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> 电影阿凡达台词,经典对白
  《阿凡达》(Avatar)是一部由詹姆斯&卡梅隆执导,二十世纪福克斯出品,萨姆&沃辛顿、佐伊&索尔达娜和西格妮&韦弗等人主演的科幻电影,该片于日以2D、3D和IMAX-3D三种制式在北美上映。截止日,该片以全球累计27亿5400万美元的票房,一举刷新了全球影史票房纪录(不计算通货膨胀)。此外该片还获得第67届金球奖最佳导演奖和最佳影片奖,第82届奥斯卡金像奖最佳艺术指导、最佳摄影和最佳视觉效果奖。《阿凡达2》将于2014年10月正式开机拍摄。转眼间,《阿凡达》已经上映6 周年了。可是它好像从来没有从人们的视线里淡出过,只要是有关科幻动作电影的盘点,该部影片必名列其中,这就是经典,它经得住时间的打磨!这就是阿凡达经典台词的魅力。  Avatar script  When I was lying there in the VA hospital ...  当我躺在退伍军人医院里  ... with a big hole blown through the middle of my life,  面对着我一生最大的不幸  ... I started having these dreams of flying..  我开始在梦中飞翔于天际  I was free.  自由飞翔  Sooner or later though, ... ... you always have to wake up.  但梦&&总有醒来的一刻  In Cryo you don't dream at all.  在冬眠舱里 你根本不会做梦  It doesn't feel like 6 years.  六年一转眼就过去了  More like a fifth of tequila and ass-kicking.  感觉更像是喝了第五杯龙舌兰酒后的晕头转向  Tommy was the scientist, not me.  汤米才是科学,不是我  He was the one who wanted to get shot light-years out in space to find the answers.  他是那种为了寻找真理可以飞到数光年远的深层空间去的书呆子  Are we there yet?  我们到了么?  Yeah, we're there sunshine.  恩,我们到了,帅哥  We're there.  我们到了  It's about your brother.  这事跟你的兄弟有关  So, a week before Tommy was gonna ship out...  在汤米搭飞船出行的一周前  A guy with a gun ends his journey ...  有个拿枪的混混结束了他的旅程  ... for the paper in his wallet.  就为了他钱包里的那几张绿色钞票  Being in Cryo for 5 years, 9 months and 22 days.  在冬眠舱里呆5年9月22天  You will be hungry, you will be weak.  你会很饿 也会感到虚弱  If you feel nauseous please use the ...  如果你觉得恶心想吐 请使用&&  Yeah, Tommy was the scientist.  没错,汤米才是科学家  Me, I'm just another dumb grunt going some place he's gonna regret.  而我只是个笨蛋,飞向一个自己将会后悔前往的地方  Up ahead was Pandora.  前面就是&潘多拉&星球  You grew up hearing about it, but I never figured I'd be going there.  从小就听说过这个星球,但我从没想过有一天真会到那里去  Your brother represented a significant investment.  你的兄弟参与了我们的一个重要投资项目  We'd like to talk to you about taking over his contract.  我想要跟你谈谈 关于延续他的合约一事  And since your genome is identical to his,  因为你和他的基因是一样的  you could step into his shoes.  所以我觉得你可以继承他的遗志  So to speak.  可以这么说吧  It'd be a fresh start, on a new world.  这将是在一个新世界里的一个新的开始  And the pay is good.  我们给你的报酬会很丰厚  Very good.  非常丰厚  Exo-Packs on! Let's go, Exo-Packs on!  带上滤气面罩 听见没有 戴上面罩(潘多拉有氧气 面罩用来过滤毒气)  Remember people, you lose that mask you're unconscious in 20 seconds.  伙计们 记住 脱掉面罩你就会在20秒内丧失意识  You're dead in 4 minutes. Let nobody be dead today.  4分钟内死亡 今天你们可千万别给我死了  It looks very bad on my report.  那会让我的工作绩效报告很你那看  This is TAD-1-6 on approach.  这是TAD-1-6 我们即将降落  Crossing outer marker. Monument in sight  正在通过外围警戒线 已看到降落场  One life ends...  一个生命结束  Another begins.  另一个生命开始  Harnesses off. Get your packs ... -- Put it together. Let's go.  松开安全带 拿好你们的装备&&都给我准备好 快 快 快!  One minute, let's go.  一分钟,准备  When the ramp comes down, go directly into the base. Do not stop.  舱门落下后 这街区新兵接待处报道 给我跑着走  Go straight inside. Wait for my mark!  直接跑过去,听我的口令!  Go! Go! Go! Go! ..  走!走!走!走!  Get out of there!  赶紧给我动起来!  Keep moving. Let's go!  继续向前跑!给我跑着!  There's no such thing as an ex-Marine.  其实是没有&前&海军陆战队员&这个叫法的  You may be out...  你也许退役了  ... but you never lose the attitude.  &但你永远不会丢掉那个精气神儿  I told myself I could pass any test a man can pass.  我告诉自己 任何人能通过的考验我也能通过  They can fix the spine, if you got the money.  其实只要有钱 我的脊椎还是有救的  But not on Vet benefits, not in this economy.  但靠那点退休金 靠这个经济制度 绝无可能  Let's go Special K. Do not make me wait for you!  快点儿啊 大人物 别让我等你!  Well, well, ladies.  瞧瞧啊 哥儿几个!  Look at all this fresh meat!  瞧瞧这一大群新兵蛋子  Back on Earth, these guys were Army dogs. Marines.  在地球上 这些人是军人 海军陆战队队员  Fighting for freedom.  为自由而战  Look out hot rod.  看着点儿!小跑车儿!  But out here they're just hired guns, taking the money, working for the company.  但在这里 他们呢只是拿工钱的雇佣兵 给大公司办事  Check this out man. Meals on wheels.  哥们瞧瞧这位 一个吃闲饭的轮椅男  Aww, man , that is just wrong.  靠 不会吧 这也太扯啦  6:18 You are not in Kansas any more.  这里不再是你老家的热炕头儿!  You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen.  这里是&潘多拉&女士们 男生们  Respect that fact, every second of every day.  你们要时时刻刻给我记住这一点!  If there is a hell,  如果世上真有地狱  you might wanna go there for some R and R after a tour on Pandora.  在&潘多拉&逛逛后 你可能会想去地狱开个摇滚派对了!  Out there beyond that fence, every living thing that  那堵墙的后面 任何能喘气的东西  crawls, flies or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for Ju-Ju Beads  爬的 飞的 蹲在泥里的 都想宰了你 拿你的眼睛当枣儿嚼!  We have an indigenous population of humanoids called the Na'vi.  这里有一种长得像人的土著 我们称其为&纳威&  They're fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin  他们喜欢用涂了神经毒素的箭弓  that will stop your heart in one minute.  