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> 生存小技巧之在《我的世界》手机版中更好的生活
1、玩生存模式,第一件事情就是砍树。 &
2、如果房子是木制的,,千万不要在家里玩火,火会迅速蔓延,烧掉你的房子。 &
3、杀死羊,只会得到一个羊毛,,而用剪刀可以或得1~3个羊毛。 &
4、当你用剪子剪去羊毛后,羊会变秃,这时如果你杀死羊,那么将不会掉落任何东西。 &
5、秃羊吃草后会马上重新长出羊毛。 &
6、工具是有硬度之分的,钻石&铁&石头&木头&金子。 &
7、基岩是你无法挖透的,(创造模式除外),基岩的爆炸抗性也达到了180000,不要妄想在生存模式挖到基岩。 &
8、不要用尽量低等级的镐挖矿,挖矿最好多带几个石镐,外加一个铁镐,铁镐可以挖出所有的矿(基岩除外)。 &
9、挖矿时,最好多带一些石锹,因为在地下,大家总会看到石头中有一大片泥土或者砂砾,用石锹把它们挖光,有很大几率会挖到矿石。 &
11、在冰的旁边放上火把或者用打火石点着地面,冰会在不久之后化成水。 &
12、任何生物(鸡除外),都会在高于24格的地方摔死。 &
13、萤石可以发光,和南瓜灯一样,可以在水下照明。 &
14、梯子,木牌,门可以挡住水。 &
15、当你被沙子或砂砾埋住时,你会持续掉血。 &
16、当你站在仙人掌旁边时,你会掉血。 &
17、千万别再仙人掌旁边死掉,因为你死的时候,身上所有东西都会爆出来,如果东西掉到了仙人掌上面,这个东西就会永久消失。 &
18、甘蔗只能被种在水旁边,即使是对角线也不可以。 &
19、仙人掌侧面不能有任何方块,并且仙人掌只能被种在沙漠里。 &
20、剪子可以减掉树叶。 &
22、蜘蛛可以爬墙,所以,建房子周围最好弄一圈仙人掌,要不就把房子封好顶。 &
23、蘑菇可以种植,在阴暗的地方,比如大树下面可以繁殖。 &
24、鸡蛋可以扔出去,,有一定几率生成鸡,,并且扔鸡蛋生出来的鸡用石剑砍两次才会死,而天然刷出来的鸡用石剑砍一下就会死。 &
25、TNT炸不掉的暂时我只知道有基岩,黑曜石。 &
26、TNT爆炸时会损失很多的方块。 &
27、除了水和岩浆以外,砂砾和沙子会收到重力影响. &
28、当你的箭穿过岩浆时,,箭将会变成火箭(不是那个&火箭&),火箭的杀伤力将会成倍增加,但是,火箭如果射到了木头上,却不会引燃木头。 &
39、在水下射箭时,箭射出去的痕迹会有大量的泡泡冒出来,很好玩。 &
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刚表态过的朋友( 4 人 )
Twilight spark
廢渣隊長: 用启动器怎么用
目录 [隐藏]&
1 地表矿洞入口
3 泥土/沙砾分布
8 活塞BUG探洞法
9 X射线材质包
洞穴中普通的生物 (如图中的蜘蛛)
还有个搜寻地下矿洞的方法,跟着声音走。 实际上,你听到的任何声音都指向一片开阔区域,这些声音包含:
在1.8之前,你可以通过按F3键来显示生物的 ID。这将会显示在洞穴内生物的位置(和平模式不包括在内);如果你朝着生物挖,你将很可能让自己曝露在一个充斥着生物的洞穴。
任何一个带有作弊式的透明方块材质的包都可以帮助你找到山洞。方块都是透明的,很容易找到地底的生物或者空气。然而,这个举动有作弊嫌疑。 如果你想看看这样一个材质包是什么样,这里有:http://imageshack.us/g/62/22.png/ 示例的透明方块是白色羊毛。
05/16 14:36 回复
目录 [隐藏]&
1 选择要开始采矿的层数
2 准备采矿
3 洞穴采矿
3.1 废弃矿井
3.2 被沙地覆盖的洞穴
3.3 洞穴采矿携带物品清单
4 人工矿井采矿
4.1 阶梯式矿井
4.1.1 直线式阶梯矿井
4.1.2 螺旋式阶梯矿井 3x3 螺旋阶梯矿井 2x2 螺旋阶梯矿井 5x5 螺旋阶梯矿井
4.2 垂直矿井
4.2.2 1×1
4.2.3 1×2
4.2.4 1×3
4.2.5 2×2
4.3 跳水式矿井
4.4 水平采掘技术
4.4.1 Construction
5 垂直挖矿(或开采资源/分层开采)
5.1 树枝状采矿法
5.1.1 布局 1
5.1.2 布局 2
5.1.3 布局 3
5.1.4 布局 4
5.1.5 布局 5
5.1.6 布局 6
5.2 分层树形布局
5.3 Speed Mining
5.4 Quarry Mining
5.5 隧道采矿
5.6 特殊采矿技术
5.6.1 TNT爆破法
5.6.2 Silverfish Mining
5.6.3 活塞取矿法
5.7 多重采矿
5.7.1 树形采石挖矿法
5.7.2 洞穴采石挖矿法
5.7.3 "大规模采矿"
5.8 开放/部分开采
5.8.1 房间开采
5.8.2 隧道开采
5.8.3 扫荡式开采/安全开采
5.9 剧场式开采
5.10 吉普赛开采
6 艺术式矿井
6.1 Clc的矿井开拓方案
6.1.1 设计方案 火把摆放 连接点 支巷 变种
6.2 其他设计方案
6.2.1 中心巷道
6.2.2 分支巷道
6.2.3 岔道口
7 随机挖矿
8 Space/Portion Mining
8.1 Room Mining
8.2 Tunnel Mining
8.3 Clear Mining/Safe Mining
8.4 Amphitheater Mining
8.5 Wanderer mining
8.6 OCD Mining
8.7 Shovel Mining
8.8 Worst Case Scenarios
8.9 Best Case Scenario
8.10 Safety
9 ABBA Rules
9.1 Point System
10 危险与自救
10.1 挖矿时是怎么死的?
