勇士为什么不用大卫李用hallowed 而不用 holy

holy&['həuli] adj.神圣的, 圣洁的n.神圣的东西
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背单词 holy
单词 holy 网络释义
Teaching is one of the holiest tasks.
The poem sings the praises of holy love.
That precious child of hers is really a holy terror.
她那个宝贝孩子真是调皮得要命。 单词 holy 其它相关单词解释
a. 神圣的,圣洁的,至善的
n. 神圣的东西
a. Of or associated with a divine power or religious beliefs and traditions.
It's a holy place.
live a holy life 过圣洁的生活
holy ground 圣地
a holy war 圣战
a holy man 信仰虔诚的人
holy bread [loaf] 仪式 [弥撒] 用的面包
a holy place 圣地,灵场; 圣殿
变化: holiest
同义词:spiritual, adorable, blessed, godly, religious, sacred, hallowed, pure, monastic, devoted, divine
单词 holy 其它例句
- a holy book.
- a holy person.
- The holy man healed them of their sickness.
  那位神职人员治好了他们的疾病。Hallowed | Ramadan Hassan
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The hallowed turf of Twickenham is the venue for the Middlesex Rugby Sevens Finals.备受尊崇的特威肯纳姆体育场是米德尔塞克斯七人制橄榄球赛决赛的比赛场地。
They protested that there was no place for a school of commerce in their hallowed halls of learning.他们抗议说,在他们神圣不可侵犯的学术殿堂里没有商学院的位置。
The place of justice is a hallowed place.司法之地是神圣和崇高之地。
You have chosen a hallowed doorway in which to spin your webs.你们选择了一个神圣的门口来织网。
I think it worth our time to investigate the hallowed "I"?我想我们值得花时间研究一下这个神圣的“我”。
The hallowed portals of academe were slowly and grudgingly opening to women.大学神圣的大门缓慢又勉强地向女性敞开。
We reach back to hallowed antiquity.我们把战场移到神圣的古代。
Now I enter these hallowed halls, a conquerer, yes.现在我走进这个神圣的殿堂,一个征服者,是的。
But each time you recover that hallowed self-esteem, you renew a fight to maintain it.然而,每当你恢复那神圣的自尊心之时,也就是你为保住这一自尊心而进行战斗之日。
The Buddhist kneels and hopes that the dog will not urinate at this hallowed moment.佛教徒跪下来,心里暗自希望小狗不要在这个神圣的时刻撒尿。
It is time to leave this hallowed place of ideas, where we have recommitted ourselves to act.现在是离开这一个我们已在其中重新作出行动承诺的神圣的思想之地的时候了。
We all know that the three-year cycle of Commission meetings has become hallowed through practice.我们大家知道,委员会会议三年周期在实践中已变得神圣不可侵犯。
The common meaning applies in some sense to hallowed religious stories as well.甫遍的意义在某种意义上也适用于神圣的宗教故事。
Hail to the hallowed night.我们欢呼着神圣的黑夜。
Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come我们在天上的父啊,你的名字是神圣的,你的王国来到了
Hence the actor has chosen multiple fame, the fame that is hallowed and tested.因此,演员选择了多重的名望,这种名望神圣且久经考验。
This is how you are to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.所以,你们应当这样祈祷:我们在天的父!愿你的名被尊为圣。
This area was hallowed by sacred memories.这个地区由于宗教上的纪念意义而被视为圣地。
For a century and a half you have defended, guarded, and protected its hallowed traditions of liberty and freedom, of right and justice.在一个半世纪的漫长岁月中,你们日夜戒备,英勇御敌,保卫了国家解放、自由、正义和公平的神圣传统。
But the report says many people are concerned about moving the graves from what they consider hallowed ground.但是报导说,许多人对把坟墓迁出被他们视做神圣土地的做法表示担心。
Morgan had committed a kind of sacrilege in dissolving all these hallowed dogmas into thin air.这样,把所有这些神圣教条打得粉碎的摩尔根,就是犯了某种渎圣罪。
Our homes should be among the most hallowed of all earthly sanctuaries.我们的家会是今生被圣化的最好的庇护所。
Fill me with Thy hallowed presence, Come, O come and fill me now.以你神圣同在临莅,今来充满我全人。
In France, a similar hallowed tradition demands a copious flow of red wine at weddings.在法国,在婚礼上需要大量的红酒来举行一类似的神圣传统。
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.我们在天上的父,愿人尊你的名为圣。
I cannot pray hallowed thy name, if I am not striving, with god's help, to holy.若我未能依靠神的帮助而努力圣洁,我不能以「愿你的名为圣」祷告。
jerusalem's hallowed soil.基督的圣名;耶路撒冷神圣的土地。
Hallowed be thy name.您的名字是那么神圣!
Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished.每一个山坡,每一条山谷,每一块平原和树林都由于一些在那早已消逝的岁月里的悲伤或愉快的事件,而变成了圣地。
He is the first non-revolutionary to be commemorated on the hallowed ground of Chinese communism.他是在这片中国共产主义圣地被纪念的第一个非革命人士。
百科解释网络意思相关单词hallowed的相关作文我不知道,贫乏的时代诗人何为?只是有时候人可以承受神的丰盈。可是朋友!...但诗人就像,你说,酒神的神圣的祭司在神圣的夜里走遍故土他乡注:此诗系河马…伟大,神圣的中国人民,纷纷解囊相助,最后成功的完成了重建,这都归功于神圣的祖国。地震区,还出现了许多感人的画面&{p}这都是因为我们生活在这神圣的土地...假如我是神圣文豪,我要写好多好多作文,让大家看看我的实力,还要和娴静交朋友。假如我是神圣文豪,我要创一个文学社,让作文写不好的孩子写好作文。{p}假如我是神圣文豪...又一次在田野里,感受那神圣的温度。{p}金色的稻子像银河,飘飘而坠,又一次被稻香掩埋。远处,时而发出汩汩的溪流声。{p}在这神圣的田野中,我忘了人世间的煩恼,沉浸在... 上传我的文档
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Hallowed Evening - Let God Be True:神圣的夜晚-神是真实的
内容提示:Hallowed Evening - Let God Be True:神圣的夜晚-神是真实的
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Hallowed Evening - Let God Be True:神圣的夜晚-神是


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