那玩意儿可以让你的心跳在一分钟内停止  And they have bones reinforced with naturally occuring carbon fiber.  他们的骨骼包裹着天然生成的强化碳纤维  They are very hard to kill.  非常难以杀死  As head of security, it is my job to keep you alive.  作为防务长官 我的职责就是让你们的每一个人都活着  I will not succeed.  但这是不可能的  Not with all of you.  至少不可能是每一个人  If you wish to survive you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude.  如果你想活命 就得给我有点组织性 纪律性  You've got to obey the rules.  你们必须给我守规矩  Pandora rules.  &潘多拉&的规矩  Rule number one...  第一条规矩  It's nothing like an old school safety brief to put your mind at ease.  什么也比不上再次听到经典的新兵训话更让人舒心的了  Jake, you're Jake right?  杰克 你是捷克 对吧?  Tom's brother.  汤米的双胞胎兄弟  You look just like him.  你俩长的一模一样  Sorry, I'm Norm Spellman. I went through Avatar training with him.  对不起 我是诺曼 我在&阿凡达&计划里曾和他一起训练  The Bio-Lab. We're gonna spend a lot of time here.  生物实验室 我们会在这里呆很久的  How you doing, Norm, Avatar driver. 1  嘿 你好 我是诺曼&阿凡达&的控制人员  Here's the link room right here.  这里是链接室  This is where we're connecting to the Avatar.  我们会在这里链接上&阿凡达&  Me and Norm are here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called Avatars.  我和诺曼会在这里远程遥控这些叫&阿凡达&的生命体  And they're grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives.  用人类的DNA混合相当种族的DNA在此培育的生命体  Hey, welcome.  嘿 欢迎&&  Welcome to Pandora, good to have you.  欢迎来到&潘多拉& 很高兴你们能来  Damn, they got big. - They fully mature on the flight out.  嘿 个儿真大 跟我刚来这里时比 又大了不少  So the progress up the stim seem to work really well.  看来肌肉刺激生长计划进行得蛮顺利的  Yeah, they got great muscle tone.  没错 肌肉长得真匀称  It'll take us a few hours to get them prepared,  我们得花上好几个小时做准备  but you can take them out tomorrow.  那样明天你们就能做链接了  There's yours.  那是你的  Doctor, Norm Spellman. - Pleasure to meet you.  博士 我是诺曼。斯佩尔曼 很高兴见到你  Looks like him.  长得真想他  Looks like you.  是像你  This is your Avatar now, Jake.  杰克 这是你的阿凡达  The concept is that every driver is matched to his own Avatar.  这个计划的关键在于 每个控制人员都有专属的阿凡达  So that their nervous system are in tune.  这样 他们的神经系统才能够相互匹配  Or something...  差不多是这样啦  Which is why they offered me the gig, because I can link with Tommy's Avatar.  这就是为什么他们把这工作交给我 只有我才能连接汤米的阿凡达  Which is insanely expensive.  造价高昂的阿凡达  Is this right?  这样做对吗?  9:45 I just say whatever to the video log?  所有的事儿都用这录影存档么?  Yeah, we gotta get the habit of documenting everything.  对 你要习惯记录所有的事情  What we see, what we feel, it's all part of the science.  看到的 感觉到的 这是科学研究的一部分  And good science is good observation. - Plus it'll help keep you sane  好的科学研究就在于仔细的观察 况且这样做可以让你在今后6年里  for the next 6 years.  避免精神错乱  Whatever.  随你怎么说啦  So uh, ...  那么  10:02 Here I am.  我就在这里  Doing science.  搞&科研&啦  They're coming out.  控制人员要出仓了  Attention, drivers coming out of the lane.  主意 控制人员出仓中  Oh God ...  噢 坏啦  - Where's the lab coat? - Where's her lab coat?  她的工作服呢? 谁看见她的工作服啦?  Who's got my goddamn cigarette!?  谁他妈拿着我的香烟呢?  Guys, what's wrong with this picture?  各位 有没有搞错啊?  Thank you!  太谢谢你拉!  Grace Augustine is a legend.  格蕾丝.奥古斯丁是一位传奇人物  She's the head of the Avatar program. She wrote the book.  她是&阿凡达&项目的头儿 这就是她写的那本书  I mean literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany.  那本关于潘多拉植物的书  That's because she likes plants better than people.  我是说她对植物的兴趣说不定比对人都多  Here she is, Cinderella back from the ball.  她来了 舞会归来的灰姑娘  Grace I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman and Jake Sully.  格蕾丝 这是诺曼.斯佩尔曼和杰克.萨利  Norm, I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?  诺曼 听说你很不错 你的纳威语练得如何了?  May the Great Mother rejoice our meeting.  愿圣母赐欢笑于你我之相会  Not bad. You still sound a bit too formal though  还不错 但&太正式了点&  I've studied for 5 years, but I still have much to learn.  我练了5年了 但还有很多东西要学  Grace, this is Jake Sully.  格蕾丝 这是杰克. 萨利  Yeah yeah, I know who you are and I don't need you.  知道 知道 我知道你是谁 但是我不需要你  I need your brother. You know, the PHD  我要的认识你哥 知道吗 就是那个博士生  who trained for three years for this mission...  为了这个项目训练了三年  He's dead.  他已经死了  I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone.  我知道这事儿给大家添乱了  How much lab training have you had?  你接受过多长时间的训练?  I dissected a frog once.  以前解剖过一只青蛙  You see?  听到没?!  They're just pissing on us with out even a courtesy of calling it rain.  他们现在摆明就是要气死你 连笑脸都不用给了  I'm going to Selfridge. - No Grace!  我去找帕克 别介 格蕾丝  No man, this is such bullshit!  不行 这太狗屁了吧!  I'm gonna kick his corporate butt.  我要踢烂那个公诉法人的屁股  He has no business sticking his nose in my department.  在我的部门里 没他插手的余地  Here tomorrow, 08:00.  明天早上8点 在这集合  Try and use big words.  下次请试着说些积极以前的话  Scorpion 2 Hotel, Hell's Gate Tower. You are cleared for South departure. ...  &天蝎&2号 这是&地狱之门&塔台 你可以从南侧起飞了  Did you see that? - Yes sir.  看见没?看见了长官  No you didn't, you were looking at the monitor. I love this putter Ronnie.  少来了 那个毛啊 你看的是监视器 我真是爱死这个推杆了!  Parker...  帕克  I used to think it was benign neglect,  我原本一位这只是偶尔的疏忽  but now I see that you're intentionally screwing me.  但是我现在明白了 你根本就是在故意整我  Grace, I enjoy our little talks...  格蕾丝 很高兴跟你聊天  I need a researcher, not some jar-head drop out.  我需要的是科学家 而不是退役的&锅盖头&海军陆战队员!  Well, actually, I thought we got lucky with him.  是吗 我倒是觉得我们能找到他其实挺走运的  Lucky? - Yeah.  走运? 是啊  How is this in any way 'lucky'?  你倒是说说怎么个&走运&法儿?  Lucky your guy had a twin brother.  首先 你的科学家幸亏有个双胞胎兄弟  And lucky that brother wasn't some oral hygenist or something.  其次 这位仁兄的职业还好不是什么口腔保健员  A Marine we could use. I'm assigning him to your team as security escort.  他是&前海军陆战队员&大有用处 我已经派他做你小组的保安  The last thing I need is another trigger-happy moron out there.  我现在最不需要的 就是个喜欢扣扳机的白痴在我队里  Look, you're supposed to be winning the hearts and the  听着 你的任务就是要赢得那些土著们的信任  minds of the natives, isn't that the whole point of your little puppet show?  这难道不是你那个可笑的木偶秀存在的唯一愿意吗?  You look like them, you talk like them and they'll start trusting us.  你要是看起来像他们 说话也像他们 那么他们就会开始信任我们  We build them a school, we teach them English...  我给他们建学校 教他们英语  But after how many years relations with the indigenous are only getting worse.  结果这么多年过去了 关系却越搞越僵  That tends to happen when you use machine guns on them.  那就是你用机枪指着他们的必然结果  Right, come here.  哼 跟我来  This is why we're here, Unobtanium.  这就是我们在这里的原因--超导矿石  Because this little gray rock sells for 20 million a kilo.  这颗灰色小石头 每公斤价值2千万美元  That's the only reason. It's what pays for the whole party.  这就是唯一的原因 这是这个东西养活着我们所有人  It's what pays for your science. 緾omprendo?  就是靠它来支撑你的科学研究 懂了么?  Now, those savages are threatening our whole operation.  现在 那群野蛮的家伙正在威胁着我们的采矿工程  We're on the brink of war and you're  我们正处在战争边缘  supposed to be finding a diplomatic solution.  而你的任务就是帮我们找一个外交途径的解决办法  So use what you've got and get me some results.  多以 你就尽你所能 给我弄个结果出来吧  How much link-time have you logged?  你链接过多少时间了?  About 520 hours. - That's good.  大约520个小时 很好  You're in there. You're here.  你去那里 你再这里  How much have you logged? - Zip.  你链接过多长时间?零&&  But I red the manual.  但我读过说明书  Tell me you're joking.  你在开玩笑吧!  This is cool.  这很酷  Let's go.  出发  Don't. I got this.  不用 我自己来  So you just figured you'd come out here  那就是说 你觉得你可以不经过任何训练就过来&  to the most hostile environment known to man...  来到这个对人类最最严酷的环境里  with no training of any kind and see how it went?  来看看究竟能发生什么?  What was going through your head?  你到底在想什么啊?  Maybe I was sick of doctors telling me what I couldn't do.  也许我早已烦透了那些&砖家&一直告诉我什么不能做&  Biometrics are good. - 1-3 is ready.  生命体征良好 1到3号已准备好  Keep your arms in, hands in.  胳膊固定在里面 手放进去  Head down.  头躺下  Down.  躺下  Just relax and let your mind go blank.  放松身体 脑子里什么都不用想  That shouldn't be hard for you.  对你来说 这应该不难做到吧  Kiss the darkest part of my... - Initiate link.  你这话说的有点过分了吧&启动链接  Run sequence, Unit 3. - Launching.  启动程序3号 启动  I have the first congruency.  得到第一个同步参数  That's a gorgeous brain. Nice activity.  好活跃的大脑 非常活跃  Go figure. - Phase lock 40%.  不可思议 同步率40%  I'm going in.  我要进链接舱了  I'm going in in 4.  进4号舱  Phase lock 99%. Link is stable.  同步率99% 链接稳定  Jake, can you hear me?  杰克 能听到我吗?  Can you hear me, Jake?  能听到吗?杰克?  Pupillary reflex is good.  瞳孔反应不错  Hearing response normal. How are you feeling Jake?  听觉反应正常 杰克 你还好吗?  Hey guys.  喂 伙计们  Welcome to your new body Jake.  欢迎进入你的新身体 杰克  Good.  不错  We're gonna take this nice and easy Jake.  杰克 我们要慢慢来  And touch your thumb to your fingers.  用拇指弹其他手指  Thumb to your fingers.  弹其他手指  No problem. - Good. I can see you remember that one.  没问题 做得不错 看起来你还记得怎么做  Got it.  小意思  Well, if you want to sit up, that's fine.  恩 想做起来 可以  Let's take it nice and slow Jake. No tranquil attacks here, that's good.  慢慢来 杰克 镇定剂没有副作用 很好  Do you feel lightheaded or dizzy?  你觉得头晕眼花吗?  Wiggling your toes. - Good Jake.  扭动你的脚趾 很好 杰克  System motor control is good.  运动机能控制正常  Are you feeling any numbness or pain?  有没有感到哪里发麻或者刺痛?  Take it easy, don't get ahead of yourself, okay?  慢一点 别着急 好吗?  There are few more sensory and motor reflex tests we need to run, so take it easy.  还有一些感官和运动 机能反应测试要做 所以要慢慢来  Sit down. - Jake listen to me.  请坐下! 杰克 听我说  Jake I need you to sit down. - It's OK, I got this.  杰克 你给我坐下 没事 我控制得住  Jake you need to sit down. - Guys get him back on the gurney now.  杰克 你必须做下来 大家把他弄回台子上  You need to sit down. you need time to adjust to atm..  你必须坐下来 你还需要时间来适应空  Yeah!  哈  Sedate him!  