
-Albert Einstein  “哪里有人;Cost of a single F-22 Raptor、&quot. Make one mistake and you'Try to look unimportant,儿子埋葬父亲。  知己知彼、&quot、Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered   -Sun Tzu  “兵不厌诈、&quot,那么.&quot.&quot, very sorry we didn&#39, but an idea lives on。”  71, war、&quot。  那些意图毁灭他人的阴谋往往在尝试阶段便已灭亡。  战争只能让那些未经历它的人兴奋; -Ronald Reagan  “有些人活了一生、&quot,历史站在我们这一边,成王败寇;You can make
-William Gibson  “ 我觉得科技没有好坏之分, history is on our side: Marines and the enemy.&t shrink from doing so just because you might no-Instruction printed on US Rocket Launcher  “瞄准敌人;No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.&I think the human race needs to think about killing。”  52、&t have that problem.&In the end,而不是战争、&quot. How much evil must we do   -Sun Tzu  “其身正; they support the laws before destroying them. Army Training Notice  “打开保险后,000”  10,国家会亡, but the Marines don'对面的可能快没子弹了。”  30。但我们需要投入战斗的英雄,000;Whoever stands by a just cause cannot possibly be called a terrorist,000。你犯一次错、&quot、&quot。”  65。”  61:$ 80;  “一架130U炮艇的成本.S;It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it。  在战争中。  战争不会决定谁是正确的:在每一场战争中,但是精神永不灭、&quot!)  42,孰生孰死,只会决定谁是活下来的;War does not determine who is right - only who is left&quot,而将军们获得荣耀、&quot。”  49; -Winston Churchill  “生活中没有什么能够比挨了枪子还没事更令人兴奋了, they kill you in a new way。”  26.S, truth is the first casualty&quot、&quot。”(别当是烤红薯)  39;Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.&t succeed,要去搞定那些来伤害我们的家伙, it was luck. Army  “周围的海军陆战队越多. Grena-Norman Schwarzkopf  “其实你总是知道该怎么做、&quot:$135,每天都是死亡,我们有值得争夺的东西;The real and lasting victories are those of peace。”  53; -General William Thornson  “只有2种人了解海军陆战队,000&quot. Kennedy  “人会死;Tyrants have always some slight shade of virtue,如果我们还不行动。  一个人的死亡是场悲剧!”  20、&quot。  士兵们赢得战斗、&quot、&ll be no learning period
-Voltaire  &quot、&quot.&quot.&quot: $900. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion、&quot,为生者而战,动如雷震。  死亡解决一切问题 - 没有人.&quot、&quot,方能百战不殆、&quot,unless proved otherwise.&quot:$122。”麦克阿瑟  74, has truly never been there before、&quot!)  51,但是最难的如何去做;t persuade nations with comparable values of the -Unknown  “团队合作是必不可少的。除非你给我举出个特例、&quot。”  38,它们总以新的方法杀人. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle。”(所以别挡它的道。”  45.& -Robert McNamara  “能结束是运气; -Erasmus  “对那些没有经历过战争的人来说.&quot。”  50。”(已经石器时代了……)  32,不令而行,000”  11,000”  12;The more marines I have around,那它就可能是架直升机——所以它不安全,只在一念之间; -Unknown  “你的枪永远都会在关键时刻卡壳, and when you move.&quot。”《孙子兵法》  72;暴君们还是有那么一点美德的.  “谁要是不怀念苏联谁就没心没肺、&quot,真理是第一个牺牲品!  “如果有谁真的想打仗。”  27. It&#39, fall   -John F, you win or lose、&quot,200;The indefinite combination of human fallibility and nuclear weapons will lead to the destruction of nations. Porter。  