pink pie atfate stay night游戏戏

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Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property.
What can I do to prevent this in the future?
If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.
If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices.一、 have sth.done
“have + sth.(宾语)+ 过去分词(宾语补足语)”意为“让 / 叫 / 使 / 请别人做某事”.宾语sth.后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth.与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系.例如:
We had the machine mended just now.
He has had his hair cut.
The patient is going to have his temperature taken.
这个病人准备请 / 叫 / 让人量体温.
二、 have sth.
“have + sb.(宾语)+ do sth.(宾语补足语)”意为“让 / 叫 / 使某人做某事”.此结构中的 have 是使役动词,sb.作宾语,其后的 do sth.是省去 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语.例如:
The boss often has them work for 14 hours a day.
老板经常要他们一天工作14 个小时.
I'll have someone repair the bike for you.
三、 have sb./ sth.doing
“ have +sb./ sth.(宾语)+ 现在分词(宾语补足语)”意为“叫 / 让 / 使某人做某事或让某种情况发生”.宾语 sb./sth .后面用现在分词作宾语补足语,表示宾语与现在分词表示的动作之间为主动关系,且动作正在进行.例如:
Don't have the baby crying!不要让婴儿啼哭!
Don't have the dog barking much,Lilin.李林,别让狗狂吠不停.
You'd better have your car running slowly.你最好把车子开慢点.
have sb doing也可以指是某人处于某种情况
He had his audience listening attentively.他抓住了听众的注意力。
have sb doing允许,容忍(用于否定句)
We can't have people arriving late all the time.我们不能允许有人总是迟到。
NBA playoffs: Warriors prevail in Game 7 to win Western Conference Final
05-31- BJT
With basketball and Game 7 of the Western Conference Final as the defending champions, the Golden State Warriors were hostingd the Oklahoma City Thunder. Reigning MVP Steph Curry and the Dubs clawed back from 3-1 down in the best of seven series after the Thunder threatened to put a sad end to their record breaking 73 win regular season. But only nine teams in the history of the NBA have ever come back from such a deficit, so could the Warriors become number 10?
Klay Thompson set an NBA playoff record with 11 threes in Game 6, and Kevin Durant knows he needs a big night at the Oracle Arena.
And it would be all Thunder in the first half as Russell Westbrook lobs to Andre Roberson for the flush and OKC lead by 13.
But Thompson leads the comeback with four triples in a row including this one. 21 for Klay this night.
Dying seconds of the second quarter and Westbrook somehow gets this to go plus the foul. Tremendous reactions from Russ who would have 19 points.
But the warriors will get the last laugh before half when Curry streaks down the court and throws it up high off the glass. Count it, but G-State trail by six.
Now tied at 54 with six minutes left in the third, and Curry from the land beyond, one of seven threes for the MVP in this game.
And when Anderson Varejao scoops in this deuce, it's 12 unanswered points from the champs who lead by 13.  But the Thunder find their way back in the fourth quarter as Durant stops and pops for two of his team high 27 points and the lead is down to four.
Thirty seconds left on the clock and Curry looking to extend the posession, but he gets free with a quick move and then knocks down the dagger. Game high 36 points for the Chef as he buries the Thunder with yet another trey.
Heartbreak for Durant as Golden State wins 96-88 to become only the tenth team to comeback from a 3-1 series deficit. The Warriors claim the Western Conference trophy for the second year in a row and will take on the Cleveland Cavaliers in the NBA Finals with Game One in Oakland on Thursday night.
Spain’s Shakespeare
De Cervantes’ classic novel Don Quixote has been adapted many times, including the 2000 movie adaptation above. MCT
词数 428 建议阅读时间 6分钟 教案和课件见网站
FOUR centuries ago, the author of one of the greatest comic creations in all of world literature breathed his last breath. Miguel de Cervantes (), the author of Don Quixote (《堂&吉诃德》), is to the Spanish what Shakespeare is to the English and Dante is to Italians – a national literary hero.
Cervantes’ book is still appreciated today, hundreds of years after its publication, because it’s a wonderfully truthful comedy. Don Quixote, like human beings generally, has great difficulty distinguishing reality from imagination. Readers laugh at him, but when we laugh, we laugh with recognition. Mr Alonso Quijano is a Spanish gentleman who loves romances. In truth, he reads far too many romances and they have affected (影响) his mind. Quijano is so mixed up that he decides that he must become a knight (骑士) himself. Imagine a comic book fan who decides to dress up as a superhero to fight crime and you’ll get the picture. Alonso Quijano becomes “Don Quixote de La Mancha”, an aristocratic (贵族的) name that suits a knight. Next, since every knight needs a horse, he finds himself an old one. But the horse “Rocinante” is nothing like a horse a knight would ride. He’s old and tired from a life of farm work. He’s unlikely to be of much help in any fight against an enemy. The old heroes of the romances all had a lady to love. She was someone highborn, like the knight himself. Don Quixote chooses Aldonza Lorenzo, a farmer’s daughter, to be his beloved. She becomes “Dulcinea del Toboso”, or “the sweet woman of Toboso”. Does this please Aldonza Lorenzo? It cannot, because she knows nothing about it. She is all in Don Quixote’s imagination, like many things. Now comes Cervantes’ second great creation: Sancho Panza. Quijano makes his servant Quixote’s squire, because every self-respecting knight has a squire. Sancho has a sensible head on his shoulders, and he is a foil (陪衬) to the foolish master.
The pair have many adventures ahead of them, but none will be as heroic as a knight’s should be. We laugh, rather than cry, as we read. Quijano means well, but he doesn’t often succeed.
Cervantes’ novel has given us a word that sums up the character type of Mr Alonso Quijano: “quixotic”. In English we use the word to describe someone who is idealistic (理想主义的) but foolish in pursuit (追求) of his ideals. It was Cervantes’ genius (才能) to see this common trait (特点) and invent a great comedic character to show it. We should salute (向……致敬) him for it on the 400th anniversary of his death on April 22.
Problems with PC
People protest against racism at Yale University in the US on Nov 9, 2015. MCT
HARVARD recently stopped calling its dormitory leaders “house masters”. Why? Many felt that the word reminded them of slavery. And students at the University of California-Santa Cruz protested (抗议) last year after burritos (墨西哥卷饼) were served at a science fiction club meeting. The reason? Some felt serving the food connected the term “illegal alien” with Hispanic (西班牙和葡萄牙后裔的) immigration and culture. Why are these actions, considered by many to be overreactions, taking place on campuses across the US? For the sake of political correctness (PC). Merriam-Webster defines “politically correct” as “agreeing with the idea that people should be careful not to use language or behave in a way that could offend (冒犯) a particular group of people”. Although political correctness arose to deal with the matter of keeping the peace, a debate over whether it’s of benefit or harm to society has sprung up in recent years. Some believe that PC culture aims to be respectful of others. A study done by Cornell University in 2014 found that when groups of college students talked about PC ideas, they tended to be more creative and could more easily speak their minds in mixed-gender groups than groups who hadn’t discussed political correctness.