麻醉他  1,000 mg of Seconal.  1000毫克&西卡巴比妥&(速可眠)  Stop! ... -- Stop!  停下!&停!  Woah ... Woah.  喔&喔  - Jake! - Jake, listen to me.  杰克!杰克 听我说  You're not used to your Avatar body, this is dangerous.  你还不习惯你的阿凡达身体 这样很危险  This is great. - Come on, they're gonna put you out.  这感觉太棒了!别闹了 他们会给你打麻醉针的  Sit down!  坐下  No no, ... I got to get out of these leads.  小心小心 我得弄掉这些线  Goddammit! Bring them!  该死!找人来  Come on, you ain't got no skills.  来啊 你有啥本事啊?  I don't even have to play defense. - Hey guys.  我都不需要防守 嘿 伙计们  It's OK, I'll get him. - Jake you have to come inside.  没事儿 我去找他 杰克 你给我回来  Sorry.  抱歉  You're not supposed to be running!  你不应该乱跑的  Sorry. - Watch it.  抱歉 看着点儿!  Hey Marine!  嗨 大兵!  Damn...  坏了&  Grace?  格蕾丝  Who did you expect numb nuts?  还能有谁 你这小傻瓜儿!  Think fast!  快接  Motor control is looking good.  运动机能控制得很好  C'mon everybody quiet down.  各位 大家静下来好吗  Lights out.  熄灯啦  C'mon Louise, chop chop.  路易斯 快点啦  Don't play with that, you'll go blind.  别玩那玩意儿 会弄&瞎&你的(杰克的辫子末梢)  That's kinda freaky. - C'mon.  好古怪的东西 到点啦!  Scat.  赶紧的  Lights out, see you at dinner kitties.  关灯啦 小猫们 晚餐时再见喽  Welcome back.  欢迎归来  You all right? - Yeah, I'm OK.  你还好吗?恩 还好  I'm Trudy, I fly all the Scientzoids.  我是楚迪 给科学天才们开飞机  And this here is my baby.  这就是我的宝贝  20:06 Hold on a second.  稍等一下  Hey Wainfleet, get it done.  嘿 温福利 赶快给我装上  We bounce at 09:00. - I'm on it captain.  我们九点就出发 已经在弄了 上尉  Mine-Strike's still loose. - You guys are packing some heavy gear.  投弹装置还是有点松 你们装了不少重武器啊  Watch it!  看着点儿!  That's cause we're not the only thing flying around out there.  那是因为在这里 天上会飞的东西多得是  Or the biggest.  比我们个大的 也多的是  But I need you on a Door-Gun. I'm a man short.  我机上现在缺个人手 给我当个侧翼机舱手吧  Thought you'd never ask.  我还怕你不要我呢  There's your man. See you on the flight lane.  那就是你要找的人 咱们机上见  You wanted to see me Colonel?  上校 你找我?  This low gravity will make you soft.  这里的低重力会让你变得软弱  You get soft...  你变软弱了&  Pandora will shit you out dead with zero warning.  &潘多拉&招呼都不打就把你给生吞活剥了  I pulled your record Corporal.  我看了你的服役档案 下士  Venezuela, that was some mean bush.  委内瑞拉 那还真是个凶险的地方  Nothing like this here though.  但跟这里比起来 小巫见大巫啦!  You got some heart, kid, showing up in this neighborhood.  你很有种 小子敢跑到这里来  Figured it's just another hell hole. - I was the first Recon myself.  我琢磨着这里无非是另一个地域 我自己曾经也是个火力侦察特种兵  Few years ahead of you, well maybe more than a few.  比你早几年 或许早多了  Three tours in Nigeria, not a scratch.  尼日利亚 去过三次 毫发未损  I come out here...  但来这里  Day one. Think I felt like a shavetail Louie?  第一天就这样了 是不是觉得我像个刚剃了头的新兵蛋子?  They could fix me up, if I rotated back.  那时我要是回地球去 他们就会给我整容  Make me pretty again.  让我像以前那样帅  But you know what, I kinda like it.  但是你知道吗?我更喜欢现在这个样子  It reminds me every day what's waiting out there.  他可以随时提醒我 外面都有写什么凶险玩意儿  The Avatar program is a bad joke.  阿凡达计划是个让人恶心的笑话  Bunch a limp dick science majors.  一帮玩科学的傻逼!  However, it does present an opportunity  不过这也是个机会  most timely and unique. Clear!  来的恰到好处!安全!  A Recon GI-re in an Avatar body.  一个藏在阿凡达身体里的火力侦察兵  That's a potent mix, Gives me the goosebumps.  真是个绝妙的伪装!瞧我这一身兴奋的鸡皮疙瘩  Such a Marine could provide the intel I need, right on the ground.  这样一个陆战队员 能给我不少占地情报 实时的&  Right in the hostile's camp.  敌人内部的情报  Look Sully, I want you to learn these savages from the inside.  听着 我要你从内部了解这帮野人  I want you to gain their trust.  我要你赢得他们的信任  I need to know how to force their cooperation  我要知道 怎样才能让他们乖乖听话  or hammer them hard if they won't.  或者怎样才能揍扁他们 如果他们不听话  Am I still with Augustine? - On paper.  那我还是格雷斯小组成员马?? 只是合同上那么写  You walk like on of her science pukes. ...  你可以和那些科学怪物们一起做事&  You quack like one...  你也可以跟她们叽叽喳喳的聊天&  But you report to me.  但是 你的向我汇报  Can you do that for me son?  能做得到吗?小子  Hell yeah sir.  还用说吗 长官  Well all right then.  嗯 这样就对了  Son, I take care of my own.  孩子 我会照顾自己人的  You get me what I need, I'll see to it you get  你搞到我要的情报 等你回地球时&  your legs back when you rotate home.  我就亲自帮你重新站起来走路  Your real legs.  用你自己的腿  That sounds real good sir.  听起来真的很好 长官  Link's ready.  链接准备好了  Just keep your mouth shut and let Norm do the talking.  你不许出声 让诺曼负责说话  Link 3 ready.  3号链接准备好了  All right, I'm going in.  好 我进舱了  24:54 Shut it down, we're gonna stay a while.  关掉发动机 我们待的时间会比较长  Norm, your pack.  诺曼 别忘了你的背包  Stay with the ship.  你就呆在这里吧  One idiot with a gun is enough.  拿着枪的白痴 有一个就够了  You the man, Doc.  你是老大 你做主  25:50 Prolemurs, they're not aggressive.  那是潘狐猴 他们不会攻击人的  Relax Marine, you're making me nervous.  放松点 陆战队的 别搞的那么紧张兮兮的  So, how will they know we're here? - I'm sure they're watching us right now.  那他们是怎么知道我们在这里的?