10.2 不利情况
10.3 有利情况
10.4 安全常识
11 矿井防御
选择要开始采矿的层数[编辑] 另见:海拔高度
层数 层数 层数 层数 层数 层数 Due to being the safest layers to mine at which also possesses all ores in reasonable quantities (especially diamond), Y-coordinates 10 to 15 is usually considered the best area in which to start mining. The exact best layer for mining is highly debated and cannot be agreed on. To find this, it's easiest to use the debug screen (F3) while digging. Alternatively you can look for lava pools, which tend to form around layer 11. (Mining at this layer will ensure the floor remains intact if you pour water). You can even dig down to bedrock, find and stand on the uppermost layer of bedrock, then climb up 6 blocks. Once you have located the desired layer, you can begin mining, using one of the techniques listed below.
带些食物、木头、武器、火把和水总是好的. You may want to bring a bed if you are on a long mining expedition in multiplayer, so you do not have to go back to your house to sleep. Also, it's a good idea to bring a few stone pickaxes and one iron pickaxe. You can use the stone pickaxe for mining stone/coal/iron and the iron pickaxe for ores that are unobtainable with stone pickaxes. If you are looking for obsidian, then you should also carry a diamond pickaxe. Getting lost in a cave without food or a sword can quickly turn into a death sentence.
If you keep losing your way, try marking your path with torches or a unique entity, such as signs or birch planks. This will also help you to recover your items if you die while mining. Carving out a safe room containing furnaces, a crafting table, a bed and a chest might be worth your time. If you are an enthusiastic miner and spend long amounts of time in caves you may want to build an actual house under ground with basic survival necessities.
Building a rail system allows the player to quickly shuttle their goods toward the su***ce. This will require minecart with chests, and minecart with furnaces or powered rails, depending on your resources. B lava can burn the tracks, creepers can blow them up. Be careful where you place rails, and you may want to protect some of them with fences or even stone. Of course you'll want the track properly lit as well. If you have access to ender chests, those can be a much ***r alternative for moderate amounts of material.
您也可以利用各种漏洞调用X-ray视野来发现洞穴,但是在服务器中这一举动很有可能会被封禁。最易于利用的漏洞就是站在1×2的洞穴之中(也就是说四周被岩石覆盖)使用活塞向头部推动萤石或TNT。这将会让玩家看到洞穴、地牢、废弃矿井和峡谷地形。然而,这个方法被许多人认为是作弊。这个方法可以在 PC 版(1.8后失效)、Xbox 360 和 PS3 版本的 Minecraft 祈起到作用。
一把镐。假如这是您的采矿初旅, 那么请采集一些圆石,然后做一把石镐吧。如果您已稍有采矿阅历,那么采矿时请带上两把铁镐以及至少一把石镐。如果您已经得到了一些钻石,并且您希望在钻石存在的深度进行一次高效的采矿,那么一把钻石镐您值得拥有,它不仅耐久更高,并且是唯一可以挖掘黑曜石的工具。矿镐常常没有挖到足够的钻石的时候就损坏掉了,如果您希望节约珍贵的材料,那么带一些石镐用来挖石头,带一把铁镐专门用来采矿。
武器:任意一种剑(宜用石制或者更好材料的),一把 弓和一些箭。这些可以帮助您抵御遇到的怪物。
告示牌。通过在告示牌上留下信息和由ASCII码构成的箭头,您可以在洞穴中标记路线。常用的信息如:出口 -&、居住所^、此处有僵尸刷怪笼。
抗火药水(以下这些提示适用于那些精通于洞穴探险的高端玩家)。当您在岩浆或者火焰附近工作的时候喝下它,比如在您发现的资源位于一个地下岩浆湖里的时候就可以尝试着喝上一口(否则您需要挖下去绕过岩浆来采集)。药水可以保护您免受火焰灼烧,也允许您免伤地在岩浆中游泳。 这种药水得成分虽然罕见,但一旦您找到了是很容易培育的。如果您还没有这种药水,切记带上装满水的桶子。
武器: 一把 剑 (石头或更好), 一把弓,许多箭,这些可以保护你自己。尽快把剑改成钻石剑,可以使你的战斗时间变短。
(Optional) Markers of various kinds. Aside from the above-mentioned signs, wool will be available early, and redstonewill turn up when you get deep enough. If you have pumpkins available, jack o'lanterns provide both light and direction.