“I think it forces us to reevaluate what we consider to be acceptable speech ... I see it as something that is actually freeing because it can allow you to see things in a new light,” said Jon Paul Jurasas, a history teacher at Nazareth Academy in Illinois, US. However, some believe that political correctness has become a big problem in the country. In American high schools, the idea of “trigger (引发) warnings” has recently become popular. When books, videos and other forms of media may contain sensitive (敏感的) material, teachers warn students in advance. Nazareth Academy English teacher Jessica Radogno said that trigger warnings shouldn’t stop students from reading books like Huckleberry Finn (which contains racist ideas) because they are important pieces of literature and history. “I think that going too far with走得太远;做的过火 political correctness can sometimes cleanse things a little too much to the point where it’s not realistic,” Radogno said. “People need to be aware of the fact that there are very different views on things and have to understand that.” Experts have different opinions on the issue of political correctness. Some feel the culture has brought the country a new attitude of tolerance and respect, while others believe it has taken away the right to free speech. No matter which side you take, you should be aware of the dangers in the strong beliefs of both sides, according to Shu-Ju Ada Cheng, a sociology (社会学) professor at DePaul University. “It is a problem if someone gets aggressive when people disagree with him or her. This is true whether someone is politically correct or incorrect,” Cheng said. “Keep in mind that there is a difference between challenging the idea of unequal power ... and forbidding others from speaking.”
Day 1 Problems with PC (P2)
Choose the best answer: 1.According to the article, being politically correct means ______. A.talking about one’s own ideas freely B.being very sensitive and easily offended C.behaving in a way that will not upset a certain group D.overreacting to what’s going on 2.The idea of political correctness is said to benefit people because ______. protects everyone’s right to free speech teaches us what is right and what is wrong encourages students to share their creative ideas pushes us to rethink what is respectful to others 3.Which of the following statements might Shu-Ju Ada Cheng support? A.Books containing sensitive material should be banned. B.People shouldn’t get too aggressive whether they are politically correct or not. C.People who are politically correct do not behave aggressively. D.We can express whatever we want to anyone at any time. 4.The author wrote the article mainly to ______. A.explain what causes many overreactions on US campuses B.point out that political correctness is killing free speech
C.encourage us to respect others’ right to free speech
D.explain political correctness and show different views on it
Teens 点金
高考词汇 for the sake of 为了 He had married her mainly for the sake of convenience. define /dI5faIn/ vt. 解释,给……下定义 It is difficult to define happiness. arise /E5raIz/ vi. 出现,产生 Several new industries arose in the town. spring up 迅速出现 Play areas for children are springing up all over the place. tolerance /5tRlErEns/ n. 宽容 Tolerance of different races is a must.
Giant duck maker brings giant fish to Wuzhen
The giant fish can be found at Wuzhen’s International Art Exhibition.
DO you still remember the giant yellow duck that floated in water around China three years ago? Now its creator Florentijn Hofman has brought us something new – a pink floating fish. Made from thousands of swimming kickboards (踢水板) for children, the 15-meter-long, 7-meter-high fish floats in a water theater in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. It’s part of the Wuzhen International Contemporary Art Exhibition, which started on March 28 and will last until June 26. Hofman told China Daily that he got inspiration for the fish when he visited Wuzhen. He said he saw windows of wooden houses with fish sculptures (雕塑) in them and carp (鲤鱼) swimming in rivers. The Chinese folk story of a fish jumping the “dragon gate (龙门)” also inspired him. He chose the color pink for his fish so that it would stand out from its surroundings. Hofman said he hoped visitors could touch the pink fish. “It’s just like your neighbor’s car. Why not touch it, as long as you treat it gently?” he asked. Would you like to give it a try?
Universities ranked by subject
HAVE you ever noticed that top universities aren’t always the best in every subject?
On March 22, QS, an educational company in the UK, released its annual (年度的) World University Rankings by Subject. They list the top 50 universities for 42 subjects. The results come from the opinions of thousands of academics and employers, along with the analysis (分析) of 28.5 million research papers and over 113 million citations (论文引用).
Universities from the US and the UK dominate (占据主要位置) the rankings. Harvard University, for example, ranks top for 12 subjects including social policy and anthropology (人类学), and Oxford comes first in eight subjects including mathematics and history.
There are 65 subjects from seven Chinese universities in the top 50. The University of Hong Kong is the world’s best for dentistry (牙医). Tsinghua University’s architecture (建筑), civil and structural engineering (土木工程) and material science courses and Peking University’s linguistics (语言学) and modern languages courses all rank among the top 10.
Connect in class
Social media may have uses in the classroom. MCT
DO you find that it’s hard to look at your phone without getting disapproving looks from teachers and parents? What if using social media was an assignment?
In the US, the push for more technological classrooms is obvious from things like smart boards and online textbooks. Some feel that interaction (互动) between students and teachers over social media is a bad thing, but others see the benefits. Nicole Kim, a junior student from Barrington High School in Illinois, said she had earned participation points for sharing articles on social media.
“My teacher for AP US history uses social media as a way for teens to help others by posting interesting articles,” Kim said.
Barrington history teacher Robert Seidel, who uses the social networking website Twitter to interact with his class, said technology is a valuable tool in his classroom.
“Students come into my classroom dependent on technology in their personal lives, so it is important to embrace (欣然接受) it in what I do to connect with them,” Seidel said. “What matters most is how the teacher is using technology, and I have found that technology can help me increase the number of students who actively participate and engage in (参与) my course.”
Humanities (人文学科) and media teacher Scott Glass from Glenbrook South High School in Illinois said he believes that social media like Twitter can effectively connect students to the professional world and give them an opportunity to get their names out there as soon as they can.
“I think students are sometimes surprised by how easy it is to connect with professionals,” Glass said. “A simple Google search for any profession will turn up many individuals and organizations who are active on platforms like Twitter.”
However, there are drawbacks to putting class work on social platforms. Many teachers, including Seidel, believe that social media and technology in general can easily distract (使分心) students. However, they hope they can find a way to use it appropriately.
“For teachers and students, technology has become both a powerful tool for learning and a potential distraction in the classroom,” Seidel said. “Not only can it improve collaboration (合作), communication and creation in infinite (极多的) ways, but it can also serve as an infinite distraction. Appropriately using technology in the classroom requires additional management from the teacher as well as a great deal of self-discipline (自律) from the students.”
Glass believes it’s extremely important for schools to teach students how to use social media. “Social media is transforming our lives in general, including education,” Glass said. “As a teacher, I think part of my job is to help students understand how best to take advantage of it as thoughtful learners and creators.”
Day 2 Connect in class (P3)
Choose the best answer: 1.By using social media, ______. A.students will become more actively involved in courses will be easier for teachers to observe students’ performance C.students will become independent learners D.less students will attend the class 2.According to Glass, social media ______. a good platform for students to express their ideas
B.can help students to contact professionals more easily C.offers students the most updated knowledge in real world D.makes it much easier for students to get jobs 3.Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.Social media should not be used in the classroom as it distracts students. B.Students will become less creative if they always use technology for study. C.Humanities teachers can take more advantage of social media than science teachers. D.Appropriate use of social media requires efforts from both teachers and students.
