复仇者联盟2英文字幕的英文简介 短一点

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  "An ant has no quarrel with a boot." – Loki reminds us that effective leaders recognize things they can control vs. things they cannot.
  "War isn’t won by sentiment. It’s won by soldiers." – Al Capone once said, "You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone."
  "Looks like Earth might need something a little old-fashioned." ? – When trying times come, a return to the fundamentals is often the best course of action.
  回归传统:“看来地球可能需要一些传统的东西.” ——在艰难时期来临时,回归到根本往往是最佳行动方案。
  "We need a plan of attack." – Rogers "I have a plan – ATTACK!" responds Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. Leaders are people of action and make things happen.
  要制定计划:“我们需要进攻计划。”——罗杰斯“我有一个计划- 进攻!”回应了小罗伯特·唐尼扮演的托尼·斯塔克。领导者是实干者,并推动事情发生。
  "We’re (not) a team…We’re a time bomb." – Leaders understand that chemistry is just as important as competence.
  "You people are so petty…and tiny." – Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth, reminds leaders that they are rendered small when they act petty.
  Skill To Task – Because of his military background, Captain America handles all logistics and assignments when the climatic battle with alien forces takes place in New York City. When operating in a team environment, always assign tasks based upon skill.
  The Value Of A Team – No single Avenger could have stopped Loki and his army. However, collectively they were able to achieve their objective.
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When I was a school boy, Japanese comics were the currency of the day. Whoever came into possession of one volume of Dragon Ball or Saint Seiya would instantly become the most popular kid, at least among the boys. During breaks and on the way home, their friendly discussions and passionate squabbles often centred on whether Vegeta could beat Goku or who among the Knights of the Zodiac was the strongest. Through the exchange of stories and opinions, acquaintances became friends and the manga stories the shared experience of almost an entire generation. Today, if the occasion permits, reference to Dragon Ball or Saint Seiya often brings young Chinese people closer to each other.
In the future, young adults around the world will probably have a shared topic when they meet each other for the first time at English corners or a friend's home party, that is Marvel Studio films. Avengers: Age of Ultron, the latest entry in Marvel's Cinematic Universe, garnered 33.9 million dollars on the opening day in China, bringing the total global income close to 1 billion dollars. Like all major blockbusters, the superhero ensemble has become a global phenomenon in spite of itself.
For major productions of this scale, the role of a director as an artist often gives way to that of a supervisor, personality and style have to come after the ability to honour deadlines and see through the production process. Director Joss Whedon may have tried to portray each of the superheroes in a different and personal light, but balancing the screen time is no easy job because most of the characters are big shots who deserve a standalone film by themselves. Plus the director often has to surrender to the impulse of creating super-powered spectacles. &Age of Ultron& appears to have improved both in character-building and visual splendour, but if you care to look closer, the improvements are insignificant, if any.
First of all, not all character building serves a purpose. For example, when Scarlett Johanson's Black Widow looks into her past tragedies, the revelation hardly propels the storyline. The rift between Ironman and Captain America does move things ahead, but only if you look at the larger picture and the entire storyline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As for the arch-villain Ultron, the enemy believed to be more powerful and smarter than anything the heroes have ever faced before all but crumbles in front of the half united force of the Avengers. What a waste of James Spader's brilliant voice acting!
Surely there is something in these spectacles, since an unprecedented 3000 shots have gone through enhancement during post production. But extended fighting sequences or smooth action choreograph cannot appeal to viewers who doze off. I personally cannot recall what happens to Thor and the Black Widow during their loud business in South Africa, and I'm sure others feel weary too during the gruesome 140-minute sedentary stint.
Now these are the things I'll talk about with British co-workers and we'll have a good time agreeing or fighting each other. And I imagine young people from different parts of the world will one day come together and enjoy a conversation about it just as much. For all its imperfections, Marvel Studio movies at least have the benefit of bringing the world together.
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