(Optional) Dirt, cobblestone, gravel. You'll certainly be picking some of these up along the way, but starting off with some cheap blocks will let you plug holes, make quick staircases, block off lava and bridge your way across pits and ravines if staircases are too expensive or time-consuming.
又称为垂直式采矿 或矿井采矿,即开掘自己的矿道来探索隐藏资源。如同任何其他挖掘工作一样,您需要当心岩浆,水流,陷坑和充满怪物的洞穴,也许它们就在下一个方块后面。
3x3 螺旋阶梯矿井[编辑]
2x2 螺旋阶梯矿井[编辑]
5x5 螺旋阶梯矿井[编辑]
与3x3的设计类似,但是您将沿一个5x5区域的边缘挖掘。**立柱可以被清除,用来搭建梯子,放置瀑布或向地下提供光照。最外圈可以安装楼梯,而中间层可以用来防止玩家掉落。 这种设计每转一圈下降16层,在开掘的过程中,您也探索了一片相对宽广的区域。这种设计的缺点在于各圈楼梯之间的资源容易被错过。
垂直矿井 是通过下挖竖井进入地下矿层的采矿技术。您可以开掘任意尺寸的矿井,但是挖掘1x1矿井是非常危险的,因为您会有落入天然洞穴或岩浆湖的风险。即使您打算挖掘更大的矿井,为了防止被岩浆伤害,您也有必要带上一桶水和一组方块。在竖井中,您可以搭建玻璃隔层并向四周挖掘来建造基地。
在您对面的地方向下挖一格(不要挖脚下你懂得0.0恩不要挖脚下恩= = = = )。
Aka, "Digging straight down". Do not do it.You will fall into a cavern or lava. If you absolutely must be the crazy one, try this: Put a bed and a chest at the top. Sleep in the bed, and put everything from your inventory into the chest except for pickaxes, ladders, a stack each of gravel and cobblestone, and perhaps some torches. Dig down until you die or reach your target depth, placing ladders above you as you go. Every 5 levels or so, cut a 2-block high foothold opposite the ladder. If you fell into a cavern and survived, pillar jump back to the hole you fell out of, and/or build a cobble pillar in front of you, and put ladders on that. If you fall into a cavern and die, the footholds might let you break the ladders below it so you can drop gravel for a pillar, and perhaps retrieve any ore you found on the way down (watch out for mobs). If you fell into lava, you can forget about the ore, but perhaps you can drop water to quench the lava.
It is possible to do this method safely, but it is very time consuming. It's the same as before, except hold ? Shift to cling to your ladder while mining straight down. This way, if you mine into a pit or lava, you won't fall into it unless you let go of shift (shift won't let you move down the ladder, but makes you mine slower). If you do find a cave, you can climb up a little bit, remove the last ladder you put down, and put a bucket of water there instead. Now you can swim down, and if there was lava under you, it will turn into obsidian, and will be harmless. You can also dig 1 deep/2 wide alcoves in the side, giving you a place to put a torch, rest, and most importantly dig the hole deeper (as far as you can reach) without having to hold onto the ladder.
Note that mining upward in a 1×1 shaft can actually be safer, if you are placing ladders as you go up. Lava will be blocked by the ladder, which can't burn (and even if it could, there's no place for a fire block to appear).
Pick a place where you want your shaft
Mine a first block adjacent to the block you are standing at
Mine a block you were standing at and one below it
Place a ladder every block (as of Beta 1.5 you cannot go up ladders with gaps)
Continue in above pattern until you reach desired depth. From then on use a horizontal mining method of your choice
***r variant
Pick a place where you want your shaft
Stand on the dividing line between two blocks
Mine the two blocks you are standing on, being ready to stop if need be
Place a ladder every block
Continue in above pattern until you reach desired depth. From then on use a horizontal mining method of your choice
Similar to 1×2, but you have more room to place torches, ladders, or footholds in case you fall off the ladder. You also get more warning of gravel masses, caverns, or lava, and an extra block of room to deal with them. This is relatively safe, and is a good way to start a mine from within your base.
The more common version runs the ladders down the middle of the wide side (put blocks to break your fall on both sides every few levels, and at your mining levels), but another way to do it is to put ladders on one end, and put a wate***ll on the other. You can then put a few blocks in the middle to prevent falls, but leave plenty of spaces to pop out of the wate***ll for a breath.
You want to excavate one level at a time, placing ladders down one corner of the square. Also relatively safe.
Cutaway of the top of the mineshaft. (1) Entrance passage (2) Ascent shaft (3) Descent shaft.
Cutaway of the bottom of the mineshaft. Note the placement of torches in the ascent and descent shafts. (1) Ascent shaft (2) Descent shaft (3) Water pit (4) Side passage to utility room/mining area.