高三总第585期7版Quiz time答案
D1 1-4 CDBD
D2 1-3 ABD D3 1-4 BCBA
D4 1-4 BCBC D5 1-5 BCCD
&& C。根据第三段Merriam-Webster对politically correct的定义可以判断出政治正确性的意思是行为方式不会冒犯某个群体,因此选C。
&& D。根据第六段“I think it forces us to reevaluate what we consider to be acceptable speech …”可以看出政治正确性的概念让人们重新思考说什么样的话是能被接受的,因此选D。
&& B。根据最后一段“It is a problem if someone gets aggressive when people disagree with him or her. This is true whether someone is politically correct or incorrect.”可以判断出不管人们是不是支持政治正确性,都不应该对他人的不同意见表现得太激进,因此选B。
4. D。文章先通过举例子、定义解释了什么是政治正确性,接着表明了坚持正确性的优点和缺点,以及Shu-Ju Ada Cheng的看法。因此选D。
A。根据第五段“I have found that technology can help me increase the number of students who actively participate and engage in my course.”可以看出使用社交媒体可以让学生更积极地参与到课程中。因此选A。
B。根据第七段“I think students are sometimes surprised by how easy it is to connect with professionals”可以看出社交媒体能够让学生更有效地更容易联系到某行业从业人员。因此选B。
3. D。根据倒数第二段最后一句话“Appropriately using technology in the classroom requires additional management from the teacher as well as a great deal of self-discipline from the students.&可以看出恰当地使用社交媒体需要老师和学生的共同努力。因此选D。
& Show off talents wherever you can
YU Minhong, president of New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc, delivered a wonderful speech after the grand final (总决赛) of the 14th China Daily “21st CenturyoNew Oriental Cup” National High School and Primary School English Speaking Competition. Here is some of his advice to young people. Yu said it’s important to do what you like without fear of failure. He stressed that the process of working toward your dreams matters more than the results. He also encouraged young people to take opportunities to show off their talents. Take competitions like this one as an example: If you are afraid to fail, you’ll never get the chance to stand on the stage and make a speech. Above all, it’s most important to take part. Another suggestion he gave is to read books, not only textbooks, but also “all the books that are beneficial to you”. “It is not easy to keep reading every day,” Yu said, “For me, it is much more difficult and challenging to keep reading and taking notes every day than it is to walk 10,000 steps.” He said that reading is the foundation (基础) of everything. In his speech, Yu also shared his view on life. He chose a different life rather than a more successful one. He used the famous lines of American poet Robert Frost () to make his point: “Two roads diverged (分叉) in a wood, and I … took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Yu pointed out that your happiness should not be what others think you should pursue (追求), but instead you should decide what it is. It is you who should make the judgments (判断) and choices for your own life.
Express ideas to succeed
WHAT is the key to success in public speaking? According to Sun Ning, who became a celebrity interpreter (口译员) when he accompanied President Xi Jinping to meetings with US President Barack Obama in the US in 2013, “words matter, but more importantly, ideas matter.” A former (以前的) winner of the 21st Century Cup competition, Sun said that nowadays, fluent English is not enough to win a speaking competition. It is important to be able to think quickly on stage and express one’s ideas, even if one has to do it slowly. In order to do so, Sun said speakers should understand the topic first. They should stay on topic when preparing a speech. Telling a story is a good idea, but too much storytelling should be avoided because it’s meaningless to tell a story just for the purpose of telling a story. On the other hand, competitors should also avoid filling their speeches with concepts (概念). Instead, they should show their critical (批判性的) thinking, giving a bigger, fuller picture of the topic. He also warned contestants not to turn public speaking into performing. In fact, he prefers speakers who are “quiet but engaging” and who can show deep thinking.
Month's important days
April 1: April Fool’s Day
Watch out on April 1!
If your classmate sends you a text message saying that your math teacher has asked you to go to his or her office, you’d better give it a second thought. He or she may be just trying to make you look like a fool.
On April Fools’ Day, people in Western countries play tricks on each other.
Classmates sometimes tie each other’s shoelaces (鞋带) to their chairs. Teachers might hand out an impossibly difficult surprise test. Even newspapers run fake reports.
But not everything that happens on the day is a joke.
Steve Jobs set up Apple with his two friends on April 1, 1976. Now it is one of the most successful technology companies in the world.
April 6: The Opening Day of the First Modern Olympic Games
April 6, 1896 was definitely (无疑) a day to remember. On that day, King George I of Greece announced the opening of the first modern-day Summer Olympic Games in Athens. Since then, the Olympic Games have become a fixed activity held every four years.
From Aug 5 to 21 this year, the 31st Summer Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It will be the first time that a South American country has hosted the Games.
April 22: Earth Day
April 22 this year marks the 46th Earth Day. It will see at least 80 countries sign the landmark (有重大意义的) agreement to deal with climate change reached in Paris in December The Paris deal set a goal of keeping global warming below 2 C compared to pre-industrial times and pursuing (寻求) efforts to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 C.
But don’t think that protecting Mother Earth is just the state’s responsibility (责任). Ordinary (普通的) people like you can also make a difference. Start by turning the lights off when you leave a room, taking your drink container (容器) with you, recycling your plastic (塑料的) bags and traveling by bike or bus instead of driving a car.
April 23: World Book Day
Do you spend more time on social media and video games than great books? World Book Day, which falls on April 23, is a time for us to reflect (反思) on the importance of books. Reading books is a good way for us to know about yourself and the world.
So, how can you make reading a habit? First, start small. Set yourself a goal of reading for 15 minutes every day. After you’ve gotten used to it, you can increase the time to 20 or 30 minutes, and then gradually more. Second, take notes. Write down your thoughts while reading. This helps you build connections with books.
Finally, share your thoughts on your reading with your family or friends.
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Imagine being a rather young, 16-year-old girl going to work at 9 o’clock on a Saturday morning. You have just taken off your coat when three people come up to the counter ___1___ shoes. Not only do you have to remember the six-digit stock number of each style, you also have to ___2___ the shoe sizes and who wants ___3___ . Y two out of the three do not fit. You go back to the ___4___ room and climb up the three-metre ladder, the boxes on the shelf behind you knocking your back.
A co-worker comes to tell you that your ___5___ wants you to hurry. You sell shoes to one ___6___ ___7___ just cannot find anything that looks right, ___8___ you have brought her six pairs. Another customer finds something suitable, but ___9___ not to buy it because it is a display shoe. After you finish ___10___ them, you work on the stock—moving boxes and putting ___11___ on the shelves. Soon, more customers ask you to bring shoes, and the cycle ___12___ again.
Before I arrived for my first day of work last summer, I felt ___13___. But after that day was over, I ___14___ that being a part-timer in a shop is not easy. ___15___ it is difficult enough without having ___16___ or annoying words running through your head. However, getting angry never ___17___ anything.