我很确信他们现在正监视我们  Keep moving Norm. - Keep up guys.  别停下 诺曼 小伙子们 跟紧啦  And here I go. - Scanning.  那么就开始拉 扫描  It's that fast?  怎么会这么快?  Amazing isn't it? - Yeah  很惊人 是吧? 是啊  That is signal transduction  那是生物信号传导  from this root to the root of the tree next to it.  从这个树根传到旁边的那个树根  So, we should take a sample.  我们应该采集一个样本  Okay, ... Sample.  对 样本  You know, it's probably electrical, based on the speed of the reaction.  反应速度那么快 我觉得应该是生物电信号  Norm, you've contaminated the sample with your saliva.  诺曼 你的口水滴到样本上拉!  26:54 Oh, right.  哎 对不起  27:49 Don't shoot.  不要开枪  Don't shoot. You'll piss him off.  别开!你会激怒他的  It's already pissed off.  它已经生气了  Jake, that armor is too thick, trust me.  杰克 你打不穿那层皮的 相信我  It's a territorial threat display, do not run or he'll charge.  它只是在恐吓你 保护它的领地 千万别跑 不然他会冲上来的  So what do I do? Dance with it?  那我要怎么做 请他跳舞?  Just, hold your ground.  你就呆在原地别动  C'mon, what you got?!  来啊 你有什么能耐!  Oh yeah. Who's bad? That's right.  噢耶!现在谁更牛!哎对啦  That's what I'm talking about bitch.  对啦 就是这样 牛崽子  That's right, get your punk ass back to mommy.  对啦 小牛崽子 回去找你妈妈吧  You got nothing, keep running. Why don't you bring back some friends.  就这能耐啊 赶紧跑吧 要不再叫几个过来!  What about this one? Run, don't run, what?!  这个要怎么办?跑?还是不跑?  Run, definitely run!  跑!当然要跑拉!  33.03 We're gonna have to call it guys, we're not allowed to run Night Ops. Col's orders.  我看 今天只能这样了 上面有命令不许夜间飞行  Sorry doc, he's just gonna have to hang on till morning.  对不起 博士 他只能自己待到明天早上了  He won't make it till morning.  他撑不到明天早上的  35.04 I don't have all goddamn night.  我没时间陪你们玩一个晚上  Come on!  来啊!  36:23 Wait, don't!  等等!别扔!  Great.  这下好了  37:26 I know you probably don't understand this.  我知道你可能听不懂我在说什么  But...  但是  Thank you.  谢谢!  Thank you.  谢谢你  That was pretty impressive.  刚才你那几下动作真的很帅  I would have been screwed if you hadn't come along.  要是没有你 我估计早就玩儿完了  Wait a second, where are you going?  等一下 你要去哪儿?  Wait up.  等等我  Slow down.  慢点  I just wanted to say thanks for killing those things...  我只是想谢谢你 帮我杀了那些畜生  Don't thank.  不要谢  You don't thank for this.  不要为了这个谢我  This is sad.  这太让人悲哀了  Very sad, only.  非常悲哀  OK, I'm sorry.  好吧 我道歉  Whatever I did, I'm sorry.  不管我做了什么 对不起  All this is your fault. They did not need to die.  这都是你的错 他们本不该死  My fault? They attacked me. How am I the bad guy?  我的错?使他们攻击我的 我倒成了坏人?  Your fault! - Aye, wooo.  你的错!哎 喔&  Your fault. -- Easy.  就是你的错 放松  You're like a baby, making noise, don't know what to do.  你就像个孩子 瓜瓜乱叫 什么都不会做  Fine  好吧  If you love your little forest friends...  如果你这么爱你的森林小朋友&&  Why not let them just kill my ass?  为什么不干脆让他们杀了我?  What's the thinking?  你到底想什么呢?  Why save you? - Why save me?  为什么要救你? 对啊 为什么要救我?  You have a strong heart.  你有一颗坚强的心  No fear.  无所畏惧  But stupid, ignorant like a child.  但也很傻 很无知 象个孩子  Well if I'm like a child, then ..  嗨 要是我像个孩子 那么&&  ... maybe you should teach me.  ... 你就是我的老师拉  Sky people can not learn. You do not see. - Teach me how to see.  &天空之人&根本无药可救 因为你们不会&用心去看&! 那教我怎么看啊  No one can teach you to see.  没有人能够教你如何&用心去看&  Come on, can't we talk?  等等 咱们接着聊嘛  Where did you learn to speak english?  你在哪里学的英语?  Dr. Augustine's school?  奥古斯丁博士的学校吗?  You're like a baby.  你真像个小孩子  40:03 I need your help.  我需要你的帮助  You should not be here.  你根本不应该呆在这里  OK, take me with you. - No, go back.  好啊!我跟着你走 不! 你回去  No.  不行  Go back.  你回去  Don't touch  别碰它!  41:07 What are they?  这些是什么?  Seeds of the sacred tree.  树精灵  Very pure spirits.  非常纯净的灵魂  What was that all about?  那这是干什么呢?  Come.  跟我来  Where are we going?  我们去哪儿?  Come.  跟我来吧  What's your name?  你叫什么名字?.  42:39 Stop! Everyone calm down!  住手 大家冷静一点  What is this, Tsu'Tey?  苏泰 你要干什么?  The demon sky people have no business here.  邪恶的&天空之人&不该到这里来  There has been a sign.  刚才显现了一个神迹  That is for Tsahik to decide.  那只能由女长老来判断  Then we will take him.  我们押他走  What's going on?  怎么啦?  What's happening?  出什么事啦?  44:31 Father...  父亲  I have come to see you...  我向你问安  This creature ...  这个怪物  ... why do you bring him to us?  你为什么把他带到这里来?  I wanted to kill him ...  我本来要杀死他的  ... but there was a sign from Eywa.  但我看见圣母&爱娃&在他身上显现神迹  I have ordered that no sky people be allowed here  我下过命令 不许带&天空之人&到这里来  What's he saying?  他说什么呢?  His alien stench fills my nose.  这个外星人臭气熏天  What's he saying?  他说什么  My father is deciding whether to kill you.  我的父亲在考虑是否要杀死你  Your father?  你的父亲?  It's nice to meet you sir.  很高兴见到你 先生  Everyone stop!  大家都别动  I shall read this alien.  我来看一看他  That is mother, she is Tsahik,  他是我母亲 是女长老  the one who interprets the will of Eywa.  他能否解读圣母&爱娃&的神谕  Who's Eywa?  谁是&爱娃&?  What are you called?  你叫什么?  