A vertical mine shaft can be built quickly and allows safe, fast access to the deepest regions of the map. To descend to the bottom, simply walk into the shaft. You will pass over the ascent shaft, fall into the descent shaft, and land in the water pit. To ascend, climb the ladder and hop out.
This guide describes the construction of a vertical mine shaft with the following properties:
Provides quick access to the lowest mining levels
Fast construction
Requires a decent amount of wood
Unsuitable for minecarts
64 ladders
2 water buckets
20 torches
pickaxes and shovels
The wood requirements amount to approximately 60 blocks of wood.
Gather all materials
Dig 3-wide pit to bedrock
Dig utility room
Dig and fill water pit
Place ladders in ascent shaft
Fill in center of shaft
First, gather and manufacture the materials. Be sure to fill the buckets with water. The shaft will be constructed to the side of an existing room. Start by excavating a 3-block deep alcove. If the top of the shaft is above ground, it should be surrounded by fences or walls with only one entrance on a narrow side. Place one torch in the end of the alcove as illustrated.
Next, a 3-block wide pit will be dug all the way down to the bedrock. Do not dig out the block you are standing on. Dig out a 3-high by 2-wide section, then hop down into it and dig out the 3-high column that you were standing on. Place torches on both sides (ascent and descent) at regular intervals, excavating 1 block to place them in. In the ascent shaft, torches should be placed in the wide sides so they don't interfere with the ladder. In the descent shaft, torches should be place in the narrow side, primarily so that you can keep track of which side is ascent and which is descent.
Be on your guard when digging out any blocks beside you! Lateral breaches into lava pools or monster caves can be hazardous. Be ready to plug the hole, or hop up and throw blocks down so you can escape upwards. Also, be sure that the 3x2 section hasn't opened into a cavern before you hop down. Keep the pit well-lit. When you reach the bedrock, make a 3-deep pit on the descent side. Fill in the middle and ascent sides as needed, as in the screenshot.
The water trough in the utility room.
In the middle of the shaft, cut a side shaft. Due to the fact that the landing pit must be 3 deep, you may want to stairstep downward a few blocks in this shaft. Next, dig out a utility room. Cut a 3×1 horizontal trough in this room for water. Empty each bucket into the end of this trough. The water should fill it in and become still.
Fill the buckets again from the center of the water trough. Use the water to fill the pit at the bottom of the descent shaft. Be sure that the pit is 3 deep, and each block is filled with water.
Now it's time to place the ladders and to fill in the center of the shaft. Stand in the ascent shaft and face away from the descent shaft. Place ladders on the wall in front of you and climb. Build the ladder all the way to the top.
Descend to the bottom again using the ladder. Be careful, because the center of the shaft is not filled in yet, and it's possible to fall to your death. Once at the bottom, stand in the middle of the shaft and fill it with blocks. Hop upward and place blocks beneath yourself. When you reach the top, leave the central pillar 1 block below the su***ce (see screenshot). Leaving it 1 block lower allows you to enter the descent shaft simply by walking in.
Alternate landing
Instead of a 3-block deep water landing pit, if you place a single block of water (use two blocks if the drop is greater than 60) at the bottom of the shaft in the ceiling of your utility room at the bottom and "hold it in place" with a sign on the wall below the shaft, it will break your fall as you fall through it and you will land without damage on the bottom of your utility room area. Beware this may be taking advantage of a bug in the code but it is the fastest and easiest way to go down a deep shaft.
Horizontal mining is not as dangerous as vertical. But there are some similar suggestions. Carry a water bucket and some blocks of some disposable, NON FLAMMABLE material (ex: sand, gravel, cobblestone) somewhere on your hot bar. A block can be used to quickly plug the leakage in cases of lava, and water can be poured over source lava to turn it into obsidian, as well as to put out fires. (Flowing lava will usually turn to cobblestone, occasionally smooth stone, if the water is a source block.)
Terms and Definitions
Main shaft/access shaft: a 1×2 or 2×2 tunnel use accessing other tunnels.
Efficiency: how many ores you get for the amount of effort you put into the mine, or how many ores you get/how many cobble you dig to find them.
Thoroughness: how many of the ores you extract per chunk.
The tradeoff: a mine can be made more thorough at the price of efficiency, or vice versa.
Layout: the top-down view of the mine.
Branch: the tunnels dug purely to gather ores.
Branch-length: how many blocks you dig your branches out. One recommendation is to measure a length with the durability of a stone pickaxe.
Spacing: how far apart the branches are.
Completely Thorough: a mine that reveals 4 new blocks/block dug, and reveals every block within a chunk, is completely thorough.
Tiering: "stacking" one branch mine on top of another, in order to obtain a much greater degree of thoroughness without sacrificing too much efficiency.
Efficiency vs Thoroughness
Efficiency in Minecraft mining is defined as how many ore blocks you mine, relative to the time spent reaching them. Thoroughness is the percentage of the ores you extract from a given chunk. Efficiency is approximated by blocks revealed per blocks mined, while thoroughness is approximated by blocks revealed per blocks in a chunk. Since both include "blocks revealed", they are often confused.