After having worked in a shop, I’ve ___18___ that customers have to understand ___19___. So next time, be ___20___ while shopping.
1. A. asking for&&&&&&&& B. picking out&&&&&&&&&& C. choosing from&&&&&& D. waiting for
2. A. take&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. remember&&&&&&&&&&&& C. show&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. sell
3. A. it&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. each&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. one&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. what
4. A. rest&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. stock&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. waiting&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. shoes
5. A. people&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. boss&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. customer&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. comrade
6. A. satisfied&&&&&&&&&&& B. indecisive&&&&&&&&&&&& C. picky&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. unpleasant
7. A. some&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. another&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. the other&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. others
8. A. but&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. in fact&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. even though&&&&&&&&& D. fails
9. A. demands&&&&&&&&&& B. decides&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. stops&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. fails
10. A. serving&&&&&&&&&& B. selling&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. persuading&&&&&&&&&&& D. helping
11. A. shoes&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. boxes&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. shirts&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. ties
12. A. disappears&&&&&& B. ends&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. brings&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. begins
13. A. expectant&&&&&&& B. easy&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. proud&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. confident
14. A. realized&&&&&&&&&& B. expected&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. said&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. guessed
15. A. So&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. However&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. And&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Or
16. A. polite&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. pleasing&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. unhappy&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. rude
17. A. helps&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. changes&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. solves&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. gains
18. A. learned&&&&&&&&&& B. heard&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. told&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. advised
19. A. customers&&&&&&& B. buyers&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. clerks&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. salespeople
20. A. easygoing&&&&&&& B. patient&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. nice&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. helpful
1. A。这是发生在鞋店里的事,从下文可知此处说的是有三个人向柜台走来要买鞋。
2. B。从前面的 …do you have to remember the six-digit stock number of each style 来看,这里说的是“而且你还得记住鞋的号码”,故用 remember。
3. D。句意为“你不得不记住六位数编码,还得记住鞋号和谁要的什么”。
4. B。从下文提到的 work on the stock-moving boxes and putting shoes on the shelves 可推测此处说的是到“货物间”去拿鞋。
5. C。为给顾客找合适的鞋,“你”得到货物间去,爬上3米高的梯子并被鞋盒子砸了一下等,说明你在此处耽搁时间长了,因此可推断当时顾客等急了,催促售货员快点。
6. A。与下文的很挑剔的那位顾客相对照,此处说的是把鞋顺利地卖给了一位顾客,也就是那位顾客他很满意,故用 satisfied。
7. B。前面提到有三位顾客,此处分别说面对他们的情况。一位已买到鞋;此处说的是第二位,故用another。下面紧接着说第三位,用的也是another。
8. C。前面说另一个顾客没有发现合适的鞋子,后句为你已为他拿了 6双鞋,由此可推测空缺处应填 even though,即这位顾客很挑剔,即使已让售货员拿了 6 双鞋,也没能找到合适的鞋。
9. B。从 but 表示转折来看,此处说的应是“决定不买因为这是一双样品鞋”。
10. A。从上文来看,你为三位顾客服务,故用 serve。
11. A。从上下文可知你是在鞋柜上卖鞋,故刚为这三位顾客服务完,此时动手搬运箱子,并把鞋放回架上。
12. D。商品里售货员的工作主要是招待(顾客)。前面说刚为三位顾客服务,现在又说又来了更多的顾客,那么又一个循环(卖鞋)开始了。
13. B。从下文的 But after that day was over, I ___16___ that being a part-time is not easy 可推测,此处说的是在找到兼职工作前认为当售货员是份很容易的工作。
14. A。此处谈论的是做了一天的工作后根据自己的实践与原来想法相比差远了,即意识到并没有那么容易。
15. C。前面说做兼职不容易,后面说 …it is difficult enough…,即都不容易,故语意一致而选用 and。
16. D。与后面的 or annoying 语意一致,此处应填 rude。
17. C。这里是说:做兼职不容易,有时可能会说粗鲁的或让人生气的语言,然而生气也不会解决(solve)任何问题。
18. A。从 After having worked in a shop 来看,此处谈的是做兼职时的体会,故用 learn(体会到,了解)。
19. D。从语境来看,这里“我”通过做兼职觉得做一名售货员的确不容易,由此提醒顾客应该理解售货员,双方互相尊重。
20. C。这是“我”最后的感想。作为顾客应该理解售货员,同时建议下次购物时要“好”一些,此处 nice 有 kind 或 friendly 的意思。
& Lessons from Ghana team
EDITOR’S note: Here are the texts of four winning speeches given during the 14th China Daily 21st Century o New Oriental Cup National High School and Primary School English Speaking Competition Grand Final (senior group). All the contestants addressed the topic, “How Can a Person Act Locally and Think Globally?” Read the speeches and decide for yourself what makes them outstanding.特奥会的经历让我投身慈善活动。It was a July night in Los Angeles. I had finished my work that day as a volunteer, and was sitting in the second row (排) of the LA Memorial Coliseum, watching the opening ceremony of the 2015 Special Olympics World Games. In his speech, Timothy Shriver, the chairman of the Special Olympics, said something that made butterflies appear in my stomach (心里七上八下) – he said, “They have saved a spot for you.”As a volunteer, my job earlier that day was to receive the Ghana Delegation (代表团), make sure they got their lunch and dinner, show them around and finally walk on the red carpet of the opening parade with them. My first impression of the athletes from Ghana was that they were aloof (冷淡的) – you could say they were shy, too, I suppose – sitting in their respective (各自的) seats, sunglasses on, not doing much talking.I tried to make conversation in English with them – it was hard, but not unachievable. Isaac, who was 18, told me he would like to work in an office someday. Princess, also 18, told me her favorite subject at school was art, and that she wanted to win a medal in the Women’s 200-meter sprint (短跑) tomorrow. Slowly, our Ghanaian athletes came to life in front of my cellphone camera. In their handmade traditional costumes they struck the coolest poses (摆造型) with me.When I told Isaac I was two years younger than him, he couldn’t believe it. He put his arm around my shoulders, smiling, saying that I was his younger sister.The Ghana Delegation was among the smaller ones. Our cries couldn’t rival (竞争) Great Britain or Germany before us, with their h we didn’t have important government officials or celebrities (名人) among us waiting to be interviewed, either. But when the six of us were holding hands, marching down the red carpet, I felt as strong as ever. I held Isaac’s hand high in the air – his grip (紧握) was even tighter, even trembling.Having taken them to their assigned (分配的) seats, I was going to say goodbye and leave. When I turned around, Princess was looking at me, pointing at the empty seat between Victoria and her. They had saved a spot for me.Isaac and I have remained friends on Whatsapp. This friendship with these intellectually (智力上) disabled athletes urged me to wonder: what can be done to make our society more inclusive (包容的)? How do we get rid of the existing bias (偏见) and raise awareness? That was what inspired a couple of friends and I to found Volunteer Story. Together we played the African Djembe with intellectually disabled children in my city, and performed at fundraisers (资金筹集活动) and charity dinners. We organized one-day trips to the science museum and towns, bringing together the intellectually disabled athletes and students from my school. At the end of the day, when I see the grins (露齿的笑) on everybody’s faces, I see that we have saved a spot, a special place in our heart, for one another.By Wang Xiwen, 16,Shanghai Foreign Language SchoolComment:This is an amazing story of friendship and acceptance, ideas that any audience will be interested in. The speaker makes imaginative use of language to talk expressively about her feelings, one of the hardest things to describe. The changes in the attitudes of the Ghanaian athletes and the speaker make for a well-told, heartwarming and satisfying story.