Jake Sully.  杰克.萨利  Why did you come to us?  你为啥来到这里?  I came to learn.  我是来学习的  We have tried to teach other sky people.  我们曾经想教那些&天空之人&  It is hard to fill a cup which is already full.  但是一个已经满了的杯子 是无法装进新东西的  My cup is empty, trust me.  我的杯子是空的 相信我  Ask Dr. Augustine, I'm no scientist.  你可以去问格雷斯博士 我不是科学家  What are you?  那你是什么人?  I was a Marine.  我曾经是个海军陆战队员  A warrior, of the jarhead clan.  &锅盖头&部落的武士  Him, a warrior?  他 一个武士?  I could kill him easily!  我一只手就能宰了他  No!  不  This is the first warrior we encountered  这是我们第一次碰到武士  among the sleepers.  以前都是些普通的嗜睡者  We may be able to learn valuable information from him.  我们也许能从他那里得到有价值的讯息  Daughter...  女儿  You will teach him our way of life.  你负责把我们的生存之道交给他  Teach him to respect who we are and how we live.  教他们学会尊重我们 尊重我们的生活方式  Why me? This is not fair. -- My decision has been made.  为什么是我教呢?这不公平!我已经决定了!  It is decided.  已经决定了  My daughter will teach you our ways,  我女儿要把我们的只是教给你  Learn well Jake Sully.  好好学吧 杰克.萨利  And we will see if your insanity can be cured.  然后我们再看看 你是否还有药可治  Good evening.  晚上好  Please don't get up.  大家不用起立  Sorry.  对不起  Hey, how you doing?  嗨 过的好吗?  48:26 Jake. ... Jake. - He's coming out.  杰克&&杰克 他醒过来了  Jake!  杰克  Come on back kid. Come on. That's it.  醒醒 孩子 醒醒 好样的  There you go.  你终于回来了  You were talking like a tick.  你刚才真是碎碎念啊  Is the Avatar safe? - Yeah Doc.  你的阿凡达安全吗? 安全  You are not gonna believe where I am.  你们绝对不会相信我去了哪里  The last thing we see is this Marine's ass  我最后看到的景象是这个陆战队高手瞬间消失在森林中  disappearing in the bush with this angry Thanator coming after him.  而那只怒气冲冲的闪雷兽紧追着他的屁股跑  It's not something you can teach.  这个可没人教你  For reasons I cannot fathom the Omaticaya have chosen you.  我到现在还搞不懂 &奥马提卡亚&部落为什么会选择了&你?  God help us all.  老天爷帮了我们一个大忙拉  Jarhead clan?  &锅盖头&部落?  And it worked?  他们居然信了?  I'm practically family.  我现在跟他们可是一家人了  They're gonna study me, I have to learn to be one of them.  他们想研究我 而我要学习如何成为他们的一员  That's called taking initiative son. I wish I had ten more like you,  这就叫&先发制人&嘛 孩子 真希望再来十个像你这么能干的  Sully, just find out what the blue monkeys want.  杰克 我要你查查那帮蓝猴子到底想要什么  You know, we tried to give them medicine, education...  你知道吗 我们给他们建医院 盖学校&&  ... roads, but no, they like mud.  ... 修马路 但是不行 他们只爱烂泥巴  And that wouldn't bother me, it's just that their uh ...  那倒是无所谓 可问题是&哦&  Can somebody just... Sector 12.  来个人给弄下&第12区  Stop.  停  Where .. Stop. Jesus.  走&走&停!停!干嘛呢你  Their damn village happens to be resting on  他们那该死的村庄刚好就座落在&&  the richest Unobtanium deposit within 200 clicks in any direction.  方圆200公里之内 最丰富的超导矿上  50:05 I mean, look at all that cheddar.  你看看那一叠叠的矿藏  Who gets them to move? - Guess?  谁能说服他们离开呢? 你说呢?  What if they won't go?  要是他们不想离开呢?  I'm betting that they will.  我还真不信他们呢不走  Killing the indigenous looks bad.  杀土著人确实会让人难堪  But there's one thing that shareholders hate more than bad press.  但是比起媒体的批评 股东更在意的只有一件事  And that's a bad quarterly statement. I didn't make up the rules.  那就是难看的季度报表 这规矩不是我定的  So just find me a carrot that will get them to move,  所以帮我找一根挥挥就能让他们挪窝的胡萝卜吧  otherwise it's going to have to be all stick.  否则的话 我们能挥的就只有大棒了!  Okay?  明白拉?  You got three months. That's when the dozers get there.  你有3个月的时间 到时推土机将会铲平那里  Well we're wasting time.  那我们这不是在浪费时间吗?  I like this guy.  我喜欢这个小子  OK, let's run through them again.  好我们再过一遍  Moat: Dragon lady.  莫亚:女长老  Eytuken. - Eytukan  伊图肯 伊图康  He's the clan leader. She's their spiritual leader.  他是部落首领 而他太太是精神首领  Like a Shaman. - Got it.  像巫医一样 明白?  Tsutey. - Tsu'tey  粗泰 苏泰  He'll be the next clan leader.  他是下一任的部落首领  Neytiri. - She'll be the next Tsahik.  奈蒂丽 她将是下一任的女长老  They become a mated pair.  他们是天作之合  So who's this Eywa? - Who's Eywa?!  那&爱娃&是谁啊?&爱娃&是谁?!  Only their Deity. Their Goddess made up of all living things.  是他们的女神 由所有生灵凝聚成的神  Everything they know. You'd know this if you had any training whatsoever.  所有东西凝聚成的 你要是接受过训练就不会提这种弱智的问题了  Who's got a date with the chief's daughter?  那是谁正和族长的女儿约会呢? 这都什么跟什么嘛?  Let's go. Village life starts early.  行啦走吧 田园生活可是要早起的!  Don't do anything unusually stupid.  别做什么&太&愚蠢的事!  Easy boy.  乖 小伙子  It's a female.  人家可是女的  Easy girl  好吧 乖 小姑娘  That is Sa'helu, the bond.  这是&萨赫鲁&一种心灵连接  Feel her.  去感受她  Feel her heart beat.  感受她的心跳  Her breath.  她的气息  Feel her strong legs.  她强健的腿  You may tell her what to do, inside.  你可以在心里告诉她要做什么  For now, say where to go.  现在呢 你可以告诉他往哪里走  Forward.  往前走?!  You should go away.  你应该离开这里  Nah, you'd miss me.  不行啊 你会想我的  I knew you could speak english.  我就知道你会说英语  This alien will never learn anything.  