If we assume that all ores spawn in 2×2×2 cubes or smaller, then there is no need to reveal every block. Mining three spaces wide, with four blocks between each shaft will be completely thorough. If we assume that 90% of ores are 2×2×2, but 10% are 1x1x1; while obtaining 100% unitary thoroughness then requires a spacing of 3 and a tiering distance of 2, the original mine (the 3-space 4-tiering) maintains a thoroughness of 98%. The 100% thorough mine requires mining twice as much stone while only increasing the total yield by 2%, resulting in half the efficiency.
In order to give an actual number for efficiency, we can use efficiency=100*(number of ores collected / number of blocks mined)-or, equivalently, %efficiency = (number of ores collected/number of blocks mined)
Several assumptions must be made:
Ore is distributed randomly
Ore is orientated randomly
Ore occupies a certain width, whereby two tunnels running too close to each other would intersect the same orebody twice.
In Minecraft these assumptions are essentially true, though there is some distortion since diamonds only spawn once per chunk.
So we reach the
tunnel spacing. In the traditional "efficient" mining methods, tunnels are spaced close together in order to "observe" the maximum number of blocks possible, therefore removing all of the ore from an area. So, let's consider a spacing of 1; that is one tunnel separated by one block from another tunnel. During the digging of the first tunnel, several ore bodies are encountered. This tunnel has a high efficiency (in fact, the maximum efficiency possible, as we shall see later). The second tunnel has a very low efficiency because almost all of the ore bodies it encounters have already been removed by the first tunnel. This causes the efficiency of the mining operation to plummet. A spacing of 1 is incredibly inefficient. Now we move to a spacing of 2. This is a spacing that a lot of people use because it leads to 100% observed blocks in a single layer. However, with a spacing of 2, the second tunnel still encounters several ore bodies that have already been removed, so it is also quite inefficient. We as long as the second tunnel has a chance of encountering ore bodies which have already been removed by the adjacent tunnel, it will have a less than maximum efficiency. It follows that the most efficient way to mine is to place the second tunnel far enough away from the adjacent tunnel that there is no chance of encountering ores that have already been removed.
I have modeled the problem in matlab using a 2D slice of a real Minecraft level and a virtual mining procedure. The model mines a 1 block wide tunnel through the 2D layer and removes all diamonds it encounters, just like a real player would do. The model is limited to diamonds but the principle applies to all ores. It repeats the mining for different tunnel spacings, from 1 to 10. The model then records how many diamonds were mined for each case, how many blocks were removed, and calculates the efficiency of each spacing. A *** graph is produced:
The results indicate what is expected — that when tunnels are close together they are not efficient because the miner will encounter diamonds which were already removed by the adjacent tunnel(s). A maximum efficiency is reached at a spacing of around 6 blocks (that is, 6 solid blocks left in-between the tunnels). At this spacing, efficiency is about 0.017, corresponding to 1.7% of blocks removed being a diamond. At this spacing, the tunnels effectively become independent of each other and so, statistically speaking, the chance of encountering an ore are maximized because there is no chance the ore has been removed by an adjacent tunnel. Above a spacing of 6, efficiency does not increase greatly because ore collection rate is simply a function of the distribution of ores within the level. Note: in the above graph, efficiency appears to drop-off at a spacing of 10. This is simply a limitation of the size of the level used to model the process, resulting in a large error at high spacings. If a larger level were used, the line would smoothly come to a maximum efficiency and stay there.
In summary:
The term "efficiency" is often applied to the practice of *** every block observable, however this is not usually the objective of a miner.
A more practical definition of "efficiency" describes the percentage of blocks removed that are ores, in other words efficiency = (ores removed / blocks removed).
Maximum efficiency is reached when adjacent tunnels become independent of each other, since there is no chance that an adjacent tunnel has already removed an ore.
This maximum efficiency, for diamonds, is reached at a spacing of 6. Since other ores are usually collected in copious amounts compared to diamonds, this spacing is recommended for every-day mining operations.
Branch mining consists of mining out side tunnels from an access shaft to expose as many blocks as possible with a minimum of blocks removed. A tutorial video on Branch Mining is below.
Creating a Branch Mine is ***. First, dig deep underground until 0-16 blocks above the bottom level. To keep track of this, press F3, and the Y-Axis tells the level of depth the player character is currently at (It is best to mine at level 11 because it is easier to deal with lava lakes on that height). Upon reaching the desired level, begin to dig at least 20 blocks into a wall to create a shaft. Come out of the shaft, move at least 3 blocks to the left or right, and do the same again, digging 20 blocks into the wall. Each shaft made will almost always contain a resource block ranging from coal, iron, redstone to even gold anddiamond.
There is a tradeoff between the distance chosen for each branch of your mine. A distance of 2 blocks per branch means that you will end up exposing almost every block, but at the cost of a lot of work. A distance of 5 blocks per branch will give you a wider distance covered but there is the possibility of missing some ore veins, especially diamond or lapis lazuli which can appear in veins of less than 4 blocks. Using the diagram titled Better 3 Space leaves no ores hidden, however requires you mine more stone. It is recommended to use this method if you don't mind mining a bit extra and really need the gold, redstone, diamond, iron, and coal.