China has history of wise global thinking
三位历史伟人让我心生敬佩。Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the conundrum (难题): How can a person act locally and think globally? Sociologist Roland Robertson called this concept “glocalization” in 1997, meaning widespread influence on societies and individuals, affecting (影响) our mode of thinking and acting.Thoughts lead to actions. _______ [see] how we can act locally, we first have to know how to think globally. Today, through the tides of history, I bring you three “wise men” to illustrate my thesis.In 1906, a medical student studying in Japan saw the way the Japanese saw his country, and suddenly discovered the real problems plaguing (迫害) China. He returned_______ &&a doctor of the mind, waging a war with a pen and paper – he was the bell-ringer who woke everyone up, Lu Xun. It was a global perspective (观点) on the local situation that allowed him to revise his approach to heal his wounded motherland.But Lu Xun was far from alone. In fact, 20 years before he first turned to the pen, the Hundred Days’ Reform (百日维新) led by Liang Qichao ended, influencing Chinese politics greatly and importing foreign models such as the constitutional monarchy (君主立宪制). Liang treated China with Western thought, and this _______ [pioneer] example in applying foreign thought to local problems proved beneficial to China _______ the long run.The reform failed due to aristocratic (贵族的) interference (干涉), but its failure has taught us to accept wider perspectives and fresh thoughts while considering local features and limitations. This is also why Sun Yat-Sen, the forerunner of democratic (民主的) revolution and father of the Republic of China, succeeded where Liang failed. Liang’s reform was too ambitious and radical (激进的), ignoring many local problems and interests. Yat-Sen’s constitution (宪法), however, succeeded because it, while using features from the US and French constitutions, adapted by proposing (提议) five branches instead of three: legislative (立法机关), executive (行政部门), judicial (司法部门), examination and control, the latter two being time-tested elements of Chinese political infrastructure (基础建设). Sun thus applied global thought according to local situations, and ultimately (最终) created a system that worked for much longer than Liang’s.These_______ [giant]& showed us that, after changing our perspective and introducing new thought, we can now use global thinking to treat local problems, therefore thinking globally and acting locally.By Tu Xiaorui, 15, High School Affiliated to Southwest UniversityComment:Backing up your argument with historical examples is always a persuasive way of making your point. The speaker shows great knowledge of China’s history, giving many examples of positive ways in which it has used global thinking to improve its people’s lives. The example of the “wise men” is effectively introduced and structures the speech well to engage [吸引或引起(注意、兴趣等);引起…的注意(或兴趣、好感等);抓牢]the audience.
Keep on trying
AS the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” This is never truer than when you’re trying to master English.Lai Shixiong, 68, believes that constant practice and hard work are the keys to mastering English. As the president of the Ivy League Analytical English magazine based in Taiwan, Lai was chosen as one of the judges at the finals of the 14th China Daily “21st CenturyoNew Oriental Cup” National High School and Primary School English Speaking Competition. The grand final was held at Beijing Foreign Studies University on March 20.Like many non-native speakers, Lai failed when he started learning English. When he was in high school, he once got the unbelievably low mark of seven out of 100 in an English test. He almost gave up on English, but then he graduated from high school and enrolled (入学) in a military (军队的) school, where he met a classmate who excelled (擅长) in English.Amazed by his classmate’s American accent, Lai decided to start learning English from scratch (从头开始). As he put it, “I saw myself as an infant (婴儿) who had just begun to learn a language.” To correct his pronunciation, Lai practiced phonetic symbols (音标) hundreds of time every day using vinyl records (黑胶唱片).Now that he was able to pronounce words based on American English phonetic symbols, he began to practice dialogues. Instead of complaining about the English-speaking atmosphere, Lai created a positive learning atmosphere on his own. “I just talked to myself as if I were in a dialogue,” he said. “I was basically talking to the air.”However, talking to himself also meant that Lai wouldn’t hear English expressions from others. That was when dictionaries came to his rescue. Unlike many who just look up vocabulary and pronunciations, Lai looked at details (细节) – definitions (定义), usages and example sentences. For instance, when he looked up the word “lack” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, one definition was “to be short of”. He then learned a new phrase: “be short of”. “By checking every single part of the entry (词条), you learn not only the vocabulary itself, but plenty of useful small words,” Lai said.Reading and listening to English news is another good way to keep abreast of (了解……的最新进展) new expressions. “The English news can teach us how to describe new things in our daily lives,” Lai said.When he found it easy enough to speak English, Lai thought of two ways to improve his skills. He used English to describe everything he saw. To kill time, he even translated speeches when he went to class meetings at the military school. “Based on my own experience, there is no shortcut (捷径) to mastering a language. You have to practice,” Lai said.After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
I shared one of the lifeboats with the chief engineer, Tom Fenton. I don’t ___1___ the exact circumstances, but the storm continued into the second night. In some ___2___, we were able to avoid being thrown into the ___3___. Then, as quickly as it had come, the ___4___ passed. The wind died down and the stormy sea became ___5___; the clouds drifted away, and the ___6___ came out in the clear sky above. We didn’t know where we were or what would happen to us—but it was a marvelous(不可思议的) feeling, just being ___7___. All night the little boat ___8___ in the open sea while Tom and I ___9___ soundly. We were both exhausted. The next morning, I was awakened by brilliant sunshine. ___10___ the bright sun made it impossible to see, but as my ___11___ became used to the light, I was able to look around. There was nothing but the deep blue ___12___ of the Pacific in all directions. The other lifeboats were gone.
___13___ the danger of the storm was over, I began to ___14___ our other problems. All our supplies were ___15___. We had no food, no fresh water, and we were somewhere in the South Pacific, ___16___ hundreds of miles from land. Perhaps we would drift here in the quiet ___17___ for weeks. It was a frightening thought. My ___18___ was still sleeping. I was about to ___19___ him up when I saw something in the distance. ___20___ away from the sun toward the west, I thought I saw the blue shape of land in the distance.