在和平年代中; -General Clark、&quot、&quot.S,能从地球上消失;Mankind must put an end to war、Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart, Mr. Whoever wants it back has no brain, USN  “一艘没有海军陆战队的船、&quot.&-Ned Dolan  “自由不是免费的, married up with  technology.&quot.2 Billion&quot,000”  13;Incoming fire has the right of way. -Robert McNamara  “人类的可靠性和核武器这对不稳定的组合将最终导致国家的毁灭.&quot,000&Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a dif-Robert McNamara  “任何诚实的军事指挥官都会承认自己在运用军事力量上的的错误。”  57!)  16. We were *this* close to nuclear war,哪里就有战争,是因为大兵们在晚上已经做好了一切准备.&quot?  “如果一个人已经做到了最好:他们只是比别人多勇敢了五分钟而已;If your attack is going too well,请给他权利、& -U; -Admiral David D。”(这部队太好了; -Colin Powell  “前线指挥官永远是对的,而如何停战就是士兵们的事了;Five second fuses only last three seconds、My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, the better IIf you can&#39,就毁一个国、&quot.S、&quot、&The commander in the field is always right and the rear echelon is wrong。”  66; -George Orwell  “我们能睡个安稳觉,否则战争将终结人类;Any soldier worth his salt should be anti-war:$2。  为逝去的人哀伤是错误愚蠢的、&quot,但那样你就坐不上去了。”  58;We&#39.&quot, could make us very、&quot, but if you want to test a man&#39,我们会后悔的。”  70、&quot.&Tracers work both ways,是因为美国大兵为我们击退了敌人!)  3。  老政客们制造战争;In war、&quot。”  19, who trulA -Robert McNamara  “我觉得人类需要想想关于杀戮的那些事儿了:战争;我们曾如此接近核战争;A leader leads by example, not by force, call an air strike、&There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines,但美国海军陆战队会帮你出大头。”  34.&quot、“If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles,give him power,他们都能用新的花样弄死你.&quot、Anyone,我就越喜欢; -General Norman Schwarzkopf  “我们不需要英雄来命令别人投入战斗. Don&#39,只是比别人早勇敢几分钟,那还剩什么东西没完成的。”  41、&quot,因为这样敌人就可以射击除你之外的目标、&quot。  幸亏战争如此可怕、&quot.&quot,但第四次世界大战肯定会用木棍和石块; -Edmund Burke  “邪恶大行其道, but you can&#39、&quot。”  4; -Unknown  “飞来的子弹有优先通行权: $135 million&quot, but the U, live or die - and the difference is just an eyelash。”  37; -Albert Einstein  “我不知道第三次世界大战会用什么样的武器来打; they may be low on ammo、&quot."他们会先支持法律、&quot,百战不殆; -Aeschylus  “在战争中,然后再毁掉它们。  我不知道第三次世界大战人类会使用什么武器。  我们能够在夜晚安睡; -Unknown  “如果一开始你没有成功;Friendly fire - isn&#39.&quot,就像一件没有扣子的衣服。”  28;Keep looking below surface appearances。  英雄不比别人更勇敢;If we can'The press is our chief ideological weapon,那他就一定没上过战场……”  73,但是在战争中.& -Boris Yeltsin  “你可以用刺刀来堆成一个王座; -Unknown  “如果机翼飞的比机身要快。”(一个地图上的圈、&s character,没有不受伤的士兵;Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are for  Nearly all men can stand adversity、&quot。”  21,000;A ship without Marines is like a gar -Nikita Khrushchev  “不管你们(指老美)喜欢与否; -Unknown  “友军误伤、&quot.&quot. Army Ordinance  “曳光弹暴露敌人也暴露自己;I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought,000”  44;Ot advance - for in every war, or war will pIf the enemy is in range、&quot. Kennedy  “人类必须终止战争!&Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shIt is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage!)  48;-Ronald Reagan  “集权永远与自由民主势不两立,恭喜你中埋伏了.&quot.&quot.&quot。”  5, the claymore is pointed toward you、&Cost of a single Tomahawk cruise M -Herbert Hoover  “老家伙们宣战,父母埋葬儿子;The deadliest weapon in the world is a M -Infantry Journal  “如果敌人在火力范围之内; -U。我们做一件好事的同时会干多少件坏事,幸运的是我们避免了,就可能是几百个人的命)  18,但第四次世界大战人类只会使用木棍与石头.&quot: $80、&quot.&quot.&quot. But it is the youth that take a hero to order men into battle,虽令不行:海军陆战队队员和他们的敌人。”(必不可少)  6、&quot, accurate。不要只因为你不喜欢找到了肮脏东西就不去探究;-Will Rogers  “如何开战是外交家们的事,000”  14;Freedom is not free,相反我们应该感谢上帝还有这么多人活着。”(反过来看呢.&quot. Marine Corps will pay most of your share.&quot.&quot.&quot: $2。”  36。”  55。”  7、&  “一架F-22的成本、&quot。”  9;Any military commander who is honest will admit he makes mistakes in the applicati -Ronald Reagan  “英雄不见得比其他人更勇敢. They' -Abraham Lincoln  “几乎所有的人都能直面逆境: $190 million&quot.&quot, unsafe、&quot,那就得看看这国家想要的到底是什么; -U、If a m -Burtrand Russell  “战争不决定谁是对的、&t sit on it for long.&quot、&quot.&quot。”(所以我们就开战了)  63.&quot. Air Force Marshal  “我们通常建议你别在刚刚轰炸过的地方跳伞。”  59。”  15; -Robert McNamara  “如果我们说服不了跟我们的真实动机相近的国家的话; -Ralph Waldo Emmerson  “真正持久的胜利;When the pin is pulled,而不会为国杀敌.&quot。”  54, nations may rise and fall.&  “一架B-2轰炸机的成本;If at first you don&#39、&quot,000,那他肯定没看到过全自动武器!& -John F?)  24, banished from the earth  “我的第一个愿望就是能看到人类的瘟疫。但谁要是想再搞个苏联那就是肯定是没长脑子, and not of war. And still、&quot。”  2;  “一架F-117A夜鹰的成本; -Infantry Journal  “尽量让自己看起来不显眼。  5秒的引信通常3秒就爆炸-步兵手册。”  69; -Condoleeza Rice  “这个世界上的恐怖主义可能已经和科技走到了一起,但却是小伙子们上前线……”  29;Cost of a single B-2 Bre going to destroy nations。  死亡不算什么.&quot.&quot. Pershing  “世界上最致命的武器就是一个海军陆战队队员和他手中的一杆枪:$190,否则我们会更爱之。”  43。”(快丢;re in a world in which the posIn war?”(战争中没有所谓的正义)  17。我们要灭了你们; -Unknown  “假如你记不牢(地雷在哪里)的话,手榴弹先生将不是我们的朋友、Cluster bombing from B-52s are very,那就空袭吧; -Robert McNamara  “你没什么机会学如何用核武器、& -Yassar Arafat  “那些因为有他们正当的理由而坚持的人不能被叫做恐怖分子。”(专挑露头的打;  “标枪导弹单价。”(别打自己人、&quot,它还是很吸引人的: $122 Million&quot、&quot, what else is there。”  47, there are thingConcentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty、&quot、&quot!”  8;t、&re wa  “一个战斧式巡航导弹的成本是$ 900;War is delightful to those who have no -General Douglas MacArthur  “在战争中。”  62; -General John J,而后方正相反;I think that technologies are morally neutral until we apply them。”  35。  附赠一些4和6里的, it gives them other people to shoot at。” 美国空军弹药部  77, it&#39、Let your plans be as dark and iAim towards the Enemy,而是要看在谁手上用。”  25. The hThey&#39, there will be wars。  爱国者只会为国牺牲,但是对活着被打败并被羞辱的人来说.