布局 1[编辑]
The trade-off for distance can be minimized by *** a branch mine a level above and below the branch mine that is offset. (This is a side view) For example:
Offsetting mine levels[编辑]
布局 2[编辑]
Another option is the per-chunk branch mine. This is a 2 space branch mine, but is constructed over the space of a singlechunk, and is capable of ensuring that every ore deposit is found, while still only mining around 45% of the chunk's stone. For the initial shaft to bedrock for this mine, a 1×2 shaft will fit lengthwise in the central corridor.
Per-chunk Branch Mine[编辑]
布局 3[编辑]
丰字形布局 这是寻找稀缺资源的一种代价较低的方法。首先挖出通向矿床的通道,然后向两边挖掘,就像树枝从树干长出来一样。
X = 主巷 B = 支巷 S = 阶梯 Y = 房间(可用于存放物资) - = (可选)1×1方块隧道 B-------B B-------B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B YYY B B X X X X X X X X X X X X X YY X X X X X X X X X X X X B B YYY B B B B S B B B B S B B B B S B B B B S B B B-------B S B-------B
布局 4[编辑]
布局 5[编辑]
Dig a room that is 7 blocks long, 10 blocks wide and 3 blocks high. Have your stairway/ladder in the middle of one of the 10 block walls, preferably 2 spaces wide.
Starting in one of the corners, dig parallel to one of the walls of the room you just dug, for 20 spaces, placing a torch every 5 blocks.
Then, dig another 20 block tunnel that has two blocks between it and the previous tunnel.
Continue until you reach the other side of the room.
Diagram (dirt: tunnels, stair blocks: a staircase):
By utilizing this variant properly you can uncover all the blocks in quite a large area, and the mineral yields are quite high. Having the stairs 2 blocks wide allows for thorough strip mining as they can be strip mined around. Also, a good length for each tunnel is 20 blocks long.
布局 6[编辑]
羽状布局 羽状布局是丰字形布局的变体,它减少了发现矿石所需的工作量。就像其他典型的树状布局一样,羽状布局同样需要从主巷开掘出分支,但是支巷间距要大得多(下面示意图中的支巷间距为13)。建造支巷时,您可以等间隔地在左右两边打出探孔,以发现深处潜藏着的矿石。
. = 支巷(两格高) # = 石头 - = 探孔(一格高) T = 主巷 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # - - - - - . - - - - - # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # - - - - - . - - - - - # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # - - - - - . - - - - - # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # T T T T T T T T T T T T T # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # - - - - - . - - - - - # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # - - - - - . - - - - - # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # # # # # # . # # # # # # # - - - - - . - - - - - # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
The most efficient way to apply this method is with 2 block spacing, as it renders it impossible to miss ores.
Feathering is also arguably the most efficient mining method. When viewed from the side, it is clear that it reveals the most ores with less mining than the traditional branch method.
(Side-view of several floors)
Key: - = air # = block # # # # # # # # # # # # # # - - - - - - - - - - - # # # # # # # - # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # - - - - - - - - - - - # # # # # # # - # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # - - - - - - - - - - - # # # # # # # - # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # - - - - - - - - - - - # # # # # # # - # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 分层树形布局[编辑]
举例如下: 如果所有矿脉的规模均为2x2x2,则下图中的布局方式开采效率为100%。更小的矿脉则有一定概率不被发现,但是这一概率并不高——这种布局的实际资源利用率在80~90%之间。
(支巷Y坐标为8,12和16) :oxoooxoooxooo :oxoooxoooxooo :ooooooooooooo :ooooooooooooo :oooxoooxoooxo :oooxoooxoooxo :ooooooooooooo :ooooooooooooo :oxoooxoooxooo :oxoooxoooxooo :ooooooooooooo :ooooooooooooo (基岩 ) (x=支巷, o=石头)
:oooxoooxoooxo :oooxoooxoooxo :ooooooooooooo :oxoooxoooxooo :oxoooxoooxooo :ooooooooooooo :oooxoooxoooxo :oooxoooxoooxo :ooooooooooooo :oxoooxoooxooo :oxoooxoooxooo (x=支巷, o=石头)
:oooxoooxoooxo :oooxoooxoooxo :oxoooxoooxooo :oxoooxoooxooo :oooxoooxoooxo :oooxoooxoooxo :oxoooxoooxooo :oxoooxoooxooo
Speed Mining[编辑]
Speed mining is a technique of mining in which a player randomly mines out a 50 block radius around them. Using an Efficiency V diamond pickaxe, along with beacons for Speed I/II and Haste II, minerals can be acquired rather quickly. It is at first expensive, but pays off quickly. It is suggested that you do this at diamond level.
Best results are obtained by using an Efficiency V Silk Touch I diamond pick to mine and collect ores, then smelting the gold and iron and using a Fortune III pick to mine the other ores.
Facts: Within an hour, Etho collected 3 stacks of iron and a stack of gold using this technique, as well as 10 diamonds and 4 stacks of Redstone blocks and many unmined ores. He then threw away the diamonds to demonstrate how much ore he was getting from this.