1. A. remember&&&&&&&& B. affect&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. puzzle&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. see
2. A. distance&&&&&&&&&&& B. way&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. trouble&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. shape
3. A. dream&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. deck&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. sea&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. lifeboat
4. A. sea&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. excitement&&&&&&&&&&& C. earthquake&&&&&&&&&&& D. storm
5. A. quiet&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. unusual&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. rough&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. helpful
6. A. sun&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. stars&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. planes&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. captain
7. A. familiar&&&&&&&&&&& B. puzzled&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. meaningful&&&&&&&&&& D. alive
8. A. sank&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. rescued&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. drifted&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. repay
9. A. slept&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. talked&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. worked&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. ate
10. A. Ever since&&&&&& B. Step by step&&&&&&&&& C. At first&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Up and down
11. A. companions&&&& B. shoulder&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. waist&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. eyes
12. A. shape&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. water&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. lifeboats&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. sky
13. A. Now that&&&&&&&& B. However&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. As if&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Whether
14. A. deal with&&&&&&&& B. worry about&&&&&&&&& C. throw off&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. take back
15. A. important&&&&&&& B. hopeful&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. gone&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. advanced
16. A. possibly&&&&&&&&& B. badly&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. further&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. most
17. A. ocean&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. island&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. forest&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. river
18. A. wife&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. doctor&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. patient&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. companion
19. A. wake&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. send&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. take&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. fix
20. A. Keeping&&&&&&&&& B. Running&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Getting&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Looking
1. A。根据文章语境,可知是我回忆的一次经历,所以推断本句话意思是“我记不清楚具体的情形”。
2. B。暴风雨持续到第二天晚上,从某方面来说,我们能够免于被卷入大海。
3. C。由All night the little boat ___8___ in the open sea while Tom and I ___9___ soundly 可知,我们整晚漂泊在“海上”。
4. D。由the storm continued into the second night 可知“正如它来得快一样,暴风雨过去了。”
5. A。从The wind died down可知暴风雨过后,汹涌的大海变得“平静”下来。
6. B。从句子All night the little boat ___8___ in the open sea可以看出描写的是夜晚的事情,所以推断“乌云散尽,星星出现了”。
7. D。在波涛汹涌的大海中我与 Tom 同乘一个救生艇,不知道在哪儿,也不知道会发生什么事,所以推断“只是感到还活着”。
8. C。根据意思“整晚漂泊在大海中”。drift“漂泊、漂流”。
9. A。由后文 We were both exhausted. The next morning, I was awakened by brilliant sunshine 可知我们非常疲惫,睡着了,而且睡得很沉。
10. C由句子“当我的眼睛适应了光,我能够向四周望去”,推测“起初耀眼的阳光使得我无法看清”。
11. D。解析见 10 题。
12. B。我们漂泊在太平洋中,所以能看到的只有太平洋中的蓝色水域。
13. A。根据意思“由于暴风雨的危险已经过去,所以我开始为其他事情担忧。”
14. B。由后文可知“吃的没有了,所以为此担忧”,也就是开始为别的事情担忧。
15. C。由We had no food, no fresh water可知“我们的事物供应中断了”。
16. A。由句子we were somewhere in the South Pacific可知作者不能准确猜测目前的位置,所以判断与陆地的距离只是一种猜测,也就是一种可能的距离。
17. A。由There was nothing but the deep blue ___12___ of the Pacific in all directions 可知“目前我们还在太平洋,可能会在这漂泊几个星期”。
18. D。由I shared one of the lifeboats with the chief engineer, Tom Fenton 可知“我与Tom Fenton在一起”,所以称他为“同伴”。
19. A。由句子My __18__was still sleeping 可知“我想唤醒他”。
20. D。能看到远方陆地的蓝色轮廓,是遥望的结果,所以用look。
I shared one of the lifeboats with the chief engineer, Tom Fenton. I don’t ___1___ the exact circumstances, but the storm continued into the second night. In some ___2___, we were able to avoid being thrown into the ___3___. Then, as quickly as it had come, the ___4___ passed. The wind died down and the stormy sea became ___5___; the clouds drifted away, and the ___6___ came out in the clear sky above. We didn’t know where we were or what would happen to us—but it was a marvelous(不可思议的) feeling, just being ___7___. All night the little boat ___8___ in the open sea while Tom and I ___9___ soundly. We were both exhausted. The next morning, I was awakened by brilliant sunshine. ___10___ the bright sun made it impossible to see, but as my ___11___ became used to the light, I was able to look around. There was nothing but the deep blue ___12___ of the Pacific in all directions. The other lifeboats were gone.
___13___ the danger of the storm was over, I began to ___14___ our other problems. All our supplies were ___15___. We had no food, no fresh water, and we were somewhere in the South Pacific, ___16___ hundreds of miles from land. Perhaps we would drift here in the quiet ___17___ for weeks. It was a frightening thought. My ___18___ was still sleeping. I was about to ___19___ him up when I saw something in the distance. ___20___ away from the sun toward the west, I thought I saw the blue shape of land in the distance.
1. A. remember&&&&&&&& B. affect&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. puzzle&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. see
2. A. distance&&&&&&&&&&& B. way&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. trouble&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. shape
3. A. dream&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. deck&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. sea&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. lifeboat
4. A. sea&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. excitement&&&&&&&&&&& C. earthquake&&&&&&&&&&& D. storm
5. A. quiet&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. unusual&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. rough&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. helpful
6. A. sun&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. stars&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. planes&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. captain
7. A. familiar&&&&&&&&&&& B. puzzled&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. meaningful&&&&&&&&&& D. alive
8. A. sank&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. rescued&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. drifted&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. repay
9. A. slept&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. talked&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. worked&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. ate
10. A. Ever since&&&&&& B. Step by step&&&&&&&&& C. At first&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Up and down
11. A. companions&&&& B. shoulder&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. waist&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. eyes
12. A. shape&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. water&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. lifeboats&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. sky
13. A. Now that&&&&&&&& B. However&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. As if&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Whether
14. A. deal with&&&&&&&& B. worry about&&&&&&&&& C. throw off&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. take back
15. A. important&&&&&&& B. hopeful&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. gone&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. advanced
16. A. possibly&&&&&&&&& B. badly&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. further&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. most
