we definitely share his comedic take on the situation, it’s hard not to feel just a little sorry for the younger of the two girls, who at the 20-second mark asks, with a mixture of bewilderment and sadness,“Huh? Why did it go bye-bye?”  当他女儿的娃娃飞往未知他方时,震惊的Akao先生只能一边轻笑一边结结巴巴地说,“它飞走了……飞走了!”当然,我们在分享在这起事件中他的喜剧性时,也很难不为那两个小女孩的天真感到有点难过,她在视频20s时悲伤又困惑地问:“嗯?为什么它走了?拜拜?”  Poor kid. So everyone reading, drop Akao a line and let him know if you happen to find the doll. Assuming it ever comes down, of course.  可怜的孩子。那么,看到这的读者,如果你碰巧看到那只娃娃,请给Akao先生写封信,当然,假如它会落下来的话。
楼主发言:2次 发图: | 更多
  以下是外国网友评论:  Till Nyman
October 1 at 12:47am  To infinity and beyond!
11  飞向无限!  Vember Judgement
Owner-Operator at Vargvast Creations October 1 at 9:11am  I imagine a dystopian future where a band of little girls plan to exit our dying world, and their only enemy is all these dolls cluttering around the planet's atmosphere... 7  我想象在一个反乌托邦式的未来,一队小女孩打算离开我们这个濒临毁灭的星球,而她们唯一的敌人是所有这些在大气层乱飞的娃娃……  Coba Fesbuk
September 30 at 6:34pm  looking at the instructional video, it's obvious they're doing it wrong. they should've had played it indoor, not outdoor! 3  看看指导视频,很明显他们操作错误,应该在室内玩,而不是屋外!  ——Einhard Morales
September 30 at 9:06pm  Not really. Since the toy they used is not the same as the one with the instruction video. For starters if you replay the video where the toy went bye bye you can see that it has rotors on its head unlike the one in the instructional video which has its rotors around the hips. 4
  ——不是这样的。因为他们用的玩具与指导视频的不一样,首先,如果你再看一次那个“玩具一去不复返”的视频,就可以看到它头上有旋翼,而不像指导视频中那个的旋翼是在腰部。  ——Aoi Mizune
September 30 at 8:51pm  Dude, it not the same toy as the one that hover over your palm! Cheap imitation! x'D  You just set free one fairy back to her mother natural! 2  ——老兄,那个娃娃与能盘旋在你手掌的娃娃不是同样的玩具!只是一个便宜山寨货! 哈哈!你只是释放了一个仙女回到她大自然母亲的怀抱!  Jesse Lewis
October 1 at 1:45am  This made me crack up! 2  这真是笑死我了!  Oli Velasco October 1 at 1:52am  next time tie a very long string and just tag along  下次记得要绑一根很长的绳子然后紧跟着  Jose Blodt?rste Rono October 2 at 3:42pm  Why can't I stop laughing at this.  为什么我忍不住大笑。  Anen Fairy-chan
October 3 at 11:16am  I'll bring this rogue fairy back to home!  我要把这只捣蛋的仙女带回家!  Robin Duvenbeck
October 18 at 11:20pm  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDvZGrUtObw  Just watch starting at 9:20 to see how this ends. :D  从9:20起,看看结局如何。哈哈!  ——Kelsey Bland
October 29 at 12:36pm  Laughing so hard right now! 1  ——现在真是笑惨我了!  ——Kassie Martin October 30 at 10:45am  Too perfect. XD That's hilarious! 1  ——太完美了,LOL!真是搞笑!  Laydee Hawke October 29 at 2:14pm  If you love something, set it free, if it comes back to you.... it wasn't made in China. lmbo!