这外星人根本学不会任何东西  Even the stone understands better then he does.  连石头都知道的比他多  Just look at him.  瞧他那德行  Again.  再试一次  If you want to hit this thing, it's going to be complicated.  如果你真想要攻击这个的话 将会非常复杂  Your scan doesn't show the internal structure.  你没法扫描到他的内部结构  There's an outer row of columns, real heavy duty.  外围是一圈立柱巨结实  There's a secondary ring here, and an inner ring.  这里还有第二圈 里面还有一圈  There's a core structure like a spiral.  核心部分是螺旋形结构  That's how they move up and down.  对他们来说就像个楼梯  We're gonna need accurate scans of every column.  我们需要准确扫描每根柱子的构造  Roger that.  收到  What else can you tell us about the structure?  对于结构你还有什么要说的吗?  I'm guessing this secondary ring, that's also load bearing.  我想这第二圈立柱也是承重结构  Where are we going?  我们要去哪儿?  Gettin out of Dodge.  离开这个小黑屋  I'm not about to let Selfridge and Quaritch micro-manage this thing.  我可不会让帕克和夸瑞奇插手这里的事  There's a mobile link up as site 26, we can work out of, way up in the mountains.  在26号前哨站有一个移动链接室 我们可以离开&&在山上工作  The Hallelujah mountains?  哈利路亚山吗?  That's right. - Are you serious?  没错 真的?  Yeah.  哦耶!  Yes!  爽!  The legendary floating mountains of Pandora, heard of them?  传说中的&潘多拉&悬浮山 没听说过吧?!  We're getting close.  我们快到了  Yeah, look at my instruments.  哼 看看我的仪器吧  We're in the flux vortex.  我们进入电磁扰流了  VFR from here on. - What's VFR?  现在开始VFR飞行 什么是VFR?  Means you got to see where you're going.  就是只能靠&目视&来驾驶了  You can't see anything. - Exactly.  但是什么也看不见啊  Ain't that a bitch.  说对了 很操蛋吧!  Oh my God...  喔 老天爷啊&  You should see your faces.  瞧你们那啥样儿!  Thank you for flying Air Pandora.  感谢您乘坐&潘多拉&航班  Welcome to the camp.  欢迎光临营地  This is my bunk. - This stuff is nasty.  这是我的床 怎么这么脏啊!  Norm, go under.  诺曼 小心脑袋  Grace didn't miss a thing.  格雷斯心里很清楚  She knew I was talking to the Colonel.  她知道我跟上校有联系  But I had what she needed, a way back in with the clan.  但我是她能回到挪威人部落的捷径  So she's playing nice.  所以她现在对我还算客气  Jake, hang a left.  杰克 左转  You'll be in the link at the end.  最后一台是你的  Unit 1, Beulah.  1号机&生命终点&号  She's the least glitchy.  她是这里最稳定的一台  Holy shit.  我靠  Do not look in her eye.  不要盯着他的眼睛  Ikran is not horse.  伊卡兰不是马  When Sa'helu is made...  当和它&心灵相连&时  Ikran will fly well.  伊卡兰会飞的很好  Only one hunter in the whole life.  他一生只会和一个猎人作伴  To become Aron'yu, hunter...  要想成为&阿伦纽& 就是&猎人&  You must choose your own Ikran and he must choose you.  你要算则你自己的伊卡兰 同时它也要选择你  When? - When you are ready.  什么时候? 当你准备好了的时候  59:48 Okay, ...  好  This is video log 12.  这是12号录影档案  Time is 21:32.  时间是晚上9:32  Do I have to do this now? Like, I really need to get some rack.  我非要现在做这些吗?我真的需要休息一会儿  No, now, when it's fresh.  不行 就现在 趁你还记忆犹新  Location, shack.  好吧 地点:工棚  The days are starting to blur together.  我都快日夜不分了  The language is a pain, but...  他们的语言很难学 但是...  I figure it's like field stripping a weapon, repetition, repetition...  我觉得就像拆装武器一样 只需要反复练 反复练  If only you were stronger.  你现在还不够强壮  Neytiri calls me Scoun.  奈特莉称呼我为&死杠&  It means moron.  意思是白痴  Norm's attitude is improved lately.  现在诺曼对我的态度也大有好转  But it's not just I'm seeing you in front of me  纳威语的&看见&不仅仅是&用眼看见&  I see into you...  而且有&心灵相连&的意思  It's good he's back on board, but he thinks I'm a Scoun too.  他能和我友好相处很不错 但他也认为我是个&死杠&  You've got to run, OK?  你得快点儿 好吗? 出发  Let's go.  走  I feel I'm getting tougher.  我觉得自己变得越来越强壮  I can run farther every day.  我能跑的越来越远  I have to trust my body to know what to do.  我的身体也越来越协调  Check it out.  看到没!  Crap.  妈的  Every day it's reading the trail,  我们每天都在练习追踪猎物  track's of the wora'hon, tiniest scents and sounds.  &沃拉宏&的踪迹 最细小的气味和声音  She's always going on about the flow of energy  她总是在讲能量的流动  the spirits of animals.  动物的灵魂  I really hope this tree hugging crap isn't on the final.  真希望最后考试的时候没有这些虚头把脑的题目  This isn't just about eye-hand coordination out there you know.  你在那里可不仅仅是锻炼身体  You need to listen to what she says.  你要仔细倾听她说的一切  Try to see the forest through her eyes.  通过她的眼睛 去试着了解森林  Excuse me, this is my video log here.  那什么 这可是我的录影日记啊  With Neytiri it's learn fast or die.  跟着奈蒂丽学习 慢了就会有生命危险  You got to be kidding me.  这不是耍我嘛!  1:02:40 I talked Moat into letting Grace into the village.  我说服女长老让格蕾丝回到了部落  - Look how you havegrown.  瞧瞧你们都长这么高了  1st time since her school was closed down. - And so beautiful.  自从她的学校被关闭 这是第一次回来 好漂亮啊  No you don't, come back here.  别跑 给我回来!  Bon apetit.  吃好喝好  1:03:23 Come on.  哎呀  I'm trying to understand this deep connection  我正努力的去理解这种  the people have to the forest.  纳威人与森林的&心灵相连&  She talks about a network of energy.  她提到一种能量网  That flows through all living things.  是所有生灵的能量编织而成的网络  She says, all energy is only borrowed.  