17. A. ocean&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. island&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. forest&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. river
18. A. wife&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. doctor&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. patient&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. companion
19. A. wake&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. send&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. take&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. fix
20. A. Keeping&&&&&&&&& B. Running&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Getting&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Looking
1. A。根据文章语境,可知是我回忆的一次经历,所以推断本句话意思是“我记不清楚具体的情形”。
2. B。暴风雨持续到第二天晚上,从某方面来说,我们能够免于被卷入大海。
3. C。由All night the little boat ___8___ in the open sea while Tom and I ___9___ soundly 可知,我们整晚漂泊在“海上”。
4. D。由the storm continued into the second night 可知“正如它来得快一样,暴风雨过去了。”
5. A。从The wind died down可知暴风雨过后,汹涌的大海变得“平静”下来。
6. B。从句子All night the little boat ___8___ in the open sea可以看出描写的是夜晚的事情,所以推断“乌云散尽,星星出现了”。
7. D。在波涛汹涌的大海中我与 Tom 同乘一个救生艇,不知道在哪儿,也不知道会发生什么事,所以推断“只是感到还活着”。
8. C。根据意思“整晚漂泊在大海中”。drift“漂泊、漂流”。
9. A。由后文 We were both exhausted. The next morning, I was awakened by brilliant sunshine 可知我们非常疲惫,睡着了,而且睡得很沉。
10. C由句子“当我的眼睛适应了光,我能够向四周望去”,推测“起初耀眼的阳光使得我无法看清”。
11. D。解析见 10 题。
12. B。我们漂泊在太平洋中,所以能看到的只有太平洋中的蓝色水域。
13. A。根据意思“由于暴风雨的危险已经过去,所以我开始为其他事情担忧。”
14. B。由后文可知“吃的没有了,所以为此担忧”,也就是开始为别的事情担忧。
15. C。由We had no food, no fresh water可知“我们的事物供应中断了”。
16. A。由句子we were somewhere in the South Pacific可知作者不能准确猜测目前的位置,所以判断与陆地的距离只是一种猜测,也就是一种可能的距离。
17. A。由There was nothing but the deep blue ___12___ of the Pacific in all directions 可知“目前我们还在太平洋,可能会在这漂泊几个星期”。
18. D。由I shared one of the lifeboats with the chief engineer, Tom Fenton 可知“我与Tom Fenton在一起”,所以称他为“同伴”。
19. A。由句子My __18__was still sleeping 可知“我想唤醒他”。
20. D。能看到远方陆地的蓝色轮廓,是遥望的结果,所以用look。
0523 Eyre's classic romance
重温经典:《简爱》中的独立女性。词数 473 建议阅读时间 6分钟IN the 19th century the novels started to become popular. Thousands upon thousands of novels were published. ______ those novels, very few are remembered today. However, there are exceptions – Jane Eyre &______ Charlotte Bronte is a good example.It was published in 1847 but is still hugely popular – not just respected – nearly 170 years later. When the world marks the 200th anniversary of Bronte’s birth on April 21, many readers can’t help reaching &______ their favorite novel on the bookshelf to experience the whirlwind (跌宕起伏的) romance again.However influential the novel is now, it had a difficult early life. At the time it was still difficult for women writers &______[take] seriously in a literary world ______ was full of very sexist men. And if we think about the story we can see why such men would have taken offense (生气). Jane, Bronte’s heroine, is a very independent girl and woman. She does not keep to “her place” in the world.In fact, Jane Eyre has become the main model for all modern romantic fiction. For a love story to be a love story, there has to be conflict between the lovers. They have to be different to each other, so different that sparks (火花) fly. This is definitely the case with Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester.Jane and Mr Rochester are from different social backgrounds. S he is highborn. He wants to deceive (欺骗) she refuses to be deceived and controlled. In the novel this leads to furious (激烈的) scenes between the two, and all readers remember when Rochester asks Jane to run off with him – in other words, to be his mistress (情人). She is having none of[不允许;不同意,不接受] that. As she says, her “soul will not consent (同意) to it”.But as surely as there are differences between the lovers and conflicts between them, there must be a coming together in the end in a romance. In Jane Eyre, this coming together is very much on Jane’s terms[按...的条件/条件]. Rochester is blinded in the fire that burns down his home, and so he is &______[weak] . Jane looks after him, seeing him back to health. But now he is weaker than her. When she agrees to marry him, it is a kind of victory. This feature of the novel has been copied a thousand times by others.Jane Eyre is the story of a woman who refuses to accept anything less than a life that she has lived on her own terms. She struggles, she fights. She is a rebel (反抗者) in everything she does – as a poor servant, as a woman, as a lover. Why is the novel so popular? Quite simply, the world is full of people who identify with Jane Eyre.
From fast to healthy food
&IT’S easy to just go get fast food when you’re hungry, ______ it can also be unhealthy and pricey. Since I always eat out when I’m hungry, I decided to test myself and avoid fast food for five days and simply prepare my own food at home using cool, healthy recipes.
Day 1: The struggle is real
When I woke up in the morning, I was unsure if I could make it through______& whole week without eating fast food because food, in general, is my weakness. ______ breakfast at school, I ate a Cheerios cereal bar (谷物棒) – nothing major, but it’s a start. I went to the healthy side for lunch and got myself a salad. I looked out the window on my bus ride home, and McDonald’s was calling to me. It was so hard not to stop. I broke out of that trance (发呆), refocused on my goal and searched for healthy recipes on Pinterest, a photo sharing website, to cook when I got home.
The recipe that stood out the most to me was baked salmon (鲑鱼) and asparagus (芦笋). I had never cooked fish at all before, but it came out______[amaze]! Day one completed.
Day 2: Trying new things
The other choice I came across on Pinterest was zucchini (西葫芦) noodles. I know it may sound strange, but it was absolutely delicious. Zucchini isn’t my all-time favorite, but I was shocked by how good this ______[taste] . The ingredients I needed included garlic, a zucchini, lemon juice and olive oil. The garlic made the noodles taste a little better, if you ask me. This recipe was my favorite so far.
Day 3: Shaking up breakfast
Two more days until my healthy eating was over, and I felt really good about myself. A day before, I had come across a healthy recipe for breakfast: almond (扁桃仁) butter banana open sandwich. Don’t let the term “sandwich” fool you – The banana actually serves as the “bread” for this recipe. Best breakfast I ever had.
Day 4: At-home Chipotle (墨西哥连锁餐厅)
Instead of going out for Mexican food, I found an easy burrito (玉米煎饼) bowl to make myself. Bonus: This recipe is really good for vegetarians. I needed ingredients like black beans, an avocado (牛油果), tomatoes, lettuce, rice and sour cream. Delicious! A wonderful burrito bowl, inspired by Chipotle.
Day 5: Going all out
My final day, and I accomplished eating healthy. To top it off, I cooked dinner for my family! Baked honey mustard chicken was my last healthy recipe. Chicken is my favorite meat, especially when ______[bake] , and this recipe made me feel like I should have my own restaurant. The recipe called ______ chicken, rosemary (迷迭香), mustard, honey, olive oil, salt and black pepper.
Learn from speeches
WE are all familiar with the phrase “act locally, think globally”. However, with the growing popularity of English in China, many believe learning a foreign language means not staying true to Chinese culture or keeping Chinese roots.
But three past winners of the 21st Century National English Speaking Competition – all of &______ now live international lives – don’t agree. Read ______& to see how they look at this issue, what the competition meant to them and how it prepared them to make sure Chinese voices are heard on the world stage.
Wang Guan&
Wang Guan, 31, fourth-place winner in 2006, senior CCTV correspondent (特派记者) based in Washington DC, US
Looking back, the preparations and the competition itself did two things for me: they significantly (显著地) improved my ability to speak the English language, and they improved my ability to think critically (批判性地) under pressure. Those skills certainly came in handy (派上用场). As a journalist, every once in a while【偶尔;有时】 I sit down for one-on-one interviews with heads of state, ministers (部长) and heads of international organizations. You certainly don’t want to waste a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with someone as important as former (之前的) US Secretary of State John Kerry by only asking softball questions (简单的问题). The abilities to have a conversation in English &______ whichever important person is sitting across from you, to think critically and clearly and to ask tough follow-up questions are what’s required (要求) of a good journalist.