Quarry Mining[编辑]
Quarry Mining is very similar to strip mining, sharing the prospect of taking all resources within an area. These mining methods are used very commonly in minecraft. The difference between quarrying and strip mining is that the process of quarrying involves a large rectangular or square strip, continually mined downwards with a staircase running along the side. This method got its name by its similarity to real world quarry sites. Quarries are typically ceased when a large cave is discovered (This does not directly stop the excavation, it just makes it difficult to continue), the miner abandons the quarry for another project, or bedrock is reached. A way to deal with large caves is to block the cave with Creeper-resistant materials, like Obsidian. One can place a minecart track(powered) in a spiral, to allow ease of access.
A finished quarry with obsidian and lava at the bottom.
A quarry in construction.
A recently begun quarry. There is a convenient, easily accessible ledge with chests, furnaces and a crafting table.
The inside of a quarry.
An elaborate 64 by 64 blocks quarry in the ***.
A 16×16 quarry being looked at from the top.
400x|Looking up from the bottom of a quarry mine.
An unfinished 20×20 quarry.
A 25×25 quarry tobedrock.
The Construction of a Quarry is as follows:
Determine the size of the project, there is no standard so simply choose how big you want it to be, however it is advised that the area is large, to maximize resources within a single quarry. (A typical quarry can be 20×20 or 20×30, for example)
Once you have found a large enough space, dig down one space at the corner of your site. Next, mine the block adjacent to it. Continue this around the perimeter of your site until you have a 1-block-deep trench around the perimeter of your site.
Now that you've set your perimeter, mine all of the su***ce blocks within your site. When this is finished, you should have a large, square, 1-block-deep hole in the ground.
Next, head back to the first corner that you dug in, and dig down one more block. Repeat what you did in step 1, but now you will be one level lower. Upon completing this level, you can begin placing your staircase/ladder/vines as well.
Continue the process of mining a layer, and then another, until you hit bedrock. This may take a few days of vigorous playing to accomplish, but your earnings will make it well worth it. For reference, 20×20 quarries (down to bedrock) typically yield 3 - 10 stacks of coal, 1 - 7 stacks of iron ore, up to half a stack of gold ore, perhaps 50 redstone dust(lower down), and a few Lapis Lazuli and diamond gems, though these results vary with the width, depth and location of your quarry.
Various game mods may also provide tools for quarrying or similar rapid-mining techniques.
Really reckless miners have been known to make HUGE quarries, some giant ones are 50×50, 64×64 and 80×80, yielding a staggering 2200 stacks of cobblestone/stone. To put that in perspective, that many cobblestone blocks in a tower would be a whopping 140,800 meters tall, or an unrealistic 170 times the height of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building on earth, or in greater terms, more than 1/4 of the way to the moon. These will take a couple weeks of 24/7 gameplay, given their size, but the stone payoff is gigantic.
Key: - = Air B = Stone block S = Staircase
Top of mine:
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BS----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Next few levels down:
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B BS----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B BS----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B B-----------------------------B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Although the yielded amount of cobblestone, dirt/sand, coal, iron, and to some extent gold, will be enormous, and the possibility of lava is very high, this is not the best method for mining diamond and lapis lazuli, because they're found only at the bottom of the map (Note: Diamonds and Lapis Lazuli CAN be mined using this method, but due to their rarity the placement of the quarry along with its size will determine the amount). This type of mining is suggested for getting large amounts of cobblestone, iron and coal, besides the ability to gain large amounts of resources, this type of mining exposes many caves for further exploration/mining.
Besides mining, quarries also offer some non-resource related benefits, such as keeping the area clean and fresh (not ruining the nature), as well as serving as a handy trap.
Warning: Be extremely careful around this mine, as a fall will surely be fatal, unless you covered the 2 bottom levels of it with water. Make sure the shaft is either covered up by a layer of blocks or a fenced perimeter. The shaft should also be well-lit to avoid being a mob pit.
Once a quarry is finished, you will have a large, deep hole. There are many ways to utilize a spent quarry, but some choices are as follows:
Underground Base
Due to the open nature of a quarry, many players choose to build an intricate base floating in the quarry, and then fill in the unused space with dirt, gravel, sand and stone. If done correctly, an underground base will be undetectable from the su***ce, especially when grass grows on the su***ce above it. For extra stealth, consider planting trees in the open area. You can deter miners by placing a large lava lake over your base. This will also decrease hostile mob spawns around your base.
Structure space
When your quarry is complete you can fill the area with a structure such as a skysc***r or a tall building. This is more effective than building at sea level as some buildings can be taller than 256 blocks, so you can build from bedrock level and make larger structures.
Underwater Base
These are made by the same method as an underground base, except the open area is filled with water from artificial springs, lakes, rivers, etc. For additional effect, a lot of players build underwater bases from glass blocks, and build airlocks for extra stealth. Most quarries are square or rectangular, so it is hard to disguise an underwater base as a natural lake or pond, but with a little bit of work, you can make it look like a natural body of water.