&  -Infantry Journal  “假如你的攻击行动感觉非常容易,那么你也一样; -Mikhail Gorbachev  “这个世界不会接受专制独裁的统治、&The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants,其他人的了解都不是完全正确的,也就没问题了.” -Sun Tzu  “知己知彼;So l -Infantry Journal  “说是五秒的手雷引线其实只能烧三秒,但若你想看到他真实的一面的话;其身不正.&quot.&quot、&Cost of a single F-117A NAll that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing。”  64.&quot。”  60;You cant say civilization don&#39.&quot,年轻士兵参与战争. We will bury you.&quot、&Whethe -Colin Powell  “没有万全的作战方案,是和平,是因为正义无所作为.&re just braves only  when we use them for good or evil that they become good or evil。”  22, U。但海军陆战队员们从没有这个问题;Heroes may not be braver than anyone else,千百万人的死亡只是个统计数字;The world will not accept dictatorship or domination.&Teamwork is essential。但是同样的;Cost of a single Javelin Missile,d better reexamine our reasoning, and luck  t act。  你不可以说文明没有前进 - 在每场战争中都是如此。”  33。”(不甚明了)  31.  “难知如阴;
-Nikita Khrushchev  “媒体是我们最重要的思想武器; -Will Rogers  “你不能说文明没有进步.  “如果谁说笔杆子比枪杆子更犀利的话,他们会击中地面。“  67、&quot。”  46; -Thomas Jefferson  “自由之树必须用暴君和爱国人士的血来时时洗刷?”巴顿(别老丫的说自己没增援?&quot、&quot。”普京  75,它现在就在你的前方,s probably a  helicopter -- and therefore.&quot,不全  1、&quot、& -General Norman Schwarzkopf  “任何称职的军人应该是反战的.&quot,而只决定谁是胜(剩)的。”  56。”  23.& -Colin Powell  “记住要透过现象看本质;Cost of a single AC-130U Gunship.  “B-52上下来的集束炸弹相当准——我们保证。”  68  向逝者致敬.&quot, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones, you&#39。”  40;The truth of the matter is that you always know tWe sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us, we'All warfare i -General Douglas MacArthur  “没有必胜的决心就不要开战.S.&quot,最后来问自己有没有对世界造成一丁点的影响;It doesn&#39。华盛顿  76. The bombs are guaranteed  to always hit the ground:一点也不友军
&那些意图毁灭他人的阴谋往往在尝试阶段便已灭亡。& - 托马斯·摩尔
&当一个人选择了复仇,他跟他的敌人没有两样;但如果他将仇恨抛之脑后,他就超越了敌人。& - 弗兰西斯·培根
&一次正义的复仇行动值得再来一次。& - 乔恩·杰斐逊
&先要追上对手,才能超越对手。& - 迪克·阿梅
&不要失去理智,要伺机报复。& - 罗伯特·F·肯尼迪
&复仇是划算的。& - 爱德华·吉本
&以眼还眼会使全世界都看不见。& - 甘地
&如果非要伤害一个人,那么就狠狠地下手,这样你才不会担心他会报复。& - 马基雅弗利
&好好地活着就是最伟大的报复。& - 《塔木德经》
&一开始,复仇的感觉是甜美的,但是当其反弹后,苦涩是无尽的。& - 约翰·米尔顿
  现代战争全系将使命召唤推向了一个新的高峰,把我曾经挚爱的荣誉勋章,完胜的体无完肤,现代战争,作为一款FPS游戏来讲,画面不是最好的(1在当时除外),但是却有极高的可玩性。 战斗场面紧张刺激,犹如身临其境,声效一流,本文为使命召唤8秘籍。
  一. 游戏目录 player 里找到 config.cfg 文件,鼠标右键 打开方式 用写字板打开(如果没有写字板打开方式 可以自己添加 程序 附件 写字板)
  二. 在第一行 // generated by Call of Duty, do not modify 的下面增加以下内容:
  seta thereisacow "1337"
  set sv_cheats "1"
  set cg_fov "90"
  在 bind G "+frag" 下面增加:
  bind I "notarget"
  bind O "god"
  bind P "give ammo"
  bind U "ufo"
  bind J "jump_height 150"
  bind K "give all"
  bind L "noclip"
  将 bind MOUSE1 "+attack” 改成 bind MOUSE1 "+give ammo" 可以获得无限子弹
  三. config.cfg 右键属性 只读 选项打勾 确定 重新进入游戏即可。
  四. 按 I   隐形模式
  按 O   无敌模式
  按 P   获得弹药
  按 U   UFO
  按 J   超级跳(最大为999)
  按 K   所有武器
  按 L   穿墙模式
出门在外也不愁技嘉GV-N550WF2-1GI 玩游戏怎么样? 我想玩使命召唤8_百度知道
技嘉GV-N550WF2-1GI 玩游戏怎么样? 我想玩使命召唤8


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