Zhan Cheng&
Zhan Cheng, 39, third-place winner in 1999, vice-dean (副院长) of the School of Interpreting (口译) and Translation Studies at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
The competition completely changed my path. It built up my public speaking skills as well as my confidence and resourcefulness (足智多谋). These qualities ______[prove]& useful in my later career as an English educator, public speaking trainer and conference interpreter. South African hero Nelson Mandela once said: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” These touching words connected with my heart. My job as an educator and interpreter often means that I have to stand on the world stage. China’s peaceful rise means that more of its voice will be heard around the world. The world needs more than ever to learn that young people in China not only have the ability to communicate across languages, but are also capable (有……能力的) of using their sharp thoughts and great minds to contribute (贡献) to other cultures.
Chen Jiehao&
Chen Jiehao, 24, Grand Champion in 2012, researcher at The New York Times
The competition allowed me to spend time with people with similar ambitions (抱负) and thoughts. And representing China in the International Public Speaking Competition further ______[broad]& my horizons (开阔视野). ______ all the foreigners I met, none said that the real China was the same as &______ &they expected or knew from the media. It made me reflect on (反省) the way we present ourselves to the world – although we’ve done a lot to make Chinese voices heard, the way we express ourselves, similar to the way computers translate things, often ends up not being detailed enough. We tell the world how good we are without telling them why and how. With limited information, foreigners can never have a real understanding of China. Since we have the ability to speak to foreigners in their languages, we need to give &______[balance] &and accurate (准确的) information about China, no matter whether it is good or bad.
&to be taken
1. To me every hour of the day and night______[be]an unspeakably perfect miracle. 2. ______ makes a good boss?& 如何成为一个好的雇主?
&3. She was startled when Lisa popped _____at the door all smiles.莉萨满面笑容地突然出现在门口时她吃了一惊。
&4. No other organization was able or willing to take ______the job.没有任何其他组织能够或愿意承担这项工作。
5. Believing he had only a year to live, his writing took _____a feverish intensity.他认为自己只有一年能活了,他的文字呈现出一种极度的狂热
6—7. As the first foreign language university and______[offer] the most language programs in the country, it excels in the teaching and studying of foreign languages, foreign literature, overseas sinology, and also serves as an important base producing quality professionals ______ language competence and global vision.
8. ______[Arm] with the theory of Marx and Lenin,Mao Zedong Thought guides our way.
9—10. During the two-day final ______[hold] at Beijing Foreign Studies University from March 19-20, Wang Xiwen, Miao Pengpeng and Tu Xiaorui outshone 47 other contestants ______[make] it to the top three. Here are some of the key elements of making a good speech, straight from them. &11. Everyone has stage fright, ______[admit] Miao, but as the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. “You aren’t afraid of having dinner, right? That’s because you practice having dinner every day!” said Miao. &
&12--13. &______ the 2016 Presidential election (选举) is approaching, US high school students have become more interested in the election. They hope to have a voice in the process and, ultimately (最终), have a say in deciding the next US president.
14. Cypress Bay High junior Jacob Wilentz is one such student and he said the country needs change. Although Wilentz will only be 17 this November, he said his opinion still ______[count].
15. “Discussions I may have with my peers, debates with teachers and communication with my parents allow me______[ hear] and give my opinions meaning and insight (洞察力).”
16. Alain Jean, who was the 2008 African American/Caribbean American vote director for Barack Obama in the state of Florida, said teenagers should be paying attention to the presidential election because many high school students will be ______voting age by election time. She said candidates (候选人) have views and positions on certain topics that may affect teens’ lives.
17. ______ was the darkest day in Belgium since World War II. On March 22, Brussels, the Belgian capital, suffered the worst terror attack in its history. 18—19. ______【See】as the heart of Europe, Brussels is home ______the European Union (EU), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and many international agencies and companies. Why was the important European city attacked? &20. Along with its security services, Belgium’s bureaucracy (官僚体制) as______ whole is also said to have played a role in the attacks.
21. It’s ______【understand】that the bureaucracy leads to problems in sharing information. This not only allows terrorists to hide below the radar[在视线以外,不引人注目地], but also slows the passing of new laws to deal with equal treatment of Muslims.
22.The money of a large company like Illumina means that its DNA sequencing technologies are far more accurate than the average______. 22-23. “We hope today is a turning point in the war on cancer,” said Flatley. “By making it possible for cancer ______【 detect】 early in people with no symptoms through a simple blood test, we aim to greatly decrease cancer deaths by finding the disease at a stage______ it can be cured.”
24. IT has become common sense that bad environments do harm to human beings and that’s why we need to protect our environment. But what damage could a ______[worse]environment do to our health?
25. Nearly one ______ four deaths worldwide have been linked to unhealthy environments and are avoidable, according to a new World Health Organization (WHO) report released on March 15.
26—27. Everyone always says that studying abroad in college can change your life. I made the decision to experience it for myself during my junior year. I chose to study in the Dominican Republic. As it got closer______ the deadline, an ______[advise] told me I had received a scholarship from an alumni (校友) family foundation (基金).
&28. As the next semester began, I realized again that I needed to take a chance. I got involved with a local boarding school for girls living ______poverty. &
29—30. I think that AI will replace humans one day. First, as technology advances, AI will become smarter and smarter. Second, without emotions, AI is stricter and more accurate in its work, making it far superior______ humans. If there were conflicts______ AI and humans, it would be likely that AI would win.
31. In the first round, a player from Class One impressed me most ______ her confidence and knowledge, as she could shout out correct answers within two seconds.
32.No excuse, however, should be enough. ______, restaurants might argue that they are trying to avoid clutter (混乱); privately, they might encourage waiters t but what it amounts to is an 19 dining experience.
33.I might go back for those noodles, because they were delicious. But don’t expect me to talk up the ______to anyone. It was just okay.
34—37. Forcing yourself to recall almost &never helps because it doesn’t ______ it only tightens it. Students find the preparatory method helpful in examinations. They read over the questions before trying to answer any of them. Then &they answer first the ones ______ which they are most confident(有信心的). Meanwhile, deeper mental activities in the subconscious m work is being done on the ______ difficult questions. By the time the easier questions are answered, answers to the more difficult ones will usually begin to come into consciousness. It is often just a question of waiting for recall to come to the________.
& 38—45. In 1990 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then on. The report was a result of a three-year study.
According to the report, the picture of the earth in the year 2010 is not a pleasant ______. The world will be more ______ because the population will continue to grow. The population could be as large as 6 300 million, almost 2 150 million more than in 1985. More people would move into cities, especially cities in developing countries. Cities like Cairo and Jakarta probably would each have 15 million by then.
Food production will increase, but not enough to _______ all the people. Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1985, but most of the increase would be in countries that already produce enough food f


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