她说 所有的能量都是我们借用的  And one day you have to give it back.  总有一天 你要把它归还  I hear you brother.  我听到你的哭声 兄弟(悲泣之声 吾已听闻)  And thank you.  谢谢你(恩重如山 惴惴心领)  Your spirit will go to Eywa.  你的灵魂将与&爱娃&同在  And your body will remain  你的躯体会留在这里  so that I may take it to nourish the Na'vi people.  这样我就可以供氧纳威人民  A clean kill.  干净利落  You are ready.  你已经准备好了  Learning to ride an Ikran, we call them Banshees,  学会驾驭&伊卡兰& 我们叫他&斑溪兽&  is the test every young hunter has to pass.  是每个青年猎人都要经历的试练  But to do that, you got to go where the banshees are.  想参加的话 首先要能爬到斑溪兽的居住地  Ooh-rah  哦呀  1:07:41 Jake Sully will go first.  杰克.萨利 你先来吧  Now you choose your Ikran.  现在你要选择你的伊卡兰  This you must feel inside.  让你的直觉告诉你  If he also chooses you move quick like I showed.  如果他也是选择你的话 你的动作要快 像我教的那样  You will have one chance Jake.  杰克 你只有一次机会  How will I know if he chooses me?  我怎么知道他选择了我?  He will try to kill you.  他会想要杀了你  Outstanding.  真有意思  1:09;33 Let's dance.  咱们跳舞吧  The fool wants to die.  这个傻瓜想找死  1:10:07 Don't be affraid warrior.  武士!不要害怕!  Make the bond!  赶紧链接  Jake!  杰克  Sa'Helu Jake!  萨赫鲁 杰克  Sa'Helu!  链接  Stop!  别动  That's right, you're mine.  没错 你是我的了  First flight seals the bond, you can not wait.  飞行一次 链接一生 不要再等了  Think fly. - Fly?  心里想着&飞翔&! 飞?喔&  God damn...  该死的  Oh shit!  哦 完了!  Shut up and fly straight!  闭嘴!给我直飞  That's it.  这还差不多  Bank left.  左旋  Level out! That's it.  平飞 好极了  Go Jake Sully!  好样的 杰克.萨利  Yeah baby I got this!  耶!我驾轻就熟  Oh shit!  哦 该死!  I may not be much of a horse guy, but I was born to do this.  我骑马可能不怎么样 但骑这个我可是天生高手  I came like this, this you,  我这样飞过 你在这边  I turn, I feel the wind, I turn very strong.  我这么转 借助风 可以转的更快  I see, I bank so hard.  明白 我飞的太斜了  The Tree of Souls.  神灵之树  Aybetraya Ramunam It's their most sacred place.  &爱也特拉亚.拉姆那&这是他们最神圣的地方  See the flux vortex and these full color images?  看那个电磁扰流 还有这些全彩图像  That's what messes up my instruments.  就是这些东西把我的仪器搞晕的  There is something really interesting going on in there biologically.  哪里有一些很有趣的生物现象  I would die to get samples.  要是我能拿到样品我死了也值了  Outsiders are strictly forbidden.  那可是严格禁止外人进入的  You lucky swine.  你这幸运的小猪  I was a stone cold aerial hunter.  我曾是一个冷血的空中猎手  Death from above.  从天空散播死亡  Only problem is, you're not the only one.  但有个问题是 你并不是唯一的一个  Dive!  俯冲  Follow me!  跟着我  Our guys call it a Great Leonopteryx.  我们地球人称他是&霸王飞龙&  It is Toruk, last shadow.  我们叫他&托鲁克& 就是&终极魅影&  Right, it's the last one you ever see.  没错 见到他就是你的终点了  My grandfather's grandfather was Toruk Makto.  我爷爷的爷爷曾是个&托鲁克,马克托&  Rider of last shadow.  &终极魅影骑士&  He rode this?  他能骑着这个飞?  Toruk chose him.  托鲁克选择了他  It has only happen five times since the time from the first songs.  自由吟唱的历史以来 这种事总共只发生过5次  That's a long time. - Yes.  那是很长的一段时间了吧 是的  Toruk Makto was mighty.  &托鲁克,马克托&无比强大  He brought the clans together in a time of Great Sorrow.  在大灾难来临之际 他将各族同胞凝聚在一起共度难关  All Na'vi people know the story.  所有纳威人都听过这个传说  Everything is backwards now.  每一件事好像都点到了过劳  Like out there is the true world, and in here is the dream.  仿佛那里才是真实的世界 而这里反倒变成了一场梦  It's hard to believe it's only been three months.  很难相信只过了三个月的时间  I barely remember my own life.  我几乎已经记不起以前的生活了  Haven't got lost in the woods, have you?  你没在森林里迷路了吧?  Your last report was more than two weeks ago.  你的上一次报告 已经是两个星期前的事了  I started to doubt your resolve.  我都开始怀疑你是不是变得软弱了  Way I see it, it's time to terminate the mission. - I can do this.  我感觉 现在可以终止这个任务了 我能完成  You already have.  你已经做到了  You've given me good usable intel.  你给了我很有用的情报  This Tree of Souls place...  这个叫神灵树的地方  Yeah, I got them by the balls with that when this turns into a shit fight  这是他们的名门 如果开战的话 我就会直捣黄龙  which it will.  而开战时不可避免的了  Now is time to come in.  现在摊牌的时候到了  By the way, you're gonna get your legs back.  还有 你的腿终于有救了  Yeah, I got you Corporate approval.  我已经帮你取得了公司的批准  It's a done deal, gonna have you on a shuttle tonight.  绝对没问题 今天晚上你就可以搭船回家了  I'm a man of my word.  我是个说话算数的人  I got to finish this.  我必须善始善终  It's one more thing.  还有最后一件事  Ceremony...  有个仪式  It's the final stage of becoming a man.  成为纳威人的最后一步  If I do it, I'm one of them.  如果做到了 我就会成为他们的一员  They'll trust me.  他们会信任我  And I can negotiate the terms of their relocation.  我就可以跟他们谈搬迁的条件  Than you better get it done Corporal.  那就看你的了 下士  The Na'vi say, every person is born twice.  纳威人说 每个人都要出生两次  The second time is when you earn  第二次 就是当你在部族里  your place among the people, forever.  赢得一个永久地位的时候  You are now a son of the Omaticaya.  你现在是&阿玛迪卡亚&族的一员了  You are member of the Na'vi people.  你是我们纳威人了


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