Multi-level Grinder
After finishing your quarry, the large area mined out can make a perfect space for creating a large multi-level grinder.
你需要挖掘一个横向的长隧道来获得原石和矿石。在此期间你需要携带大量的木头(以合成木棍),同时最好带上工作台、箱子和熔炉。最简单的隧道高两个方块宽一个方块,但是如果使隧道的宽度或高度增加,每挖掘一层所取得的圆石也会增加(但不会使获得圆石的速度增加,同时也会获得更少的矿石)。如果要挖掘至地下大概为第50层,挖掘至水面下为第40层,在第12层左右就可以获得一些珍稀矿石。 你也可以用圆石封堵住已经探采过的隧道。这更像是一个采石场,不过在穿过泥土层或沙子层时由于会耗费更少的资源而显得更加实用,并且这些隧道也可以用作连接不同的路径以往返于不同的地点。一个4*3的并有1800个方块长的隧道就可以获得与18*18且直至基岩的采石场相同的产量,并且在理论上由于不会接触到岩浆层而更显安全,若是在第12层采矿还会获得更多的钻石或红石,更好的是在隧道中的坠落显然是不致命的!
特殊采矿技术[编辑] TNT爆破法[编辑]
Silverfish Mining[编辑]
You can use silverfish to clear a lot of stone away to reveal the valuable stuff. To do this, get a bunch of silverfish in a hole, and position yourself above the hole. Most of the silverfish will go into the stone, but make sure there are at least some left visible. While standing above the leftover silverfish, throw a splash potion of poison, then a splash potion of regeneration immediately after. Every time the poison hurts the silverfish, it will call any nearby silverfish out of the stone, then it will get healed by the regeneration potion, so it can keep getting hurt instead of being pinned at 1 health). Soon, all of the silverfish will come out of the stone, and you can kill them at this point, then mine all of the minerals left behind.
The easiest way to transfer silverfish to different places is by leading them through the nether. You can do this by putting a nether portal by a silverfish spawner (easy enough to lure them through, but you'll need a path of blocks they can't enter), and another portal for yourself, farther away with a different exit. After luring a batch of silverfish through their portal, you go through yours. You will have made walls and a trail in advance. The walls and trail contain the silverfish, but lets you see them and them follow you without being able to reach you. Two levels with a glass walkway for you (above their path) can do this, just make sure they can't reach your level (and none of the blocks are stone they can enter). Also, they may need to see you once without glass, so they know where you are. Then lead them to a third portal leading to your mine, and voila, you've transported them to where you want to mine at.
Silverfish Mining in action (go to the 18 minute mark) 视频 (在 YouTube 上观看) [显示] 活塞取矿法[编辑]
扫荡式开采(更多人叫做安全开采) 是房间开采和其它简单的挖矿技术的一种综合。最适用于在基岩附近安全挖矿,并追求较高的获得钻石和其他稀有矿物的几率。玩家应该至少有5-6把石镐,一把铁镐(来获得稀有矿物比如金矿)和3-4把铲子来挖沙砾。是否携带剑取决于玩家选择的游戏难度。最终目标就是在玩家发现满意合适且足够深的区域构造房间(以存储矿物并打造工具以维持开采)。开始时,挖出一个1方块宽2方块高且大致延伸8-10方块的隧道。在隧道尽头玩家保持不动并沿径直方向挖掘一条1x1x4的隧道。完成后向左右两边以相同方法挖掘,形成一个倒“T”型的通路,接着玩家清理掉T型层的剩余地区(切记不可超出玩家可以触及的范围)。于是便形成了一个一层高的的房间,而免于被沙砾和岩浆吞噬。在这个区域内玩家接着挖去剩下的一层,期间依旧不可移动。在最终获得一个2格高的房间后玩家即可快速收集获得的资源。为了增加实效,可以在房间的正面放置火把并重复操作,最终会在基岩层构造一个快捷,安全且资源丰富的开采区域。不过在光照较少的地方会出现怪物,岩浆也会带来危险,最为糟糕的是整个过程会十分乏味,玩家必须有足够的决心去清理开采区直到收集到足够多的满意的资源。事实上,这种方式只可意会难以言传。 译者注:其实就是先挖出一格高的平面避免杯具,核心就是绝对安全加绝对扫荡。
A mine of mine (No pun intended) I decided to talk about, seeing as how few aesthetic mine designs there are it should be a welcome change. Mind you don't expect to do all the connections, let alone open/maze connections (Variations section) unless you're on a server, or you have a will you can break diamond on.
B - 方块 _ - 空气
俯视图: BBBBBBB BB___BB B_____B B_____B B_____B BB___BB BBBBBBB 侧视图: BBBBBBB BB___BB BB___BB B_____B B_____B B_____B BBBBBBB
您可以在**交叉口(即您建造的第一个十字路口)的四个方向上各修建一条主巷。为了下降到适合采矿的高度,这些巷道必须足够长。 您应该在动工之前查看当前高度,从而事先确定巷道的长度。巷道建成后,您可以在末端建造一个十字路口,然后继续您的挖掘工作。如此反复直至您满意为止。


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