1  如果你爱什么东西,那就放它自由吧,如果它会自己回来……它一定不是中国制造。XD!  Amanda Hernandez
October 29 at 9:40am  Fairy go bye bye!  仙女飞走了!  Kai-ann Rothwell October 29 at 7:20pm  Hahaha little girl  哈哈哈这小女孩  Juan Gonzalez
October 30 at 7:52pm  they had to move the ISS for it as it zipped past to the moon  他们不得不为它移开国际空间站,因为它正尖啸着飞向月球  YouTube评论:  Gi Na
1个月前 (已编辑)  LoL^^ I feel sorry for the girls... really I do ^^ But I cannot stop laughing....Sorry it's too funny to look at this^^  哈哈,我为那两个女孩感到遗憾……真的,但我忍不住笑……抱歉,这看上去太有趣了!  DoReLeigh44
1个月前  This is the best thing ever. The little girls reactions were priceless.  这是有史以来最好的东西。小女孩们的反应弥足珍贵。  Alan St. John 1周前  It fared better than the Antares rocket.  它表现得比安塔尔火箭好。  Woo Jack 3周前  Actually it flies back to China toy producer factory.  实际上它飞回中国的玩具工厂了。  fxc2
1个月前 (已编辑)  A billion years from now it will be discovered by aliens - the only remnant of our once great species.  And they'll think we were retarded.
107顶  10亿年后它会被外星人发现——我们这个伟大种族的唯一遗留物。他们会把我们看作是弱智。  ——A Pink Poodle
1个月前  "This ancient people must have been so advanced to have been able to put this simple toy into orbit!"
14顶  “这古代的人一定非常先进,已经能够把这个简单的玩具进入轨道!”  OyVeey 1周前  note: the fairy died on the way back to her home planet.
3顶  注意:那仙女死在回母星途中。  An?o das Trevas 1个月前  Note to self: Never buy chinese fairy fly.
4顶  自我提醒:不用买中国制造的飞翔仙女。  ——Keyser Soze
1个月前  But this ones even better than the real thing!
4顶  但这个甚至比正品还要好!  ——Diavolo Kelevra
3周前  it's flying back to china and sell it to you again.
2顶  它飞回了中国然后再卖给你。  lauming1215
3周前  it is flying back to the seller. sell-& fly back-&sell again-&fly back-& .........-&infinite money
4顶  它会飞回卖家那里。卖→飞回→再卖→再飞回→……赚钱无数  am5a03
3周前  Mass destructive weapon  大杀器  Derek22021
1个月前  Why does everything made in China suck,break, or is just bad for you?8顶  为什么所有的中国制造都是糟糕的、坏掉的或是对你有害的?  ——Zingsta 1个月前  I think you'll find that this particular product is actually amazing. A toy that can go into space? That shit's revolutionary34顶  我想你会发现这特殊的产品实际上很惊人。一只可以进入太空的玩具?这TM简直是革命啊  ——mitrooper 1个月前  I wouldnt say that thing broke, it worked perfectly....if its not a fake video that is.3顶  我不认为这东西是坏掉的,它运作优异……如果这视频不假的话。  Z Li 1个月前  this toy is just like my ex2顶  这玩具就像我的前任  ——Synthetic47 1个月前  Your ex went to heaven?7顶  你的前任也去天堂了?  Seeker Zin
3周前  Chinese High tech   中国高科技  SandKnife Tay
3周前  Let me tell you something, I am sure that the original toy can't fly this high !!!  让我说,原装正品一定飞不了这么高!!!  TMPxyz 3周前  "Our dad told us it's the only way to take our toy back!", answered the two new female astronauts, (A.D. 2034)5顶  “我们父亲说这是唯一的方法带回我们的玩具!”两个新的女宇航员回答。(公元2034年 )  Robert Powell
4周前  That's actually pretty impressive.  这真是相当令人印象深刻。  He Zephyroal 3周前  Eh...couldn't help laughing, LOL  呃……忍不住大笑,哈哈  Joseph Liang 4周前  所以我才支持台灣貨  FreddyScouser1个月前  Well that escalated quickly  爬升真快  iPSCells Yamanaka 1个月前  * * Translation * *  Dad : f, flown away, lol  Girl 1 : Why ?  Girl 2 : bye bye...  翻译对白  爸爸:“飞……飞走了,哈哈”  女儿一:“为什么?”  女儿二:“再见……”  kicking the smith
1个月前  this
china.  这是件性能强悍的中国制造
  这玩意我买过一个玩,不过比楼主发的那个要高级,楼主发的是头上有螺旋桨,我的这个就是一个标准的小仙子,飞起来是靠裙子旋转,比用螺旋桨要好看很多  淘宝上几十块钱一个  台湾人也可以玩玩这些高科技哈  毕竟没有台湾人,这些……
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